Sop 2
Sop 2
Sop 2
Service blueprint:
• Division of labour
• Service standardization
When customers fail to perform their required tasks successfully, employees may find it hard or
even impossible to deliver desired outcomes.
Some service organizations fail to educate their customers on how to effectively participate in the
service system. As a result, these unknowledgeable customers may slow down the service process
leading them to feel less satisfied with the service.
Value = results produced for the customer+ process quality/ price to the customer + cost of
acquiring the service
5. Quality
6. Service encounter
A service encounter is a period of time during which customer interact directly with a service. It
is also called as "Moment of Truth" .
7. Division of labour
Product line approach suggest that total job broken down into groups of simple task. Eg not
every one in the mcdonalds needs to be cook. Further division of labour allows one to pay only
for the skill that is required to perform the task.
8. Dimensions of quality
10. Empathy:
11. Servqual