Paper 4d23f04
Paper 4d23f04
Paper 4d23f04
Science teaching has changed from a text-based to an activity based (hands-on) approximation. This
has generated an increase in research and development of different types of assessments.
Assessment of science learning requires instruments and techniques that are aligned with the
methodology used, and the depth and complexity of what students understand and can do in this
discipline. Therefore, assessments need to include a large range of types of tests, formats and
instruments. This study compares the results of 5th grade students using three different types of
instruments after studying a unit on electric circuits using a hands-on approach. Student learning
was assessed with a multiple-choice test, a hands-on performance assessment, and a computer-
based performance assessment. Given the changes in the way science is taught, the comparison of
these three instruments provides useful information about the viability, feasibility and practicality of
using different assessments to measure students’ knowledge and practical skills in science. An
additional analysis is done comparing the interchangeability of the two types of performance
assessments, with implications in classroom and large-scale implementation of these assessments.
Introduction and Background
This study measures students’ knowledge using two different types of assessments: a
traditional multiple choice that includes open-ended questions and a performance assessment.
Performance assessment tests can be presented in many forms including conducting experiments;
performing mathematical calculations, extensive essay writing, and performing computer
simulations (Elliott, 1995).
The benefits of performance testing are well documented: Ayala (2002), argues that science
performance assessments can measure different types of knowledge including declarative,
procedural and schematic knowledge. Ruiz-Primo and Shavelson (1996) say that performance tests
produce high level of reasoning processes, since these tests are closely related to what students and
scientists do in the lab. Haertel (1999) argues that these tests not only show how students learn, but
also, students show higher engagement in learning. Elliot (1995) argues that performance
assessments provide evidence of what students know and are able to do. Quellmatz (1999), says that
the evidence gathered during the performance provides insights to students' thinking, and at the
same time introduces students to authentic real-world problems, which allows them to show how
they can apply academic knowledge to practical situations. For the reasons mentioned above
performance assessment tests are alternatives to measure students' knowledge in electrical circuits.
The comparison of the results in two types of performance assessments and the multiple
choice test, can provide information as to the uses of these types of instruments and the feasibility
of applying and interchanging them in an effort to assess students’ knowledge in science.
Additionally, this study explores how students who perform high and low in the multiple-choice test
do in the performance assessments.
This section describes the participants of the study, the types of assessment, and the
The participants of the study were fifth-graders of four Colombian public schools who
finished the school year in November 2009. These schools are located in very low SES
neighborhoods in Bogotá, Colombia. Each school has approximately 1200 students from K – 11,
with an average of 40 students in each classroom. The communities composing the student body
these schools have several problems including undernourishment, interfamily violence, sexual
abuse, use of drugs, and low motivation for studies. The ages of students who participated in the
study ranged from 10 to 12 years of age. Two classes were selected in each school. Each of the
classes has the same teacher, since there is only one science teacher in fifth grade in each school.
Description of Instruments Used
The development of the paper and pencil assessment was organized in several steps: 1) item
development, 2) piloting the items and doing think-alouds, and 3) item revision.
Item development.
The items used in this assessment come from different sources. Some of the items were
developed during a six-day workshop with teachers, scientists and science educators. Participants of
the workshop were guided to develop two types of items: some that were close to the electric
circuits module (proximal) and others that matched national education standards of Colombia
Participants were also directed to develop items that tapped into three types of knowledge:
(1) declarative knowledge (factual, conceptual knowledge) or “knowing that” (e.g. what materials
conduct electricity?); (2) procedural knowledge (step by step investigations) or “knowing how”
(e.g. how to interpret a graph); and (3) schematic knowledge (knowledge used to reason about) or
“knowing why” (e.g. explain why one bulb in a circuit may turn off all other bulbs in the same
Other distal items were provided by ICFES, the Colombian institute that carries out all
standardized testing in the country.
Item revision.
All the information gathered in the pilot studies and the think-alouds allowed for a final
selection and improvement of items and its classification. The final instrument was a paper and
pencil test composed of 33 questions, 31 of which were multiple choice and 2 constructed response
questions. In order to counterbalance the effect of the order of the questions, three booklets were
produced. The reliability of the results of this assessment was 0.72.
Based on student performance in the paper and pencil test, the top ten and the bottom ten
students were selected from each school according to their scores. The selection of top and bottom
students evaluated how students with extreme differences in level of achievement in the paper and
pencil test, would perform in the performance assessments.
Description of instrument
The hands-on electric circuits performance assessment was taken from the Stanford Education
Assessment Laboratory website and
translated into Spanish. A performance assessment in general, includes a challenge, a response, and
a scoring system. In this case, the challenge required students to identify the components hidden
inside of six black mystery boxes when given materials such as a wire, a bulb, and a battery. There
was no specification of the steps to be taken. Responses were registered in a notebook and collected
after the assessment ended. The time each student spent responding to the assessment was recorded
in the notebook.
Pilot testing and think alouds.
In order to revise the clarity of the language, which could have been affected during the
translation, the hands-on performance assessment was piloted with sixth grade students. We asked
the students to think-aloud while they were completing the assessment.
