Games of Strategy 4th Edition Dixit Solu PDF
Games of Strategy 4th Edition Dixit Solu PDF
Games of Strategy 4th Edition Dixit Solu PDF
S1. (a) Assuming a sufficient supply of yogurt is available for all shoppers, each shopper is
simply making a decision. If some flavors of yogurt were in short supply, then it would be a game,
because shoppers could, for example, make sure to arrive at the store early in order to get their preferred
(b) Again, probably not an interaction between mutually aware players. (There may be a
strategic component to dress choice if the girls are aware that each is buying one and if there is some
benefit to being different from the others.)
(c) For a college senior, the choice here is a decision, unless you argue that a game is being
played with the student’s future self.
(e) The choice of running mate is a game played between different presidential candidates
looking forward to the payoffs of votes in an upcoming election.
S2. (a) (i) Simultaneous play; (ii) zero-sum; (iii) can be repeated, although description is of a
single play; (iv) symmetric imperfect information (neither player has information about the action being
taken by the other); (v) fixed rules; (vi) cooperative agreements are unlikely.
(b) (i) Sequential play; (ii) non-zero-sum game for voters; (iii) usually not repeated (though
some bills may face multiple votes); (iv) full information; (v) fixed rules; (vi) party apparatus may
provide mechanism for cooperation among members of the same party or even between parties.
(c) (i) Simultaneous play; (ii) non-zero-sum; (iii) not repeated; (iv) imperfect information;
(v) fixed rules; (vi) noncooperative.
S3. False. This statement rules out the possibility that individuals may be concerned about fairness.
S5. Prediction is about looking into the future to foresee which actions and outcomes will arise,
whereas prescription is about giving advice regarding which actions should be taken. Prediction is
important for individuals outside a game who want to determine what will happen in it. Prescriptive game
theory can be used to help game players make good choices.
Teaching Suggestions
These chapters try to arouse the students’ interest and prepare the groundwork for the
analysis to come. Chapter 1 uses several stories or examples to illustrate different kinds of
strategic games, and Chapter 2 begins to connect them to a framework of concepts and
terminology. Some teachers may find it better to mingle the two—pause after each story to define
the concepts and terms relevant to it and then do the same with the next story. Others may prefer
to present the stories from Chapter 1 as a way of stimulating student interest and capturing
student attention, following their presentation with a summary of the terminology and the
them to turn to remind themselves about the difference between decisions and games, the game-
games. You will certainly want to define those terms and concepts that you will focus on during
the semester, and emphasize the connections between the stories and the technical jargon used in
analyzing them. It is probably not necessary at this stage to go into great detail about each level
of classification, each term, and each assumption. A brief summary or discussion in the context
of various stories will allow you to move forward; you can always return to specific concepts
Some will find that it is not a good idea to retell our stories from Chapter 1. Students can
easily read them in advance, and depending on the culture of the institution at which you teach,
many may do so. Others will find that you can retell our stories on the first day of class; while a
few students may have read into the book already, the majority may be waiting for a syllabus (or
even to buy the book). In either case, you can use our stories as the basis for variation or
discussion. You can provide your own variations on the stories or ask students to come up with
Whether you tell our stories or your own, or have students think of their own, you can
start the discussion of a story by posing questions such as “Was this a game with strategic
interaction or only a decision problem?” “If a game, who were the strategically active players?”
“What were the strategies available to the players—not merely what they did but what else they
could have done?” “In light of their strategies, can we make sense of why they did what they
did?” And so on. This process can quickly build up to a framework for understanding strategies
as complete plans of action, rollback, each player’s simultaneously thinking of what everyone
else is doing, or even equilibrium. It is also a good way to make the transition from the stories to
economics, politics, or business studies. Therefore, motivating them by using examples from
these disciplines to introduce the ideas of strategies and games may not work. We have chosen
the stories in Chapter 1 to relate to the lives of the students—relations with parents, siblings, and
friends; sports; and so on. If your class has some specific background, you should of course use it
for sources of stories or cases. Thus, economics or business teachers may be able to use the
OPEC cartel to motivate the prisoners’ dilemma, repeated play, and different strategic situations
of large and small players, or a very simple version of a Keynesian low-level equilibrium trap (no
incomes are low, because firms aren’t investing) to motivate the idea of lock-in equilibria in
games with positive feedbacks. In courses more specifically targeted to political science students,
teachers may be able to use campaign advertising or special-interest lobbying stories to introduce
In later chapters, of course, we do develop examples from economics, politics, and so on,
Playing a few well-designed games in class, and watching others play them, brings to life
the concepts of strategy, backward induction, and Nash equilibrium far better than any amount of
formal statement or problem-set drill. There are several games that are appropriate for use on the
first or second day of class. These games are simple but can be used to convey important points
about basic tools and concepts, including rollback analysis, multiple equilibria, focal points, and
so on. Indeed, we like to start the course with two classroom games, before teaching or even
mentioning any of these concepts at all. Games 1 and 2 go well together as do 5 and 6; other
pairings can be devised as appropriate to your own course. We generally choose one sequential-
move game and one simultaneous-move game from the list below. The concepts relevant to each
The list provided here is sufficiently long that you will not be able to use all of the games
on the first day of class. You will probably find that some of the games we discuss here are better
suited for use later in the semester when you are covering the material relevant to the game. We
have noted those games that are repeated later in the Instructor’s Manual and the chapter in
1. Use real money for prizes. Even small amounts raise student interest and attention. You can
make students’ scores in the game count for a small fraction of the course credit.
