Flagger Training Manual: June 2012
Flagger Training Manual: June 2012
Flagger Training Manual: June 2012
June 2012
It is a necessary requirement that all flaggers be able to read and understand the
"Flagger Training Manual," the "Flagger Reference Guide," and the Flagger Profi-
ciency Exam in order to complete the Department's minimum training requirements
and become a certified flagger.
Arrangements should be made with an approved proctor in one of the Region Offices
of the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) or an approved proctor in the
private sector for administering the examination.All persons who have successfully
completed the training will be issued a flagger certification card that will be good for
two years.
People who did not successfully complete the training course may be given the
opportunity to restudy the Manual and take another examination.
Conclusion 41
This "Flagger Training Manual" supersedes the manual dated September 2005.
Road construction and maintenance projects are being performed each day across the
state of Colorado. As a flagger, you will play a vital role in helping to protect the
traveling public as well as your co-workers from the dangers and hazards that are
present in highway and road construction projects. Your job is crucial--the safety of the
public and the construction or maintenance crew may very well lie in your hands. Why?
As you may know, most road and highway construction and maintenance jobs are per-
formed while traffic is allowed to pass through the work areas. Thus, heavy equipment, road
obstacles, unfinished or rough pavement and other hazards may exist. These hazards
Your present real dangers to the traveling public that is passing through the area. In addition, the
Responsi- crew working on the roadway needs to be protected from the traffic. It is the flaggers respon-
bility sibility to see that traffic moves safely and efficiently through the construction areas.It is
also your responsibility to protect the construction crew from the hazards presented
by traffic.
This manual will help you learn about the job of a flagger. It tells you WHAT your JOB is,
HOW you will PERFORM the job duties, WHA T you WEAR, and HOW you FIT into the
overall temporary traffic control system. In addition, you will read about the different traffic
control devices with which you need to be familiar to perform your job. Thus, it is very
important that you read this material carefully. You will also find that there have been spe-
cially designed review exercises inserted into the manual which will help you remember
what you have read. So, if you read this material carefully, you will have a good background
Testing to begin your important work as a flagger.
Knowledge Once you have studied this manual, you will be given a proficiency test by the Colo-
rado Department of Transportation. This test will measure your knowledge and under-
standing of the duties and responsibilities of flaggers. If you get a passing score (80%) on
the test, you will be given a card which indicates that you have had some training and have
passed the proficiency test. You will then be ready to begin your actual on-the-job work as
a flagger. You may be asking, “Where do flaggers fit into a construction project?” “When
are flaggers needed?” Next, you will learn when flaggers are needed, and how they
fit into the construction project.
There are flaggers needed on all sorts of road construction and maintenance jobs across
the state of Colorado. In general, flaggers are needed whenever the safety of the
When construction crew or the motoring public is a question. Safety questions arise when-
Flaggers ever a traffic lane is going to be blocked, whenever an area is congested and
Are construction equipment is going to be moved in or out of this area and for many
Needed other reasons. Thus, flaggers are used to keep traffic moving smoothly and safely and to
protect the crew members.
As a flagger, you may be working for construction companies--contractors who have sub-
mitted bids for and been retained to perform various road construction and maintenance
projects. In addition, flaggers are usually needed for some projects run by public utilities,
such as the telephone company or the gas company. All of these various jobs will require
the same standards of professionalism from flaggers.And, usually, the requirements, duties
and responsibilities in working for these various organizations will be the same. Therefore,
the material you read in this manual will be applicable to any flagger job you get. However ,
this is not to say that all construction jobs will be the same. They will not be. Each job will
have DIFFERENT demands and perhaps DIFFERENT duties. However, the overall respon-
sibilities of a flagger will remain the same. But before you read about your various respon-
sibilities and duties, you will need to know where you will fit in on a construction team--for
a contractor or a public utility or a city/county authority . Let’ s discuss each of these
As you have read, contractors bid for and receive many of the contracts for road construc-
tion projects in Colorado. However, once a contractor gets a job or contract, he must work
very closely with the Colorado Department of Transportation so that all specifications for the
work are met.
How the Each project will have a SUPERINTENDENT--an employee of the contractor. This
Crew is person is responsible for the entire construction project. There will also be a FORE-
Organized MAN who is responsible for the day-to-day operations on the project, such as direct-
ing the construction workers who actually perform the work on the project. In many
cases, the foreman will also be responsible for all of the safety measures that are needed on
a project. Or , he may assign another experienced person to handle the traf fic safety
aspect. The person who is responsible for the safety measures may be called the TRAF-
FIC CONTROL SUPERVISOR. You will be responsible to that person, as well as to the
foreman of the project.
The traffic control supervisor and/or the foreman will help you with your job--and be respon-
sible for monitoring and evaluating your performance. These people will have the authority to
remove you from the job if you are not performing up to standards.
In addition to the contractor ’s crew, there will be two members from the CDOT who are
Where the assigned to the construction project. These two people are the PROJECT ENGINEER and
Colorado the RESIDENT ENGINEER. The project engineer will handle all of the engineering
Depart- aspects of the project--making sure specifications are met and handling the quality
ment of control side of the project. The project engineer is also responsible for monitoring the
Transpor- TRAFFIC CONTROL and SAFETY MEASURES that are taken on the project, to make sure
tation that they are adequate and meet state specifications. The resident engineer will visit
(CDOT)Fits the project often and serve as the overall coordinator. He will handle any problems
in which may arise at the work site or with the construction company.
The project engineer and the resident engineer have a great interest in the kind of job you
will be doing as a flagger.Although you will technically be working for the contractor
, you will
find that the project engineer and resident engineer may also evaluate your performance
on the job and if you are not doing your job correctly or meeting the safety standards
which are outlined for the project, either of the engineers may take steps with the contrac-
tor and/or the traffic control supervisor to have you dismissed from your job.
Although it sounds as if you will have many bosses, this is not true. You must remember
that traffic control and safety is very important and that there must be coordination between
the contractor and the CDOT.
Public utility companies have many kinds of projects which can interrupt and confuse traffic
situations. For example, you have probably seen flaggers hold traffic back or re-route traffic
around areas where the telephone company is working on street-side projects. Or, perhaps
you have seen a detour around utility trucks when work is being done on water mains
under the street.
Although the public utility companies do not perform road construction and maintenance
projects, they often need flaggers to help move traffic around areas where they are working
How the on other types of projects.These crews are set up very much like the crews you have
Crew is read about before. There will, in most cases, be a foreman who is responsible for
Organized the project and for overseeing the crew. If you happen to get a job as a flagger on one
of these projects, you will report to the foreman. He will most often be responsible for the
safety measures on the project. Thus, you will follow his directions and instructions in
performing your job.
Regardless of whom you work for--a contractor, public utility or the city or county
, your basic
responsibilities and qualifications as a flagger will remain the same.You have read earlier
about these responsibilities but let’s look at them again, in more detail.
It is the EMPLOYER’S RESPONSIBILITY to ensure that the flagger meets the minimum
qualifications as outlined in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).
You read earlier how important traffic safety is on a construction or maintenance job. But
what are your basic responsibilities?
--PROTECTING yourself and your co-workers from traffic that is passing through or around
a road construction or maintenance site
--PROTECTING the traveling public from construction dangers that are present on the con-
struction site
And, all of these tasks involve exposing yourselves to the dangers on the construction site
and the dangers from the traveling public.You must be able to perform your job in such
a manner as to keep yourself and these people safe so that you may do your jobs
without interruption and with minimal danger. Thus, you must always be alert to any
dangers that may be present.
