Normal Course of Trade or Business Are Subject To Vat "Unless Exempt '
Normal Course of Trade or Business Are Subject To Vat "Unless Exempt '
Normal Course of Trade or Business Are Subject To Vat "Unless Exempt '
Cane Sugar - produced from the For the sale or importation of certain e
following shall be presumed, for ingedes uhe o şkimmed milk powder.
internal revenue purposes, as refined lactose, buttermilk powder, whole milk
sugar. powder and such other feed ingredients
and additives which may be hereinafter be
Product of a refining process determined by competent authority to have
Products of a sugar refinery; or possible utlization for human consumption,
Product of a production line of there must be a showing that the same is
a sugar nill a accredited by the unfit for huma consumption or that the
BIR to be producing andlor ingredient cannot be used for the
capable of producing sugar wit production of food for human consumption
polarimeter reading of 99.5 as certified by the Food and Drug
and above Administration (FDA) IRMC 55-2014 as
revised by RMC 6-2014 and RMC 78-2014]
SALE OF MARINATED FISH (Rev. Ruling 348-11
dated Sept 28, 2011)
C. Importation of personal and household
Sale of marinated fish is not exempt effects, belonging to:
from vat.
The residents of the Philippines
Laws granting Exemption from
returning from abroad;
payment of tax must be clearly stated in
Nonresident citizens coming to
the language of the law
resettle in the Philippines.