Muhammad Loqman Sem6
Muhammad Loqman Sem6
Muhammad Loqman Sem6
I hereby declare that this report is based on my original work except for quotations
and citations, which have been duly acknowledged. I also declare that it has not been
previously or concurrently submitted for any other degree at Universiti Sultan Zainal
This project the E-School Syllabus Application was prepared and submitted by
Muhammad Loqman Bin Sulong (Matric Number: 044590) and has been found
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful.
Alhamdulillah, I thank God for His grace and grace, I can prepare and
First of all, I would like to thank my supervisor, Dr Elissa Nadia Binti Madi
because with guidance, the advice and the thoughtful ideas given g me the opportunity
knowledge and reminders. They helped me answer every question that was important
I would like to take the opportunity to thank all lecturers of the Informatics and
Computing Faculty for their attention, guidance, and advice in helping and sharing
May Allah SWT bless to all the efforts that have been given in completing this
Thank you.
Decades ago, education has experienced transformation and grown from learning
merely in the classroom to distance learning and the virtual classroom. Likewise,
Malaysia (HEIs) in Malaysia, the delivery mechanism for a course is typically the
the potential of the mobile devices, there needs to be a study on the prospect of
providing another platform for higher education students to ensure that their learning
is supported outside the classroom. In the 21st century, exploration of the capabilities
advances, in which desktops are being replaced by tablets, software by apps, and
mobile phone by smartphones. E-School Syllabus (ESS) is application that helped the
student to improve their study where and whenever they are. This application will
follow the latest and exact syllabus of school. This application will help the student
because it is more diverse and interesting for students to understand and remember the
processes that occur in the subject as an example of the biological subject, the various
processes and the way the rules are needed, with the availability of moving graphics to
pembelajaran jarak jauh dan kelas maya. Begitu juga, pemerolehan pengetahuan
tidak lagi terhad kepada kelas. Oleh itu, tanggapan untuk mengintegrasikan
Pembelajaran (LMS) yang standard sebagai platform (Baharom & Hussain, 2013)
. Untuk merangkul potensi peranti mudah alih, perlu ada kajian tentang prospek
daripada kemajuan teknologi mudah alih, di mana desktop digantikan oleh tablet,
perisian oleh aplikasi, dan telefon mudah alih oleh telefon pintar. E-School
pengajian mereka di mana dan kapan saja. Permohonan ini akan mengikuti
sukatan pelajaran terkini dan tepat sekolah. Permohonan ini akan membantu
pelajar kerana ia adalah lebih pelbagai dan menarik untuk pelajar memahami dan
mengingati proses yang berlaku dalam subjek sebagai contoh subjek biologi,
pelbagai proses dan kaedah yang diperlukan, dengan adanya pemindahan grafik
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Background 1
1.3 Problement Statement 2
1.4 Objectives 3
1.5 Scopes 3
1.6 Activities, Milestones (Gantt Chart) 5
1.7 Limitation of work 5
1.8 Expected Result 5
1.9 Report Structure 6
2.1 Introduction 7
2.2 Literature Review 8
2.2.1 e-Learning 8
2.2.2 Mobile Application 8
2.3.2 Interactive Learning 10
2.3 Related Work 11
2.3.1 Related Research e-Learning 11
2.3.2 Related Biology Book and Application 11
3.2 Methodology Model 13
3.2.1 Analysis phase 14
3.2.2 Design phase 14
3.3.3 Development phase 15
3.3.4 Implementation phase 17
3.3.5 Evaluation phase 18
3.4 Framework Design 28
3.5 Hardware and Software Requirement 28
AR Argumented Reality
FYP1 Final year project 1
FYP2 Final year project 2
ESS e-School Syllabus
1.1 Introduction
This section is the introduction to the report for developed system. It will
provide a basic overview of the whole system. This chapter presents about the project
the system discuss about basic information about this system. Problem statements
discuss about related issues of the system. Objectives state all main goal of this
system. The scope shows who are using the system and what the user can do.
