Entity Framework Core Cheat Sheet.

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Entity Framework Core Cheat Sheet 1 www.EntityFrameworkTutorial.

Platforms Execute raw SQL commands Foreign key property Name
.NET Framework (Console, Winform, WPF, ASP.NET) int noOfRowsAffected = EF Core API will create a foreign key column for each reference
context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("CUD command"); navigation property in an entity with one of the following naming
.NET Core (Console, ASP.NET Core) patterns.
Explicitly load navigation /reference entity
Mono & Xamarin (in-progress)
context.Entry(student).Reference(s => s.Grade).Load(); 1. <Reference Navigation Property Name>Id
UWP (in-progress) 2. <Reference Navigation Property Name><Principal Primary Key
Explicitly Load Collection Property Name>
Null column
Find by PrimaryKey All reference type properties and nullable primitive properties.
EF Core - Working with DbContext var student = context.Students.Find(1);
NotNull Column
Create and use DbContext object Disable automatic detect changes PrimaryKey properties and non-nullable primitive properties (int,
using (var context = new SchoolContext()) context.ChangeTracker.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false decimal, datetime, float etc.)
//work with context here Index
} Disable Query Tracking Clustered index on PrimaryKey columns.
context.ChangeTracker.QueryTrackingBehavior = Non-clustered index on Foreignkey columns.
Create Operation
QueryTrackingBehavior.NoTracking; Properties mapping to DB
context.SaveChanges() Disable Automatic Detect Changes By default all properties will map to database.
//or context.ChangeTracker.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false; Cascade delete
context.SaveChanges(); Eager Loading Enabled by default.
// or context.Students.Where(s => s.FirstName == "Bill")
context.Entry(newStudentObj).State = EntityState.Added;
.Include(s => s.Grade).FirstOrDefault();
context.SaveChanges(); EF Core Fluent API - Entity Type Configurations
Update Operation Multi Level Eager Loading
ToTable() - Maps an entity to database table
context.Update<Student>(StudentObj); context.Students.Where(s => s.FirstName == "Bill")
context.SaveChanges(); .Include(s => s.Grade) modelBuilder.Entity<Student>().ToTable("StudentInfo");
//or .ThenInclude(g => g.Teachers);
context.Entry(studentObj).State = EntityState.Modified; modelBuilder.Entity<Student>()
context.SaveChanges(); .ToTable("StudentInfo", "dbo");

Delete Operation EF Core Conventions ToTable() – Maps two entities to one database table
Context.Remove(studentObj); Schema modelBuilder.Entity<Student>().ToTable("Student");
//or dbo
context.Entry(studentObj).State = EntityState.Deleted; Table Name .ToTable("Student");
Same as DbSet<TEntity> property name in the context class. HasKey() - Configures Primary Key(s)
Get the current State of an entity
Primary key Name
var state = context.Entry<Student>(studentObj).State; modelBuilder.Entity<Student>().HasKey(s => s.StudId);
1) Id
Execute raw SQL query for entity types 2) <Entity Class Name> Id (case insensitive) HasAlternateKey() - Configures an alternate key in the EF
var sList = context.Students.FromSql($"Select * from model
e.g. Id or StudentId property becomes primary key of Student by
Student where StudentName=’name’").ToList<Student>(); modelBuilder.Entity<Student>().HasAlternateKey(s=>s.Id)
Entity Framework Core Cheat Sheet 2 www.EntityFrameworkTutorial.net
HasIndex() - Configures an index on the specified IsRequired - Configures a NotNull column EF Core Fluent API – Relationship Configurations
properties modelBuilder.Entity<Student>() One-to-zero-or-one
modelBuilder.Entity<Student>().HasIndex(s => s.Id) .Property(s => s.DoB)
.IsRequired(); modelBuilder.Entity<Student>()
HasOne() - Configures the One part of the relationship .HasOne<StudentAddress>(s =>
HasMaxLength - Configures maximum Length for
modelBuilder.Entity<Student>().HasOne(s => s.Grade) string column s.Address)
.WithOne(ad => ad.Student)
HasMany() - Configures the Many part of the relationship modelBuilder.Entity<Student>()
.Property(s => s.StudentName)
.HasMaxLength(50); One-to-Many
modelBuilder.Entity<Student>().HasMany(s => s.Courses)
IsUnicode - Configures a Unicode string column modelBuilder.Entity<Student>()
.HasOne<Grade>(s => s.Grade)
OwnsOne() - Configures a relationship where the target modelBuilder.Entity<Student>()
entity is owned by this entity .Property(s => s.StudentName)
.WithMany(g => g.Students)
modelBuilder.Entity<Student>() .IsUnicode();
.OwnsOne(p => p.HomeAddress) //or Many-to-Many
.OwnsOne(p => p.PermanentAddress); modelBuilder.Entity<Student>()
.Property(s => s.StudentName)
.IsUnicode(false); .HasKey(sc => new {
IsConcurrencyToken – Configures a concurrency
EF Core Fluent API – Property Configuration property
HasColumnType - Configures a column data type modelBuilder.Entity<Student>()
modelBuilder.Entity<Student>() .Property(p => p.StudentName)
.Property(s => s.StudentName) .IsConcurrencyToken();
//or .HasOne<Student>(sc => sc.Student)
.WithMany(s => s.StudentCourses);
HasColumnName - Configures a Column name
modelBuilder.Entity<Student>() .Property(p => p.RowVersion) modelBuilder.Entity<StudentCourse>()
.Property(s => s.StudentName) .IsRowVersion(); .HasOne<Course>(sc => sc.Course)
.HasColumnName("Name"); .WithMany(s => s.StudentCourses);
HasField - Configures a backing field
HasDefaultValue - Configures a default value
modelBuilder.Entity<Student>() .Property(s => s.StudentName)
.Property(s => s.PendingFees) .HasField("_StudentName");
HasComputedColumnSql - Configures a computed
.Property(s => s.PendingFees)
.HasComputedColumnSql(“Sql here”);
IsRequired - Configures a Null column
modelBuilder.Entity<Student>().Property(s =>
Entity Framework Core Cheat Sheet 3 www.EntityFrameworkTutorial.net
Features EF Core Identity Key Generation 1.0
DB-First - Command line 1.0 Global query filter 2.0
DB-First -VS Wizard X DB Scalar function 2.0
Model-First X Mixed client/server 1.0
Code-First 1.0 evaluation
DbContext & DbSet 1.0 Eager Loading 1.0
LINQ-to-Entities 1.0 Proxy Entity X
ChangeTracker 1.0 Interception X
Automated Migration X Simple Logging X
Code-based Migration 1.0 GroupBy Transaction 2.1
Graphical Visualization X Raw SQL Queries: Entity 1.0
of EDM Types
EDM Wizard X Raw SQL Queries: non- 2.1
entity types
Querying using X
EntitySQL DbContext Pooling 2.0
Table per hierarchy 1.0 Data annotations 1.0
Table per type X Fluent API 1.0
Table per concrete class X Model Format: EDMX X
Many-to-Many without X
join entity
Entity Splitting X
Spatial Data X
Lazy loading 2.1
Stored procedure
mapping with entity for X
CUD operation
Seed Data 2.1
Complex Type/Owned X
Table splitting 2.0
Field Mapping 1.1
Shadow properties 1.0
Alternate Keys 1.0

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