Work & Study - 24 September 2019

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Accelerating your career

WHILE many people choose to pursue their

postgraduate courses right after completing
their undergraduate studies, general
manager of Jobstreet Education Simran Kaur
advises otherwise.
“It is wiser to work for a while before
pursuing further education. By gaining a bit
of experience you can understand which
field of work or industry interests you before
you pursue a specialisation in that field,” she
Aside from finding one’s niche area of
expertise, there are other reasons more and
more working adults, including professionals
with busy careers, choose to pursue further
One reason someone may do so is to
diversify his portfolio, meaning to pursue a
field of specialisation that is completely
different than his main area of expertise. For
example, it is common for information
technology (IT) professionals to pursue
business management courses as there is a
high demand for such professionals within
the IT industry.
Another reason many working
professionals are choosing to go back to
school is to stay relevant. The way business
is conducted is changing rapidly thanks to
the Fourth Industrial Revolution, with
technology becoming an integral part of
daily lives.
The skills and experiences of people who
have been working for a decade or more are
slowly becoming obsolete. To continue on
their respective career paths, such people Postponing further study can be a wise course of action, especially in fields that are seeing rapid change.
need to update themselves. What better way
than to pursue further study? Regardless of the reason, the decision to Hurdles along the way “Managing time was my main concern as I
Some professionals choose to go back to return to student life after being away from work in the IT support field. I am on support
school to enhance their skills in their present it is anything but easy. Although further The biggest fears of working call 24/7 and work on weekends when
work area. For example, specialising in education can have a lasting positive impact professionals wishing to pursue further required,” says Komathi Shumugum, a
auditing can allow an accountant who feels on your career as well as your life, the road education are time management and computer engineering graduate who has
stagnant in his position to get that much- is bumpy and comes with its own set of course workload, especially if they intend
needed push into advancement. challenges. to maintain their monthly income. > TURN TO PAGE 2

Support and options for lifelong learners

YOUR quest for knowledge does not have No.1 in graduate employability in Malaysia
to end with donning your graduation by the Education Ministry.
gown. Lifelong learners embed a burning The university’s award-winning academic
desire for self-improvement throughout programmes meet stringent standards of
their lives. Though the term may seem local and international bodies. MSU
especially applicable to the degreed accreditors include the Malaysian
graduate in the workforce with career Qualifications Agency, the United Kingdom’s
progression in mind, lifelong learning is Accreditation Services for International
necessary across ages and educational as Schools, Colleges & Universities and Japan’s
well as professional backgrounds. Alliance on Business Education and
The Human Resources Development Scholarship for Tomorrow.
Fund (HRDF) programme, Strengthening of Its accolades garnered over nearly four
Lifelong Learning for Skills Enhancement, decades include being 541st-550th on the QS
aims to ensure a continuous supply of World University Rankings 2020 (which
quality local human capital through places MSU among the top 51% of the
effective initiatives that build and grow a world’s best universities), top 100 in the QS
world-class Malaysian workforce. Top 50 Under 50 2020, top 300 in the QS
Such initiatives include capitalising on Asian University Rankings since last year,
studying while working. With strong and rated five stars for teaching, facilities,
governmental support, lifelong learning is graduate employability, social responsibility
taking a step forward. An important and inclusiveness in the QS Stars Rating
consideration now is to ensure a successful System.
endeavour, because lifelong learning MSU entered the inaugural Times Higher
requires studying that is parallel to life as Education University Impact Rankings at the
well as professional commitments. 301st spot overall and placed in the top 200
Management and Science University for gender equality as well as reduced
(MSU) offers breakthrough ways for MSU is committed to providing flexible learning and a wide range of programmes for the inequalities. The achievement reflects MSU’s
working adults wishing to further their degreed graduate to advance in his career. continued commitment towards
studies. A wide range of programmes is internationalisation.
offered with the student’s convenience as and not just for the insatiably curious. Make Studies, Graduate School of Management Besides internationalisation, MSU’s
well as her educational and professional lifelong learning a part of yourself, advance and Centre for Fundamental Studies. mission for excellence in human capital
background in mind. in your professional life and gain immense MSU is an applied university with a development is benchmarked by its
Lifelong learners from all walks of life personal fulfillment. holistic, ecosystemic approach to education graduates’ industry employability,
may access MSU’s range of undergraduate MSU comprises the Faculty of Health and and employability. Championing innovation, entrepreneurship and community
and postgraduate programmes and choose Life Sciences, Faculty of Business entrepreneurship, excellence and sustainability; supported by research,
from a variety of study modes to fit their Management and Professional Studies, scholarship, the MSU vision of an enriching lifelong learning and flexible education.
situation best: whether to attend classes on Faculty of Information Sciences and future for all is supported by its mission:
weekdays, weekends or in the evenings, or Engineering, International Medical School, transforming lives through education. n For the full range of and more information
opt for virtual learning that runs via video School of Pharmacy, School of Education Within six months of graduation, 98.7% of on programmes offered by MSU, call 03-5521
conference supported by online discussion. and Social Sciences, School of Hospitality MSU graduates successfully secure 6868, email [email protected] or visit
Lifelong learning is vital for everybody and Creative Arts, School of Graduate employment, leading to MSU being ranked
2 Work & Study THE STAR, TUESDAY 24 SEPTEMBER 2019