1.2 Background
A learning system based on formalized teaching but with the help of electronic
classrooms, the use of computers and the Internet forms the major component of E-
Mobile app is a software application developed specifically for use on small,
wireless computing devices, such as smartphones and tablets, rather than desktop or
laptop computers.
E-School Syllabus (ESS) is application that helped the student to improve their
study where and whenever they are. This application will follow the latest and exact
syllabus of school. This application will help the student because it is more diverse
and interesting for students to understand and remember the processes that occur in
the subject as an example of the biological subject, the various processes and the way
the rules are needed, with the availability of moving graphics to enable students to
ESS also has the questions provided for each subtopic, which means that every
subtopic is spent, the user will be asked a few questions to make sure the user
understands the subtopic. Also questions are provided if the user spends the whole
topic in order to make sure the user can really master the topic.
find applications that are parallel to the syllabus that meet the criteria with learning
methods in Malaysia are still in critical levels and need improvement in terms of
exposure to students, appealing designs to stimulate students and learning methods are
less interesting.
Problems and views on existing applications can be stated as follows:
3. Lack of question.
1.4 Objectives
Making the application more interesting with interactive design that will make
student excited to study and easier to understand though it is used for the first time
and provides students with a fun experience in understanding the subjects that are
3. To test the mobile application and to show how it can beneficial for student.
This mobile application is built to make learning activities more effective for
students by designing a more attractive design and interface. This will make the
I. Admin
b. Provide the information to the student based on services that demand
by them.
II. User
a. User need to log in into the application first to access the features.
b. Specific for Biology form 4 student and another student who want to
III. Device
Login Sign Up
Main Menu
Subtopic 1 Quiz 1
Subtopic 2 Quiz 2
Subtopic 3 Quiz 3
1.6 Activities, Milestones (Gantt Chart)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Proposal writing
Correction Proposal
Proposed Solution Methodology
Proof of Concept
Seminar Presentation
Correction Report
This application has a login that needs to be filled by the user to enter the main
menu in the E-School Syllabus. Just Android 7 Operating System (OS) and above can
use this application. Information for this application just depend on text and reference
book. This application has the database using the XAMPP software.
1.8 Expected Result
Collaborative learning ,This mobile app is something that modern students use
When ESS Success to create user friendly and interactive e-learning mobile
Thesis structure is a summary of the whole project that divided into 6 chapters.
In Final Year Project 1 (FYP1), it include 3 Chapter, Chapter 1 will discuss the
Chapter 2 will discuss the existing system. In Chapter 3, design and modeling will
also be discussed. In Final Year Project 2 (FYP2), Also have 3 chaptern Start with
Chapter 4,Chapter 4 will show the implementation of the system. Chapter 5 will show
testing and result of the system. Lastly, Chapter 6 is the conclusion of the whole
2.1 Introduction
This chapter discuss about literature review for existing system or application;
evaluating and summarizing the existing body of a complete research that done by a
researcher. It can be guideline to develop a new product so that the new product can
between the current product and the new developed product is done to overcome the
2.2.1 E-Learning
Millennial, the current generation of students, were born between 1980 and 2000.
Although some millennial have dropped out of or graduated from academia and
entered the workforce, most are still in our school systems. On average, millennial
spend 6.5 hours each day saturated in print, electronic, digital and broadcast news
media. They listen to and record music; view, create and publish Internet content; play
video games; watch television; talk on mobile phones and instant message every day.
office to work. Instead, they prefer to use technology to study at any time of the day or
night, telecommute from anywhere in the world and define “balance” in their own
individual ways.
