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Paintting Proce
eduree for Structuraal Ste
on Wo

Prepareed for: Su
upreme Committ
C tee For Delivery
D & Legacyy
Documentt Reference
e Number: SC-C06-CAG
S G-HBK-PRC-ST-00008 Rev00

Prepared b
by: Dai Dun
ng Metallic Manufactu
ure Construcction & Trade Corporaation

121-1233 Bach Dan ng Street, Ward

W 2, Taan P.O. Box
B 1362, Doha – Qata r
Binh disstrict, Ho Ch
hi Minh city. Tel: +9
Tel: (84 - 28) 38 452 303 Fax: +974-44451
+ 111
Fax: (844 - 28) 38 45
52 397
[email protected]
Approval sheet

Document owner: Truong Hoai Phong Vu, Deputy QC Director, DDC

Signature: Date: 28/02/2019

Revision history

Revision Date Additions/modifications

0 28/02/2019 Initial Submission

CONTRACTOR: We have reviewed this document for completeness and for compliance with the Contract
before submission.

Title Signature Date

Prepared by: Tran Chi Binh QC Engineer 28/02/2019
Reviewed by: Truong Hoai Phong Vu QC Deputy 28/02/2019
Reviewed by:

Reviewed by:
Checked by:
Approved by:

CSC: We have no objection to the content and implementation of this document.

Title Signature Date

No Objection Lead Reviewer
No Objection Lead Engineer/ Director
PMCM: We have no objection to the content and implementation of this document.

Title Signature Date

No Objection Lead Reviewer
No Objection Project Manager

SC: We have no objection to the content and implementation of this document.

Title Signature Date

No Objection Lead Reviewer
No Objection Project Director
Acronyms and abbreviations

Project Name Ras Abu Aboud Stadium and Precinct project

Client Title Supreme Committee for Delivery & Legacy

PMCM (TiME Qatar) Project Management Construction Management

CSC (Louis Berger) Construction Supervision Consultant

HBK-CRCC JV (Main Hamad Bin Khalid Contracting Company -China Railway Construction Corporation
Contractor) LTD Joint Venture

DDC Dai Dung Metallic Manufacture Construction & Trade Corporation

TPIA Third Party Inspection Agency
MTC Mill Test Certificate
QAQC Quality Assurance/Quality Control
ITP Inspection and Test Plan
PQP Project Quality Plan
QA-QC Quality Assurance and Quality Control
NDT Non Destructive Testing
MPI Magnetic Particle Inspection
UT Ultrasonic Testing
VT Visual Testing
pWPS Preliminary Welding Procedure Specification
WPS Welding Procedure Specification
WPQR Welding Procedure Qualification Record
Terms and definitions

Stadium Precinct The site of Stadium and its immediate surroundings.

Superstructure Superstructure is the upper portion of the building, usually located above the
ground beam/ tie-beam, which transmits the loads of the superstructure to the
Approval An act of endorsing or adding positive authorization or both indicated by a stamp
or initial (and date) of the approval.

Audit An audit is systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining.

Evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which audit
criteria are fulfilled

Calibration The comparison of an item of measuring test / equipment with a reference

standard or with another items of measuring test / equipment of equal or higher
precision to detect the inaccuracies and to report / minimize them.

Certificates The action of determining, verifying and attesting, in writing document the
qualifications of personnel, material, completed activities, or process.

Client The contractual owner of the project as an Engineer

Contract The written covenant and other document agreed to and legally binding between
the client and contractor, which specify requirements and conditions that must
be complied with to complete the work at acceptable satisfactory level

Specification Document stating requirements, a specification may be related to activities (e.g.

process specification and test specification) or product (e.g. a process
specification, performance specification and drawing).

Documentation A written, pictorial or computer stored information describing, defining,

specifying, reporting, or certifying activities, requirements, procedure or results

Inspection Inspection which is performed on finished product before submitting to client or

client’s representatives such as TQ and LB

Item Item means raw material, part, component, sub-assembly, assembly, equipment

Nonconformity Nonconformity is a no fulfilment of a requirement.


