Easter Beyond The Empty Tomb - Final
Easter Beyond The Empty Tomb - Final
Easter Beyond The Empty Tomb - Final
KEY IDEA 1: God and Revelation 3.1: Explores the Christian belief that God is revealed in
BELIEVING Students explore God’s presence in creation and God’s self- the activity of the Holy Spirit: in creation, Church and
revelation in Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. human experience.
KEY IDEA 11: The Liturgical Year of the Church Students research
3.11 Examines scriptural texts to identify specific events in
and communicate how the life, death and resurrection of Jesus is
CELEBRATING the life of Jesus and shows how these are celebrated in
celebrated in the seasons and feasts of the Church’s Liturgical
liturgical services throughout the year.
(Reference #)
List the types of teaching strategies and learning (ratio of ASSESSMENT OF
opportunities students will engage with to meet the above At the completion of this learning opportunity 1 formative for 1 LEARNING
content descriptors. students should be able to ... summative including AS
learning strategies.
Task 1:
Record and draw symbols of new life on
individual poster paper. e.g.: egg, chicken, Have an understanding on new life and
rabbit. In groups students go around and KI 7 0 3.7 symbols of Easter.
brainstorm reasons why these are important to
Easter and what they represent on the poster KI 1 0 3.11
paper. Have class discussion of how this can link
to new life and why this is important in the time
of Easter.
Task 2:
A science experiment that helps kids visualize
how people would have been in disbelief that Students will have an understanding on
something they thought was impossible isn’t the disbelief that people may have felt
impossible. It involves sucking a hard boiled egg KI 1 0 3.1 when they heard the impossible had
into a glass bottle, and then getting it out again happened, that Jesus had risen.
Task 8- : Timeline
Students will gain an understanding of holy
Build a timeline of the Easter events from the
week and Easter. They will be able to
beginning of Holy Week up until the Feast of KI 11 0 3.11
represent this in different ways.
Task 9- : Art activities
Choice from multiple different activities that
represent the Easter story, liturgical year and
symbols. (Ideas in folder)
Assessment task
Recreate the story of Easter using movie maker
(Assessment in folder)