Are you ready to

go back to school?

been an application analyst support for nine

years in a private organisation. She decided It is wiser to work for a
to pursue her master’s degree in business
management part-time while still working
while before pursuing
full-time. further education. By
“I was unsure as to how I would cope and
if my work and studies would negatively
gaining a bit of experience Some people find
affect each other.” you can understand which the strain of juggling
life, work and study
Her fears, as it turned out, were not
unfounded. She shares, “Too many
field of work or industry to be overwhelming.
assignment submissions with tight deadlines interests you before you
along with my heavy workload were killing
me. It was too much for me to take at one
pursue a specialisation in Komathi shares, “This may sound silly, but how to differentiate between decisions based
point and I felt like giving up. I regretted that field. among the challenges I faced was writing by on emotions and those based on evidence.
going back to studies.” hand. Working as an IT professional has me Additionally, I learnt about entrepreneurship
However, she made it a point to overcome dealing with everything digitally and it had in management, which I now use for
this barrier, making sacrifices such as short, the assignments had tight deadlines been years since I took pen to paper to write strategic and financial planning within my
cutting down on leisure activities so that she that were to be completed within a week or at length, so when I started my course, it was current job responsibilities,” says Firdaus.
had more time to handle both work and her a months’ time.” difficult for me to take notes in classes. It Firdaus and Komathi unanimously agree
studies. Nonetheless, he found a way to work was even worse during exams because I that pursuing further education has been
things out by staying back after classes to needed to write long essays.” worth all the challenges they have faced and
Adapting to change complete his assignments and would do the neither of them regret their decision. That

For Mohd Firdaus Ibrahim, a parent and

research for group assignments after
working hours to ensure his coursework
Knowledge is never a waste said, they say they could not have completed
their pursuit if they did not have enough
manager at a government organisation, was up to par. Both Komathi and Firdaus have support from family, coursemates and
going back to studying while still working After working for 10 years as an IT successfully completed their courses and colleagues.
meant balancing three things at once: work, professional in Bangladesh, Mohammed while Komathi is still waiting for an The takeaway from their experiences is
studies and family. Masba Uddin Khandaker wanted to pursue opportunity to use her newly acquired that if they had listened to their fears or gave
He too was worried about the aspect of a Master of Philosophy in computer science. management skills, Firdaus has already been up when they faced challenges, they would
time in his busy schedule, and says, “I was This decision was not an easy one as it promoted to lead a department within a not be where they are now.
worried that I will not able to catch up with meant leaving his job and finishing the company.
the course materials given and will not have
enough time to prepare for examinations.”
course full-time in Malaysia.
He admits his greatest concern was not so
“I gained valuable management skills
from the course. It requires an entirely
Just go for it
Moreover, he had to worry about much time management but coping with different skill to be among middle and top Firdaus believes that learning must be
geographic location because he was staying the course material, especially after being management than it does to be a continuous and knowledge upgraded to stay
in Kuantan while studying in Kuala Lumpur. away from studies for so long. subordinate. One valuable lesson I learnt relevant in this rapidly changing era. For
“Every alternate weekend, I needed to It is only natural that going back to that helps me in my current position is that a fulfilling career, both education and
travel from Kuantan to KL. While the studying after years in the workforce will sometimes, decisions are influenced by experience is important, and one cannot
learning methodology was compact and bring about unexpected challenges, as emotions, and as managers we must know be replaced by the other.

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THE STAR, TUESDAY 24 SEPTEMBER 2019 Work & Study 3

studying at
your pace
IN a job market as competitive
as today’s, a working
professional who is seeking a
higher salary, getting a A professional study
promotion, landing a
management position, programme specific
developing a strong professional to the field of your
network, becoming his own
boss, considering a change of
choice will not only
career or wanting to stay upgrade your skill
relevant in a future workforce
that is ever-changing, should
and knowledge, but
consider pursuing a professional also teach you about
study programme.
A professional study
everything that
programme specific to the field makes a business
of your choice will not only
upgrade your skill and
or industry run
knowledge, but also teach you successfully.
about everything that makes a
business or industry run
successfully. It could get you the needs, ability and availability.
career you want and help you SEGi PACE students get to use
gain a competitive advantage in blended learning, so they can
today’s dynamic job market, study anywhere, anytime via
especially as we are facing the the Internet. They are also given
Fourth Industrial Revolution. support through workshops and
It could also provide you with face-to-face classes from their

Asia E Learning
the tools and experience you lecturers, held on weekends.
need to enter a new field at a In addition, SEGi PACE
higher level, equipped with students can choose the number
confidence and authority, or of subjects per semester based