Painting Procedure

1. Purpose
2. Scope
3. Reference
4. Content
5. Document record
1. Purpose
This procedure is developed to meet the requirement Painting quality of the Specification of

2. Scope
This procedure issue for Production Department, QC Department of Daidung Metallic
Manufacture Construction Trade Corporation to perform and inspection the Painting Process
during the fabrication as per SC-C06-STA-HBK-SPE-ST-00004 Rev05 : Technical
Specification for Steel Works (Section 05 12 00 - Structural Steel Framing) for Ras Abu
Aboud Stadium and Precinct Project

3. Reference
Application and inspection painting work will be referred follow standard:

N.o Standard Content

SC-C06-STA- Technical Specification.


Paint Technical data sheet of Paint product


Paints and varnishes – Corrosion protection of steel

3 ISO 12944
structures by protective paint systems

Preparartion surface of steel structure before application of

painting and related product – Visual assessment of surface
4 ISO 8501 – 3
cleanliness. Part A3: preparation grades of weld, cut edges
and other areas with surface imperfections

Preparartion surface of steel structure before application of

painting and related product – Visual assessment of surface
5 ISO 8501 – 1 cleanliness. Part 1: rust grade and preparation grades of
uncoated steel substrates and of steel substrates after overall
removal of previous coating

Surface roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned steel

subtrates – Part1 Specification and definition for ISO surface
6 ISO 8503-1
profile comparators for the assessment of abrasive blast-
cleaned surface

7 SSPC– SP1 Solvent cleaning

8 ASTM D3359 Standard test methods for measuring adhesion by tape test

9 ISO 4624 Paint and varnishes- pull off test for adhesion
4. Content
4.1 Painting system
The Painting system applied for Structure shall be developed following the Technical
Specification for Painting of Project

A/ Paint system for friction coefficient of Faying surface class B

Paint suplier Coat N.o Name of Product DFT requirement µm

1st Zinc silicate As per manufacture

International Paint/ recommendation
Jotun/ Hempel…

Total DFT µm

B/ CPS 01 Paint system for Steel structure

Paint suplier Coat N.o Name of Product DFT requirement µm

1st 2 component Zinc rich epoxy 60

International Paint/ 2nd 2 component micaceous irons oxide 120

Jotun/ Hempel… epoxy

3rd 2 component acrylic polyurethane 60

Total DFT µm 240

Note: the paint system & color will change in accordance with the contract signed between
the parties

4.2 Quality Requirement

• Procurement of all the coating materials of project shall be from the approved paint
manufacturer; client approval is also required
• Quality Control shall check all the incoming blasting and coating consumables
(abrasive, paints, cleaners, thinners, etc) upon arrival and verify the P.O.
requirements and test certificates follow each project.
• Before application primer coat, surface shall be prepared as per BS EN ISO 8501
VIS standard
• The work shall result in a properly coated surface and free from unacceptable
defects such as sags, voids, pinholes, dirt, abrasive inclusions and any other foreign
matters that may harm the serviceability of the coating system. Handling of the part
shall not damage coating.
• The qualify blasting and painting must to carry out before process and approved by
client if request.
• Any changes in the coating application method or surface preparation method must
to be re-qualified and approved.
• Any changes to the selection of the coating material must be approved
• All location cannot painting when completed welding so there must to paint before
• Item for Painting shall be identified by metal tag or marking by punching.
4.3 Painting chart

1. Preparation

2. Surface Treatment


3. Painting Primer Coat

Inspection No


4. Painting second Coat



5. Painting thirt Coat



Final Inspection No


6. Handover – completed document

Step Content Reponsibility Document
- Preparation material and - Painting - Project record
equipment for production supervisor
- Preparation inspection tool & - Painting quality
inspection material control
- Supervisor check and inform - Painting - Project record
QC to inspection supervisor
- QC Painting check surface - Painting quality - F.02.06/QC
prepare: cleaness, control
roughness,… and invited
client for inspection
- Supervisor check and inform - Painting - Project record
QC to inspection supervisor
- QC Painting check primer - Painting quality - F.02.06/QC
coat: DFT, paint defect… and control
invited client for inspection
- Supervisor check and inform - Painting - Project record
QC to inspection supervisor
- QC Painting check second - Painting quality - F.02.06/QC
coat: DFT, paint defect… and control
invited client for inspection
- Supervisor check and inform - Painting - Project record
QC to inspection supervisor
- QC Painting check third coat: - Painting quality - F.02.06/QC
DFT, paint defect… and control
invited client for inspection
- Supervisor check and - Painting - Project record
handover to Store Department supervisor
- QC Painting and - Painting quality - F.02.06/QC
Docmentation prepare and control and
submit document to client Documentation

4.4 Interpretation painting procedure

4.4.1 Preparation:

• All structures must be defined painting system according Painting Spec before
preparation surface and painting.
• The size of abrasive will be select to ensure roughness must follow Specification
• Prior to carrying out any kind of surface preparation, all imperfections of tructure
such as: skip welds, weld spatter, sharp edges (round minimum radius of 2mm),
delaminations, scabs, slivers, slag shall be corrected prior to surface preparation
• Prior to carrying out any kind of surface preparation, Oil and grease etc. to be
removed with a suitable detergent as per SSPC SP1 and contamination remaining
on the surface must to remove.
• Prior to carrying out any kind of surface preparation, protection area impermit and
equipment will be damaged during preparation surface and painting progress
4.4.2 Equipment, Manpower, Safety & Environment

• Carry out equipment: all machines & tools to carry out coating shall be meet
 Appropriate Method application
 Health, Safety & Environmental requirement and checked for the Safety
guard & capacity before using
 Air system is cleaness
• Inspection instructment: must be available of the valid internal calibration label or
third-party’s calibration label.
• Manpower:
 The number of people should be enough to ensure production progress and
follow Safety Ruler
 To be training and skillful
• Safety & environment: all step of carry out the job will be assessed, tested,
considered preventive measures, appropriate protective personal equipment to
ensure the safety and environment are strictly adhered.

All documentation conserning equipment, Construction and inspection capabilities,

environmental and safety issues will be added to the DDC capacity profile

4.4.3 Weather condition

• It’s strictly required to check environment condition before, during, after suface
treatment and painting: surface temperature, dew point, humidity…
• The following situation is forbidden to perform the painting work:
o Temperature of Metal surface below 30C the dew point of the surrounding
o When the air temperature, paint or surface should be less than 10 °C or
above 40 °C
o When relative humidity measured in the vicinity of area to be blasted is
above 85%
• If oxidation appears on surfaces at any time during paint application, painting shall
be stopped and the specified cleanliness standard reinstated.

4.4.4 Surface Treatment:

• All structures must be approved by Painting quality control and Client – if request
prior to carry out surface treatment, Painting quality control must to check rust
condition, request fabricator to clean imperfect area, record and report Client
location not access for blasting and painting, record daily checklist.
• Charater of abrasive will be accordingly Project’s Requirement. Normaly used steel
Shot or Grit & non-metallic abrasive for steel structure and non-metallic abrasive
for Gal, Alu, Stainless steel structure if request painting.
• Prior to commencing work adequate lighting shall be available. Lighting shall not
interfere with the condition of the blast-cleaned surface.
• Surface treatment before application painting follow Project’s Requirement:
o Cleaness:
+ Full blasting get grade Sa 2 ½ accordingly ISO 8501-1

+ Location inaccessible for blasting, contractor can preparation surface by

hand tool get St2 or power tool get St3

Acceptance content
ISO 8501-1

When viewed without magnification, the surface shall be

free from visible old, grease and dirt and from millscale,
Sa 2 ½ (Sa 2.5)
rust, paint coating and foreign matter. Remaing max 5%
adhering contamination when consider in area 75 x 75cm.

When viewed without magnification, the surface shall be

St 2 free from visible old, grease and dirt and from poorly
adhering millscale, rust, paint coating and foreign matter.

