Fundamentals UPS Eaton
Fundamentals UPS Eaton
Fundamentals UPS Eaton
Questions to consider 5
Head-to head UPS comparison for network closets and server rooms 11
UPS startup 18
Increase server energy efficiencies by using high-voltage power supplies and 208V UPSs 23
Worldwide voltages 25
UPS topologies 27
Service overview 34
Applications Accessories
1. How often do you refresh and maintain 1. How is power getting from the UPS to your
your IT hardware (including servers)? equipment?
What about your UPS equipment? 2. Do you have a need for enclosures,
2. If you have a converged data-voice network, communications, seismic mounting, floor
have you protected all critical switches? stands or rail kits?
3. If you have virtualized your servers, have you 3. Is a maintenance bypass switch needed?
considered the impact on your UPS 4. Are unorganized cables hindering your
equipment? efficiency or coming a safety concern?
4. What would happen if the power went out at
your facility right now? Software and connectivity
5. Have you thought about the impact of 1. Is there a need to have orderly scheduled
damaged or corrupted data? shutdowns?
6. How much energy do your UPS units 2. Do you want to remotely monitor the UPS?
consume? How efficient are they?
3. Would you like to remotely notify others of
UPS events?
4. How will your UPS software manage virtual
1. What size UPS do you need? servers during an extended power outage?
(kVA or amperage)
5. Does your power management software
2. What voltage is currently available at integrate easily with your virtualization
your site? platforms?
3. What voltage do you need? 6. Do you need a network card? A network card
4. What runtime do you want? that has the UL 2900-2-2 cybersecurity
5. Are there any clearances or size constraints? certfication?
Alternative #3:
Do it the old fashioned way. Completing these steps is also very useful for the first two alternatives.
1 List all equipment to be protected by the UPS. (Remember to include monitors, external hard drives,
routers, etc.)
2 List the amps and volts for each device. These ratings can typically be found on the label on the back
of the equipment. Multiply amps by volts to determine VoltAmps (VA). Some devices may list their
power requirements in watts.
To convert watts to VA, divide the watts by power factor. For servers, the power factor is often 0.9.
3 Multiply the VA by the number of pieces of equipment to get the VA subtotals.
4 Add the VA subtotals together.
5 Multiply the total by 1.2 to get the grand total. This step accounts for future expansion.
6 Use the grand total to select a UPS. When choosing a UPS, be sure that the total VA requirement of
supported equipment does not exceed the VA rating of the UPS.
x = x =
x = x =
x = x =
x = x =
x = x =
x = x =
x = x =
x = x =
x = x =
x = x =
x = x =
x = x =
4 Total
5 x1.2
6 Grand Total
This is only one hour. Imagine if your systems were down all day!
1 2
a. The Eaton 3S UPS also fits
easily on top of or under a
b. The Eaton 5P tower UPS fits
under a desk or in a network
2. Wall-mount UPS
a The Eaton 5P rackmount UPS
b includes hardware to mount it to
a wall.
3 4 3. Rackmount UPS
The Eaton 9PX UPS ranges from
700 VA to 11 kVA.
4. Two-in-one rackmount/
tower UPS
The Eaton 5PX UPS can be
mounted in a rack or installed as
a tower model.
5. Scalable UPS
5 6
a. The Eaton BladeUPS is a
scalable, redundant
rackmount UPS.
b. The Eaton 9PXM is also a
scalable, redundant UPS.
c. The Eaton 93PM is a vertical
or horizontal scalable white
or grey space solution.
L 6 - 30 R
Know your North American receptacles
In North American markets, most facilities utilize
plugs and receptacles conforming to standards
established by the National Electrical
Manufacturer’s Association (NEMA), which Amperage – matches breaker rating R – Receptacle
L – Locking
uses a smart code to define what each part feeding the plug/receptacle P – Plug
number represents. If you know the part number
of your connector, you can find its voltage and
Value Max Voltage Wires in connector
amperage ratings. Always check with your local
5: 125V L1, N, G
electrician to verify proper wiring and installation.
