G.R. No. L-38725 October 31, 1933 The People of The Philippine Islands, Plaintiff-Appellee
G.R. No. L-38725 October 31, 1933 The People of The Philippine Islands, Plaintiff-Appellee
G.R. No. L-38725 October 31, 1933 The People of The Philippine Islands, Plaintiff-Appellee
The defendant appealed to this court, and his attorney de oficio now
makes the following assignments of error:
The defendant renewed his motion for dismissal in the case on the
ground of double jeopardy, but his motion was denied; and upon
the termination of the trial the defendant was found guilty and
sentenced as hereinabove stated. chanroblesv irt uala wlibra ry chan robles v irt ual law l ibra ry
Whether the defendant was placed in jeopardy for the second time
or not when he was tried in the present case depends on whether or
not he was tried on a valid complaint in the first case. The offense in
question was committed on May 9, 1932, or subsequent to the date
when the Revised Penal Code became effective. chanrob lesvi rtualaw lib rary cha nrob les vi rtual law lib rary
The third paragraph of the article 344 of the Revised Penal Code,
which relates to the prosecution of the crimes of adultery,
concubinage, seduction, rape and acts of lasciviousness reads as
The first complaint filed against the defendant was signed and
sworn to by the chief of police of Dumaguete. As it was not the
complaint of the offended party, it was not a valid complaint in
accordance with the law. The judgment of the court was therefore
void for lack of jurisdiction over the subject matter, and the
defendant was never in jeopardy. chanroblesv irt ualawli bra ry chanrob les vi rtual law lib rary
It appears that the lower court should have taken into consideration
the aggravating circumstances of nocturnity. The defendant is
therefore sentenced to suffer seventeen years, four months, and
one day of reclusion temporal, to indemnify the offended party,
Celestina Adapon, in the sum of P500, and to support the offspring,
if any. As thus modified, the decision appealed from is affirmed,
with the costs of both instances against the appellant. chanroble svirtualawl ibra ry chan roble s virtual law l ib rary