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Eat Yourself Lean in 2018 RULE THE BARBECUE / MICROWAVE MUSCLE MEALS / DETOX LIKE A MAN -EBRUARY 08 $8.99 1.25050. ens-ealth meni UL FAT & Mei “HET Bench BONING) Train Like 7 ARMS SpECIAL A Fighter Get Bigger ” Cee HEAT @ Se AV ABS Stay Cool All Summer wae PO ine Fast-Track = ” 6-Pack! a SUGAR! BOOZE! Quick Cures to Modern lis Instant “Wy a . 11 Career ‘ oul Boosters Tricks ANGST! 6 { I. ‘ 4A Ways To Crush OF Your Year SS : nos oe " MAGZ_MH_0218 = aPe eteenc acuta ‘Abbey Lee wears the Calvin Kein Black push-up plunge bra. Photographed in New York May 2017 pairsIn This Issue 02 aaa Five ways to cleanse yourself ofa festive peer es ane h a a Thy Cogito ec Perens Pom Hale MELO U UC aaa ty Three highfliersat the top oftheir professional game trace your surest steps to career victory, SRT ay Peer eee Reece Er ss uae Pm Sagi Use the latest findings on the female orgasin Pees te ites eae Pa ater Grab your apron: our uimate guide to cooking Eireeee ieeene retorts ee prmmaieeniteet nett rts Pearce csr ior eee) one ua exstcn eer cae ereSections Nutrition p16 HEARTY PROTEIN NACHOS Nothing hits the spot when kicking back with friends tke a plate of Mexican munchies. p42 MEAT OR TWO VEG? ‘We pit carnivore classics against trendy vegan fare and anoint your winner. p122 FUEL THAT HITS HARDER Your best food picks for the big double: workout energy and a super teen physique Muscle a p12 WIN THE ARMS RACE Troe moves to titanic triceps that wi blow away the competition. pi 18 4-COUNT TRAINING CAMP This boxing inspired workout delivars knockout sie, strength and speed. 126 ARE YOU COVER MATERIAL? The beast on the front ofthis magazine spils all his secrets to hitting kick-arse shape. PERSONAL BEST Mi BOSS p09 NIX YOUR CAFFEINE HABIT Your plan for cutting back on coffee it you're quatfing it ike water. p32 5 FOODS TO FEND OFF CANCER Get these on your plate more often and dodge the Big C for Ifa p34 2-MINUTE MAKEOVERS Stressed? Down in the dumps? Use these |uick fies to got yourself back on track p49 THE CUT-OFF POINT Fve ways to rock denim shorts, this saason’s must have wardrobe staple p54 LEAN & CLEAN ‘The uitimate grooming kit fo accentuate your weights-room to p66 NET WORTH Federer v. Nadal is a study in opposites, from playing style to choice of premium wath, @ 02 @ ® @ @ ‘USEFUL STUFF p30 UNDO DESK-JOB DAMAGE Yur goo move for raring out Kinks whe building strength and fexibity p78 THE MOVEMENT Is ittime you switched your training focus from minor muscles to animal agiy? 128 FOLLOW YOUR LEADER ‘Tim Robards iluminates your path to ripped 205 by sping his own tale of transformation p08 TOTAL IMMERSION Develop laser-ke foous so solving any problem becomes a breeze p20 RENEWED VIGOUR How calebrity chat Anthony Bourdain uses jitsu fo bust his ints p22 HELL OR HIGH WATER Big-wave thrlsooker Mark Visser on embracing fear to become a better man. tapreenuany 2018a Letter ’ HARD-HITTING RESULTS On the one hand, boxing is a squalid business, Blame it on the trash-talk, the wilful mismatches, the ill-advised comebacks of punch-drunk 40-somethings in desperate need of fast cash. Blame it on the stench of corruption evoked by judging decisions that strain rational thought. Blame it on the alphabet soup of sanctioning bodies - IBF, WBC, WBA and WBO - that devalue the currency of a world title. Blame it on men like Don King, boxing’s most famous promoter, who was once convicted for stomping a man to death in a Cleveland street (the unfortunate man’s last purported words: “Don, I'll give you the money”), And yet. ‘There is also a strange integrity to the sport. Inside the ring there is no place to hide. Stepping between the ropes, taking a punch on the snout and trying to work out how to return it with interest, teaches you many things - discipline, courage “Thefirstruleof masse wn sstkrowiedg. no fightclubisthat it'll juncits, wor bowing wilimase transformyouinto youtetnan you've ever ee Knockout shape” "Por tn ist rule of ght is that itll transform you into knockout shape (hence our boxing special on pis) Between the heavy bag and the innumerable rounds of skipping, the roadwork and the raw exhilaration of sparring, boxing forces you to put your body on the line and train with real intensity. 1 gota brief taste of this some years back when - in order to write a MH story - Idid 10 weeks of intensive boxing-training to prepare for a white-collar bout. What I learned was that | definitely couldn't have been a contender. In the ring I had the clumsy footwork of toddler and flailed my arms with zero composure. Yet boxing also redefined my fitness levels and slashed my body-fat percentage to single digits. Most significantly, those results came from training that was actually fun. That noise you can hear? It’s the bell and it’s ringing time on halF-arsed workouts. The sweet science is calling. Ding, ding! Luke Benedictus LukeBenedictus.
[email protected]
Em rennuany 2018 Fecebook ec Nagra iter leseata ‘UKE BeneDicTus Esto, ‘en awoTy Dept Eos DANIEL WILLIAMS Associ Ear ‘DAVID ASHFORD CstiveDiractor IASON LE Deputy At Decor ATE FRASER ead Of Picts Faslon on Het SSASCHA CHMISTOPHERSON Gioup Pure Elo — Heat JEFF LAC Sil Eater (EARLE ALMAN Grooming Eater [CHARLOTTE DALZIEL Digit Content Managor~ Healt ‘SCOTT HENDERSON Jessie Digs Ettor ‘ALEX PEROT Dipl Content Eator [NATALIE TALEWSKI Evil Coinstar (02) 95042287 cue parcy samy ous Med oftnt ang eats a (02) 9304 264 9394 2057 cams musow counrenay nan ardor fein watt Haag (02) 9994 2647 (02) $394 2703, se ann ov vt aun ser Asn Hamp rote ener (use eo atv ssn sana evereox ic prs Cato Dag of ponte seneny sure Shun Sepa Moe (GEREURD ROBERTS hit ace Oe Pate Mogens JACHUE FRAN Sonal Mam: Fun, Beaty Eat [MYCHELLE VANDERBURG fet Sals sd Gop Marat rset ‘SIMONE DALLA RIVA Fora Sis iaciat, ‘DEAN PORTER Operations Ocar anos. em TARA SWANSEN cate Dees, Decay, ltl Marketing Business Devopment and ‘ht! Lersing ‘SAMANTHA gUISeARD Senor desc Eator ‘auna owsano tril Det, NATANYA VAN HEEROEN Mens Het ed Woman's Heath Inreaonal eater Cont Ae ‘snotecnneeancnran vane rmsCees) HIGH-TECH CERAMIC. VINTAGE DESIGN. RADO era SS asia [e ae lal ateAsk | ia SS Sal) Q Istruggle to focus on anything these days. Is something wrong withme? sw ALLOW US toallay what we imagine is your key concem first: unless you're also experiencing symptoms such as short-term memory loss, disorientation and problems with language, thisis highly unlikely to bea sign of early-onset dementia. So, presuming your issue amounts to little more than general absent-mindedness, let's explore alittle deeper. First, don't fall for the myth that your smartphone bears the blame for ‘your faltering focus: “Technology is often portrayed as the bad guy, but I've come across:no research to suggest our ability to pay attention ison the decline,’ says psychologist Dr Gemma Briggs. “But how we apply our attention may well be changing” For example, social media Feenuany 20 and push notifications may have trained you to absorb and share a large volume of information quickly, but disinclined you toward immersing yourselfin a four-hour research job. “We tend to overestimate how well we can multitask” says Briggs. “it’s not that we're more easily distracted, butrather that we allow ourselves to become surrounded by an increasing number of distractions” Stress and anxiety also hamper concentration, so you can start by asking what else might be taking up mental bandwidth. Of course, the theory is scant help when you're up against deadlines and an impatient boss. (Still with us, BW? Good.) When you've no choice but to knuckle down, try one of the following (right). FOCAL POINTS: ‘BUILDUP YOUR CONCENTRATION. LEVELS I JUST FOUR EASY STEPS TUNEBAGK I asstchers am Taian found that ejoyig music aa much reduces yourconcetaton.Slet a ere you'napiy aerate, then set you playstto shut DRAW TOUT Ina Pmt Uni sty those who cid abstrct ones wile isting ta nowt clos 25per cent maeafithan thse who stoned passively, Sorbie aay. @ west oun Sat youre Sin cong break every Simin Anan Perfomance study found ashrt socialmdiasessonbrosts subsequent attention KNOW YOURTYPE Your'honotype’ may mean youwork tor utsieo 05 Inquite about flexible workhousCe SireceeRcaleneypiliscoetl fix. Should! go heavy on Friday night or try tospread side (oauetad Q 'm very jittery and think I might need to nix the caffeine. Any advice on the best way to go about doing that? SB Well you could do the obvious, Shaky, and drinka ite less coffee every few days. Cut back bby about half a mug (that's 50 miligrams oF s0 of caffeine) uni Yyou Teel comfortable, suggests Gietiian Wesley Delbridge. (Try half-ca or swap intea) Nutrtionist Alan Aragon says he's seen people pulitoff with afoure week modified cold-turkey plan. The frst week, youlthaveno caftoine fora single day. The next week, you go caffene-free for three days. The third week, abstain fr five days. Then, forthe fourth week, nocatfeine ata Thatfith week? Sweet dreams, Then reintroduce with care Why do my elbows hurt when I do pull-ups, but not with chin-ups? MD ‘This goes backto yourbiceps, because pretty much everything Is connected. Pulkup (palms out) pains fairy common, says Dt Nicholas DiNubile, Because oft neglected forearms take big load. Too much stress on forearm ‘muscles can lead to tennis elbow, an inflammation ofthe elbow tendons that connect tothose ‘muscles. Bath sides of the elbow willhurt. When you switchto jpalms in, your biceps help more, relieving foresim sttess. Ty strengthening your forearms with \wristextension exercises. Good form will help, to. Follow these tips onailboth moves: [Grasp the bar and hang et full exionsion, chest proud, [BSiowiy pull your chest into the bar, keeping your elbows pointed atthe floor. {Controlyoursel back down to fullextension and repeat. Q'm a complete chopsticks klutz, What's the trick? MD Move to fork frae rural China and amuse the locals. Two years, max =youllbe great. Or you can practise with these instructions: rest the bottom chopstick inthe crease of your thumb and alop your ing finger. Hold the top stick between your thumb and index finger ike a pencil, but two-thics ofthe way up trom the pot. (Higher is the sign of a master ower down s the sign of a beginner) Pinch yourfood by ‘moving onlythe top stick. few etiquette tins: don't drop food, spear meat or gesture with chopsticks. And sticking them pointdown into your rice bow! symbolises death, says Edward Wang, authar of Chopsticks: A Cultural and Culinary History. De feel fiae to hold a bowl to your lowerlip and push ric into your ‘mouth. To geteally ood, ry this training game from chopsticks ‘maker John Economaki spread Uncooked rice on the table. \Whoever puts the most grains in a bowlin 15 seconds wins. It's hilarious," he promises. 1 lke to listen to AM. shock jocks and yell at them. What's with that? Dos Subjecting yourself to frustration is lke freaking yoursetf ona rollercoastercrin rontota horror ‘movie:itsa visceral body state that provides excitement and postive feelings afterwards, says brain searcher Nicole Prause Another simile: i's lke needing totake a siash during an endless ‘meeting and then finally letting 190. You may also be experiencing confirmation bias: when hearing the other side makes you more Confident of your own, says psychologist Jerry Smith. GIVEN THE NOTE of urgency in your tone, we'll spare you the lecture and get straight to the point: spread it out. Just think oft as gut training. The more often your systems forced to break down a certain type of food - deep-fried carbs, say -the easier it will find the task, especially ifthe volume of each fix is relatively small (one burger) rather than colossal (the family feast, please). Plus it will help you avoid the supersized blood sugar spikes you'd get witha single binge, says dietitian Vandana Sheth. Eating cheat meals within regular hours will also limit weight gain. If you know the night will end with a backlit meal deal, factorit into your evening plans, rather than making an early hours pit stop. tpreesuany ome 9UA AUSIC MATES. fesse Coony reTons of tips, tricks and strategies for life HOLY CACAO: THE SWEET a WAYTOLOOKYOUNGER 2 o- se a piery On the ever-changing list of curatives said to smocth fine lines and revitalise tired skin, chocolate is not a cosmetic renedy often cited by skincare brands. Indeed, a sticky application of Cadbury's over dark circles is unlikely to do much by way of lending vibrancy to your visage. However, recent research conducted by Korean dermatologists at Seoul National University has found that, when ingested in its purest form, a little choc ‘treatment can undo years of epidermic danage. In a trial where participants consumed 129 of phenol-rich cacao a day, the substance was found to reverse harm done to skin by ultraviolet radiation, know as photoageing. Over the course of 24 weeks, they recorded a 3 per cent increase in skin elasticity, while the depth of study subjects’ wrinkles also decreased slightly By contrast, a placebo group saw skin elasticity decrease by 8 per cent and depth of wrinkles increase by the same anount. So, shake lup your morning grooming regime and prep your skin for the dangers of sunmer sun to come by taking your skincare plan to a different cabinet ~ mix 129 of cacao nibs with banana, peanut butter, raw honey, cinnamon and milk Let's call it the chocolate fountain of youth. a a = & & Embresnuany core 11Useful The nation of ou S9ht ou pins what cong tora tof aay wen they yo rams, Ac Took inthe ie Lying Barbet | Skull Crushers 4 sets, €-120ep peram | “4 sets,one arm ata time | atamis length above ‘toows to lewer he ‘weight your forehead Return to thostar positon, | standing, beat atthe | waist, raw the weight | behind yu unt oor | crmis straight Pause, | seese your tens | thon stow iowor back | tothe staring pesiion Lying ona bench, rp the barbell ith hands about 180m apart. Lower to your chest then pres thebar up squoczing your is ‘froushout the move ah Surengthtainingisntallabout Tmusce,itmay tlieve anscety inhealthy adulssas ‘wellasin people wth physical andi mentalilnesses, 3 University ofLimenck analysis ound Researchers pointto the benefisofsoclal Interaction, Try gioup ining lfyourestessed Tolose weight ina walk running program, focus dstarice, no ih University resea studied IS overweight people found that onaverage those vith lstance als kilograms while ime-focused peopleactually gained a Jalogram One thecry.thelater nay have overestimated, Telojoales bummed. Sotheboss wants youto produce more? Askforagym. Subsidy. Universty of Texas research 500 workers ov three years found that those whodid atleast fivedays of cardio 20-30 minutesapop) and twodaysofstiength Walningeach week gained ‘overanhourinadded productivity per week,ORIS SE Re Stic euUseful Stuff DRESSED FOR SUCCESS Five scientific tricks that will fashion you Rad into a carnal Adonis PUT Seanad eed eee Gack, at what point does etre 240 ditforence become. eens ress? oy eae me eerie ‘As abarman, Ive staked money ‘on the “daughior or girtiend”™ conten bet Ana always win One easy ee ‘way to tlle by the way she ee eee stoors his wheelchair. Bt here's ary ‘what ee: the max shoud be Perera about 25 years between the two. ‘Tats about a generation. So she ‘can be 24 and you canbe 49 and Its weird, but not arcs. Gross Isher at 25 and yeu collecting pension cheques In other words, ‘bout a generation and aha, ered BiWiny ict that after Isbell Peery ree ‘out $180 a pop on concert cee cntomn wants overpriced food and perony nen drinks at the show? Hugh Wl because its a date, Hugh cae Because if our date figures eed you've got the coin for pricey eet Tickets, you can aso afford the pee ‘aft beer Look If she offers to eee ae ay for snack, thats great. Butt ‘he dove, thats not something You should blame her fr. You ‘2nked her along et you? TEXT A DOCTOR Maybe i you worry about her Instead of what sho costing you, oe shel etm the favour sometime. tn AU arom am That whe met epee peti. our an eu Percentage of young peore who ene Pele nner eo) ‘Acbecrestre worn atop ‘else mercenie weencw oS = =) = = = = 3S —— oo =: © HEARTY, MOUTHWATERITMS ce Ucamut ec hick tty Caos ee ea Useful Pre eesti’ See eee r caer eae ey aoe et eee piercer rer ieee eer te property muscular examole of cen ae Reimer ten er et at a eo ae eer ee eee eee ee es ere cent) nent Hiern pleninanbrenspern tert peer tere eer eee eet ree eer eee ere eterna ed Rory ee eer Penner! NUTRITION KNOW-IT-ALL Safely eat more than that but this is what the research i teling 1s for now about maintaining a healthy LDL cholestrol level Practically, that means you could hhave a two-ea9 omelette boosted with ech vos thee times a week, wile on other days you'd go with ‘ternative brete ation ke {salmon and beans or oats with plant-based protein powder ‘tired through. Want more 6985, ‘than that? Make your omelets ‘sane the yoks on your off dave. So aataty my sweettooth Thaw x srenionie fom rok ad 2 rt peer ee iy roma wihthat? GH Yes evr cama wh ht Hoe Joulboen hingin acne, GH? Fafa eweeonr contain ee ata conven cane now amage ‘TAKE PHOTOS LIKE A PRO “They alto block the reuptake of ‘Threelpormotertl ou oor sapstrm award-winning adventurephotographer Tyler Stblelord Ho/merarpeebngeyes {0 ta good geting ure Sete nct orto er toyorinctodectscan | taltinistparty | Intpae arethe renee Suijaigtinccmepioo | fuetSuseenteye” | Sony ROME Resting raat eneae Seuyolsioinos | Socungmolesaces | sliprapetuchied ass ee isrolsgetnge,spestcineinsyee’ | Sarena Coates Sxicoeetoyournigecand | yourexpomrescondinglyso | PCMOSsenor ae a ceeeea ijusngtwscaogeica | Jousetcsemgetse | jes vilsuadout m Yotgitemomta | ino fecal cin cuneate, lective Suemeclan ply cl Mgondinnape eed vane ao, SAY THIS, = re 26 e NOT THAT Lets mater” le somethings Tae sdepbrest” | Nelteroptonisa a ene ea prodel wich as bate 0 meouen top, eh OS ee go. Piercey for her analy: eeRAYMOND WEIL GENEVE Pees NEW FREELANCER Prose hear CONN a easUseful Stuff Ta eons etek ee nate Geers Ce tuoueen eereniairiniers a Wiehe Certs nt ona gememnnesiys erp eeneser en eed Snr Corrente Cera arn eae Eee eee ATM Ren Proce neo 20 a reanuany 2018 etd eee teeonremren tat Perce ert ry en ree ed een Pipers seen coer mortncrt Dae eed peranieene reer ees Cee eee neat al Caan eee About being it Ws more ike “What Cateye Cores eadCALIBREPrereetias Reema Sera 22 (ay reanuany soreark Visser gazed atthe stars studing the night sky as hiset-sk sped across a roling Hawalian sea. twas 2.30am on January 20, 2011 and Visser was headed towaid a reckoning that had taken four years of pteperation and been aifetime inthe making, When he artived he'd be attempting something nobody had ever done before - surf Maui's Pe'ai alsoknown as Jaws and widely regarded as the world's most treacherous break, at night. The reason ithadnt been dane before? Nobody thoughtit could be. But Vieser was doing more than just talblazing. There inthe cold right headed toward araging sé het already tured fear into fantasy Ina way that was the easy part. Now he had totum fantasy into reality the could do that, he reckoned, he would leave a itetime of insecuty and self-doubt in his wake, He'd be tree. inthe pitch biackit was probably the most intense tide out of my lle, says Visser, recalling the event known as Night Rider froma lounge chairon the deck of his house on the Sunshine Coast. All the whats that youre tying to block outto stay in the moment ‘come flooding backin* ‘As Visser and his crew got in poston the scene resembled war zone —jet-skis to tow him into the wave's path bobbed inthe water, while two choppers hovered overhead remember seeing one ofthe biggest sats, ithad tobe a 50 foot (15m) face and where Icould see al em reen the stars they iterally jus vanished because they were taken out by whitewater” he says. “Iwas lke, holy hit Visser felthis body respond othe ‘adrenaline. "My heart was pounding sohard | swear my eyebals were pulsing with every beat,” he says His frst challenge was to match the speed of the wave. “At Jaws its like a wind funnel, he says. “just siphons in here. Youhaveto be moving at least SOkmi/h to match the pace ofthe wave! Visser's board shuddered a bucked beneath him ashe blinaly hit ‘chops and bumps n the surt.As the wave peaked andhe began to plunge down its face he had just one thought: stay on your feet Video footage of Visser's feat shows.a glowi ike figure blasting down a gigantic, fast moving mound of water. Visser's eyes had now adjusted sohe could see “shadows within shadows" in the inky swell. He remembers hearing squealing “tke ahigh- pitched fan’ ashis fins cutthe water's surface. He caught the wave, Then he caught another. “There was a point where Ife ike I was so present that Iwas gliding down a mountain," he remembers. Icould actually se2 the stars and the moon and | could just go wow, this is the dream that Tonce saw’ Visserended.up catching 14 waves that night, each one pushing childhood fears of the ocean further and further into submission “From where | came trom — being aaid of the water - Night Rider was ntof climbing Mt ays Visser, snapping out of his reverie.