Inoh Izek - Ki Kkackcr Inoh Izek - Ki Kkackcr Inoh Izek - Ki Kkackcr Inoh Izek - Ki Kkackcr
Inoh Izek - Ki Kkackcr Inoh Izek - Ki Kkackcr Inoh Izek - Ki Kkackcr Inoh Izek - Ki Kkackcr
Inoh Izek - Ki Kkackcr Inoh Izek - Ki Kkackcr Inoh Izek - Ki Kkackcr Inoh Izek - Ki Kkackcr
Information :-
I declare that this information submitted by me is true to the best of my knowledge and I have read and understood the rules
for convocation.
I am also aware that the information submitted by me shall be verified with the current records available with the SHIVAJI
UNIVERSITY and on verification the conferring Degree/ Diploma / Certificate shall be allocated to me.
Place : _____________________
Signature of the Student
Please confirm following things before submitting the application form
1. Attach one attested copy of Final Year Mark Sheet.
2. Paste One photographs on the application from at the space provided.
3. Mode of payment – Cash – Pay cash in cash section in Room No. 107 in Main Building. Attach cash receipt to the form D.D.
– Draw DD of any nationalized bank in favour of “Finance and Accounts Officer, Shivaji University, Kolhapur,” Payable at
4. Submission of form –
(1) Submit the form directly to the convocation section (Exam. Building N0. 1 Room No. 110).
(2) Send by post or courier– To the Controller of Exam , Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
5. Confirm that you have not received the degree certificate earlier then only apply ( PDF link )
6. Students who has passed under improvement should submit his lower class degree certificate.
7. Forms with incomplete, incorrect, insufficient information and without fee will not be accepted and no
correspondence will be entertained in that regard.
8. Students who have passed under the following scheme will not be issued degree certificate.
(i) RBE / (ii) R.B.Sc.-10 / (iii) OBCS iii (A) / (iv) RB.A. 11 / (i) (v) FORIMP-I Class /
(vi) R.B.Com-12 / (vii) R.M.Com. / (viii) FORM DIDD
9. Degrees listed in statute No. 548 only will be issued.
10. Those students who have not secured minimum grade ‘c’ in the subject Environmental Science are not eligible to receive the
Degree Certificate.
11. I have read all above instructions and I agree to them.