6: 250V L1, L2, G
14: 125/250V L1, L2, N, G
15: 250V L1, L2, L3, G
21: 250V/125V L1, L2, L3, N, G
The difference
between VA
and watts
The engineering answer: To correctly Mathematically, real power (watts) is related The answer for the rest of us:
size a UPS, it’s important to understand to apparent power (VA) using a numerical
the relationship between watts and VA. ratio referred to as the power factor (PF),
However, we must first have a brief which is expressed in decimal format and
discussion about power terminology. Real always carries a value between 0 and 1.0.
power (measured in watts) is the portion of For many newer types of IT equipment, Real power
power flow that results in the consumption such as computer servers, the typical PF
power (VA); (watts);
of energy. The energy consumed is related is 0.9 or greater. For legacy personal
Full capacity Actual usable
to the resistance in an electrical circuit. An computers (PCs), this value can be
example of consumed energy is the filament 0.60 – 0.75.
in a light bulb. Using one of the following formulas, a
Reactive power (measured in VAR or volt- calculation can be made to determine the
amps reactive) is the portion of power flow missing quantity:
due to stored energy. Stored energy is Watts = VA * Power Factor or VA = Watts / Converting amps to VA
related to the presence of inductance and/or Power Factor Single phase: Multiply amps by voltage (120
capacitance in an electrical circuit. An
Since many types of equipment are rated in volts in the U.S.). 10A x 120V = 1200 VA.
example of stored energy is a charged flash
watts, it’s important to consider the PF Three phase: Amps x volts x 1.732 = VA.
bulb in a camera.
when sizing a UPS. If you don't take PF into
Apparent power (measured in VA or volt- account, you may under size your UPS. As
amps) is a mathematical combination of an example, a piece of equipment that’s
real power and reactive power. rated at 525 watts and has a power factor
The geometric relationship between of 0.7 results in a 750 VA load.
apparent power, reactive power and real 750 VA = 525 Watts / 0.7 PF
power is illustrated in the power triangle
below: Sizing the UPS to operate at 75 percent
capacity results in a UPS with a 1000 VA
Apparent Power (VA) rating (750 VA / 0.75 = 1000 VA).
at the proper temperature.
beer makes for a perfect after-mowing-
your-yard treat.
Pairing Reviews
Pairing matters Reviews are key
To bring out its full potential, a UPS needs to be paired It’s important to get the insider
with the right equipment. Think racks, rack power knowledge before you buy. Spiceworks.
distribution units (PDUs) and software. You’ll be as com and are to
8 9
pleased with your full solution as when you pair IT pros as Untapped and NextGlass are
chocolate with a stout or a burger with a pale ale. to beer enthusiasts.
Trending Recycle
Manufacturer-required startup
Many three-phase UPS models
(typically >40 kVA) must be
started up by the UPS
manufacturer to ensure they’re
properly installed and calibrated.
In general, electricians and
contractors don’t have the
required in-depth knowledge of
the UPS. Manufacturer-trained
field technicians provide an
overview of the equipment and
a tutorial of how to operate the
Figure 1
Central UPS
Why you’d choose a central UPS solution Why you wouldn’t
A single UPS can mean single point of failure. You can
Typically, the sales and service life of the UPS is longer. overcome this concern with an N+1 or N+X UPS
for redundancy.
Figure 2
Decentralized UPS
Why you’d choose a decentralized UPS onfiguration Why you wouldn’t
No rewiring is required. Use existing wall sockets. Easy plug
If a generator supports the building, smaller standby and line-
and play installation. Can also be redeployed easily if IT
interactive UPSs may not be able to function while it’s running.
systems are moved.
Requires lower capital outlay and installation costs. Fits within
IT manager purchase limits. Generally don’t need to approve a
No central panelboard exists or there’s no room for the UPS.
large capital expense. Will most likely not require additional
installation costs from electrician.
power? P OWER.