For example: Suppose you are flagging on a construction site on a highway where there are
a lot of cars, traveling at fairly high speeds.Your co-workers are working on the road sur-
face--exposed to cars that are traveling through or near the site.You must be able to route
all cars, trucks and other vehicles around the work site so the construction workers can
operate in safety. You are responsible for your safety.
Because road construction and maintenance projects do present hazards to the motoring
public, flaggers are needed to keep traffic moving smoothly and efficiently through or
around construction sites. For example: Perhaps construction work is being done on a
How two-lane roadway, where traf fic normally proceeds in two directions. And, perhaps the
Flaggers construction work involves closing one of the two lanes of traffic. If traffic is going in two
Can Help directions, but there is only one lane, a major problem arises. Who gets to go first? How can
head-on collisions be avoided? This is a problem that flaggers will be able to help solve.
Flaggers will be needed to help regulate the traffic flow so that the motorists can
pass smoothly, easily and safely.
Although you will normally be supervised by the person in charge of traffic control and
safety, there will be many instances where you will have to think QUICKLY and use your
own judgment. Perhaps you are diverting cars around a construction site near the
side of a mountain where there is the possibility of rocks and debris being jarred
loose and sliding onto the road surface. And, perhaps a boulder or landslide begins to
crash across the roadway. Your instructions from the traffic control supervisor or foreman
were to keep the traffic moving slowly through the site, However, because of the landslide
you will have to take the responsibility for stopping the traffic yourself and alerting the
When foreman or Traffic Control Supervisor of the danger.
Arise Let’s take another example. Perhaps you are flagging in an area where there are high winds,
and perhaps the advance warning sign which lets approaching traffic know that there is a
flagger on duty, has blown over. Without the advance signs, traffic will not be alerted to the
dangers ahead, and a serious accident could occur . YOU will be responsible forALERTING
the traffic control supervisor that the sign is down.You may have to a t ke extra precautions
with the oncoming traffic to avoid accidents or problems. However, you should NOT LEAVE
Use Your There is one other item for which you will be responsible--yourself.You must make sure
Judgement you PROTECT not only the public and your co-workers, but also YOURSELF. Be-
cause you are constantly exposed to dangers from road construction, as well as
from erratic or careless drivers, you must constantly be on guard to protect your-
self. Of course, there are many things that you can do to ensure your own safety, such as
wearing the proper high visibility clothing, using the correct methods and procedures for
You must also always check your flagging station to make sure that you have an
Your Safety
escape route if you become exposed to danger. For example, perhaps you are at a flag
station fairly close to some heavy construction machinery . You must be on guard con-
stantly so that you don’t get in the way of the heavy machinery . Similarly, if you are directing
traffic and find a heavily loaded truck or careless driver will be unable to stop before hitting
you, make sure you have a safe escape route. In other words, if you are flagging on a bridge
Have an and become exposed to danger, and your only alternative is to jump of f the bridge, you will
"Out" realize your flagging station was in the wrong location. Thus, be aware that you must
always protect yourself as well as the public and your co-workers. ALWAYS have an
“OUT” or an escape route, to be used in times of extreme danger .
In the next part of this manual, you will read about your job in more detail--about the people
who can help you perform your duties and the standard equipment with which you should be
familiar. However, before you read any further, complete the following exercise--it will help
you remember what you have read in this section. Once you have completed the exercise,
check your answers. If you have missed any of the questions, reread the material involved.
Then proceed with the next part of this manual.
(Please record your answers on a separate sheet of paper. Answers are on next page.)
1) You are responsible for which of the following items of a construction site:
3) True or false? You may be working as a flagger for either a contractor or a public
utility company.
4) True or false? Although there are specific and technical duties that you will be
assigned, you will also have to use your own judgment in many situations.
6) True or false? The resident engineer will be on the job at the site each day and
will participate in all phases of traffic control.
7) True or false? In order to become a flagger, you will need to pass a written test.
8) True or false? Although there will generally be a foreman on the job and/or a
traffic control supervisor, you will not report to any of these people. Instead, you
will make all decisions and assign yourself all of the duties you will be performing.
9) True or false? You are responsible for seeing that traffic moves smoothly and in a
timely fashion through a construction project.
10) True or false? You will have to use your skills and intelligence each day in your job.
1) e
2) True
3) True
4) True
5) True
6) False. The resident engineer, who is a staff member from CDOT is responsible for
spot-checking construction sites for safety and handling any problems which may
arise on the site.
7) True
8) False. You will be assigned to a supervisor when you report to the job.You will follow
his or her directions completely.
9) True
10) True
In this section, you will learn about the specific details of your job. For example, you will
learn about the people who can help you with your job, and signs with which you must be
Let’s look at the people who can help you on your job, and the kinds of help you should
expect to have.
You will find that there are many people on the construction crew who will be able to help
you on the job. Basically, the person who can help you the most will be the individual who
has been assigned to handle all of the traffic control and safety measures.As you already
have read, this person is usually called the traffic control supervisor (TCS). However, you
should be aware that this may not be a full-time job except on very large construction
projects. Thus, the foreman may be in charge of traffic control, or this job may be held by an
experienced member of the work crew . In addition, there may be other members of the
construction team who can help you.
What kind of help should you expect?You should expect to be given clear directions-
-where to stand to flag, the kinds of signs and devices to use, and information and
Help You
instructions regarding the traffic situation. You should also expect help in certain
kinds of situations. For example, perhaps some warning signs have blown over or have
become too dirty to read. You should be able to request and get these signs replaced or
repaired. And, you should be able to request help when a safety situation becomes
critical and backup flaggers or advance flaggers become necessary. In these cases,
although it will not be your decision as to whether or not to use extra flaggers, you should
alert whoever IS in charge so that the situation can be evaluated and handled.
Finally, you should expect to get help from your fellow crew members and supervi-
sors if you have questions. It’s much better to ask questions when you are unsure of a
situation, than it is to perform your duties when you are not certain what you should be
doing. So, when you have a question--ask it! Your supervisors expect you to have many
questions as you learn your duties and they are prepared to answer your questions. Re-
member, one of the ways you learn to be a good flagger is to use your skills and intelli-
gence-and to ask questions. Make sure you KNOW what you are doing--DO NOT GUESS.
The safety and lives of many people are involved.
Basically, there are three types of signs-- REGULATORY, WARNING and GUIDE signs.
And, each type of sign has a different purpose and function. Each category of signs has a
certain color and shape scheme so they can be easily recognized. Highway construction
and maintenance signs fall into these three categories. However, for warning and guide
signs the background color is generally changed to orange rather than the standard color of
yellow or green. Let’s look at these different types of signs separately, beginning with the
regulatory signs.
