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JEEP ACCELERATE 1: Hotel and Restaurant Management

Extension Activities
Job Enabling English Proficiency
Davao Merchant Marine Academy College of Southern Philippines


JEEP ACCELERATE 1: Hotel and Restaurant Management
Extension Activities
Job Enabling English Proficiency
Davao Merchant Marine Academy College of Southern Philippines

- Orientation –

a. To introduce JEEP Program

b. To introduce Travel and Tourism Services
c. To introduce each other to the class

(Note: Review Teacher’s Guide for guides on how to conduct the class and for extra activities
that might help.)

Extension Activity
Top 5

Course Objective: To introduce English as an important tool in getting a job.

Objective: To acquaint to students the reason why learning English is important

1. The class will be divided into 5 groups.
2. After which, the teacher will show a short video to the class.
3. After the presentation, students will be given 10 minutes.
4. They must work as a group and list reasons why do they think they need to learn English.
5. After the time, a representative will be randomly called from each group to present their
answer to the class.
6. Questions will be raised either from the teacher or students from other groups and the
representative must be able to defend their group.

JEEP ACCELERATE 1: Hotel and Restaurant Management
Extension Activities
Job Enabling English Proficiency
Davao Merchant Marine Academy College of Southern Philippines

~ Dealing With Incoming Calls ~


To be able to:

 Memorize the different strategies in dealing with incoming calls;

 Demonstrate those strategies, and;
 Compare one strategy from another.



1. The class is divided into pairs.

2. Each pair will be given a worksheet.
3. Each pair will complete a crossword puzzle using the clues beside it within 10 minutes.
4. The class will check their work and the facilitator will record the scores.

Main Activity 1:


1. The facilitator will play the audio track 1.1 twice from English for the Hotel and catering
industry CD.
2. After playing the track the facilitator will ask random students to tell their guess or
opinions to the question “What was the call all about?” for each of the callers.
3. Facilitator will give the correct answer.

Main Activity 2:


1. With the same pair in the warm-up activity they will practice the calls.
2. The pair will have to decide who will be the switchboard and the caller for set a or caller
a and caller b for set b.
3. The facilitator will let the students draw lots their call scenario.

a. S: Greet caller C: ask to book a room S: Put through to reservation

JEEP ACCELERATE 1: Hotel and Restaurant Management
Extension Activities
Job Enabling English Proficiency
Davao Merchant Marine Academy College of Southern Philippines

b. C: Ask to speak S: line busy / offer to C: give phone number

to manager to take message

c. C: Ask for room 438 S: no answer / offer C: say you’ll call back
to take message

d. S: greet caller C: say you’ll call back S: connect to restaurant


Caller A Caller B

Mrs. Black, room 534 – line’s busy – take a Ask for Mrs. Black, room 534 – leave message
Message (meet her in lobby at eight this evening)

Mr. Ruiz, room 151 – try room – no answer Ask for Bruno Ruiz, room 151 – you’ll call
back later

Connect to restaurant You want to book a table for dinner

Respond to all request You have a reservation for tonight (one double
room) – you want hotel to hold room (arrive
after seven) – ask for child’s bed in room –
reserve parking space – you want to book a
table for three for dinner

Ask for hotel manager – you’ll call back later Hotel manager – no answer – offer voicemail

Ask for Mrs. Clooney, 382 – leave message to Mrs. Clooney, room 382 – line’s busy – take
call you back on 07773 6841263 message

You’d like to book a room Put through to reservations

JEEP ACCELERATE 1: Hotel and Restaurant Management
Extension Activities
Job Enabling English Proficiency
Davao Merchant Marine Academy College of Southern Philippines
Ask for Mrs. Banks, room 238 – leave a Mrs. Banks, room 238 – no answer – offer
message (late for meeting / arrive in 45 voicemail- take message and offer to look for
minutes) – ask about parking – ask about Mrs. Banks in reception – respond to any other
booking a table for lunch requests.

4. Let the students to choose their hotel name.

5. The facilitator will give the students 15 minutes preparation.
6. Facilitator may flash on the board/screen the possible expressions that they need to learn
and may use in the activity.
7. Students will present for 3 – 5 minutes, and;
8. Facilitator will have his/her feedback.


Expressions to Learn

I’d like to book ...

Just a moment. I’ll put you through to ...

I’m afraid he’s not in his office at the moment.

