TH Ermostatic Expansion Valves: Type T 2 and TE 2
TH Ermostatic Expansion Valves: Type T 2 and TE 2
TH Ermostatic Expansion Valves: Type T 2 and TE 2
Type T 2 and TE 2
AIR CONDITIONING Technical leaflet
Technical leaflet Thermostatic expansion valves, type T 2 and TE 2
Contents Page
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................................................3
Features ..........................................................................................................................................................................................3
Thermostatic charges options ...............................................................................................................................................3
Regular valve options ................................................................................................................................................................3
Sizing .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 4, 5
Technical data ..............................................................................................................................................................................5
Ordering .................................................................................................................................................................................... 6, 7
Extended capacity tables ................................................................................................................................................ 8 - 14
R22 ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 8, 9
R134a .................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
R404A ............................................................................................................................................................................ 11, 12
R507 ............................................................................................................................................................................... 11, 12
R502 ............................................................................................................................................................................... 13, 14
Design .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Dimensions and weights....................................................................................................................................................... 15
T 2/ TE 2 operation and function ........................................................................................................................................ 16
Identification ............................................................................................................................................................................. 17
Metric conversions
1 psi = 0.07 bar
5/ (t °F – 32) = t °C
9 1 2
1 ton = 3.5 kW
1 in. = 25.4 mm
1 ft = 0.3 m
1 lb = 0.454 kg
Features Broad temperature range from Available with Maximum Operating Pressure
– 75 to 50°F: (MOP)
Applicable for deep freezing, refrigeration and Used to protect the compressor motor against
air conditioning. excessive evaporator pressure.
Interchangeable orifice assembly Stainless steel double-contact bulb
Easier stocking, capacity matching, and For easy self-aligning during installation and
service. efficient heat transfer from pipe to bulb.
Rated capacities from 0.15 to 4.5 TR (R22)
Regular valve options Static superheat (SS) (R12, R22, R502, R134a, and Connection sizes
R404A): Inlet x outlet: 3/8 in. flare x 1/2 in. flare
Valves without MOP: 9°F 3/8 in. flare x 1/2 in. ODF
Valves with MOP: 7°F 3/8 in. ODF*) x 1/2 in. flare
3/8 in. ODF*) x 1/2 in. ODF
Static superheat (SS) for R507: 1/4 in. ODF*) x 1/2 in. flare
Valves without MOP: 11°F 1/4 in. ODF*) x 1/2 in.ODF
Valves with MOP: 9°F *) Requires a solder adapter
External equalization:
Capillary tube length 1/4 in. flare (for all flare outlet bodies)
5 ft 1/4 in. ODF (for all ODF outlet bodies)
Condensing temperature:
tc = +100°F (equals pc = 195 psig)
Step 1 Determine the pressure drop across the valve. The pressures pc and pe can be found by using
The pressure drop, ∆p, is calculated by the the design condensing and evaporating
formula: temperatures at the saturated vapor point, then
∆p = pc − pe − pdw using a pressure-temperature chart or a Danfoss
where refrigerant slide to convert the temperatures to
pc = condensing pressure pressures.
pe = evaporating pressure, and In this example, the pressure drop across the
pdw = the sum of other pressure drops in the valve will be:
liquid line, evaporator and distributor. ∆p = pc − pe − pdw = 195 − 70 − 0 = 125 psi.
Step 2 Determine required valve capacity. From the subcooling correction factor table on
Use the design evaporator capacity, Qe, to select page 9, we find the appropriate correction factor
the required valve size at a given evaporating Fsc equals 0.94 for ∆tsub = 20°F.
temperature. If necessary, correct the evaporator Now determine the required valve capacity
capacity for subcooling. Subcooled liquid by multiplying the evaporator capacity by the
refrigerant entering the evaporator increases correction factor for subcooling.
evaporator capacity, so that a smaller valve may
be required. Required valve capacity
Qe × Fsc = 1.08 × 0.94 = 1.02 TR
In this example, the subcooling is:
∆tsub = tc − tl = 100 − 80 = 20°F
Step 3 Use the calculated valve capacity to select the Note that the expansion valve capacity must
corresponding orifice size from the capacity table be equal to or slightly more than the corrected
for R22 as indicated below. evaporator capacity.
In this sizing example, orifice 02 will be suitable.
Metric conversions
1 psi = 0.07 bar
5/ (t °F – 32) = t °C
9 1 2
1 ton = 3.5 kW
Sizing (continued) Select a thermostatic charge. Range N is suited for most applications in the
Danfoss offers a universal wide range thermosta- normal temperature range.
Step 4 tic charge.
Ranges NM, NL and B are available for special low
temperature applications.
Step 5 Determine if external equalization is required. Finally, determine connection sizes, then find the
valve´s code number from the tables on page 7.
Note! External equalization is always required if
a distributor is used or if there is an appreciable
difference in pressure from the valve outlet to the
bulb location.