Uses Regulatory signs impose legal obligations and/or restrictions on ALL traffic. And,
their use is always authorized by the official or public body that has jurisdiction over the
road. What kinds of signs are regulatory signs? For example, speed limit signs are regula-
Shapes tory, as are “STOP” signs, “DO NOT ENTER” signs and “ONE WAY” signs. Most regulatory
and signs are rectangular in shape and carry a BLACK legend on a WHITE surface with BLACK
Sizes BORDERS. However, not all regulatory signs are black on white. Let’ s take the example of
the “STOP” sign. “STOP" signs are OCTAGONAL, and have WHITE letters on a RED back-
0 2
A0 2
2 2 A 2 2 2
2 2 2 2 2 A
2 B 2 C 2 2 2 2
2 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 A 2 0
ground. And, “YIELD” signs are WHITE inverted TRIANGLES with RED LETTERS and a
Sometimes on a road construction project, the normal regulatory signs such as speed limit
signs may need to be removed or covered. For example, a regulatory sign on a highway
may set the speed limit for that section of road to be 55 miles per hour. However, if con-
struction requires that the traffic will have to slow down to 40 miles per hour in order to pass,
then, a duly authorized person may cover the regular 55 mile per hour sign, with one which
changes the speed limit to 40 miles per hour. YOU SHOULD BE FAMILIAR WITH THE
Warning signs are used for construction and maintenance projects to notify drivers
Uses of dangers or hazards which may be present. As you know, when construction is being
done, the width of the pavement may be reduced, or perhaps there may be an open hole or
obstructions on the roadway. The motoring public as well as pedestrians must be notified of
these hazards so they do not become involved in an accident. Thus, WARNING SIGNS are
used. Warning signs are generally (but not always) DIAMOND SHAPED and carry a BLACK
legend and BORDER on an ORANGE background.
7 7 7 7 7 B
7 C 7 7 7 7
7 7 7 7 A 7
7 7 7 7 0 7
7 7 7 7 7
7 7 7 7 7 A0 7
Let's look at some warning signs? You may have already seen such warning signs as
Cover “Flagger Symbol,” or “DET OUR AHEAD,” or even “ROAD WORK AHEAD”. You will be
Unused involved quite a bit with some of these signs and you should understand and recognize
Signs warning signs and their uses. However, the individual in charge of the traffic control and
safety will be responsible for deciding upon the USAGE and POSITIONING of these signs.
FLAGGER SIGN (W20-7): This sign is always placed in advance of any point where a
flagger is going to be stationed. The number (W20-7a) serves as the sign’s identifier. The
sign itself alerts motorists to the flagger's presence and gives them an adequate
amount of time to begin to slow down. The “Flagger” sign may be used in conjunction
with other road construction signs such as “ROAD WORKAHEAD" signs. One important
item: If there is NO Flagger on duty , the sign SHALL be removed, covered, or turned away
W20-7 from traffic. This will help keep the motorists from becoming confused.
BE PREPARED TO STOP (W3-4): This sign may be used whenever there is a flagger
on duty.
Although you will not usually be responsible for choosing your flag position or for positioning
signs, you should know about using these two signs. If the “BE PREP ARED TO STOP” sign
is used, it should be placed between the “Flagger” sign and the flagger . The “BE PRE-
W3-4 PARED TO STOP” sign should always be placed far enough ahead of the flagger to allow
adequate stopping distance.
DETOUR SIGN (W20-2): Detour signs should be placed in advance of any road
section that has been closed or blocked, where an alternate route has been estab-
lished. If an alternate route is established, you should try to familiarize yourself with the
route so that you can answer any questions that drivers may ask.You should know HOW
LONG the detour will take to travel and WHERE IT LEADS. If you have this information, you
W20-2 may be able to keep motorists who are unfamiliar with the area from becoming lost or
ROAD (STREET) CLOSED (W20-3): Many times you will find roadways being en-
tirely closed to traffic so that the construction crews can get the road work done. Gener-
ally, when a route is closed, an alternate or detour route will be set up. Again, if this
is the case, be sure that you have information about the detour so you can answer any
ONE LANE ROAD SIGN (W20-4) This sign is frequently used to pinpoint areas
where traffic traveling in both directions must use a single lane. Traffic is moved
through the area in one direction at a time. Pilot cars, convoy systems, double flaggers an
AFAD device, or temporary traffic signals can be used to handle the situation.You will read
W20-4 more about pilot cars and convoy systems later.
ONE LANE BRIDGE SIGN (W5-3) This sign is frequently used to pinpoint areas
where traffic traveling in both directions must use a single lane on a bridge. Traffic
is moved through the area in one direction at a time. Pilot cars, convoy systems, double
flaggers, or temporary traffic signals can be used to handle the situation.You will read more
about pilot cars and convoy systems later.
LANE CLOSED SIGN (W20-5): As you know, there are times when one, or several
lanes of a multi-lane roadway may be closed due to construction. This sign is used in
conjunction with other signs or traffic control devices to help channelize all traffic
into open lanes, so that traffic may move safely and smoothly through a work area.
This sign, as with any others that announce construction work ahead or lanes closed ahead
may have specific footage carried on the legend of the sign, such as “AHEAD”, “1000 FT
,” or
“1 MILE”.
TWO-WAY TRAFFIC (W6-3): This sign lets drivers know that they are on a two-way
undivded highway where traffic will be coming from the opposite direction.
WORKER SIGN (W21-1): As you may work on jobs that involve minor maintenance or
public utility work, you should be familiar with this sign. This sign is used at limited
construction sites for the protection of the people who are involved in handling the
W21-1 BLASTING ZONE SIGN (W22-1): You may find that road construction, especially
when new roadways are being created, will involve some use of explosives. Obviously , this
is a potentially dangerous situation for both the traveling public and the work crew
. Thus,
whenever blasting is being done, appropriate blasting warning signs be used. Of-
ten, there will be a distance notation on the sign, so that motorists will know ahead of time
where the blasting is occurring.
In addition, there are two other warning signs which shall be used along with the “Blasting
Ahead” sign. They are: the “Turn Off 2-Way Radio (W22-2), and “End Blasting Zone
(W22-3).” The “TURN OFF 2-WAY RADIO” sign is used so that motorists who have
radios with a certain frequency level will not be able to set off the radio-activated
explosives. The “END BLASTING ZONE” is used to tell drivers that they have cleared
the danger zone and that they may resume using 2-way radios. Usually, the “TURN
OFF 2-WAY RADIO” will be set at least 1,000 feet ahead, which will give the motorist
adequate warning. The “END BLASTING ZONE” will be set at least 1,000 feet after the
blasting zone. Again, the purpose of these signs is to alert and warn motorist
s that they are
entering or leaving a zone where explosives are being used.
ADVISORY SPEED PLATE (W13-1P): Advisory speed signs may be used to indi-
cate a recommended speed through a TTC (Temporary Traffic Control) area. Again,
these warning signs will be orange and carry a black legend.The Advisory Speed plaque
shall not be used in conjunction with any sign other than a warning sign, nor shall it be
used alone. When used with orange TTC zone signs, this plaque shall have a black legend
and border on an orange background. The sign shall be at least 24 x 24 inches in size
when used with a sign that is 36 x 36 inches or larger
. Except in emergencies, anAdvisory
Speed plaque shall not be mounted until the recommended speed is determined by the
W13-1P highway agency.
There are many warning signs that are used in construction zones--and obviously not all of
them can be explained here. However, you have read about some of the major signs which
you will see often in your work.
Guide signs are INFORMATION signs--that is, they give the motorist information which
may be needed to p ass through construction zones safely . Many guide signs used in
construction work are ORANGE with BLACK letters and a BLACK border . These signs
may give SPECIAL INFORMATION relating to the work being performed. In addition, there
are guide signs which show directions and route markings. Let’s look at some of these
signs now.