• They are practiced users of digital technology. The Millennial generation is the
first to be surrounded by digital media. ICT has always been part of their lives, and
because of this access, Millennial naturally gravitate to it. They expect it to support
their learning and do what they need it to do. Indeed, Millennial can perform more
functions with mobile phones, handheld devices and other wireless equipment than
former generations first try to understand how a new technology works, this
generation does not marvel at it; Millennial simply accept technology, adapt to it and
use it. For example, when researching a topic, a Millennial simply “Google” it. What
Google is and how it works does not concern Millennial; they use the tool to find the
current digital learners’ needs and supports learning experiences that are collaborative,
portable, flexible and accessible, and can be integrated with the world globally,
The survey found that mobile learning typically occurs outside the classroom, with
To improve mobile learning effectiveness, students and instructors need help adopting
Current perspectives on mobile learning generally fall into the following four broad
• Techno centric. This perspective dominates the literature. Here mobile learning
is viewed as learning using a mobile device, such as a PDA, mobile phone, iPod,
extension of eLearning. These definitions are often are all-inclusive and do not help in
agreement with Traxler (2005), the techno centric e-learning based definitions only
stereotypical lecture. However, it is not at all clear that this perspective is wholly
existed for over 100 years (Peters, 1998), leading to the questions regarding the place
of mobile learning in relation to all forms of “traditional” learning, not only the
• Learner-centered. A strong linage of research into conceptualising mobile
and their colleagues. In their early research, the concept of mobile learning was
strongly linked to the device (Sharples et al., 2002) and the potential for enabling
lifelong learning (Sharples, 2000). However, it soon became clear that rather than the
device, the focus should be on the mobility of the learner. This led to considering
mobile learning from the learner’s perspective, and to the definition that: “Any sort of
learning that happens when the learner is not at a fixed, predetermined location, or
learning that happens when the learner takes advantage of learning opportunities
2005; Taylor et al., 2006) is exploring the notion of learning in the mobile age, to
For today's students, this advance translates to learning a more diverse range of
concepts, usually in less time, and without supporting resources. Students can benefit
from technology enhanced learning supplements that unify concepts and are delivered
on-demand over the Internet. Such supplements, like imaging informatics databases,
serve as innovative references for biomedical information, but could improve their
interaction interfaces to support learning. With information from these digital datasets,
multimedia learning tools can be designed to transform learning into an active process
where students can visualize relationships over time, interact with dynamic content,
informatics training for science and medicine. Additional benefits include cost-free
access and ease of dissemination over the Internet or CD-ROM. However, current
methods for the design of multimedia learning modules are not standardized and lack
Pressure from administrators at the top and students from the bottom are
pushing faculty to use modern technology to address the learning needs and
expectations of contemporary students. Yet, faculty lack adequate support and training
to adopt this new approach. The development of a multimedia module consists of five
• Build multimedia materials with web style standards and human factors
• User testing
2.3 Related Work
more references to the biology in which it will be brought into the app. Besides that,
more information about e-learning and interactive design to make this application
more interactive and valuable. Text book, Article about biology can take in the article
A Kaiser Family Foundation March 2005 Generation M: Media in the Lives of 8-18 Year
Study Olds
3.1 Introduction
In this chapter, it will explain the specific details on the methodology being
used in order to develop this project. In order to make sure the project is in the right
path, methodology plays an important role as a guide for the project to complete and
working well as plan. There is different type of methodology that is used for different
type of application. It is important to choose the right and suitable methodology for
satisfaction after the use an app. The design and development of an application
prototype in this study are based on the ADDIE instructional design model.
The ADDIE are ;
• Analysis
• Design
• Development
• Implementation
• Evaluation
The ADDIE framework is a cyclical process that evolves over time and
study was conducted to develop an educational mobile application for Biology student
by eliciting learning content and evaluating learners’ satisfaction after the use an app.
