Preliminary Design of The Green Diesel Production Process by Hydrotreatment of Vegetable Oils
Preliminary Design of The Green Diesel Production Process by Hydrotreatment of Vegetable Oils
Preliminary Design of The Green Diesel Production Process by Hydrotreatment of Vegetable Oils
In this work, a conceptual design is presented of a HVO/green diesel production unit with a processing capacity of 74
ton/h (500 000 ton/year) of vegetable oils and a production rate of 59 ton/h of diesel. Firstly, an extensive literature review
has been conducted regarding the state-of-the-art techniques as well as process equipment, mechanisms of reaction and
thermodynamical properties. A market analysis is also presented which estimates feedstock availability and target production
rate. With this information, a preliminary Process Flow Diagram is proposed, along with explanations on the type of equipment
used and its operating conditions. Process design and simulation has been performed using Aspen Plus®, while Aspen Custom
Modeler® has been used to develop more accurate models where necessary. The present study concludes with an analysis of
process flexibility, considerations for heat integration and an economic assessment.
KEYWORDS Green diesel; Hydrotreatment of Vegetable Oils; Computer-aided Process Engineering
Introduction tional diesel engines, mainly due to its stability and cold flow
properties [2]. On the other hand, the sustainability of these
n the last decade, alternative fuels have gained increasing
I attention from the scientific community, given the growing
energy demand and the global warming effect derived from
processes has been questioned, since the food-based crops that
are commonly used as feedstock tamper with food prices and
availability in the regions of growth, a problem that has been
CO2 emissions. Even though fossil fuels are still the main source addressed carefully by Articles 17 and 18 of the RED [3].
of energy across the globe, the European Union has made great In light of the facts, it only seems logical to propose an alter-
effort to change the current situation through the Renewable native renewable fuel that is fully compatible with current fossil
Energy Directive (RED), which enforces a 20% target for renew- fuels, as not avoid any changes in the current transportation
able energy sources and a 10% in the transportation sector by infrastructure and conventional engines. Green diesel obtained
the year 2020. from hydrotreatment of vegetable oils is one, well-established
With no more than a year to reach the due date, the EU has example. Even though it uses the same feedstock as biodiesel,
been working on a second version of the RED directive, the RED green diesel yields a product with better qualities, which is also
II, which raises the target of renewable energy to 32% by the indistinguishable from fossil fuel-derived diesel. Table 1 com-
year 2030 [1]. Given the current paradigm shift, it is clear that pares the properties of conventional diesel, biodiesel and green
changes must be made in the appropriate direction. diesel.
The two main biofuels used in transportation are bioethanol Hydrotreated vegetable oils (HVOs) seem like a suitable al-
used in gasoline and biodiesel or FAME (Fatty Acid Methyl Es- ternative to biodiesel due to their improved cold flow properties,
ter) in diesel. As promising as the word biofuel sounds, there low content in sulfur, aromatics and oxygen, and engine com-
are two main concerns affecting these products which shall be patibility.
carefully considered. On one hand, engine compatibility makes The objective of the present work is to develop a conceptual
it undesirable to use blends of more than 7% of FAME in conven- design for the processing of vegetable oils into green diesel.
Technical, economical and environmental aspects will be taken
Manuscript compiled: Monday 31st December, 2018 into account as indicators of the quality of the project.
[email protected] First, a literature review is presented in order to gather the
Table 1 Properties of summer diesel, FAME and Neste’s green diesel NeXBTL [4].
necessary information for the design of the process and selection The two main technologies for hydrotreatment of vegetable
between alternatives, followed by a market review to support oils are NExBTL® by Neste Oil and EcofiningTM by UOP and
the financial viability of the venture. The selected process and ENI. The basic scheme for both is quite alike, as can be seen in
its variables are then put to test through simulation in Aspen Figures 1 and 2. Other companies, such as Axens IFP or Haldor
Plus ®, allowing for the optimization of process variables and Topsoe, have also developed similar technologies by the name
consumption of utilities through heat integration. of VeganTM and HydroflexTM .
