Concept of Force and Newton's Laws of Motion

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Concept of Force and

Newton’s Laws of Motion


Chapter 7 Newton’s Laws of Motion,

Sections 7.1-7.4
Chapter 8 Applications of Newton’s Second
Sections 8.1-8.4.1
W02D3 Reading Assignment

Chapter 8 Applications of Newton’s Second Law,

Section 8.6: Example 8.6-8.9

Exam 1: Thursday Sept 19 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Newton’s Laws of Motion: Review
First Law: Every body continues in its state of rest, or of
uniform motion in a right line, unless it is compelled to
change that state by forces impressed upon it.

Second Law: The change of motion is proportional to the

motive force impresses, and is made in the direction of the
right line in which that force is impressed,
 
F = m a.
Third Law: To every action there is always opposed an
equal reaction: or, the mutual action of two bodies upon
each other are always equal, and directed to contrary
parts.  
F1,2 = −F2,1

F1,2 ≡ force on 2 due to interaction between 1 and 2
Newton’s Second Law: Physics and
 
F = ma
physics ⇔ geometry
cause of motion description of motion

(why) (how)
dynamics ⇔ kinematics
Examples of Forces
•  Gravity

•  Electric and magnetic forces

•  Elastic forces (Hooke’s Law)

•  Frictional forces: static and kinetic friction, fluid resistance

•  Contact forces: normal forces and static friction

•  Tension and compression

Force Law: Universal Law of Gravity

Gravitational force: F1,2
gravitational force on
body 2 due to the
interaction between
bodies 1 and 2
 m1m2
Magnitude: F1,2 = G 2

G = 6.67 × 10 −11 N ⋅ m 2 ⋅ kg -2

Direction: Attractive
Force Law: Gravitational Force near
the Surface of the Earth
Near the surface of the earth, the gravitational
interaction between a body and the earth is mutually
attractive and has a magnitude of
 GmE m
Fearth,object = m g = 2

g= 2
= 9.81 m ⋅ s −2
where m is the gravitational mass of the body, RE is the
radius of the earth, and ME is the mass of the earth.
Tension Force

A rope is attached to a block B on one end, and

pulled by an applied
 force from the other end. The
force of the rope FR,B on the block is called a
tension force. Denote magnitude of tension force by

T ≡ FR,B
When rope is very light (massless) magnitude of
tension force equal magnitude of the applied pulling
Concept Question: Tension
A cart is placed on a nearly frictionless
surface. A force sensor on the cart is attached
via a string to a hanging weight. The cart is
initially held. When the cart is released and in
motion does the tension in the string

1. increase?

2. stay the same?

3. decrease?

4. cannot determine. Need more

Force Law: Hooke’s Law
Consider a mass m attached to a spring

Stretch or compress spring by

different amounts produces
different accelerations

Hooke’s law: | F | = k Δl

Direction: restoring spring to equilibrium

Hooke’s law holds within some reasonable range of extension

or compression
Worked Example: Spring
Equation of Motion
For the spring force law:

Fs = −Fs î = −k(x − xeq ) î

Newton’s Second Law in

the positive î -direction
(equation of motion)
d 2x
−k(x − xeq ) = m 2
Solution: (later in course)
⎛ k ⎞
x(t) = xeq + Acos ⎜ t + φ⎟
⎝ m ⎠
Force Law: Newtonian Induction
•  Definition of force has no predictive content.
•  Need to measure the acceleration and the mass in order
to define the force.

•  Force Law: Discover experimental relation between force

exerted on object and change in properties of object.

•  Induction: Extend force law from finite measurements to

all cases within some range creating a model.

•  Second Law can now be used to predict motion!

•  If prediction disagrees with measurement adjust model.

Force Laws: Contact Forces
Between Surfaces
The contact force on the hand between
hand and surface is denoted by
 total 
Fsurface,hand ≡ C
Normal Force: Component of the contact force on hand
perpendicular to surface and is denoted by
 normal 
Fsurface,hand ≡ N
Friction Force: Component of the contact force on hand
tangent to the surface and is denoted by
 tangent 
Fsurface ,hand ≡ f
Therefore the contact force on hand can be modeled as a
vector sum   
C≡ N+f
Concept Question: Car-Earth
Consider a car at rest. We can conclude that
the downward gravitational pull of Earth on the
car and the upward contact force of Earth on it
are equal and opposite because

1.  the two forces form a third law interaction pair.