LENGTH OF WORK SIGN (G20-1): The “Length of Work” sign is very important,
as it lets the motorist know the distance or section of road affected by the work. For
example, the “ROAD WORK NEXT 5 MILES” alerts the motorist that road construction will
be performed for the next 5 miles. That way they can slow down and be prepared for rough
road, delays or heavy equipment. These signs are normally set up at the limits of any job
which covers more than about 2 miles of road.
END ROAD WORK (ROAD WORK) SIGN (G20-2): You will nearly always find this
sign at the end of a work or maintenance zone.It tells the motorist that he has passed
through the affected area and may resume his normal driving habits. Thus, this sign
is not only for safety purposes, it keeps the motoring public from becoming confused or
PILOT CAR SIGN (G20-4): Often in construction sites, traffic will only be allowed to
travel in one direction at a time. Or
, construction on the road may make p assing through the
site without guidance very difficult. In these cases, “Pilot Car” signs may be used,
mounted clearly on the back of a car or truck, to help the traffic proceed through a
work area. The sign may carry the legend “PILOT CAR--FOLLOW ME.” Usually flaggers
are needed to keep traffic stopped in both directions until a pilot car is available to guide the
traffic through the area.
Let’s look at an example. Perhaps construction is being done on one lane of a two-
lane road, thus, closing off one lane to traffic. In addition, there are obstacles on
the road surface--heavy machinery, boulders. Because traffic cannot proceed in
two directions on one lane, a pilot car is necessary to guide the traffic in one
direction while traffic in the other direction is stopped. You may be stationed at one
end of the project, keeping traffic stopped, until the pilot car can guide traffic safely through
the area to your side. Then, the pilot car will turn around and take your traffic and guide it the
other way. Thus, pilot cars can be a very effective safe way to keep traffic flowing smoothly
through a dangerous area, or when only one lane is open to both directions of traffic.
DETOUR (M4-9) and DETOUR ARROW (M4-10) SIGNS: Sometimes the normal
route will be closed to traffic and a detour or alternate route may be established. These
“DETOUR” and “DETOUR ARROW” signs are used to point the way to the alternate
route. Most often, “DETOUR ARROW” signs are mounted near or just below a “ROAD
CLOSED” sign.
You have now read about the three types of signs that you may be seeing in your work.
Before you read any further, complete the following exercise. Then we'll discuss some of
the other traffic control devices that you will need to know about in order to perform your job
(Please record your answers on a separate sheet of paper. Answers are on next page.)
a) A warning sign
b) An advisory sign
c) A regulatory sign
3) True or false? Warning signs are generally used to notify drivers of hazards which
may be encountered on construction or maintenance projects.
4) What three signs shall be used around a construction area where blasting is
being done?
6) True or false? If “DETOUR AHEAD” signs are being used, you should be able to
give motorists instructions for the alternate route if necessary.
1) a
2) c
3) True
4) b, c, d
5) “Shoulder Work”
6) True
There are many other types of traffic control devices used in highway and roadway construc-
tion operations. In this manual, we’ll look at some of these devices--such as cones, barrels
(drums) and barricades. However, before you continue you should understand that the ac-
tual USAGE and POSITIONING of these devices will be the responsibility of the traffic
control supervisor or other authorized persons. You will not generally be responsible for
setting and positioning these devices but you should be familiar with these devices, and
know how and when they are used. In addition, you may be asked by the traffic control
supervisor, to ASSIST in either the setup or t ake-down of the various devices. You will
receive explicit directions as to the tasks you will perform in either setup or take-down
As you have probably noticed, cones are the most frequently used traffic control device.
How And, this is true for a number of reasons. Cones are lightweight (made of plastic), which
Cones Are makes them very easy to use and move. In addition, the cones will do minimal, if any
Used damage, if struck by a moving vehicle. And, because the cones are always a BRIGHT
ORANGE, they are extremely visible to the public. Cones used for traffic control are
at least 18 inches tall, although larger ones, 22 inches or taller are required on
expressways or freeways and where speeds are in excess of 45 mph, and during
hours of darkness where visibility may be a problem. It is important to note that the
cones should always be kept clean and bright so that they can continue to be effective.
The traf fic control supervisor may ask you to help keep cones bright and clear , as a
minimum you should notify him/her if they become damaged or dirty. For nighttime use,
cones shall be retroreflective or equipped with lighting devices for maximum visibility
-!8 INCHES -).
6% 2 4)#!, 0!.%,
45 " 5,!2 -!2+%23
LINEATE OR CHANNELIZE TRAFFIC: Since these words may be new to you, let’s
quickly define them. When cones are used to mark the side of a road, they are used as
DELINEATORS. When cones are being used to divert traf fic from two lanes into one, they
are used for CHANNELIZING purposes. For example, have you ever been driving along a
road and come to a long set of cones which gradually move all the traffic around an obstacle
or into another lane? Tubular Markers and Cones are often used to form “tapers”--sets of
cones individually placed to form a line which will be used to channelize traffic into more
Using desirable areas.
Barrels - -
An There is one problem with cones. Because they are so lightweight, they may be
Example blown over in high winds or from the wind generated by passing vehicles. And,
when cones are blown over, they no longer serve as effective traffic control devices
because they are no longer visible. In fact, cones which have blown over may even
cause accidents, as motorists may try to dodge these devices in order to keep from
running over them. Sometimes the traffic control supervisor will stack two or three cones
together to keep them from being blown over . When you notice that cones have been
knocked over or blown over, be sure that you notify the traffic control supervisor or some
other authorized person so that the cones can be replaced or if necessary repaired.
Drums or barrels are very effective devices for channelizing traffic, and traffic control super-
visors use them often for this purpose. Drums are always retroreflectorized with ORANGE
and WHITE bands. Because they are so large, they are very visible to the motorists
and thus are effective in blocking off areas to protect the work crew from oncoming
cars. Sometimes the drums or barrels are ballasted with sandbags or water in them to keep
them in place. However, they will not be so heavily weighted as to be hazardous if struck by
a car or truck. Let’s look at an example of how barrels or drums may be used. The ballasting
should never be placed on top of a drum.
Suppose a street is being widened and as a result, the existing pavement must be clearly
marked so drivers will not drive off the road into the construction area. Barrels may be
used along the edge of the pavement to keep the motorists from driving in the
unfinished lanes. When the crew is actually working, the barrels may be placed in the
roadway. This way traffic can be channelized smoothly and effectively into the open part of
the roadway, and the workers will be protected. Typical
IN -).
There shall be at least
two orange and two
TO IN white horizontal,
IN -).
circumferential, retrore-
flective bands on each
Because drums are bulky, and sometimes are heavy, they are used most often on projects
which are of long duration. They also require much more room than cones. Therefore,
generally speaking, drums are not used often on routine maintenance project or
projects of short duration. This is because barrels are heavier than cones, and lack the
portability of cones.
Barricades Barricades are often used by traffic control supervisors on construction projects because of
their high visibility and the protection they afford the work crew and the motorists. There are
three types of barricades normally used on construction projects. Some of these barricades
are more portable and may be used on short project s. And, some are more permanent
structures and are used on relatively long-term projects. Barricades are very good de-
vices to use to outline excavation or construction areas in a street. Barricades are
also used along with other types of traffic control devices such as cones or drums.
Almost all the time, you will find advance warning signs used ahead of barricades.
All barricades are marked with orange and white alternating stripes. Also, these stripes
slope DOWN on the side where autos and trucks must pass. In addition, these devices are
always reflectorized. Let’s look at the four types of barricades which may be used.
