Bba Sem III, (New) 2019
Bba Sem III, (New) 2019
Bba Sem III, (New) 2019
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Bhakta Kavi Narsinh Mehta University (BKNMU)
Semester-IIII Syllabus (CBCS)
Undergraduate (UG) Level
Effective from June, 2019
Conceptual Framework of the Semester-IIII BBA Syllabus
Sr. Core/ Course Corse Total Teaching Internal External Total
No. Elective/ (Paper) Code Credit Hours in a Marks Marks Marks
Allied/ Title Week/
Foundation/ Total
Practical/ Hours in
Project Semester
1. Core Marketing 301 3 3 30 70 100
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Name of Sem. Core/ Paper Paper Title No. of Internal External External
Course Elective/ Code Credit Marks Marks Exam.
Allied/ Time
Practical/ Duration
BBA III Core 301 Marketing 3 30 70 2.5 Hrs.
Course Objectives
The objective of this course is to help the students understand the fundamental concepts and
principles of Marketing Management. The course will also be useful to understand basic
marketing decision areas, actual marketing practices, and marketing environment.
Practical Study: The students are required to study product mix of any
two large companies of their choice. (Note: The question on describing
the product mix of any one company may be asked in the semester-end
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Concept of Price and Pricing; Different Forms of Price; Price-Setting
Process: Steps involved in price setting; Significance of Price in
Marketing; Pricing Objectives; Price-setting Methods: Brief Idea of
Major Price Setting Methods; Factors Affecting Pricing Decisions;
Some Important Concepts: Psychological Price, Product-Quality
Leadership, Premium Pricing, Discounts and Allowances, Price
Note: The topics in the course should be discussed in relation to real marketing practices within
and outside India.
Other Sources:
1. Digital and online sources relevant to the topics in the course.
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2. Internet Sources
3. Relevant Journals
Passing Standard
Passing level is 40% marks, out of total the 100 marks paper
Student must obtain minimum 40% marks in Internal Assessment (12 marks out of total 30),
and minimum 40% marks in University Examination (28 marks out of total 70 marks.
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Name of Sem. Core/ Paper Paper Title No. of Internal External External
Course Elective/ Code Credit Marks Marks Exam.
Allied/ Time
Practical/ Duration
BBA III Core 302 Human Resource 3 30 70 2.5 Hrs.
Course Objectives
To familiarize the learners with basic concepts and functions of Human Resource
To introduce emerging issues in the field of Human Resource Management
Reference Books
1. K. Ashwathappa: Human Resource and Personnel Management: Text and Cases, Tata
MC Graw-Hill, New Delhi.
2. P. Subba Rao: Personnel and Human Resource Management, Text and Cases:
Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai
3. Rao, V.S.P.: Human Resource Management- Text and Cases, Excel Books.
4. Ramesh B. Rudani, Management and Organisational Behaviour; Tata McGraw-Hill,
New Delhi.
5. Rudrabasavaraj M.N. Dynamics personnel Administration- Management of Human
Resources, Himalaya Publication House.
6. Gary Dessler: A Framework for Human Resource Management, Pearson.
7. DeCenzo, D.A. and S.P. Robbins, “Personnel/Human
Resource Management”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
8. Chhabra, T.N. Essentials of Human Resource Management. Sun
India Publication New Delhi.
9. Ivancevich, John M. Human Resource Management, Mc.Graw Hill.
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4 OR 4 Question from Unit-4 14
5 OR 5 Question from Unit-5 14
Marks 70
Total Marks 100
Passing Standard
Passing level is 40% marks, out of total the 100 marks paper
Student must obtain minimum 40% marks in Internal Assessment (12 marks out of total 30),
and minimum 40% marks in University Examination (28 marks out of total 70 marks.
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Name Sem. Core/ Paper Paper Title No. of Internal External External
of Elective/ Code Credit Marks Marks Exam.
Course Allied/ Time
Practical/ Duration
BBA III Core 303 Financial 3 30 70 2.5 Hrs.
Course Objectives
The objective of this course is to help the students understand the fundamental concepts of Finance and
Financial Management
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Unit 5 Working Capital Management 9
Passing Standard
Passing level is 40% marks, out of total the 100 marks paper
Student must obtain minimum 40% marks in Internal Assessment (12 marks out of total 30),
and minimum 40% marks in University Examination (28 marks out of total 70 marks.
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Name Sem. Core/ Paper Paper Title No. of Internal External External
of Elective/ Code Credit Marks Marks Exam.
Course Allied/ Time
Practical/ Duration
BBA III Core 304 Entrepreneurship 3 - 100 2.5 Hors
Course Objectives
This course provides the students with a solid introduction to (1) concept and features of an
entrepreneur, (2) the entrepreneurial process of creating new businesses, (4) role of creativity
and innovation in entrepreneurial start-ups, (5) manage family-owned companies, (4) context
of social innovation and social entrepreneurship and (6) entrepreneurial spirit of some mighty
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and continuity; women's issues in the family business; Encouraging
change in the family business system.
1. Jamshedji Tata
2. Dhirubhai Ambani
3. Narayan Murty
4. Steve Jobs
5. Henry Ford
6. Thomas Alva Edison
(Note: The students and teachers are directed to use multiple sources to
collect necessary details on the entrepreneurs in the course. Any two
entrepreneurs may be asked in the semester-end examination)
1. Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, by Vasant Desai,
Himalaya Publishing House.
