A Review On Reversible Logic Gates and Their Implementation

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International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering

Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 3, March 2013)

A Review on Reversible Logic Gates and their Implementation

Raghava Garipelly1, P.Madhu Kiran2, A.Santhosh Kumar3
1, 2, 3
Assistant Professor, Dept of ECE, SCCE, Karimnagar, INDIA
Abstract— Reversible logic is one of the most vital issue at The most prominent application of reversible logic lies
present time and it has different areas for its application, in quantum computers [3]. A quantum computer will be
those are low power CMOS, quantum computing, viewed as a quantum network (or a family of quantum
nanotechnology, cryptography, optical computing, DNA networks) composed of quantum logic gates; It has
computing, digital signal processing (DSP), quantum dot
applications in various research areas such as Low Power
cellular automata, communication, computer graphics. It is
not possible to realize quantum computing without CMOS design, quantum computing, nanotechnology and
implementation of reversible logic. The main purposes of DNA computing.
designing reversible logic are to decrease quantum cost, depth Quantum networks composed of quantum logic gates;
of the circuits and the number of garbage outputs. This paper each gate performing an elementary unitary operation on
provides the basic reversible logic gates, which in designing of one, two or more two–state quantum systems called qubits.
more complex system having reversible circuits as a primitive Each qubit represents an elementary unit of information;
component and which can execute more complicated corresponding to the classical bit values 0 and 1. Any
operations using quantum computers. The reversible circuits unitary operation is reversible and hence quantum networks
form the basic building block of quantum computers as all
effecting elementary arithmetic operations such as addition,
quantum operations are reversible. This paper presents the
data relating to the primitive reversible gates which are multiplication and exponentiation cannot be directly
available in literature and helps researches in designing deduced from their classical Boolean counterparts
higher complex computing circuits using reversible gates. (classical logic gates such as AND or OR are clearly
irreversible).Thus, quantum arithmetic must be built from
Keywords— Reversible logic, Reversible gate, Power reversible logical components [3]. Reversible computation
dissipation, Garbage, Quantum cost, Quantum-dot Cellular in a system can be performed only when the system
Automata, Reversible Computing. comprises of reversible gates. A circuit/gate is said to be
reversible if the input vector can be uniquely recovered
I. INTRODUCTION from the output vector and there is a one-to-one
Energy dissipation is one of the major issues in present correspondence between its input and output assignments
day technology. Energy dissipation due to information loss [4-6].
in high technology circuits and systems constructed using An N*N reversible gate can be represented as
irreversible hardware was demonstrated by R. Landauer in
the year 1960. According to Landauer’s principle, the loss
of one bit of information lost, will dissipate kT*ln (2) Ov=(O1,O2,O3,………………….ON).
joules of energy where, k is the Boltzmann’s constant and
Where Iv and Ov represent the input and output vectors
k=1.38x10 -23 J/K, T is the absolute temperature in
Kelvin[1]. The primitive combinational logic circuits
In quantum computing, by considering the need of
dissipate heat energy for every bit of information that is
reversible gates, a literature survey has been done and the
lost during the operation. This is because according to
mostly available reversible logic gates are presented in this
second law of thermodynamics, information once lost
cannot be recovered by any methods.
In 1973, Bennett, showed that in order to avoid kTln2
joules of energy dissipation in a circuit it must be built
from reversible circuits [2]. A. Reversible Function:
According to Moore’s law the numbers of transistors The multiple output Boolean function F(x1; x2; :::; xn)
will double every 18 months. Thus energy conservative of n Boolean variables is called reversible if:
devices are the need of the day. The amount of energy
dissipated in a system bears a direct relationship to the a. The number of outputs is equal to the number of
number of bits erased during computation. Reversible inputs;
circuits are those circuits that do not lose information. b. Any output pattern has a unique pre-image.