Type I
Barricades TYPE I BARRICADES: Type I barricades have just ONE retroreflectorized rail. Type I
- - Limited barricades are portable and can be moved from job site to job site. However, they
Portability are not as portable as cones or even drums. The Type I barricade is constructed so that
it can be taken apart and reassembled fairly easily.
Type I barricades may be used on construction projects where cars are still being
allowed to pass through areas that are being constructed or reconstructed. They
may also be used for emergency repair work. Type I barricades are predominantly
used on low speed roads.
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Using Type
II Barri- TYPE II BARRICADES: Type II barricades have TWO retroreflectorized rails that are
cades supported horizontally on a frame. Type II barricades are a bit LESS portable than Type I
barricades, but still can be moved with some degree of ease. Type II barricades are
predominantly used on high speed roads.
IN -).
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Using Type
III Barri-
cades TYPE III BARRICADES: Type III barricades are fairly permanent structures. These
barricades have THREE retroreflectorized rails. Type III barricades are frequently used
to indicate closed roads, or areas where construction will be on-going for quite a
long period of time. “Road Closed” signs and proper “DetourArrow” signs shall be used
on Type III barricades. If it is necessary to allow local traffic or heavy equipment to move
through the construction area, then gates may be set up in the barricade. This way the
limited traffic, such as local traffic, can pass without allowing a steady stream of vehicles
through the area.
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Barricades When any types of barricades or drums are used around isolated objects at night,
With there may be “FLASHERS” (flashing lights) mounted on the barricade to catch the
motorists’ and pedestrians’ attention. Lights on barricades being used for
channelization at night shall be STEADY BURNING. Lights shall be munted nearest to
the traffic, if flashing lights are set on barricades used for channelization, they will confuse
motorist and make visibility difficult.
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(Please record your answers on a separate sheet of paper. Answers are on next page.)
1) Which of the following types of barricades may be used for short duration or temporary
a) Type I barricades
b) Type II barricades
c) Type III barricades
d) All of the above
a) Barrels
b) Cones
c) Type III barricades
3) True or false? Drums may often be weighted so that they are not blown or knocked
into the roadway.
4) True or false? Type I barricades have two horizontal bars, which are striped
orange and white.
5) True or false? If a barricade of any type is used, the stripes must point in a
downward direction on the side traffic will be passing.
7) True or false?Any traffic control device which will be used at night should be reflectorized.
a) Type I barricades
b) Type II barricades
c) Either Type I or Type II barricades
1) d
2) b
3) True, but never to the extent that they become a hazard if they are struck by a car or
passing vehicle.
4) False. Type I barricades have one horizontal rail.
5) True
6) False
7) True
8) c
9) True
One piece of equipment that you will be predominantly be using is the “STOP/SLOW"
paddle. This sign is mounted on a rigid staff. It is designed so that the staff rests on the
ground and the paddle sign is clearly visible to the motorist.
There are, however, paddle signs which are not mounted on a staff. These are hand-held
signs. The sign itself should be at least 18 inches high, with letters that are at least 6 inches
high. The sign, is two-sided. One side of the paddle sign is the “STOP” sign, and the
other is the “SLOW” sign. The “STOP” side of the sign has a red background and
white letters, the “SLOW” side of the sign is orange with black letters. If the STOP/
SLOW paddle is used at night, it shall be retroreflectorized.
Paddle What is this paddle used for? The flagger stands at his flag station and holds the
Signs paddle in an upright position. If traffic is to be stopped, the “STOP” portion of the
sign directly faces the oncoming traffic. If traffic is to be slowed down, and not
stopped, the “SLOW” portion of the sign faces traffic. You will read more about how
you will use this sign with flagging movements later in this manual.
Flag use should be limited to emergency situations and at spot locations which can best be
controlled by a single flagger. When used at night, flags shall be retroreflectorized RED.
If you are flagging at night, you should be given a flashlight with a red lighted cone on the
end. The lighted part of the flashlight will be RED and at least 6 inches in length. It should be
clearly visible to motorists. Again, you will use this device to help control traffic. However,
you may be issued a LIGHTED WAND. These are generally at least 30 inches long and
look almost space-age. Again, they are very effective and very visible. You will learn more
about how you will actually use these tools later .
There are several types of radios used to improve safety.Your supervisor may give you a
radio to use in certain situations.
Typical applications include TTC activities such as, but not limited to:
A. Bridge maintenance;
B. Haul road crossings; and
C. Pavement patching.
(Please record your answers on a separate sheet of paper. Answers are on next page.)
2) True or false? The “STOP” side of the paddle is always red with white letters.
5) True or false? A flashlight with a red lighted cone at least 6 inches long may be used
at night.
1) True
2) True
3) True. But the paddle should be retroreflectorized. If it is not, then you will not be able to use it at night.
4) True if retroreflectorized red.
5) True. Or, a lighted wand (at least 30 inches in length) may be used.
Earlier in this manual, you read about the various duties you will perform and the equip-
ment you will be using. Now you should know about the clothing you will wear on the job.
And, this is very important. Not only is the clothing you must wear very important for
SAFETY REASONS, some of it is MANDATORY. That is, it MUST be worn by law. Let’s
look at some of the reasons why you must be appropriately dressed.
First, VISIBILITY is very import ant. As a flagger you must be visible both day and
Dress Is night. This will keep you from being accidently struck by either a private vehicle or by the
Important work crew operating equipment. Secondly, wearing the proper clothing will protect
you from the elements. For example, you may be working during the summer months
when it is extremely hot and sunny. And, while wearing shorts or a bathing suit may seem
ideal, you are running the risk of becoming very sunburned, and eventually severely ill.
Unless you are clothed properly, you might find yourself covered with hot oil, or tar--both
of which can give you a very nasty burn.Also in some areas of Colorado there are lots of
bugs that will feast on any uncovered portions of your body . Wearing the right clothing
helps you to protect yourself.
The third reason for wearing the proper clothing is standardization--it will help you be
recognized as a flagger, whose responsibility is safety. If motorists see you dressed inap-
propriately, you will not be able to command respect from either the motorists or the work
crew. And, in fact, eye-catching app arel may even be dangerous. Y ou may cause an
accident. For example, a motorist may be more interested in staring at you, than concen-
trating on driving. Thus, a flag station is no place for getting a tan or wearing inappropriate
clothing. Flagging is a serious responsibility and YOU MUSTBE DRESSED APPROPRI-
ATELY. Let’s look at what you should wear now.
For daytime and nighttime activity, flaggers shall wear safety apparel meeting the
requirements of ISEA “American National Standard for High-Visibility Apparel", and
labeled as meeting the ANSI 107-1999 standard performance for Class 2 or Class 3 risk
exposure. The apparel material shall be either fluorescent orange-red or fluorescent
yellow-green as defined in the standard. The retroreflective material color shall be either
orange, yellow, white, silver, yellow-green, or a fluorescent version of these colors, and
shall be visible at a minimum distance of 1,000 ft. The retroreflective safety apparel shall
be designed to clearly identify the wearer as a person.
For nighttime activity, safety apparel meeting the requirements of ISEA “American
National Standard for High-Visibility Apparel” and labeled as meeting theANSI 107-1999
standard performance for Class 3 risk exposure should be considered for flagger wear
(instead of the Class 2 safety apparel in the Standard above).
When uniformed law enforcement officers are used, high-visibility safety apparel as
described in this section should be worn by the law enforcement officer.
Why Safety This item of clothing is required by law. Any time that you are acting in a flagging position,
Important standards. Why do you need to wear an approved vest?
There are several good reasons. First--it makes you very visible. Second--it is part of
the recognized standard uniform for flaggers. Third--it is required by CDOT. Thus,
NEVER take up your flagging position without wearing an approved vest. If you do not
wear an approved vest, you may be dismissed from the job.
This item of clothing is also mandatory , and required by CDOT. YOU MUST WEAR EI-
Why Wear HAT. Why? Wearing a hard hat identifies you as part of the work crew to both
a Hard Hat motorists and the construction crew. And, a hard hat will protect your head from
flying debris and other dangers. Finally, the hard hat is part of the recognized
uniform for flaggers. Remember, you must always wear a hard hat in your work--not only
for safety and visibility, but also as an identification badge.
Always wear substantial shoes or work boots. First of all, road surfaces tend to get
very hot and heavy shoes will protect your feet. Y ou may also be working in rocky or
uneven surface areas and hard shoes will help you keep your footing and protect you from
sharp rocks. Tennis shoes won’t protect your feet in this case, but heavy work boot
s might.
Finally, it just makes good common sense to wear work boots or heavy shoes
around construction equipment.
There are other types of clothing you may need to wear. In some areas where heavy dust
Optional may be a problem, you may need to ask for and wear a dust mask. Or, if loud,
Items potentially damaging noises are a problem, you may need to wear ear plugs. Long
sleeved shirts and pants will not only protect you from dust, oil and tar, but also will
keep you from becoming overexposed to the sun or insects. Heavy gloves in the
winter or light gloves in the summer will serve the same general purposes--protec-
tion and comfort. If you wear contact lenses, you may find that dust will irritate your
eyes. Thus, you may want to wear a pair of prescription glasses instead.
Remember, your job may expose you to hot and dusty or cold and rainy weather situa-
tions. Because you will be exposed to this kind of weather for long periods of time, you
MUST take steps so that you are protected and comfortable.
If you have never worked as a flagger or spent a lot of time outdoors, ask some of the other
crew members or your supervisor what types of personal clothing are appropriate, In the
long run, if you use common sense and good judgment in your clothing, you will be much
safer and definitely more comfortable. Remember, a flagger has a serious responsibility
and an important job. You must dress so that you are VISIBLE, SAFE AND COMFORT-
ABLE. Also, remember, you MUST always wear an approved vest and hard hat. Sturdy
shoes are highly recommended.
Failure to dress in the right manner may mean that you will be replaced or dismissed from
the job. So consider your clothing carefully--it is crucial for safety.
You have now learned about what you MUSTwear on the job and what items of clothing are
recommended. Before you read any further about how you will act on the job, take a few
minutes and complete the following exercise. It will help you remember what you have
2) Which of the following items are you required to wear on the job?
a) A red bandana
b) Hard Toed Shoes
c) An orange hard hat
d) A dust mask
e) An approved vest
3) True or false? One of the reasons you must wear certain items of clothing is
so that you are visible to both the drivers and the work crew
Protecting yourself and your fellow employees from the motoring public;
However, as these are only your major responsibilities, you will have many duties orasks
to perform in order to obtain these goals. Let’s look at some of the basic items you need
to know about in order to do your job as a flagger efficiently and well.
Know First you will need to have a good working knowledge of normal traffic laws and
About regulations, as well as the more technical duties you must know as a flagger. How-
Traffic ever, keep in mind that as a flagger you are not the “law .” That is, you do not have the
Regula- LEGAL AUTHORITY that police officers have to regulate, control or direct traf fic. Uniformed
tions police officers are responsible for traffic control in signalized intersections, not flaggers.
Flagger are not authorized to override a red light. While the traveling public SHOULD obey
your directions, and SHOULD treat you with respect, you do not have the same kinds of
legal recourse (ticketing, arresting) that police officers have.
... Flag- Second, you should be aware of all--and be able to use all--the flagging tech-
ging niques you can use on your job. This includes not only the actual flagging move-
Tech- ments, but also equipment you will be using--such as the different signs, and
niques... traffic control devices.
... Dress- Third, you should know how to dress appropriately for the job. This is for safety
ing For the and visibility reasons and for overall consistency so that your authority is not
Job... questioned.
You must also know about the situation you will be working in. Remember , sometimes you
will be the only link that the motoring public may have with the construction area and crew .
... The Thus, you must be able to answer questions intelligently when asked. You should
Construc- know what kind of construction work is being done. Is it routine and quick road main-
tion tenance? Is major construction involved? Are traffic hazards present, such as road ob-
Situation stacles, fresh oil? How long will the work a t ke? Will the delay for the motorists be short or
long? If you are going to stop traffic for any length of time, you should be able to provide
waiting motorists with accurate information. If there is a detour route involved, you should
be able to give directions to motorists who may be unfamiliar with the area.
Flaggers In light of your role as the public’s link with the construction job, you must ALWAYS see
and Public yourself as a sort of public relations person. You should be polite, answer ques-
Relations tions to the best of your knowledge and make every attempt to help the traveling
public. Remember, your slowing or stopping traffic may be frustrating to those motorists
who are in a hurry, or who do not understand what is going on in the area.You may need
to explain what is going on, and how long it will take, and the hazards that are to be
expected to any one who asks. Remember, a smile and a polite answer will go a long way
in making the public more comfortable and less frustrated.
Always Be
Because a flagger is responsible for the safety of many lives, you must always be alert.
Do not relax on the job or , sit on the ground, because these actions make you less
visible and less able to perform your role as a traffic and safety monitor. In addition,
these things may very well putYOU in danger!An inattentive flagger cannot respond quickly
to an emergency situation.Thus, ALWAYS BE ON YOUR GUARD, NEVER LEAVE YOUR
A trained flagger is someone who has a good knowledge of the flagging functions and who
is capable of handling the job. It does not mean the closest person to your stand.
The job
is too important to give to an inexperienced, untrained person.
... of You must also know your weather conditions and the impact it will have on your situation.
Weather Although many construction crews do not work in adverse weather conditions
such as snow, heavy fog or rain, you MUST know how to perform your job duties
under these conditions. It will t ake drivers longer to stop or slow down on wet or icy
pavement. Thus, keep this factor in mind.
... and You must know the traf fic conditions. As a flagger , you may be working on busy high-
Traffic speed highways; you may be working on rural country roads; or you may be working on
Patterns single-lane roads. In short, the speed and volume of the traffic, as well as the type of
roadway may very well make a huge difference in your job. Be aware!
As a flagger, you will serve as the construction project’s main link with the public.The way
you conduct yourself on the job should reflect well on the construction project as a whole.
How should you act?
When dealing with the traveling public, you should always be calm, courteous and polite.
Inform Speak in a low tone of voice--don’t shout at drivers. Smile--you can brighten someone’ s
Drivers day, or lessen the frustration of a long delay at the worksite.
Briefly Always briefly inform the first driver of a line of cars of the situation at hand. Give
this driver information about the job--what is going on and how long the delay is
expected to be. Answer any questions from other motorists as best you can.
Never lean on cars waiting in line. This makes you look as if you are not doing your
duty. It can also keep you from being seen. If you aren’t visible, you’ll find it very hard to
get your job done.
Don’t become involved in heated discussions with motorists. In the same light,
Don't don’t become involved in long drawn-out conversations with motorist
s. Remember, a brief,
Argue polite explanation will generally handle any situation.