Upon completion of the simulation and technical design
stage, an economic assessment will help decide on the economi- Degumming
Feedstock and metal Solids
cal feasibility of the project and identify main cost contributors. removal
Another, no less important key aspects such as carbon consump- CO, CO2, light Hydrogen
Water hydrocarbons
tion and sustainability of the process are also studied.
Hydrogen Separation Product
Hydrotreating Isomerization
Literature review stabilization
Literature research for this project attains the technology used
for stand-alone processing of vegetable oils into green diesel. Figure 2 Block diagram for the NExBTL® process [6].
Many refiners prefer instead to follow the coprocessing scheme,
where vegetable oils are injected into the fuel mixture going to Both processes consist of a primary phase called deoxygena-
the hydrotreaters in a refinery. Minor investment and revamping tion, where hydrogen is used to break down the triglycerides
is needed with the latter, but the possibility of a 100% renewable and eliminate oxygen molecules at high temperatures and pres-
fuel is left out. Therefore, this work will focus only in stand- sures. The result is a linear hydrocarbon mixture in the diesel
alone processing of HVOs. boiling range which is mainly paraffinic, as well as CO, CO2 ,
Hydrotreatment of vegetable oils could, as a first approach, water and light hydrocarbons. After separation in a three phase
be compared to the conventional hydrotreatment units used flash tank, the mixture of paraffins is partially isomerized in
to remove sulfur from refinery products. Annex 1 contains a order to improve its cold flow properties. Isomerization is essen-
schematic representation of this process which, when compared tial in order to obtain a high quality product, but it comes at the
with the novel green diesel technologies developed in the last expense of partial loss of the diesel product due to cracking. As
decade, provides substantial proof of the similarity between a result, a final stabilizer column is needed in order to separate
both hydrotreatment processes. lighter hydrocarbons from the heavier ones, resulting in four
possible products: LPG and naphtha as head products, jet fuel
and green diesel as bottom product.
Deoxygenation and isomerization take place in presence of
catalysts, mainly CoMo and NiMo catalysts for the hydrotreat-
ment section and Pt-based catalysts for the isomerization unit [7].
The conditions in which these reactions take place are what deter-
mine the level of cracking, and thus the amount of by-products
that are obtained.
Nevertheless, given the need for a flexible and a robust pro-
cess, the design will include a stabilizing unit which allows to
vary the amounts of green naphtha and jet fuel that are obtained,
depending on market demand and suitability. Regarding the
separation of gaseous products, an amine unit can be used to
Figure 1 Schematic representation of UOP’s Ecofining technol- separate hydrogen, light hydrocarbons, and contaminants such
ogy [5]. as CO and CO2 .
Reactor conditions
Figure 5 Possible additional reactions taking place alongside When controlling deoxygenation, main reactor variables and
deoxygenation [29]. conditions are: temperature, pressure, H2 /oil ratio and liquid
space hourly velocity (LSHV). As shown in Table 3, typical op-
erating conditions do not vary considerably from one study to
Regarding hydrogen consumption, one could infer from
the reaction mechanism depicted in Figure 4 that HDO routes
should be avoided, as it consumes three times the amount of In one particular study, Bezergianni et al.[32] concluded that
hydrogen. However, this would only be true if CO2 and CO increasing reactor temperature above 360 C translated into an
obtained in these reactions didn’t take part in the hydrogen- undesirable degree of cracking.
consuming reactions depicted in Figure 5. In fact, if the opposite In another study, Srifa et al.[21] experimented with a wide
was to happen, studies confirm as much as 19% more hydrogen range of hydrotreating conditions for palm oil over a sul-
would be consumed in the DCO route [2, 26]. phided NiMo/Al2 O3 catalyst. Results supported the hypothe-
Furthermore, the HDO route yields a cleaner green diesel sis that, under 300◦ C, partial conversion of triglycerides took
product, as only 3 atoms of carbon per triglyceride are not place, whereas cracking and isomerization broke down diesel
recovered in the liquid fuel, as opposed to the 6 carbon atoms molecules above 360◦ C.
lost in the DCO route, three more carbon atoms lost in the form Regarding H2 /oil ratios, 3 to 5 times the theoretical consump-
of CO and CO2 which will have to be separated downstream. tion is recommended in order to ensure gas-to-liquid mass trans-
fer resistance of hydrogen does not play a role of interference in
Catalyst systems in deoxygenation reactions the process [2, 21].