2. Entrepreneurial Development by Dr. S.S. Khanka, S. Chand, New Delhi
3. Entrepreneurship and small business: Burns P, New Jersey: Palgrave.
4. Innovation and entrepreneurship: P F Drucker, Practice and Principles. USA: Elsevier.
5. Entrepreneurship: Hisrich R and Peters M. New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill.
6. Entrepreneurship new venture creation: Hilt D H., New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India.
7. Patterns of entrepreneurship: Kaplan J, Wiley.
Internet Sources:
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(With Effect From June, 2019)
Passing Standard
Passing level is 40% marks, out of total the 100 marks paper
Student must obtain minimum 40% marks in Internal Assessment (12 marks out of total 30),
and minimum 40% marks in University Examination (28 marks out of total 70 marks.
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Name Sem. Core/ Paper Paper Title No. of Internal External External
of Elective/ Code Credit Marks Marks Exam.
Course Allied/ Time
Practical/ Duration
BBA III Foundation 305 Professional 3 30 70 2.5 Hrs.
Course Objectives
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Unit -4 Grammar 10
Types of Sentences (Affirmative, Interrogative, Imperative,
Degree of Comparison
Unit -5 Vocabulary 07
Spelling mistakes
Homophones, and Homonyms
Proverbs and Phrases (as per the annexure)
Primary Text
1. Dhanavel, S.P. English and Soft Skills. Orient BlackSwan: Hyderabad. 2010.
Other Reference Books
1. Ghosh, B.N. Managing Soft Skills for Personality Development. Tata McGraw: New Delhi. 2012.
2. Mitra, Barun. Personality Development and Soft Skills. Oxford University Press: New Delhi.
3. Murphy , Raymond. Intermediate English Grammar. Cambridge University Press: London
4. Rai, Urmila and Rai, S.M. Managerial Communication. Himalaya Publishing House: Mumbai.
5. Swan, Michael. Practical English Usage. Oxford University Press: New Delhi. 2016
Annexure-1: Proverbs
1. Listening requires more intelligence than speaking.
2. Talk becomes an argument when one person stops listening.
3. The wise man has long ears and a short tongue.
4. United we stand, divided we fall.
5. Two heads are better than one.
6. A single tree cannot make a forest.
7. Where there is a will there is a way.
8. He who asks is a fool for five minutes but he who does not ask remains a fool forever.
9. Learning is treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.
10. You will not grow at all if you think you know it all.
Annexure-: Phrases
1. Back out- withdraw from a commitment
2. Bear with- be patient or tolerant
3. Break in- Enter someone's (virtual or real) property in an unauthorized manner
4. Call in- Summon to enter
5. Call on- pay a visit to somebody
6. Drop off- fall a sleep
7. Drop out- abandon or leave
8. Fall in- break down, collapse
9. Get on- perform or make progress in a specified way
10. Get through- to reach a destination
11. Keep up- maintain, preserve
12. Look for- search for
13. Look forward to- wait, see
14. Look into- check out,
15. Stand by- hold, wait
16. Set aside- allow, reserve
17. Set out- begin, commence
18. Set up- arrange, start
19. Speak out- express, opine
20. Take to- go
Passing Standard
Passing level is 40% marks, out of total the 100 marks paper
Student must obtain minimum 40% marks in Internal Assessment (12 marks out of total 30),
and minimum 40% marks in University Examination (28 marks out of total 70 marks.
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Name of Sem. Core/ Paper Paper Title No. of Internal External External
Course Elective/ Code Credit Marks Marks Exam.
Allied/ Time
Practical/ Duration
BBA III Allied 306 Managerial 3 30 70 2.5 Hrs.
Course Objectives
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Production function; Isoquant and Isocost curves; economies and
diseconomies of scale.
Passing Standard
Passing level is 40% marks, out of total the 100 marks paper
Student must obtain minimum 40% marks in Internal Assessment (12 marks out of total 30),
and minimum 40% marks in University Examination (28 marks out of total 70 marks.
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Name of Sem. Core/ Paper Paper Title No. of Internal External External
Course Elective/ Code Credit Marks Marks Exam.
Allied/ Time
Practical/ Duration
BBA III Allied 307 Business Statistics 3 30 70 2.5 Hrs.
Course Objectives
To clear the fundamental of statistics
To improve logical abilities
To develop research Aptitude
Definition of variables
Meaning and Definition of Correlation
Types of Correlation
Properties of Correlation coefficient
Method of Correlation: Scatter Diagram, Karl Pearson’s
method, and Spearman’s Rank method
Probable Error of Coefficient of Correlation
Co-efficient of Correlation from Bivariate Frequency distribution
Unit -3 Probability 9
Concept of Probability 9
Mathematical and Statistical Definition of probability
Definition of Different Terms ( Random Experiment , Sample
Space, Types of Events, etc)
Addition Theorem, Condition Law, Multiplication Theorem For
Two Events With Proof
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1. Fundamental of Mathematics and Statistics by V.K. Kapoor and S.C. Gupta, Sultan &
Chand, New Delhi
2. Fundamentals of Statistics by S. P. Gupta, Sultan & Chand, New Delhi
3. Elements of Statistics by Enhance,
Passing Standard
Passing level is 40% marks, out of total the 100 marks paper
Student must obtain minimum 40% marks in Internal Assessment (12 marks out of total 30),
and minimum 40% marks in University Examination (28 marks out of total 70 marks.
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Name Sem. Core/ Paper Paper Title No. of Internal External External
of Elective/ Code Credit Marks Marks Exam.
Course Allied/ Time
Practical/ Duration
BBA III Elective 308 Corporate 3 30 70 2.5 Hrs.
Course Objectives
Unit -2 Forfeiture And Re-Issue of Equity Shares, Buy back of Equity Shares 9
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Unit 5 Final Accounts of Company 9
Passing Standard
Passing level is 40% marks, out of total the 100 marks paper
Student must obtain minimum 40% marks in Internal Assessment (12 marks out of total 30),
and minimum 40% marks in University Examination (28 marks out of total 70 marks.
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