As for St2, but the surface shall be treated much more

St 3 throughtly to give a metallic sheen arising from the
metallic subtract.

o Roughness of surface preparation:

Medium(G) as per ISO 8503-1 standard or follow Manufacture Painting’s
o Surface is treatment shall be coated before rust back appears, if rust back
formulates, then re-preparation shall be carried out (normaly > 4h).
• All structure completed surface preparation must be checked by Painting Quality
Control and Client if request: application painting if accept, repreparation surface
and reinspection or issue Non conformation report if unaccepted. The inspection
maybe refer table 01

Table 01 Inspection for Surface preparation

Test Test method Frequency Acceptance Criteria Consequence

Environmental - Sling to test Start Of Each - 400C≥ St≥ 10°C and Every 2-4 hours
ambient Shift+Hourly minimum 30C Above
Conditions temperature dry Throughout Shift Dew Point,
bulb Td,Relative
Humidity (RH) - RH ≤ 85%

- Steel temperature

Imperfect area Project’s 100% Of All No Defects un- Prior carry out
requirement (C4) Surface acceptable the work

Cleaness of ISO 8501-1 100% visual Sa 2 ½ After surface

Surface inspection of all preparation &
preparation surface prior coating

Roughness ISO 8503-1 Start project & Medium (G) or as per After surface
Testing one per 500m2 Manufacture preparation &
and when Painting’s prior coating
changing abrasive recommendation application

4.4.5 Coating application, ensure quality painting progress Coating application

• All surface for applied painting must be accepted for surface preparation
• Impermit area must be protected and 50mm around field weld shall not be painted.
• The coating manufacture’s instructions has been correctly prior, during and after
application such as ratio mixing, pot life, thinner, method apply, temperature..
• Coating materials shall be thoroughly mixed by machine until they are smooth
according manufacture’s recommendation, approximate time 5 minutes. Before
mixing need to remove skin form on the top of Paint drum. Batch numbers of all
material mixed shall be recorded.
• Add Thinner when completed paint mixing if necessary, when add thinner must to
use machine to mix again. Type and quantity must follow Paint manufacture’s
• The ambient condition shall be checked prior, during, after application painting
accordance with the coating manufacturer’s instructions & Specification of project.
Will be apply paint when enough element:
o Temperature of Metal surface above 3°C the dew point of the surrounding
o When the air temperature, paint or surface of painting from 10 °C to 40°C
o When relative humidity not above 85%.
• Stripe coating of paint materials using stiff bristle brushes (roller will be consider
from second coat or location inaccess to carry out by brush) at weldding seams,
corners and edges to ensure adequate coating thickness is achieved and to
minimize pinholes on difficult to access areas during the spraying process. The
stripe coat is carry out prior application full coat, big structure will continue stripe
coat when completed application full coat


• Method to application: apply full coat by airless pump to get dry film thickness as
per Project’s requirement:
o During application, the gurn is perpendicular surface painting and distance
from 200 to 500mm.
o Depending on the geometry of the structure, the characteristics of the paint
that selectively tip and adjust the pressure to match the manufacturer’s
o During application paint, usualy stirred to avoid listen down paint at bottom
of drum
o Should commence at the bottom of the area to be coated and work up, voids,
runs, sags and drips shall be corrected immediately by brush off.
o During paint application regular wet film thickness checks by Wet comb to
control paint thickness
o Inorganic ethyl zinc silicate primer will be checking dry film thickness and
build up thickness until 3 hours from application
o During application, shall be visually checked for pinholes and where found
these should be brushed out

May be use brush or roller to carry out painting for small complex structure and
touch up

• Protect surface until painting is dry Ensure quality in painting progress

• Painting defect: when paint is dry, all paint defect such as sagging, running,
overspray, wrinkling, foreign matter, cracking, mechanical damage… must be
repaired before application next coat
• Normal dry film thickness of painting layer (NDFT) will be check before apply
next coat as per ISO 12944-5 standard. Minimum thickness of spot (average three
reading gauge) is 80% DFT and maximum thickness of spot is three times DFT
Project requirement but not excess maximum thickness recommendation in
technical data sheet of Paint product. Each structure maybe seclect minimum 5
location to measure. Location is low DFT will be correct action to get Spec’s DFT
as per Painting manufacture’s recommendation
• Application next coat: check the interval coating time, sandpapering and
preparation surface, stripe coat and apply next coat. Carefully maximum and
minimum interval coating time recommendation in technical data sheet of paint
• Adhesive test: when painting full dry-test panel:
o ASTM D3359 for NDFT up to 250 µm, minimum class 3A
o ISO 4624 method for NDFT > 250µm, minimum 5Mpa
• All step of carry out the work include prior, during and after application painting
must be checked by Painting Quality Control and Client if request, repreparation
surface & painting and reinspection or issue Non conformation report if unaccepted.
The inspection maybe refer table 02. All information shell be record in Painting
Inspection Record
Table 02 Inspection of coating application
Test Test method Frequency Consequence

