Bia Calculations
Bia Calculations
Bia Calculations
How to BiaCalculations
1. Calculations
This document contains a number of formulas used with surface plasmon resonance and
biomolecular interaction analysis. For the convenience of the reader, an Excel spreadsheet
(BiaCalculations.xlsm) is available on that facilitates the use of these
Name Meaning
Da Dalton
RU response units
M Molar
Mr molecular mass in Da
R response in RU
Req equilibrium response in RU
Rmax maximal response in RU
-1 -1
ka association rate constant in M s
kd dissociation rate constant in s
KD equilibrium constant in M
2 -1
D diffusion constant in m s
Please note that in order to obtain useful results, the input values should be in the correct units
(as indicated per input cell).
2. Conversions
Response 106
Gamma -2
(mole.m ) (1)
surface density (g m 2 ) (2)
surface density
binding sites (mol m 2 ) (3)
molecular mass
concentration (mol L1 ) (4)
100 * molecular mass
Response 500 RU
Molecular mass 60000 Da
Binding sites 0.0083 pmol mm
Binding sites 8.3E-09 mol m
Surface density 0.5 ng mm
Surface density 0.0005 gm
Concentration 8.3E-05 mol L
Concentration 5 mg ml
Stock concentration
Protein mg ml Da M µM
A 2.7 150000 1.80E-05 18.00
B 4.66 150000 3.11E-05 31.07
Pre dilutions
stock volume end vol. conc
µM µl µl nM
A 18.00 10 720.0 250
B 31.07 10 310.7 1000
Use this table to calculate the concentration of small compounds when dissolving small
quantities in small volumes.
Mrligand Rmax
Rligand = (RU) (5)
Mranalyte Valencyligand
Molecular mass 60000 Da
Valency 1
Activity 100 %
Molecular mass 2000 Da
Desired Rmax 100 RU
Ligand immobilization 3000 RU
Ligand sites 0.05000 pmol mm
Mranalyte Rligand Valencyligand
Rmaxanalyte (RU) (6)
Ligandsites ( )
Mrligand Valencyligand
Ligand concentration -1
(mol.l ) (8)
100 Mrligand
Rmax Mrligand
Ligandfunctional 100 (%) (9)
Rligand Mranalyte
Molecular mass 40000 Da
Immobilization 111 RU
Valency 1
Molecular mass 92000 Da
Rmax 49 Da
Rmax analyte 255 RU
Ligand sites 0.002775 pmol/mm
Ligand concentration 2.78E-05 mol/L
Ligand activity 19.2 %
flow rate(ul/min)
flowrate(l/s) -1
(l.s ) (10)
flow rate(ul/min)
flowrate(m3/s) 3
(m .s )
Flow rate f 25 μl.min
Flow rate 4.17E-07 l.s
3 -1
Flow rate 4.17E-10 m s
flowcell volume = l b h 3
(m ) (12)
flow rate -1
refresh rate= (s ) (13)
flowcell volume
-1 3 -1
Flow rate f 3 µl min 5.00E-11 m s
Height h 0.05 mm 5.00E-05 m
Width w 0.3 mm 3.00E-04 m
Length l 0.8 mm 8.00E-04 m
3 3
Volume v 1.20E-02 mm 1.20E-11 m
-1 -1
Refresh rate 250 times per min 4.2 times per s
D h 2 w l (m) (14)
2 -1 2 -1
Diffusion coefficient D 5.00E-11 m s 5.00E-11 m s
-1 3 -1
Flow rate f 3 μl min 5.00E-11 m s
Height h 0.05 mm 5.00E-05 m
Width w 0.3 mm 3.00E-04 m
Length l 0.8 mm 8.00E-04 m
ts = 60 (s) (15)
flow rate
Flow rate f 10 μl min
Flow cell volume v 0.3 μl min
Shift 1.8 s
q jw 0.0121 -1
(ul.min ) (16)
Flow rate q 25 μl min
Wall shear jw 2066 s-1
Constant f 0.0121
4. Diffusion
The diffusion coefficient (D) for a globular protein can be approximated by the formula below
(3). The f/fo is the friction factor and can be set to 1.2 if unknown. For proteins with an
increasing degree of asymmetry (less globular), this value will become larger. The v/vo is the
viscosity of the solution relative to water of 20°C. For water, the value is 0.89.
1.1011 324.3 Mr
D (m .s )
2 -1
f v
fo vo
2 -1
Diffusion factor D 8.27E-11 m s
D2 f
km 3 (m.s 1 ) (18)
0.3 h2 w l
2 -1
Diffusion factor D 6.94E-11 m s
flow rate f 5.00E-11 m/s
flow cell height h 5.00E-05 m
flow cell width w 3.00E-04 m
flow cell length l 8.00E-04 m
factor 1 0.3
factor 2 0.98
km 1.0803E-05 ms
km 1.08E-05 ms
Molecular weight Mr 66500 Da
Factor 1.00E+09
-1 -1
kt 7.18E+08 RU M s
v A * 10
(Pa.s ) (20)
A 2.41E-05 Pa.s
B 247.8 K
C 140 K
T 298 K
v 8.93E-04 Pa.s
The dynamic viscosity of water is 8.90 × 10−4 Pa·s or 8.90 × 10−3 dyn·s/cm2 or 0.890 cP at
about 25 °C.
