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It is my proud privilege to release the feelings of my gratitude to several persons

who helped me directly or indirectly to do this introspection. I would like to express
my sincere gratitude to my adviser Dr. Carlo Saguimpa for allowing to make this kind
of introspection, for letting me know my own self and for making me think or image
my life as a teacher and as I mother and a wife.

To my parents, I would like to thank them for supporting me in my daily life,

having them by my sides to guide me always, their prosperity and love for me.

I also thank all my classmates and friends who had been part of my studies
and making me a better person. When I have a problem they are always there to
comfort me and give their shoulders for me lean on.

I am making this project not only for compliance and marks but to also
increase my developed myself and be a better person in the future.

Once again THANK YOU!!!

I develop awareness of my
identity. I am able to reflect
and control my behavior.
I learn to recognize and express my
feelings and emotions: I become more
creative and confident. I begin to understand
and accept basic principles of morality and find
my moral values. I am a hardworking person even though
I am not talented or very intelligent. I cannot do everything
but there’s something I can do and I will definitely do what
I can do. I people cannot accept me the way I am; it is not
my problem. I do not think I look beautiful that is why I did not
used to socialized together with my classmate but I do believe that there is
something in me that is unique. I had never thought about my good qualities,
other than my flaws. I used to be desperate to inculcate good qualities in me.
Through counseling and personal reflection, I averted from my wrong decisions
and headed on the path of success. I’m still doing it right now.

What I believe is that no one in the world is perfect in everything.

On has their shortcoming. But it is the strong determination to
overcome those shortcomings to move ahead for accomplishing goals is
what matters. As far as I know myself, I am very emotional person who
extremely values emotions and sentiments. Being emotional has been both
my weakness as well as my strength. Besides, I’m appreciative, capable
enough to show appreciation and gratitude to others. This has
been one of my biggest strengths which sets me apart and has
helped me accomplish beautiful things in life which have
turned into achievements. Inconsiderate people often displease me.
I find them very offensive as they don’t care for others’ feelings
and thoughts. I believe that every though should be respected.
So, I feel I am considerate who cares for others and their
thoughts. This quality has brought people closer in
my life.
To me, my family is
Something very
important in my
life because they are
people I know will never
fail me, feel secure, to have someone who I
can count on, one whom I can share my problems
and have respect for each other. As we grow up our
responsibility towards our family, friends and
community. People start to have expectations from us.
So as I will grow up people start to have
expectations from me as well and it is my responsibility
to stand up to that expectation. As a member of my
family I always wanted to make my parents feel proud of myself.
I want them to proudly say that ‘She is my daughter’.
And I want to give my parents almost every happiness of
life. They are the best parents in world. I am
working hard to achieve something great in my
life that make them proud. I am one of few
people in this world that is lucky to have a
supportive family. I am a friend to my sisters
where they can talk and share their sadness and happiness
that happened in their lives. I never fight with my parents
because what I value above everything else is respect; I live with
my father since they are separated with my mother, so obviously I’m going
to follow the rules of my father and I should listen to them because I
believe that parents know best. I also helped my father when it comes
to office works in order for it to himself relax from the stressed
of his work and that the least that I can do to make him
feel that when it comes to difficulties he has a daughter to
call to. And at the end of the day,
they are there for me, and
that is priceless.
A community is one that is at peace with itself; one that
is confident and assured of its position within the society
and feels that it is making a positive contribution to wider society.
A community should be self-governing with high expectation
that its social norms and boundaries will be adhered to by
everyone living there. Me as a member in this community I
always be a good example to the youth and encouraging
them to do good things. I get the right to use the
public institutions of all kinds and contribute in order
to make the world a better place to live with. I get
the right education and works for my living. As a
member I used to join association that influence the
youth to live their lives and always remember that God
is always there for them guide and protecting them.
I am always open and able to hear other points of view
so there is an understanding and equally in the community and
through this, there is no chaos and fight. I am willing to be quite and
listen because I believe that every individual has a right to speak up
and share their ideas. I always abide the rules and regulation in the
community because I know that a good influencer is also
a good follower. I have a sense of connection with
people and an interest in the well-being
of others.
My elementary experience was
full of fun and excitement.
It is hard and full of adventure too.
Elementary life is very challenging and
I am proud of it. Waking up early is not easy.
This part of being a student is what I hated the
most during the first part of my studies. While I was at
lower grade, I cried every time my mother wake me up in
the morning. But in my elementary level, I learned many things
from my subjects and from my encounters with bestfriends.
It is fun and exciting and meeting new friends. We share jokes
and laughter. Elementary days is one of the most enjoyable moment in my life.