2.  the net force on the car is zero.
3.  neither of the above.
4.  unsure
Concept Question: Normal Force
Consider a person standing in an elevator that
is accelerating upward. The upward normal
force N exerted by the elevator floor on the
person is

1.  larger than

2.  identical to
3.  smaller than

the downward force of gravity on the person.

Kinetic Friction
The kinetic frictional force fk is proportional to the normal
force, but independent of surface area of contact and the

The magnitude of fk is

fk = µk N
where µk is the coefficients of friction.

Direction of fk: opposes motion

Static Friction
Varies in direction and magnitude depending on
applied forces:
0 ≤ f s ≤ f s,max = µs N

Static friction is equal to it’s maximum value

f s,max = µs N
Tug of War Contest

Each table forms a team of two students (one male and

one female) and competes against the other tables in a
tug of war until one table wins an elimination
competition. The other students at the table figure out
what forces are acting on their team and identify all
interaction pairs of forces.
Tug of War Force Diagrams

Each table forms a team of two students (one male and

one female) and competes against the other tables in a
tug of war until one table wins an elimination
competition. The other students at the table figure out
what forces are acting on their team and identify all
interaction pairs of forces.
Free Body Diagram
•  Represent each force that is acting on the object by an arrow
on a free body force diagram that indicates the direction of
the force T  
F = F1 + F2 + ⋅⋅⋅
•  Choose set of independent unit vectors and draw them on
free body diagram.

•  Decompose each force Fi in terms of vector components.

Fi = Fi , x ˆi + Fi , y ˆj + Fi , z kˆ
•  Add vector components to find vector decomposition of the
total force
Fx = F1, x + F2, x + ⋅⋅⋅

Fy T = F1, y T + F2, y T + ⋅⋅⋅

Fz T = F1, z T + F2, z T + ⋅⋅⋅
Tab. Prob.: Free Body Force Diagrams
A block of mass M is sliding down an
inclined plane with angle θ . There
is kinetic friction between the block
and the inclined plane with
coefficient µk. The gravitational force
on the block is directed in the
downward vertical direction.

a)  Draw a free-body (force) diagram for the block. Clearly identify your forces
with whatever symbols you find appropriate.

b)  For the coordinate system with unit vectors î pointing horizontally to the
right and ĵ pointing vertically upward, what are the vector components of
the sum of the forces in the î - direction and the ĵ – direction?

c)  For the coordinate system with unit vectors b̂ pointing along the inclined
plane and ĉ pointing normal (perpendicular) to the plane as shown
in the figure, what are the vector components of the sum of the forces in
the b̂ - direction and the ĉ - direction?
Lecture Demo:
Block with Pulley and
Weight on Incline B24
Worked Example: Pulley and
Inclined Plane
A block of mass m1, constrained to move along a plane
inclined at angle φ to the horizontal, is connected via a
massless inextensible rope that passes over a massless
pulley to a bucket to which sand is slowly added. The
coefficient of static friction is µs. Assume the gravitational
constant is g. What is the mass of the bucket and sand
(m2) just before the block slips upward?
Solution: Pulley and Inclined Plane
Sketch and coordinate

Free body force diagrams

Newton’s Second Law
 
a1 = 0
Constraint Conditions  
a2 = 0
f s = f s,max = µs N
T ≡ T1,r = T2,r
Newton’s Second Law
Object 1:
î1 : T − m1 g sin φ − µs N = 0
ĵ1 : N − m1 g cos φ = 0
Object 2: ĵ2 : T − m2 g = 0
Simplification: m2 g − m1 g sin φ − µs m1 g cos φ = 0

Solution: m2 = m1 (sin φ + µs cos φ )

Two Block Pull
Table Problem: Pulling Blocks
Consider two blocks that are resting one on top of the other. The
lower block has M2 and is resting on a nearly frictionless surface. The
upper block has mass M1 < M2. Suppose the coefficient of static
friction between the blocks is µs.

a) What is the maximum force with which the upper block can be
pulled horizontally so that the two blocks move together without
slipping? Draw as many free body force diagrams as you feel
necessary. Identify all action-reaction pairs of forces in this problem.

b) What is the maximum force with which the lower block can be
pulled horizontally so that the two blocks move together without
slipping? Draw as many free body force diagrams as you feel
necessary. Identify all action-reaction pairs of forces in this problem.

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