Technical data Maximum bulb temperature Static superheat (SS) (R12, R22, R502, R134a, and
212°F R404A):
Valves without MOP: 9°F
Maximum valve body temperature Valves with MOP: 7°F
Short-lived peak 300°F Static superheat (SS) for R507:
Valves without MOP: 11°F
Maximum working pressure Valves with MOP: 9°F
MWP = 400 psig
Standard refrigerants
Maximum test pressure R22, R134a and R404A/R507
p’ = 520 psig
T 2 and TE 2 valves are continually evaluated for
use with newer refrigerants.
For further information, please contact Danfoss.
Range N Range NM Range NL Range B
− 40 → + 50°F − 40 → + 25°F − 40 → + 5°F − 75 → − 15°F
MOP point for evaporating temperature te and evaporating pressure pe 1)
te = + 60°F te = + 32°F te = + 15°F te = − 4°F
R22 pe = 100 psig pe = 60 psig pe = 35 psig pe = 20 psig
R134a pe = 55 psig pe = 30 psig pe = 15 psig
R404A/R507 pe = 120 psig pe = 75 psig pe = 50 psig pe = 30 psig
R12 pe = 55 psig pe = 30 psig pe = 15 psig
R502 pe = 110 psig pe = 70 psig pe = 45 psig pe = 30 psig
MOP valves
To avoid charge migration when using MOP
valves, the bulb temperature must always be
lower than the temperature of the thermostatic
Metric conversions
1 psi = 0.07 bar
5/9 (t1°F – 32) = t2°C
Metric conversions
1 psi = 0.07 bar
5/9 (t1°F – 32) = t2°C
1 ton = 3.5 kW
1 in. = 25.4 mm
1 ft = 0.3 m
Ordering (continued)
Solder adapter The adapter is for use with thermostatic expan- When using the solder adapter, a special orifice
sion valves type T 2 and TE 2 with flare × solder assembly is required. Please use the following
connections. When the adapter is correctly fitted tables to select both the appropriate adapter and
it meets DIN 8964 sealing requirements. orifice asembly.
Solder adapter without orifice assembly and filter Orifice assembly and filter for use with solder adapter
Connection ODF solder Code no. Orifice no. Code no.
1⁄ in. 068-2062 0X 068-2089
3⁄ in. 068-2060 00 068-2090
01 068-2091
Filter for solder adapter 02 068-2092
Description Code no. 03 068-2093
Filter excl. orifice assembly 068-0015 04 068-2094
05 068-2095
06 068-2096
Metric conversions
1 psi = 0.07 bar
5/9 (t1°F – 32) = t2°C
1 ton = 3.5 kW
1 in. = 25.4 mm
1 ft = 0.3 m
Capacities (TR)
Range N: − 40°F to + 50°F R22
Valve Orifice Pressure drop across valve ∆p psi Valve Orifice Pressure drop across valve ∆p psi
type no. 40 60 80 100 125 150 175 200 type no. 40 60 80 100 125 150 175 200
Metric conversions
1 psi = 0.07 bar
5/ (t °F – 32) = t °C
9 1 2
1 ton = 3.5 kW
Metric conversions
1 psi = 0.07 bar
5/ (t °F – 32) = t °C
9 1 2
1 ton = 3.5 kW
Metric conversions
1 psi = 0.07 bar
5/ (t °F – 32) = t °C
9 1 2
1 ton = 3.5 kW
Metric conversions
1 psi = 0.07 bar
5/9 (t1°F – 32) = t2°C
1 ton = 3.5 kW
Metric conversions
1 psi = 0.07 bar
5/9 (t1°F – 32) = t2°C
1 ton = 3.5 kW
Metric conversions
1 psi = 0.07 bar
5/9 (t1°F – 32) = t2°C
1 ton = 3.5 kW
Metric conversions
1 psi = 0.07 bar
5/9 (t1°F – 32) = t2°C
1 ton = 3.5 kW
Design T 2 and TE 2 valves consist of four main The valves are equipped with internal or external
components: pressure equlization.
Where a liquid distributor is used, always use a
1. Thermostatic element valve with external equalization.
2. Orifice assembly The double- contact bulb give fast and precise
3. Valve body with connections reaction of temperature changes in the
4. Superheat setting spindle evaporator. The bulb design makes mounting
quick and easy.
For a given valve type and refrigerant, the The valves are able to withstand the effects that
associated orifice is suitable for all versions of the normally occur with hot gas defrosting.
valve body and in all evaporating temperature To insure long operating life, the valve cone
ranges. and valve seat are made of a steel alloy with
particulaly good wear qualities.
1. Thermostatic element
2. Interchangeable orifice assembly
3. Valve body
4. Superheat adjustment spindle
Metric conversions
1 in. = 25.4 mm T 2, TE 2 flare x solder Weight 1.1 lbs.
1 lb = 0.454 kg
Static Superheat
Static superheat, SS, is the superheat above which
the valve will begin to open.
Opening Superheat
The opening superheat, OS, is the amount of
superheat above the static superheat, SS, required
to produce a given valve capacity.
Metric conversions
1 psi = 0.07 bar
5/9 (t1°F – 32) = t2°C
1 ton = 3.5 kW
1 in. = 25.4 mm