Sulphided NiMo and CoMo catalysts supported on alumina LSHV values, on the other hand, may vary between 1 and
are the most common catalysts used in the industrial scale pro- 5 h−1 [33], although higher values could affect the level of
duction of green diesel [7]. These are also the same type of conversion.
catalysts used in conventional hydrotreatment units, which, to-
gether with their high activity, explains their widespread use. Estimation of properties
The high activity of NiMo /Al2 O3 catalyst systems allow to For the estimation of thermophysical properties in the hy-
reach the 100% conversion rates widely reported in the literature drocarbon mixtures, it is recommended in the literature that the
[2, 26, 29]. However, these catalysts need a continuous addition Redlich-Kwong or Peng-Robinson equations of state be used [19,
Table 3 Typical reactor operating conditions for hydrotreatment of vegetable oils over sulphided catalysts, as found in the literature.
27, 37]. If the presence of water is important, then the NRTL converges easily and is exempt of intermediate products. Fur-
property package needs to be included [37]. All of these property thermore, the model is in good agreement with what is known
packages are included in Aspen Plus®. about the mechanism of the hydrotreatment of VOs, as discussed
Regarding the properties of triglycerides, two methods were earlier.
found in the literature for their estimation with a reasonable Nevertheless, Vélez did not take into account the effect of
level of precision within less than 10% of error: Zhongs’s hydrogen pressure and mass transfer resistance, and the predic-
fragment approach method, which allows to calculate both tions are not accurate enough (R2 = 0.8). Table 4 represents the
thermodynamic and transport properties and is illustrated in proposed reaction mechanism.
Annex 2, and Smejkal’s group contribution method, which Once a model that is robust enough is developed, it could be
is based in Joback’s group contribution method and shows adapted towards another and more sophisticated one, such as
excellent accuracy [17, 38]. that of Kubicka et al. As for Landberg’s study, it was discarded
as it does not explain the formation of CO2 since it does not
Kinetics take into account the decarboxylation reaction in its proposed
Finding proper kinetic data proved to be harder than ex- reaction pathway.
pected, given the presence of complex triglyceride molecules
in the reactions. Furthermore, since the reactions take place in
the surface of catalysts, kinetic parameters depend not only in
reactor conditions (temperature, mainly) but also in the catalyst
system being used.
The team decided that, in order to select appropriate kinetic
data among the few options found in the literature, some restric-
tions had to be put in place:
1. Kinetic data must be calculated in a sulphided NiMo, CoMo
catalyst, in order to match catalysts typically used in the
industry, as discussed earlier.
Market analysis The Finnish company Neste oil, which provides valuable
information on the fuel market distribution, proposes a method
to fix the price of biodiesel based on margins and production
costs which will be used and explained more thoroughly in the
Economic Analysis section.
As a result, in order to ensure profitability of the venture,
process capacity has to be carefully measured, following the
economy of scale principle.
Main players in the HVO game for stand-alone units are,
as mentioned earlier, Neste Oil and UOP/ENI. Neste owns 4
production facilities, two in Finland with a capacity of nearly
200,000 tons per year and another two with a capacity of 1000,000
tons per year in Rotterdam and Singapore. As for ENI, they are
Figure 6 Oil barrel prices ($/bbl) in the last 4 years [57]. currently constructing a plant with a capacity of 500,000 tons in
Italy [56].
Crude oil prices are the most determining factor for fuel cost. In view of this data, production capacity for the plant is set
As seen in Figure 6, the price of the barrel has been volatile in to be 500,000 tons of green diesel per year, which implies a
the last few months, mainly due to the uncertainty in global consumption of around 600,000 tons of vegetable oil per year
economy created by the trade war between China and the U.S. (roughly 20% is converted into gas and cracking products, ac-
and political problems in Europe [52]. cording to mass balances).
21 Green
R-101 T-102
8 R-102 E-105
15 Kerosene
10 V-102
E-101 7
E-106 Green
Water Diesel
11 E-103
9 E-102
Figure 8 Process flow diagram (PFD) of the proposal for the hydrotreatment of vegetable oils. See corresponding annex for more
details on stream characteristics.
As discussed in the Literature Review, only the annual pro- Process Design
duction of palm oil is high enough to ensure feedstock availabil-
The information found and portrayed in the Literature Review
section allowed the team to perform a conceptual design of
Furthermore, as seen in Figure 9, palm oil prices are consid-
the process, the result of which is described in the following
erably lower than rapeseed and sunflower oil prices, the latter
paragraphs and depicted in Figure 8. A summary table for the
of which is not depicted but data proves its price lands between
input and output stream conditions is shown in Table 5. A more
the two [58].
comprehensive table for all process streams can be found in
Annex 6.
The process can be divided into three main sections: hy-
drotreatment, isomerization, and final product separation. First,
palm oil is purified in a pretreatment plant, where it undergoes
degumming and bleaching in order to remove metals, phos-
phorous and any solid particles that might affect the catalyst
After purification, palm oil enters reactor R-101, which is
a trickle bed reactor with catalyst beds disposed in series for
intermediate quenching with hydrogen. The catalyst is made of
Figure 9 Vegetable oil prices ($/ton) for rapeseed (above) and NiMo supported on alumina and conversion is nearly total.
palm oil (below) in the last 4 years [57]. Liquid products obtained in the hydrotreatment reactor are
mainly n-alkanes in the diesel boiling range (270-320◦ C), result-
The main drivers for choosing palm oil as feedstock in this ing in a product with high cetane number but poor cold-flow
project are price and availability. properties. In order to improve the quality of the product, it is
However, the Renewable Energy Directive from the EU de- essential for the mixture to enter a second reactor.
mands that GHG emissions be reduced by 60% or more in order Reactor R-102 operates similarly to the hydrotreatment reac-
to be considered as a biofuel [3]. tor, this is, at high temperatures and pressures and with consid-
Oil companies such as Neste and Repsol count with special erable supply of hydrogen gas. In this case, catalyst bed is made
certifications known as the International Sustainability and Car- of Pt supported in a SAPO zeolite and alumina. Any triglyc-
bon Certifications (ISCC) that ensure biofuel lifecycle from cradle erides that have not reacted in R-101 will thus finish reacting
to cradle is sustainable. One representative example depicting here.
control over GHG emissions in the transport of palm oil to the Improving the cold-flow properties of the product comes at
refinery is shown in Annex 3. the expense of inevitable cracking of the diesel, which yields
Table 5 Input (in green) and output (in blue) stream conditions for the proposed Process Flow Diagram.
variable quantities of lower boiling point mixtures such as jet Process simulation and analysis
fuel and naphtha, depending on reactor conditions.
The proposed solution for the process was simulated using As-
The resulting mixtures are separated in a distillation column pen Plus® V10. Considering that reactor simulation options
where naphtha and gaseous products are obtained as top prod- offered in this software are fairly limited, it was decided that
ucts, diesel as bottom product, and jet fuel is obtained through the hydrotreatment reactor would be simulated using its pro-
a side column. This way, the process is flexible enough to yield gramming modeling environment, known as Aspen Custom
variable quantities of products different from green diesel, de- Modeler® (see support files).
pending on the market demand. Explanations for the developed model of the hydrotreatment
reactor, which include mass transfer resistance calculations, are
Furthermore, since hydrogen is present in great quantities explained in detail in Annex 4. From the simulations, it was
in both reactors but is not totally consumed, an amine unit was found that reactor dimensions are 25 meters in length and 5 me-
considered as the best option to recover and recycle most of it, as ters in diameter. Conversion attains 99.9%, at nominal operation
well as the light hydrocarbons and contaminants (CO and CO2 , pressure (40 bar), slightly varying upon changing the operation
mainly) present in the gaseous flows which are obtained in the conditions.
flash tanks situated after each reactor.
Regarding the isomerization reactor, only reaction kinetics
The team did not go deeper into the design of the amine was modeled using the RPlug block and the proposed reaction
unit, as it was assumed the process would be integrated into pathway and kinetic constants by Calemma et al.[51]. A brief
an existing refinery. However, one interesting option which explanation of this model is shown in Annex 5.
deserves further investigation would be to study the feasibility Basic calculations were made using typical LSHV values
of transforming the light hydrocarbons into hydrogen in order found in the literature for this process [50] and process data.
to reduce external dependence. Results provide an estimated reactor size of 18 meters in length
and 4 meters in diameter, with which a high quality diesel prod- 1 0,007
uct with excellent cold-flow properties is obtained.
Tripalmitin conversion
atically find and exploit possibilities for process optimization
and flexibility (i.e. most important contributors to cost and heat 0,004
integration options). Such possibilities are analyzed further in 0,8
this chapter. 0,003
Final selected conditions for the main process equipment are
shown in Table 6, while the mass and energy balance for all 0,7
process flows is shown in Annex 6. 0,001
The pinch temperature is the highest in the Cooling (MW) 55,7 145,3 64,1
Figure 11 Revenues from LPG, naphtha, jet fuel and diesel Operating
process: 360 ºC, an interesting result which can be cost (M€/yr)
3,35 1,12 0,92
obtained at different temperatures in the isomerization (R-102)
reactor. explained
Total revenuebyis shown
the high power
as a line to temperature
above. Capital cost
1,84 2,89 3,39
(kW/ºC) ratio of the hot currents coming from the (M€)
Total cost
3,6 1,49 1,82
Fromreactors compared
this sensitivity to the
analysis cold
it can be currents.
that, is a
with (M€/yr)
result of the large amounts of hydrogen these
current market prices, the process becomes less profitable with hot Savings
- 2,11 1,78
increasing carry. of the reactor R-102.
Steam reforming of propane
Table 7 Potential saving from proposed integrated heat ex-
HeatAs a result, the calculated heat exchanger design
From the
changer process
networks overflows
a plantitlife
canof 15
be years.
seen propane
networks (HEN)
Considerations for heat do not offer
integration weremany
made possibilities,
according to
could be utilized for hydrogen generation through
the pinchgiven theresults.
analysis misbalance between an
Aspen Plus®offers hotEnergy
and Analy-
sis package that is suitable for this operation. steam reforming:
To keep a balance, one possibility would be to remove hy-
currents and the excess heat being wasted in the
In order to perform the pinch analysis, only the main process drogen in a high temperature flash vessel after each reactor,
process. Table 6 shows the potential savings from !"power
#$ + 6#
streams were included in the study, all of which flow through a reducing the ' ( ⟶ 3!('ratio
to temperature + 10 #
and 'thus allowing the
heat exchanger in Figure 8. Thermal fluids for reactor cooling pinch temperature to decrease before heat exchange.
were not considered as options for heat integration. The gaseous currents containing mainly hydrogen could then
As for the utilities, cooling water, medium and high pressure be cooled using air coolers since amine units operate at 30-40◦ C.
steam and fired heat were considered. The composite curve Another option would be to design a different unit for hydrogen
depicting heat flows from the hot and cold currents is depicted purification that can operate at higher temperatures, such as a
in Figure 12. pressure swing absorption unit (PSA).
hydrodesulfuration catalyst lifecycles [67].
