Summary of ASTM D4628

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ASTM D-4628

Standard Test Method for Analysis of Barium, Calcium, Magnesium, and Zinc in Unused Lubricating Oils by Atomic


NO Tools
1 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
2 Analytical Balance
Automatic Measuring Pipet or Volumetric Class A Pipet, 50-mL

3 Bottles with Screw Caps, 60 mL (2 oz)

Shaker, Mechanical Stirrer, or Ultrasonic Bath, capable of

4 handling 60-mL bottles

Sample Preparation

NO Barium, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc

Weigh the sample to three significant figures into a 60-mL (2-oz)
1 bottle. The sample mass is chosen to give an absorbance
reading of 0.2 to 0.5.

2 Add base oil to make 0.25 ±0.01 g total mass.

Add 50 mL of potassium suppressant solution and dissolve

The maximum sample size to be used is 0.25 g, and the

3 minimum is 0.05 g.
To hazy samples add 0.25 6 0.01 mL of 2-ethyl hexanoic acid
and shake. If this clears up the haze, the analysis is run, and the
4 dilution error is corrected by multiplying the found results by
If the sample remains hazy, the sample is not suitable to be
5 analyzed by thistest method.
Samples yielding absorbances greater than 0.5 even with the
6 minimum sample size can be accurately diluted with new base
oil to a suitable concentration.
Aspirate the sample solution and determine the absorbance,
7 aspirating solvent alone before and after each reading.

Inject the samples for Barium,Calcium, Magnesium, and Zinc

8 determination by Acetylene/nitrous oxide flame AAS
Analytical Line

Barium : 553.6 nm
Calcium : 422.7 nm
Magnesium : 285.2 nm
Zinc : 213.9 nm
m, Magnesium, and Zinc in Unused Lubricating Oils by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry

Notes Materials
Base Oil, metal-free
2-Ethyl Hexanoic Acid
Kerosine, Metal-Free

Suitable volumetric flasks or plastic bottles may be Oil-Soluble Metal Compounds


Potassium Ionization Suppressant Solution

Working Standards

QC Sample

alcium, Magnesium, Zinc

Timbang sampel ke dalam botol 60 mL (Massa sampel
dipilih untuk memberikan pembacaan absorbansi 0,2
sampai 0,5)
Tambahkan Base Oil untuk membuat total massa 0.25
±0.01 g
Tambahkan 50 mL Potassium Ionization Suppressant
Ukuran sampel maksimal adalah 0.25 g dan minimal
0.05 g.
Untuk sampel yang haze, tambahkan 0.25 ± 0.01 mL
2-ethylhexanoic acid lalu shake. Jika tidak dapat
membersihkan haze, analisis dapat dilakukan dengan
faktor koreksi, mengalikan hasil dengan 1.005
Jika sampel tetap haze, sampel tidak cocok untuk
dianalisis dengan metode pengujian ini.
Sampel yang menghasilkan absorbansi lebih besar dari
0,5 dengan ukuran sampel minimal boleh diencerkan
dengan base oil baru (homogen).
Aspirasikan sampel dan tentukan absorbansi, untuk
pelarut aspirasikan sebelum dan sesudah pembacaan.
Injek sampel untuk analisis Barium, Kalsium,
Magnesium, dan Seng pada AAS Flame dengan
asetilen/nitrous oxide
Viscosity of about 4 cSt at 100°C Conostan Oil Based Metal Free
Free of interfering metals

stock standard blend in base oil Conostan Oil Based with Metal Compounds

containing an oil-soluble potassium compound in

kerosine at 2.0 ± 0.1 g potassium/litre of solution

portions of one or more liquid petroleum materials

that are stable and representative of the samples of

Working Standards

Working Standards Preparations

Weighing into six 60-mL bottles 0.25, 0.20, 0.15,
0.10, 0.05, and 0 g of stock standard blend (Oil-
Soluble Metal Compounds)
add 0.0, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20, and 0.25 ±0.01 g of
base oil, respectively.
Add 50 mL of potassium ionization suppressant
solution to each bottle and shake or stir to dissolve.

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