Could/Can I take a message?

Please hold and I’ll connect you to ...

I’m afraid the lines busy.

There’s no answer.

Would you like to leave a message on

JEEP ACCELERATE 1: Hotel and Restaurant Management
Extension Activities
Job Enabling English Proficiency
Davao Merchant Marine Academy College of Southern Philippines

It’s ringing for you.

~ Customer Information ~


To be able to:

 Give information to customers.

 Talk about hotel facilities and services, and;
 Tell customers where facilities are.



1. Students are given with a work sheet.

2. Students should put the words in the correct order to make useful information for guests
and number one is done for them.
3. The class will check their work.

Name: ______________________________________ Date: ________________

Instruction: Put the words in the correct order to make useful information for guests.

1. the arrivals / outside / rank / the taxi / is / area

The taxi rank is outside the arrivals area.

2. the airport / to / the hotel / direct / a shuttle bus / from / there’s


3. airport / the / transfer / offers / free / a / hotel


4. rooms / have / access / all the / Internet


5. arrange / for you / car rental / the / reception/ in / desk / will / that

JEEP ACCELERATE 1: Hotel and Restaurant Management
Extension Activities
Job Enabling English Proficiency
Davao Merchant Marine Academy College of Southern Philippines

6. center / there’s / pool / a fitness / and / on site / a swimming


7. all the / showers / have / separate tubs / bathrooms / and


8. the Indian restaurant / recommend / at the end / I can / the street / of


Main Activity 1:


1. The class will listen to audio track 2.1 from English for the Hotel and catering industry

2. After listening, they will complete the sentences in the worksheet.

Name: ___________________________________________ Date: ______________

1. How ________________ from the airport to the Grand Marina?

2. There’s a shuttle bus _________________ the airport direct __________________ the
3. Where does it __________________?
4. And __________________ does it take?
5. Great. Um _____________________ business services? _________________ a business
6. It’s __________________ ground floor, opposite reception.
7. I’d like to _______________ a car for a few days.
8. Just ____________ the _____________ desk, next to reception.

3. The class will check their work.

JEEP ACCELERATE 1: Hotel and Restaurant Management
Extension Activities
Job Enabling English Proficiency
Davao Merchant Marine Academy College of Southern Philippines

Main Activity 2:


1. The class is divided into groups.

2. Each group is given a manila paper and a marker.
3. Each team will create their own hotel and assumes to present in to a client for investment
4. Students will prepare a short presentation (100 words +) to give to the class using the
following heading:

Location General Facilities Room Facilities Services

5. After the report, the group will present a jingle to market their own hotel.
6. The class is given 15 minutes to prepare.
7. The facilitator will choose the best hotel and have his/her feedback

JEEP ACCELERATE 1: Hotel and Restaurant Management
Extension Activities
Job Enabling English Proficiency
Davao Merchant Marine Academy College of Southern Philippines

~ Dealing With Booking Enquiries ~


To be able to:

 Take a room reservation,

 Confirm the details of a booking,
 Change and cancel reservations,
 Turn down bookings,
 Give explanation, and;
 Suggest alternatives.



1. The facilitator will play the audio track 3.2 from English for the Hotel and catering
industry CD.

2. Students will listen to three calls and take down notes regarding the changes to the
reservation that the caller made.

3. Ask random student to share what they jotted down.

Main Activity 1:


1. Facilitator will let the students match the following:

Instruction: Match 1 – 6 with a – f to make expressions for turning down reservations.

1. Sorry, but unfortunately, the hotel a. Double rooms left for those dates.

2. I’m afraid we don’t have any b. Busy that day with the wedding

JEEP ACCELERATE 1: Hotel and Restaurant Management
Extension Activities
Job Enabling English Proficiency
Davao Merchant Marine Academy College of Southern Philippines

3. I’m sorry, we’re fully c. With a view of the garden are reserved.

4. I’m sorry all the tables d. Booked that evening

5. There isn’t room in the restaurant e. Is closed that week

6. I’m sorry, but we’re very f. For another ten people

Main Activity 2:


1. The class will be divided into groups with 4 persons in one team. Within the group, the
first pair will do the number 1 scene and the second pair will do the number 2 scene in
any set assigned to them.
2. Students will dramatize the scenario they pick for about 3 to 5 minutes only.
3. Each team should utilize their group mates for the scenario that they will present
4. Facilitator will give the class 15 minutes to prepare.