50 Hz
60 Hz
Single-phase voltages*
110-127V; 60 Hz (also 208V; 60 Hz)
110-127V; 60 Hz
220/230V; 50 Hz
240V; 50 Hz
Afghanistan 220 380 50 Gambia 220 400 50 New Zealand 230 415 50
Albania 230 400 50 Gaza 230 400 50 Nicaragua 120 208 60
Algeria 127/220 400 50 Georgia 220 380 50 Niger 220 380 50
American Samoa 120/240 208 60 Germany 220-230 400 50 Nigeria 230 400 50
Andorra 230 400 50 Ghana 220 400 50 Northern Ireland 240 400 50
Angola 220 380 50 Gibraltar 240 400 50 Norway 220-230 400 50
Antigua 230 400 60 Greece 220-230 400 50 Okinawa 110-120 200/230 60
Armenia 230 380 50 Greenland 220 400 50 Oman 240 415 50
Argentina 220 380 50 Grenada 230 400 50 Pakistan 230 400 50
Aruba 115/127 220 60 Guadeloupe 220 400 50 Palau 120 208 60
Australia 240 415 50 Guam 110-120 190 60 Panama 110-120 190 60
Austria 220-230 400 50 Guatemala 120 208 60 Papua New Guinea 240 415 50
Azerbaijan 220 380 50 Guinea 220 208 50 Paraguay 220 380 50
Azores (Portugal) 220 400 50 Guinea-Bissau 220 380 50 Peru 110/220 220 50/60
Bahamas 120 208 60 Guyana 110 190 50/60 Philippines 115 380 60
Bahrain 220 400 50 Haiti 110-120 190 50/60 Poland 240 400 50
Balearic Islands 230 400 50 Honduras 110 190 60 Portugal 220 400 50
Bangladesh 220 380 50 Hong Kong 200 380 50 Puerto Rico 220-230 208 50
Barbados 115 200 50 Hungary 220 400 50 Qatar 240 415 50
Belarus 220 380 50 Iceland 220 400 50 Réunion Island 230 400 50
Belgium 220-230 400 50 India 220-250 400 50 Romania 220 400 50
Belize 110 190/380 60 Indonesia 220 400 50 Russia 220 400 50
Benin 220 380 50 Iran 220 400 50 Rwanda 220 400 50
Bermuda 120 208 60 Iraq 220 400 50 Saudi Arabia 127/220 190/380 50/60
Bhutan 230 400 50 Ireland 220 400 50 Scotland 220 400 50
Bolivia 110-115/220 400 50 Isle of Man 240 400 50 Senegal 220 400 50
Bosnia-Herzegovina 220 400 50 Israel 230 400 50 Serbia 230 400 50
Botswana 220 400 50 Italy 220-230 400 50 Seychelles 240 240 50
Brazil 110-127 220/380/ 60 Ivory Coast 220 380 50 Sierra Leone 230 400 50
220 440 60 Jamaica 110 190 50 Singapore 230 400 50
Brunei 240 415 50 Japan 100 200 50/60 Slovakia 220 400 50
Bulgaria 220 400 50 Jordan 220 400 50 Slovenia 230 400 50
Burkina Faso 220 380 50 Kazakhstan 220 380 50 Somalia 110/220 380 50
Burundi 220 380 50 Kenya 240 415 50 South Africa 220-230 400 50
Cambodia 120/220 400 50 Korea, South 220 380 50/60 Spain 220-230 400 50
Cameroon 220-230 380 50 Kuwait 240 415 50 Sri Lanka 230 400 50
Canada 120 208/240/600 60 Kyrgyzstan 220 380 50 St. Kitts & Nevis 230 400 60
Canary Islands (Spain) 220 400 50 Laos 220 400 50 St. Lucia 240 400 50
Cape Verde 220 400 50 Latvia 220 400 50 St. Vincent 230 400 50
Cayman Islands 120 208 60 Lebanon 110-220 400 50 Sudan 240 400 50
Central African Republic 220 380 50 Lesotho 240 380 50 Surinam 115 220 60
Chad 220 380 50 Liberia 120 208 60 Swaziland 230 400 50
Channel Islands 240 400 50 Libya 127-230 220/400 50 Sweden 220-230 400 50
Chile 220 380 50 Liechtenstein 220 400 50 Switzerland 220-230 400 50
China 220 380 50 Lithuania 220 400 50 Syria 220 380 50
Colombia 110-220 440 60 Luxembourg 220-230 400 50 Tahiti 220 380 50
Congo 220 400 50 Macau 220 380 50 Taiwan 110 190 60
Congo, Dem. Rep. of 220 380 50 Macedonia 230 400 50 Tajikistan 220 380 50
(formerly Zaire)
Madagascar 220 220/380 50 Tanzania 230 400 50
Cook Islands 240 415 50
Madeira (Portugal) 220 400 50 Thailand 220/230 380 50
Costa Rica 120 240 60
Malawi 230 400 50 Togo 220 380 50
Croatia 220 400 50
Malaysia 240 415 50 Tonga 115 415 60
Cuba 120 190 60