The design and development of an application prototype in this study are based on the
This step is the description process of what is going to be taught and forms the
basis of all other steps. In this step, the designer determines the needs and the
difference between knowledge, skills, and behaviors, which the learners presently
have, and behaviors which they must have or they are expected to have. In other
words, needs analysis is conducted. The system is analyzed and the problem and the
roots of the problem are described. To outline the problem, the subject field and the
target group were determined in the Analysis phase of the mobile educational
application developed according to the ADDIE Design Model. The subject field was
Biology class and the target group was selected as Form 4 Secondary School. The
target group examined the features of design and development of a mobile application
including pre-learning, the degree of readiness concerning the subject and use of
technology. Examining the target group as for these features guided the determination
of the content and the design of the mobile educational application (presentation,
there are not many technologies based materials available, it was decided that the
prepared educational application can be used for different purposes to ensure that the
students can practice and review materials at their own learning pace as well as
data obtained during the analysis phase and how the objectives will be reached is
clarified. In other words, it is the part where the instruction method, learning theories,
learning objectives and activities, lesson plans, instructional strategy, and media
selection become clear. During the design phase, it was discussed how to teach the
subject field by taking into consideration the features of the target group. Thus, the
the students to exchange ideas; to ensure communication between students; to give the
control to students and; to give a guiding role to the teacher during the process. The
content was formed as well as the general framework of the design (for example the
screen design, interface, navigation, and accessibility) was developed. The references,
where the subjects chosen for the content design are included, were reviewed and the
content concerning one main topic and all subtopic for Biology subject was
objectives. Activities design to be carried out to achieve the objectives of ESS should
clearly with the objective of learning, organize content, explain the concept, present
the concept in many ways, provide a meaningful Quiz and Test, provide sufficient
exercise, make sure the example is relevant to the context, create a closure and able to
promote discussion.
3.3.3 Development phase
This is the process of producing the instruction materials, all the tools which
will be used during instruction and any kind of support materials. The product is
created during this phase and an evaluation, which is mostly for correction, is made
and modifications are carried out if necessary. The detailed plan prepared during the
phases of analysis and the design is implemented and all the components of the
learning environment are developed and the environment is prepared for the test.
Based on the learning objectives and structure determined in the analysis and design
requiring hardware and selection of the right authoring tools. Authoring tool refers to
software such as Android developer tools (ADB) or through the online based software
Regardless of whether the end user will be in the classroom or outside of the class
hour, it is necessary to put the design into practice with the actual learners. The
purpose of this part is to introduce the designed instruction in a way that it will be
effective and efficient. During this phase, the students should be supported to ensure
that they understand the material and they are aware of the objectives and there should
The use of prototyping can be used in the classroom or outside the classroom
by exploring activities that are available in prototypes such as access to the notes
section, quizzes, discussion material, and reflection. The first prototype of ESS is an
entire system consists of the clients (Android supported mobile device), system
administrator, database and the server. After developing the application, the prototype
tested severally on the emulator and actual devices to check the functionality of the
different devices. Then, the prototype (ESS apps) installed on the real mobile device
and expert, the problematic or missing parts of the mobile educational application
were reviewed and as a result of all the modifications, the mobile application was
prepared for the real implementation. The results collected from the pre and post-test,
such as the right or wrong answers that the students gave, guided the review of the
The last major step in the process is the evaluation phase. Evaluation can
happen at any stage of the instructional design process. There are two types of
instructional materials that have been designed. Therefore, the formative evaluation
occurs at every level stage starting from the need analysis stage to the implementation
stage to ensure the effectiveness of mobile learning applications. At the stage of
development, when the prototype has started distributed, the Alpha and Beta test
conducted. The Alpha test involves a group of experts engaged to obtain feedback
concerning the prototype while Beta test involves the use of prototype among the
3.4 Framework/ Storyboard
3.5 Hardware and Software Requirement
Storage 1TB.
3.6 Software
i. Xampp
This software used to manage the connection between
Apache and MySQL for this project.
3.7 Application Design and Modeling Application
4.1 Introduction
are executed to ensure the system is developing according to the main objectives of
the application and fulfill the user requirement. Testing will be executed the developer
will recognize the detects as soon as possible and repair it immediately. A successful
help developer design, code, test, debug and execute the main process of the project.
4.2 Implementation
Figure 4.2.1 Show the loading page. It takes a few second to go home page.
4.2.2 Key-in Name Page
Figure 4.2.2 : Show the input field for input the name. This name will use to record
the total score to Firebase Database. If user just using for notes and glossary, just click
4.2.3 Home Page
Figure 4.2.3 : Home Page section have 4 button, Button to go to Note Page (1), Quiz
Page (2) , Glossary Page (3) and for Close the Application (4) .