2. Take enough rolls of coins to class with you when playing games that involve paying out or
taking in small amounts of change; do not expect your students to have the right change. (We
have also been successful using food items, like M&Ms or jelly beans, as an alternative to actual
4. Follow the game immediately with a discussion that brings out the general concepts or
methods of analysis that the game was supposed to illustrate. If there isn’t enough time for a
1. Don’t make the game so complex that the main conceptual point is smothered.
2. If the games count toward the course credit, don’t choose games where the outcome
This is a simple Nim-like sequential-move game that we have adopted from Episode 6 of
the Survivor Thailand television series that aired in fall 2002 (Survivor Season 5). The game is
played between two players (or teams) who alternate in taking turns to remove some number of
flags from a field of 21 available for play. Each time it is a player’s turn, he chooses to remove
one, two, or three flags; the player to remove the last flag is the winner. For easier in-class play,
you can use coins instead of flags; lay them out on the glass of the overhead projector so the
“tribes.” The losing tribe had to vote out one of its members, weakening it for future
competitions. In the specific context, this loss had a crucial effect on the eventual outcome of the
game. Thus, a million dollars hinged on the ability to do the simple calculation. The actual
players got almost all of their moves wrong, so if you have access to the DVD version of the
show, you should consider showing it to your students. Seeing the video and then playing a
similar game will be a good way for your students to learn the concepts.
The correct solution is simple. If you leave the other player (or team) with 4 flags, he
must remove 1, 2, or 3, and then you can take the rest and win. To make sure of leaving the other
player with four flags, at the turn before, you have to leave him facing 8 flags. Carrying the logic
further, that means leaving 12, 16, and 20 flags on subsequent turns. Therefore, starting with 21
flags, the first player should remove 1, and then proceed to take 4 minus whatever the other takes
Have several pairs of students play this game in front of the class. We have found that
the first pair makes choices almost at random, but the second pair does better, figuring out one or
perhaps two of the final rounds correctly. By the third or at most the fourth time, the players will
You can then hold a brief discussion. You should nudge or guide it a little toward three
conclusions. First, bring out the idea of backward induction, or the importance of solving
sequential-move games backward from the final moves. Second, identify the idea of “correct
strategies” that constitute a solution of the game; explain that you will soon give this solution a
formal name, the rollback equilibrium. Finally, get to the idea that one can learn correct
strategies by actually playing a game. With this conclusion comes the idea that if a game is
played by experienced players, we might expect to observe correct strategies and equilibrium
rollback equilibrium.
The last remark motivates a brief digression. Over the last decade, behavioral game
theorists have made a valuable contribution to the stock of interesting games that can be played
in classrooms. However, many of them come to the subject with a negative agenda, namely, to
argue that everything in conventional game theory is wrong. Our experience suggests otherwise.
To be sure, it takes time and experience merely to understand the rules of any game, and a lot of
practice and experimentation to play it well. But students learn quite fast, often faster than their
teachers. Some basic difficulties with the foundations of the subject undeniably remain and give
interest to it at a research level. But it is counterproductive to tell beginners that what they are
about to learn is all wrong; it destroys their whole motivation to learn. We find it better to convey
a sense of guarded optimism about the standard Nash theory, without pretending that it closes the
Choose 10 students in the class, and give them blank cards. Each student is to write his or her
name on the card, and a number between 0 and 100. The cards will be collected and the numbers
on them averaged. The student whose choice is closest to half of the average is the winner. These
The Nash equilibrium of this game is 0; it results from an iterated dominance argument.