Maldives 230 400 50 Trinidad & Tobago 115/23 200 60
Cyprus 240 400 50
Mali 220 380 50 Tunisia 220 400 50
Czech Republic 220 400 50
Malta 240 400 50 Turkey 220 400 50
Denmark 220-230 400 50
Martinique 220 380 60 Turkmenistan 220 380 50
Djibouti 220 380 50
Mauritania 220 220 50 Uganda 240 415 50
Dominica 230 400 50
Mauritius 230 400 50 Ukraine 220 380 50
Dominican Republic 110 120/208/ 60
Mexico 127 220/480 50 United Arab Emirates 220/230 415 50
Moldova 220 380 50 United Kingdom 240 400 50
Ecuador 120 190 60
Monaco 220 400 50 United States 120 277/480 60
Egypt 220 380 50
Mongolia 220 400 50 Uruguay 220 220 50
El Salvador 115 200 60
Montserrat 230 400 60 Uzbekistan 220 380 50
England 240 400 50
Morocco 220 380 50 Venezuela 120 240 60
Estonia 220 400 50
Mozambique 220 380 50 Vietnam 120/220 380 50
Ethiopia 220 380 50
Myanmar 230 400 50 Virgin Islands 120 190 60
Faeroe Islands 230 400 50
Namibia 220-250 380 50 Wales 220 400 50
Falkland Islands 240 415 50
Nauru 240 415 50 Western Samoa 230 400 50
Fiji 240 415 50
Nepal 220 400 50 Yemen 220 400 50
Finland 220-230 400 50
Netherlands Antilles 120-127/220 220/380 50/60 Zambia 220 400 50
France 220-230 400 50
Netherlands 220-230 400 50 Zimbabwe 220 415 50
French Guiana 220 380 50
New Caledonia 220 380 50
Gabon 220 380 50
1 Power failure When a superhero loses his ability to fly or a total loss of utility power.
3 Power surge
Rush of energy following a double shot of espresso or short-term high voltage more
than 110 percent of normal.
When your amp’s too wimpy to handle the bass line or reduced line voltage for an
4 Under-voltage
extended period of a few minutes to a few days. Often happens during the summer
months when everyone is cranking up their air conditioners.
5 Over-voltage
Inhuman cheerfulness exuded by aerobics instructors or increased line voltage for an
extended period of a few minutes to a few days.
6 Electrical
line noise
Excuse you use to get off the phone quickly or a high power frequency power wave
caused by radio frequency interference (RFI) or electromagnetic interference (EMI).
7 Frequency
Fluctuation in how often you do laundry from week to week or a loss of stability in the
power supply’s normal frequency of 50 or 60 Hz.
8 Switching
Breaking up with your significant other only to get back together every six months or
instantaneous under-voltage in the range of nanoseconds.
9 Harmonic
“Music” blaring from your nephew’s headphones or the distortion of the normal power
wave, generally transmitted by unequal loads.
UPS topologies AC to DC
DC to AC
Buck Boost
There are several different UPS topologies that provide varying Online UPSs provide the highest level of protection by isolating
degrees of protection. Selecting the best fit depends on several equipment from rawBattery DC to AC
utility power—converting power from AC to DC
Charger Inverter
factors, including the level of reliability and availability desired, the type and back to AC. Unlike other topologies, double conversion provides
of equipment being protected and the application/environment. While zero transfer time to battery for sensitive
Battery equipment. This topology is
all four of the most common UPS topologies outlined below meet the best applied to mission-critical equipment and locations where power
input voltage requirements for IT equipment, there are key differences generally is poor.
in how the result is achieved, as well as the frequency and duration of
demands on the battery.
