HOME SCIENCE (Code No. 064) : (Classes - Ix and X)
HOME SCIENCE (Code No. 064) : (Classes - Ix and X)
HOME SCIENCE (Code No. 064) : (Classes - Ix and X)
Unit I : Concept and scope of Home Science Education and recent trends 05 Pd
a) Play (0-5 years), role of play in growth & development of children. Types of
play-active, passive, natural, serious and exploratory, selection of play
material for children.
b) Childhood. Adolescents and Adulthood : Special Features.
c) Problems of Adolescents
d) Old Age : Need of care
1. Make suitable play material for children between 0-3 years (work in a pair)
2. Plan a balanced diet to self (only one meal). 6
3. Prepare a time plan to self for one day.
4. Prepare a report on any five malpractices you have observed in the market.
5. Undertake a market survey and collect five (5) food labels, analyze them and
illustrate the labels. 3 Marks
6. Remove common stains of curry, paint, ball pen ink, grease, lipstick, tea and
coffee 3 Marks
7. List five areas of agreement and disagreement each with parents, siblings and
friends, and present the solutions to class. Project Report 5 Marks
8. Examine positive & negative qualities of one readymade and one tailor made
garment. 3
9. Prepare a care label for a readymade garment according to its fabric and design. 3
10. Practical File. 4
11. Viva Voce. 3
Home Science (Code No. 064)
Class - IX & X (2019-20)
Design of the Question Paper
The weightage of the distribution of marks over different dimensions of the question
paper for classes IX & X shall be as follows:
Time: 3 Hrs. Theory: 70 Marks
Practical: 30 Marks
A. Weightage of Content-Unit-Class : IX (2019-20)
No. Units Marks
1 Concept and scope of Home Science Education and recent trends 03
2 Human growth & Development – I 08
3 Family and Values 08
4 Food, Nutrition and Health 15
5 Fiber and Fabric 15
6 Resource Management 14
7 Measures of Safety and Management of Emergencies 07
Total 70
Practical 30
Grand Total 100
Scheme of questions
Total number of questions = 33
Weightage to difficulty level of questions