Rehabilitation Ambulation
Rehabilitation Ambulation
Rehabilitation Ambulation
a b,
Lara A. Pilutti, PhD , Audrey L. Hicks, PhD *
Ambulation Rehabilitation Walking
A variety of tools and techniques are available for the rehabilitation of ambulatory impair-
ments in adults with central neurologic disorders.
These strategies can be described as traditional and nontraditional.
Each strategy has particular advantages and disadvantages with respect to feasibility,
cost effectiveness, accessibility, and training specificity.
The various rehabilitation strategies should be considered complementary rather than
Rehabilitation strategies should be selected using an individualized approach.
Rehabilitation has been defined by the World Health Organization as “a proactive and
goal-oriented activity to restore function and/or to maximize remaining function to
bring about the highest possible level of independence, physically, psychologically,
socially and economically.”1 The rehabilitation process ideally involves a multidisci-
plinary team of professionals to promote recovery in physical, psychological, and
social domains.1 Rehabilitation represents a particularly important strategy for the
treatment of ambulatory limitations in adults who have central neurologic disorders.
For certain neurologic populations, rehabilitation strategies may be the only effective
mode of therapy to improve or maintain functional abilities. Deficits contributing to
ambulatory limitations in adults with central neurologic disorders commonly include
impaired walking speed and spatial and temporal parameters of gait, balance, lower
extremity strength, and tone (spasticity)2–8; consequently, these targets are often
the focus of ambulatory rehabilitation strategies. Individuals with neurologic diseases
have unique clinical presentations and courses, and, as such, rehabilitation strategies
should be prescribed based on the specific needs and deficits experienced by each
Despite the importance of ambulatory rehabilitation for individuals with central
neurologic disorders, there are several limitations of the current literature in this field.
Common limitations include small sample sizes, lack of appropriate controls, substan-
tial patient heterogeneity, lack of long-term interventions and follow-up, and inconsis-
tent or insufficient outcomes for evaluating ambulation in individuals with neurologic
impairment. The assessment of ambulatory rehabilitation strategies has typically
included outcomes of walking velocity, walking endurance, spatial and temporal
gait parameters, or clinical examination.3 Importantly, the inclusion of real-life
measures of ambulation (ie, pedometers and accelerometers) and patient-reported
experiences of walking impairment have been increasingly included as outcomes in
the evaluation of ambulatory limitations.3
Several strategies are currently available for the rehabilitation of ambulatory limita-
tions in adults with central neurologic disorders that can be described as traditional or
nontraditional rehabilitation. In general, traditional rehabilitation strategies are those
that involve passive or active movements or exercises, whereas nontraditional thera-
pies involve the use of advanced therapeutic technologies or devices. This article
describes and evaluates the most common traditional and nontraditional therapies
available for ambulatory rehabilitation in adults with central nervous system (CNS)
disorders such as stroke, spinal cord injury (SCI), multiple sclerosis (MS), and Parkin-
son’s disease (PD). Traditional rehabilitation strategies that will be explored include
exercise training and conventional gait training. Nontraditional rehabilitation strategies
that will be explored include functional electrical stimulation (FES), recumbent stepper
training, body weight–supported treadmill training (BWSTT), and the ZeroG over-
ground gait and balance training system. The advantages, disadvantages, and appli-
cations of each of these rehabilitation modalities are discussed. Rehabilitation is also
often used in conjunction with other interventions for ambulation (eg, fitting and
training to the use of an assistive device or orthosis, medical or surgical treatments
for spasticity). Such an approach is often considered standard of care or best practice,
and, as a consequence, there is little evidence showing the specific benefits of reha-
bilitation strategies in terms of the overall efficacy, safety, and acceptability of other
interventions. We will, therefore, mostly focus our review on the effects of rehabilitation
techniques when used alone.
Fig. 1. Recumbent stepper training (Nustep, TRS 400, Ann Arbor, MI).
282 Pilutti & Hicks
Fig. 2. Body weight–supported treadmill training (Andago with Woodway S55 treadmill
(Hocoma AG, Switzerland)).
Fig. 3. ZeroG overhead track system (Artech, LLC, Bioness Inc, Valencia, CA).
surfaces and practice several different ambulatory movements (eg, forward and back-
ward walking, turning, sitting-to-standing, balance activities). The ceiling-mounted
track and supportive harness still allows for adjustment of the amount of body weight
support provided, in the same manner as BWSTT, although it does not restrict patients
to treadmill walking alone. The overhead motorized trolley system can be pro-
grammed to move with the patient or set to a stationary position.61 Using this system,
patients can participate safely in a variety of ambulatory or stationary movements,
providing a natural progression from assisted treadmill training. The ZeroG training
system also allows patients to practice ambulatory movements using their own assis-
tive device.
The ZeroG overground gait and balance training system is a new tool to rehabilita-
tion, and at this time there are no published data on its efficacy or clinical applicability.
This system is extremely promising, however, considering the benefits of BWSTT in
advanced neurologic disease populations and the additional applications of this
training system. Specifically, the task-specific nature of this rehabilitation modality
may translate into important improvements in walking and activities of daily living for
adults with neurologic diseases. Although efficacy studies are clearly needed, this
training modality will likely be appropriate for adults with a variety of neurologic
diseases and disability levels because of the high level of customizability of this system.
The ZeroG training system is advantageous in that it is task specific and allows
patients to practice walking and balance as well as specific tasks of daily living without
the risk of falling. The variety of movements and actions possible with this training
system also allows for a highly specialized and individualized training program.61
This system would further be appropriate for patients with a variety of disability levels
because of the supportive harness and body weight off-loading system. Similar to
BWSTT, the most significant limitation is the high cost to purchase and maintain the
system. The need for specialized facilities and personnel may also limit the wide-
spread application of this rehabilitation modality.
Table 1
Summary of advantages and disadvantages of traditional and nontraditional strategies for
the rehabilitation of ambulatory limitations in adults with central neurologic disorders
accessibility for those with severe mobility impairment. Some debate exists as to the
advantage and potential benefit of nontraditional or advanced rehabilitation strategies
and devices over traditional rehabilitation modalities. Considering the specialized and
often costly nature of nontraditional rehabilitation, the efficacy of these modalities and
the particular groups of patients for which they may be most appropriate should be
286 Pilutti & Hicks
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