Set A

Caller A Caller B

1. You’re going to New York on business 1. You work on reception at the Pacific
with colleagues. Call the Pacific Hotel Hotel. You have rooms available.
and reserve rooms. Use this Answer the call from the guest and take
information. the details for the reservation. By
completing the following information:
 Names : your name, Mr. & Mrs.
Mertins, Ms. Karin  Surname:
 Arrival:
 Arrival: Wednesday 14th June  Nights:
 Departure:

JEEP ACCELERATE 1: Hotel and Restaurant Management
Extension Activities
Job Enabling English Proficiency
Davao Merchant Marine Academy College of Southern Philippines
 Departure: Friday 16th June  Adults:
 Rooms:
 Rooms: three  Room type:
 Contact name:
 Room types: a single for you, a  Contact number:
double for Mr. And Mrs. Mertins, a  Credit card details:
single for Ms. Karin

 Mobile number: 0885 928 3847

 Credit card details: card number

0088 4848 2323, expiry date 10/13,
security numbers 234
2. Answer the secon call from the guest
2. Call the hotel again to change your and make any changes to the
reservation. You are now arriving on reservation.
Tuesday 13th June and staying until
Friday 16th June. Mr. And Mrs. Mertins
cannot go now.

Set B:

Caller A Caller B

1. You work on reception at the George 1. You ‘re going on a sightseeing holiday
Hotel. You have rooms available. with a group of friends to Edinburgh in
Answer the call from the guest and take Scotland. Call the George Hotel and
the details for the reservation by reserve rooms. Use this information.
completing the following information:
 Names: your name + partner, Mr. &
 Surname: Mrs. Hemery, Oliver & Paul
 Arrival: (children), Gail & Liz Clark
 Nights:
 Departure:  Arrivals: Tuesday 1st July
 Adults:
 Rooms:  Departure: Saturday 5th July
 Room type:
 Contact name:  Rooms: three
 Contact number:
 Credit card details:  Room Types: a twin for you, a twin

JEEP ACCELERATE 1: Hotel and Restaurant Management
Extension Activities
Job Enabling English Proficiency
Davao Merchant Marine Academy College of Southern Philippines
for the Clarks, a family for the

 Mobile number: 0889 743 8234

 Credit Card details: card number

0011 2233 4445, expiry date 08/13,
security numbers 897

2. Answer the second call from the guest 2. Call the hotel again to change your
and make any changes to the reservation. The Clarks now want to
reservation. stay for only two nights from Tuesday
1st to Thursday 3rd July.

Set C:

Caller A Caller B

Make two calls to the Pines Hotel to make You work on reception at the Pines Hotel. Use
reservations. You want the following. this information to deal with two calls.

1. Double room / sea view / three nights 1. No double room left / alternative = two
(22nd - 25th August) twin rooms (twin = same price as
double) or suite ($30 more than double)

2. Table for seven / upstairs / 8 p.m. / 2. No tables upstairs (closed this time of
Tuesday 14th February the year) / alternative = table at window

Set D:

Caller A Caller B

You work on reception at the Keys Hotel. Use Make two calls to the Keys Hotel to make
this information to deal with two calls. reservations. You want the following.

1. Dining room full (wedding) / 1. Table for 20 (sister’s 21st birthday) /

alternative = table in Sunshine Bar – restaurant dining room / 7:30 p.m. /

JEEP ACCELERATE 1: Hotel and Restaurant Management
Extension Activities
Job Enabling English Proficiency
Davao Merchant Marine Academy College of Southern Philippines
offer same menu as in dining room Saturday 3rd September

2. Hotel closed in February for holiday / 2. Family room / two weeks / 10th – 24th
alternative = Lakeside Hotel (0357 February

~ Correspondence ~


To be able to:

 Write letters and emails to customers, and;

 Respond to emails and voicemails.



1. The class is divided into groups.

2. Each team will be given the copy of the two letter.
3. Students will read 1 – 7 and underline true or false, then explain their choice. Number
one is done for them.
4. The group should be given 10 minutes for brainstorming and answering.
5. After which, the class will check their work.