“Itwas about setting me free asa person. lou finaly accopt mysel: Visser knows how thet sounds, “The idea that couldnt accept ‘myseff unt achieved this is crazier than all the erazy shit Ive ever done’ he says. He's right But as his story shows, tozchieve yourversion of the impossible, your dream, you haveto be wiling io tackle your deepest fears, open yourself up to pain and humilation forensically dissect your weaknesses and then work tirelessly totum them nto strengths, Andyou haveto be crazy enough to dreamin the frst place. 35>NIGHT RIDER WAS ABOUT cscs vy SETTING MEFREE LGU. Seseszetrenesemee™ ‘was two when he droppada peach rough, dvedin afterit FINALL ACCEPT MISELE PF sctetshcrstyisoce brother. That experience may ha seta course fora fe where hi id never quite escape the depths of is own insecurity ital, a drowning a couple of years later at Portseaon the Momington Peninsula cars rightto the surface, sadafthe acean and his selt-contidenc was 10, whe knows wih: he ever would have iden a arc? Or i he'd stl be afraid etyone in Mooloolaba sures faced them fromthe shore ‘ocean had aniresistible pull, he says. He was drawn toit and atthe same time tertfied byt. You've a similar object of fear ion. Maybe it's agit perhaps it's the ides of uiting your 9-5 to stat your own business. Eventually the waters pull proved je started surfing every day and while he no longer feared drowning in a purely physical sens he couldnt shake the feeling that he ‘wasn't good enough twas a feeling that would grow lke a tapeworm inside him over the nest 20 ye Vissermay have come to surfing late compared to his fellow {grommets but he was stubborn enough to keep heading out and aves. He got bette, some comps and aliacting Eventue crack al pto surfing's World Qualilying Series but asthe pond got bigger the Compettion got steeper Visser was comingtoare smallwaves were nat is stength ot, frankly, Fis bag. He didn'ke catching a wa only odoone tum, then watch the dribble away beneath him. AS luck would have tta sponsor suggested he havea crackatbig ‘waves instead, er looked back He >finished runner-up the Oakley ASL. Big Wave Awards from 2008-2011 Perhaps i should have been enough tosubdue his mental demons, But Vises thought processes were still ccottupledby childnoodinsecutties, manifesting in @ negative personal nattaive:" can't do this because of that’ was, he says, looking back, a ‘defence mechanism devised by his ‘ego. "Your ego wants to keep you sale by saying, you can't dothis, yyou'e going to die” he says. That ‘thought process will stop you doing thiags so you can stay safe* You've probably got stories you tellyoursel, fears you've suppressed ‘and dreams you've buried. could be something simple. You'd tke to run.a marathon but you can't because you sucked at Coss ‘County backat school, so you never ‘even consideritan option. Or maybe {its something where the stakes are alte higher. Maybe you possess a hhidden talent but you't too afraid to ‘expose yoursef to public scrutiny because you're not really an artist, ‘water, painter or chef and besides, iat people laughed at you? What it you failed? What Visser believes negative thought processes hauntus all He also believes ittakes atleast sixmonths for most people to arrest damaging ‘and self-defeating interior monologues. That's most people. visser? He took nine, leaving himself notes around the house tohelprewie hisbrain to positive detauk setting. The hardest part, he warns, is ‘making yourself vuinerable. “The key totaking on challengesis tobe an ‘open-earted warior without @ ‘weapon or padding, he says. ‘When you'r vulnerable that's when you'e open enough that you can become all you want to be.” Ittekes hard work and persistence but once youtfixthatfauty mental wiring and reeite your story, Visser ‘says, youreach a point where doubts become abstract ratherthan intinsic, washing over you ike ‘waves, With no defence mechanism “protecting” him, there was nothing tostop Visser dreaming big Like e0-foot ba DRINK THE WATER During the four years of preparation Ittookto get Night Rider off the ‘ground, Visser faced many potentially devastating obstacles ‘and moments when he was close to uittng. In such times he'd often reflecton some advice that he'd once dismissedas the worstheld ever received. teame from his ‘manager Steve's brother, tennis stat Pat Rater. “Lasked him ‘what's the secretto success?” Visser recalls. "Iwas looking forthe silver bulet. He said hard work, hard work and more hard Werk: I remember looking at him ‘and thinking, thats the shitest answer I've Been given in my te." Visser probed the tennis great for more, Because there hadto be more, didn'tthere? “Iwas like, ‘ok cool, what else would you say there is? He looked at ‘me lke l was an idiot and said, Man | Justtold you" Visser was reminded ofthe story afew years later when he heard arather unique strategy for avoiding dehydration. “Someone Said, if youre dehydrated, you've just gotto drink some water’ ‘Someone else then goes, ok cool, do you needtoadd some ‘magnesium, three of these things, two of those and theyre ike, no you just needto drink some water’* ‘Visser's new book The Big Wave Methodis a master classin Untangling the trip wires your ming Puls in place to prevent youfrom achieving your dreams. I's fullof straightforward advice you could easly dismiss as simplistic oreven scolf-evidentithadn’tbeen waten bby someone who's actually walked the walk. Through the course of the book Visser chips away atthe mysticism we so often attach to cediaordinary feats. Because even the most remarkable achievernent, hheargues, is ordinary, mundane even, onceis broken down into ts ‘component parts. “Sometimes the answer seems too obvious and so we ty and find this magic bullet almost to prove haw hard the challenge is Vieser says. “The answeris ust as simple ascrinkthe fucking water” And keep diinking it.PREPARE FOR THE WORST ‘Ask Visser if he's an adrenaline Junkie and he laughs. ‘in comparison toother big-nave guyst'd consider ‘myself semi-pussy” he says before adding, ‘whenitcomestothe ‘moment, yes min that wartior state of mind, but inthe lead-up toNNight Rider! was abigger pussy than anyone. twas my bility to accept that and prepare accordingly that became my Ultimate strength.” Thetuthisto takeona ‘monumental challenge youneed to freakouta lite. In doing so you make yourself putin the work. In the lead up to Night Rider, Vissertrained with top free diver Anthony Wiliams, boosting his ability holds breath from an already remarkable four minutes to anastonishing six minutes. To get aver his fear of sharks he researched thelr habit, then did a 26km paddle in the dark. toassure himself he wouldn't be eaten alive. Afew dayslaterhe dida 100 (30m) free dive onto a shipwreck where he know sharks wore likely tobe hanging around, Hell never knowif they were there so dark was atthe bottom, By he time itcame to Night Rider, Visser estimates that from a Fiskeanalysis perspective there was probably 23-4 per cent chance of something realy bad happening, “The amount of preparation and tezining Iputin was almost ridiculous, way above and beyond What was necessary.” he says. “Ifyou prepare forthe worst-case scenario, hope forthe best and you end up somewhere in between then you're sillahead” STAY IN THE MOMENT Five days before Night Rider Visser woke upin a cold west. "was teritfed thinking ‘am| going to die?* You've probably had similar experiences before an event that makes you ansious, whether i's your first tiathlon or a best man's speech. You picture yourself in the situation, You catastrophise. Few sports require you to be more Inthe moment than surfing yet the irony s, to prepare for that one massive moment, Visser needed to bbe consciously present in allthe minor moments leading up tlt. “Iwouid purposefully tell myself, Irmthinking about what | have todo infive days butwhathave | gotta do only think what you want you've got fightnaw?t've gotte gototraining more chance of achieving It” rightnow inthisexact moment!" For _Thiskind of subtle mental you, staying present could bees manipulation informed every aspect. simple as maintaining stictform on__ of Visser's physical and mental Chin-ups orfeeling yourchesthitthe — appreachto Night Rider and ‘ground on every push-up. continues today ashe prepares for This constantfocus onthe present his next challenge, Operation Deep had the ulimate reward during Night Blue, in which hell parachute out Rider when, after managing to of aplaneto sur the biggest wave absorbthe earthat threatenedto inthe world overwhelm him, Visserwasableto. Whatever dream you setfor take thal momentonthe boardto yourself you'd be wise to apply e look up atthe stars. similarposive stant. The reason, 25 Atthe same time, ashe hurtled always, iesimple. You cart change own thewaveat nearly 80kmin, the sizeofthe swell the length of therewere those wordsthatkept race orthe gradient ofa path. But ringingin his head. Wordshe’d been what you can dois control the saying tohimseltfora verylongtime. messages thatfilyour head. And Words that speaktossuring’s very whether youtrea surfer or not, when essence: “stay on your feet. things hangin the balance what you “Iknew if| said “don'tfall off, alld tellyourself could be the difference heer would be ‘allot Visser between wiping out and the ride of explains. "fyouredirectyourmindto your ite. at HEN FOU RE YUUNERABLE THATS WHEN YOU REOPEN ENOUGH THAT YOU GAN BECOMEALL OU WANT TOBE FP Stand Up And Deliver ‘Vise'tranng bas become enownedin ete cles fois itnsyadetfctivenes. Inthe same way he propareshis min for ‘the needle pychlogicalchalenges oi wave sting. ise and coach Greg Dolman narrate vary of scipiesto lads body tatcan ton far moe tan may eer be eked oft Usethese ils tobi physique that can ake on anything ALT + 5m run incorporating stars Dolman gave Visser this epmen to prepare 10 pushups forthe 201 Utinate Waterman even Do 10 chinaps ‘hase mows balancing on afta build 10steups nian core -10dips = Sigl-Arm dumbbell ehest press (26) Thats an round. Contin without rst this Standon the fiball whe amate ‘ime ding, then 8 untiyeue down to randomly throws a medicine ball at you {This neo the hardest isd." ‘ram the rt and behind Vier. “Once you frishyo've got bury wsion” Visser es times tins. Hisbet me when sek: 140. Bent overone-arm dumbbell ow (5) sup (20) Sandon aFial, ang amine balin front of you fr in, hon mort explosive to youret froin. then you ih, ten ave yourhead, for afve-ninute a your igs st emble” soya Vise. "You mle bod pats.” [mreenuany 2018 27| Go On Another New Year Detox? All Every! Beware of ssupplemants and plans aiming to detoity yourbody Without oinga thing, youre ‘cleansing’ ight now. “Our bodies are processingtoxins atl times“ explains Emma Dawson nutitionist at ‘Nuffield Health. Once you begin exciting inose toxins, youstart toeeltneetiects—beit calfeine- withdrawal ora bastard behind the eyes. Takelt Slow Justasyoure drawntoa greasy ‘n-up post festivities, toxins are drawn tothe body’sfat cells."When, you lose weight, those toxins are released” says Dawson, so the faster you lose weight, the more your body has todealwith atonce. It youte living onjuice, ‘you wor't be getting ‘enough nutrients to process the toxins” Pay the long game. 28 (a reanuany 2018 ‘Sweat the Bad Stuff ‘Spinning might ‘not appeal when your heads doing just that, bul eardio wil give your body ahand."When we sweat we get id of harmful chemicals” says Dawson, Plus exercise boosts enzymes that support detoxication” Fuel upon sweet potato firstits antioxidants combat the fe radicals produced as you detox. ‘And yes, the fies work justas well Green Light Whether eaten, inhaled or imbibed, most toxins eventually ‘pass through your body's waste-disposal system: the liver.“‘You can support the process through nuttition,” says Dawson. “Onions, garlic and ‘cruciferous vegetables suchas broccoli and kale stimulate production of the enzymes yourver uses for detoxification.” Consider office-party excess crucified Work Your Guts Out Ofcourse, your body's main form of ‘excretion oceurs inthe gents, But, if your guts are stuckin slo-mo, you couldfind yourset ina toxic cicle. “if youre constipated, toxins foundin the waste [product in yourintestine ‘can be reabsorbed” says Dawson. A high- fibre diet containing veg, pulses and wholegrains willkeep things in full low. Heres to Spm Friday.EVERY RIDE'S A TEST. FL eee ayy Sa aa NG se a ea eee PST a a HIGH-PERFORMANCE SUSPENSION, FOR MAXIMUM AGILITY AND eee a Cc a OTE cea eMC aac a eae Seen een eee net See ee ea eatin oe eesUndo the Damage of a Desk Job Does your back hurt after a long day’s work? Ours too. Use the Cossack Squat to add posture-protecting benefits to your gym plan ———a =—- WHILE AN INTENSIVE training plan strikes no fear in the MFT ‘man, increasingly i’ the perils fof the day job that can leave you ‘wincing, Where once a man’s ‘work was breaking backs, i's now bending them. Your slouching desk posture is causing pain and silting progress. And those HIIT sessfons you rely on for fast results when. ‘you finally leave the office are likely exacerbating the problem. Olge» , Width and awide grip ‘onthe bar raise your arms overhead. Make ‘sure your backand legsare straight and thatyourhands are slightly behind your Vilage People 02 With your core set, lunge totheloftand sit down’ contoyourleftfoot, extending the opposite leg. Your extended leg should be resting on its You need to slow down. heel with your other foot ‘The overhead flat on the floor. Ths, by nsacksauat the way,is the easy bit control, resetting, — .: — rounded shoulders, —=>> ‘opening your hip flexors ‘and strengthening your core to get an injury-proof posture. ‘Take it easy to start with ““Get comfortable performing bodyweight Cossack squats before addingany weight?’ advises PT and mobility enthusiast Ollie Frost. ‘Once the bars overhead the key {sto keep your ribs down, back straight and chest up. These cues 03 5 not only protect you rom injury, Cock yourarms to butalso develop better posture for stop them wobbiing, adayaat your desk” tighten your core and Join our quest to mobilise the keepyour posture ‘work force, and complete four sets tallasyoustoadiy cof threereps each side, three times shift ourweightto ‘week tthe end of your session. the other leg, ending ‘You'l sit pain-free within a month. i Em rearuany 2018 mirror position. WHAT YOULL HIN BULLETPROOF LOWER BACK @+ INuRY RESISTANCE @t 2 . Ot! SUPREME FLEXIBILITY Pushing through the heel of your right foot, return to standing, under control Take breath, reset your shoulder blades and prepare to repeat for another rep. °SUPERIOR PAIN RELIEF IN ONE TABLET VS REGULAR PARACETAMOL IBUPROFEN PARACETAMOL With the combined power of two active ingredients — ibuprofen and paracetamol — try Nuromol for powerful relief from pain. ¥ More effective" Y Longer lasting’ ¥ Up to 8 hours relief Y Available in pharmaciesFive Foods To Fend Off Cancer Delicious ways to defend against disease are a grocery run away. Load your basket with these weapons A q 3 ty Ltt) Asyourwhdle gain Every 10 grams of ilake goes up.your fe iscup ate ‘overellcancerrskmay beans) you eat daly drop, ateviow in BMA! may out your colorectal suggests It could the fie, Gulgut has ‘over 50 per cent more ofithan quia does lowerng the chance theyltumn cancerous Dr Chung Vane, @ ‘may have added suge wile reshtea hone (unless you add ‘Swap your mor p These beans ing oatstorbulgu-toss are tender and mi, iti tlunch; perfect er st eit garlic, Soups. Drain spring onions and finge the beans and ‘ingerandtop win —_acdthem as you would ree your ou lroutorsalmon foran —meatto yourlavoutte easy dinner hil con came recipe Ar SEED Dorit toss‘em ‘each! Pumpkin have more of type of potentay post a) ‘Omega fatty acids inthe coldwates fishmay prevent ceancerprometing cancer-fighting vitamin \ntlammation, says E,called gamma- ‘oncologist Nel yang tocopherol, than othr nuts and seods wrap ato {wet fol with tle oil. sat, pepper and ‘orange slices. Boke at 230°C untidy, 16-20 Toss a hanaful Of sholled, unsalted pumpkin seeds into your tall mi, salad i (x bulgur dish to add fines Seve th texture, or roast em bulgurwitest. Reed cn! for acruncty, saisiing afternoon snack.ey CN MUIR TO aU CYAB IVA AE SUC isarevolutionary new online peer programSWIPELEFT RIGHT, AND EVERYWHERE (One ofthe smartest things you can packin your carry-on for lravelis a packet of disinfecting wipes. Use them to sanilise yout very humble seat ineconomy by swiping disease-carrying microbes from high-tireat areas lee tray tables, seat buckles, air vent dials, sai pockets, and, of course, when i's time, bathroom door handles. a) g HAPPY MARRIAGE, HAPPY HEART Researchers followed married British men for 19 years to see how their relationship ups and downs affected theirrisk actors forheart cisease. “improving” mariages were linked tolower LDL cholesterol and weightloss, while “deteriorating” ones were linked to higher diastolic blood pressure, To keep yours on the Lpsuing, see the nexttp, MINUTE MAKE YOU'RE 120 SECONDS AWAY FROM LOSING WEIGHT, GETTING FIT, ot 4 DIABETIC? EAT THIS"DESSERT” To stabilise postrmeal blood sugar, ‘ty eating carbs tst.n one study, people with type 2 diabetes ate a Chicken sandwich: (1) ints entirety, with 10 minutes between halves: (2) bread fist, chicken veggies 10 minutes ater: (3) chicken/veggies fist, bread 10 minutes later Option 3 reduced blood suger spikes andinsulin response for up to three hours. COOLDOWN ONONELEG To improve his balance and joint heath strength coach Jett Watters ends workouts with a vatiation onthe ied sobriety test stand with arms extended and ees closed. Lit one foot and hold, uptoa minute. Switch sides and repeal. This stengthens tendons and ligaments in your ankles, knees and hips. One-leg balance predicts langevity to. a ss 0 STARE EACH OTHER DOWN Sitfacing your partner with your knees touching and look into each other's eyes, withouttalking, fortwo minutes. “Experiments wth couples show that this, increases fesings of bonding even among strangers, says sequal health expert Alexandra Katehakle.