Standby UPSs allow equipment to run off utility power until the UPS
detects a problem, at which point it DCswitches to battery power to Internal Static Bypass
to AC
protect against sags, surges or outages. This topology isCapacitor
Inverter best suited
for applications requiring simple backup
Battery such as small office/home
office and point-of-sale equipment. AC to DC
Rectifier DC to AC
DC to AC
Inverter Capacitor
AC to DC DC to AC
Rectifier Inverter
Line-interactive UPSs actively regulate voltage either by boosting or Ferroresonant UPSs operate similarly to line-interactive models with
decreasing utility power as necessaryDC before the exception that a ferroresonant transformer is used to condition the
AC to Buck
DC Boost to AC allowing it to pass to the output and hold energy long enough to
protected equipment or by resorting to
Rectifier battery power. Line-interactive
models are ideal for applications where protection from power cover the time between switching from line power to battery power
anomalies is required, but the utilityBattery
power is relatively clean. MDF and which effectively means
IDF communication closets, non-centralized server and network a no-break transfer. Many ferroresonant UPSs are 82-88 percent
rooms, and general IT enclosures are ideally suited for this topology. efficient and offer excellent isolation. Although no longer the dominant
Battery DC to AC
Charger Inverter type of UPS, these robust units are still used in industrial settings such
as the oil and gas, petrochemical, chemical, utility and heavy
Buck Boost Battery industry markets.
Battery DC to AC
Charger Internal Static Bypass
AC to DC DC to AC
Rectifier DC to AC Inverter Capacitor
Normal Operation Battery
Internal Static Bypass
Battery Power
AC to DC
Rectifier DC to AC
AC to DC DC to AC
Battery Rectifier Inverter
Buck Boost
Strap Joining
Plates in
Pasted Plate
Lead Alloy
Grid Figure 1. VRLA batteries are
frequently used in UPS or other
high-rate applications.
Operating UPS power without power management software is like Once you’ve selected a power management software solution that
driving in the rain without windshield wipers—you may be protected seamlessly integrates into your major virtualization platform and
from the downpour, but your visibility is hindered. Together, a UPS meets the needs of your environment, you will be able to enjoy a
solution and monitoring and management software is the perfect number of advantages.
complement. Cost savings
Most businesses today are leveraging some level of virtualization for • Less hardware, power used, cooling, and management
network, storage, application or servers. Read the top two criteria to
consider when choosing software that safeguards your equipment • Increased productivity—no need to recreate your work-in-progress
and expands the capabilities of your virtual environment. Business continuity and disaster
recovery (BCDR)
1. Establish which software integrates with your virtualization •D
ata integrity and graceful shutdown in the event of an extended
platform outage
Power management software that integrates with the leading • Initiate planned migrations to a cloud recover site
virtualization platforms such as VMware and Microsoft makes
• Extended runtime to critical applications with load shedding
monitoring and management seamless and saves you time.
Management ease
2. Identify what you want to accomplish with the software •A
global view across the network on one screen—often from any
PC with an Internet browsers A complete log of events and UPS
• Do you want it to plug directly into your virtual dashboard?
utility data
• Do you want to initiate planned migrations? • Centralized alarms
• Do you want to perform load shedding? • Organized data by customized views
•Do you want to remotely shut down a host in a cluster without •E
vent logs for preventive maintenance of the entire installed
needing to install shutdown agents on each host or each virtual equipment base
View the Professor Figure 1. Eaton’s Intelligent Power Manager (IPM) facilitates easy and versatile remote monitoring and
Wattson video on management of multiple devices, keeping you apprised of power and environmental conditions.
the service provider makes a repair only
There are several UPS service delivery when something breaks. T&M can be
methods, including: done either via depot repair or onsite,
A variety of different UPS service options depending on the UPS. This method
• Factory warranty—repair or replace.
are available, any of which will likely save can be an unacceptable service solution
You contact the UPS service provider and
you time and money by minimizing business for some customers, since it’s often
ship your UPS to a repair facility. The
interruption and the costs of downtime, as expensive, and there’s the uncertainty
service provider returns the repaired unit
well as enhancing overall return on of not knowing when a field technician
or a refurbished unit.
