Work Plan in Reading Program
Work Plan in Reading Program
Work Plan in Reading Program
Department of Education
Bucal Elementary School
Calamba City
1. Reading Level Determine the reading levels of the Administering pre and post Teachers Phil-Iri Materials June 2014 School Fund 95% of the reading
students. reading test. Pupils PTA levels of the pupils
shall have been
a. Independent Continue the love for reading. Employ the reading materials Teachers Suited Reading June 2014 - School Fund 100% of the
for the fast readers and Pupils Materials, March 2015 independent readers
Assist the non-readers and slow motivate them to help the slow Notebooks should have kept their
readers in their reading sessions and non-readers to have love or reading.
interest in reading through
frequent practice. 100% of the slow and
non-readers shall have
been helped by the
independent readers in
their reading sessions.
b. Instructional Intensify the reading abilities of the Utilized short stories and other Teachers Suited Reading June 2014 - School Fund 95% of the pupils
students. literacy types as additional Pupils Materials, March 2015 should have improved
instructional materials in Notebooks in their reading
reading. abilities.
c. Frustration Guide the slow and non-readers to Providing simple and short Teachers Suited Reading June 2014 - School Fund 95% of the pupils’
develop their reading skills. paragraphs, quotations, Pupils Materials, March 2015 reading skills have
proverbs as sentences to be Notebooks been enhanced
read by the slow and non- through varied
readers. activities.
d. Non-Readers Develop the reading skills of the pupils Use suitable books for Teachers Reading materials June 2014 - School Fund 90% of the slow and
who belong to non-readers. beginning reading. Pupils for beginning March 2015 PTA non-readers should
PTA reading, have been developed
Notebooks their reading skills.
2. Reading Enhance the reading skills of the Holding individual, peer, and Teachers ABRC Worksheet June 2014 - School Fund 95% of the pupils’
Enhancement students. group reading activities inside Pupils Variety of Story March 2015 reading skills will be
the classroom. Books enhanced.
a. Individual Journals
Reading Magazines
b. Peer Reading Etc.
c. Group Reading
3. Language Develop the pupils’ proficiency in Conducted varied activities to School Head Contests Pieces November 2014 School Fund 95% of the pupils
Festival of reading, writing, speaking, listening, stimulate the pupils’ reading Teachers Props PTA reading proficiency
Activities viewing, and related comprehensive proficiency in celebration of the Pupils Costumes Parents shall have been
language activities. National Reading Month PTA stimulated by
a. Grades 1-3 participating in the
Storytelling Strengthen the learning experiences different language
of the students by providing them activities.
b. Grades 4-6 varied.
Spelling Bee
Learning experiences for personality
and character development.
B. Personal Improved the teachers’ competency Participating in the required Teachers Manila Papers June 2014 – School Fund 100% of the English
Development through in-service seminars, trainings, seminars, workshops Students Pentel Pens March 2015 Generated and reading teachers
workshops, and School Learning and SLAC Sessions. Hand Outs Resources should have improved
Trainings / Action Cell Foods their competency after
Seminars / participating in the
Workshops training, seminars,
workshops, and SLAC
C. Curriculum Encourage the pupils to read books, Providing adequate time for Teachers Suited Reading June 2014 – School Fund 95% of the students
Development magazines, newspapers and other reading. Students Materials, March 2015 shall have been
good reading materials. Librarian Worksheets, encouraged to read the
HOR – Habit of Encouraging the pupils to Notebooks available materials at
Reading practice reading at home and home and at the
visit the library to read the school library.
available materials.
D. Physical Put up a word wall, mini-library, Close monitoring of the School Head Varieties of June 2014 – School Fund 95% of the students
Development reading corner in every classroom and availability, effectiveness, and Teachers reading materials, March 2015 Generated should have utilized
available space of each grade level. built-in word wall, mini-library Pupils manipulated Resources the built-in wall mini-
and reading corners in every PTA reading PTA library and reading
classroom of each grade level. Parents instructional Parents corners in every
materials, tables, classroom of each
chairs grade level.
E. Special Improve the reading and Providing remedial classes and Teachers Worksheet, June 2014 – School Fund 90% of the slow and
Programs and comprehension skills of the slow and other related activities to the Pupils reading materials March 2015 Generated non-readers should
Projects non-readers. slow and non-readers. for beginning Resources have improved their
reading. reading and
comprehension skills.
Conduct of Summer Teachers Worksheet, April 6 – May 4, School Fund 75% of the slow and
Intervention Program for the Pupils reading materials 2015 non-readers should
non-readers and slow readers. for beginning have improved in
reading. reading and
F. Active Identify partners who can provide time Establishing and maintaining Teachers Worksheet, June 2014 – School Fund At least 75% of the
Collaboration of and effort in monitoring, guiding and tie-ups with the stakeholders in Students reading materials March 2015 PTA stakeholders in the
Teachers and helping the slow and non-readers to the community. Stakeholders for beginning community shall have
Stakeholders in reach a high reading comprehension reading. been involved in the
Remedial special program.
Reading (ACT
Division English Coordinator