GRADES 1 To 12 Daily Lesson Log Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
GRADES 1 To 12 Daily Lesson Log Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
GRADES 1 To 12 Daily Lesson Log Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: File Created by Sir LEONARD BRYAN LODRONIO Learning Area: SCIENCE
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: JULY 30 - AUGUST 3, 2018 (WEEK 9) Quarter: 1ST QUARTER
A. Content Standards Demonstrate understanding of how the major internal organs, such as the brain, heart, liver, stomach, bones and muscles keep the body healthy.
G. Finding practical application of *What do you think might Do you think the body can What will happen if we don’t *What are you going to do to Find a partner and demonstrate
concepts and skills in daily happen to our internal organs move if the muscles and the have involuntary muscles in our avoid these bone and muscle the first aid treatment for one of
living if there are no bones? bones do not coordinate body? injuries? the following:
with each other? Original File Submitted and 1. Fracture
If the bones do not have Formatted by DepEd Club 2. Cramps
joints, what will happen? Member - visit 3. Bruise
Why? for more 4-5.
H. Making Generalizations and * What are the functions of *What are the functions of *What is the difference * What are different bone and *What are the first aid treatment
Abstraction about the Lesson. the bones? the muscles? between voluntary and muscle injuries? for different bone and muscle
*What are the bones that involuntary muscle? Give injuries?
protect the internal organs? examples.
I. Evaluating Learning What bone protects the Tell whether the statement Tell whether the following are Identify the following bone and The first aid treatment
following: is TRUE or FALSE. voluntary or involuntary muscle injury: demonstration will serve as the
1. Brain 1. The muscle and bones muscles: 1. It is a break in the evaluation part of the lesson. Use
2. Heart coordinate with each other 1. Leg muscles bone. rubrics in assessing their
3. Liver to make the body move. 2. Arm muscles 2. It occurs when a bone performance.
4. Vertebrae or 2. The point where the bones 3. Heart muscles is displaced out of its
backbone meet are called joints. 4. Lung muscles proper position.
5. Pelvic bone 3-5. 5. Eyelid muscles 3-5.
J. Additional Activities for Draw the bones that protect Draw the skeletal system in a List some examples of voluntary Research some first aid List the steps in performing the
Application or Remediation our internal organs. a bond paper. and involuntary muscles. measure for these bone and first aid treatment for sprain.
muscle injuries.