Total 162,0
Regarding feedstock, palm oil price is selected as
Table 8: total capital investment of the venture. 0,7 €/kg a base case scenario, based on the recent
values shown in the Market Analysis. Hydrogen
Investment Cost (M€) price, on the other hand, is fixed at 1 €/kg,
ISBL 162,0 assuming it can be generated within the plant.
OSBL 48,6
Table 8: summary review of the variable cost of production
Engineering 48,6
Contingency 16,2 Catalyst prices were estimated based on their Ni, study [68]
Raw materials Consumption
Mo (t/yr) asCost
and Pt content (€/kg)in the literature and
found accounted f
Fixed cap. Inv. 275,4 (M€/yr)
Working cap. 41,3 Hydrogen
their 20901,5
price [21, 50]. Lifecycle
of the catalyst
assumed as 1,5 years, based on typical Given the v
Total investment 316,7 Palm oil 589331 0,7 412,5 weight on
hydrodesulfuration catalyst lifecycles [67].
Consumption Cost recommend
Utilities Cost (€/MWh)
(MW) (M€/yr)
Table 9 Total capital investment of the venture. Regarding feedstock, palm oil price is selected as studies in
As expected, biggest contributors to capital Cooling 145,3 0,08 0,089
0,7 €/kg a base case scenario, based on the recent adapting th
investment are reactor costs. As much as 29 % of values shown in the Market Analysis. Hydrogen waste oils
in Singapore, which produces 60% more product [64].
price, on the other hand, is fixed at 1 €/kg, and animal
assuming it can be generated within the plant.
Production costs
Figure 14 Operating costs of the plant.
Variable costs come from raw materials, utilities consumption, Table 8: summary review of the variable cost of production
fungibles (catalysts) as well as waste stream treatment. Refer-
Consumption Cost
ence costs for utilities and waste water treatment were taken Raw materials Cost (€/kg)
(t/yr) (M€/yr)
from Aspen Plus® and Turton except for the price of electric- Hydrogen 20901,5 1 20,9
ity, which was fixed at 83 e/MWh, according to the values for Palm oil 589331 0,7 412,5
industrial consumption in Spain [65]. Consumption Cost
Utilities Cost (€/MWh)
Cooling duty for the reactors was calculated using Aspen (MW) (M€/yr)
Plus®, according to the heat of reactions. It is assumed that Cooling 145,3 0,08 0,089
part of this heat is absorbed by the hydrogen gas (quenching), Heating 1,8 1,5 0,023
although half of it is estimated to be removed by a thermal fluid, Electricity 31,4 83 20,85
which also needs to be considered. Thermal fluid 11,9 2 0,19
The price of hydrogen purification in an amine unit was
Gas, water and Cost
estimated as 0,1e per treated m3 , three times its typical value in Flow (Mm3/yr) Cost (€/m3)
palm oil treatment (M€/yr)
order to account for handling expenses [66].
Catalyst prices were estimated based on their Ni, Mo and Water 0,7 0,043 0,03
Hydrogen Product pr
Pt content as found in the literature and their price [21, 50]. 44,9 0,1 4,49
Lifecycle of the catalyst was assumed as 1,5 years, based on Palm oil Product pr
0,7 0,5 0,37
typical hydrodesulfuration catalyst lifecycles [67]. purification
Consumption Cost adding mar
Regarding feedstock, palm oil price is selected as 0,7 e/kg Fungibles
Cost (€/kg)
(M€/yr) the result w
a base case scenario, based on the recent values shown in the NiMo/Al2O3 81430,3 4,2 0,65 to ensure co
Market Analysis. Hydrogen price, on the other hand, is fixed at
Pt/SAPO-11 72382,464 139,5 10,10
1 e/kg, assuming it can be generated within the plant. Plant produ
Total variable costs 470,2
Fixed costs are calculated assuming the plant is two oper- year of gre
ators are present at all times and a base salary of e50,000 per fuel (1590
year. The rest of the costs can be calculated as percentages of Table 10 Summary review of the variable cost of production.
