7 Poisson's and Laplace's Equations
7 Poisson's and Laplace's Equations
7 Poisson's and Laplace's Equations
Focusing our attention first on Laplace’s equation, we note that the equation z V (d) = −3 V
densities (to be determined in Example 2), which are known to be responsible for
an electrostatic field E = ẑEz measured in between the plates. Each plate has V (z) = Az + B
some unique and constant electrostatic potential V since neither E(r) nor V (r)
can dependent the coordinates x or y given the geometry of the problem. V (z)
Using Laplace’s equation determine V (z) and E(z) between the plates if the potential
of the plate at z = 0 is 0 (the ground), while the potential of the plate at z = d
is −3 V.
Solution: Since the potential function V = V (z) between the plates is only dependent
on z, it follows that Laplace’s equation simplifies as
2 ∂ 2V ∂ 2V ∂ 2V ∂ 2V
∇V = + + = = 0.
∂x2 ∂y 2 ∂z 2 ∂z 2
This equation can be satisfied by
V (z) = Az + B
where A and B are constants to be determined. Now applying the given boundary
conditions, we first notice that (at the lower plate)
V (0) = (Az + B)|z=0 = B = 0.
z V (d) = −3 V
Applying the second boundary condition (at the top plate) we find
3V y
V (2) = (Az + 0)|z=2 = 2A = −3 V ⇒ A = − . V (0) = 0
2m V (z) =?
The upshot is, potential function
V (z) = − z, for 0 < z < 2 m.
2 z
Finally, we determine the electric field between the plates as z=d=2m
−3 3
3 ∂ 3 3V V (z) = − z
E = −∇V = −∇(− z) = ẑ ( z) = ẑ .
2 ∂z 2 2m 3 3
E = −∇(− z) = ẑ
2 2
V (z)
Example 2: In Example 1 what are the surface charge densities of the metallic plates
located at z = 0 and z = 2 m surfaces?
Notice that our solution with equal and opposite charge densities on the parallel
surfaces implies that electrostatic fields are zero within the conducting plates
where the fields due to two charged surfaces are canceling out. This conclusion is
consistent with having constant electrostatic potentials within conducting regions
as will be discussed in the next lecture.
Poisson’s equation −ρ1 < 0 ρ2 > 0
∇2 V = −
is used in regions where the charge density ρ(r) is non-zero. The following - +
example illustrates a possible use of Poisson’s equation.
−W1 W2
Example 4: An infinite charged slab of width W1, located over −W1 < x < 0, has a ρ1W1
negative volumetric charge density of −ρ1 C/m3 , ρ1 > 0. A second slab of width 2"o
W2 and positive charge density ρ2 is located over 0 < x < W2 as shown in the
−W1 x
margin. The electric field of this static charge configuration under the constraint
W1ρ1 = W2ρ2 was computed in an earlier section as
−x̂ ρ1 (x+W"o
, for − W1 < x < 0 E2x(x)
x̂ ρ2 (x−W
, for 0 < x < W2 ρ2W2
and is depicted in the margin. Determine the electrostatic potential in the re- W2 x
gion and the potential difference V21 ≡ V (W2) − V (−W1) satisfying Poisson’s
Solution: This is a one dimensional geometry where E and potential V depend only on Ex(x)
−W1 W2
coordinate x. Therefore, Poisson’s equation ∇2V = −ρ/"o takes the simplified
form x
d2 V ρ(x)
= − .
dx2 "o
Integral of this equation over x yields in the left dV
dx = −Ex , which implies, given "o
the electric field result from above,
ρ1 (x+W1 )
dV "o , for − W1 < x < 0
= ρ2 (x−W2 )
dx − "o , for 0 < x < W2
Integrating dV
once more (i.e., finding suitable anti-derivatives with integration
constants), we find
ρ1 (x+W1 )2
2"o + V1 , for − W1 < x < 0
V (x) = 2
− ρ2 (x−W2"o
+ V2 , for 0 < x < W2
where the integration constants included on each line have been selected so that −ρ1 < 0 ρ2 > 0
V2 = V (W2), V1 = V (−W1).
Requiring a unique potential value at x = 0 (we can only associate a single potential - +
energy level with each position in space) compatible with this expression for V (x), x
we obtain
ρ1 (0 + W1)2 ρ2 (0 − W2)2
+ V1 = − + V2 , −W1 W2
2"o 2"o Ex(x)
−W1 W2
from which x
ρ2 W22 + ρ1 W12 ρ2 W2 (W1 + W2 ) ρ1 W1(W1 + W2)
V21 = V2 − V1 = = = .
2"o 2"o 2"o
Note that the equation above can be solved for W1, W2, and W2 + W1 in terms of
V12 , ρ2 , and ρ1 , providing useful formulas for diode design (see ECE 440). We
V (x)
can also get useful specific formulae for V1 and V2 by imposing V (0) = 0, i.e., V2
identifying the output on the right as 3D “impulse response”
of the linear and shift-invariant (LSI) system represented
by Poisson’s equation.
3. Because of shift-invariance, we have
δ(r − r&) → Poisson’s Eqn → ,
4π"o|r − r&|
meaning that a shifted impulse causes a shifted impulse re-
The shifted impulse response is usually called “Green’s
function” G(r, r&) in EM theory.
4. Because of linearity, we are allowed to use superpositioning
arguments like
" "
ρ(r& )δ(r−r&)d3r& = ρ(r) → Poisson’s Eqn → ρ(r& ) &
d3r& = V (r),
4π"o|r − r |
which concludes our verification of the electrostatic1 potential
solution. Note how we made use of the sifting property of the
impulse (from ECE 210) in above calculation.
we next provide an outline of the proof of Helmholtz theorem (see
Lecture 4) which
# states that any vector field F(x, y, z) that vanishes in
the limit r = x2 + y 2 + z 2 → ∞ can be reconstructed uniquely from
its divergence and curl: