Koel Engine, Ha Operation and Maintenance Manual (Ha - SR)

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1. Foreword 1- 6
2. Engine Description 7 - 22
3. Engine Operation 23 - 34
4. Operating Media 35 - 38
5. Routine Maintenance 39 - 44
6. Service & Maintenance 45 - 68
7. Faults, Causes & Remedies 69 - 72
8. Engine Preservation 73 - 76
9. Technical Specifications 77 - 86

Dear Customer,
We are happy to provide you with latest revision of HA We maintain the facility for operators training for
series O & M manual. maintenance of Kirloskar diesel engines. Please contact
our authorized service dealer / distributors nearest to you
The HA series air cooled engines are developed and to avail this facility.
supplied for wide range of application meeting your
requirements. Continuous improvements in the product design are
incorporated from time to time which may not be included
We assure you that all necessary safety precautions and in this manual
regulations have been adhered to in the design, material
The manual is updated periodically to include such changes
and manufacturing of HA Series engines. All the engines
in the latest editions.
under go stipulated performance test before being
delivered to customers. Should you have any queries, fully equipped and trained
team from Kirloskar Customer Support will be happy to
This manual provides specifications and operations provide the help.
guidelines for of HA series engines, routine maintenance,
services maintenance procedure. The performance of In case of any difficulty please contact
engine largely depends on its proper maintenance and up
keep. Hence, please maintain your HA engine properly as KIRLOSKAR OIL ENGINES LTD
per the guidelines and schedules given in this manual. Customer Support
Laxmanrao Kirloskar Road, Khadki
We recommend that only trained manpower should perform Pune 411 003 (INDIA)
the operation and maintenance tasks on the engine. Always Help Desk – 1800 2333344, 020-66084608
use the genuine Kirloskar spare parts whenever required Help Desk ID – [email protected]
for periodic maintenance as well as for engine repairs. Visit us at : www.kirloskar.com
Visit us at : www.koel.co.in


This warranty applies to the HA Series KOEL Diesel from faulty material or workmanship, provide always
Engine. that such defective parts are promptly returned
carriage paid to our works and provided that Fuel
Duration of Warranty
and lubricants approved by us, have been
For Industrial Application (Engines working for Earth continuously used. The repaired or (at its option) new
moving equipment, material handling equipment and parts will be delivered free of cost, EX-works.
liquid handling pumps, e.g. Backhoe Loader, Vibratory
At the termination of such period of 12 calendar
Compactor, Concrete Pump, Transit Mixer,
months (or six calendar months as the case may be)
Excavators, Pick and Carry Crane, Fork Lift Truck, Fire
all liability on our part ceases.
Fighting Pumpsets etc.) - Within 18 Calendar Months
from Date of Dispatch from KOEL or 3600 operating In the case of goods not of our manufacture (e.g.
hours or 12 calendar months from date of installation Fuel Injection Equipments, Electrical Components like
or within six calendar months where the machinery Starter, Alternator, Turbocharger), you are entitled
has run continuously day and night, Whichever to the benefits of respective manufacturers warranty
occurs first. given to us. In respect there of and our liability in
respect of such goods is limited to the warranty given
Scope of Warranty
by the respective manufacturer. In no case shall we
After the Engine has been taken delivery by you, we be liable for the fitting charges of replacement parts
expressly guarantee, in lieu of any warranty implied of thereof.
by law, to make good any defective parts in machinery
The defective parts replaced by us shall become our
of our own manufacture, which defect develops
property. All goods are supplied on the Condition
under proper use and necessary maintenance
that we shall not be liable for any loss incurred
practices as written in this manual and arises solely

through stoppages or any consequential damages. 3. The cost of maintenance or regular service of the
Warranty for rubber parts like AVM’s, Belts, Hoses, O engine.
rings etc will be six months from date of installation.
4. Any damage due to idle storage of engine beyond
Limitations and Exclusions period of 6 months without treatment of long
This warranty does not apply to
5. Any damage due to use of lubrication oil, fuel
1. To fair wear and tear or to damage due to
quality and grade not recommended by Kirloskar
negligence or improper handling or incorrect
Oil Engines Ltd.
application or incorrect installation by the
purchaser, or his employees or agents or in the 6. Any damage resulting from improper shutdown.
case of repairs or alterations carried out by the
7. Any failure to meet its obligations hereunder which
purchaser without our knowledge and written
are due to circumstances beyond its reasonable
control including but not limited to industrial
2. To reconditioned or second-hand combination sets disputes, fire, severe weather conditions,
or Engines. The Engines will be deemed to have government decisions, material shortage, power
been taken over by the customer upon dispatch or machinery breakdown or failure or war.
from our works, in the case of direct deliveries EX-
8. Gradual reduction in operating performance
Factory and from the godowns of our authorized
commensurate with the age, kilometers covered
Dealers viz. Distributors and Dealers, in the case
or operating hours, including but not limited to,
of supplies from their stock and this warranty will
gradual loss of engine compression or gradual
come into effect from that time.
increase in oil consumption due to normal
operating functions.

9. We will not be responsible for loss or damage to
goods beyond the delivery stated in our tender
and we will repair or replace free of charge goods
damaged in transit upto the point of delivery by
us, as specified above.
This warranty is the only document given by us
warranting the Kirloskar HA series engine. No other
document giving any warranty terms conflicting these
contents shall be considered and entertained.

2. Engine Description

2.1 Model
2.2 Engine Illustration
2.3 Lube Oil System
2.4 Fuel System
2.5 Engine Cooling System
2.6 Air Inlet System
2.7 Exhaust System

2.1 Model 2. Engine Description

2.1.1. Rating plate 2.1.2. Rating Plate Location.

For Genset For Industrial


RATING kW/hp rpm RATING kW/hp rpm






The engine model and engine serial no. are stamped on nameplate along with engine The nameplate is fixed on engine
rating, rpm and referred standard. The nameplate details must be given while ordering crankcase as shown.
spares and asking for service.

2. Engine Description 2.1 Model

2.1.3. Cylinder Numbering. 2.1.4. Direct Injection

1 2 3 4 5 6

Cylinder are numbered consecutively, Engines are with direct fuel injection to
beginning at the flywheel end. meet high performance and pollution

2.2 Engine Illustration 2. Engine Description

2.2.1. Service Side.

HA694 NA

1. Cooling Blower
2. Lifting Hook
3. Fuel Injection Pump
4. Flywheel Housing
5. Crank Pulley
6. Belt Tension Unit
7. Oil Filler Neck / Cap
8. Lube Oil Sump
9. Lube Oil Filter
10. Fuel Filter
11. Air Cowling
12. V-Belt
13. Feed Pump
14. Lube Oil Drain Plug

2. Engine Description 2.2 Engine Illustration

2.2.2. Exhaust Side.

HA694 NA
15. Charging Alternator
16. Starter
17. Crankcase
18. Crankcase Breather
19. Flywheel
20. Rocker Cover
21. Air Intake Manifold
22. Exhaust Manifold

2.2 Engine Illustration 2. Engine Description

2.2.3. Service Side.

HA694 TC

1. Cooling Blower
2. Lifting Hook
3. Fuel Injection Pump
4. V-Belt
5. Crank Pulley
6. Belt Tension Unit
7. Oil Filler Neck
8. Lube Oil Sump
9. Lube Oil Filter
10. Fuel Filter
11. Air Cowling
12. Rocker Cover
13. Feed Pump
14. Lube Oil Drain Plug

2. Engine Description 2.2 Engine Illustration

2.2.4. Exhaust Side.

HA694 TC
15. Exhaust manifold
16. Charging Alternator
17. Starter
18. Crankcase
19. Crankcase Breather
20. Flywheel Housing
21. Flywheel
22. Turbocharger
23. Air Intake Manifold

2.3 Lube Oil System 2. Engine Description

2.3.1. HA694 NA

1 Lube Oil Sump

21 20 2 Suction Pipe
16 15
3 Lube Oil Pump
4 Pressure Relief Valve
6 5 Delivery Pipe
6 Lube Oil Cooler
7 Lube Oil Filter
13 8 Relief Valve (not shown)
18 9 Oil Gallery
10 Main Bearing
11 Large End Bearing
12 Camshaft Bearing
13 Tappet with groove for pulse fed
4 rocker arm lubrication.

7 9 1 12 2
8 11 10

2. Engine Description 2.3 Lube Oil System

2.3.1. HA694 NA

14 Push Rod

21 20 15 Rocker Arm Bearing

16 15
16 Metering Plug
17 Push Rod Cover Tube
6 18 Restrictor ( for lubrication of gears)
19 Spray Nozzle for Piston Cooling
20 Connection for Pressure Gauge
13 21 Oil Pressure Gauge
18 22 Fuel Pump Connected to Lube Oil

7 9 1 12 2
8 11 10

2.3 Lube Oil System 2. Engine Description

2.3.2. HA694 TC

1 Oil Sump
2 Suction Pipe
6 21 17 16
7 3 Oil Pump
4 Pressure Valve
5 Delivery Pipe
23 6 Pipe to Oil Cooler
7 Oil cooler plate type
8 Lube Oil Filter
9 Safety Valve
10 Oil Gallery
11 Main Bearing
8 12 Big-End Bearing

3 13 Camshaft Bearing


24 11
10 20 1 12

2. Engine Description 2.3 Lube Oil System

2.3.2. HA694 TC

14 Tappet with groove for pulse fed

rocker arm lubrication
6 21 17 16 15 Push Rod
16 Rocker Arm Bearing
15 17 Metering Plug
18 Push Rod and Cover Tube
19 Restrictor Hole
20 Nozzle for Piston Cooling
22 21 Oil Pipe to Turbocharger
14 22 Oil return Pipe
19 23 Oil Pressure Gauge



24 11
10 20 1 12

2.4 Fuel System 2. Engine Description

2.4.1. Fuel System

1. Fuel tank
2. Fuel pipe - tank to fuel pump
3. Fuel feed pump
8 7
4. Fuel filter
6 5. Injection pump
6. Fuel injection pipe
5 7. Fuel Injector
4 8. Leak-off pipe

2 9. Fuel overflow line

10. Overflow valve
11. Fuel return line to tank
A. Clearance; keep as far apart as
possible. (Min. 200mm)


2. Engine Description 2.5 Engine Cooling System

2.5.1. Cooling Air Flow

Air cooling for the engine is achieved by

highly efficient,quite integral, axial blower
having sufficient reserve capacity to cope
up with high ambient temperatures. The
blower is driven by the engine crankshaft
pulley through ‘V‘ belts. The ‘V‘ belts
tension is maintained by belt tensioning

Air flow from the blower is directed on
the liners and cylinder heads by
detachable sheet metal lower & upper


2.6 Air Inlet System 2. Engine Description

2.6.1 Air Inlet System

Fresh air from

atmosphere Cleane air to
engine Wire clamps
Insert for Air inlet
restiction Cover

Dust air to
bowl engine

Dust First
stage PU
in dust bowl Safety support Mounting
Strap Safety Vaccuator
element Valve
Lube oil element

Engine requires fresh, clean, cool, and Figure above shows the construction of Figure above shows the construction of
sufficient quantity of air to burn the fuel oil bath air cleaner used on HA series dry type air cleaner used on HA series
and satisfactory performance. engines. engines. Dry type air cleaners are generally
used for earth moving, construction
Clean air is required to avoid unnecessary Oil bath air cleaner are generally used for equipments.
wear & tear of engine componant. light duty application.
The filtration efficiency of Dry type air
Air Intake System consist of Pre-cleaner, The filtration efficiency of oil bath air cleaner is 98.9 - 99.9%.
Air cleaner, Hose & Air Inlet Manifold. cleaner is 96 - 98%. Generally two elements are used in this
Pre-cleaner - Air enters pre-cleaner type of air cleaner - Main element & Safety
through angled fins which causes air swirl. element.
Thus heavier dust particles are collected
Restriction indicator is provided for all
in plastic dust bowl.
dry type air cleaners.
Cleaning of filter element is required when
restiction indicator shows red signal even
after engine has stopped. 21
2. Engine Description 2.7 Exhaust System

2.7.1 Exhaust System

The Exhaust System is necessary to direct

exhaust gases to non confined areas &
reduce the noise level to tolerable level.
Exhaust system should exhert minimum
back pressure on engine. Exhaust back
pressure should be restricted to less than
50 mm of Hg.
Exhaust system consist of exhaust
manifold, adaptor & exhaust silencer.
Exhaust piping should be lagged to avoid
injury to operating personnel.
Total length of exhaust pipe should not
exceed 15 meters and should have
maximum of four right angle bends. Avoid
using elbows. Increase pipe I.D. by 1.5” The figure above shows HA694 Engine The figure above shows HA394 Engine
after every 5 meter length of exhaust pipe. with exhaust outlet facing downwards. with exhaust manifold cum silencer.
Expansion bellows & flexible pipes should Exhaust silencer is mounted separately on
be installed between engine & exhaust the equipment & connected to exhaust
piping. manifold by flexible piping.

The exhaust pipe outlet should be bent so

that outgoing exhaust gases are not
recirculated. The exhaust pipe outlet
should be bent in the direction of wind &
the end should be cut at an angle of 450.
There shold be rain trap to avoid rain water
entry. If rain cap is used the distance
between exhaust pipe & rain cap should
22 be 2.5 times diameter of exhaust pipe.
3. Engine Operation

3.1 Commissioning
3.2 Starting
3.3 Monitoring System
3.4 Stopping
3.5 Operating Conditions

3.1 Commissioning 3. Engine Operation

3.1.1 Adding Engine Oil 3.1.2 Filling Oil Bath Air 3.1.3 Adding Fuel

Oil Level

Engines are delivered with first fill oil. Fill oil bowl of oil bath air cleaner with Use only High speed diesel fuel. For fuel
engine oil up to the mark. For oil specs. specs refer 4.2
Refer 4.1

Do not fill oil into the dust Never fill the tank while the
collector of the pre - cleaner, if engine is running. Observe
provided. cleanliness and do not spill any
3. Engine Operation 3.1 Commissioning

3.1.4 Fuel System Ventilation 3.1.5 Other Preparations 3.1.6 Additional Maintenance

* Check battery and lead connections The following maintenance should be

Also check cable connection at the carried out after 50 operating hours;
starter and alternator end for tightness.
* Change lube oil see 6.1.2
* Remove engine lifting tackle.
* Change oil filter element /cartridge, see
* Trial run
After completing the engine
* Change fuel filter element / cartridge.
preparations run the engine for about
See 6.2.1
10-15 min. at no load. While engine is
running check lube oil pressure (3.5 to * Check V-belts and retension if
4.5 kg/cm 2 ), lube oil temperature. necessary, see 6.5
(Within green zone) * Check the engine for any leakages.
During and after trial run
- Check for any leakages.
* After trial run and engine stationary
* Loosen overflow valve 1 on the fuel - Check oil level, refer 6.1.2
pump. if required top up oil, refer 3.1.1
* Loosen hand pump 2 of the fuel feed Retension V-belts, refer 6.5
pump at the knurled grip by
* Running in
unscrewing it.
During running in period- about 50
* Operate the hand pump till fuel flow
running hours, check oil level twice a
without air bubble at overflow valve.
day After running in, checking oil level
* Tighten the overflow valve while fuel once a day will be sufficient.
is flowing simultaneously operating
the hand pump
* Tighten the hand pump at knurled grip

3.2 Starting 3. Engine Operation

3.2.1 Electric Starting Starting Without Cold-Start


Before starting, make sure that

nobody is standing in the
immediate vicinity of the
engine or driven machine.
Stopping OFF ON
After repair work; Lever
Check that all guards have been replaced SRART
and all tools have been removed from Charge Lamp
the engine.
When starting with flame glow system,
do not use any other starter substance
(e. g. injection with start pilot).
Caution: If the speed regulator has been
removed for any reason, the engine must
not be started under any circumstances.
Disconnect the battery.
* Where possible, disengage the * Insert key.
Do not actuate the starter for more than - Position OFF = no operating voltage.
Caution: If the speed regulator has
10 seconds. If the engine does not start * Turn key clockwise
been clutch to separate the engine
wait a minute then try again. - Position ON = operating voltage
removed for any reason, the engine
If the engine does not start after two from any driven equipment. must not - Charge Lamp comes on.
attempts, refer to the Diagnosis Chart be started under any (If applicable)
(see 7.1) * Move speed control lever 1 to * Turn key further clockwise against
circumstances. idle position. spring pressure.
- Position 2 = start
* Release key as soon as engine fires
- Charge Lamp goes out. (If applicable)

3. Engine Operation 3.2 Starting

With Cold-Start Aid/Flame With Cold-Start Aid/Flame

Glow Plug - 12V Glow Plug - 24V

Push button for Push button for

cold starting ON cold starting ON

Charge Lamp Charge Lamp

* Insert key. * Insert key.

- Position OFF = no operating voltage. - Position OFF = no operating voltage.
* Turn key clockwise * Turn key clockwise
- Position ON = operating voltage - Position ON = operating voltage
- Charge Lamp comes on. - Charge Lamp comes on.
* Press push button Glow plug indicator * Press push button Glow plug indicator
come on Hold the push button for come on Hold the push button for 30
60 sec & release. sec & release.
Glow plug indicator goes out Glow plug indicator goes out
* Immediately turn key further clockwise * Immediately turn key further clockwise
against spring pressure. against spring pressure.
Position START = Engine cranking Position START = Engine cranking
* Release key as soon as engine fires. * Release key as soon as engine fires.
28 - Charge Lamp goes out. - Charge Lamp goes out.
3.3 Monitoring System 3. Engine Operation

3.3.1 Engine Lube Oil Pressure 3.3.2 Engine Oil Temperature 3.3.3 Belt Failure Switch For
HA394/494/694 &
Lube Oil Pressure Gauge Lube Oil Temp. Indicator HA494TC/694TC

The pointer indicates the lube oil pressure The lube oil temperature gauge pointer If the V - Belt fails, lever of automatic belt
of engine. It must be above minimum lube should be in green sector while engine is tension actuates thePressure pin of
oil pressure. Refer 9.1 running. If the pointer enters the red sector electrical switch. An audible/visual alarm
then oil temperature is beyond acceptable is initiated.
limits. Shut Down engine and refer Shut down the engine immediately to
diagnosis chart (Refer 7.1 ) for the cause prevent engine overheating.
of high oil temp.

3. Engine Operation 3.2 Starting

3.3.4 High cylinder Head 3.3.5 Belt Failure System

Temperature Switch Mechanical Shutdown
For HA294 Engine

Cylinder head temperature switch (Set If the V - Belt fails, lever (1) of automatic
point 175 ± 50 C) protects the engine in belt tension operates the lever (2), which
case of belt failure. in turn operates stopping lever of the fuel
pump. Thus the engine is stopped.

3.4 Stopping System 3. Engine Operation

3.4.1 Manual Shutdown 3.4.2 Electrical Shutdown

Ignition Key

Push button for

cold starting ON

Lever Charge Lamp

* Move the accelerating lever to idle * If possible, do not suddenly switch off * Stop solenoid is connected to fuel
position (if possible) the engine when under full load. Allow pump stopping lever through a lever.
* Allow the engine to run for 5 Minutes. it to run for 5 Minutes without load. Stop solenoid used is ‘Energised To
(If Possible) without load. * Turn key anticlockwise (to position OFF) Stop’ type.
* Pull the stop lever / stopping cable till and remove. * Turning the key anticlockwise (to
the engine comes to halt. The Charge Lamp goes out. position OFF) battery voltage is
supplied to stop solenoid.
Charge Lamp comes on when engine
stops. * Coil of the stop solenoid is energised
& pulls the plunger, with in turn operates
* Turn the key anticlockwise and remove
the stopping lever of the fuel pump
the key.
there by stopping the engine.
Charge lamp goes out.

3. Engine Operation 3.5 Operating Conditions

3.5.1 Winter Operation

* Lube Oil Viscosity * Cold- Start Aid

- Select the oil viscosity (SAE grade) - At temperatures near or below
according to the ambient freezing point use flame glow plugs
temperature when the engine is if necessary, see 3.2.1
started, see 4.1.2
- Increase oil change frequency when
operating below -10°C, see 6.1.1
* Diesel Fuel
- Use winter- grade diesel fuel
operation below 0°C, see 4.2.2
* Additional Maintenance Work
- Drain the sludge from the fuel tank
once a week. (Unscrew the drain
* Battery.
- If necessary, allow the oil in the oil
bath air cleaner and the engine oil to - Efficient cold starting requires a
settle at the ambient temperature healthy battery, see 6.7.1
while checking oil level. - The starting limit temperatures can
- Below -20°C after removing the starter be lowered by 4-5°C by heating the
if necessary, smear the ring gear on battery up to about +20°C (to do so,
the flywheel via the pinion bore from remove the battery and store in a
time to time with cold resistant grease. warm place.)

3.5 Operating Conditions 3. Engine Operation

3.5.2 High Ambient Tempera-

tures, High Altitude

* In case of doubts about engine

operation under severe conditions,
refer to your dealer / equipment
supplier whether engine has been
derated for power to enhance service
life, reliability and exhaust gas quality.
Otherwise contact KIRLOSKAR

* As the altitude and ambient

temperature rise, the density of air
tends to decrease, which affects the
maximum power output of the engine,
the exhaust gas quality and in extreme
cases the starting behavior.,
The engine can be used for operating
conditions other than NTP conditions
(Temp. - 27deg.C, R.H. 60% & 100m
above sea level ) however power
output will have to be derated

4. Operating Media

4.1 Lube Oil

4.2 Fuel


4.1 Lube Oil 4. Operating Media
4.1.1 Quality Grade 4.1.2 Viscosity

Lube oil of correct viscosity and Multi-grade oil should be used.

detergency grades should be used It is As the viscosity of lube oil is dependent
recommended to use ‘K Oil Super’ on temperature. the choice of SAE grade
( SAE15W40 ). For detergency it should should be governed by the ambient
comply with following specifications:- temperature prevailing at the engine
operating site..
Is 13656:2002 API Optimum operating behavior will be
E - DL2 CF attained if you take the accompanying oil
viscosity diagram as a guide Should be
CF+ temperature fall temporarily below the
E - DL3 MACK limits of the SAE grade selected, cold
T - 7 / T - 8A starting may be affected but the engine
E - DL4 CF4 will not be damaged.
In order to keep wear to a minimum, do
KOEL approved Lube Oils :- not exceed application limits for extended
period of time.
Manufacturing Co. Trade Name
Bharat Petroleum Bharat Ultra
Supreme 15W40
Hindustan Petroleum Hylube LL15W40
Indian Oil Corporation Servo Premium
XHP15W40 Only with preheating

Warranty is applicable on use

of ‘K Oil Super’ engine oil only.

4. Operating Media 4.1 Lube Oil

4.2.1 Quality Grade 4.2.2 Winter Grade Fuel

The commercially available diesel fuel Waxing may occur at low temperatures
with sulphur content less than 0.05% be clogging the fuel system and reducing
used. If sulphur content is higher, then oil engine efficiency. If the ambient
change period should be halved. The temperature is less than 0 deg. C Winter
following specifications / standards are grade fuel ( suitable down to -20deg.cel. )
approved should be used. This fuel is usually
available from filling stations well in
* IS 1460 : 2005 advance of the cold months.
* ASTM D975 - 88 :1-D & 2-D
* At temperatures below -20deg C.
kerosene should be added to the diesel
fuel. The relevant percentages are given
in the diagram at the right.
If summer grade diesel fuel must be used
at temperatures below 0 deg.C, up to 60%
kerosene can be added ( see diagram )
Legend :
I Summer diesel fuel
II Winter diesel fuel
A Outside temprature
B Percentage of kerosene to be

Diesel fuels must never be Mix in tank only. Fill with the
mixed with petrol appropriate amount of
kerosene first, then the diesel
5. Routine Maintenance

5.1 Maintenance Schedule

5.2 Maintenance Work Completed

5.1 Maintenance Schedule 5. Routine Maintenance

Operating Hours Job Refer section

Daily 250 500 750 1000 5000 9000
Oil level in engine 6.1.2
Air Cleaner - oil bath 6.4
Air Cleaner - dry type 6.4
Battery & lead connections 6.7.1
S Cooling system 6.3
Engine lube oil 6.1.2

Major Overhaul
Lube oil filter element / cartridge 6.1.3

Top Overhaul
Fuel strainer 6.2
V - Belt tension 6.5.3
V - Belt 6.5.2 / 6.5.4
Fuel filter insert - pre-filter element / cartridge 6.2
Fuel filter insert - micro filter element / cartridge 6.2
Fasteners 9.2
Starter & Alternator
Valve clearance 6.6
Safety system 6.5.5
Flame heater 6.9.2

Checking Recommended Change SClean Fuel Filter Insert Change For HA2/HA3 Engines Only

Note - i) For use of any recommended lube oil other than K Oil Super, lube oil change period will be 250 hours.
ii) Above maintenance schedule is applicable for Standard Operating Conditions.
5. Routine Maintenance 5.2 Maintenance Work Completed

Hours Date Remark Signature / Stamp


5.2 Maintenance Work Completed 5. Routine Maintenance

Hours Date Remark Signature / Stamp


5. Routine Maintenance 5.2 Maintenance Work Completed

Hours Date Remark Signature / Stamp


6. Service & Maintenance

6.1 Lubrication system

6.2 Fuel System
6.3 Cooling System
6.4 Combustion Air System
6.5 Belt Drive
6.6 Adjustments
6.7 Accessories
6.8 Engine Cleaning
6.9 Additional Maintenance

6.1 Lubrication System 6. Service & Maintenance

6.1.1. Oil Change Intervals

* The oil change intervals are Engine Operating Conditions

dependent on engine application and - Normal Duty
operating environment. Refer
subsequent table. Naturally
Aspirated & 500 hrs.
* If the engine runs fewer hours than Turbocharged
stated in the table, oil should be
changed atleast once in a year.
* The oil change period in table refer
to following operating conditions:
Ambient temperature down to -
10deg.C. sulphur content less than
* If the sulphur content is above 0.05%
to 1% or operating temperature is
below -10deg.C. then oil change
intervals should be halved.
* If case fuel containing more than 1%

Recommended lube oil For use of any recommended

change period is applicable in lube oil other than K Oil Super,
case of use of K Oil Super in the lube oil change period will be
engine, sourced from Kirloskar 250 hours. 47
Service Dealer only.
6. Service & Maintenance 6.1 Lubrication System

6.1.2. Checking Oil Level / 6.1.2. Checking Oil Level /

Changing Engine Oil Changing Engine Oil Checking Oil Level Engine Oil Change


+ 800C
+ 1760F

* Ensure engine is horizontal. * Ensure that the engine or vehicle is on * Place oil tray under the engine.
* Stop the engine if running, wait for 30 a level surface. Unscrew drain plug.
minutes * Start the engine if idle. * Drain oil.
* Remove the oil dipstick. * Allow the engine warm up * Fit oil drain plug, with the new gasket
* Wipe the dipstick with clean, and tighten firmly.
- Lube oil temperature approx. 80
nonfibrous cloth.
deg.C. * Fill with lube oil.
* Insert the dipstick to the stop and
remove again. * Switch off the engine - For grade / viscosity.Refer 4.1
* Check oil level, it should be between - For quantity, Refer 4.1
Max.and Min. mark. If required top * Check oil level.
up to Max. mark.
Be careful when draining hot oil
Oil level should never be below -danger of scalds!
Min. mark. Do not let used oil run into the
48 Oil level should not exceed soil but catch it in a container
Maximum mark. ready for proper disposal.
6.1 Lubrication System 6. Service & Maintenance

6.1.3 Changing Oil Filter

Element - Spin On Type

* Remove the filter cartridge by rotating * Clean sealing surface of filter carrier * Tighten the oil filter cartridge with
it anticlockwise with commercial tool. rim. another half - turn using commercial
* Collect dripping oil in a tray. * Apply light film of oil to rubber seal of tool.
* Destroy the removed cartridge. new cartridge. * Check oil level, see 6.1.2
* Assemble the new cartridge by * Check oil pressure, see 3.3.1
rotating it clockwise. * Check cartridge seal for leaks.
* Sealing gasket of cartridge be hand

Beware of burns from hot oil.

6. Service & Maintenance 6.1 Lubrication System

6.1.4 Changing Oil Filter

Element - Paper Element
* Assemble the bowl and tighten centre
bolt firmly.
* Check oil level.
* Check oil pressure.

* Unscrew the center bolt of bowl and

collect the oil in tray.
* Discard the removed element and
sealing ring.
* Clean the bowl with diesel.
* Lightly oil the new sealing ring.
* Assemble new filter element.
Assembly sequence - centre bolt,
copper washer, bowl, spring,
machined washer & element.

Machined face of washer

should be on upward side.

6.2 Fuel System 6. Service & Maintenance

6.2.1. Changing Fuel Filter -

Spin On Type

* Remove the cartridge by rotating in * Clean the sealing surface of filter. * Tighten the fuel filter cartridge with a
anticlockwise using commercial tool. * Apply light film of oil or diesel fuel to final half turn using commercial tool.
* Collect driping fuel in a tray. the rubber gasket of the new fuel filter * Open fuel stopcock.
* Destroy the removed cartridge. cartridge. * Check for leaks.
* Screw in the new cartridge finger tight * Fuel system bleeding is not required
against the gasket.

Keep naked flames away when

working on they fuel system. Do
not smoke.
6. Service & Maintenance 6.2 Fuel System

6.2.2. Changing Fuel Filter - 6.2.3. Fuel Strainer

Element Type

* Discard the removed insert.

* Check the condition of sealing ring,
change if required.
* Assemble the bowls and tighten centre
bolts firmly.
* Bleed the fuel system before starting
* For changing Micro filter insert follow
the same procedure.

* Close fuel valve * Remove banjo bolt at inlet of feed

* Unscrew the plug at bottom of bowls pump.
and collect the fuel in tray. * Unscrew the strainer fitted inside the
banjo bolt.
* Unscrew the center bolt of bowls and
remove bowls & fuel inserts. * Clean the fuel strainer in fuel & blow it
with compressed air. Replace if
* Clean the bowl with diesel.
* Change Pre-filter insert only. Do not * Refit the fuel strainer in banjo bolt.
change Pre-filter insert & Micro filter
* Refit the banjo bolt to feed pump with
insert at a time.
new copper washer.
* Bleed the fuel system.

Do not clean fuel filter inserts. No naked flames when working

Always replace the insert with on the fuel system.
52 new one at recommended No smoking!
6.2 Fuel System 6. Service & Maintenance

6.2.4 Lube Oil Filter & Fuel

Filter With Common
Filter Header

Fuel Filter

Lube Oil Filter

Lube oil filter & fuel filter (Spin On type)

with common filter header can be
supplied as an optional feature.

6. Service & Maintenance 6.3 Cooling System

6.3.1. Cleaning Intervals

* The amount of contamination in the

cooling system depends on the Inspection and
engine application. Clearing Intervals Engine application
* Oil or fuel leakages on the engine
increase the risk of contamination. Be Operating Hours
careful and avoid leakage when engine 2000 Ships, Gensets in enclosed areas, pumps
is used in dusty envornment. 1000 Vehicles on reinforced highways
* Serious contamination can occur, for 500 Tractors, fork-lift trucks, mobile electrical units.
example :
250 Vehicles on construction sites and on roads with loose
- on construction sites where there is surfaces, construction machinery, compressors, mining
a high level of air - borne dust. equipments.
- in harvesting application where there 125 Agricultural machinery, tractor used for harvesting purpose.
are high concentrations of chaff and
chopped straw in the vicinity of the
* Because applications vary, cleaning
intervals have to be determined from
case to case.
The cleaning intervals given in the
table on the right can be used as a

6.4 Combustion Air Filter 6. Service & Maintenance

6.4.1. Cleaning Intervals 6.4.2 Cleaning Cyclone

Type Precleaner

* Air cleaner servicing is needed

when :The red signal is visible and
coincides with level indicated on the
service indicator.
* After completing the service work,
reset the signal by pressing the button
on the indicator.

* The soiling of air cleaner depends on * Remove the clamps of dust collector
the dust in air, operating environment bowl.
and size of air cleaner used. Cyclone * Remove collector bowl & empty it.
type pre-cleaner is recommended in
dusty environment * Clean cyclone type prefilter.

* Cleaning intervals will have to be * Reposition collector bowl on air

determined from case to case. cleaner & refitt the clamps.

* If dry-type air cleaners are used,it * Replace collector bowl if damaged.

should be cleaned only in accordance
with the service indicator.

6. Service & Maintenance 6.4 Combustion Air Filter

6.4.3 Cleaning Oil Bath Air Cleaner

* Stop the engine and wait for about 15 * Lift the filter element and remove it.
mins. for oil to drain from filter
* Remove the clamp and remove oil

Never clean air cleaner with gasoline. Dispose off oil in accordance with
envornmental regulations!
6.4 Combustion Air Filter 6. Service & Maintenance

6.4.3 Cleaning Oil Bath Air Cleaner

* Remove dirty oil and sludge from oil * If necessary clean the element by
bowl. Clean the bowl. compressed air, blowing air in
* Clean filter element in diesel fuel and opposite direction of air flow.
allow it to dip dry. * Clean the filter housing.
* Inspect the rubber gasket and replace
if necessary.
* Fill oil bowl with engine oil up to mark.
* Assemble filter element.
* Refit oil bowl and reassemble clamp

6. Service & Maintenance 6.4 Combustion Air Filter

6.4.4 Dry Type Air Cleaner

Dust Ejector valve. Filter Element Cleaning Filter Element

* Empty dust ejector valve by pressing * Loosen the mounting clamp of dust * Clean the element by dry compressed
apart lips of discharge slot as cup / top cover assembly. air (air pressure 3 kg/cm2 Max.) Blow
indicated. * Take out the element for cleaning. the air from inside to outside for
* Clean discharge slot from time to time. cleaning the element.
* Use damp cloth to wipe out dust in
* Remove any caked dirt by pressing the air cleaner. * Replace main element after two
together the upper section of the cleaning intervals.
valve. * Replace outer element atleast once in
* Inspect the dust ejector valve, replace a year.
if necessary.

Never clean air cleaner with


6.4 Combustion Air Filter 6. Service & Maintenance

6.4.4 Dry Type Air Cleaner

Checking Element - Light Test Checking Sealing Ring Inner / Safety Element

* Inner / safety element should be

replaced after every two changes of
outer element.
* Repeat same procedure as outer
element while replacing inner

* Check cleaned/new element for * Check rubber sealing ring for

damage before installing. damage. Replace if necessary.
* Conduct a light test by passing the
light through element as shown.
* If there is any crack in the element the
light will pass through it. In that case
replace the element.

Never clean the inner element,

always replace it.

6. Service & Maintenance 6.5. Belt Drives

6.5.1 Checking V-Belts 6.5.2 Checking Fan V- Belt

* Inspect entireV-belt for damage - Push slowly on the black pad 4 at * To replace V-belts, press in tension
* Replace damaged V-belts. right angles to belt 2 until the spring unit using a commercial tool and
is heard or felt to trigger. remove the V-belts.
* After installing new, belts, run engine
for 15 minutes, then check belt tension. - Carefully remove the gauge without * Fit new V-belts.
altering the position of the indicator
* To check the tension of the V-belts, arm 1.
use a tension gauge (see 9.3)
Read off the valve where the black
- Place indicator arm 1 into gauge indicator arm 1 intersects scale 5
- Position gauge on V-belt 2, midway (arrow). For settings, see 9.1
between the pulleys, with flange 3 - If necessary, retension belt and
on bottom of gauge against the edge measure again.
of belt.
Check tension and change belts When new V-belts are fitted, check the
only when engine is at belt tension after 15 minutes running
60 standstill. Refit belt guard, if
6.4 Combustion Air Filter 6. Service & Maintenance

6.5.3 Tensioning Alternator 6.5.4 Changing Alternator 6.5.5 Checking Warning

Belts Belts System.

* Loosen bolts which fix alternator on * Remove fan V-belts as described in * If the V-belts fails, pressure pin of the
mounting bracket. Also loosen bolts 6.5.2 electrical switch is actuated by the
of tension adjusting lever. * Loosen alternator mtg. bolts. belt tension unit and an acoustic /
* Press alternator outwards until correct visible signal is initiated.
* Push alternator inwards
belt tension is achieved. * Functional check, press pressure pin
* Remove V-belt and place on new belt. to initiate visual / acoustic alarm.
* Retighten all bolts firmly.
* Push alternator outwards until desired
belt tension is achieved.
* Retighten alternator mtg. bolts.
* Fit fan V-belts.

Check/ tension/ replace V-belts Retighten new V-belts after 15 minutes Carry out a check only when
only when the engine is at a running time. the engine is at a standstill.
standstill. If necessary replace
V-belt cover 61
6. Service & Maintenance 6.6 Adjustments

6.6.1 Checking Valve 6.6.2 Adjusting Valve

Clearance Clearance


* Check valve clearance when engine is Feeler gauge of 0.15mm should pass * Loosen lock nut of adjusting screw.
at ambient temperature. with slight resistance. Failing this, * Use screw driver to loosen setscrew
* Remove the rocker cover. adjust valve clearance. Refer 6.6.2 so that feeler gauge of 0.15mm can
* Turn crankshaft until the valves of For permissible valve clearance, see be inserted and removed with slight
cylinder (on wich clearance is being 9.1 resistance Tighten the lock nut.
checked) are overlapping * Check and adjust valve clearance on
* Then turn the engine by 360 degree all remaining cylinders.
* Check valve clearance between rocker * Reassemble rocker cover. (use new
arm toe and valve stem with feeler gasket if needed).

6.7 Accessories 6. Service & Maintenance Checking Battery Checking Electrolyte Checking Electrolyte

& Cable Connectors Level Density

* Keep the battery clean and dry. * Remove cell caps 1. * Check the specific gravity of
* Ensure the cable terminals tightly fitted * Top up only with distilled water & individual cell with hydrometer. If
on the battery posts. maintained the level corresponding battery has been topped up with
* Secure the battery firmly on the cradle. to the maximum level, never add distilled water, check specific gravity
Ensure battery earth. Use rubber or Acid. after 5 minutes of top up.
wooden strip between battery & cradle. * Keep vent plugs tightly closed. * The measured values indicate state
* Clean the terminals (+ve and -ve) and of charge of battery.
* Ensure battery vent holes are open.
clamps with ammonia solution Ratio * Charge the battery if necessary.
Choked vent holes could lead to
115 gms of ammonia for 1 litre of * Avoid measuring specific gravity
bursting of the battery.
water. when battery is warm.
* Apply petroleum jelly / vaseline on
terminals & posts. Never apply grease.
* Ensure good contacts of terminals

6. Service & Maintenance 6.7 Accessories

Specific Gravity (kg/1) State of Charge

Normal Tropics
1.28 1.23 Fully charged
1.20 1.12 Half charged, Recharge
1.12 1.08 Discharged, Charge up immediately.

The gases emitted by the battery are explosive!

Keep spark and naked flames away from the battery.
Do not allow battery acid to come into contact with skin or clothing. Wear
64 protective goggles.
Do not rest tools on the battery.
6.7 Accessories 6. Service & Maintenance

6.7.2 Lifting Tackle

* Always use proper lifting tackle when

transporting and lifting the engine.
* After transportation / lifting engine,
remove lifting tackle before starting
the engine.

Use only the correct lifting


6. Service & Maintenance 6.8 Engine Cleaning

6.8.1 Cleaning the engine

With Compressed Air With Cold Cleaning Agent With High Pressure Steam Jet

* Stop the engine. * Stop the engine. * Stop the engine.

* Release the cowling clamps and * Release the cowling clamps and * Release the cowling clamps and
remove cowling. Remove baffle on remove cowling. Remove baffle on remove cowling. Remove baffle on
exhaust side. exhaust side. exhaust side.
* Cover electrical / electronic * Cover electrical / electronic * Cover electrical / electronic
components. ( Starter, alternator, stop components. ( Starter, alternator, stop components. ( Starter, alternator, stop
solenoid etc.) solenoid etc.) solenoid etc.)
* Cover inlet & exhaust ports.
* Blow the compressed air through the * Cover inlet & exhaust ports .
engine starting from exhaust side. Be * Spray the engine with cold cleaning
agent and allow it to soak for 10 mins. * Clean the engine with steam jet.
careful with cooling fins and cooler. (Steam pressure - 60 bar and
* Clean the engine with pressurized
* Remove dirt blown inside engine temperature 90 deg.C)
water jet. Repeat the process if
* Reassemble the cowling. * Blow the engine with compressed air
66 to remove water.
6.9 Additional Maintenance 6. Service & Maintenance

6.9.1 Checking the 6.9.2 Checking the function

mountings of Flame Heater

Push button for

cold starting ON

4 2 1

3 Charge Lamp

Check following components for * When functioning correctly, inlet * Move speed adjustment lever and
fasteners tightness. manifold heats up in the vicinity of shut- off lever to “stop” position.
* Rocker cover flame heater when starting with * Insert key
* Air-inlet manifold - Position OFF = no operating voltage
* Coupling * Turn key clockwise.
* Exhaust manifold - Position ON = operating voltage
* Engine mountings - Charge lamp comes on.
* Press push button and hold for approx.
60 sec. Glow plug indicator comes
* Otherwise flame glow plug defective
or power interrupted.

6. Service & Maintenance 6.9 Additional Maintenance

6.9.2 Checking the function

of Flame Heater

* Use heat resistant sealant when fitting

flame glow plug 2.
* Refit flame glow plug 2 on fuel line.
Keep away from rotating parts.

4 2 1 4 2 1

3 3

Test stage 2: Test stage 3:

* Loosen pipe connection 1. * Loosen pipe connection 1.
* Rotate engine with starter, key switch * Remove flame glow plug 2 and
in START position. reconnect pipe.
* Fuel must be emitted at loosened pipe * Rotate engine with starter, key switch
connection. Otherwise have the in START position.
system, solenoid 3, checked by a * Fuel must be emitted at flame glow
specialist. plug 2, replace plug 2 if necessary.

Collect any leaked fuel and

dispose off in an envornmentlly
friendly fashion
7. Faults, Causes & Remedies

7.1 Diagnosis Chart

Diesel knock
Bearing wear
Engine overheat

Mechanical knock
Excessive vibration
Engine will not start

Engine lacks power

Engine fails to rotate

Low lube oil pressure

Breaking of valve springs

Excessive oil consumption
Excessive fuel consumption
Excessive smoke at no load
Engine has starting difficulty

Excessive smoke at full load

Battery runs down frequently

Engine gives out blue smoke

Mixing of diesel with lube oil

Engine gives out white smoke
Engine misfires during operation

Excessive liner & piston ring wear

Excessive valve & valve guide wear
Engine starts but stops after some time

Engine does not reach governed speed

Engine speed does not remain constant

Excessive fuel injection equipment wear

Engine rotates very slowly during starting
7.1 Diagnosis Chart

         Dust entry in air inlet system

            Dirty / clogged air cleaner
     High exhaust back pressure

  Derating due to altitude

Air / Exhaust

  Derating due to temperature

  No fuel
        Poor quality of fuel
    Air in fuel line
     Choked fuel line
    External / Internal fuel leakage
       Choked fuel injector holes
      Damaged or dribbling nozzle
Loose HP. pipe connections
Fuel System

      Dirty / Choked fuel filter
    Control lever settings wrong
           Faulty fuel pump
     Water mixed with fuel
        Wrong grade of lube oil used
   Dirty / Choked suction tube strainer
  Oil cooler choked
  Lube oil dilution
     Dirty / Clogged lube oil filter
   Clogged oil passage
  Excessive oil in the sump
Lubricating System

 External / Internal leakages

   Faulty oil pump
   Dirty air cooling fins
   Loose fan belt
 Air leakages through cowling
      Engine overloading
      Engine used after a long time
          Wrongly adjusted valve clearances
System Operation

Prolonged oil change period

Cooling Maintenance

      Blown cylinder head gasket
      Valve leakages
    T.C. compressor seal leaking
    T.C. turbine side seal leaking
           Broken / worn out piston rings
   Excessive end play in crankshaft
           Worn out cylinder liner & piston
      Incorrect bearing clearances
        Damaged main & connecting rod brgs.
     Worn out valves & valve guides
         Incorrect valve & fuel timing
        Injector needs adjustment
      Engine seized
Mechanical System

    Faulty governor setting

        One or more cylinders not working
  Loose mounting bolts
  Loose flywheel / wrong alignment
          Engine needs overhauling
 Fuel pump rack stuck in stop position
    Battery run down / under rated battery
7. Faults, Causes & Remedies

    Faulty starter
    Battery of wrong capacity
8. Engine Preservation

8.1 Preservation

8.1 Preservation 8. Engine Preservation

8.1 Preservation 8.1.1 Preserving Engine

If the engine is to remain idle for an * Clean the engine preferably using * External unpainted surfaces to be
extended period of time, it is necessary thinner and compresed air. treated with rust preventive oil .
to take protective measures to prevent rust * Run the engine until warm and stop. * Plug all the openings, vents of the
formation. The preservative measures engine.
described here will protect the engine * Drain the lube oil.
upto 12 months.. * Fill the engine with preservative oil. * Disconnect the battery & store it in a
safe place.
Recommended Preservatives For : * Clean the oil bath air cleaner, fill oil
bowl with preservative oil. * Cover the engine with polythene bag
Lube and Fuel system if possible.
* Drain the fuel tank.
Indian Oil Corp. Servo Preserve 30 * Procedure to be repeated if engine is
* Prepare mixture of Diesel + to be stored for more than 12 months.
Bharat Petroleum Bharat Preserve Preservative, ratio 5 :1. Refill the fuel
Oil 30 tank with mixture.
Hindustan Petroleum Autoprun T120 * Run the engine for 5 mins. at low
Veedol Tide Oil Co. Veedol 30/40 speed / fix speed engine at No Load.
* Stop the engine.
External Surfaces * Turn the engine manually several times
Indian Oil Corp. Servo RP 125 to preserve the cylinders and
Bharat Petroleum Bharat Rustrol 152 combustion chamber. While rotating
with starter, stop lever of fuel pump to
Hindustan Petroleum Rustop 274
be in stop condition.
Veedol Tide Oil Co. Veedol Ruspro IT
* Drain the preservative oil from engine
Castrol India Rustilo DW-904
* Drain the Diesel + Preservative oil
or DW-901
from fuel tank.
Recommanded cleansing agent to * Remove the V-belts
remove preservatives when
recommissioning engine : - NC Thinner

8. Engine Preservation 8.1 Preservation

8.1.2 Commissioning
Preserved Engine

* Remove plugs, tapes from inlet port,

exhaust port and vent
* Remove the rust preventive coating
from all external surfaces.
* Install V- belts.Retension belts after brief
operation if required.
* Set the engine in operation. Refer 3.1

9. Technical Specifications

9.1 Engine Specifications

9.2 Power Output
9.3 Torque Wrench Setting

9.1 Engine Specifications 9.Technical Specifications

9.1.1 CPCB / CMVR Compliant

Sr No. Specification Unit HA294 HA394 HA494 HA694 *HA494TC *HA694TC

1 Number of cylinders 2 3 4 6 4 6
2 Cylinder arrangement Vertical in line
3 Bore mm 100 100 100 100 100 100
4 Stroke mm 120 120 120 120 120 120
5 Total displacement cc 1885 2827 3770 5655 3770 5655
6 Compression ratio 18:1 18:1 18:1 18:1 17:1 17:1
7 Working cycle 4 - Stroke diesel engine
8 Combustion system Direct Injection
9 Direction of rotation Counter Clockwise looking from FWE
10 Starting arrangement Electric Start
11 Firing order 1-2 1-3-2 1-3-4-2 1-5-3-6-2-4 1-3-4-2 1-5-3-6-2-4
12 Power Refer 9.2.1 / 9.2.2
13 Speed Refer 9.2.1 / 9.2.2
14 Lubrication Force feed ‘G’ rotor pump
15 SAE oil K - Oil Super (SAE 15W40)
16 Lube oil temperature deg. C 90-125 90-125 90-125 90-125 90-125 90-125
17 Min. oil pressure - At idle kg/cm2 1.5
- At rated speed kg/cm2 3.0 to 4.5
18 Sump capacity - w/o Lube filter Litre 4.5 8 11 13.5 11 13.5
19 Sump + Lube filter Litre 5.5 9 12.5 15.5 12.5 15.5
20 Valve clearance in cold condition mm 0.15
21 Injector opening pressure kg/cm2 260 ± 10
22 Fuel Timing : 1500 - 1800 rpm deg. 9 9 9 9 10 10
2300 - 2500 rpm deg. 14 14 14 16 ---- ----
23 Bumping clearance mm 0.9 to 1.1
24 Dry Weight of engine kg 326 370 421 477 440 495
* These engines are not CMVR compliant
9. Technical Specifications 9.1 Engine Specifications

9.1.2 Non Emission

Sr No. Specification Unit HA294 HA394 HA494 HA594 HA694 HA494TC HA694TC
1 Number of cylinders 2 3 4 5 6 4 6
2 Cylinder arrangement Vertical in line
3 Bore mm 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
4 Stroke mm 120 120 120 120 120 120 120
5 Total displacement cc 1885 2827 3770 4712 5655 3770 5655
6 Compression ratio 17:1 17:1 17:1 17:1 17:1 15.5:1 15.5:1
7 Working cycle 4 - Stroke diesel engine
8 Combustion system Direct Injection
9 Direction of rotation Counter Clockwise looking from FWE
10 Starting arrangement Electric Start
11 Firing order 1-2 1-3-2 1-3-4-2 1-2-4-5-3 1-5-3-6-2-4 1-3-4-2 1-5-3-6-2-4
12 Power Refer 9.2.3
13 Speed Refer 9.2.3
14 Lubrication Force feed ‘G’ rotor pump
15 SAE oil K - Oil Super (SAE 15W40)
16 Lube oil temperature deg. C 90-125 90-125 90-125 90-125 90-125 90-125 90-125
17 Min. oil pressure- At idle kg/cm2 0.5 to 1.0
- At rated speed kg/cm2 3.0 to 4.5
18 Sump capacity - w/o Lube filter Litre 4.5 8 11 12.5 13.5 11 13.5
19 Sump + Lube filter Litre 5.5 9 12.5 14 15.5 12.5 15.5
20 Valve clearance in cold condition mm 0.15
21 Injector opening pressure kg/cm2 180 175 + 5
22 Fuel Timing : 1500 rpm deg. 29 26 26 26 29 28 24
1800 rpm deg. 29 26 26 26 29 32 30
1801 - 2300 rpm deg. 32 30 30 30 32 34
2301 - 2500 rpm deg. 32 32 32 32 35 35
23 Bumping clearance mm 1.0 to 1.2
80 24 Dry Weight of engine kg 326 370 421 450 477 440 495
9.2 Power Output 9.Technical Specifications

9.2.1 CPCB Compliant

ENGINE SPEED Continuous Power as per

MODEL rpm ISO 3046
kw bhp

HA294 1500 14.0 19.0

1500 15.0 20.5
HA394 1500 23.5 32.0
HA494 1500 31.6 43.0
HA694 1500 47.5 65.0
HA494TC 1500 41.0 56.0
HA694TC 1500 61.0 83.0

9. Technical Specifications 9.2 Power Output

9.2.2 CMVR Compliant

ENGINE SPED AS PER IS : 10002 / ISO 3046 / SEA J 1995

kw bhp kNm kgm bhp kgm bhp kgm
*2300 20.2 27.5 0.084 8.55 ----- ----- ----- -----
2150 19.5 26.5 0.086 8.85 ----- ----- ----- -----
2000 18.4 25.0 0.087 8.95 ----- ----- ----- -----
1800 16.9 23.0 0.09 9.15 ----- ----- ----- -----
*2300 34.6 47.0 0.143 14.6 ----- ----- ----- -----
2150 32.4 44.0 0.143 14.6 ----- ----- ----- -----
2000 30.2 41.0 0.144 14.7 ----- ----- ----- -----
1800 28.0 38.0 0.148 15.10 ----- ----- ----- -----
*2500 ----- ----- 70.0 20.1 ----- -----
2300 ----- ----- 66.0 20.56 ----- -----
HA494 2150 ----- ----- 63.0 21.0 ----- -----
2000 ----- ----- 60.0 21.5 ----- -----
1500 ----- ----- 54.0 21.5 ----- -----
*2500 ----- ----- ---- ----- 110.0 32.1
*2300 ----- ----- ---- ----- 106.0 33.0
HA694 2150 ----- ----- ---- ----- 100.0 33.3
2000 ----- ----- ---- ----- 95.0 34.0
1800 ----- ----- ---- ----- 87.0 34.6
* Compliant for CMVR, other ratings as per torque curve of family engines.
9.2 Power Output 9.Technical Specifications

9.2.3 Non Emmission

ENGINE SPED AS PER IS : 10002 / ISO 3046 / SEA J 1995

kw bhp kNm kgm bhp kgm bhp kgm
1500 14.0 19.0 0.089 9.10 20.0 9.55 21.0 10.00
1800 16.9 23.0 0.090 9.15 24.5 9.75 25.5 10.15
2000 18.4 25.0 0.087 8.95 26.5 9.50 28.0 10.00
2150 19.5 26.5 0.086 8.85 28.0 9.35 29.5 9.85
2300 20.2 27.5 0.084 8.55 29.0 9.00 30.5 9.50
2500 - - - - 30.5 8.70 32.0 9.20
1500 23.6 32.0 0.150 15.30 34.0 16.25 36.0 17.20
1800 28.0 38.0 0.148 15.10 40.0 15.90 42.0 16.70
2000 30.2 41.0 0.144 14.70 44.0 15.75 46.0 16.50
2150 32.4 44.0 0.143 14.60 47.0 15.65 49.0 16.30
2300 34.6 47.0 0.143 14.60 49.0 15.25 51.0 15.90
2500 - - - - 52.0 14.90 54.0 15.50
1500 31.5 43.0 0.201 20.5 46.0 22.00 48.0 22.90
1800 38.2 52.0 0.203 20.7 54.0 21.50 58.0 23.00
2000 41.2 56.0 0.196 20.0 60.0 21.50 63.0 22.50
2150 44.2 60.0 0.196 20.0 63.0 21.00 67.0 22.30
2300 46.4 63.0 0.192 19.6 66.0 20.56 70.0 21.80
2500 51.5 70.0 - - 70.0 20.10 74.0 21.20

9. Technical Specifications 9.2 Power Output

9.2.3 Non Emmission (Continued)

ENGINE SPED AS PER IS : 10002 / ISO 3046 / SEA J 1995

kw bhp kNm kgm bhp kgm bhp kgm
HA594 2300 57.4 78.0 - - - - - -
1500 47.8 65.0 0.304 31.0 69.0 32.9 73.0 34.8
1800 57.4 78.0 0.304 31.0 82.0 32.6 87.0 34.6
2000 62.6 85.0 0.298 30.4 90.0 32.2 95.0 34.0
2150 66.2 90.0 0.294 30.0 95.0 31.6 100.0 33.3
2300 69.9 95.0 0.290 29.6 100.0 31.15 106.0 33.0
2500 - - - - 106.0 30.4 110.0 32.1
1500 41.0 56.0 - - - - - -
HA494TC 1800 48.0 65.0 - - - - - -
2000 51.5 70.0 - - - - - -
1500 61.0 83.0 0.387 39.5 88.0 41.9 93.0 44.3
1800 72.0 98.0 0.380 38.8 103.0 40.8 109.0 43.2
2000 76.0 103.0 0.365 37.2 108.0 39.0 114.0 41.6
2150 78.0 106.0 0.352 35.9 112.0 37.7 119.0 40.0
2300 81.0 110.0 0.340 34.7 116.0 36.3 123.0 38.6
2500 84.5 115.0 0.324 33.0 121.0 34.7 128.0 36.7

9.3 Torque Wrench Setting 9. Technical Specifications


TORQUE 1st 2nd 3rd 4th ANGLE

Cylinder Head Bolt M12x1.75x211 30 (3.1) 45 45 45 30 165 See foot Note ‘1’

Connecting Rod Bolt M12x1.5x55 30 (3.1) 60 30 ---- ---- 90

Bearing Cap Bolt M14x110 30 (3.1) 60 45 ---- ---- 105 See foot Note ‘2’

Intermediate Gear Bolt M10x60 30 (3.1) 60 ---- ---- ---- 60

Balance Weight Bolt M12x60 30 (3.1) 30 30 ---- ---- 60

Crank Pulley M24x2x110 50 (5.1) 210 ---- ---- ---- 210 Left Hand Theads

Cooling Blower Bolt M12x140 30 (3.1) ---- ---- ---- ---- 90


Cooling Blower Bolt M12x180 30 (3.1) ---- ---- ---- ---- 90


Flywheel Bolt M10x1x35/ 30 (3.1) 30 60 ---- ---- 90


Fuel Injector Nut M10x1.5 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 25-30Nm

1. Total angle torque 165 degree for cylinder head with steel gasket.
2. During replacement of piston, piston rings & bearings it is recommended to change
main bearing cap bolts, connecting rod cap bolts & cylinder head bolts.
A Kirloskar Group Company
HELPDESK - 1800 233 3344, 020-66084608
HELPDESK ID - [email protected] PART NO.
Visit us at : www.koel.co.in DECEMBER 2008

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