Since the average can never exceed 100, half of the average can never exceed 50. Therefore, any
choice above 50 is dominated by 50. Then the average can never exceed 50, . . . The first time the
game is played, the winner is usually close to 25. This outcome fits Nagel’s observation (1995)
that the outcome is as if the students expect the others to choose at random, averaging 50, and
watched the outcome of the first group’s game). This second group chooses much smaller
numbers, and the winner is close to 10 (as if one more round of the dominance calculation were
performed) or even 5 or 6 (as if two more rounds were performed). The third group of 10 chooses
much smaller numbers, including several zeros, and the winner’s choice is as low as 3 or 4.
Incidentally, we have found that learning proceeds somewhat faster by watching others play than
when the same group of 10 plays successively. Perhaps the brain does a better job of observation
2. Getting close to the Nash equilibrium by the experience of playing the game. Whether
it is a crucial flaw of the theory that zero is rarely exactly attained or true that the theory
gives a good approximation can be a point to be debated depending on the time available.
3. The idea that if you have good reason to believe that others will not be playing their
Nash equilibrium strategies, then your optimal choice will also differ from your own
The discussion can also touch on the question of what would happen if the object of the
game were to come closest to the average, not half of the average. That game is, of course,
Keynes’s famous metaphor for the stock market, where everyone is trying to guess what
everyone else is trying to guess. The game has multiple Nash equilibria, each sustained by its
own bootstraps. Details of this are best postponed to a later point in the course where you cover
multiple equilibria more systematically, but a quick mention in the first class provides students
with an interesting economic application at the outset. You can also stress the importance of this
game in their own lives. Part or even all of their social security is likely to be in individual
Will the historical pattern of returns and volatility of various assets persist when everyone makes
the same decisions that I am now contemplating? This interaction between individual choice
(strategy) and aggregate outcomes (equilibrium) comes naturally to someone who is trained to
think game-theoretically, but others are often liable to forget the effect of everyone’s
simultaneous choices. In the context of saving for retirement this can be very costly.
This simple two-player game is similar to Game 1 (21 Flags) in terms of the concepts
and issues that it highlights. In this game, two players, A and B, are chosen. The instructor places
a dime on the table. Player A can say “Stop” or “Pass.” If Stop, then A gets the dime and the
game is over. If Pass, then a second dime is added and it is B’s turn to say Stop or Pass. This
goes on to the maximum of a dollar (five turns each). The players are told these rules in advance.
As with the flag game, you can play this game five times in succession with different pairs of
players for each game. Keep a record of where the game stops for each pair.
This game is discussed in the text (Chapter 3, Figure 3.7), but most students will not
have read that far ahead at this stage. Our experience is that the simple, theoretical subgame-
perfect equilibrium of immediate pickup is never observed. Most games go to 60 or 70 cents, but
you do see the students thinking further ahead. Later pairs learn from observing the outcomes of
earlier pairs, but the direction of this learning is not always the same. Sometimes they collude
After the five pairs have played, hold a brief discussion. Ask students why they made the
choices that they did. Develop the idea of rollback (or backward induction). Investigate why they
did not achieve the rollback equilibrium. Did the players fail to figure it out, or did they
covered with the material in Chapter 3. If you prefer to cover simultaneous-move games first,
then you might want to save this game until after you have completed that material. However, if
you are following the order of the material in the book, rollback is likely to be the subject of your
lectures within the first two weeks; you could use this game to motivate the following week’s
Another game that we have successfully played in the first lecture is based on the “We
can’t take the exam; we had a flat tire” story from Section 2 of Chapter 1. Even if the students
have read ahead, the discussion in the text makes it clear that there is no obvious focal answer to
Bring along a stack of index cards and, when you are ready to play this game, hand one
card to each student. After relating the story, ask each student to pretend that she is one of those
taking the exam and must answer the tire question on the card. Collect the cards and tabulate the
answers on the board. Start a discussion about why different students chose different tires; focus
on the difficulties of obtaining a focal equilibrium when players have different backgrounds or
concerns. You can also relate the discussion back to the material in the text regarding the
Two players, A and B, are chosen. Player A offers a split of a dollar (whole dimes only).
If B agrees, both get paid the agreed coins and the game is over. If B refuses, it is B’s turn, but
now the sum is only 80 cents. If A accepts B’s offer, the two get paid the agreed coins. If A
successively to 70, 60, 50, and 40 cents. Keep a record of the successive outcomes.