Fixed costs are calculated assuming the plant is green LPG
labor and investment (ISBL and OSBL) costs, including: supervi-
two operators are present at all times and a base
sion, maintenance, property taxes, plant overhead, royalty fees market values for€50,000
biodiesel Table 9 sh
salary of pertoyear.
rest of the costsof the
and depreciation. For the latter, 5% of fixed capital cost was product.can be calculated as percentages of labor and diesel pro
considered, assuming a plant life of 20 years. Plantinvestment
production(ISBL is roughly market val
and 468.000
OSBL) metric
costs, tons per year of
Calculations for all costs as well as estimation details can green diesel. prices are:
be found in Annex 7. The proportion of production costs is supervision, maintenance, property taxes, plant t/yr),
Byproducts include: green jet fuel (15.900
green naphtha (9.100 t/yr) fees
and green LPG (39.500 For t/yr). naphtha, an
depicted in Figure 14. The results confirm what was found in overhead, royalty and depreciation. the
11 shows the calculated margin for green diesel pro- Spanish ma
another similar study [68], where the cost of the raw material 5 % of fixed capital cost was considered,
duced in the process, considering a market value of 1,1 e/kg.
accounted for 75% of the production costs. assuming a plant life of 20 years. The values
The rest of the product prices are: 1e/kg for kerosene, 1,15 e/kg
Given the volatility of the price for palm oil and its weight on for naphtha, and 0,54for e/kg shown by
Calculations all for LPG,
costs as according to the Spanish
well as estimation
the production costs, it is highly recommended in view of these market [55]. The values obtained in Table 9 are similar to margin est
details can be found in Annex 7. The proportion of those
results that future studies in the field focus on the possibility of shown by for Neste O
adapting the process to less clean (but cheaper) waste oils such
production costs is depicted in Figure 12. The esti-
Neste Oil for their Renewable product margin
mation, although final margin values forinNeste Oilsimilar
are twice as to tax exem
as cooking oil or oil from the fish and animal industry. results confirm what was found another
high [69], probably due to tax exemptions and the high quality which allow
of the diesel which allows it to be sold at higher prices.
Product price and profitability To calculate profitability of the plant, annual cash flow is de-
Product price and revenue can be calculated by adding mar- termined considering the EBIT value obtained after subtracting
gins to production costs and comparing the result with current production costs to revenues and a taxation of 15% over profits,
0 productivity on the first year was assumed to be 75
0,06 0,07 0,080 0,09 0,1 0,11 0,12 0,13 0,14 % due to technical difficulties in start-up
-200 operations.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
-400 Annual cash flow is shown in Figure 10, where it
be noticed that the slope of the curve varies
-600 -400
every two years due to the above-mentioned
schedules technical shutdowns. Also, construction
Interest rate
of the plant
Figure 15 Cash flow over the lifespan of the plant and its construction, in is
Me.2 years.
Table 9: product margin for a market value of green diesel of
1,1 €/kg.
As seen in Figure 9 (for which the values are
Green Diesel shown in Annex 7), payback period is 7 years.
Production (t/yr) 468175
Cost of palm oil (€/t) 700
In order to determine the economic interest of the
400 value has been used. The net
project, net present
Variable cost of production (€/t) 121,8
Fixed cost of prod (€/t) 70,1 present value or NPV can be calculated from the
cash flow in each 200year and the discount rate, which
Margin (€/t) 208,1
NPV (M€)
Final product cost (€/t) 1100
is around 10 %. However, since the interest rate
depends on several factors and
Considering palmis hard to predict
oil and diesel atprices are of kerosene, nap
this stage, the net present
decisive value
0,06 been calculated
for 0,09
the profitability
0,1 0,11 0,12 of the
0,13 0,14 simulated, and
Table 11 Product margin for a market value of green diesel of -200
To calculate profitability of the plant, annual cash venture,
at different interest ratesavarying
6 to 14 %. was performed to
1,1 e/kg. The team foun
flow is determined considering the EBIT value study the effect of their fluctuation on the
As seen in Figure-40010, negative NPV values are not design of the h
obtained after subtracting production costs to feasibility of this project. Palm oil prices are varied
positive except for low values, a consequence of
between 900 and 500 €/ton, while diesel prices are ensure total
due to revenues from greenvalue
the environmental dieselofand
thea project.
