Multiple Intelligences

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As a teacher it very important to know the best way how to teaches my students and how

I can do to make them learn, so they apply it to their environment. Taking in consideration
the 8 different ways how a student might react to certain topic being taught makes it easier
when we plan or set our goals with the learning process. Knowing how to target the
various interests and learning styles of students can help teachers to plan engaging and
effective lessons.

According to Howard Gardner, “human beings have eight different kinds of intelligence
that reflect different ways of interacting with the world. Each person has a unique
combination, or profile. Although we each have all nine intelligences, no two individuals
have them in the same exact configuration -- similar to our fingerprints.” It state the every
single students is unique also with it learning process. As a result all the multiple
intelligence of a certain group of student should be take into consideration to try to
approach them in a better form. In order to be successful in teaching, a teacher has to
improve their abilities to address all students' thinking as different as they may be.

Working with multiple intelligences is another way to work in mixed ability classrooms,
since you can show students that there are areas in which each of them are stronger,
and that they can all contribute to the tasks at hand. Schools tend to focus most of their
attention on the development of linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligences;
however, we should place equal attention of the other intelligences, since they are
important for the future development of the learner. Most learners who present
difficulties with the former two intelligences aforementioned end up being labelled as
disabled or as underachievers,

The multiple intelligence theory can draw students back into learning. Using the
different intelligences to teach a concept allows each of your diverse learners a chance
to succeed at learning. ... The challenge, then, is for teachers to target the maximum
number of intelligences in one activity, to ensure that most, if not all, students, are
engaged in the task. Teachers should also be aware that addressing a specific type of
intelligence does not mean ignoring the rest of them. Teaching to a student's
strength helps increase learning success.
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In the future, teachers should be trained not only in their specific subject content but
also on how to present their lessons in a wide variety of ways, for instance, using music
or art related activities, inner reflection, among others. The theory of multiple
intelligences has grabbed the attention of many educators and many schools consider it
key to rethink the way we are educating our students. However, there are also many
teachers and schools that still teach in a more traditional way. The challenge, then, will
be to connect these teachers with the concept of multiple intelligences, to provide each
child with the opportunity to learn in ways that are harmonious with their unique minds.
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