Av 14avq
Av 14avq
Av 14avq
General Description Theory of Operation
The Hy-Gain 14AVQ/WB-S is an omnidirec- The use of heavy duty "Hy-Q Traps" provides
tional, self-supporting, vertical radiator that automatic band selection. The Hy-Q Traps
operates in the 10, 15, 20, and 40 meter are parallel resonant circuits which isolate
amateur bands. The system will work against the various sections of the antenna and give
earth ground or a resonant radial system when quarter wavelength resonance on all bands.
mounted above ground. You can make your The top hat enhances the broad-band
own radial system following the manual, or characteristics of the antenna and permits the
use the Hy-Gain 14RMQ Radial System Kit antenna to be shortened by top loading it.
available at your Hy-Gain dealer. WARNING
The antenna can be used for either Phone or When installing your system, take'
CW with either a ground or roof mount. It can extreme' care t o avoid any accidental
also be tuned to mid-band for use with either contact with'' power l i n e s or overhead
Phone or CW. In either case, the SWR band obstructions. F a i l u r e to exercise this
widths of the antenna are broad enough that care could result in serious or fatal
the antenna will operate at an SWR of 2:1 or injury.
less from 10 to 40 meters. The 14AVQ/WB-S
is supplied with stainless steel hardware and FOR OUR OVERSEAS CUSTOMERS: The
element clamps for all electrical and most United States used English units of measure-
mechanical connections. ments. Please see page 12 of this manual for
assistance in identifying the hardware and
components supplied with this product.
NOTE: If the terminals of the input connector Basically, the function of radials is to provide
are checked with an ohmmeter, they will show a low-loss return path for ground currents.
a direct short. This is normal! The matching The reason that short radials are sufficient.
coil in the antenna base puts the entire system when few are used, is that at the perimeter of
at DC ground, but present a perfect 50 ohm the circle to which the ground system extends,
impedance to rf energy the radials are sufficiently spread apart. Most
of the return currents are already in the
ground between the radials rather then in the
radials themselves. As more radials are added,
Choosing a Site the spaces between them are reduced and
The 14AVG/WB-s can be mounted on the longer lengths help to provide a path for
ground, on a rooftop or on a mast. When currents still farther out.
mounting the antenna more than three feet Since the 14AVQ/WB-S is a multi-band,
above ground, a resonant radial system must vertical antenna, the radial system should be
be used, such as Hy-Gain's 14RMQ Radial optimized on the lowest frequency you plan
System Kit. If the antenna is roof mounted to use. Higher frequencies will benefit
and the roof space is too small for a radial equally from the ground system, while lower
system, you can droop the radials over the frequencies will not show as much
edge of the roof at almost any angle without improvement.
seriously changing the performance of the To determine the optimum radial installation
antenna. The radial system must be insulated for your 14AVQ/WB-S, you must first decide
from the roof and connected to a good ground what is the limiting factor for your
for lightning protection. See Figure 5. installation.
1. Cost of radial wires
For best performance, the 14AVQ/VVB-S
should be ground-mounted clear of building
2. Land available for radials
and other structures. When the antenna is
ground-mounted, a radial system is
3. Efficiency of your antenna
sometimes not needed. In most areas, where
soil surface conductivity is poor and a good Table 1 shows some various ground system
ground plane is not possible, lay out ground configurations. System A is the least costly
radials to improve the efficiency of your and the least efficient. System F is the most
antenna. expensive, takes the most land and is the most
Installation of Radials
There is no need to make radials exactly 1/4
wavelength long for the 14AVQ/WB-S. In
fact, the only case where you should have 1/4
wavelength radials would be for
approximately 90 radials. This differs rather
dramatically from the case of the Ground-
Plane antenna where resonant radials are
installed above ground. Since the radials of a
ground-mounted vertical are actually on, if
not in, the ground, they are coupled by
capacitance or conduction to the ground, thus
resonance effects are not important.
Table 1 Optimum Ground System
Figure 2 Tubing
CAUTION 15-Meter Trap and M3
Section Assembly
All of the antenna dimensions must be set Place two, untightened #10 tubing clamps
on the mode chosen - all CW, all mid- (Item No. 17) over the 1" x 8" long M3 section
band or all phone. Mixing dimensions in (Item No. 8). Slide the M3 section part way
an attempt to improve another mode on over the upper end of the 10-meter trap, then
certain bands will only degrade
slide the lower end of the 15-meter trap (Item
performance on all bands.
No. 14) into the M3 section. Set dimension
Refer to Figure 1 in assembling the main por- "C", as shown in Figure 1, and locate the M3
tion of the antenna. so that it is equally spaced between the two
Tighten the clamps around the ends of the M3
M1 and M2 Section just enough to keep parts from slipping. They
Put a #16 tubing clamp (Item No. 18), un- will be fully tightened later.
tightened, over the M1 section (Item No.
