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The Love I Never Knew John 3:16

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Lark Murry

The Love; I Never Knew

John 3:16
What is the greatest thing that God has done for you?

John 3:16
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever
believes in him should not perish but have eternal life”.

Topic: The Love; I Never Knew

To describe the love of God is very vast or impossible to express it with a

limited human knowledge. God’s love for mankind is so practical than any
other that had ever done it under heaven and on earth. It is the love of heavenly
love and the biggest and the greatest gift. The love that God has for mankind is
putted into an action. He loves us so much that made him to sacrifice His only
Son in seeking a way to meet the needs of whom He has been loved.

a. He Came from a Far (For God so loved the world, that he gave his only
The first word of this verse begins with a joining word “for” which means that
connected to the previous verses. When we read the whole chapter (3) we see
the context that Jesus and Nicodemus were having interaction in regards to
eternal life. We see Nicodemus saying “how can a man be born when he is
old?” (3:4). He felt that is something impossible which man can never be done.
Therefore Jesus explained to him “for God so love the world that he gave his
only Son” (3:16a). Here, the love is not just an ordinary love but eternal love
that God impulse for the world. John used the word “world” in three ways via,
first John refers to the world (earth) “He was in the world” (John 1:9-10),
second it refers to mankind (John 3:16), and third it refers to Satan or evil (1
John 2:15-7).
But here, the word “world” John is referring to mankind. Race of mankind had
rebelled against God and deserve to die, but then God’s love for the world is so
titanic. And because of that love He sacrificed only Son Jesus Christ, that the
world may be reconciled through Him, and gain life (John 6:33). It is a free and
unmerited gift. Man had no right and when there was no eye to pity or arm to
save, it pleased God to give his Son into the hands of men to die in their sins. It
is the mere movement of love; the expression of eternal compassion, and of a
desire that sinners should not perish forever.

When it comes to life and death we will never be sacrificing as God did it for
our sake. Forget about our own children, but we will find so difficult and never
sacrifice even the things we love the most. However, in the condition of that
God gave his only Son that the lost world may be found. He came from very far
just in search of the lost. He left all his glory for us and came thus far. It is the
love of God we could live in Him through Jesus Christ. The world gets lost and
there’s no way to go out from the lost place. Therefore, He made available of
Himself to come searching of you. The reason is you are so precious and greater
in His eyes than any other creations. If God does not love you this much, He
would not send or come searching of you thus far.

b. Summon for All (whoever believes in him)

The word of God is so beautiful and written in such a way that we find comfort
as we read. Here in this text there is an invitation for all. “Whoever believes”
the invitation doesn’t limit to certain people group or individual but so wide
invitation for all mankind. It’s an open calling to all to receive the purpose he
brought and came from afar. The whole world was in need of God’s help and
without Him the world was unable to move and go. Therefore Jesus was telling
Nicodemus that God gave His only Son for the whole world that they may have
The God of the Bible is a God of loving God and Justice God. He doesn’t look
only to a particular person or people group. The word of God did not say if the
“Hebrew believe in me” rather it says “everyone”. Many people think that God
is only a Hebrew God, but wrong. God did not call only the Kings or Queens
but called everyone. The God of the Jews is the God of you and me. The God of
the kings and Queens is the same God of poor and needy. And the same God is
calling you. Nicodemus was longing something within his heart and he couldn’t
find anywhere else. Therefore, he came to Jesus by night hoping that he will be
found of what he was searching for. And we see where Jesus told him “one
must be born again to see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3).

Nicodemus a Pharisee, people looked him up as their leader and was searching,
because the respect he had did not give him the longing he had. By the time he
came to Jesus, Jesus knew it of what he was searching for and therefore here
Jesus invited him in God’s kingdom (3:16). Nicodemus was thinking of
physical born again and that disturbed him to accept it. But, Jesus point was not
the physical born again but spiritual birth. The invitation is not only for
Nicodemus but it is for you too/all.

There is a special voice that is calling you if you believe the voice that is calling
you. Would you answer while He is calling you? Whether you think of yourself
as king or slave nor Queen or poor, God is calling you. In Him all are equal.
And this is the beauty of our God.

c. He Gives Eternal Life (but have eternal life)

Nicodemus, a member of the Jewish Council was impressed by Jesus’ miracles,
but faith based on miracles alone is not enough to be saved. There must be inner
cleansing, a complete change of heart brought about by the creative power of
the Spirit of God. Only then a person enter the kingdom of God. He was very
spiritual person according to the concept of Pharisees because he kept the Law
of Moses, but then he began to doubt himself of what he believed. After seeing
all the miracles Jesus did, he was compiled to find Jesus. But then, since being a
leader he was scared of the people, on the other side that he might be killed.

Therefore he came to Jesus by night (John 3:1-2). Here one beautiful thing we
see is this, even though Nicodemus came to Him by night but Jesus did not
refused to meet Him or tell him that He was tired nor no time. Rather, Jesus
noticed the longing in Nicodemus’ heart. Many God’s servants don’t want to
help someone who is badly in need. Some leaders are acting even beyond.
Believers or one has to set an appointment to meet them. Jesus worked and
minister more than what we are doing, still he accepted who came to Him

Pharisees were a group of people who maintains strictly to the Law of Moses.
They even added more commandments for them to follow. Nicodemus was one
among that group of people at one time but he felt that he needed Jesus.
Because he believed that Jesus is sent by God Himself (John 3:2), so Jesus told
him that there is an eternal life for who believe in Him. Those who believe in
Him should not parish but have everlasting life (John 3:16). Nicodemus was in
need of that life. He was spiritual leader according to their custom and practices,
but that was not enough for him to get eternal life. He was longing for the life
Jesus gives.

Nicodemus realized that only Jesus can set him free from the power of Law, and
can give Him inner peace and the real purpose of life that never fade away.
Nicodemus life was changed as he was longing something to change in life, to
become better from the life of Pharisee, Nicodemus was transformed (7:50,
19:39). We see Jesus argued with religious leaders so called Pharisee or
Sadducees etc. throughout His ministry. But here, Jesus didn’t condemn
Nicodemus because He knew the longing of Nicodemus’ heart.
Jesus came to this world not to condemn because of our sins but then the world
might receive and be saved through His coming (John 3:17). And therefore
whoever comes to Jesus they transforms and become new creation (2 Cor.
5:17). Everyone who believes in Him will never see death (John 8:51). Eternal
life is for everyone even today who believes in Him. The word of God asking,
do you want this life? Do you have the zeal in seeking Jesus for the eternal life
as Nicodemus?

You might be a Christian or leaders in organization, but if you are like the
Pharisees who are only hypocrites and think that what you know is enough, then
the word of God is encouraging you/us to examine to listen the calling. Jesus is
calling you to give you life that never parish. He came from a far to invite you
in His kingdom where there is a life without end. Would you accept His
invitation today? Tomorrow you may not be there.

May the Spirit of God help us to understand Him that we may live with Him in

May God bless you all... Amen.

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