During my time in high school I had it really good moments, but my best
moments that I’ve experienced are in a particular class during my senior year,
in Maryknoll School of Lambajon. I remember my first
presentation in this class. I didn’t want to do it, but finally I did it
and that one was my best moment. When I present it I felt afraid,
and then when I presented I felt so good for the effort I applied on.
Now I feel so much better than my first day presentations because I
now know that I can do whatever I want to do. The learnings that I
acquire made it so good because I know that I have to trust myself. One
thing that I’ve learned from that experience is that we should overcome
our fears and never allow it to control ourselves.

College days is a serious one. My future depends on here.

That is why my time and effort are fully given during my college.
Sometimes I forgot to turn in an assignment and project in school.
These were all problems that could have easily let escalate without
taking the proper action. For the most part I was doing fairly
well but a few of my grades began to plummet. I was
losing the confidence in myself and started to wonder
if going to college had been the best decision. But the
time had come for me to grow up and become an adult
even I didn’t feel the time was right.
My dreams are simple: I want
my children to be happy,
loving, respectful citizens of the world.
I want them to wear a smile on their
faces each day even when faced with adversity.
I want them to be loving and respectful of all
things on this earth. To respect other people no matter
what their differences may be. To respect nature and
environment. To love life with zest and vigor. To share their
love with others. To give back to those in need and to help
make this world a better place. To smile a stranger on the streets
and accept who they are and what they’ve become. I want my children to have a
meaningful relationship with God and to have access to education. I want them
to attend school amidst all the odds and take advantage of the free education
our government is offering. I want them to see firsthand the poverty, disparity
and beauty of the world. It is a promise I’ve made to myself that someday they
will. And when they do, they will also be inspired to give back and
to care. To remember how fortunate, we are to be able not only to
have dreams but to have the opportunity and chance to make our
dreams come true. I want my children to have fun in life and live a
little, but understand the consequences. I want them to be able to go out
and have a good time. I want them to live a life where they can take part
in celebration and parties. I also want them to be responsible in their
decisions and not act too foolishly. I want them not be afraid
of taking risks in life and not be afraid of failure. I want them
to be able to do things in their lives that will challenge both
of them. I want them to dream big and follow their dreams.
I want them to get to know their selves and love who they are
before loving someone else. It is important that my kids find who
they truly are before entering a relationship with someone else
because it is hard to love someone if you do not love yourself.
I want my children to find someone who will love
them for who they are – not what they are not.
I want them to remember to give back to the community
and fight for what they believe in.
What is Motherhood?
What does it mean to be a
mother? These questions are
as challenging to answer as they are
simple. Yes, to give birth; yes, to adopt
children; yes, to have a family. But being a
mother is also about much more than. There’s some
large, overwhelming, and beautiful piece at the center of
motherhood that is so hard to put words to. It’s a feeling,
not an explanation. Maybe that piece is best called LOVE.
Being a mother is seeing the profound value in learning about
who my children are, and I want them to encourage and teach them
to be the best versions of themselves. It is my greatest hope that this acceptance
and unconditional love will empower and strengthen my children as well as
foster self-confidence and kindness. I will be fearless, be a positive role model,
to be a continuous cheerleader for every milestone my children will experience,
to demonstrate the abundance of unconditional love that has no end
and to cherish the countless memories that is truly priceless.
Being a mother is the greatest job in the world. Helping my children
through all the things life throws them, while also lifting them up so
they can reach for the stars and grab one. That’s what being a mom is
all about – always being there – the shoulder to cry on, the cheerleader to
never give up, the one that gives the standing ovation and the familiar
hand to hold on. Being a mother means being completely and totally
overwhelmed by love, joy, responsibility and selflessness. Being
a mother means being tired, sometimes grumpy and never left
alone and then, in one funny, loving or meaningful moment
with my kids, realizing that it’s all completely worth it. I will be
an emotional blankie for my children. They snuggle with me at
night, run to me when they’re hurt, an stand behind me in scary
situations. There’s nothing more warm and fuzzy. It is my
responsibility to give my children the tools they need
to live a happy and meaningful life. Being a mother
