Chy1002 Environmental-Sciences TH 1.1 46 Chy1002 PDF
Chy1002 Environmental-Sciences TH 1.1 46 Chy1002 PDF
Chy1002 Environmental-Sciences TH 1.1 46 Chy1002 PDF
CHY1002 3 0 0 0 3
Pre-requisite Chemistry of 12 standard or equivalent Syllabus version
Course Objectives:
1. To make students understand and appreciate the unity of life in all its forms, the
implications of life style on the environment.
2. To understand the various causes for environmental degradation.
3. To understand individuals contribution in the environmental pollution.
4. To understand the impact of pollution at the global level and also in the local
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO): 1,2,3,4, 5,8, 9, 11, 12, 13,14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20
Key environmental problems, their basic causes and sustainable solutions. IPAT equation.
Ecosystem, earth – life support system and ecosystem components; Food chain, food web, Energy
flow in ecosystem; Ecological succession- stages involved, Primary and secondary succession,
Hydrarch, mesarch, xerarch; Nutrient, water, carbon, nitrogen, cycles; Effect of human activities
on these cycles.
Environmental hazards – causes and solutions. Biological hazards – AIDS, Malaria, Chemical
hazards- BPA, PCB, Phthalates, Mercury, Nuclear hazards- Risk and evaluation of hazards. Water
footprint; virtual water, blue revolution. Water quality management and its conservation. Solid and
hazardous waste – types and waste management methods.
Module:4 Energy Resources 6 hours SLO: 2,3,4,8,11,
12, 13,16
Renewable - Non renewable energy resources- Advantages and disadvantages - oil, Natural gas,
Coal, Nuclear energy. Energy efficiency and renewable energy. Solar energy, Hydroelectric
power, Ocean thermal energy, Wind and geothermal energy. Energy from biomass, solar-
Hydrogen revolution.
Text Books
1. G. Tyler Miller and Scott E. Spoolman (2016), Environmental Science, 15th Edition,
Cengage learning.
2. George Tyler Miller, Jr. and Scott Spoolman (2012), Living in the Environment –
Principles, Connections and Solutions, 17th Edition, Brooks/Cole, USA.
Reference Books
1. David M.Hassenzahl, Mary Catherine Hager, Linda R.Berg (2011), Visualizing
Environmental Science, 4thEdition, John Wiley & Sons, USA.
Mode of evaluation: Internal Assessment (CAT, Quizzes, Digital Assignments) & FAT
Recommended by Board of Studies 12.08.2017
Approved by Academic Council No. 46 Date 24.08.2017