Observations On Work Procedure of Excavation

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Following are the observations on Work Procedure of Excavation, Dewatering Submitted by TPL

on 09.09.2019:-

1. Chapter1 (Introduction):- NOTED & INCORPORATED

 The excavation procedure mentioned is for Main Plant Buildings & Grids also needs

2. Chapter 2 (Scope):- NOTED & INCORPORATED

 Again Main Plant Buildings is mentioned.

 All buildings as per drawing issued shall be included.

 Quantity of Excavation shall be as checked as per drawing issued.

 Grid no & Elevations shall be separately mentioned for TB-area and IDCT area.

3. Chapter 6 (Reference Documents):- NOTED & INCORPORATED

 Reference1 (Mock-up Report of GI need not be required)

 Drawing at sr. no. 1 &2 shall be as per latest revision issued to TPL.

 Section Drawing of TB & IDCT area is to be referred.

 Excavation, Founding Level & Existing Dewatering Scheme Drawing of Main Plant Area
is to be referred.

4. Chapter 8.3 (Excavation in Soil):- NOTED & INCORPORATED

 Reference to Slope Stability Analysis is mentioned as Appendix-III. Needs correction.

 GWT shall be atleast 1m below working level instead of excavation level.

 Cycle Time Calculation for Excavator & Dumpers not included.

5. Chapter 8.3.1 (Construction of Access ways):- NOTED & INCORPORATED

 Grids mentioned needs to be corrected as per the drawings.

6. Chapter 8.3.2 (Slope Protection from Soil erosion to Rain & Wind):- NOTED &
 It has been mentioned that the slope protection will done during monsoon, however it
shall be done all the time.

7. Chapter 8.3.4 (Drains):- NOTED & INCORPORATED

 Slope of Cut-off Drain is written as 1 in 60 whereas in the sketch it has been shown as 1
in 30.

 Table of drain size shall be separate for TB & IDCT area depending upon their
excavation & final finished levels.

8. Chapter 8.3.5 (Sumps & Pumps):- NOTED & INCORPORATED

 Drainage area in the design calculation of surface runoff shall be as per drawings of TB
& IDCT area.

9. Chapter 8.3.6 (Storage of Excavated Soil):- NOTED & INCORPORATED

 Stack yard area shall be as per approved area allocation of Stackyard location.

10. Chapter 9 (Structure wise Excavation & Levels):- NOTED & INCORPORATED

 In the table of Final Excavation Level, grids need to be mentioned as per Elevation.

 Also, General area Elevation of 83.4 for IDCT area is not mentioned.

11. Chapter 9.1 (Excavation Details of TB-1 & TB-2):- NOTED & INCORPORATED

 Grid nos to be corrected. Include details of IDCT area also.

 Para on maintenance of existing slope of main plant area is to be included.

 Para on existing ramp & its scheme for modification is to be included.

 EL89.85m has been mentioned instead of EL91.4.

 EL86.4m has been mentioned instead of EL86.85.

 Reference of Appendix-III is to be corrected.

 NB-1&2 has been mentioned instead of TB/IDCT.

 Further, deeper excavation scheme below EL83.4 has not been mentioned.
12. Chapter 10 (Plant, Equipment & Resources for Excavation):- NOTED &

 No. of dewatering pumps mentioned shall be as per dewatering scheme.

 Sentence of Cycle time calculation is incomplete.

 Standby arrangement for Pumps shall be as per requirement of drawing i.e. 30%

13. Chapter 11 (Stacking Yard):- NOTED & INCORPORATED

 Excavation qty to be checked as per drawing.

 In the remark column of the table it has been inadvertently mentioned for use by
package-I contractor.

 Cumulative qty for SY-1 to 4 shall be as per drawing qty/loose qty.

 Sketch of Stackyard & Drying Bed Location is not included.

14. Chapter 12.1 (Dewatering Scheme-General):- NOTED & INCORPORATED

 Area to be dewatered shall be corrected as 580m X 160m for IDCT & 500m X 180m for
TB area. Top of excavation line is to be considered.

15. Chapter 12.3 (Dewatering- Methodology):- NOTED & INCORPORATED

 Spacing of well points is to be mentioned.

 50-60 well points connected to 1 pump has been mentioned instead of 65 as mentioned

 Para 3,4 &5 is not related to procedural part & hence can be deleted.

 First sentence under 12.3.1 is incomplete.

 Discharge from pumping sets has been mentioned through lined drains whereas as
per Item no. 6.2 of BOQ, it is to be done through peripheral pipes upto discharge

 Para on Design Assumptions is to be included.

 Reference of Equation for Computation of Q is to be given.

 No. of well points have been mentioned is not consistent in the document.
 Mention Dia of well points, Riser Pipe & Header Pipe.

 Sketch shown does not indicate the existing slopes & ramps. Sketch shall be more
specific & elaborate as per the requirement of the drawing.

 In chapter 12.3.2, spacing of well points & grid nos is to be mentioned. Stage wise
Length, Width & Perimeter shall be calculated exactly as per drawing.

 Details of Intermediaries temp. well points have not been included. Details of Standby
pumps are also to be mentioned in the table.

16. Chapter 12.4 (Dewatering- Field Execution Approach):- NOTED & INCORPORATED

 Water level indicator scheme is not included.

 In case of Power failure, for avoiding backflow of dewatered water in header pipe,
provision of NRV in header pipes may be explored.

 Lined peripheral drain has been mentioned instead of pipes.

 Discharge Scheme of Dewatered water shall be elaborated in detail in line with

provisions of cl14 of Special Conditions of Contract (Part-A)

17. Chapter 12.5 (Proposed Scheme of Dewatering):- NOTED & INCORPORATED

 Dewatering layout shall be such that it does not interfere within building foot print area.

 Para on Dewatering scheme while raising of levels by Ground Improvement is to be


 Note is to be added:- All items involved for dewatering system shall be new and conform
to relevant IS.

18. Chapter 13 (Area Lighting):- NOTED & INCORPORATED

 Sketch for Area lighting scheme & along with Electrical Arrangement around the
excavation area is to be included.

19. Chapter 15 (Acceptance criteria):- NOTED & INCORPORATED

 Water level shall be minimum 1m below working level instead of excavation level.

20. Chapter 16 (Records):- NOTED & INCORPORATED

 Record of Water meter for discharge of quantity of water into canal is to be maintained.

21. Chapter 19 (Safety Precautions):- NOTED & INCORPORATED

 Reference JHA document mentioned is for ITD. Needs correction.

22. Slope Stability Analysis:- NOTED & INCORPORATED

 Shall be based on site specific data based on Geotechnical DBR.

23. General Observations:- NOTED & INCORPORATED

 Header to be corrected for Complete Project name as per Work Order. Title of Document
shall be complete.

 Document shall be proof checked from proof consultant.

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