is a life time adventure, the hardest non-paying
24-hour job I will ever do, and
Marriage is teamwork. And it
requires both partners to put
in their individual efforts to make things
work. Nobody ever said that marriage is
easy, or if someone did, there’s good chance he
or she has never been married. That’s why it’s of
upmost importance for a woman to aspire to be a great
wife. But being a great wife doesn’t mean she has to be a
master homemaker, as everyone has his or her own idea of the
ideal. Luckily, some women already know their shortcomings
all too well long before they get married.
As a wife, I want to be supportive helper to my husband. I will share my thoughts
and feelings to him without hesitation. I will never keep any secrets from him.
I will always take good care of him and love him until death. It times of
challenges and difficulties, I will always be by his side and helped one another
in facing our problems in life because that what a good wife do. I should have
I positive attitudes and good sense of humor so that our home will
be full of positivity and laughers. I should be witty and say things
which me laugh. I would also be one who can see the silver lining
behind every cloud, rather than focus on the flaws in every situation.
I will encourage to look at life in a happier and more positive way. Above
all, I will be faithful. I would be someone who really believes in that
marriage is made to last “till death do as part”. I will be totally
committed to our relationship, and willing stay for the long haul,
“in sickness and in health, for better or for worse”; as couples
promise in the wedding vows. I would not be distracted by
other man; not even when I have lost my looks. I will also do
things without complaining. I will have more patience in my
husband and in my children. I will embrace change and go with
the flow. I will admit my mistakes and doesn’t always need
to be right. I will treasure my husband for who he is and
doesn’t try to change him into someone he isn’t. I
will spend quality time with my husband despite of
my busy schedule. And I will appreciate my husband’s
efforts and dedication to make the marriage work.
There are different types of
families, single parents,
married parents, divorced parents,
never married parents and so on.
Families play a very important role in molding
each other throughout the years and creating this
personality within one another that affect also other
people outside of the family. The world is filled with many
problematic families and there are kids out there dreaming for
a perfect family to pop their lives. A perfect family, what is
that? My ideal family should be composed of a kind mother, a
hardworking father and supportive siblings. My ideal family should be full of love
and happiness. My ideal family must have love, health and work. All the
members are happy. We understand, love and help each other. Parents work to
earn money for the family. My children are well-educated and study well.
And we all share difficulties and responsibilities. I know that some rich family
are not always happy. They often have an argument about money.
Children are spoilt due to the lack of parent’s care. Money is
important but it can’t make a family happy. But a poor family is not
my ideal one. I just hope to have a happy family in the future.
My ideal family is loving, supportive, fun and a safe place where I always
feel welcome and appreciated. A mother that is kind and not because this
world benefits the kids in taking advantage of a let loose mother but
because a kind mother would definitely help in proper child
growth. A father that is hardworking who always does his best
to provide for the family while at same time tries to spend as
many hours with them as possible. Never too forceful towards his
kids, calm, loving and with a strong build in both mind and body.
And a supportive sibling was always being there for me 24/7, ready
to take the hit when I’m in trouble and ready to carry me when I’m hurt.
A family isn’t just composed of rich, poor, problematic
or happy-go-lucky individuals but of a solid, unlimited
supply of love. All put together and standing due to
the raw materials holding it down known as
“My Legacy as an educator
is determined by what my
students do”. When I
empower my students to own their
learning, they become makers and
dreamers and builders and thinkers. They grow
into innovators who changed the world. When I
often hear people describe what it was like the moment
that they meet their hero. I know that teaching can be
frustrating. My impact can feel like a drop in the bucket but
I am a reminder that those tiny drops have a huge impact.
Every students and every work I created was another ripple from
the drop that goes all the ways. Teachers are not billionaires or politicians. We
don’t generally get to build giant structures and slap our names on them in hopes
that someday we will leave a mark behind us. A teacher in a school is like a post
driven deep into the bed of a river. The current bends around her; maybe it cuts
into the bank and certainly it carries river traffic along paths
effected by the post. Even the bed of river will be cut and shaped by
current as it bends around that post. People even start to navigate
by the post, as if it’s a permanent part of the river. I don’t imagine I