“When you have time, {g0forfour minutes.” ll SIZEUP ANY MENUINSTANTLY Menu engineers (yes, they exist) know that mest diners tendto scanthe middle partofa menu first; then they move from top right, totop left. Sothat’s where restaurants tend to puttems with the highest profit margin, seys ‘Aaron Alen, arestaurant consultant. Don't be fooled: think outside the triangle to make better nutitional choices. MAKE THIS YOUR NEW LUNCH Adaily meal-eplacement shake isamong the leas ulised tools, forweight management, says Dr Spencer Nadolsky, Blend 30, ‘grams vanilla protein powder, Ye up blueberries and a small handful of chopped wainuts with water or milk, No blender? Mixthe protein with water and eat the rest onthe side. t's just 1260 Kiljoules, but quite filing 1 SNEEZELIKE AVAMPIRE Taking a couple of minutes to teach yourchiéren the “vampire sneeze" will goa long way toward protecting you from the multitude of germs hase ite buggers carty. Make a game oft, by having them sneeze and cough into the crook of the arm — Ike Dracula ducking his face behind his cape —instead of ito their hands, the ar oF onto you, 24 Ga reanuany 2018OVERS AND EASING ALL YOUR STRESS 5 GET MORE 6 LOSEWEIGHT 1 HANG LOOSE 8 DRESS WITH FROMGARLIC BY DEGREES ~ LITERALLY THEBEST OIL Yo maximise the immunity US research shows we're Tobuild big muscles, yougottalit Iowa State scientists found that boosting benefits of gaic,mnince cranking up ourheatersin winter heavy. Butthere'sabad side ‘our bodies are better at absorbing afewclovesandietthebits sit toachieve temperaturesthatarea effec: compressed spinal discs eight nutients (including beta for afew minutes. This litle toocomfortableThe price we fromheavy squats, deadifts, and caroleneand vitamins A, E,and encourages the formation of payforT-shirttempsislookinga shoulder presses. Hanging rom —__K) when we eat vegetable salads alicin, which has antioxidant lotworse in T-shirts. By dialing a pullup barstretches back vith soybean or canola ol. And properties. Micgarlcinto salad back litle, you'l make your ody musclesandcreates spacefor _the motel (yptoabout wo dressing or sti-y,orblenditwith workhharder to stay warm, bloodfiow between the discs,’ tablespoons), the more nutuients cream cheese louse asa spread, increaseits energyexpenditure _saysstrengthcoach Lee Boyce. were absorbed. Look for organic says integiative medicine expert byupto 1Opercentandbumup Hangfor30 seconds at atime, or non-hydiogenated oilsas a base Dr Victoria Malzes, 10 1200extrakiojoules per day. anytime you feel tight in dressings, or mixyour own. oS # 1 SWIGTHS SAYYES 1 SMILEFOR 1 BOOST MOOD BEFORE EATING OUT Dis YOUR FLUSHOT INMINUTES Wortied youll overeat tthe Yourbestplay with vegetablesis Thefluvaccinelowers yourriskof _ I'shardto be anxious or angry spats bar? Nutitionist Alan toeatas versely as possible For theillness by only 40-60 percent, _ when youte feeling thankful ‘Aragon suggests fixing atwo- anewmeal-picker-upper, subout medical authorities report. But according to research by Sanja minute ‘snack’ before youleave _yourusualsand sub in ‘cheer up: being in a positive Lyubomirsky. 2 psychology home: mix20 grams of whey ‘watercress, says Chef Ming Tsai mood on vaccination daymay professor at UC Riverside. protein with 450ml of water.itcan of Blue Dragon restaurantin boost the vaccine'seffectveness Lyubomirsky advises writing alist help you cut yourkiojoule intake Boston. Walercress is also by tweaking yourimmune system ~once a weekis most effective — atrestaurants, where mealstend packed with nutrients anc toenhance its antibody response, _ of recent things you'e grateful for tobe hyperpalatable andhighin provides snappy, peppery bite 2017 study suggests. Before andthen refering toitfor a energy—"a recipe for that takes salads, sti-rys and rolling up your sieeve, watcha couple of minutes whenever ‘overconsumption’ he says, ‘even smoothies toanotherlevel, funny video or peruse yourmost you're feeling down or upset. recent vacation photos. [mireenuany 2018 35Raise Your Stone ae Growth a Potential ean: suscles you're Buy now, gain later feuds cetatenasoe sreing baits Keep your muscle stock strong with the inside scoop te — ‘on what's rising and falling in sports science Forte bgt as, sick aregular {raining plants eatinnune stents Feats oan ous, ‘itn growts phon Young Uanersty daa of pied Prialy osv Short Stretch Conmt mor hn 6s ‘ota tai traton Ge Smad Ground Srl ig Aint acoesyua detamace yer ne gpd Reser fin Ae Poe ston caffeine a etc ‘oly ans ‘oink yee ash sent mane ett fe seperti ae a sas with ru fan 054 ssiodue Bt ned Hat Sows ssa Pore pyran papas ‘th pomegranat tbr ont "rnd tls Beli yaurmece ce ery sone ice nv ‘ade Time to Chil sayy ater 08 Sis Awa bath tame "al aot Siesta Snack your gins and decrease Eating befor sleep Det mes ain sito on tagentad tepotei hele fens es es tebldmleAmern ‘ey hu o7> Sy, Pec Perfect te! ‘Anan adit cb sper mete ey Asay 0 Sarno ss pera wp ang ‘jeter lofroe weights etm oe 08 tirana! bumalcSrogty —- Keepiit Light ae ‘Canny Uitg hearst Rv 13> 2 Oran Beat the Strap Hurt Blocker : or t gee apt Noga gat é eae Dont aaa ee. out Sis ae 3 era Festeraie bod Shounen ~My tobe Rnersandthe Fars = Peay restricuve therapy through soreness a a oes nating far rusia slows proyes nd A Catia ss = fot Ere Sura damapesmascects D recidvisn stvoning 3 host yy Si le . Pryce ness V stnwconcsemis 8 2 28 reanuany 20183B A ee ry sca aC HB ssi lela Manel McMeel sO say that kale is good for yo is akin to declaring the Pope's religious conviction. But making this bitter green giant more toothsome has proved no mean feat. Until now GREEN CREDENTIALS Along with ts brassica cousins cabbage ‘and broccoli, kale has something of An image problem. Despite achieving superfood status with regular gigs at franchise juice bars, i's not so much celebrated as tolerated. But alittle culinary know-how goes along way: “Kale lends itself to all manner of dishes, from salads to winterbraises” says restaurateur Mark Hix. ‘Time to turn over anew leaf D CURLY KALE ‘The sharp-tasting poster boy ofthe kale crew isa «+ top tourea of potassium, ‘ital for muscle function to get more from your iting Setslons Pair with lean, white ‘eat and ensure your atforts ‘reap big rewards. ii) REDBOR KALE ‘Aigo known by the more * chromatically apt moniker ‘purple kale, atioxisantrich fedbot leaves contain mor energising iron per kilojoule than bee! anitonic twit {or committed carnivores, il CAVOLO NERO Originally grown in Tuscany, * eavolo nero (black kale’ is rich and nutty. Stud Igothiacyanates, ts also shown to havea potent anti-carcinagenic effect iv) RED RUSSIAN This swooter, tender variety + packs 134 por cent of your it ‘CRDIper bowl Your body's Immune systom ie weaker during intonse training, £0 ook out for you when your dofences are down i 8 reanuany 2018 The Health Snob’s Guide To... Kale . YOUR FRESH APPROACH ‘With proper prep, kale needartleave abitter taste inthe mouth. Youcan start by removing the hard stems. The majority ofkae's nutrients are contained in ts antioxidant-rich leaves. Hix advises using razor-sharp paring knife. Studieshave shown that dull knives can cause the leakage of ‘nutrients such as calckum and potassium. ‘Next, rinse and dry your leaves ina salad spinner. Now treat them toa light ‘massage, which willtelax the lale’s tough cellulose structure reducing someof that tuademark bites Finally, bring out the heavy-duty cookware. “Tike to keep things simple, 0 these recipes don’t require anything more thana heavy-bottom saucepan,” says HI, “This isthe best thing to use when slow cooking, as tetains more heat and helps tospeed up the process." For best results, take a leaf out of Hi’sbook and opt fora cast ron classic from Le Creuset ($299, Nowa fireup the stove. OO GEAEAY. LOUIS AER F000 STYLIST TARA YOR, é 2 4 éHANDLETHEHEAT For sucha nutritional juggernaut, kale is delicate, Itmay contain considerably ‘more vitC than spinach, but bringitto the boll and you'll Jose more than a third of this immunity boosting benefit. A steam or gentle tir fry willlock Inthe hyper-heralded nutrients. And whatever you do, saysiii, SERVES donrtaddbiearbot soda tothe = Aheadof cr ia, water Your granny may have had, med and ‘swom by its ability to keep the ees Colourin yourgyeens, burt he ao ying crucify your cruciferous veg’s Fsky sea salt, to taste ‘healthy benefits. Protect, then: + Whole tiger prawns, 12 servewith these recipes, “Died cl oes, Tp But, Zip BRASSIC INSTINGT Kale may be the leafy oreen iu jou, but don't writ of its less fashionable brethren BRUSSELS {Ave fo ie, not just {orChvisimas, Sprouts are the top Pick for antreancer ‘lucosinolates, Feports the journal ‘Asta Horticltorae. ® CABBAGE Welow leaves you limp, unlock ede Denetits mth Kiet “termented, sey ory Siogamer SERVES a = Frozen chestnuts, 2509, ei Set en Of is cies ation 80g, grated nd et rene Curly Kale With Butterfly Prawns ‘METHOD | SERVES Heat oto 180°Cinathckpan’ Pork chaos, 5005, Depry the ale n hands unl jf cut io chunks crisp then pap on kitchen paper Sal and Black pepper and scatter wih salt Dehua tha: - Rou, 60y pbs dusting rans sce engthways and Vegeta ol, rasp baste with but and chil cook | ~Buttor 60 ma pan Toishdeopiythe {Onis 2 ay ica brawn hls, ten ry and ena -D ier 500 loacoaneponer wiht | ~ Silent oa andsat Sinizowtotpta: | “Aap le, 2 ‘an lactrolyo-epeishing fast. ‘METHOD SERVES Gently ty thechesiuts fortes |g wing ctor nese gaan Sings | “Ae ened Lsqppmetsetowsorots Abe a gli toh tet rdO sec, | “Salond we peper tanta abn hen “pes gett immed with “fat sn a ‘rapeseed oil end season to taste. 150-200g, trimmed Sewers ey AAW) See de. 1 bebe Adres od | 4 on a cheese and iin PurpleKale ‘METHOD Season nd ight fourth pork Fry the cheeks in i on igh eat nt brown. Met the tuter in heavy-ased pn and cok the anion fortwo mines unt sot ath fou race the eat, thon realy atte amidan-ich cer and stock Bingo the bia the pork, season ad simmer fr 8040 minuiosRetuca he sauce, than sfoam th ale uni tender. Serve Grilled Whiting with Russian Kale ‘METHOD Bush the selniich fish with tla soason thn pop under 2 hat gil or fie minutes each sid. Test wha small nf, naar ‘the bone, Bol th potatoes unt sof then cook teal in olin salted water foc wo minutes. Met the atte in pan athe ale and cori and sore with ‘thei, pus, mon and ~ of, (ron then~ tra bute. [mireenuany 2018 29Get a Grip on the Farmer’s Walk Use these exercises to build iron shoulders and MOBILITY STRENGTH THE BENCHMARK Perform 2rounds ofthe circuit Dothe circuit below, rest 60-90 With your strength work done, rest belov forlower-body mobility. secsand then doanother circuit. ‘90secs then do this test. Your score Rest I5secs between each move Choose dumbbells that {isthe minutes of your farmer's and 30 secs between rounds Still areheavy enough to make the last ‘wale plus your push-up tally. not loose? Doa third round, few reps of each set a challenge. ‘Check againt benchmark below. Reverse Lunge with Reachback Farmer's Walk Standial ame at your ses, Lunge beck with _Set wo dumbballson the aor just beyond Grasping a pair of 25k dumbbells, tet your arms yourtightleg and lower your bod) untl your eft shoulderwiath apart: squat and grab them, hang naturally by your sides. Keep your shouts knee bent 90°.As you do, swing bit arms ove | Exposively pulthe dumeibels of the floor to your | backs you walk Gack and orth untl you can no head andtothe lft Aetum ‘othe staring positon. | shoulders and squat beneath them. Stan, and_| longer olathe dumbbels. See how many min- Repeat win yourletleg. swinging yourarmsio then press he welghis up above yourhead. Utes you as: round up it you pass 30 seconds. thenight Thats 1 1ep;00 1215, Thats 1 rep; 00 10-12, Am torat least 130 Inchworm to Runner's Stretch Renegade Row to Plank Dumbbell Reise Push-up Bend atthe waist and ouch the floor: then walk__|_ Assume. push-up poston, hands on dumbbets. | Immediately after completing your farmer's Yourhands toa push-up postion Stepyour ight Pullthe ight dumboel a your ght hip, owes | walk, sat tm io dumbbells onthe oar foottorwars oulsie yout righthand. Lityour | andrapeat wih thelelt Now ifthe ightdumbbel, | ght Beyond shoulder width apart Grasp righthand andteach up, arm staight eum tothe | flating yourhips tothe ight urth youre inasie | | them and perform as mary push-ups as you push-up postion and reverse the mave. Rapeaton | plark,yourign arm staight up. Repeat on thelett | can. Stop when youte ne longer able theft ie. Tats 1 rep: co 10-12, Side, That's ep do 10-12, ‘mainiain good form, EE 9 Howmuchcanyourbodytake? | OM | cg | TR 5 42) Gi reanuany 2018We don't just need your thanks. MTeoR YCol im Cir lacey iy Saving lives on the beach costs money. Money we don’t always have. That’s why we need your help. Donate today and Bea Life Saver. ie US SHAZAM THIS CODE TO BE A LIFE SAVER - QO cersuazan ©) vrcanena © scan cove “a? Funds ried are distributed to Su Le Saving NSW, QLD, SA NT TAS and VI. S.SWA desis own independent fundingMeat Or Two Veg? From flexit to veganism, swapping flesh and dairy food is. a blooming trend. But can it really rival ared-blooded meal? EGETABLE ae 29 11.2% ‘The proportion of Australians who are vegetarian. Source: Roy Morgan ANIMAL 90kg Amount ofme: consumedby theaverage, ‘Australian per year. Source: OECD-FAO SoHE SAYS plant-based diet may be more effective eee rte eater ee ead eget pet ead * @ GSO 5 Z2OaB Lvinnjeaes tormoneyieeeareaity “Fenda ‘auraiviD Carbacravings Capatnebaast ‘ehorbargers STAR PLAYER. 30% 54% 26% \ \ hee oe ce otspinach Ore ey ey Oct ee Eating 50g of processed meat aday the ‘SORE SPOTS Research suggests vegetarians are 18 per ‘amountin shot dog) is inked toan 18 per
) ‘percent more kel toreport anxiety mernational agen forRescrcon Cancer American are Associaton ‘UICKS HITS Prana Power Plant Protein eter toes a Rene ti er een Perrin) Cee unre ena Ingredient or your muscle-building bakes Peeeer pe ee eee THE MH VERDICT: ANIMAL WINS! While sticking to veg will help you score plenty of vitaminsand mineralsthere's scant evidence to support cuttingout your weekly ribeye. Trimming your intake wouldn'thurt, sure, but forthe MH man looking to fuel his training, meatremains the order of the day 42 (Up reanuany 2018GOTCHA COVERED MAXIMUM SUN PROTECTION MADE FOR THE AUSTRALIAN WAY OF LIFE cs Cancer Council3/Connection notes, melody andres all travel to the limbic pathway or Bf emotional response system of yout which focuses fasttempos and How a Song Brings Out Your Beast ales, thow. exactly? We chords but how, exactly? We |Within this region, ked neuroscientist the amygdala makes and music expert Benders Dr Jessica Grahn ‘and good memories totune usin ke when yo ditata 5K Dy ALEISHA FETTERS youctushed) uusraaion a RAFA ALVAREZ 4/ Sensation With yourlimbic 1/ Vibration pathway activated, Your outer ear funnels neurons fren your sound waves into your nucleus accumbens, midaleeay, then nner the mosh pitof you! fear, where they vibrate brain's reward he 200 microlires of centre. There's arush fluid in your cochiea of dopamine~a Tiny haircells sense this, ‘chemical irks mation and convert the toorgasm vibrations into electrical These vibes signals that spurt echo through Jease of gitam: your cerebral neurotransmitter that vard hub stimulates. nerve fibre and your tocartythe signals to dopamine high yourbrain. dos fatigue 2/Translation Your auditory brain stem and auditory cortex 5/Completion ‘tn the songs final notes, the dopamine surge subsides, retuning you's where you began ith a sweet feeling of achievement andan ingrained memary of the song's power. Use histo your advantage n fue distinguish pitch, notes and melody. Meanwhile, the vocals goto the Wernicke area of your brain. At fist they're ‘garbled, ke the words of adultsin Peanuts, but (Science hasn't figures outwhy.) 44 (up reanuasTRANSFORM YOR LIFE. You don't need to be a multi-platinum singer/songwriter like Guy Sebastian to achieve your health and fitness goals Tens of thousands of everyday Australians have transformed their bodies and their lives in just 8 weeks with the help of the world’s leading transformation duo: Chief & Em and their team5 Microwave mean tffclency, 0 they should callon the microwave Mu scle Meals sata naar Ma Doteous ts nd craft Want to ace your next at-home feast? Start thinking inside the box ead eee eee Pore eer tee) Pe er) AU] re re eee TG Tere eres over the fish and crip shut. Microwave on ighor 4 Sr eet ee eI eee ee tara) oo rereadSTEAM/SIMMER BAKE TOAST EIT GOOD ‘SMOKY TOMATO BARBECUE CINNAMON-CHILLI it you reheat AND CRAB SOUP © MEATLOAF SWEET POTATO CHIPS ne wrong na 8 ish, mix 2 hsp Combine 4509 prod 1 cup ice 1 medum sweet poato tive, up chopped yellow onion, 1 | graldcaro Yacup upped arin, Y4 | ver thy (Use a mandolne you have capped red capsicum, 2 chopped gc cup breadcrumbs or quckoats,Yecup | one) ina smal bw, toss the slices with 2 ‘coves andacouneofpinchesofsait. | BBIsauc, 3 Thsptomata paste Inge | 1390 1S cinamon ts chil paw CCvarthe shan cook on bigh untithe | egg, 2tsp ra hye, Vetspkoshorsat | det, and isp sat. Then arrange te sices capsicum tend, about 2 minutes. | ad Vatspback paper. ress intoan | in ge eer ona baking pape ined ‘Add cenot tomatoes. cuplow-sodium even layer ina greesedmicoweve-sate | late (You might have todo thisin batches vegetable broth, tspsmokedpapita | loafpe, speed anther cup barbeoue | sothe chips don um soggy) Merowave 1 ‘nets eh ground blck pepper. | sauce ontop. Cova wth papartowal andthe scason igh until your chips ar a (Cover agan and heat onigh or 6 minutes. | microwave ighunicaoke trough | crispy, about minutes. Sarve alongside or other microwave-safe Parco wth cup otlowsatcream.Sea- | (75°C), ‘2minuts.Letstand § minutes. | crsed top tacos. Ant they're great wth dishis best. Spread sontotaste wih mores, needed Top | Fees 4 uacambe, Feds 2. the leftovers over the with crabmeat and minced fresh chivesto erika dich The aver 1 surface area, taste. Feds 2. Hime GEProtein |G Time gg Prote: she suction ton 25minates 2Agrams Tminutes 15 grams nuatanes 6 Torus gene ‘Arrange thinner, more ‘delicate foods (euch ‘asbroceoll florets ‘or the tals of prawns) toward the center. ‘Thick or tough parts, lke asparagus stalks, ‘can go closerto the ‘edgecot the dish, my CHICKEN 3) PINEAPPLE CURRY Ina largo bow ad 1 pod and cubed sweet ott, 2 chopped salts, 2 chopped gat daves, 2 Thsp wae, nd 1 Tosp chopped inge. Cave and cok nth fr 5 mites. Aa 1 can coconut il, ¥ Tope cary paste and tsp ‘ach saltand canon pure a ancther bw, cok 460g ced chicken rast on high corer 2 minus. Drain, athe paree cover andhet on igh tit dane (tir Ironically, cold spots Inreheated leftovers once) 6 mints. Sri 1 cup raze peas, ‘canbe hotbeds for 1 cup iced pinepole cup cashews and bacterial growth. To ‘haji of ime heat 30 soconds Save ‘eliminate them (and with ice an coriander Fads 4 reduce your odds ‘of foodborne illness) ‘without overcooking ceverythingelse, give thetfood stir ance of ‘twice during cooking. mines & toys [mireenuany 2018 47BRUSH UP ™ ON YOUR GROOMING YOUR TOP GEAR ans13 “2 CUT-OFF POINT Denim shorts are a man’s best CRUSE the perfect way to mix up your CoE le rtd Eos peered ed coset ti _Orlbar Brown tit $105 Stnnae [mpreenuany 2018 5137 2 O . : ? , G i , Groom > )| ) SWEAT: THE OETA Stay cool and stink-fr i: getsabad ap, butitsafinely calibrated fluidwith you off, moisturises your skin and contains antibacteri infection. Each of your sweat glandsis suounded by aweb of nerves. When your up, those nerves set offa chain of signals to tum onthe hos bodyhe: Pocket ARMPITS ‘Aluminum based antperspirants ‘lug your pores tocurb sweat. ‘Apply it at night, when your ‘ewestrateleatitalowest. It your pits ae realy hairy. 