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 3, March 2013)
In other words, reversible functions are those that H. Hardware Complexity :
perform permutations of the set of input vectors[7]. This refers to the total number of logic operation in a
B. Reversible logic gate: circuit. Means the total number of AND, OR and EXOR
operation in a circuit [14] and [15].
Reversible Gates are circuits in which number of outputs
is equal to the number of inputs and there is a one to one I. Design Constraints for Reversible Logic Circuits:
correspondence between the vector of inputs and outputs[8- The following are the important design constraints for
10]. It not only helps us to determine the outputs from the reversible logic circuits.
inputs but also helps us to uniquely recover the inputs from
 Reversible logic gates do not allow fan-outs.
the outputs.
 Reversible logic circuits should have minimum
C. Ancilla inputs/ constant inputs : quantum cost.
This refers to the number of inputs that are to be  The design can be optimized so as to produce
maintain constant at either 0 or 1 in order to synthesize the minimum number of garbage outputs.
given logical function[11].  The reversible logic circuits must use minimum
number of constant inputs.
D.Garbage outputs:  The reversible logic circuits must use a minimum
Additional inputs or outputs can be added so as to make logic depth or gate levels
the number of inputs and outputs equal whenever
necessary. This also refers to the number of outputs which III. REVERSIBLE LOGIC GATES
are not used in the synthesis of a given function. In certain There are many number of reversible logic gates that
cases these become mandatory to achieve reversibility. exist at present. The quantum cost of each reversible logic
Garbage is the number of outputs added to make an n-input gate is an important optimization parameter [16]. The
k-output function ((n; k) function) reversible. quantum cost of a 1x1 reversible gate is assumed to be zero
We use the words ―constant inputs‖ to denote the present while the quantum cost of a 2x2 reversible logic gate is
value inputs that were added to an (n; k) function to make it taken as unity. The quantum cost of other reversible gates
reversible. The following simple formula shows the is calculated by counting the number of V, V+ and CNOT
relation between the number of garbage outputs and gates present in their circuit. V is the square root of NOT
constant inputs . gate and V+ is its Hermitian. The V and V+ quantum gates
Input + constant input = output + garbage. [7] have the following properties:
V * V = NOT ……………………. (1)
E. Quantum cost:
V * V+ = V+ * V = 1 ……………. (2)
Quantum cost refers to the cost of the circuit in terms of V+ * V+ = NOT …………………. (3)
the cost of a primitive gate. It is calculated knowing the
Some of the important reversible logic gates are,
number of primitive reversible logic gates (1*1 or 2*2)
required to realize the circuit. The quantum cost of a circuit 1) NOT Gate
is the minimum number of 2*2 unitary gates to represent The simplest Reversible gate is NOT gate and is a 1*1
the circuit keeping the output unchanged. The quantum cost gate[7]. The Reversible 1*1 gate is NOT Gate with zero
of a 1*1 gate is 0 and that of any 2*2 gate is the same, Quantum Cost is as shown in the Figure 1.
which is 1 [12].
F. Flexibility : A NOT
Flexibility refers to the universality of a reversible logic
gate in realizing more functions [13]. (a) Block diagram (b) symbol
Figure1. NOT gate
G. Gate Level :
This refers to the number of levels in the circuit which 2) CNOT GATE
are required to realize the given logic functions. CNOT gate is also known as controlled-not gate. It is a
2*2 reversible gate. The CNOT gate can be described as:

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 3, March 2013)
Iv = (A, B) ; Ov = (P= A, Q= A B) 6) FREDKIN Gate:
Iv and Ov are input and output vectors respectively. Fredkin gate which is a 3*3 gate with inputs (A, B, C)
Quantum cost of CNOT gate is 1[17]. Figure 2 shows a 2*2 and outputs P=A, Q=A'B+AC, R=AB+A'C. It has Quantum
CNOT gate and its symbol. cost five[22].

(a) Block diagram (b) symbol

Figure 2: CNOT Gate (a) Block diagram (b) Logic circuit
3) FEYNMAN Gate Figure 6: Fredkin Gate
The Feynman gate which is a 2*2 gate and is also called 7) PERES Gate:
as Controlled NOT and it is widely used for fan-out
Peres gate which is a 3*3 gate having inputs (A, B, C)
purposes. The inputs (A, B) and outputs P=A, Q= A
and outputs P = A; Q = A XOR B; R = AB XOR C. It has
XOR B. It has Quantum cost one[19].
Quantum cost four[23].

(a) Block diagram (b) Logic circuit

(a) Block diagram (b) Logic circuit
Figure 3: FEYNMAN Gate
Figure 7: Peres Gate
4) Double Feynman Gate (F2G)
It is a 3*3 Double Feynman gate [20].The input vector is 8) TR Gate :
I (A, B, C) and the output vector is O (P, Q, R). The It is a 3x3 gate and its logic circuit and its quantum
outputs are defined by P = A, Q=AÅB, R=AÅC. Quantum implementation is as shown in the figure. It has quantum
cost of Double Feynman gate is 2. cost six [24].