Environmental - Sling to test Đầu mỗi ca và - 40°C≥ St≥ 10°C Every 2-4 hours
ambient temperature hằng giờ trong and minimum 3°C
Conditions/ dry bulb Td, suốt ca / Start Of Above Dew Point
Relative Humidity Each Shift +
(RH) Hourly - RH ≤ 85%
Throughout Shift
- Steel temperature

Visual for sagging, Visual Examination 100% Of All No Defects All Defects To be
running, overspray, Surfaces rectified before
wrinkling… next coat

Product Recording of Batch All Batch

Identification Numbers Numbers Shall Be

Wet Film Wet film thickness At the beginning As per Volume Applicator,
Thickness Testing Comb and minimum 1 solids of paint Supervisor to
test for every 3 product is used check WFT during
or 5 m2 application

DFT Measurement Dry film thickness Min 5 spot ISO 12944-5 Supervisor and
gauge Elcometer measure each QC checking after
456 structure every apply
complete & dry
and before apply
next coat

Adhesion test/ Elcometer Test panel only - Minimum level QC checking after
equipment: Cut tape 3A as per ASTM curing
test, Pull-off tools D3359 standard
Min 5 Mpa as per
ISO 4624

4.4.6 Coating inspection

• The related testing to be carried out shall be in accordance to ITP is approved by
• Recommendation of technical data sheet of paint product must follow
• Ensure that adequate lighting and ventilation is available for a visual inspection.
• The entire coated surface will then be inspected for any visible defects such as
runs, sags, wrinkling, overspray, foreign master, misses…. Any defects found shall
be marked with a suitable marker for remedial work to take place
• Inspection tool or Equipment:
 Inspection tool list:
 Sling Pyschrometer or Same equipment
 Profile Gauge and appropriate equipment
 Laser gun test temperature surface
 Elcometer 456
 Cross – X cut tap tape, pull-off tools
 All equipment used in the inspection of the coating have been calibrated to
a recognized traceable standard
 The film thickness shall be checked using an electromagnetic thickness
gauge equipment with suitable ferrous probe and cablirated on smooth
• Under information from Painting team, QC Painting inspected and inform Painting
team to repair all Painting defect if any before invite final inspection as per ITP
• All inspection in Table 03 shall be carried out and the result recorded on the
Painting Inspection record form
• The coated items shall remain accessible until a final inspection of any remedial
work has been carried out.
• Defect painting location will be marking by appropriate paint marker or chalking
• When completed repair defect, QC inspector must to check again and report to
Table 03 inspection of completed coating application

Test Test method Frequency Acceptance Criteria Consequence

- Contamination . Visual 100% Of According To Specified After the paint
- Runs Examination Surface After Requirements coating drying
- Wrinkling Of Coating/ Each Coat time
- Sags
- Overspray
- Misses
- Cracking
DFT Dry film Min 5 spot ISO 12944-5 After the paint
coat is dry time
Measurement thickness measure each
gauge structure

4.4.7 Hand over:

To be handed-over with correct and sufficient quantity to the warehouse for storing

4.5 Procudure of repairing

4.5.1 General requirement
• Any damage to the coating shall be repaired -touched up with same product on
shop and site touch up follow:
 1st: 2-c-epoxy surface tolorent DFT 100µm
 2nd: 2-c-epoxy surface tolorent, high build DFT 120 µm
 3rd: same shop application DFT 60 µm
• The surface preparation and painting repair area shall be +50mm from damaged
edge to ensure overlap.
• Repair – Touch up painting must be followed Specification of project and
recommendation in technical data sheet of paint product
• Weather condition :
o It’s strictly required to check environment condition before, during, after
suface treatment and painting: surface temperature, dew point, humidity.
o If oxidation appears on surfaces at any time during paint application,
painting shall be stopped and the specified cleanliness standard reinstated.
• Equipment:

All machines & tools shall be meet Health, Safety & Environmental
requirement and checked for the Safety guard & capacity before using

• Inspection Instrucments
o QC team shall prepares neccessary instruments for inspection
o All measuring instruments must be available of the valid internal calibration
label or third-party’s calibration label
• Manpower:
The Painting Team shall arrange skillful workers to perform Painting Work
for this project. The number of people should be enough to ensure
production progress and follow Safety Ruler.