will leave much legacy and what little there is will be worm away over
time, and that’s okay. I do have a legacy, but to see it, you have to look
downstream. I will be able to work with roughly, 5,000 students. Some of
them are still carrying around bits of skill or knowledge that I passed
on to them, or parts of their lives that grew out of something I
passed on to them. They grew up to be living, breathing, growing,
active men and women who worked at finding how to be their
best selves, how to be fully human in the world. That’s my legacy.
To encourage dreamers to not only have dreams, but chase them.
Pursue them with all their might. To inspire someone to create,
or invent, or produce, or discover, or write, or spend years trying to solve
what once was considered a mathematical impossibility.
I make difference, but hope even more that their
impact is greater than mine.
We all have something we
believe in and this define us.
They are our essence and they
differ from one person to another. The
people who share some these beliefs become
our friends and allies in whatever paths we
choose to follow. I have my own philosophies in life.
One of my philosophies in life is to speak less and listen
more. There is a reason why we have two ears and one mouth.
Unfortunately, most people do not know when to talk and
when to stop talking. People who cannot keep their mouths
shut are looked at as arrogant and self-centered and people tend to
avoid them. It is no coincidence that people who seem to get into trouble the most
are the ones who tend to talk a lot. Furthermore, continuous verbal outbursts
reveal people’s inner most characters, without their knowledge making them
very vulnerable to verbal attacks. You are also likely to burn more bridges
talking than when you kept quiet. Contrary to popular belief that
people who are naturally quiet are cowards, maintaining silence is
actually a sign of maturity and courage. It is much harder to keep
quiet than talking, especially during arguments. Talking actually
escalates debates into arguments and eventually into fist fights.
Another philosophy in my life is that to think before making choices and to
be informed about all possible sides of the decision I make. I want to be
well informed about the many different options in my choice. I like to
think that I base my philosophy on love, reason and logic. By
loving others, I am being kind, even if the recipients of my kindness
have not earned it. This is basically the definition of love. Giving
what is needed most, unconditionally. I think that this philosophy
is a good one because it is based on love and that is a God trait.
My philosophy in life is built from these components, and I am happy
that I have the direction in my life. I still have lots of questions
that I daily meet and I am forced to find the answer on.
I feel like my knowledge is growing every day and
this makes me happy. I strongly believe that I follow
my way by the end of my life and will never be
distracted by anything.
My relationship with God is
based mainly on trust, love and
respect, common values, time,
and communication. Trust is a vital part
the relationship between God and myself.
I am frequently confiding in Him about
personal issues that I prefer not to talk about with
others. Talking to God about personal matter is not hard
for me to do because secrecy is important to me and I am
certain that I do not have to worry about someone else
finding out. I trust and accept God and his beliefs, as well as
the Bible. They are a considerable part of my life at home and at
school. The Bible tells us to do what is right, and I trust that doing the right
thing is the best thing for me to do. I have trust in God that He will guide me to
do what is best. My trust in God is received by the trust God has in me. The
main example of God’s trust in me is His allowing me to have free will and
rein over my life. He lets chart my own course in life and trusts
that I will do what is right and follow his beliefs and teachings.
The love and respect I have for God, as well as His for me, helps
build a better relationship. I show my love for God by making
sacrifices. I am often sacrificing time to help my sibling witch homework,
or being patient with my parents when they are busy. I also make the
occasional large sacrifice such as giving part of my annual allowance to a
charity. These things are done to show my love for God.
I also show my love for God by treating others kingly and with
respect. I will lend a helping hand to someone in need, or make
someone feel better if they are in need of cheering up. When I
see someone I am always making an effort to say hello or smile at
him/her as they pass by. At all times I am reminding myself to say
please and thank you to show my appreciation.
My relationship with God has been fairly consistent and
pretty much same throughout my life. I know what I
have to do. I know very well what I’m supposed to
do. It comes down making moral decisions. It might
not be so logical or practical – it needs to be
right thing to do.
Every people are dying.
Some people die from old age,
some from car crashes, suicide,
medical issues, murder and many more
causes of death. Death is taking place at
this exact moment in many parts of this world.
Adults and teenagers are dying from diseases,
accidents and of course old age. As these deaths are
