8051 Uart
8051 Uart
8051 Uart
Serial communication means transfer data bit by bit serially at a time, where as in parallel
communication, the number of bits that can be transferred at a time depends upon the
number of data lines available for communication.
8051 has built in UART with RXD (serial data receive pin) and TXD (serial data transmit pin)
on PORT3.0 and PORT3.1 respectively.
Asynchronous communication
Asynchronous serial communication is widely used for byte oriented transmission.
● START bit: It is a bit with which serial communication start and it is always low.
● Data bits packet: Data bits can be 5 to 9 bits packet. Normally we use 8 data bit
packet, which is always sent after START bit.
● STOP bit: This is one or two bits. It is sent after data bits packet to indicate end of
frame. Stop bit is always logic high.
In asynchronous serial communication frame, first START bit followed by data byte and at
last STOP bit, forms a 10-bit frame. Sometimes last bit is also used as parity bit.
Data transmission rate is measured in bits per second (bps). In binary system it is also
called as baud rate (number of signal changes per second). Standard baud rates supported
are 1200, 2400, 4800, 19200, 38400, 57600, and 115200. Normally most of the time 9600
bps is used when speed is not a big issue.
Interface standard
● 8051 serial communication has TTL voltage level which are 0 v for logic 0 and 5 v for
logic 1.
● In computers and most of the old devices for serial communication, RS232 protocol
with DB9 connector is used. RS232 serial communication has different voltage levels
than 8051 serial communication. i.e. +3 v to +25 v for logic zero and -3 v to -25 v for
logic 1.
● So to communicate with RS232 protocol, we need to use voltage level converter like
MAX232 IC.
● Although there are 9 pins in DB9 connector, we don’t need to use all the pins. Only
2nd Tx(Transmit), 3rd Rx(Receive) and 5th GND pin needs to be connected.
● To meet the standard baud rates generally crystal with 11.0592 MHz is used.
● As we know, 8051 divides crystal frequency by 12 to get machine cycle frequency of
921.6 kHz.
● Internal UART block of 8051 divides this machine cycle frequency by 32, which gives
the frequency of 28800 Hz which is used by UART.
● To achieve baud rate of 9600, again 28800 Hz frequency should be divided by 3.
● This is achieved by using Timer1 in mode-2 (auto reload mode) by putting 253 in
TH1 (8-bit reg.)
● So 28800 Hz will get divided by 3 as timer will overflow after every 3 cycles.
● we can achieve different baud rates by putting division factor in TH1 register.
9600 FD
4800 FA
2400 F4
1200 E8
Serial communication Registers
This is the serial communication data register used to transmit or receive data through it.
Serial control register SCON is used to set serial communication operation modes. Also it is
used to control transmit and receive operations.
Normally mode-1 (SM0 =0, SM1=1) is used with 8 data bits, 1 start bit and 1 stop bit.
0 = Receive disable
This is 9th received bit in mode 2 & 3 (9-bit mode), where as in mode 1, if SM2 = 0 then RB8
hold stop bit that received
This bit indicates transmission is complete and gets set after transmitting the byte from
buffer. Normally TI (Transmit Interrupt Flag) is set by hardware at the end of 8th bit in mode
0 and at the beginning of stop bit in other modes.
This bit indicates reception is complete and gets set after receiving the complete byte in
buffer. Normally RI (Receive Interrupt Flag) is set by hardware in receiving mode at the end
of 8th bit in mode 0 and at the stop bit receive time in other modes.
Programming steps
Let's Program 8051 (here AT89C51) to send character data “test” serially at 9600 baud rate
in mode 1
* 8051_Serial_UART
* http://www.electronicwings.com
void UART_Init()
TMOD = 0x20; /* Timer 1, 8-bit auto reload mode */
TH1 = 0xFD; /* Load value for 9600 baud rate */
SCON = 0x50; /* Mode 1, reception enable */
TR1 = 1; /* Start timer 1 */
void main()
UART_Init(); /* UART initialize function */
String("test"); /* Transmit 'test' */
8051 serial interrupt
8051 UART has a serial interrupt. Whenever data is transmitted or received, serial interrupt
flags TI and RI are activated respectively.
8051 serial interrupt has vector address (0023H) where it can jump to serve ISR (Interrupt
service routine) if global and serial interrupt is enabled.
Let's see how serial interrupt routine will be used in serial communication programming.
Programming steps
Note: For transmission and reception interrupt, same interrupt vector address is assigned,
so when controller jumps to the ISR, we have to check whether it is Tx interrupt or Rx
interrupt by TI and RI bits status.
Let's Program 8051 (here AT89C51) to receive character data serially at 9600 baud rate in
mode 1 and send received data on port 1 using serial interrupt.
● In this example, after byte is received, RI flag is set which will generate serial
● After interrupt, 8051 will jump to serial ISR routine.
● In ISR routine, we will send data to port 1.
* 8051_Serial_Interrupt
* http://www.electronicwings.com
void Ext_int_Init()
EA = 1; /* Enable global interrupt */
ES = 1; /* Enable serial interrupt */
void UART_Init()
TMOD = 0x20; /* Timer 1, 8-bit auto reload mode */
TH1 = 0xFD; /* Load value for 9600 baud rate */
SCON = 0x50; /* Mode 1, reception enable */
TR1 = 1; /* Start timer 1 */
void main()
P1 = 0x00; /* Make P1 output */
Ext_int_Init(); /* Call Ext. interrupt initialize */