Water has a viscosity of 0.0091 poise at 25 °C, or 1 centipoise at 20 °C.
As a function of temperature T (K): (Pa·s) = A × 10B/(T−C)
where A=2.414 × 10−5 Pa·s ; B = 247.8 K ; and C = 140 K.[citation needed]
5. Dilution
Use the dilution table to calculate minimal injection volumes and dilution steps.
Start with the flow rate, injection time and replicates.
Then transport the total volume value to the final volume (you can adjust the final volume).
Adjust the dilution step, highest desired analyte concentration and stock concentration.
In the dilution scheme, the dilutions are given. In addition, some parameters are calculated
from the input of the ka, kd and glycerol values. The column under Req (%) lists the Req value
in percentage of Rmax which can be reached when the injection time is long enough. The
values are green when the fall in the range of 10 – 90% Rmax.
Inject command KInject Inject Protein
Flow rate 30 30 ul/min Dilution step 2 x
Inject time 2 2 min Final volume 200 µl
Replicates 2 2 x Highest conc. 1000 nM
Extra volume 40 40 ul Stock concentration 8642 nM
Total volume 200 200 ul
6. Equilibrium
ka C
Req Rmax (RU ) (21)
ka C kd
Req 100% (%) (22)
xK D (23)
-1 -1
ka 1.00E+06 M s
kd 1.00E-02 s
Rmax 100 RU
Rmax 95 %
C C KD Rmax Rmax
(M) (nM) (x) (RU) (%)
1.00E-06 1000.00 100.000 99 99
5.00E-07 500.00 50.000 98 98
2.50E-07 250.00 25.000 96 96
1.25E-07 125.00 12.500 93 93
6.25E-08 62.50 6.250 86 86
3.13E-08 31.25 3.125 76 76
1.56E-08 15.63 1.563 61 61
7.81E-09 7.81 0.781 44 44
3.91E-09 3.91 0.391 28 28
1.95E-09 1.95 0.195 16 16
ln(1 )
t (s) (24)
k a C k d
-1 -1
ka 1.00E+06 M s
kd 1.00E-02 s
Rmax 100 RU
Rmax 95 %
t 12
(s ) (25)
kd t t t
(s-1) (s) (min) (hour)
1.00E-01 1 0.0 0.0
1.00E-02 5 0.1 0.0
1.00E-03 51 0.9 0.0
1.00E-04 513 8.5 0.1
1.00E-05 5129 85.5 1.4
1.00E-06 51290 854.8 14.2
kd Time Time
(s-1) (min) (hour)
1.00E-01 0.5 0.0
1.00E-02 5.0 0.1
1.00E-03 49.9 0.8
1.00E-04 499.3 8.3
1.00E-05 4992.9 83.2
1.00E-06 49928.9 832.1
7. Kinetic plot
Create a kinetic plot in Excel by adding the values in the table.
8. Report points
Reorder the report points from a Biacore 2000/3000 report point table.
9. Kinetic converter
Convert the Excel notation to the ‘power off’ notation (sort of).
10. Simulation
Simulate the association and dissociation in Excel.
11. References
1. BIACORE AB; Kinetic and affinity analysis using BIA - Level 1. 1997.
2. BIACORE AB; BIACORE Technology Handbook; 1998.
3. BIACORE AB; BiaSimulation. 1998.
4. Edwards, P. R. and Leatherbarrow, R. J.; Determination of association rate constants by an optical
biosensor using initial rate analysis. Anal.Biochem. (246): 1-6; 1997.
5. Glaser, R. W.; Antigen-antibody binding and mass transport by convection and diffusion to a surface: a
two-dimensional computer model of binding and dissociation kinetics. Anal.Biochem. (213): 152-161;
6. Karlsson, R., Michaelson, A, and Mattson, L; Kinetic analysis of monoclonal antibody-antigen
interactions with a new biosensor based analytical system. J.Immunol.Methods 229-240; 1991.
7. Katsamba, P. S. et al; Kinetic analysis of a high-affinity antibody/antigen interaction performed by multiple
Biacore users. Anal.Biochem. (352): 208-221; 2006.
8. O'Shannessy, D. J. and Winzor, D. J.; Interpretation of deviations from pseudo-first-order kinetic behavior
in the characterization of ligand binding by biosensor technology. Anal.Biochem. (236): 275-283; 1996.
12. Disclaimer
This document is compiled from the publications mentioned in the reference list and my own
research. The document is provided as is in a good scientific manner to share knowledge.
There is no warranty that the content is accurate or up to date.
You may use this document for your own research purposes. You may copy the document as
long as you keep it intact. It is not allowed to use this document or parts of it for commercial