37cm x 5col
even elevate your career in an on their ability to balance work,
existing field. It provides a family and study. As a working
chance for you to build adult, you may take twice as
leadership skills and improve long as a full-time learner to
your career focus. complete your study
However, not all of us are at programme, but whatever the
liberty to stop working or take choice, you will still be awarded
time off to pursue professional the same qualification as a full-
study. The good news is that time student.
learning methods have evolved SEGi University’s PACE offers
in many ways. As information is widely recognised professional
increasingly becoming readily diploma, bachelor’s and
available, professionals have the master’s programmes with
option to pursue their study at affordable fees, specialising in
their own pace. a wide-ranging, comprehensive
In addition, there are list of programmes in the
numerous options for financial fields of business, mass
assistance, such as EPF communication and early
withdrawals and 0% instalment childhood education.
study loan programmes If you are a working
provided by banking and professional seeking to elevate
financial institutions for your career and pursue
professionals who intend to professional study at your own
pursue a higher education pace, schedule an information
qualification (which is also tax- session and campus visit today
deductible). and learn how SEGi University
At SEGi University, its can help you achieve your
Professional and Continuing career goals.
Education (PACE) programmes
allow you the flexibility to n For details or to speak to SEGi
pursue your professional study counsellors, call 03-6145 1777,
at your own convenience. PACE WhatsApp 011-1210 6389 or
students are free to select their visit
method of study based on their university-online/

At SEGi University, PACE programmes allow you the flexibility to

pursue professional study at your own convenience.
4 Work & Study THE STAR, TUESDAY 24 SEPTEMBER 2019

Assoc Prof
Dr Wan Sabri The leading
choice for business
Wan Hussin.

ASIA e University’s (AeU) School AeU’s programmes now allows
of Management is the top choice learners to better plan and
for international and local accommodate for their studies,
business leaders and lifestyle, career, family and Believing in lifelong
professionals to upgrade their
qualifications in the aspects of
personal commitments.
learning, AeU has
management and business to
Array of options introduced flexible
reach the next level of their
careers. To provide learners with an
learning modes
Believing in lifelong learning, array of options in business and for its prospective
AeU has introduced flexible
learning modes for its
management, AeU’s School of
Management currently offers
learners by providing
prospective learners by eight programmes – Doctor of full-time, blended
providing full-time, blended and
fully online study modes. All of
Business Administration (DBA),
Master of Business
and fully online
Administration (MBA), Master of study modes.
Human Resource Management,
Master in Management, Master
of Science (Management), programme. I enjoyed the
Bachelor of Business flexibility as it enabled me to
Administration (BBA), Graduate study online and even in
Diploma in Accounting and Vietnam without giving up my
Graduate Diploma in Business job. My hard-earned
Management. qualifications have helped me
The BBA programme is not only in personal
designed to provide learners development, but also enhanced
with knowledge and my career,” shares Tran Thi Mai
competencies in the field of Lan, a 2016 graduate of AeU’s
business administration and MBA programme.
management. The programme
integrates the fundamentals of
business knowledge, business
skills and management recognised curriculum
capabilities that will ensure
graduates can face the Next year, the university is
challenging business field and targeting an increase in
can be able to contribute enrolment. Assoc Prof Dr Wan
towards the improvement of Sabri Wan Hussin, dean of the
their workplaces. The School Management, says the
programme includes subjects university aims to further
such as Principle of highlight its MBA and DBA
Management, Introduction to programmes as part of the
Financial Accounting, Human university’s initiative to become
Resource Management and a leader in providing
Business Law and can be programmes of choice in the
completed in three years for area of business and
full-time learners. management education in the
BBA student Christina Aladin region.

says, “I was recommended by Dr Wan Sabri adds that the
friends to enrol in the BBA programmes offered are
programme as it best fit my designed to furnish learners
schedule and I didn’t have to with essential knowledge and

24cm x 5col
sacrifice my career. The classes, skills to succeed in their
which were held once a month, respective fields. This is
were great and I was able to delivered through AeU’s
connect with other students comprehensive curriculum that
from different sectors and covers theory, research, policies
industries.” and practices that are
AeU’s MBA programme internationally benchmarked
provides a focused yet and recognised across the global
diversified curriculum that will field of business and
enhance a learner’s knowledge management.
and problem-solving skills.
The programme is designed
to equip professionals with
Flexible learning
the necessary skills and Doreen Mundowafa, a
knowledge to meet today’s diplomat from the Zimbabwean
challenging global business Embassy in Malaysia enrolled in
environment. AeU’s general MBA programme
Learners are led by as she was encouraged by her
experienced academicians former boss and mentor Mafio
in an interactive learning Mlambo, who graduated with an
environment. The programme AeU MBA in 2016.
offers subjects such as “Learning at AeU offers an
Marketing Management, immersive and personalised
Managerial Economics, learning experience through its
International Business and flexible learning modes, which
Managing People and allowed me the perfect work-life
Organisations and can be balance.”
completed in only three Intakes for all postgraduate
semesters for full-time learners programmes by research is open
and six semesters for part–time throughout the year.
“The MBA programme is n For more information, call
internationally benchmarked, 03-5022 3456/013-350 7270, email
approved and accredited, which [email protected]
assures me of the quality of the or visit

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