Be firm--you have the authority to control and regulate traffic around or through
worksites--you must exercise this authority firmly. If you joke around with motorist s
Control or make them think your job is not import ant, you will not be t aken seriously, and acci-
and Direct dents may occur. Thus, be courteous and polite, but also be firm. Put yourself in the place
of the motorists and treat them in the same manner which you would like to be treated.
If, however, you find yourself in a position where a careless or erratic driver does
not obey your commands, such as a driver refusing to slow down to a reasonable
Handling speed to pass through a project site, try to get the license number of the vehicle. If
Problems you can’t read the license number, be sure to get the make and color of the vehicle
and if possible, a description of the driver. You can report this information to your
supervisor later. Someone else will be responsible for handling the situation. However, if
you find a motorist does not obey you and places the work crew in a dangerous situation,
try to warn the crew. Some flaggers may be equipped with radios, loud whistles, or air horns
so that they can alert crew members and possibly prevent dangerous situations. How-
ever, use your head--do not chase a car on foot. And, do not try to hit a car with your
paddle or sign.
Alert the
Crew At times you may have emergency vehicles--fire trucks or ambulances, for example, trying
to pass through your area at high speeds. You should try to warn these vehicles as you
would any other driver of the construction situation ahead. It is, however
, up to the driver of
the emergency vehicle to decide whether or not to slow down.If the emergency vehicle
passes in spite of your warning or flagging efforts, you should try to alert the crew
ahead. If you have a radio, whistle, or air horn use it. However, you should not leave your
station. Remember, behind the emergency vehicle will be other cars and trucks who will
NEED to be controlled. Thus, use your COMMON SENSE and GOOD JUDGMENT when
you become involved with fast moving emergency vehicles.
Finally, always be alert--ALWAYS BE ON YOUR GUARD. Never become lazy on the job.
Public You should know that you may spend long, hot, or cold days on the road. You may become
Relations tired and irritable. However, don’t ever take this out on the public or your fellow workers.
Are Vital They may be just as tired, irrit able or frustrated as you are, and this may lead to flaring
tempers and a possible fight.
Always remember that you are the public relations person for the construction
project. So, act the part--be kind, courteous and polite. Try to give the driver of the
first car in line a brief explanation of the situation. Answer any questions from motorists
politely and with a smile. If you can get them on their way safely , in comfort and well
informed, you will be doing a great job.
One of the most important things you must know before you actually learn to flag is where
your flagging station will be. Generally, you will find that the person who is responsible for
traffic safety and control will be able to help you determine where you will stand.
You must be positioned so that you are clearly visible to oncoming traffic. This
will help you control and direct traffic, as well as ensure your safety on the job.
You must be stationed far enough ahead of the work site so that cars and
even heavily loaded trucks can slow down enough to stop.
You must be close enough to the work being done to protect your fellow workers.
How will you do this? How far away from the work should you be? A lot of this depends on
the road conditions--the speed of the traffic and the volume or number of cars and trucks
traveling on the road. While you will not be responsible for figuring out exactly where you
should stand, you should have some idea of the factors involved in choosing a good place
to stand. And, once you have found the correct place to use for a flagging st ation, there
are other requirements you should know about. Let’s look at this now.
Be Visible
To be an effective flagger, you MUST stand where you can be seen.Do NOT stand in the
shade, behind a rock or next to a car. Do not park your own car near your flagging
station. CDOT recommends personal vehicles be 200 feet away. Do NOT stand just
over the crest of a hill or just around a curve in a road. In addition, always take a
quick look around to make sure your clothing contrasts with the background. Then,
ask yourself can I be seen? Is there anything which will hide me from the view of either the
passing motorists or the work crew?Am I so close to the work crew that cars and trucks will
Factors to not have time to slow down before entering the area? How fast are the cars and trucks
Consider coming? If you feel you are not visible to cars, or that you may be too close to the work area
and cars are coming at too great a speed to stop--tell your supervisor.
There are other factors which may make a difference as to where you should stand. If you
are working a project in an urban area, for example, in downtown Denver, you will
probably be closer to the work crew than if you were working on Interstate 25.
Why? Because cars and trucks traveling in an urban situation will generally be going much
slower and thus be able to slow down or stop faster than cars traveling on a higher speed
Be sure that the cars and trucks, no matter where you are standing, have enough room to
stop. This generally can be explained by looking at the stopping distances chart which is
provided below. Be sure you read and understand the stopping distance chart. In addition,
when trying to figure out how long it will take a truck to stop, you should always assume
that the truck is fully and heavily loaded. And, a heavily loaded truck will t ake a greater
amount of distance and time to stop. This is especially true if the truck is traveling down a
hill or steep grade.
Generally speaking, you should always stand on the shoulder which is NEXT to
the lane of traffic you will be directing. Do not stand IN THE TRAVELED OR OPEN
Where to LANE. That is the fastest way to get struck by a moving vehicle.Also, do not stand so far
Stand OFF the shoulder that you cannot be seen by the oncoming cars. If a traffic lane has
been barricaded or blocked--then you may stand in that lane.
You read earlier about not st anding just over the crest of a hill. In addition, you should
never st and on the blind side of a curve. Up and down “dip s” like hills are known as
“VERTICAL CURVES.” As you know, when you are in a car, you never pass on a curve.
Why? Because you can’t see what is coming the other way. This is also the reason why
you should never stand on a curve--either horizontal or vertical--where you can’t be seen.
If you do stand just over the crest of a hill or on the back side of a curve, cars will
not be able to see you far enough in advance to stop. And, if one car is able to stop
Curves are in time, what about the car right behind him? He will come around a curve and prob-
Dangerous ably run right into the rear of the first car.
As you can see, standing where you can’t be seen can cause accidents. Accidents where
you and your fellow workers or innocent drivers may be the victims.Also, when you get to
your assigned position, look around to make sure you have an emergency escape route to
use if necessary.
In addition, at night, your flag station SHALL ALWAYS BE LIGHTED. The only exception is
in case of an emergency. Your supervisor will generally be responsible for making sure that
your station is lighted. DO NOTFLAG AT A STATION WHICH IS NOTLIGHTED. Why? Even
with retroreflectorized clothing and equipment, you may not be visible to traffic--especially if
it is foggy or raining, or even snowing. The lighting devices must not shine into the eyes of
the drivers. If they do, they may temporarily blind the drivers, causing them to either hit you
or lose control of the car and drive into the construction site. However , you should be aware
that you will not be responsible for setting up the lighting at your ation.
st You may, however,
be asked to help. But you should know enough about the lighting system, so that you can
bring up a potential problem, should one arise.
NEVER mingle with the work crew while you are on the job. The public
won’t know if you are a flagger or not. You can’t expect them to pick the flagger
out of a group of people who are all dressed alike. Thus, stand alone and well
away from the crew.
Remember, DO NOT LEAVE your flagging station unless you are relieved
by a trained, appropriately dressed flagger. Your job is much too important
to let just anybody handle the duties.
Finally, no matter where your flagging position may be, there shouldALWAYS be advance
warning signs to alert motorists to your presence. Thus, flagging stations must always be
protected by advance warning signs. If signs have not been placed, be sure to alert your
supervisor to this fact.
The most important thing you should remember about your flagging position and your job
is to USE YOUR HEAD. Don’t get caught in a potentially hazardous situation. If you have
questions or doubts about your assigned position, be sure to tell your supervisor . If you
don’t the loss may not only be in property, but in lives.