Again hold a brief discussion. The aim is to get students to start thinking about rollback
and subgame perfectness and, if students understand these strategies but still don’t play them,
why they don’t. Also, consider how the discrepancy changes with the second-round fraction.
This game asks pairs of students (or each student individually, if you use a handout and
match students with a random opponent after the fact) to divide a dollar between them. Each
writes the amount of the dollar he wants—1 cent or $1 or some value in between. If the amounts
requested for a given pair of students (or for two randomly selected student responses) add up to
$1 exactly, then each student gets the amount requested. If the two amounts add up to anything
other than $1, each player gets nothing. You can play this with real money if you can afford it;
we have managed to play this particular game without actual cash with perfectly acceptable
In actual play this is a game with discrete strategies, 100 for each player, or fewer if the
choices are restricted to be multiples of nickels or dimes or even quarters. Thus, it is also
relevant to (and discussed again in) Chapter 4. But you may prefer to conduct an analysis of the
game, treating the choices as continuous variables, in which case the game could be placed in
Chapter 5.
Discussion of the game will bring out the idea that a game can have multiple equilibria
(any two values summing to $1 can make up an equilibrium) but that sometimes one of those
multiple equilibria is focal. This game is in direct contrast, then, with the tire game described in
Game 4 in which there are also multiple equilibria but none are as obviously focal as 50 cents
each is here. You can consider the various types of games in which multiple equilibria arise,
cases, there are focal outcomes; in others, players may prefer to alternate among the different
equilibria. You can lead from here into the idea of mixed strategies without much difficulty.
Show a jar of pennies; pass it around so each student can have a closer look and form an
estimate of the contents. Show students a stack of 100 pennies to give them a better idea of what
the jar might contain. While the jar is going around, explain the rules. Everyone submits a
“sealed bid”; hand out blank cards and ask students to write their names and bids on the cards
and return them. (This is also a good way for you to get to remember their names during the first
meeting of the class or the section.) The winner will pay his bid and get money (paper and silver,
not pennies) equal to that in the jar. Ties for a positive top bid split both prize and payment
equally. When you explain the rules, emphasize that the winner must pay his bid on the spot in
After you have collected and sorted the cards, write the whole distribution of bids on the
board. Our experience is that if the jar contains approximately $5.00, the bids average to $3.50
(including a few zeros). Thus, the estimates are on the average conservative. But the winner
usually bids about $6.00. Hold a brief discussion with the goal of getting across the idea of the
winner’s curse.
The emphasis of this game is a concept relating to auctions that are not covered in the
text until Chapter 16. It is a simple enough game to play early in the semester if you want to
increase interest in the topics or hook additional students. One could certainly save this game
Everyone plays. Show the students a $10 bill, and announce that it is the prize; the
known value of the prize guarantees that there is no winner’s curse. Hand out cards. Ask each
student to write her name and a bid (in whole quarters). Collect the cards. The highest positive
bid wins $10; if two or more tie with the highest positive bids, they share the $10 equally. All
Be sure to emphasize before bids are submitted that “This is for real money; you must
pay your bid in cash on the spot. You can make sure of not losing money by writing $0.00. But of
course if almost everyone does that, then someone can win with 25 cents and walk away with a
Once you have collected the cards, write the distribution of bids on the board. Hold a
brief discussion about the distribution and the value of the optimal bid. This game usually leads
to gross overbidding; a profit of $50 in a class or section of 20 students is not uncommon. If that
happens, you will have to find ways of returning the profit to the class; we have done this by
having a party if the sum is large enough or by bringing cookies to the next meeting if the sum is
This game is also treated in Chapter 16. If you play the game on the first day, you can
lead up to at least some of the points made there, even though the analysis at this early stage
cannot go anywhere close to that level. If you prefer to follow this game with a more in-depth
discussion and, perhaps, the derivation of the formula for the optimal bid, then you want to wait
Movie Excerpts
Many movies contain scenes that illustrate some aspect of strategic interaction. You can
screen these scenes in class as an introduction to that topic and let a discussion lead on to
in conjunction with the particular theoretical ideas being developed. But one short scene worth
showing at the outset, because many of your students will have seen the movie, is the poison
scene from The Princess Bride. (The “poison death scene” is available in various versions on
YouTube.) In it the hero (Westley) challenges one of the villains (Vizzini) to a duel of wits.
