Entity Framework Core Cheat Sheet.
Entity Framework Core Cheat Sheet.
Entity Framework Core Cheat Sheet.
Platforms Execute raw SQL commands Foreign key property Name
.NET Framework (Console, Winform, WPF, ASP.NET) int noOfRowsAffected = EF Core API will create a foreign key column for each reference
context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("CUD command"); navigation property in an entity with one of the following naming
.NET Core (Console, ASP.NET Core) patterns.
Explicitly load navigation /reference entity
Mono & Xamarin (in-progress)
context.Entry(student).Reference(s => s.Grade).Load(); 1. <Reference Navigation Property Name>Id
UWP (in-progress) 2. <Reference Navigation Property Name><Principal Primary Key
Explicitly Load Collection Property Name>
Null column
Find by PrimaryKey All reference type properties and nullable primitive properties.
EF Core - Working with DbContext var student = context.Students.Find(1);
NotNull Column
Create and use DbContext object Disable automatic detect changes PrimaryKey properties and non-nullable primitive properties (int,
using (var context = new SchoolContext()) context.ChangeTracker.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false decimal, datetime, float etc.)
//work with context here Index
} Disable Query Tracking Clustered index on PrimaryKey columns.
context.ChangeTracker.QueryTrackingBehavior = Non-clustered index on Foreignkey columns.
Create Operation
QueryTrackingBehavior.NoTracking; Properties mapping to DB
context.SaveChanges() Disable Automatic Detect Changes By default all properties will map to database.
//or context.ChangeTracker.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false; Cascade delete
context.SaveChanges(); Eager Loading Enabled by default.
// or context.Students.Where(s => s.FirstName == "Bill")
context.Entry(newStudentObj).State = EntityState.Added;
.Include(s => s.Grade).FirstOrDefault();
context.SaveChanges(); EF Core Fluent API - Entity Type Configurations
Update Operation Multi Level Eager Loading
ToTable() - Maps an entity to database table
context.Update<Student>(StudentObj); context.Students.Where(s => s.FirstName == "Bill")
context.SaveChanges(); .Include(s => s.Grade) modelBuilder.Entity<Student>().ToTable("StudentInfo");
//or .ThenInclude(g => g.Teachers);
context.Entry(studentObj).State = EntityState.Modified; modelBuilder.Entity<Student>()
context.SaveChanges(); .ToTable("StudentInfo", "dbo");
Delete Operation EF Core Conventions ToTable() – Maps two entities to one database table
Context.Remove(studentObj); Schema modelBuilder.Entity<Student>().ToTable("Student");
//or dbo
context.Entry(studentObj).State = EntityState.Deleted; Table Name .ToTable("Student");
Same as DbSet<TEntity> property name in the context class. HasKey() - Configures Primary Key(s)
Get the current State of an entity
Primary key Name
var state = context.Entry<Student>(studentObj).State; modelBuilder.Entity<Student>().HasKey(s => s.StudId);
1) Id
Execute raw SQL query for entity types 2) <Entity Class Name> Id (case insensitive) HasAlternateKey() - Configures an alternate key in the EF
var sList = context.Students.FromSql($"Select * from model
e.g. Id or StudentId property becomes primary key of Student by
Student where StudentName=’name’").ToList<Student>(); modelBuilder.Entity<Student>().HasAlternateKey(s=>s.Id)
Entity Framework Core Cheat Sheet 2 www.EntityFrameworkTutorial.net
HasIndex() - Configures an index on the specified IsRequired - Configures a NotNull column EF Core Fluent API – Relationship Configurations
properties modelBuilder.Entity<Student>() One-to-zero-or-one
modelBuilder.Entity<Student>().HasIndex(s => s.Id) .Property(s => s.DoB)
.IsRequired(); modelBuilder.Entity<Student>()
HasOne() - Configures the One part of the relationship .HasOne<StudentAddress>(s =>
HasMaxLength - Configures maximum Length for
modelBuilder.Entity<Student>().HasOne(s => s.Grade) string column s.Address)
.WithOne(ad => ad.Student)
HasMany() - Configures the Many part of the relationship modelBuilder.Entity<Student>()
.Property(s => s.StudentName)
.HasMaxLength(50); One-to-Many
modelBuilder.Entity<Student>().HasMany(s => s.Courses)
IsUnicode - Configures a Unicode string column modelBuilder.Entity<Student>()
.HasOne<Grade>(s => s.Grade)
OwnsOne() - Configures a relationship where the target modelBuilder.Entity<Student>()
entity is owned by this entity .Property(s => s.StudentName)
.WithMany(g => g.Students)
modelBuilder.Entity<Student>() .IsUnicode();
.OwnsOne(p => p.HomeAddress) //or Many-to-Many
.OwnsOne(p => p.PermanentAddress); modelBuilder.Entity<Student>()
.Property(s => s.StudentName)
.IsUnicode(false); .HasKey(sc => new {
IsConcurrencyToken – Configures a concurrency
EF Core Fluent API – Property Configuration property
HasColumnType - Configures a column data type modelBuilder.Entity<Student>()
modelBuilder.Entity<Student>() .Property(p => p.StudentName)
.Property(s => s.StudentName) .IsConcurrencyToken();
//or .HasOne<Student>(sc => sc.Student)
.WithMany(s => s.StudentCourses);
HasColumnName - Configures a Column name
modelBuilder.Entity<Student>() .Property(p => p.RowVersion) modelBuilder.Entity<StudentCourse>()
.Property(s => s.StudentName) .IsRowVersion(); .HasOne<Course>(sc => sc.Course)
.HasColumnName("Name"); .WithMany(s => s.StudentCourses);
HasField - Configures a backing field
HasDefaultValue - Configures a default value
modelBuilder.Entity<Student>() .Property(s => s.StudentName)
.Property(s => s.PendingFees) .HasField("_StudentName");
HasComputedColumnSql - Configures a computed
.Property(s => s.PendingFees)
.HasComputedColumnSql(“Sql here”);
IsRequired - Configures a Null column
modelBuilder.Entity<Student>().Property(s =>
Entity Framework Core Cheat Sheet 3 www.EntityFrameworkTutorial.net
Features EF Core Identity Key Generation 1.0
DB-First - Command line 1.0 Global query filter 2.0
DB-First -VS Wizard X DB Scalar function 2.0
Model-First X Mixed client/server 1.0
Code-First 1.0 evaluation
DbContext & DbSet 1.0 Eager Loading 1.0
LINQ-to-Entities 1.0 Proxy Entity X
ChangeTracker 1.0 Interception X
Automated Migration X Simple Logging X
Code-based Migration 1.0 GroupBy Transaction 2.1
Graphical Visualization X Raw SQL Queries: Entity 1.0
of EDM Types
EDM Wizard X Raw SQL Queries: non- 2.1
entity types
Querying using X
EntitySQL DbContext Pooling 2.0
Table per hierarchy 1.0 Data annotations 1.0
Table per type X Fluent API 1.0
Table per concrete class X Model Format: EDMX X
Many-to-Many without X
join entity
Entity Splitting X
Spatial Data X
Lazy loading 2.1
Stored procedure
mapping with entity for X
CUD operation
Seed Data 2.1
Complex Type/Owned X
Table splitting 2.0
Field Mapping 1.1
Shadow properties 1.0
Alternate Keys 1.0