4)(the base is attached to it already). Slip the 1 20-Meter Trap and M4
1/8" x 52" M2 section (Item No. 7) into the Section Assembly
top of the M1 and set the M2 at dimension 'A', Assemble these two parts like you did the M3
as shown in Figure 1. Slide the clamp into and the 15-meter trap. Use two more #10
place around the top of the M1 and tighten it tubing clamps, the 1" x 6 1/2" long M4 section
just enough to keep the M2 from skipping. It (Item No. 9) and the 20-meter trap (Item No.
will be fully tightened later. 15).
Recheck all dimensions. Tighten all of the Use three (3) 1/4"-20 x 3/4" bolts, nuts and
lockwashers (Item Nos 24, 27 & 26) to attach
compression clamps securely in place. the insulator to the upper end of the mounting
If you are roof mounting your antenna, use
four (4) sets of 1/4"-20 hardware for the
preceding step. Before tightening them, attach
two adjacent radials to each set of hardware
as shown in Figures 3 and 5. If desired, you
may use the four, 33 foot (10.058 m) radial
system shown.
NOTE: If your antenna is mounted more than
three feet (91.4 cm) above ground, a resonant
system must be added for proper operation.
The radial system can serve to guy the system
if insulators are used at the proper lengths
This system must be grounded for lightning
protection. Connect a ground wire to one U-
bolt on the antenna base and run it to a
buried, 8 foot (250 cm) ground rod by the
shortest route.
b. If the antenna favors the high end, 6. Most verticals are monopole antennas or
lengthen the dimension correspondingly half of a dipole. For this reason, the soil
to move the antenna to a lower conditions, when the antenna is ground
frequency as outlined above. mounted, are important as it makes up the
other half of the antenna. When you roof
4. Next, repeat this same procedure for 15 mount the antenna, radials must be used as
meters to put that band on frequency. outlined in the assembly instructions, to
provide the other half of the antenna.
5. The same procedure is then used to set up
the 20-meter band, as well as the Lightning Protection
remaining bands available, depending For maximum lightning protection, we
upon the model involved. recommend the use of a Hy-Gain LA-1
Lightning Arrestor, available from your Hy-
The following Hy-Gain verticals are well
adapted for the phasing arrangements
shown in this reports
The 18HT-S is a multi-band vertical antenna
with automatic band selection of 10-80 meters
by means of a unique stub decoupling system.
The Hy-Tower with a base loading coil
operates efficiently on 160 meters. The system
is foolproof, fed directly with a single 50 ohm
coax. No guys are required for the 24 feet high,
self-supporting tower. The top mast extends
the height to 50 feet. Two units make an ideal
phased array.
Figure 2
Typical Installation Phased (2) 18 HT 40 Meters
7200 KHz Design Frequency
When two or three identical verticals are ex-
cited directly and fed 90 degrees out of phase
with a spacing of 1/4 wave length, a cardioid
pattern results. This pattern may be switched in
either direction. By inserting a 1/4 wave length
delay line the antenna will "fire" or be directive
to that particular element. .: TWO VERTICALS
Figure 3
Cardioid-Unidirectional With Two Selectable Directions
The beam pattern for two 1./4 wave length
verticals will be approximately 120 degrees.
An arrangement of three switchable verticals
gives a 60 degree pattern in six selectable
Figure 4
360 Cardioid Arrangement
Two Phased Verticals Three Phased Verticals
Pattern Width, half power points 120 degrees 60 degrees
Gain over single vertical 4.5 dB 4.5 dB
Side attenuation 20 dB 20 dB
Rear attenuation 30 dB 30 dB
Impedance 50 Ohms 50 Ohms
Directional Characteristics Uni-directional Uni-directional
VSWR: Exceptionally low SWR is present with a phased array. If phasing lines are
correctly measured and the terminal impedance of each antenna is very close to 50 Ohms:
Typical SWR: Broadside 1.2:1, Endfire 1.4:1, Cardioid 1.2:1.
The 1/4 and 1/2 wave transformers, identified as L3, L4 and L5 are calculated from the
lowing formula:
1/4 wave 246000 x vel. vel. factor - reg. coax.
frequency (in KHz) 0.66
1/4 wave at 7200 KHz = 246000 / 7200 = 34.16 x.75
1/4 wave = 25.62
Figure 5
Typical installation (2) 18HT-S Phased for 80 and 40
Meters Selectable Broadside and Endfire Patters on 40
Meters Selectable Broadside and Endfire Patterns on 80
Meters Selectable 2 Directions Cardioid on 80 Meters
Note: Corralate Patterns to spacing used in installation
Figure 6
Radiation Patterns - Typical Spacing For Broadside And Endfire Arrangements