occurring, many of them do not have planned out a funeral
plan themselves and I was one those that never thought
about having my funeral planned out.
Old traditions of getting rid of a body were to just bury it in a
cemetery. But with now day advancements one can get rid of their body in
numerous way. I personally preferred to be cremated and scattered over the lake
or oceans. Because for me, cremating would be the best way to get rid of my
body, without the worry of worms crawling out of my eyeball or being
resurrected one day. Cremating is also the cheapest way to get rid
of my body; at just one-fifth the cost of cemetery burial and I don’t
like my family and relatives will suffer financial during my death.
No funeral is complete without a proper obituary. My obituary would
be placed in newspaper and read at my funeral to grieve my death. For
my funeral I will invite all my relatives, friend, and family. I’ll even invite
my enemies to show that I have forgiving them for any harm caused in the
past. My funeral would be a like a party, I would like to have a huge
space, with decorations, fun activities and etc. to allow people
to have fun not to be sad and gloomy. I want my parents to be
together even just during my funeral because I want to see them
together in my last day. I want to see my family happy without
even thinking than I am gone. As my ashes are being scattered from
the sky, I will have a nice happy song playing background to ease
the sorrow that this moment is causing and there are white
balloons flying in sky. This song will remind everyone
of all the memories whether it is happy or sad I’ve
bring to them. And lastly, I want that day to be their
happiest moment in their lives. They will remember
me and love me as must I remembered and loved them all.
Inspirational quotes inspire
and motivates us to make
better decisions in life. They also help us
to be aware of negative conditions like
stress and depression revealing how futile such
things are and there is a choice to be happier.
These days’ people are working like robots without a
directional goal with the sole reason to earn but without the
passion involved. Humans are blessed with infinite
capabilities and we are yet to realize them.
I have a lot of inspirational quotes in life and one of this is
“You are confined only by the walls you build yourself. Man has this unique
ability to create limitations of his abilities. Unfortunately, the more self-aware
we become, the more we focus on our weaknesses and therefore that there are
things beyond our reach and we should not pursue difficult tasks or else we
fail and feel miserable. Work on your dreams today no matter how delayed
you are; you will be successful only if you believe so. Another one is
“You are stronger than you think” because the world around us is
mediocre does not mean you’ll have to be one of them forever. We have
every right to discover your true potential. Rise higher than our
surrounding and achieve greatness no matter what people may tell us. Just
believe that we are stronger than we feel and are meant for greater things.
Next is “Work hard in silence; let your success make noise” silence all
our ill-wishers and critics who think that we are not capable
enough. Yes, the path we choose may be unconventional and
the results may be immediate, but delay in our success does not
mean we will be denied of it. Work silently and diligently under
people’s noses without letting them know how hard we are working.
Finally, when you succeed, that will be the time to roar to the world
and scares the haters off our life for good.
I may still be young and naïve
but I believe that life is
worthy of everything. For me, it’s not
just about having relationship,
companionship, good friends or maybe a job
that you like, if you are lucky. Some people will settle
for things like this because for them, it’s by far the best it
can get. For me, that’s not all you get from this world.
I believe in harps and violin and thunders and lightning. I
believe in love and not just a mere accord of comfort for two
people. I believe in “being in love”. Life is worth so much. Life is
more than spending endless hours in the gym and eating foods just to seek
approval from others. It not about basing my everyday existence an eternal word
of wisdom of long-dead self-proclaimed philosophers and saints. My life is not
about living someday else’s dreams and beliefs but my own.
Life is so much more than merely pursuing the norms of the society
but trying to be good person in my own accord. It is not about
wildly chasing dreams to be superior over others. It’s more about long
walks down serene green meadows drowned in my own thoughts. It’s
more about feeling the wind hit my face. Life is a beautiful learning
experience, and to a great extent, it is what we make of it. It is package
with its attendant high and low points. If the high points help us gain
self-esteem and happiness, the low ones too help speed our journey to
self-actualization by making us introspect. Nobody knows for
sure whether there is life after death. So, if the only known
truth is the one life in our possession, we should live it to the
hit – as best as we can in the most conscionable manner. Life is
about passion, freedom and love. I will only walk this road;
I might as well make the most of it.

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