Westley will poison one of two wine cups without Vizzini observing his action and set one in
front of each of them. Vizzini will choose a cup for himself; Westley then must drink from the
other cup. Vizzini goes through a whole sequence of arguments as to why Westley would or
would not choose one cup or the other. Finally, he believes he knows which cup is safe and
drinks from it. Westley drinks from the other. Just as Vizzini is laughing and advising Westley to
“never go against a Sicilian when death is on the line,” Vizzini drops dead.
You will want to pause the video at this point to have a brief discussion. The students
will quickly see that each of Vizzini’s arguments is inherently self-contradictory. If Westley
thinks through to the same point that leads Vizzini to believe that a particular cup will contain the
poison, then he should instead put the poison in the other cup. Any systematic action can be
thought through and defeated by the other player. Therefore, the only correct strategy is to be
unsystematic or random. This is a good way to motivate the idea of mixed strategies.
But this is not the main point of the story. Resume the video. The princess is surprised to
find that Westley had put the poison in the cup he placed closer to himself. “They were both
poisoned,” he replies, “I have been building up immunity to Iocaine for years.” Thus, the game
being played was really one of asymmetric information; Vizzini did not know Westley’s payoffs
and did not think the strategy of poisoning both cups was open to him. So you can get this idea in
at the outset of the course and tell the students that it will be discussed in greater depth in
Chapter 8.
1. Take suggestions from students about other movies or games you can use; their ideas
may be more appealing to other students than yours. Always ask and discuss in advance
2. Come prepared with a note indicating the exact time where your excerpt begins on a
DVD or with the correct YouTube URL. The effectiveness of any clip can be lost if
1. Don’t assume that students know the general plots of the movies from which you
show excerpts. Prepare a brief explanation of the situation and the film’s characters as it
pertains to your excerpt, and give it just before you start the DVD.
2. Don’t show a whole movie or a long clip when only a small point pertains to strategy.
You will find that there is no shortage of motivation and illustration for game theory.
Just keep an eye on recent news events. These will give you several events of topical interest to
tie in with your course. More than likely, you will find examples of various concepts throughout
the semester that help you make even clearer your points about multiperson prisoners’ dilemmas,
credibility of strategic moves, the importance of patience in bargaining, and so on. Negotiations
between the government of Israel and the Palestinian authority and between the North Korean
regime and its neighboring countries and the United States provide continuing opportunities for
discussion. At a more trivial but perhaps more engaging level, so do incidents from the CBS
to actual events is to provide a semester-long assignment requiring each of them to add to a class
collection of real-world events amenable to analysis using the theory of games. It may take them
a few weeks before they are able to do the appropriate analysis on their own, but you can add
weekly event analyses to the collection until such time as they are able to take over that role. You
do not have to restrict their examples to newsworthy events; many interesting and relevant
examples can be culled from recent films or novels. The film Waking Ned Devine, for instance,
has a wonderful example of a collective-action game and shows how individual incentives can be
There are plenty of other sources for examples. The following books have several cases
and stories, varying greatly in their context and relevance, sometimes with an explicitly game-
Steven J. Brams, The Presidential Election Game (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press,
Steven J. Brams, Superpower Games (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1985).
Steven J. Brams and Alan D. Taylor, Fair Division (London: Cambridge University Press,
Adam Brandenburger and Barry Nalebuff, Co-opetition (New York: Doubleday, 1996).
Michael Chwe, Jane Austen: Game Theorist (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press,
Avinash Dixit and Barry Nalebuff, Thinking Strategically (New York: Norton, 1991).
Avinash Dixit and Barry Nalebuff, The Art of Strategy (New York: Norton, 2008).
Erving Goffman, The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life (New York: Doubleday, 1959).
John Kay, Why Firms Succeed (London: Oxford University Press, 1995).
Paul Kennedy, ed., Grand Strategies in War and Peace (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University
Press, 1991).
John McMillan, Games, Strategies and Managers (London: Oxford University Press, 1996).
Howard Raiffa, The Art and Science of Negotiation (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University
Press, 1982).
Richard Thaler, The Winner’s Curse: Paradoxes and Anomalies of Economic Life (Princeton,
In addition, there are several Web sites dealing with game theory from the perspectives of
Marko Grobelnik, Robert A. Miller, and Vesna Prasnikar have some downloadable software
(for matrix games and extensive-form games) for running classroom experiments at
For teaching and research resources and many additional links, see
For ideas on in-class experiments, some of which are appropriate for use with topics covered in
The latter two sites above allow your students to play games online and collect data from their