Test administration and data collection.
Students were selected after they responded the paper and pencil test. As mentioned above,
the ten top and ten bottom performers in that test were selected to participate in this part of the
study. All students, except two, responded to both the hands-on and the computer-simulation
performance assessments. Students were randomly assigned to start with either the hands-on or the
computer-simulation assessment.
Data collection occurred in two separate days for each school. During the first day, ten
randomly assigned students answered the hands-on assessment in the library, while the other ten
answered the computer-simulation in the computer lab. The second data collection occurred 12 to
15 days after the first one. After each data collection, approximately three students were asked to
provide retrospective information regarding the assessment and their performance (e.g. What was
the most difficult part of this assessment and why?). These interviews were tape recorded.
Description of instrument.
The computer-simulation performance assessment was developed based on the hands-on
performance assessment. The development took approximately four months, including revisions
and pilot tests. The computer programmers worked under our direct supervision to replicate as
closely as possible the hands-on electric circuits performance assessment. However, the labels of
the boxes in the computer simulation were different than the labels of the boxes in the hands-on
performance assessment (e.g. Box D in the computer simulation was equivalent to Box A in the
hands-on assessment). The assessment is in Spanish and has audio to help students follow the
instructions. A screenshot of the computer-simulation is presented in Figure 1.
Pilot testing.
The assessment was piloted with sixth graders at the ICFES office. After the pilots, students
were asked to provide feedback in an interview, which was recorded. The information was then
used to fine-tune the assessment.
Figure 1. Screenshot of the Computer-Simulation Performance Assessment
Data analysis
We used all instruments mentioned above and compared the performance of students of
different abilities (high and low) in the two types of tests. In order to compare the scores of these
two studies we will see the relationships between the assessments. Descriptive statistics provided
information about correlations between paper and pencil and performance assessments.
We compared the total scores of the three instruments: multiple choice test, hands-on and
computer simulation performance assessments. Analysis of the overall scores revealed a statistically
significant association between the multiple choice test and the computer simulation, (r=.535,
p=.000) as well as the multiple choice test and the hands-on performance assessment (r=.415,
p=.000). We also found a statistically significant association between both performance assessments
(r=.398, p=.001).
As mentioned above, students were selected based on their performance in the multiple-
choice test. There is an association between top students and their performance in the performance
assessments (rcomputer=.159, pcomputer=.369) (rhands-on=.066, phands-on=.713). However, when comparing
the results between low performers in the multiple choice test, there is a negative association
(rcomputer=.-.111, pcomputer=.517) (rhands-on=-.373*, phands-on=.025). There is a statistically significant
negative correlation between the performance in multiple choice test and the hands-on assessment.
It is possible to design and administer instruments in science assessment that better reflect
what happens in the classroom. During he implementation of the assessments, students mentioned
that they were much more engaged with the performance assessments than with the multiple-choice
test. Performance assessments were used in this occasion as a form of summative assessment, but
they could be used successfully in a formative manner in science classrooms.
There was a significant correlation among the three types of assessments. This means that
the results of the assessments are good indicators of what students know and what students are able
to do, and that a variety of instruments provide more information about the students and the types of
knowledge they have in science.
The use of performance assessments provided opportunities for students who did not have
the skills to respond well in the multiple-choice test, to demonstrate their abilities, and knowledge.
High scores in the performance assessments procedural and declarative knowledge of electric
circuits. These different types of assessment allow teachers to observe different dimensions of their
students and obtain a wider picture of their knowledge and skills. The results of this study provide
evidence that the use of different instruments is essential for low performing students, but not
necessarily for high performing students.
When comparing the multiple-choice test with the performance assessments and taking into
account the time of implementation (multiple-choice test vs. hands-on first + computer second or
multiple-choice test vs. hands-on second + computer first), we obtained high correlations. With this
data, we have initial evidence that both the computer simulated and the hands-on performance
assessments can be interchangeable.
The information gathered during this study provides preliminary data on interchangeability
of science assessments. Further analysis should be done in order to compare students’ performance
according to knowledge types and to the proximity (close and distal) of the items.
Ayala, C. A., Shavelson, R. J., Yin, Y., & Schultz, S. (2002). Reasoning Dimensions Underlying
Science Achievement: The case of Performance Assessment. Educational Assessment, 8(2), 101-
Haertel, Edward (1999).Performance Assessment and Education Reform. PHI DELTA KAPPAN,
mayo 1999, 662-666.
Quellmalz, Edys, Patricia Schank & Thomas Hinojosa & Christine Padilla (1999). Performance
assessment links in science. Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, 6(10).
Ruiz-Primo, Maria; Shavelson, Richard (1996). Rethoric and Reality in Science Performance
Assessment: And Update. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 33(10), 1045-1063
Shavelson, Richard; Baxter, Gail; and Jerry Pine. (1992). Performance Assessment, Political
Rhetoric and Measurement Reality. Research News and Comments, mayo 1992,22-27.
U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment. (1992, February). Testing in American schools:
Asking the right questions. (OTA-SET-519). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.