16A Lutzengaten Hotel Formosa, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

S-11642 Malmo Tel: 00886 28773499

4th September 20
Hotel Formosa Dera Mr. Johansson
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Thank you for your enquiry. For your
Dear Sir/Madam information, we enclose a brochure of our hotel
which includes the current room rates and
I am planning a trip for 20 musicians to Hong details of our conference facilities.
Kong in February and would like information
about accommodation and conference facilities The hotel is located only tem minutes from the

JEEP ACCELERATE 1: Hotel and Restaurant Management
Extension Activities
Job Enabling English Proficiency
Davao Merchant Marine Academy College of Southern Philippines
at your hotel. center of the city and 45 minutes from the
Could you send me information about your airport.
room rates and details of the hotel’s location?
We look forward to being of assistance to you
Yours faithfully in the future.
Thomas Johansson
Yours sincerely

Hoi-ting Lai

1. Mr. Johansson doesn’t know the person in reservations at the Hotel Formosa.

True / False – He begins his letter with Dear Sir/Madam.

2. Mr. Johansson is traveling to Hong Kong with his family.

True / False - _____________________________________________________

3. Mr. Johansson wants to know where the hotel is.

True / False - _____________________________________________________

4. Hotel Formosa is near the city center.

True / False - _____________________________________________________

5. Hotel Formosa doesn’t have any conference rooms.

True / False - _____________________________________________________

6. Hoi-ting Lai works at the Formosa Hotel.

True / False - _____________________________________________________

7. Hoi-ting Lai is a friend of Mr. Johansson.

True / False - _____________________________________________________

Main Activity 1:


1. The facilitator will flash an email to the board.

2. Call random students to enumerate the parts of the email that are too informal.
3. Ask students to correct the informal one to make it formal.

From: Hotel Golden Beach

JEEP ACCELERATE 1: Hotel and Restaurant Management
Extension Activities
Job Enabling English Proficiency
Davao Merchant Marine Academy College of Southern Philippines
To: Elisa Mendez
Subject: Booking Chng

Dear Elisa
It was good to get your email. Thanks. Sorry, we can’t give you a room for 8 nts. now you’ve
changed your dates to 2 – 10 Aug. Why not try our partner hotel? Look through the brochure
that’s with this email.

Reservations, Hotel Golden Beach

Main Activity 2:


1. The class is divided into groups with 4 or 5 members.

2. Each team will have their manila and marker.
3. The facilitator will flash on the board the scrambled parts of the email.
4. The groups should rearrange and rewrite the letter in the correct order.
5. The class is given only 15 minutes to answer.
6. The class will post their output on the wall, then;
7. The facilitator will check the groups’ output.

a. We also confirm your table reservation for 4 on Saturday 21 June at 8:30 p.m.

b. Benito Peres

c. Dear Mr. Schmidt

d. We have reserved two parking spaces for you in our basement car park as requested.

e. We are pleased to confirm your reservation for 2 double rooms from 18 June to 22 June.

f. Thank you for your email

g. To: Mr. J. Schmidt

h. With best wishes

JEEP ACCELERATE 1: Hotel and Restaurant Management
Extension Activities
Job Enabling English Proficiency
Davao Merchant Marine Academy College of Southern Philippines
i. We look forward to seeing you on 18 June

j. Subject: Confirmation of booking

Main Activity 3:


1. With the same group.

2. The groups will be assigned to one of the two tasks below.
3. The class is given 30 minutes to finish the task.
4. Output should be placed in a manila paper.
5. After which the facilitator will check the groups output and give feedback.

1. You work in front office in Hotel David 2. You work in the Events Office of the
in Florence, Italy. Crowne Plaza Hotel, rue de la Roi 107,
1040 Brussels.

Write an email reply to Mary Tan

([email protected]) confirming the Write a letter to Piet van Derbilt, Amstel
changes to her booking. A double and single 140, 1017 EZ Amsterdam in reply to his
room are available for 2 nights from 9 – 11 enquiry about organizing a business lunch
June. You have booked her a parking space for 60 people on Friday 30th May. The
from 6 p.m. on 9 June to the morning of 11 Grapevine Restaurant is available for his
June as requested. You have also reserved a party from 12 – 3 p.m. Enclose sample
table for three for dinner on 9 June at 8:30 menus. Also enclose directions to the venue
p.m. You look forward to welcoming her to (five minutes’ walk from railway station).
the hotel. Unfortunately, you cannot offer parking.
Mention the large public car park three
minutes’ walk from the hotel. You look
forward to hearing from him.


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