You now have learned about what you should wear , where you should stand and how you
should act on the job, as well as many other things. Now you will learn HOW to actually
flag. But before you get into that subject, complete the following review exercise. Remem-
ber if you miss any questions, you should go back and reread the material.
(Please record your answers on a separate sheet of paper. Answers are on next page.)
3) True or false? You should always stand on the shoulder of the road or in a
properly marked off area.
4) True or false? You should always face the traffic you are attempting to control?
5) True or false? If you need to take a break, or stretch your legs, it’s OK to leave your
flag station if there are no cars coming.
6) True or false? If you must leave your flag station, you should make sure that a
trained and properly dressed flagger is there to relieve you.
7) True or false? You should always stand exactly 300 feet from the construction site.
8) True or false? You will never be expected to make decisions on the job.
9) True or false? Your flag station will depend on several factors, such as where
the construction is being done, how fast traffic is coming, how high the volume of
traffic is and the type of construction being performed.
1) c
2) e
3) True
4) True
5) False. You should never leave your station unless you are relieved by a trained flagger
6) True
7) False. Your supervisor will help you decide where you will stand. There are no hard
and fast rules concerning where you must stand. You must stand far enough away
from the work area so that cars and trucks can slow down or stop before they reach
the area. And, you must stand near enough to the work area to protect those on
the site.
8) False. You will be expected to use your head in all situations.
9) True. And, there may be other factors involved. This is why the traffic control
supervisor or someone else in a position of authority will help assign you your
flagging station.
10) True. However, there may be situations when you are paired with another flagger
who will stand across a roadway, or even in advance of you. This is not considered
to be standing with you.
There are three basic flagging functions that you will be performing.
You will be:
Stopping traffic.
Slowing traffic.
Make sure the paddle sign is held straight up--not leaning to the right or to the left.
Do not wave your STOP/SLOW paddle. Make sure that the front of the “STOP" side is
directly facing traf fic. This way, the sign will be visible to motorist s. When traf fic ap-
proaches hold out your free hand/arm, above shoulder level, with your palm facing traffic.
This is a standard “STOP” hand signal. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT that you attempt to catch
Maintain the driver’s eye. It will help him become more aware of what you are doing. Keep your
Eye Con- position, and maintain eye contact until the driver comes to a complete stop. Be firm! Make
tact sure that the driver sees you.
After the first vehicle has stopped, move to a clearly visible position near the center
Move to of the roadway or the left of the traveled lane. Be sure that you don't move directly into
Center traffic which may be coming the other way. Do not stand directly in front of the car you have
just stopped. Remain in your “STOP” position until it is time to release your traffic to travel
through the area.
18 inches
"Slow" When it is safe to let traffic proceed, you should move to the right of traffic and stand directly
Sign facing the traffic flow. Only then turn the "STOP/SLOW" paddle to "SLOW". Using slow
arm movements, motion for the traffic to proceed.
Face the traffic and hold the paddle upright just as you would to stop traffic.Be sure that
the “SLOW” portion of the paddle is facing traffic. If you need to emphasize your
position, raise and lower your free arm slowly in front of you, with your palm paral-
lel to the ground. Be sure to make eye contact with each driver. If you are only trying to
warn or alert traffic to the construction ahead, but do not need to slow the speed of the cars
greatly, stand in your position on the side of the road, or in a barricaded lane facing traf
and display the "SLOW" side of your paddle
As you have read, night time flagging is a whole different ball game. Remember, every-
thing that you use, vests, hard hats, paddles or signs must be retroreflectorized. In
addition, your flagging stand shall also be lighted. Thus, before you step out to per-
Reflectorized form your duties at night, make a quick check to be sure all of your equipment and required
Equipment clothing is either retroreflectorized or has retroreflective ape
t on it.Also be certain that your
retroreflectorized material can still be seen if it becomes wet. In addition, it is a good idea to
wear light colored clothes under your vest at night. This will help you to be seen easily.
Be sure that your flag station is lighted. Then, stand on the shoulder of the road or barri-
caded area facing traffic. Hold the paddle sign as you have learned for daytime flagging.You
may hold your free arm out, palm facing traffic to emphasize your motion.
If you are using a flashlight or wand, hold it in your free hand, with your arm in a
horizontal position. Your arm should be about shoulder high. (Be sure that if you have
a flashlight, that the proper 6 inch red cone has been attached.) Slowly swing the flashlight
Hold or other lighted materials in a sweeping motion across your body. Do not swing the flash-
Flashlight light over your head. Keep your movements slow and deliberate and never swing the flash-
Out light or wand above your shoulder.
The signal you use to get traffic moving should be made by lowering your flashlight to your
side, stand facing traffic and motion drivers ahead with a slow, sweeping motion of your
Lower the flashlight or wand.
Stand in your lighted flag station, either on the shoulder of the road or in a clearly barricaded
or marked area. Using the "SLOW" side of the paddle sign, you will slow traffic just as you
have learned earlier. Using a flashlight or wand, face the traffic, and slowly swing the
light across your body, making sure that your arm does not swing above your shoul-
Flag use should be limited to emergency situations and at spot locations which can best be
controlled by a single flagger. They may be used at night if retroreflectorized.
When you are allowed to use a flag to stop traffic, stand in a safe position either on the
Hand Signals shoulder of the road or in a closed or barricaded lane. Face traffic and hold the flag out,
about shoulder level so that it hangs into the edge of the traffic lane.Make sure that the
flag is fully extended, and not rolled up or crumpled. Your palm should be facing the
driver. This is a standard “stop” hand signal. Attempt to catch the driver’s eye. Keep your
position, and maintain eye contact until the driver comes to a complete stop. Be firm! Make
sure that the driver sees you.
After the first vehicle has stopped, move to a clearly visible position near the center of the
roadway or the left of the traveled lane. Be sure that you don’t move directly into traffic which
maybe coming the other way. And, do not stand directly in front of the car you have just
stopped. Then remain in your “stop” position until it is time to release your traffic to travel
through the area.
When it is safe to let traffic proceed, you should move back over to the right side of the
lane of traffic. Stand parallel to the traffic. That means you will be facing the passenger’s
door on a car. Once on the shoulder of the road, put the flag down to your side, out of
sight. Then motion traffic to proceed with your free arm. Use slow deliberate move-
ments of your arm.
Stand on the shoulder or a barricaded lane facing traf fic. Hold the
flag in a horizont al posi-
tion, about shoulder level, just as you did to stop traffic.Then, slowly
flag in a
wave the
sweeping motion, without raising your arm above the shoulder. Do not madly wave
or swing the flag. Make sure your movements are slow and sure. If you are only trying
to warn or alert traffic to the construction ahead, but do not need to slow the speed of the
cars greatly, stand in your position on the side of the road, or in a barricaded lane facing
traffic and use the same procedures you would to slow traffic.
To Inform Road Users to The flagger shall hold the flashlight with the left arm extended and pointed down toward
Stop the ground, and then shall slowly wave the flashlight in front of the body in a slow arc
from left to right such that the arc reaches no farther than 45 degrees from vertical.
To Inform Road Users to The flagger shall point the flashlight at the vehicle’
s bumper, slowly aim the flashlight
Proceed toward the open lane, then hold the flashlight in that position. The flagger shall not wave
the flashlight.
To Alert or Slow Traffic The flagger shall point the flashlight toward oncoming traffic and quickly wave the
flashlight in a figure eight motion.