2 amen eee cso ‘HANDS “ ee as = a a Bioseetweat ‘Tomtet sweat wae ears ‘a day. To avoid es case of athlete's baeransabioood foot sprinkle on ee si = = = saeco =a eames GROIN a saree ae, ance, coe am pureman.comau). ‘this summer with our primer on perspiration 2:3 Numberofsweat glands foundomthesuiface ‘lvourbody UPTO 2LTRS Hourlysweatoutpt dunngererase ‘GuugVomiott20ror each 50g lt ld many vilalfunctions.Itcools ial compounds toward off Eoubunntaes Perspration alone doesn't make youreek. Regular sweat is mostly ‘odourless, but when bacteria goto town on sweat, they formodiferous 0.6-2.3 coon, ‘have on their menu, LITRES eats cn — strong, eer odour = 2/011 This flows from sebaceous glands. which are plentiful on your scalp andinyour pits. Then the greasy Stutt mixes with sweet 99.. 3/Diot ‘Some food molecules (ike thoes from ger andeurry) eanendup Inyour bloodstream ‘and migrate into sweat lands. ® 2 4/ Dead Skin Wemore ikea garnish thana main course for germs. nareas with Clectolyes, admore abet 760 siferentskanpreteins STAY COOL sentatives tpitou nat uae ret) 1/Chill Your Palms 2/Swish Up Hol‘ frozen water bottle Carry rave-size mouthwash, Switoh hands ever fio Thementhol makes you ‘mind Te chile sue “ ill ecothe laos that ows into says Stanfors biologist Greg Hei perceive he eras cooker, S2ys Christophe Stevens, aresearcher at Southam Cross Univerty. RS 32 (Ep reanuany 2018 3/Ice YourNeck [Anecke cooling colar can ‘ck yourbody and bain into fealing cooler Ltvamaretnones Pete Kosterickswears by an : leeiled bandana atound hieneck: AMBIENCE WITH THE SMOOTH, UPLIFTING ‘SET THE MOOD AND CREATE AN INTIMATE HOME FRAGRANCE RANGE FROM AIR WICK ou home is your senctuary and aplace you DY canrelax and unwind. So shoulan'tit smell as) | ‘900d asi ees? When you find your signature ee era aee Find your home's signature scent na format of JB your choice inthe A Wick home fragrance range, 3) atleading supermarkets.Grooming EAN & CLEAN You train (in part) to look good. So make sure you leave, um, looking good. Stash this grooming kit in your gym bag alongside your Nikes (O1/THEFRESHEN-UP COLOGNE | 06/THEBRIGHTNESS BOOSTER SHOT ci dused gymbitand shaving yoursut | The pos-gym ofice afterglow’ may gna c puting the wesk n where ely unl, butbearring ke a toma is thebestiook fotmwsting cherish serum draws ating Under [atest updateto Dios original Homme Spot scent vetoes ol lemon, op (2 THEQUIK FX HAIRCARE Rushing backto your | formation oft hanafuy this gmmickree ymmopotaryvaces | ‘tei dena ecrutbing Head Shoulders For Men Deep Clean 24n-1, $1299, chomistwaroniouse com au (4/THEFACAL ARUP iting ne cardio doesnt breakdown ft ets 4 skin celain your inks, the ty ings membranes Kich’a Facial Fuel SPF 18, $00 Neri comau 5 /THEBo0Y BLAST The jvvenaing cypress tihcortine ers oye Cypress & SeaFennel Bath & Shower Gel, $22, D Fearuany 20DRA N Ease Se SOM: CLOTS faa ONL) UCR OMe CR URES: SHAMPOO AND CONDITIOI hen you're training hard and the mercury rises, 0 does the ketinood of scalp Surprisingly, 79 per cent of Australians irtation. Sun, heat and sweat can all aggravate from dandruff but don't do anythin ‘dandruff, making your scalp dry. flaky and recent survey" also found that 54 fot wth che poven tra! a more effectively, versus using Mil(Of the 38 times the two champs have faced eachother, Nadal has ‘won the day on 28 occasions, incuding 5-0 at the French Open iy..." Ell ‘The numberof consecutive years thatthe King of Cay won at least one Grand Slam ile, botwean 2005 and 2014 Tomar his record 10th French Open title in June (and his fst since 2014), Nadal wore a Richard Mille 27-03 taurillon specfcally made for him Ei] WATCHES ‘The number o Richard Mile RM 27-05 watches Nadal could buy ‘ith his spots from this years exploits at Roland-Garas Fae hs ‘The word's most expensive sprtswatch, the RM7-03 can withstand 10,000g despite its tadtonlly delicate tourilon Net Worth While theirage mightsuggestthatthese are ‘twilight years for Rafaol Nadaland Roger Federer, the lving tennislegends are oncemoreiinthe ascendance. We ranktheirprowessoncourt ‘andthe watches on their wrists Doers Cer Teo ] HEAD TO HEAD (5 WINS WINS Te revitalise Spaniard may beleaing the grudge maths, but the col ‘Swiss, wth 19 Grand Slam wins to Nada 16, comes out ontop Etter) Pag ‘The total successive weeks the Fed Express spent s world No. ‘rom 2004 to 2008, before Nadal knocked him ofthe top spot SEIS) 0} BOHBEE Wien iting the trophy at this year’s Wimbledon fra record eighth time, Federer ‘wore a newiy released Rolex Datejust a, ‘watch ist launched in 1985 fm EIEIE].. Considerably more of Federer's Rolex Datelust 4s could be bought with his 3.8m Wimbledon 2017 prize money Hdl... “The numberof patents the Datejustl boasts, improving on ‘hock sistance, power reserve andtiming precision THE MH WATCH VERDICT: FEDERER He might be ahead in victories and one-off watch value but Nadal fs short an good, ldashioned Grand Slam titles, ‘weeks atrumber one, plu (relative) value for money. Game, set and match, Mr Federer. 58g reanuany 2018At last, a high performance protein shaker .. Leak-proof flip cap Pull apart ~~ blending agitator Odour resistant * durable Tritan™ |, Extra large 800ml shaker fie... Superior blending Rounded + base for easy clean Removable + protein or snack capsule PROTEIN SHAKERSUMMER STARTER KIT when you subscribe to MéiisHealth © I2issues of Men's Health print st ‘s Health digital ‘Grey gym due io All the tools and knowledge you need for a killer rig in 2018! VISIT fo) er. Be elenol tee its eerenSummer beans = on toast with prosciutto aL Reuter inspiration head to Pee ae a s : A en CC foodifu ate) ohig cook ea} any time and save [ene Ria Amen) Proudly supported by Woolworths @)Ancetneacucleenaenseecceneauereacls strategies forsuccess. a theirsecrets and celeb uted rewards DowSSOEHM T i= Ax) SS John Hanke, the creator of Google Earth, remapped his career witha game-changer that insured we'd never have to as! for directions ever again rearuany 2018 1 The concept sbmao: ‘word hastong been a stape of sor soitakeacy exstedin peeoles imaginations Hanke says. Asa result once ne sate demo, he krewit would be ‘embraced by Users “Success ‘comes dawn to Picking the sight feppodunty ne says."Make sue itso heaton Fingsomething thatteeis tke just realty, whetherits youst someone thathappen” DIMEN S 2 Fersonalies ae ey to success — butthey can aso confict “We have rocktartalent, butyoure yng to get someting ene, Hanke says is ace: ine ereground High eaiper a ents are mot ‘oaks, 82/8 Dr Anatew Baynten author of vruoso But ont force compromise Instead, make your vith one anche, trough tek ideas emerge. 3 Henke search fer lessons nal his just the trumps This i¢asign of selravareness that he ook for in a os. Fale, npr teu, are aticut toconiron says fecancrist Tm ar: ford and we may Ian them th Guce net pastives Butthatwont help you perform better The tek remem berthatfalure isnt afiam "you are trying something sigalicant and nes. osteo sayp Harford. fo) 4 Hanke lle for people who exhib sim forthe profects eye ‘wotkng on: stats wth generating eas for team Improverent. For his wes on the Ties 0 see a once of ertee iitsa busness state to pay the bils in colege “Any nd ofa S38 aot about the person's dv, intaligence and 22 cee Thats huge for me, 5 To motile you team estanten| ‘gals beyond make ng money, Hare says. Googie Earth foun is igher pu ose in 2005, when the team worked nights to produce enagery of Rew (ans ater ur cane Kain stuck $0 peope coud heck on the homes. Hara fessor Michael Ber says these higher (Goals can veh ‘ound concerts he quality and Delee in tham— they can hep diveVideo mogul Brandon Evertz turned a $500 Joan into a $550 million business. At 23, he’s now the youngest CEO of a publicly listed company in Australia with Big Review TV, asocial media video-review platform 1 2 3 Wendel InverzBbectoam | AsyouTdemect School Eietehas Isavsonboord-« oman onine aveque atonal colage ot personal vide tycoon, 5, built one of Wanting obuldan nspratonhatbe | Evetz spends alet Ramzey Choker, 35, built one of inlemot business. Senanges every tmean YouTube Sydney's most popular cafes, The Rea | sere Reeser | Meese Grounds of Alexandria by harnessing woudisiene had | Sause(wnete lig wating vos the nascent power of social media roidea. Stig | Review TV secured of entepreneuea Girglorelneyour | ablboar), pus rockstar he Mark 1 2 3 Gunbusiest. | thewords"Cer | Zicerburgand iéea?Evetes ——_Stoihorr(hesum lon Musk Pay acvceistedoa —Evatzwarishs he obser her Geepdveonyou campanytabe _tegetaninsght Seciorofimerest, _evertualy woth). fo what males ai cose an imagrownott Viiv omtos Ba Gains |smercene: lomrananter infve years Salling Me goals studying these abovetheMCG | ance. "lusedto | ress" Chor says tmethenplan __mighsoundhokey, | ulm-achievesin fang StKiga Bach | Wink could sove stats wih your according rats tuttcanwork acon has aso mi ee eles oe wstheddwih | Tistecnigeis | become afore instagammes lame, ineld everybody otake care Bones, a. es dostnatonm us- | hinginhesays_| ofthe ater bets ‘nacthis vision possible toot ts imortant tain 8tChoter | Thingscameton | the gymfve times thatthe turect —_geoese explains to suround Clamsthemetned head duinga aur | aweeklogndout tertoreivas Senay yout bonindthie social maticbmesnhis Hi ero ses ohesays, _iny.apotessorol success’ Everts media phenome- | 205 Fist sfather_| sions Yet Choker “Youve gottolock psychology atthe says Passonis ronisspotble | -asuccessul imestzeven mere inlotheuure~"_Urivnist of Cal, contagious and so toanhing nse entepreneur home on isan lngieeen, fovea Breast inatevryoure Reworsipped- | Durag tne ky ingin business" _nspie yu to won tryngtodo,tnee’s | went bank | pete lowing is hacer a whatever Swayssemeone | ding the GFC and fathers dct he yowte doing. whien whos deneit | lesteverting But_| became fascinated Causes yutofel bole Leamvhat ferwose wast wthhunan psy mere optimistic: theydo! hesays. | comewhenhs | chology, studing Wthinsgam daguassagnosed tecniqies po CChokarboganty _wihlung cancer cass andmanage Keenuyingtnopo- angsubsequenty emotions Croker reeingveicein | passed away-The | subnecuerily thstied-inths | tagedylet Choker | Spent thousands ot case, Gar Vayner | teeing: “My brain dolars dong chukaUSauthor justwouldnt shut seltadvanoement fendenterenesr. | up tstalad taking courses uit the Nevtneimmersed | sleeping pis !got es of human himself Vayoer | nitby aca behaviour expet Dr chules books and Whatyankedtim John Demat fe Viseesbetore put- | utettnisdoun coach Tony Rab- linghisstateges | wartspialwas _binsandiocal busi- feta action, rercominghis ness mentor Whether youre ty | pide toasktor Benjamin Haney. ingtomasterinsta | suppor. Today, he credts crmake yourown | “Youve gottotak them wth ging Sauerkaut,Choker | to people theres ithe mental reckons the princ- | always someone platormto chase ples are the same. | whocan ep" down his goals. Findtnebest peo- | Chokerinsists. “Eventing works pleinthatarea“Leamto deat wth ip union, Chokor Studythehol ut | youremetons says, Tmbuiing cfther,then | ratherthan tyingto | my body, Im bul Imolementinat__blocktnem. Other= ing my bran ana they co" wise they willeaten | Fm builng my uw you. business "Ml [mreenvany 2018 63UMAR LST Australian Open willimprove more than just your tennis, Prepare t0 receive tips ad insights that will have you soaring upthe rankings in the game of ite > EU Ta TeeDO eer Pee ear eer ar) Pe ate Neeser ced i] Dene eee atts ees Seg Pernt cane Perera) MOST VALUABLE DAD eee Reena cee pete ure scenario. Use these tips from Sea eee aa ean ew aa eu out the parental unforced reer Poesy SSO AUSTEN COONTAO ITCRA SSO ET CTO CUAL SUSIE Po ees a CoS uo ye a ey Porat Creed Nick Kyrgios. His shot-making is Pruner er rete roca Spice Ree ae) Pore eae Pasay Seu Pd Seen eee eer el ‘Nadal dominated last season In Peo Veen Ar engi eT eked aed Rone aise Ree u aera pet eee ets Roger and Rata are going to Cars ‘months. Their mental games ened Who's the best young gun? Alexander Zverev has the Poesy Crees EL) ee een ad peter eetr) Sue en oe ae rd Pe eee Pree Peck t aed et ere Pee ener or aay uae a Cre rau) a oer peers en ninis 4, 3 Steps To Getting It Right Pam Cg cra Een or eereitmeenice’ Poe as says Fish. These are powerful prorated Brera ssornee Patient a ends aid with junior's love of sport Identify Your Triggers Soren Pees that are challenging for yot advises Fish. “These could be PU Ct menace cere underdog, or match point.” Pee een Peco eer Lucas eee at) er eee ey eee eae eet] Who's your dark horse? eee Coruna ee aenad eee eral poet eer ety Ere ante sna ae era eect Retreat) eee area Pee say Pena oe ee onciad Pete chre Ener ed sbeon‘spin the whee! to Nat) eo ‘own that space. Simona Halep Porn ans [coach] Darren Cahill is working tee doit, She's certainly a player ru egy Cee oe Sou Pee eee eal feet eye ae Sore tera Petes cohand Preheat says Fish. Mantras ike “Be Perey esses Rretnpouer ners rier er micee es eibercy an braec ey at the first sign you're losing acytmp reenuany 20COMP! They say no-0ne's perfect. the Weapons offen tle PACK Hah! Here's what you need to be just tha, Steal is giants fo become an unstoppable force SERVE & SMASH Pete Sampras ‘Above his head, Pistoristhe undisputed GOAT. Your takeout So much inliteis out ‘of your control. Not so the serve, Grooveit unlit lethal VOLLEY | Toe-totoe with the power- baselines, the Swede served and volleyed every single point. Your takeout Know your strength and go with it. Edberg was hiding a ‘wonky forehand, FOREHAND Rafael Nadal ‘The world No. T's massively top-spun whack pips Federer's liquid wip. Your takeout Those extra revolutions come frominsane erm and shoulder strength. Add plates to your curls and presses for palpable ‘on- and off-court benefits. 2g reanuany 2018 MOUTH 4 Andre Agassi History remembers your triumphs — and what you said afterwards. ‘You have given me your shoulders to stand fontoreach for my dreams” Agasstold a besotted Flushing Meadows crowd. Your takeout Even when you seem tobe speaking off the cuff, have the Tight words ready orl | | | HEART / Lleyton Hewitt Usually outgunned, the Cmon Kid never dropped his head, Force of wil won him ‘SO ATP tiles, 10 over the distance, Your takeout f you're not pretematually gies, win the one~ petceniets, urges Hewi:Itcan be inthe locker room, being the utimate professional in how your prepareENGINE Michael Chang After winning the French Open at 17, the tireless one became forever linked with long-lasting batteries. Your takeout Hill sprints are your fastest route to match-winning fitness. ie —— CHARISMA Jimmy Gonnors Forgetting the fans on side, no one's ‘touched Jimbo. Your takeout If yourtalent alone isn't electifying the throng, ave them something more. Start with Post-vinnerhip thrusts X BRAIN Brad Gilbert The coauthor of Winning Ugly gotto world No, § witha cerebral game that cexploted the superstars’ chinks, Your takeout in most sports there are no marks forty. *Smari players observe what's going fonin amatch and know how to capitalise” says Gilbert MIND GAMES Sport ike lf, is played as much between the earsasinthearena. Tune yourself for optimum performance with these tips from two classic tennis tomes (below), which approach the business of competing and winning from entirely different angles sue eanee rformance-wrecking nerves The Inner Game of Tenis Adopt the style ofthe “detached Buddhist, aware ofeverythang but attached to nothing. Though he makes _great effort, he seems unconcerned withthe results of his actions”. Winning Ugly “Breathe like you've got asthma.” Deep, rhythmic breaths alleviate muscular tightness, Eo You're getting trounced ‘The inner Game of Tennis ‘Stop matters going from bad to worse by blocking the urge to catastrophise defeat. Return to the here and now by focusing on your breathing. Winning sty Switch to “Turtle Time”. Slowing the speed ofplay pulls your opponent out ofthe zone Eo Overthinking, The Inner Game of Tennis Distract the analytical part of your brain with a simple instruction (like watching the seams of the bal) so the Lunconscious brain can take over Winning Uaty You should be thinking. Constantly. Just not about how crap you're Playing. Instead, how can youmake ‘your opponent uncomfortable? oe Fist-clenching frustration ‘The inner Game of Tennis “You are not your tennis game. Yous ‘are not your body. Trust your body to play and ina shor time it will perform beyond your expectations. Let the Slower grow.” Winning Usly “Don't aska skin dog ofl" Dial back your expectations and simply keep the ballin play. pa Ahowling gale none Leia isa ieccteirese ee Fea min Uy Sane ested ‘The inner Game of Tennis, by We Timaty Gatwoy Winning Uaty, by 8a CGiber and Steve Jamison Colrewnuany sore 69SOO ising star ThanasiKokkinakis Looked like te Next Big Thing jefe injuries struck. How do you rebuild your body and anain IEE TROUT STUN ONO es Oe CAN EHTSNETGAINS “Tennis players need power without the excess muscle mass that could compromise their mobility,” says Bocking. Use this workout in pursuit of afitand functional frame worthy of a world ranking. Do the circuit four times, twle week. Headband optional. Linear Jump &Land Over Mini Hurdle 1Oreps Lateral Jump & Land Over Mini Hurdle 20 metres left then right Medball Throw (against wall) 6 forehand side, backhand side (open stance) iF ‘Trap Bar Deadlift Sreps Plate Woodchop BrepsAPOCALYPSE Diabetes! Cancer! Alcohol! Pollution! Glance at the headlines and an untimely death is seemingly one beer, bacon-and-egg roll or roadside commute away. But you needn't live in fear. With some fairly innocuous lifestyle jo) acl p)u(@ sical o]bRe-18Ko Pines rset ohes-paplosime(o@ use e(e(onT of prophecies and recalibrate your health to combat the wellbeing cataclysm. It’s not too late. Save yourselves PaO nC meee CuANXIETY! ee ad ep eee ‘Somethingassimpleasturningupthestereocan ptr eat cece LUC eee) Crews ere cL ete eee ees nA ee eta eee ee er or ear mae etre an eer een ates hovering above the big red button, our impending, Sa La Ty eee ae ae eed Career Lerey een ete ete disordere such as irritable bowel syndrome, chronic eure nea Caos Peer rte et es eon eee nC reese ree hs “There sa growing opennessand honesty around Poenee ee eee ere e Ne ery ema end eean me nce ae Carefully fitered brunch snaps don't play a part. Te ee reer eer) Per re ae ec eee of Pittsburgh study wams those on more than seven Pee hone linc ey their odds of depression and low sell-esteem. Unlike! Ree ec s because doing so signals a return to prelapsarian, Peete aire tec est) Sener tarts gee te ean cay See uot! eet nner reed EC eu Td Reus co Ts Poet ete aec an Sue ere ear en ena Pete een tee et teh but when the forces of holistic reckoning are Se Ene ee avoid the end of days, today and tomorrow. >We Lae ___TV screens, sugary juice cleanses and our eee ane oy PS A ae aoe Poe en eC Se ee OS ee Pore eine ce bree gta There's avoiding we ae indeed Teme un Ce Re te ea ‘That's bad nevis because our bulging frames are ete ee ere ree FR eer ory ‘everything trom heart disease to kidney disease and ee a eer ey eee eee tcc Sere ena aig Cll rea a eed oe Dowling, disease expert. "Family history, age and ethnicity all play arolein your risk of developing Retna en Coo ea ee et ag Lacie! 