taxation of 15 % -600 cost the project requires.
the high investment importance is
over profits,
Depreciation wasdueconsidered
to the environmental
as a linearvalue of theover the
function varied between 0,9 and 1,3 €/kg.
through simula
lifespan of 20 years (5%), as shown in the fixed costs Interest rate
of production. A realistic approach was used where the plant Table 10 represents the payback period and NPV
Moreover, th
Depreciation was considered as a linear function
undergoes technical shutdowns once every two years, reducing Figure for bothPresent
16 Net analyses.Values
As seen from therates
at interest results,
from these
6% to 14%.shifting the p
its productivity to 90%. Furthermore, productivity on the first variations have great power over the results, thus
allowing to ad
year was assumed to be 75% due to technical difficulties in start- increasing the risk of the investment.
up operations. analyses. As seen from the results, these variations have great Regarding he
Table 10: sensitivity analysis results on profitability for diesel
Annual cash flow is shown in Figure 15, where it can be effect over the results, both in a positive and in a negative way. imbalance bet
and palm oil prices.
noticed that the600 slope of the curve varies every two years due process, mak
to the above-mentioned scheduled technical shutdowns. Also, Diesel price (€/kg) Payback period (yr) NPV (M€) resulting in a
construction of the plant is 2 years. 0,9 Negative cash flow - investigations
As seen in Figure 15 (for which the values are shown in Annex 1,3 3 4149
Cash flow (M€)
Another poss
7), payback period is 7 years. In order to determine the economic Palm oil price (€/t) Payback period (yr) NPV (M€)
200 net present value has been used. The net propane steam
interest of the project, 500 3 5330
calculations sh
present value or NPV can be calculated from the cash flow in 900 Negative cash flow -
consumption r
each year and the discount rate, which is around 10%. However,
since the interest rate depends on several factors and is hard to Sensitivity results on profitability for dieselFinally, the ec
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Table 14 151216 17 18 19analysis
20 21 22
predict at this stage, the net present value has been calculated at and palmCONCLUSIONS
oil prices. Figure process after t
different interest-200
rates varying from 6 to 14%. 10:
oil fluctuation
As seen in Figure 16, negative NPV values are not positive The EU’s Renewable Energy net Directive RED is
Years presen to improve
except for low values, a consequence of the high investment cost imposing ambitious improvements in the energy
t governmental
the project requires. Conclusions
market in order to shift Europe’s energy mix
Considering palm oil and diesel prices are of decisive impor- The EU’stowards a more sustainable
Renewable selection of
Energy Directive imposing am-
tance for the profitability of the venture, a sensitivity analysis bitiousInimprovements in thefrom
energy marketoils
in are
this regard, biofuels vegetable a to shift
was performed to study the effect
Figure of their
11: Cash fluctuation
flow over the lifespan on the
of the Europe’s
plant and its energy
construction in mixoftowards
millions Euros a more sustainable selection of
valid option to allow the transition in the energy
feasibility of this project. Palm oil prices are varied between 900 fuels.
market, although regulations and process design ACKNOWLE
and 500 e/ton, while diesel prices are varied between 0,9 and In this regard, biofuels from vegetable oilsfeedstock
are a valid option
should consider the sustainability of the
1,3 e/kg. to allow the transition in the energy market, although regula- The team wo
very closely for both plantation and transport.
Table 12 represents the payback period and NPV for both tions and process design should consider the sustainability Galán of for his
Furthermore, the high effect feedstock price has project as we
over process profitability should invite designers Also, we than
A proposal for the HVO process 13
to consider alternative sources of oils such as valuable in
waste products from the fish and animal industries regulations for
or used cooking oil.
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