• Customer’s Inspection:
o All touch up – repair is carry out under monitoring by Painting QC or Site
Engineer and approved by client if request
o Under information from Painting team, QC Painting or Site Engineer
inspected and inform Painting team to repair all Painting defect if any before
invite final inspection.
o DDC shall notify Customer and perform their final inspection follow:
 Don’t have any painted defect.
 Total dry film thicknesses (DFT) of Painting repair should be as
Painting Specification is inspection follow ISO 12944-5
 up area has fresh color

4.5.2 Guidelines to touch up – repair Painting:

• A/ Survey and making location need to touch up – repair painting.

• B/ Assessment location marking (damage painting by lifting - transportation; low
DFT; Sagging; Wrinkling; foreign matter and the Keel, discontinuily & pinhole…)
and touch up – repair Painting follow:
o Step 1: degrease as per SSPC SP1 standard.
o Step 2: remove all dirt, contanminants on surface by wipe water.
o Step 3: preparation surface for Painting
 Location is damaged painting to bare steel by lifting, transportation &
modify deformation…use hand tools or power tools treatment surface
reach to St2 or St3
 Location is damaged only on paint layer by lifting, transportation &
modify deformation: remove paint deposite, sand papering (by hand or
grinding with flat paper sanding disk) to make surface smoothness and
make adhesive between paint layer.
 Location is low DFT: sand papering by hand to make adhesive between
paint layer.
 Location Paint defect (Sagging, Wrinkling): sand papering (by hand or
grinding with flat paper sanding disk) to remove sagging & wrinkling,
make surface smoothness and make adhesive between paint layer.
 Location Paint defect (overspray, foreign matter) and the Keel: remove
duct, foreign matter and sand papering (by hand or grinding with flat
paper sanding disk) to make surface smoothness and make adhesive
between paint layer.
 Discontonuily & pinhole area: use grinding to remove paint layer is
pinhole at location need to repair
 Other Painting defect will be update as soon as possible
o Step 4: use nylon sheet to cover around painting area to avoid pollution.
o Step 5: cleaning and application one Primer coat by brush or spray (if
painting on bare steel) or roller (if painting on paint layer) get dry film
thickness (NDFT) as per Specification.
o Step 6: protection paint area, when paint is dry ,inspection dry film
thickness (DFT) as per ISO 12944-5 standard and apply one more coat if
low DFT. Inorganic ethyl zinc silicate primer will be checking dry film
thickness and build up thickness until 3 hours from application
o Step 7: check the overcoating time, sandpapering, protection, cleaning and
apply next coat by brush, roller or spray.
o Step 8: protection paint area, when paint is dry ,inspection dry film
thickness (DFT) as per ISO 12944-5 standard and apply one more coat if
low DFT
o Step 9: rework step 7 & 8 until completed touch up
o Step 10: when completed touch up painting, QC painting or Site Enginner
checking first and invite client to final inspection before handover.
4.6 Storage

4.6.1 Coating material

• Painting Material for each coat as well as thinner shall be available before
conducting paiting process.
• Each kind material should have label or marking for easily identifying, avoid wrong
material using.
• Storing at good condition such as: dry place, ventilation, no contact with the
sunlight or other heat sources ...
• Don’t open cover until using.

4.6.2 Structure completed coating

• After coats completely dried, steel structures shall be wrapped by plastic cover
whole item, then moving items to storage place.
• All items must put on shelf with minimum height is 400mm.
• Environment conditions: dry and ventilation place, avoid direct sunlight, rain water,
maximum ambient teampature is 50°C.
5 Document record

All carry out step will be record in appropriate the QC form below

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