7 ne ce e er ere aT ey Caer a ee et ee eet Ree ee Pee ee eer ety Sead ee en eee cen Pe ard eer once cua risk of Type 2 diabetes by a lip-smacking 33 Peer ee ara) eee Leman Le) Neetufeswork your 9:5 Inexcess, thesauce slathers your longevity inall sorts ofnasties. Inreality,acelebratory tipplemay well bethetoastto your goodhealth ‘The Fear While Friday night some healthy red wine? Not so beers ate nothing tobe scaredof, | fast:research has recently rowed this state: 15 Australians de from | back on claims that the odd glass booze-related deaths day.But | is healthierthanteetotaism, with accordingtoheadines (and | links to various forms of cancer feseaichin he Griish Medical | found.even among maderale “Journa) even occasional stinker. ntact thelatest Ctinkers ple theitriskofbrain | researc saysthe safes! amount atophy and dementia. Youcan | of booze isnone at al. Go0d for y beforgivenforrequiringsome | yourbody, meagre sustenance if Dutch courage, for your soul i | pt ana (le ‘The Truth Total alcoho The Plan Despite these claims, | consumptonin Austaliahes | moderate crnking sv tauie the A i. a rm om ecinad from 105altvesin 1991 | eviits made outtobe. yi D %09.37in2017,accordingtolBIS. | Itbalances outyourisk va Wott inaddtontnenumberot_| ofabetes wife enancing tuum young people drinking in| memory and cognitive health, Fr mE edine with astudy by the ‘And duling the damage isn’t Witt Foundation{orAlcohotResearch | racket science: the Univesity of qi End Educa cing he Souherptontoundanexta oo QB AWE ‘numberof Austiallans aged 14-17 | cups of coffee a daycan lessen Noneed to quit binge-dinking decreased by half | liverissuesby 44 percent. Whack Il well-placed words with yourboss could between 2002 and 2015.Fancy | the kettle on. makeallthedifferencetoyouboth eer ‘The Fear Work might spike your stress levels but anspor and Regi quent minute on. And tise as dro leads while dail dthat cycing towINSOMNIA! HEART DISEASE! Cardiovascular diseaseis killer, butfew of us will seriously have toworry aboutit. Commonsenseandanew breakfast specialcansavetheday The Fear Opting o slay no ort. A study in the European Heart Journal found that depression doubles your ads of dying from CVD. You've one foot in the grave without leaving the house. stil se The Truth Athouch clogged art more than 45,000 Australians annually, CVD's atipon yau heart islaosening. Since 1988 CVD Jeaths in Australia have dechined by 82 per cent according to the Australlan Institute of Health an Nelare, But this stil amounts to one person dying fects say But such afateis far from named stave of your demise, | The Plan Doctors spent tying hi ut new research has found that uks help ee ene Se eee acd acl it aay ngs is pee your day, butbyre-working yourapproachto your a es eon eat ae Pe recrenastr in Sete Leet eee decreases heart attack and stroke rsk, When eaten bles, they also in Ponca sentiment, but with your risk of in, which fut een ec ee ee etait nist Rhiannon eee ts red svocado (rch in cardio-curative oleic acid), Wied kale eatencc enue) ervibuabetsic anager io our hearty increasing your risk of Cornet er) eee eer corer Pete eats Poe ia perenne eee cnr Ce eens Sea ure to drop off by eee butanilinesssutferedbya Experiment with times unit See ee ce eo pee terre meee en Tt en ues Semen Finally, note down any worries periretnreh eee ig ee eee ey ee ert eet esAY Everymove youmake, every breath youtake,is Peerage mercer coir emen ere es recalibrationof your dailyroutinecanhelpyou So cad roca ya Cenc a reer erent ee a Cee mrs Peter ad ee ea Australia. Worse stil, most of Pres from smog, with rapidly Seemed) Peete toe) could be ushering youmore ee eens The'new smoking! rrr re eas pete eo Bre eure Cron Pc ae cation Peat ey ts ere ert erent ocerenor on) amine Pore Lu tee) Petceicret errs allowed in Braziland China. Deca eeeac Penrrewmaay tera Porter ee es) reece Pemrbes eee or Reraremeacreryat tec emer ie PROSTATE GANGER! Prostate cancerisnojoke. Butneitherisitasscaryas headlines suggest. Our takeaway tips willreduce yourriskwithnouncomfortable effort ‘The Fear The most common male cancer affects one in seven Australian men and kils over 400 per year. And experts predict diagnoses of the cancer wil rse to 25.000 per year by 2020. We'eall sitting on aticking bomb ready to decimate our health at a moment's natice ‘The Truth Prostate cancerisa disease of old age - most diagnoses occuralter 70 and in 10,patients survive for more than five years. And while mortality tates in males have generally increased since the '70s, the five- year survival rate for prostate ‘cancer has improved rom 59 per ccentin 1986 to 90 percentin 2007, according tothe AIHW due twincreased awareness andrew testing procedures. For the most pat, yourriskis thoughtto be ‘genetic, and not exacerbated by environmental factors - unless you'e mainining anabotic Mad eect ec Ream aces Een nee Cee ert eee Ree rats eee ary Peer nen) Pec ae as Perec raat) Peete ea ‘according to a Medicine & ea ae eee Perea ~runnextto a freeway and youtl gulp 10 times as much racers Pore eet. 20-a-day cigarette habit. which we'Te assuming you not. But if 1ggling o sleep {through the night and fitinto your Jeans, get checked; every 10cm ‘on yourwaistine ups your isk by 1Bpercent.Achange of routine now willhelp you avoid afatalistic augury later. ‘The Plan Viste-reviews show that ciet can play apartin ‘curtailing your susceptibility. be eee easy ay id 3000 deaths Cay Te Carrots and soy are proven to cut your tsk by 18 per centand 48 per cent, respectively, whi according ta a Procision Oncology study, cury reduces fammation and slows tumour ‘growth. Finally. fing open your font doorand get outside. Northwestern University found the higher your levels of, ‘sunshine-induced vitamin D the better your chances of ding your cancer tisk up ‘smoke.round seven million years ago out ancestors came down from the trees. Now, at pm on a Monday, Pm turning back the clock and making like an apeman. My local park is hardly wild, but Its hectares of greenery are aboutas close tonature as you can get in the modern urban jungle. And anyway, so conditioned am Ito exercising in designated manmade spaces, the simple act of climbing a tree feels. positively transgressive. “You can develop a surprisingly trong sip strength, not to mention get a good Workout forthe shoulders and legs, from climbing,” says my coach, Ben Medd, one of the most respected new ‘movement coaches’. “Plus there's more variation than with a chin-up bar ~ every tree can be climbed in different ways: ‘Trees duly scaled, Medder then asks me tomove from my front to my back without taking my hands and feet off the floor. Quickly [realise this demands as much ‘mental agility as mobility in my shoulders and hips. “There are whole courses that you can take on simply rolling” says Medder, evidently enjoying my struggle with this, deceptively elemental task. This is‘movement’. What might sound likes kid's afternoon spent frolicking in the woods is being advanced as aroute to Improved dexterity, coordination and range of motion. Researchers in Florida have even linked ‘arboreal locomotion’ (yep, th tree-climbing) to improved memory. And with ‘our office-centric lifestyles increasingly held responsible for making us too stiff to function and freezing our metabolisms, the movement jovement is gaining momentum. Parkour, a close cousin of natural ‘movement, has gone from the backblocks of Parisian housing projects to receiving official recognition as a sport. In MMA, Israeli ‘movement specialist do Portal helped make Conor McGregor a two-belt champion. At the time of writing, smovement returned about 3.9m hits on the cultural barometer that is Instagram, In Medder’s view, climbing, rolling and learning to move like a primate (or, for that matte, attle-hungry Irish fighter) are activites “that typified our evolution" co ga rennu “THE MOVEMENT PHILOSOPHY QUESTIONS NOT Movement isa philosophy as much asa methodology. It prizes quality and variety over quantity and velocity. It shuns all ‘barbells and most shoes. Itis a throwback; the Workout equivalent ofthe paleo diet. At its ‘most fundamental, it questions not only how we train but why and the very nature of what it means to be human. But, lke paleo, it can also seem at once entirely logical and, well, completely nuts. ‘That's why [sought out the men defining this most iteral of movements tofind out whether rejecting decades of sports-science research and taking cues from the animals realy is the future - or simply another hypebeast. THE ORIGINS OF MAN Because of his hook-up with McGregor and his Instagram-friendly feats such as one-arm hhandstands, io Portal s for many men the ‘gateway into movement. Appropriately, he's also very hard to pin down, eluding M's attempts to talk to him, partly because of Scheduling clashes but also due to secrecy regarding his methods and clients. For the record, Medler, who has studied under Portal, describes him as “a warm, encouraging and cool guy”.) Nevertheless, Portal is happy to share on social media and his website, where he speaks about establishing “a movement culture” to facilitate “a cross- disciplinary exchange of information between various types of movers”. But of course. Intraining videos on Portals YouTube channel, McGregor can be seen walking on all fours, fluidly dodging sticks or balancing them on his feet as he rolls from front toback. To some, itmight seem just a step away from wax-on- wax-off territory, but if McGregor’s career trajectory is anything to goby, itcertainly appears to be effective. “The Notorious’ has declared, with characteristic modesty, that he's no longer a fighter; with Portal’s help he has become ‘amaster of movement” But the movement philosophy hasn't always been so fashionable, nor coherent Previously its various disciplines were highly segregated, says Mike Fitch, creator of Animal Flow, a ground-based movement system that cross-breeds elements of gymnastics, parkour, capoeira and even breakdancing With Animal Flow, you might find yourself performing novel exercises like ‘crab reach’ (a sort of arching hack bridge) or ‘lateral travelling ape’ Gumping sideways with youtr hands on the floor) “Not so long ag0, someone who had done gymnastics would stay in gymnastics he explains over coffee.ONLY HOW WE TRAIN BUT Wry" “Parkour was its own ttle niche anda very tight community. But over the past few years, multidisciplinary approaches have started toevolve? Fatigued aftera decade inthe fitness {industry and constantly sore from getting swole, Fitch had an epiphany at age 30. He subsequently put down the weights and picked up bodyweight training inal its siyriad forms. "I was sit at everything” he admits. “bad very ttle ability to work my body. But [movement training] resonated with me right away on sucha deep level” A tal, broad-shouldered, blond-haired American, Fitch - like many movement Tet esa Cenc hu ered cee Pe Rr ec ane aes aac erry > converts - talks of a spiritual awakening as much asa physical one. Gradually, he began to join the dots between the separate disciplines. “Inoticed that they all used some form of animal locomotion” he says. “I started figuring out how I could teach those in order to improve the Function ofthe ‘human animal’ - neural sequencing, postural distortions, performance. “Whether it's nature or the buman body, everything has an ebb and a flow. ‘The extreme of exercise is runningin one direction as far as you can, or doing tat. stop, fixed-axis lifts. The recoil is realising that’s not how we're designed to move: oreeied oan] Sar Deo Pe een Ree) Dee Poe LEARNING THE ROPES Relative to pursuits such as marathoning or bodybuilding, movement cultures still ints infancy. I first wrote about Animal Flow in this magazine in 2013; it has since spawned ‘many derivative primal movement’ classes at the likes of your local Fitness First and Virgin Active. But while it's inflated the gym, ithasn't dominated it: the weights-r0om gorillas and treadmill hamsters are for the ‘most part unmoved, Meclder had his Damascene moment while stagnating na deskbound IT job and firting with the weights floor. Tied of training for aesthetics, he tied martial arts and parkour, before stumbling across a video called “The Workout The World Forgot’. Part Rocky ‘montage, part Planet Barth episode, it depicts aman running, jumping, climbing and swimming through a lush tropical landscape. ‘This latter-day Tarzan is Erwan Le Corre, the mostly shirtless founder of MovNat. Abbreviated from the French phase ‘mouvement naturel, MovNal isa coaching system that teaches techniques for activities as haphazard as climbing trees, pus jumping, swimming, carrying, throwing, balancing, crawling, walking and even breathing. Along with Portal, the equally photogenic Le Corre is one ofthe poster boys for mavernent culture When Ist discovered Erwan, he wasa complete unknown living ina Brazilian forest town” says author Christopher McDougall, an American writer who featured him in his 2013, book Natural Born Heroes. [Since then] his -MovNat system has been taught to astronauts and special forces soldiers. He was even in former UEC welterweight champ Carlos Condit’s camp before his last ttle bout.” McDougall has himself shifted the movement needle. His 2009 bestseller Born ‘To Run popularised barefoot running ~ and pushed yearly sles of Vibram Five Fingers ‘shoes’ from $500,000 to $50m. In Natural Born Heroes he argues that humans need to reconnect with an earlier form of movement. “The specialisation we enjoy today, be tasa ‘marathoner, tennis player, even a triathlete, isa luxury of moder society? he says, {quoting kinesiology professor Dr Paul Zehr. “It doesnt have great survival value for homo sapiensin the wil. You never see your dog, running nonstop around in acitcle for an > emer ad advocate Peery Prue movement Perey mmhour. . he'll chase something, roll around, sprint, rest, mix things up. Animal play has ‘a purpose, and it's not hard to surmise that hhuman play should as well” ‘According to McDougall, it was our remarkable range of movement that enabled sto thrive, manoeuvre across any terrain and spread to every comer of the planet.” ‘The irony is that, in doing so, we eliminated any need tomove. "Our language is really a language of reclaiming the natural capacity of the human being,” says Dr Kelly Starrett, author of another mobility bible, Becoming A ‘Supple Leopard. "The leopard can attack and defend at full capacity instantly, whereas the ‘average person has to warm up, activate thelr sluts and mobilise their thoracic spine,” he explains, with the characteristic lotiness of ‘movement aficionado, “Thats not how it's supposed tobe: ‘STREET-WALKING CHEETAH [Not everyone is convinced by Starrett and Portal’s animal allusions, or programs that at first glance rely more on recapturing, childhood freedoms than tried-and: tested fitness regimens. Bret Contreras, aan unrepentantly evidence-based trainer, hhas published a comprehensive movement takedown called How To Be A Functional ‘Movement Guru In 40 Easy Steps. While hhedoes not name names, and admits that “there are indeed some credible and valuable functional movement experts out there”, {isn'ta stretch to envision who was at the forefront of his mind when he wrote, “Pseudoscience much more profitable these days. Imagine a world with no scientific boundaries, where anything you think up {in your head can be played off as factual, regardless of whether or not the idea holds ‘merit in real life. Imagine building a strong, cult-like following and getting paid to spout ff ibber jabber all day long.” Elsewhere, former USA Weightlifting ‘medical chair Dr Brendan Murray has attributed an increase in injuries to the extreme “knees out’ technique seen in some weightlifters, CrossPitters and those ‘mimicking some of the movement culture's teachings. Another common criticisms, that, by setting benchmarks for human. biomechanics and an ‘ideal’ way of moving, Starrett et al are ignoring individual variance and genetics. ‘Arguably, such criticisms could be levelled at almost any widely adopted fitness ‘rogram. The fact remains that our daily lives ae less active than they've ever been, land when we do move, i's in increasingly ‘demanding ways. For instance, where we ‘were once content tosit on pec decks and leg presses, the growing popularity of Olympic lifting, CrossFit and MMA has shown up our ‘movement deficiencies. Even if Starrett isn't the messiah, at least he has initiated the ‘conversation about how to prevent injuries 2 gi reanuany 2018 {instead of waiting for them to happen. Modern athletes might be fasterand stronger than ever, but, crucially, they're not tougher. The American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine has diagnosed a rise in overuse injuries in younger athletes that used tobe the preserve of od pros, ‘while the University of Wisconsin found that high school athletes specialising ina single sport are twice more likely to sustain frequent injuries as those engagingin a ‘wider range. According toa recent BBC report, ACL injuries inthe English Premier League are at “epidemiclevels” Whatever the solution, i's clear a change of pace isneeded, STANDING STRON! ‘Natural movement may well prove the tonic for many ofthe problems associated ‘with modern training, but no one is arguing that i's a substitute fortried-and-tested strength and conditioning, “Pilates and ‘yoga are great for movement, but you can’t hhold them up as complete systems unless you're also doing heavy lifting and hard running? says Stareett, who has worked with Olympic gold medallists, military personnel and Jason Statham. “But Fi take the parkour mover over the guy who ‘can squat 200kg any day, because when ‘you ask the freestyle athlete to deadlift, they're going tobe safer, stronger and more powerful. Movement comes fist.” ‘Whileits proponents might get stick for the tree-hugging mantras and occasional detour into mystic vocabulary, the truth is i's difficult to pick holes in natural movement. ‘The things that itentails-running, jumping, climbing, crawling - are obviously, incontrovertibly beneficial. IFthere’s a flaw, it’ perhaps the overzealousness that also leads passionate CrossFitters, cyclists and ‘outs to forsake other forms of training, ‘Medder, for his part, still performs squats and