investment by extending the lifespan of will arrive. Because support agreement
• Extended warranty—advance swap critical power equipment. (contract) customers always take priority,
depot exchange. T&M response times can be up to five
• Support agreements, or service
You contact your UPS service provider, days, based on the product and location.
contracts, usually combine parts and
which ships a refurbished unit to you; the
labor coverage (electronics, batteries or
original UPS unit is returned to a repair
both), one or more UPS preventive
facility. Typically this expedites a
maintenance inspections annually, and a
replacement UPS by the next business
combination of coverage hours and arrival
day and freight costs are paid both ways
response time. Plans can be tailored to
by Eaton.
meet almost any need. Special features
• Onsite repair. You contact your UPS like remote monitoring, battery
service provider and factory-trained field replacement insurance and spare part kits
technicians travel to your site to diagnose may also be added.
and repair electronic or battery-related
• Extended warranty (or basic warranty)
may also be purchased for many UPS
Smaller UPS products (below 1000 VA) products. A warranty commonly covers
generally can be repaired at a depot, while specified parts and labor such as Figure 3. Eaton is one of the UPS companies that
products over 1000 VA and up to 18 kVA can electronic components for a fixed period provides remote monitoring services.
either be repaired at a depot or serviced of time. Warranties may have limited
Transformer Main Lateral Lightn
Breaker Switchgear Feeder Static Fuse Arrest
9 10
4 Powers
Conduits Poles
5 6
Threats to
der Static Fuse Arrestors
1 Fire sparked by weak wire 6 Squirrels and raccoons chew through 10 Mylar balloons drift into power lines
burns through line a wire or wander into the wrong area 11 Three-car collision strikes utility pole
2 Lightning strike damages 7 Underground explosion causes cable 12 Failure of underground cable
transmission line failure
13 Equipment failure
3 Bird flies in causing short circuit 8 Storm blows branches and limbs down
that crash into power lines 14 The power goes out and no one
4 Thieves steal copper knows why
5 Blown fuse at substation transformer 9 Equipment malfunction
15 Utilities conduct a planned outage for
repairs or upgrades
and educational way to share information about the causes, frequencies and impact
of power outages. You can view a region or individual state or province to see specific
information about power outages, including their cause, duration and number of
people affected. Visit to see this interactive tool and order
the latest Blackout Tracker annual report.
Total number of summer outages between 2008–2017 by state Average number of summer days with thunderstorms
Top 10 City Total Top 10 City Total
Total number of tropical cyclones in U.S. by month (1851–2015) Impact of power outages
Month Tropical storms Hurricanes Every day, an interruption to electrical service in homes, businesses
and public sector organizations occurs, and the losses. For a
June 90 19 business, the recovery time is significant and the costs are high.
According to Price Waterhouse research, after a power
July 118 25 outage disrupts IT systems:
• >33 percent of companies take more than a day to recover
August 383 78 • 10 percent of companies take more than a week to recover
September 578 107 • It can take up to 48 hours to reconfigure a network
• It can take days or weeks to re-enter lost data
• 90 percent of companies without a survival plan go out of
business within 18 months
Power outages can cause substantial losses for the companies
affected. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, when a
power failure disrupts IT systems:
• 33 percent of companies lose $20,000-$500,000
• 20 percent lose $500,000 to $2 million
• 15 percent lose more than $2 million
5 summer blackouts
things to know about
1. S
The total number of summer outage Thunderstorms are more prevalent
events has grown by 45 percent between May and August; hurricanes
from 2012 to 2016. wreak havoc from June to September;
and monsoons make their mark
beginning June 15.
3. S
A multitude of record-smashing natural The demand on the power grid doubles
disasters occurred in the U.S. during during the summer time, increasing the
the summer of 2017, including Hurricane risk of unplanned outages and causing
Harvey, Hurricane Irma, and more than your electronic equipment to run hotter
110 large fires and wear out faster.
5. T
40 percent of the past decade's
creature-caused blackouts occurred
during the summer months, with
squirrels as the leading culprit.
201 and up
101 - 200
19 51 - 100
25 - 50
10 - 24
Note: Each power outage was grouped into one of seven possible causes. The outages by cause were totaled and the results displayed
in the chart above. The number adjacent to the pie piece is the number of outages attributable to that cause.
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