I also thank all my classmates and friends who had been part of my studies
and making me a better person. When I have a problem they are always there to
comfort me and give their shoulders for me lean on.
I am making this project not only for compliance and marks but to also
increase my developed myself and be a better person in the future.
During my time in high school I had it really good moments, but my best
moments that I’ve experienced are in a particular class during my senior year,
in Maryknoll School of Lambajon. I remember my first
presentation in this class. I didn’t want to do it, but finally I did it
and that one was my best moment. When I present it I felt afraid,
and then when I presented I felt so good for the effort I applied on.
Now I feel so much better than my first day presentations because I
now know that I can do whatever I want to do. The learnings that I
acquire made it so good because I know that I have to trust myself. One
thing that I’ve learned from that experience is that we should overcome
our fears and never allow it to control ourselves.