Oe Boeri LAB8 Ga reanuany 2018 [know it when I feel it. know what works when | take my pleasure into my own hands Stil, Pd been told toexpect performance anxiety ~afte all, 'm ina strange room far from home, with someone just outside the cracked door. You'd have to be an exhibitionist not to feel weird. (°m not an exhibitionist.) ‘But that familiar, wondrous Feeling arrives not long after [settle in, close my eyes and put my mind and fingers to work. A tingling between my legs, warmth in my feet. Then, pure pleasure washes over me and a pulsing sensation sends shivers throughout my body. For abrief while -21 seconds, Pd late lear -I check out. When | open my eyes and will myself back to reality, 2 fltscreen deadpans: “You're done. Get dressed.” Istraighten my dress cast off the blanket covering my bare legs, and try to regain my composure. “Okay I say, “you can come in?” Dr Nicole Prause entets the room. She's tall, ean, pretty inano-bullshitkind of way face makeup-free, blonde hair in an untidy bun. At9, she stands outin her field because (2) she's a woman and (b) she runs her ‘own lab, called Liberos. After leaving UCLA last year and securing grant money, Prause became her own boss, unfettered by university politics, Her focus: sex asa way to promote general health ~ as a treatment for depression, chronic pain, sleep disorders, ‘even arthritis. Someday, Prause says, doctors could prescribe masturbation. *Natural, free, accessible - what ‘more do you want from your health care?” she asks me. Researchers have been studying sex for more than hnalfa century. I watched Masters of Sex on Showtime and figured that by now we've learned all there sto lean about this fundamental ct. Boy, was wrong. There remains a remarkable amount of uncertainty about the ‘supposed best part - that intensely pleasurable climax. ‘That's finally changing. n fact, Prause (PROW-see) is atthe forefiont of aace to decode the complex cascade ‘of signals and inputs underlying the female orgasm. It's a pursuit fraught with complexity: scientists can'tbe in the oom while a volunteer is sexually aroused; grant money islimited and tends tobe weighted toward studies on. diseases lke cancer. And sex research, well -Iet’s just say it'sa tough sell at a cocktail party. For scientists ~ and many women ~ female orgasm {is elusive and complex. Heterosexual women report reaching orgasm during sex only 65 per cent of the time, versus 95 per cent for straight men. And being in alab doesnt exactly et the mood. But Prause, from her small, unassuming office, is tackling these challenges in new ways that promise to seriously advance the field -and your sex life ou might think that women have a leg up on men (sometimes literally) when it comes to pleasure. Afterall, esearch ‘suggests that female orgasm can be generated fromatleast five areas - the elitors, the G-spot, the cervix, the nipples and (believe it or not the earlobes. Some ‘women may even beable toachieve orgasm using their Imagination alone, ‘Obviously evolution wanted us women to enjoy sex. AS the renowned biological anthropologist Dr Helen Fisher puts it, i's toa man’s advantage to please a woman in bed so shell come back and do t again. “The only way he'll send his DNA down through eternity is if woman has his baby. Soiit's an adaptive mechanism to want to please her.” In the here and now, you'll have better sex, which leads to ‘more sex. Who doesn't want that? ‘The dean of current orgasm research is DrBarry Komisaruk of Rutgers University, who's been studying orgasms for 15 years. In 2008, Komisarukand his team, ‘which inciuded the author Beverly Whipple (The G Spot), became the first to show where brain activity occurs in women at dimax. Komisaruk uses fMRI, functional ‘magnetic resonance imaging. His team slides a woman {nto a scanner where she masturbates while they snap pictures ofher brain. (Hot, right?) The machine records bloodfiow and oxygenation, indicators of neural activity, ‘Among hi ndings thebrain has edt “sex jut areas associated with pleasure and memory Goligh up at orgasm That's what keeps us coming back for more. During orgasm, Komisaruk told me, “so many different brain regions are activated. That's not surprising, because so many body systems are activated. Orgasm starts withthe genital sensory cortex and then spreads toareas inthe limbic system, including the amygdala (emotional processing) and hippocampus (memory, fantasy) along with the insula and anterior cingulate cortex (visceral sensation and internal feelings). ‘Those last two are also activated when you feel pain, says Komisaruk which may explain why orgasmcanhavea’_raimaeripwth pain-blockingeffect. And why your Ofacecanlooklike RPA You just threw out your back moyenne “The way the bral “lights up" isthe samein men Stbateyire and women, Komisaruksays, with one key diference: ‘oa Aadwhy alter orgasm, the male brain tend to respond less to pennant a stimulation, while the female brain continues to respond, That may explain why women can have multiple orgasms, ‘while men usually need a break before going again. ‘The other significant contributor to orgasm research Js Dutch neuroscientist Dr Janniko Georgiadis, who's done about 60 studies on orgasm from his University of Groningen lab, For him, what's more telling isnot what lights up in the brain but what shuts down, Georgiadis primarily uses PET (positron emission tomography) scans, which also tack bloodfiow and brain activity. Like FMRI, PET can localise the brain activity, but It's slower, so the true flash point is easier to miss. With his PET scans, Georgiadis saw some brain regions respond, aligning with some of Komisaruk’s ndings. But tohis surprise, he also found an orgasm-related decrease of bloodflow in certain regions, especially the prefrontal cortex and the temporal cortex, areas linked to planning and comprehension, respectively. ‘These areas light up during the day when you're speaking, listening, thinking, engaging - anything to do with conscious thought. During orgasm, they're about 10, per cent less active compared with the stages before. ‘When you climax, Georgiadis says, you have “an altered perception of things going on around you. There is, less awareness, les fear. Everyone knows that you're less able to think clearly while you're having an orgasm. This fits this phenomenon really well” ‘Translate this to the bedroom and you see why it’s easier fora woman to climax when she's relaxed ~ and ‘why planning your fantasy football team helps you delay the inevitable. in her case, she can more easily shut off those parts of her brain n yours, they're being prompted tollight up. The gateway to orgasm sin letting go. ‘The reason one researcher sees the brain light up while the other sees it dim could bedue to the different ‘methods they use: tums out, what we believe about orgasm is coloured by the lens through wihich we view it. “It’s more an apparent contradiction than a eal one,” says Dr Jim Pfaus, a Canadian neuroscientist who studies orgasm in rats (I'salliving,)One tool (PET) takesa single > [mpresnuany 201s a7snapshot that represents everything that came before it, from desire to arousal to the main event. The other (IME) shows precise moments along the way, moments that may ‘or may not be consistent from one test subject to another. ‘What's more, “activation” does not always mean excitation: when Komisaruk sees frontal brain regions lighting up, that may simply be the command centre telling other parts to stand down. An fMRI can see that activation but cant identify it; PET might be able to make that distinction but doesnt isolate specific moments ‘To understand orgasm, says Pfau, “you just have to find the right time point” ‘That's where Prause has the advantage - because her ‘method is significantly faster. IN MER LAB Prause navigates past me through the tiny room, There’sa vintage desk, a yogs mat, aguitar. A plastic tub holds electronic devices; some are connected to the fingers on my left hand. (My right had been occupied.) ‘plated band wraps around my right upper arm and a ‘multipronged headset clings to my skull Prause parks herself on a wooden chest beside the ‘computer screen, which now displays a single line that slopes gradually down before breaking into wild ‘undulations at about the 15-minute mark. “That could be ‘orgasm she says, peering closer, “Yeah, that could work. With data lke this, Prause hopes to answer some surprisingly fundamental physiological questions: ‘what kind of touch and movement intensify arousal? Is orgasm distinc from heightened arousal, or just more of the same? Is ithe pinnacle of pleasure or, technically speaking, the moment the brain puts on the brakes? ‘My orgasm in Prause’s lab was recorded by an EEG, or electroencephalogram, which measures brain activity: hhence the headset. Prause pulls up images of my brain captured as I was masturbating. We'te looking at alpha, one of many electrical waves fluctuating through the brain constantly. Alpha is present when your brain idling orn a wakeful relaxed state~as in daydreaming r just zoning cout. Along with another wave called theta it's linked to USS Te a2 gap reanuany 2018 Scientis s gave u rep Property Replace “nhinters” (chores 6) wit “excors~ealy cho tos ofyou two, music, scented cance Saye 80 erapiat De lan Kemer Tell her GoSiow Don'tzer0in onthe ripples or cons oo teary theyre not"on buttons’ and being touched inthose areas canbe painful she's ot aroused yet, says No, Slower! Reedy for penetration? Asks Wet doesnt mean ready. (Thats vty ube isa poor sub- stlue for orp) He ‘vaginal wals should bbe engorged and “pi ‘Stimulate Multiple Areas Someerperts s2y female orgasm can ‘be generate rom several spo beyond Theebiious eta, ripples, earlobes, cr i, G-spot Do your checkins (Almost there? can ntemupt Der flon, says sexther ‘apist Dr Erica Marchand Focus Instead, says Bratt, on Have Funt Humour helps tum off the thinking pat of yourbrain soyoucan both focus onplea- sure. Know that here's ‘no one igh way, says Marchand. Find Entrainment ‘Steady rhythm is key. Start win arytim and pressure that eels nat Ura, says Marchand. Ask easy, bef ques: tions sone can stay inthe moment:"Fasler COUNTDOWN TO ECSTASY the data. zave us the how-to. The results: science- jacked ways you can be her orgasm donor therapists how great sh looks in candies. Or Nicole Prause found that bod-negative thoughts curbed wom: ‘ene arousel whe hey watched pom. sextherapist Dror Bietio Watch her body ~ erect hit foleles is 2 ‘900d sign ~ andfllow her lego tener. “iam ‘guided by you" louy’ Tease the vuba vith your penis play ith Shallow trust, says Kemer. Or have tha dota hersel You canwaten, ‘oun experiments, says Kemer kiss ner neck, ‘caress the small ot net back, whisper inher fea And try stimulating te citrs during penatation. points of contact —your Interlacked hands, were your blies touch how her breast feels agains your ips. Notice texture, ter perature wovatons. ‘you sip cut ofa ‘aitthe bed, so what? ‘She wort care. So lighten up. (Check out hystericalerature ‘comiot cur favourite sexy funny videos) orsiower?* “Softer or harder? “How does that foe” Not "What ‘Should | do?" she seems cose, dont change athing! 1cMY JOURNEY INTO THE WORLD OF ORGASM RESEARCH NOT ONLY CHANGED MY MINDSET, IT LED TO SOME OF THE BEST SEX OF MY LIFE meditation and what athletes call “flow state”. When alphas high, you're feeling chill. Let's call it “chill wave” fornow. {colour spectrum on the monitor goes from dark blue (ow chill to green to orange to yellow thigh chil). Only ‘one brain image is completely yellow - the “stimulate to orgasm” brain. (But crucially, aot during actual orgasm.) “Another chart, spectogram, shows a bright line ‘extending with a few breaks across the graph. That line indicates chill and should be brighter during higher levels of sexual arousal. Sure enough, it starts at a point when I'm self-stimulating and fantasising. (Somry, not telling!) ‘Theline is brightest jus before orgasm, indicating ‘where my brain has gone full chil. But during orgasm ("a hit a button at start and finish) the line disappears, a ifmy ‘orgasm turned my normal consciousness back on. ‘Generally, my alpha activity fits pattern Prause has seen before. That pattern is her most surprising discovery so fr, a working hypothesis she described to meas the “sympathetic nervous system switch”. Her research. ‘on the topic has been accepted for publication by the Archives of Seal Behaviour.) ‘THIS “SWITCH THEORY” (iny term) holds that climax is, linked to an off-switch in our brain. Both Komisarukand Georgiadis had concluded something similar. Prause’s twist: the switch is lipped well before orgasm happens. ‘Tobegin, Prause had me think of something sexy. Sometimes she shows her study participants & ‘pornographic image; sometimes they self-stimulate with genital vibrator. When her volunteers irs become aroused, their chill generally quiets down. They're paying attention. But when they're asked to attempt an orgasm, the chill shoots up. To trigger orgasm, your brain may have to zone out, as indicated on my results For Prause, is not thatthe orgasm triggers
Embreenuany ore 29HER AROUSAL TIMELINE b> vinahppens en 2 woman ine lab images banal ci oan eosresoal serloup gehen Sonalyfenasces, =n ves BANAL BEGIN onAL coat Sen MORE BANAL costliest FANTASISE sattlll 07, 00¥t Tay 1o onaasm aaa she oncasM etl Beg Notmuch ‘iphe senses the contractions - was faulty. But as the trend persisted, she realised that these ‘women were not experiencing orgasms, even though they believed they were. (She did not see this in men.) Komisarukcand others maintain that Women do know when they're having an orgasm and enter an almost trancelke state of consciousness. I's “flow” all ver again. In that state, says Safron, “the rhythm isall there is". When your brain rhythms sync up with an outside stimulus, you canattend to that stimulus more easly. “The more you attend, the more you can be entrained by a rhythm,” Safton told me. “And the morein syne you ae, the better you can attend” Thismay explain why we can zoom in on rhythmic experiences like music, he says. “They outcompete other things for your attention,” says Safton. “This is part of why people like these experiences: they're engaging with something highly pleasurable in avery focused manner and they’te also able to let go of things that are less pleasurable, lke thinking about jabs, taxes or laundry? Soundsa little like meditation, I point out. “Pa say it’s lot lke meditation,” Safron responds For Prause, that’s precisely what happens when that off switch fips: you enter entrainment. (Apty, she's currently studying whether genital stimulation can offer the same benefitsas meditation.) If Prause's work shifts the emphasis away ftom orgasm. and toward the journey there then Safton’s theory takes that shiftand brings it home, into your bedroom. Turns cut, viewing a form of meditation may actualy be a 2004 idea. “Meditation isa practice, something you improve at ‘overtime, lke learning to play a musical instrument - you _get better and better at absorption and at leting go of distractions, Imagine sex asa practice (not a performance), ‘and maybe you can relax. ‘Meditation also means staying present: ifthoughts arise, you acknowledge them briefly and then let them go. ‘That feels good because you're not stressing out, you're not ruminating Staying present in bed, focusing on your breath or the touch of her skin against yours, aso feels ‘good and may help tur off the kind of self-monitoring that can lead to anxiety and sexual dysfunction. All ofthis can enhance the sexual experience ina powerful way: as you become more in syne with the rhythms, you can tune out distractions more easily, which intum frees you up to focus on pleasure. Pat SO Src et ne nnn IF PRAUSE’S WORK SHIFTS THE EMPHASIS AWAY FROM ORGASM AND TOWARD THE JOURNEY, THEN “ENTRAINMENT” THAT SHIFT HOME, INTO YOUR BEDROOM ‘This not only makes sex more fu but can also deepen your connection with your partner. “Iftwo people are attending to the same rhythm.” Safton says, “you could get synchronisation across their nervous systems." That can lead to an increased ability to communicate with Your partner ~ like making eye contact across a room and seemingly reading each other's minds. “You'll see this, in armies marching together, n dance partners and in ‘musicians who play duets - they all develop this intimacy” Safton says. “Literally, as a mechanism, their systems ‘might syncup. Tis allows them to be closer ina variety of ways” ‘This underlines the sexual importance of rhythms (69 don't go spelling the alphabet with your tongue during cunnilingus; establishing a pleasing rhythm is more effective) and attentiveness to your partner. Italso poses sexasa means to an altered stat of consciousness, And all, this time, you thought it was just about getting off. “People have a bizarre doublethink around sexuality” Safron tells me. “They think of itas both unimportant and soimportant that it causes terrorin them” A shiftin Perspective can help you find a middle ground. Think of sexas stimulation and itcan get old; considerita strange trance stateand you might find new ways to enjoy it “Recognise that Sex is eally weird Safron says. “And appreciate that” T'm hereto testify: he's right, My journey into the world of orgasm research not only changed my mindset but also led to some ofthe best sex of my life. ‘One night after my return home, my husband joined me Inbed. Istarted kissing him. We kissed foralong time “longer than we ever would have before. To my surprise, he seemed into it. In the past, Imight have worried we were spending too long on kissing, but now that fear seemed unfounded and contrary to what I'd learned, Pleasure was something to sink into, not race toward. twas a much slower bulld than Fd ever experienced, and then something weird happened. The outside world faded away, leaving the two of us behind. Entrainment had started to kick in It Ted to life-changing sex. I enjoyed al of it, not just those last 20 seconds (sorry, mean 2.) Ml 2. SAL! CinITS THe an FUN YOU CAN HAVE WITH YOUR UNDIES ON!Decathlete Cedric Dubler is targeting the podium at the upcoming Commonwealth Games. Discover how being a jack-of-all-trades can help boost your results across the board > BY IAN COCKERILL . ” PHOTOGRAPHY BY JASON ZAMBELLIor the great ones, there's often a trajectory. ‘They declare themselves ata young age and then gather steam, attention and medals as they progress, inexorabiy, to whatever their main stage {s- Olympics, World Cup, World Championships ‘And then there’ the rest ‘The jury is still out on just how good Cedric Dubler is going tobe, but astute judges haven't ‘missed that, at 21, the Brisbane decathlete has racked up better numbers than the two giants ofthe sport {in modem times a the same age, Great Britain's Daley Thompson (Olympic gold medallist in 1980 