4.2.4 Chapter 2 Subtopic Selection
Figure 4.2.4 : Subtopic selection page have 4 button, Note 2.1 (1), Note 2.2 (2), Note
4.2.5 Note Page
Figure 4.2.5 : In Note Page have 3 type of button, Play and Pause sound and Back .
This sound button explain about model and diagram of the notes.This page also have
4.2.6 Quiz Menu Page
Figure 4.2.4 : Quiz Menu Page have 3 Button, Play Button (1), Achievement (2), Back
Button (3) . Play Button will bring user to Quiz Page that have 3 level of Quiz. First,
Drag and Drop , Change Letter to Correct Words and Last , Multiple Choice Question.
Achievement Button will go to Achievement Page that show Top User Score.
4.2.7 Quiz Page
Figure : Quiz level
2 when answer is correct.
4.2.8 Achievement Page
Figure 4.2.8 : Show the Leader Board or Top Score Board. The highest Score will be
on first place on this Leader Board. Name taken from input field that key-in from user
4.2.9 Glossary Page
Figure 4.2.9 : This Glossary Page need user input for search the words. When user key
in the input and click the search button (Figure , output will be appear (Figure
Figure 4.2.9. : Input Field for search word and Search Button.
4.2.10 Firebase Database
Firebase Database giving users the ability to log in and save and retrieve user
data can collect score and player data. Firstly, setup Firebase Authentication and
Realtime Database modules and the Firebase SDK. After that, we must to script some
basic functionality for key-in name in Login Page (Figure 4.2.2 & for user
key-in name and progresses to more complex functions like saving and fetching data
(Score) , waiting for responses while providing good visual feedback, and displaying
4.2.11 3D Model
and present them into notes that can be rotate 360 degree. This project created 3D
model using Autodesk Maya (Figure included with the animation and
texture. Furthermore, some object also downloads from website page name
and animation.
Figure : Website for searching model of skeleton
investigate the testing phase where the test of the design and set requirement. Testing
is needed to test system full function and free error. There are three type testing in
application. Those are unit testing, integrate testing and system testing. Unit testing is
carried out to verify the functionality or specific section code. Integration testing
works to exposed defects in the interfaces and interaction between modules. End-to-
testing or system tests a complete integrated system to verify that it meets its
satisfied. User usability can be define as a sequence of steps to test the correct
4.4 Summary
implementation in this chapter that have been describe and show all the set interface in
the application. It can act as guide for new user to use this application. Testing also
have been done to ensure that all the function run smoothly. Furthermore, it also
describes the test case that has been done during the development processes.
5.1 Introduction
In this chapter, the result of the project is discussed and concluded. The content of this
E-School Syllabus is a more application for learning for Form 5 Biology and
First, Notes section, various effective learning methods that have 3d models,
2)Scramble Word
3)Multiple Question
Last, Glossary to find the term not understood.. It has achieved the objectives
and scope of this project. Below is the list of the achievement on this project:
school students.
3. To test the mobile application and to show how it can beneficial for
There are a few problems and limitations that occur throughout the development of
this project. This problems and limitation during project development is when playing
audio, the audio must manually pause (click to stop sound symbol) for scroll further.
3D model cannot zoom and not compatible if zoom method insert to this model.
E-School Syllabus still has to be improved. There is some suggestion that can be made
in order to upgrade the application to be more efficient in the future. The suggestion is
adding more caption or audio that explain about the figure , model or process. For
more attractive for this application, this application can put function like Argumented
Reality (AR) for make this application more fun for learning. I hope this application
might be a sell in the market so that teacher and parent teaching with their student
more efficient.
5.5 Conclusion
As a conclusion, E-School Syllabus is the application that focuses of
recommendation for learning and study Biology Subject to teach for the student.
ADDIE model has been used in this system to analysis, design, development,
implementation and evaluation the suitable category or type of mobile devices for
user’s daily life. The storyboard interface design that included in this report can also
Kebangsaan Malaysia.
3. Bidin, S., & Abu, A. (2013). Adoption and application of mobile learning in