and 1984) and ‘American Ashton Eaton (Olympic gold in 012 and 2016), tay with that fora moment. When the Swedish sing told the fist Olympic decathlete champion in 1912 that “You sir, are the greatest athlete inthe world”, he bestowed a tag that has persisted to this day. That's the ‘company Dubler is keeping. ‘Not that you'd know it when Men's Health catches ‘up with Dubler at his training base atthe University of Queensland. There's no entourage here, just tall, sinewy athlete with a sprinte's sculpted calves toting a javelin and an overflowing bag filled with six different alts of shoes. ‘On the rugby field that occupies the ‘middle ofthe track, alone bird circles ‘puddle left from the previous nights rain, Ita scene that reminds you that, asa ‘consuming and punishing sport ~ Dubler lives with his, parents and scrapes outa living through a combination of small gramts and promotional and coaching work - decathlon is no calculating man’s path to riches and glory. Dubler understands al this, and yet he readily talks about competing at the 2024 Paris Olympics, a full 12-year span after he frst indicated he had the talent to take on Thompson's and Eaton's stats when finishing athat the 2012 world U20 championships. ‘Two years later he was pipped forthe gold medal at the 2014 U20 worlds, before becoming the first ‘Australian to make the Olympic qualifying mark since 2000, booking a spot for Ro in 2016. Tk wast just Dubler, his coach, support team and Athletics Australia rejoicing in Sydney that night. Since the start of 2016, Dubler had produced regular training ‘logs on his YouTube channel and built an enthusiastic ~to fulfil thelr destiny undera rain of gold confetti. oe audience drawn by his insights, honesty and ambition. ‘That same audience closely followed Dubler's first ‘major outing against the best ofthe best in Rio, where he finished 14th infield of 32. Thompson finished 18th athisfirst Olympics; Eaton also 18th at his fist major ‘championships, the 2009 world. All good so far. Cue adversity. Entering August's 2017 worlds in London, where observers might have hoped fora break ‘out performance, a persistent toe injury and then illness saw Dubler’s prospects dim. After two topsy-turvy days he finished in 18th place and the trajectory had stalled. And yet ... and yet Dubler detected something good. Something powerful. Something he could hamess through ‘countless training sessions and future competition, “It was noticeable that when some of the other Australian athletes didn't go so well they'd get criticised on social media” recalls Dubler. “That didn’t happen tome. Igot ‘nothing but support, because people understood why it happened. They appreciated the honesty of my lows as Wella the highs and they understood the story and the human element . ‘when things weren't : going ight”‘Now 23, Dublerhhas taken the encouragement he got from that experience as confirmation that he's on the ‘money in choosing to share his joumey with strangers. In contemporary twist on the old dictum to get yourself a training partner, he is using his social media connections to propel him towards his next major event, April's ‘Commonwealth Games on the Gold Coast, and beyond to ‘the 2019 worlds in Qatar and 2020 Tokyo Olympics, where he's not shy about wanting a medal. London's struggles confirmed one other thing, too. In recording his vlog before and after each event - including the shack of getting hit in the forehead by the pole vault ‘bar - Dubler found his mind was constantly purged of ‘unproductive thoughts. ‘Debriefing immediately after each event definitely helped me refocus," says Dubler “I could say what I felt and then move on quichly 1 dort do that it ean leave me feling lat and tired.” So, bad session? Review i, voice it, shareit-on social ‘media or with your gym buddies ~and clear the decks. As any decathlete can tell you, there's always more work tobe done. © corr PRESS RECORD The old adage that your characteris revealed by what you do when ne one's looking applies doubly to training, How often have you found yourself going through the motions when you train solo? Thought as much. So, don't rely on your own internal motivation, says Dubler. His vlogs have given his sessions two crucial pillars: ‘accountabiltyand structure. “When record my viogs | have to make clear ‘goals, Ihave to explain” says Dubler. “forces me to define what Im trying to achiave before the slartof each session and then look atitagain when I debrief afterwards. Evenitno-one’s watching loveto have it to identiy clear goals Think ofits your personal CCTV. An American Society of Training and Development study ‘on accountabilt found that youhave a 65 per ccenthigher chance of achieving a goal it you ccommitto someone, > [abresnuany sore 95CHANGE|T UP Even wth ll the expert advice he can callon, Dublerfoundthat his training regimen on the ttackand in the gym could often suck the ile coutof hi, “Before Rio and London was atthe gym four Cormore times a week and was relly having ‘some fatigue issues; he recalls Promptedto revisit his schedule with his coaches, Dubler has since dropped backto three gym sessions a week and tinkered with the finer logistics: starting his gym session halt ‘an hour later hes saved him frutless time spent inpeak hour traf “Don't get caught up with what you're doing, Core sentimental aboutit* he says. “Be adaptable, constantly evciving and re-evaluating how youtrain. When the weather ‘gelshotter ere we change the time of day we | train on the track for instance, to avoid the worst oft ‘What's the stone in your shoe that's geting in the way of results, or worse stil, putting you off tuaining atogetier? ‘Acknowledge it remove it or work around i because i's not going away ofits own accord, sees 98 Ga reanuany 2018 / LEARNTOAUTO-DRIVE DDublers coach Eric Brown wants his charge tobeable to coach himself, dynamic | that’s along way removed from many coach-athlete relationships. its about not being passive’ Dubler explains, “and thinking though the process so that lean feel when something isn ight.” Inturn,he says, that helps him accurately ‘explain his taining to his viog followers, who | want to know wy youre doing an isometric or concentric phase and whatit aims toachieve* ‘You've got a personaltrainer or someone else | who's responsible for your gym program? Be | cutious. Ask why, Listen to your body. Because ‘one day you'e likely to move gyms, towns or states and won't have them around to hold yourhand. When that happens you wantto be ready to take charge of your sessions. You | should be aiming to take ful esponsibility for | yourtraining. you're whol invested in what your goals are, be ta new bench PB or ‘a muscle-up, you're more Ikely to achieve them, Dubler says. KNOW YOUR DESTINATION ‘So you're decathlete andthe shot puts ‘one of your weakest events, the pole vaut ‘one of your best. You target the shot put in training, right? Not necessatly, as itturns out, "My weakness ism throws, but they re not big points when comparedtto the jumps.” ‘explains Dubler “Imight get 30 more points if can throw hala ‘metre furtherin shot put. But can get 32 points foran extra 1Ocmin the pole vault. "Soit can make my pole vauit better with an extra half an hour taining aweek,lfecus on that” ‘Ys, here at MH we've always preached that the greatest training gains can be made in your weakest areas, But don't lose sight of the (overall objective. f your performance benefits | most from improvementsin an area where Yyou'e already strong, hen make sure you | target those witha bounty-hunter’s zeal 50 you actualy execute when things really count/ MAKEITFU ei With so many sscpines to werk onendevery | DUBLER’S VITAL STATS part of the body playing a role, decathlon tuaining is elentiess.Sixcays a week, Dubler is onthe trackorinthe gym, sprinting, ‘throwing, jumping anciiting. ‘if you train by yourselfitcan belong and hard ‘and baring.’ he says. Dubleris lucky. He trains witha "passionate ‘and talented group, so the environment ‘steally good”. The rea fun, though, comes througha friendly vary with a younger decathlete. "We have milkshake bets that we cash in.on ater ourbig Saturday sessions. 's goodto hhave something at stake” ‘Mileshakes. That's good. But even if you want topul something more substantialon the line Its worth considering how to engineer incentives that spur youto push that ite bit harder duting each session. Dubler has one other pretty potent form of ‘motivation. Hint i's gold and shiny. Geta vlog with that around his neck andi’ arto say the shakes willbe on ir. Total-Body Workout Bulgtne strength, speed, endurance, gy ane poweryouredto tae on anydsipine, Queensland Academy o Sportheador stengthand condoning hrs Gavighonas been pat Dblers teamsnce 2013 Horeshs fomaatoset Yyouontackto becoming amano see LOWER BODY ta Single-Leg Squat 3x8 (Smit Mactine) UPPER BODY faBenchPress0x5+ 1x10 thReverse Pull-up 2x6 oe Feecearsoere = mds fronts —~—~SC ere tm Sooenrens, ‘Semte fmaapenss Sere rere gmmieteeass Sasi oceiceat ace Screues, mare maton, puma caamaererintee mbes er pe izes rer Wa 8 | sermon eae ps Anareninanres | RU es ST PE ‘obarandmove yourlegs side-side. | squatdoun placingyourhandsanthe 3x5 | y Sooo, body over and back oro youre. [ireenuany 2018 97fer two years of intense taining, {in 2004 Jonathan Disalle, 32, graduated as one of the US Coast Guard's Aviation St Technicians (AST) -orelite rescue swimmers. It was the accumulation of three vigorous training programs, focusing fon everything from in-water rescue drils to emergency medical procedures and Intricate helicopter operating systems, Stationed in Oregon on America's west coast, Disalle's frst day at work was, ia his own words, “pretty intense”. Asm skiff had overturned in the '5.5m swell at Basendorff Beach. By the time Disalle and his team of three helicopter crew reached the scene from their three ofthe skiff weredead. We were too late
Emiresnuany 2018 101“Itdoesn’t matter how fit you are. You're going to get toa point where part of you wants fo quit” where two 3.6m-deep, 25m by 225m sections are divided by a bulkhead that supports a hoist used to simulate helicopter extractions. Hoses and a wind machine create rotor wash and gales equivalent to 70 knots. ‘Then there re the 1.5m waves, the fog and the sound effects. Isascloseas you'll get toa raging sea without leaving dry land and it ishere that recruits quickly discover ifthey have ‘hati takes to survive being ‘thrown inat both the literal and metaphorical deep end, “i's definitely a grind says AST Sam Fuller, who completed his training in Autumn 2016. “People drop like fies. My class started with 24 people and by week eight we were down toseven.” Having swum forthe state ‘of North Carolina, Fuller heard bout rescue swimming from his future wife who was interested ‘in oining (she’s now training to bea pilot. After preparatory bootcamp he was selected for ‘School, where applicants must passan hour-long fitness test: 40 push-ups, 50 sit-ups, three chin-ups (palms in), three chin- ups (palms out), running 2.4km inunder 12 minutesand then getting into the pool. There they :must swim 5oom in 12 minutes, before completing four 25m. swims underwater. All of which sounds taxing, but achievable to : anyone witha semi-decent level of fitness. But, as Disalle is quick tw point out, the test's purposeis simply to check that you aren’t going to sinkto the bottam ofthe ool, These are, afterall, just the Dre-traning entry requirements. Bay oneconsiss of twoanda hhalfhours of land’ PT followed by two hours in the pool fter Junch, it's back into the pool foranother three hours. By this point, Disalle explains, “If you've only trained for the bare ‘minimum, you're in trouble” THE DEEP END Rescue swimmers aren't bare ‘minimum people. Fuller, at 1873cm anda litle over 90g what's referred to in Coast Guard slang as ‘a specimen’. He rains dally in their gym (deadlift 185k, bench press 120kg, back squat 156k) and swims atleast twicea week, practising the ‘over under” (4oom with lengths split half underwater and half oven). But hile fitness is crucial, being able togrit your teeth through a lactic acid build-up inthe pool does not ‘qualify you for active service in freezing sm swells. “It doesn't matter how fit youre?" says Fuller. You're going to get toa point where part of you wants to quit. You have to make a choice tocither givein or push harder. That's where A-school becomes more ‘mental than physical” ‘This breaking point could come at any time, but the final hhurdlo isthe highest: trio of sruelling tests that all recruits ‘must pass in order to graduate. These are the ‘One Man’, the “Parachute Disentanglement and the *Multi-Rescue’. Of the three, the One Manis the mus test. Succeed and you're inwitha shot. Students must complete safety checks on an instructor posingasa victim, before towing him tosafety, At some point, the instructor will tm onthe student, wrestling them underviater. They must use force tosubdue the ‘victim’ and bring them under control This isn't > Emireanuany 2018 102HIGH, NOT DRY tok Gp reamuany 2018 about taking deep breath and diving under. t's about being dragged down ina headlock with no warning and no ai in your ngs. You have togo to that dark place," chuckles Fuller. “Notalot of people can.” “Students come inal baby: faced and we put them into the fire? adds Disalle. “There's something hardened about the ones that graduate It's ike forging steel” STORM FRONT ‘Training i, of course, only the beginning. For the next two decades atleast, they have pledged to put themselves in harm's way where most would run or swim - in the opposite direction. Nor are thelr operations limited to the acean. The event that has stuck with Disalle the most isa rescue on Oregon's dynamic coastline: “Just off shote there'sa rock with a 90m cliff that has a crevasse down the middle. This crack was filled with boulders. Below that was just surf, slamming into a cave. A guy had tried to jump the crevasse and didn’t make. “The helicopter lowered me down with my EMT (emergency ‘medical technician) kit and I see this guy is having seizures," Disalle says. “He's smashed his whole face in. The helicopter crew got a rescue litter down to me, I got an airway in and letthem winch him out. Thea the helicopterleft - there wasn't room for us both.” ‘With night closing in Disalle's nly means of escape from the crevasse had just disappeared over the horizon. “Oncethe helicopter flies away, all the adrenaline stops and - apart from the waves pounding in-it'slent. You Just sit there thinking I cannot believe I just did that’? Five hours later, the helicopter retumed to pick Disalle wp, ‘The patient had made it. “isnot a game,’ says Dsalle. “ls very rewarding but deadly serious. Pve trained 300 people and only 60 hnave graduated ‘Such is the commitment to upholding professional and physical standards that, even with budget cuts looming and an increasing demand for their services, Disalleand his fellow instructors will never Compromise on what is required ofan elite rescue swimmer. “My biggest fears passing someone and then finding out that something bad has happened because oftheir mistake, Disalle says, “There smo one tke us Every day, people's lives depend con what we do. There isno room for error” i~\ eh 29 RAISE THE Kk sizzling ayona tin mind, MH has put together the ultimate the barbie lomain, one t inhabited with tongs in one hand and a stubbie in the other. Use our barbecue blueprint to find the best cuts of meat, whip up mouth ing steaks, sauces and sides and discover the best barbies for your back- yard or balcony. So, go ahead, tmp reenuany 20<>, -HowMuch Red Meat IsToo Much? ‘BBO season may bea ccamiore’s Christmas but be care about (overinduiging on red meet dung summer, ‘The ev ‘dence suggests that you can have to B orice senings 2 week. A serving is 110-170 grams," says cardiologist Dr Arsh ‘Mozataian, SIX GUTS YOU MUST TRY ind a cut that'll get mouths watering Look past rump to fi ind chins we RIB EVE prefer histo stp steak because thas alte ‘mote fat Applestone says. Salt and pepper ate the only spices t needs, Tove fb eve served wth swt potaloes, he adds “The favours just seem togoweltiogetner ‘Savourthe hucious masting, agin 108 GY reamuany ore says BBQ ex FLATIRON STEAK “This isthe cut your butcher keeps. comes tome | shoulder andiastes amazing, Applestone Says. "Towerd is | enc there arenes of fetthat spider down” Ryouseartoverrigh heat. he says, ‘that fet mats inwith the | prteintora realy fich ble that has fgoodchew” ua | BEEF HEART | When propery | deaned, beet haartis dalicious,” Apolestone | promises ts lean and | gamey andican be fought overcooked, F Cuber skewer brushitwihasauce | youlike andtnen il to medium rare ‘Whether ornotyou | teenacttne Temote of Doom scenes E uptoyou Applestone ‘SIRLOIN FLAP. Asthename suggects, thisis the lap of rmuccle cavern he Soin For that t2s00 its oh win tat bute canbe oughitnat cooked cored. Cube themect and sear tio medium rare, justafew minutes on each side. Seve wath aside ot sauléod mushvoome SIRLOIN TOP Located|justbelowthe | tenderion this tean- yet sucoulent cut Sidealin barbecued burrtos becauselt bites off easty when senvedin sos Sear thecutwhole, and then | soe t Because ts lean, youllwert to eat itwth some fat (sour ‘cream, avocado) to balance te favour | Tate Ask yourbutcher for this one, wich is | send fromthe bottom pation athe sii, #Hfsrioh.tstender. ts ‘avesome served with | cold saladsthal feature tangy cheeses tke | Parmesan. Grlltlow andslow, cut against the gainanal toss | into a Caesar sal ‘Yes, youre on salad duty too.Spice-Rubbed BBO Brisket with Smoked Garlic This recipe leverages «dry spice nix that penetrates tha beef overnight Then, after several houre ina smoker, it's eshanced by a single basting sauce the result {s heaven in the fleth 2 esp cones 1 serene (8, 1 TSPWHOEALSACE + BULB GARLIC TR COTO 2017 ESR SGA 1 TESPOLE DL 1. Theday before, pulveise thecoriande, thyme, bay leaves, peppercoms and allspice ina spice grinder. tirin 1 Thspsea salt and the brown sugar. Rub thebrisket allover with thespice mixture; coveritandleaveitin the ffidge overnight 2.Add wood chips soaked in water for thour to asmokerorgrilland preheattoa steady temperature of 90°-110°C, Combine the chicken stock and apple cider; set aside touse forbasting Place the brisket andthe galicin thesmoker and smoke, keeping the heat ata constant 90" 110°C and basting with the ‘lider stock mixture every 45 minutes oro. (dd wood chipsas needed.) The beefis done whenit's very tender and reaches an internal temperature of 75°C 4-6hours. ‘3.Remove the brisket from the smoker, wrapit infoiland|etitrest atleast 20 minutes before slicing. Meanwhile, set the smoked galic on apiece of fol drizaleit with the olive oll, \wrapit tightly and pat itina200°C oven for minutes. Removeand use for smearing on aside of grilled bread. Serve the brisket with your favourite BBO sauce. Serves8-10 Grilled Bone-In Rb-Eye Steaks with Charred Tomato-Onion Relish This cut of moat will quite possibly be the Finest to grace your grill. The ackaic punch of the relish complenents the fatty Gecadence of the beet. Plus, the sinple vegetable eide comer together quickly. AIL you need to complete the meal Ls 8 cold beer: 2 SMENARDESTENS 2 TESPOLNE ‘ang 104 2 cs ve AOS ‘ums Sens) 4. Preheat your grillto indirect heat. (For g88, turn one side of the gril tohigh. For charcoal, ‘get the coals hot and ashy, then bank them to ‘oneside.) 2.Season the steaks with sea saltand freshly ‘ground pepper and sear them over direct heat, turning occasionally, about Gminutes total, Transfer them tothe indirect-heat side ‘and seta medium cast-iron pan over the direct heat Close thegrillid and cook the steaks until they hit 45°C (rare) in thecentre, about 30 minutes. Remove thesteaksandlet them rest 10 minutes, 3. While the steaks gil, make the elsh: brush the spring onions with 1 Tbsp olive oiland ‘add a pinch each ofsaltand pepper. Cook the onions inthe pan, turning occasionally until they're blackened in placesand tender, about sSminutes. Transfer them toacutting board ‘and coarsely chop. nthe bot pan, add the remaining? Tbsp oil along with the tomatoes and rosemary 1 tsp salt and tsp pepper. Cook, cavered, until the tomatoes soften, about 12 minutes. tirin the vinegarand ‘onions and season with saltand pepper. Serve the relish withthe sliced steaks, using therosemary sprigasgamish Serves4-6 > reas arr Em reenuany 2018 109nd Pree) Peis) ‘What does “grass fed” ‘actuallymean? Fist ofr Austra masta ae geass ‘ed. Cattle have be ‘ed grin tor more than 80 days before they te Classifeds grained. Even gained cattle spend 85-80 per cant ofthat ives in pasties. Somese ae tealy rairnshed cate, according toNeat and Livestock Austra Isgrass‘fnished beet healthier for me? The meat contains neatly 50 percent more heartheatiny omega-3 Tay aces than beet from gain fed etl, according toresearch from Gan Butler of Neweastle Univer sty. Though grass {ed beet doesnt cary the omega-3 punch that salmon dose. it may be lower in some unhealthy faty aids than grin ished bot, ‘the esac vealed. Istheresatabel [should look for? Yeah, catlecan be cer tied grass-fed bythe PCAS (Pasture fed Cat tie Assurance System) PCAS-Cetilod grass {ed catiecan never be fed grins. They must be gassed hai whole lives. Ifyou want tobuy grassfedbeet thats never been grain fed, ou need to look for the PCAS catfcaton insupermariets. 10. GD reamuany sore FIRESTARTERS ignite summer party season with the best new barbles on Ero nes ees me ‘THE SUMMER SUNDAY ROAST EVERDURE by Heston Blumenthal “Fision® Charcoal BBQ With separ cotemparay design youd expect of Heston and kg capacity rolssere his sysh wt ‘sport fr sawing oo biptr ends, Roast lamb works partly wal one lsat, ays Mattes “Tew spi osemary onthe cha ‘toreally enhance the flavour,” he advises. ($799) FEEDING THE CLAN ‘Masport Equip 6 Burne “This 860 can dopretty much anyting.” says Matthews With artiste, interchangeable cooking system that includes pizza stone, skewer se, ult i240 tights, 18-iace ons kita a USB prt fx charging youriPad, you can serve up evrything fom sags to cake, seriously. $199) Ss‘George Foreman Electric BBO ig George aways dd pack punch. Compact and versatile, the beauty ofthis units youcan use itndoarsas abencttop illoratizch the stand if you wantto cook resco, hich unless we'e mistken,iskind ofthe pintot ‘BBO, right? ($100 85) eee) eh See eee eer Pech etndig | aerate ee ‘Ntresco Solutions Kitchen Kakadu 2 re evar ack indoor agin, Ths compte Err ean ‘utdoor kitchen inde on or two-door Se ea vebrsinsion cls: Goma Pr ery et wn Torrey By ceesssen aes i eevee Cee uat! eer rane eo | (ore abe he seo I amac « Perera Tree RY ren | | ttudugenre tens porsche trot ET et cantik of coking inside you can do erties eto cts,” Mathaws say. 61.489) | nts aise haven coms Perera tmreenuanyBig Scummer $15 FOR 6 ISSUES On all monthly magazine subscriptions’ $25 + BONUS $25" 2 10-00usr| TASK CREDIT FROM AIRTASKER ee a ings doneOnly at Woolworths | iL ld Tai} Doe De ee MR 2eee We aor pasties Remarc Deena as0Ts coma eee a Sent pee ed oleae Eee aa ? BOXING SPECIAL HOW TRAINING LIKE A FIGHTER WILL TAKE YOUR FITNESS TO A WHOLE NEW LEVEL.GLOVES UP! > [mpresnuany zoe 116ARE YOU REALLY FIGHTING FY = Re eee a ea 78.8 KG ORC mcr) ABOUT THREE yearsagol appeared onthe cover of thismagazineand, in the process, becameaposterboy for training driven by aesthetics. zealously adhered toasplit of chest, armsand back. Cardiowasn’teven onmy radar. But though rd never looked better, my motivation soon waned andnotable changes tomy body were hardertocomeby. More than that, Ifeltimmobile, my posture hunched. Mylegsseemed smallincomparison tomy pumped- up torso. Iwanted tomove-tobe fastand powerful, not ustlook like someone whomightbe.Inshort, Iwanted tostop ‘exercising’ and start training. Soltookupthelast thing anyone expected, myselfincluded: boxing. 'mnot afighterby nature, butt wanted tolearn a skillthat placed athleticism above aesthetics. Nevertheless, Inad concerns. ‘Wouldall thecardio undosixyearsofsolid ‘muscle-building? WouldIget punchedin thefaceand, ifso, howmuch wouldithurt? Tohelp melearnasport socompletely cout of my comfortzone, Iwas coached by head of boxing Gary Logan and strength and conditioning coaches Dan Lawrence ‘and Doug Tannahill at specialist boxing gymBXR. Icouldn’thaveasked forabetterteamin ‘my corner. And would need them, because becoming anathleteisno quickfix. I's toughashell,in fact. Butthe monthsof 118 Gap reanuany 201 SKELETAL WAS 83.86 ALG xc Me WAS Allededicated training (and notadrop of alcohol taught mefarmore than technique. The process changed my entire outlook; the man Iknew in the mirror faded, replaced by asingle-minded boxer. Itsanamazing feeling, Believeme. ‘Thenthey signed me up tofight. Aftera 12-week camp, Iwasgoing to competeata white-collarboxingevent. Danand Doug, forbadesteady:stateruns. Cardiocame from sparring with Gary and strategically designed circuits combining shortbursts of energy with one-minuterests, tomirrorthe conditions 'dfaceinthering. Everything was geared towardshoningdynamic, functional fitness. Idropped 5kgand cut my body fat by 6percent while increasing ‘my muscle mass, Ifelt truly ready, Garyagreed. Ifthe fight was purely atestoffitness, he knew could lastthe distance, whichisexactly whatacoach (©1/ Quay kit and emart prop proved cruckl to success. {2 Proboxna coach Gary Logon heed Mark eam the Opes 5/ Three monte of aft ed tobi piyscal changes. hopesto achieve througha fight camp. He alsotoldmetneededto land thefirst punch, which! did. My opponent, however, ‘wanted toland the est. Which he did, That firstbombardment sent my body into shutdown, With only 30 secondsleftin the firstround, therefand Iboth knew the ight ‘was ll-but over. ‘Thesting of defeat did notlastlong. ecause, afterall those years oflookingin the gym mirrorand counting up my likes on Instagram, 'ddiscoveredanew way ofthinking. ast physical changeis possible. ‘Weat Men's Healthareexpertsinthe ‘matter, But transforming yourmentalityis, ‘constant workin progress. six-pack shouldbeabyproduct ofhard work, not the ‘endgame. WhoknowsifT'lcompeteagain? ‘My focusnowison developing my skillset. Becausebecomingabetter youis something worth fighting for. > [mpresnuany zoe 117ELITE PHASEONE PREP YOUR MUSCLES Ironoutany problemsin thefirstthreeweeksby targeting every muscle throughall movement patterns. Dothesethree timesaweek, resting. Gosechetween supersets i SZ 2p, LOWERRODY ery GOBLET SQUAT USC my 4521S OF ISAERS. Forthenextthreeweeks, _OSEISOFSREPS) (SETS OF BREPS) HIpTHRUST pane er TT SETS OF 5 REPS asic ean capes nee eh Se eine aroha ric mm eee ; Peters er meet cErenscor ear rees ein Peete tammmrstirts setret ee PUSH-UP aye, ei! eevee 4SETSOF 15 REPS bole Poet cet mee te Lctdemenepaahieed eee eee) Cd TRXROW carers Rage eeety feebaeelicrtlbed at Cr rd en mm Neri 4 SETS OF 15 REPS prey ieee Saad02/18 Pty Se a a rT) NX Chay) eee a) Peter y ai ae percbaee poe eits eee alELITE ed Atala a o1 02 rs HIGH JUMP fear e SETS OFS REPS) eae) (cor amas Withatersetacrossyour Employ ihe pyometricmave Sealer Perera am nce ey ee pierre aa eye Fee ree Cr ere Nr meee ene Fone eee Horns eH Taian ore) ara ctr ee ae carta erect) a Peco nee mm OCO PET nine Cmmereevirat etre Tec tone pase eh ame aren tren mtr tt ores ieee peers 7 beetPHASE FOUR PACE& POWER Supercharge your speed byusingjust30-6oper cent of your1RM forthree weeks. Dothis circuit three timesa weekandrestas before, Yowrenow acontender MED BALL WALL SLAM (GSETS OF 46 REPS) ‘ALTERNATING LUNGE (GSETS OF 46 REPS) MED BALL FLOOR SLAM (SETS OF 46 REPS) DB SQUAT JUMI (SETS OF 45 REPS) A een aa Cea) (SETS OF35 REPS) eee er eed Pent meet eee See a ere y Eee een men ee eet Ns rer Seca ater een ee een) ae Len oes att ue Caran een er re anny Leta eco eer ea) reverie soe rece eT ae01 PRE-WORKOUT GLYCOGENIT APPLE, DATE AND CHERRY PORRIDGE Boxing requires repeated, Intense bursts of efort over Jong rounds. This kller combo dishes upoatsfora siow- ‘elessing energy fx, plus fast- ‘acting fruit sugars for an Instant moming pick-me-up. PUNCH ABOVE YOUR WEIGHT FUEL THAT HITS HARDER Siiea arene aoe mite Smee eC MG esa) Rasa ae eae et asec ae a maa INGREDIENTS: O¥/ Poridge oats, cc 509 Ci 02) Semi-skimmed hig milk 350m 031 Pinch ot salt 041 Datos, 2, stoned (051 Fresh cherie, 3,stonedand © chopped 061 Appie, cored and chopped O7/Pinchot ground 122 GE FEBRUARY 2018 METHOD Step Tip te breech oats ‘and mikinto alarge saucepan, ‘Addapinch of salt then mix. ‘Step 2Piace the pan on the coakiop over amadium neat, and ‘cook for about eight minutos, strings doesnt go hump. ‘Step 3Servein abowi with spice landtuitfora sugofrecovery- ‘Supporting micronutrients. Mb wolland aig in 40-60 minutes before youstart taining tor 2 true breakfast of champions 4’MIDDAY HUNGER-KILLER CURRIED QUINOA AND CAULIFLOWER METHOD ‘Step Bring your ‘quinoa tothebollin a ppanwith 100m water, {hen lett sinmaror imoming traininghas let you | 30-15 minutes Orain ravenous, this deskriendly | andieave oc00) lunch is packed with fling ‘carbs to boost repair. No ne cauliflower and eweet potato into small ‘huni an place themon arassting tray. Sprinkle with ccury powder (go ‘shadow boxing while eating. INGREDIENTS 01/ Quinoa, 509 (021 Cautitower florets, 4 ‘even hatter, tyoucan 03! Sweet potato handlolt) and drizzle 259 with alveoil Boke the : ‘ (04/ Curry powder, og for 10 minutes in, medium, tbsp eS ‘Step ina bow. mix the uinoa,cauliand potato wit sultanas landroughly chopped ruts. Grabaforcand restock your muscles ‘nth the nutrients they hungeratter aa : a 05 Ole 1 tp (08 Sultanas, tsp : == @ — oo , ‘Supplements gave EVENING FAT-BURNER I erated THAIMEATBALLS Poem Save your carbs or before and * ote dela stor raining sessions. These Pero ork meatballs are packed with Pa protein and favour, butby {oregoing the side order orice, youllramp up fat metaboism o rrr INGREDIENTS: OV Red eh. 02) Agaric clove (03) Ginger, em (04/Aspring onion 05/ Coriander, smailbuneh metioo of Lean po Step! Heat neovont 1e0rc rine, 209 arden chop och, hon hice Gere row springen ahd OT sata Serandes before chucking he 08 Soy sauce, lotinalarge bow withthe or Se Onn oO astern, Fee g landshape the ingrediants into it alls Place them inthe ftidgetor 30 minutos. ‘Step3 Bake for 10-12minutes > = [apresnuany zove 122PO RUF y yo to WA BE UICK OTHE PUNCH THE JAB ISN'T JUST A SETUP Porninenrieris) Einar ms) Coke ae oer ace Petes omg Fotarwcaemnsg o1 STRONG AND STABLE ‘Agood punch comes from sol setup starting wit ou" ‘eet. youre offbalance, everyting els affected” says Logan. Keep yourteetsgtly wider than shoulder width, yout ‘fontiag facing 12 oclockend) Dackieg at 2cttock "Distt your weigh 60 per cent on you Dackeg to 40 percenton yout front. That wey, when you punch wih your oppose hand, there's more weight behind Weight means power your guai Pressureiscriticalto performance. Try These three drills with 4JAB BLOCK a partnerin yournext Sparring session Practise blocking your opponent's ab with your backhand, while keeping your front arm up to block strikes, 26 ED reamuany zoe o2* \ HEAD AND | SHOULDERS (Once youtein place, make sure youarenttan easytarge. J ‘Logan's advice: Keep yourchin down as fing itwilexzose yourjawYourjab-arm shouks faceyour opponent, ebowin line with your shoulder anc hip andtoream vertical Dont leave yourself open STING LIKE A BEE Ignore the pressuteandiry to relax. With your backhand up protecting youraw, keep your |aboing am and houlderloose. *Onlyyourfetshous be ight saysLogan_Usethe lage ‘muscles n your backtocreale the force and wistyour wrist 2s you punch. Be careful not toowerextend JAB AND = BLOCK JAB, CROSS. a LEFT-HODK BLOCK Block as before (A). When your Block again (A). Stay low 25 left hook ‘opponent crosses, sip back to yourrear | is thrown at you Rotate your knee inthe log (B) Shield your face with yourlet. | direction you sip (8),THE BOXER'S MOBILITY MAT 01 ff Fs 02 ‘THORACIC Y ‘THORACIC OPENERLUNGE, EXTENSION (20's of reps) { (2setsot5 reps) Boost lexi ( To undo poor postueand two key problem areas * Uupyourrangeot maton yourhipsandthoracle spine Stopinioalunge wh yourrightfot ang < place your let handnextto ie. Witnyourfree ight arm, reachtothe sky Take you timetorealyeettne sttetch, then repeatior ‘ightrepson sach se. place afoam roller along yourshoulders With andebenindyounece 4 trdleboneuptence our os ‘cote and extend over the f ‘roller. Hold for one second / \ ancretumiothe sat p LOWER BODY PCC Rice tes 03 GLUTEBANDED BANDED LATERAL WALK PULL-APART (2sets of 20) (2sets 0 t5 ep) ‘Actvaing your scapular retractor and otaoe cutis val prevent hunched and paint shoulders. Hold alight This targets yourlaeral hipstabliserstoreduce injury isk Standwth feet shoulder wath apart abandaround yourlowerlegs.Stepto bendin font ofyou, the sie wth ane foot, anc litle wader than stepping the other shoulder width. Now paltheband apart unt yourarmsformaT in Ensure theres constant tension enthe band. Take 10sions et shape, Holdfora count andthen 10tathericht cof one then tu, ~yourgh under contol primedtop [abreenuany 2ove 12COULDIBE COVER MATERIAL? WANT TO LOOK LIKE THE GUY ON THE FRONT OF THIS MAGAZINE? -. By YOU'RE IN LUCK: THE MAN HIMSELF, FITNESS MODEL KALLAS EKSTEEN, ‘anenr ini REVEALS THE SECRETS TO GETTING COVER-MODEL CUT JF YOU A THE WORK ay PUTIN eer ta Su eed Preeti Crete td Poitier) Pa ay om eer rins potential most guys don't test. One day Pete Cre te Rs Estee ed certo er) Pb racy Cer Ci inces en creeEAT FOR EFFECT Pree) eer ‘macronutrients go handin hand. ‘make sure every meal contains ‘both protein and carbs, with a Pare are) Em eey Ere rn Rony Peon nae DL ee ear Percy etn carbs onlighter pnts ar crs ua Tg reer rte Ripe yy Pectin rancher tera CCOVER-BUY INTELL Perform your weights ‘maximum number of ‘muscle fibres COVER GUY INTELII ‘Change your program regulary, as your body ‘adapts quickly to the ‘same stimull. Try trainingin sic-week blocks, each witha ‘specific goalcrete sieeemr eis Poe esse Cece Wears piesa ntec Meee enc Pareten nee ee Pere re eee ees eee Terres meee od takes you onbisjourney from reg 10, prec ee cereers f ee eC LL Paeenren ee ers Core etd ‘guys on magazineslikethe one you're Perens Breet OseEuES us) belikethem,” herecalls.“They looked pee eter ec cere Coser Robardsswotted upon trainingand diet, and then got towork. “Iwasn’tthe Peete cence era thestrongest because noone waslifting, Ponrenes rt sts CONN ad Later, Robards wasin the audienceat ete ec as acrobats hanging fromtherings. “They had the mostincredible Done ened Se ea an kas insanely strongand could do incredible Cea Pier Ecicoscop eon allabout function while aesthetics took ieee cntiLc) Petts pyre Robards spent nine yearsat university Samp Se excellent preparationforthechiseling | pares | Pa eo | Perera eet aa Se Cre ae thingsout onmyselfT'vecomeupwith | ieee een aa eee sera See | ee al alone arenot enough. Noteven close. Peeper ee Peer aaa need tobe partof yourroutine. | ete Se eens Pe eee eet ee ey et eet ed ovat} ‘Robards stresses.“A sumo wrestler may haveastrongcore, but if yourgoalisa strong coreandalean midsection then sa Petersen stg Geese arenes Pree ss Sea Eee eS ere erate eens Peering tee You'll have your cravingsbut don’t Parra teers Sees a Cee one hhavethe craving. Toughenup and down Re at ee fyoustillhave the cravingafter that ‘then goforit, but reckon you'llfind er ag Ue ene tostomach blubber, and hello to your Cee | ee edEIEOOENTIALS GAR OOH mate MATE ATEONE WORD ANSWER eo a you ‘canchewfor ‘meaty goin. Pere een eg your deadlift PB? ‘Any man whohasa passingacquaintance with the weights floor will know thatnotall ‘musclesare created equal. Ormaybetthat should read ‘trained equally’. You'veseenthe culprits. Every gym hasits Jersey Shore-alikes withpneumaticpecs, distended bicepsand the quads of underfed fowl. Then there are the guys repping endless crunchesatthe expense of the squat rackinvain hope of buildingabsby summer. ‘Now, asa diligent Men's Healthreader, you might thinkthis doesn’t apply to you: that you eaveno body part unworked in yourstudied ‘weekly sweat schedule. Well, we’rehereto tell you thereis onemuscle you're forgetting about ~andit’s been right under yournoseallalong. ‘According to Spain’s Ramon Llull University, 90 Qi FEBRUARY 2018 clenching yourjaw duringresistance-training, Jeadstoasignificantstrength boost. Intheir studies, men were asked to bite down throughout hand-griptestsand, comparedtoa control group, these subjects were ableto produce up to12 percent more force. Similar results were also seen in rowing drills, with biters generatingmore speed. ‘Now, while simply clenching your teeth was provento havea positive effect, thebest results ‘were seen in those wearing acustom-fit ‘mouthguard. Ifyou don’t haveone for your next game of footy orsparring session goto ‘ Flashing fluoro gumnsat the bros hogging the bench press mightnot feel cool. But when you chew through your15okg PB, who'lldare comment?BREAST CAMPAIGN 25 years ago, there was no pink ribbon. Time to end breast cancer. ‘Support our mission to create a breast cancer-free world. Visit #PinkRibbon25
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Enhance: Sem Course Code Course Crs Cap Class Room Time Lecturer
Enhance: Sem Course Code Course Crs Cap Class Room Time Lecturer
Auvsi Suas-2017-Journals-universite de Sherbrooke
Auvsi Suas-2017-Journals-universite de Sherbrooke
Report Tanker Cargo Handling
Report Tanker Cargo Handling
Me 091313
Me 091313
Marine Diesel (Minggu - 2) : Jurusan Teknik Sistem Perkapalan ITS Surabaya
Marine Diesel (Minggu - 2) : Jurusan Teknik Sistem Perkapalan ITS Surabaya
Teknik Permesinan Kapal Ii: Jurusan Teknik Sistem Perkapalan ITS Surabaya
Teknik Permesinan Kapal Ii: Jurusan Teknik Sistem Perkapalan ITS Surabaya
Teknik Permesinan Kapal Ii: Pps Teknologi Kelautan ITS Surabaya
Teknik Permesinan Kapal Ii: Pps Teknologi Kelautan ITS Surabaya
TPK-2 Minggu 9
TPK-2 Minggu 9
Teknik Permesinan Kapal II (Minggu - 2) : Jurusan Teknik Sistem Perkapalan ITS Surabaya
Teknik Permesinan Kapal II (Minggu - 2) : Jurusan Teknik Sistem Perkapalan ITS Surabaya
Contract of Course 2018
Contract of Course 2018
Marine Diesel (Xi Weeks) : Departemen Teknik Sistem Perkapalan ITS Surabaya
Marine Diesel (Xi Weeks) : Departemen Teknik Sistem Perkapalan ITS Surabaya
U6 L38 - Numericals
U6 L38 - Numericals
Datacard Soric XF
Datacard Soric XF
Little Women
From Everand
Little Women