(a) Block diagram (b) symbol

Figure 4: Double Feynman gate. Figure 8: TR Gate
5) TOFFOLI Gate: 9) NG Gate :
TOFFOLI gate which is a 3*3 gate with inputs (A, B, C) It is a 3x3 gate and its logic circuit and its quantum
and outputs P=A,Q=B, R=AB XOR C. It has Quantum cost implementation is as shown in the figure [25].

(a) Block diagram (b) symbol

Figure 9: NG Gate
(a) Block diagram (b) Logic circuit
Figure 5: Toffoli Gate

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 3, March 2013)
10) R Gate: 14) NFT Gate:
It is a 3x3 gate and its logic circuit is as shown in the It is a 3x3 gate and its logic circuit and its quantum
figure. The gate can be used to invert a signal and also to implementation is as shown in the figure. It has quantum
duplicate a signal [26]. Quantum implementation of R gate cost five [24].
is not discussed by author.

Figure 10: R Gate Block diagram

11) URG Gate: a) Block diagram

It is a 3*3 gate with inputs (A, B, C) and outputs P=
(A+B) xor C, Q= B, R = AB xor C [27]. Quantum
implementation of R gate is not discussed by author.

(b) Logic circuit

Figure 11: URG Gate Block diagram Figure 14: BJN Gate

12) BJN Gate: 15) TKS Gate:

It is a 3x3 gate and its logic circuit and its quantum The TKS gate can be used to implement any Boolean
implementation is as shown in the figure. It has quantum function since two of its outputs (P & R) can function as
cost five [24]. 2:1 multiplexer [28].

(a) Block diagram (b) Logic circuit

Figure 12: BJN Gate Figure 15: TKS Gate Block diagram
13) MCL gate: 16) TSG Gate:
The MCL gate is a 3x3 gate which maps the inputs A, B, The TSG gate is a (4, 4) reversible gate. The most
C to P= (B+C)’, Q= (A+B)’, R=A [24]. significant aspect of this gate is that it can work singly as a
reversible full adder, that is, a reversible full adder can be
implemented using a single gate only [29].

Figure 13: MCL Gate Block diagram

Figure 16: TSG Gate Block diagram

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 3, March 2013)
17) MTSG Gate: 21) BVF Gate:
The MTSG gate and its symbol is shown in fig 17 [30]. This is a reversible double XOR gate and can be used for
Quantum cost of MTSG gate is 6. the duplication of the required inputs to meet the fan-out
requirements. This gate is used to copy the operand bits and
the number of gates required to copy is reduced by 50%
with same quantum cost.[28]

(a) Block diagram (b) symbol

Figure 17: MTSG Gate

18) SCL Gate: Figure 21: Block diagram of BVF Gate

It is a 4x4 gate and its logic circuit is as shown in fig. 22) BME Gate:
[24]. The input vector is I(A,B,C,D) and the output vector is

Figure 18: Block diagram of SCL Gate

Figure 22: Block diagram of BME Gate
19) MKG Gate:
23) DPG Gate:
The MKG gate is a 4X4 gate i.e. it comprises of four
It is a 4*4 Double Peres Gate. The input vector is
inputs and four outputs [31].
I(A,B,C,D) and the output vector is O(P,Q,R,S). [32]

Figure 19: Block diagram of MKG Gate

Figure 23: Block diagram of DPG Gate
20) HNG Gate:
24) DKG Gate:
The reversible HNG gate can work singly as a reversible
A 4* 4 reversible DKG gate that can work singly as a
full adder. If the input vector IV = (A, B, Cin, 0), then the
reversible Full adder and a reversible Full subtractor. If
output vector becomes OV = (P=A, Q=Cin, R=Sum,
input A=0, the proposed gate works as a reversible Full
adder, and if input A=1, then it works as a reversible Full

Figure 20: Block diagram of HNG Gate

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 3, March 2013)
28) BSCL gate:
The purpose of this gateis either to find correction logic
for BCD subtraction or to pass same data to the output
depending on the control signal.Here F is the control signal
,if F is equal to 0 E A B C and D as it is passed to the
output P Q R S and T. If F is equal to 1, then output Q R S
and T depends on the value of E. If E is equal to 0 then Q R
Figure 24: Block diagram of DKG Gate S and T is the nines compliment of the input binary number
25) PTR Gate: A B C and D. If E is equal to 1 then binary number 0001 is
added to ABCD to get the valid corrected subtraction
A 4* 4 reversible PTR gate can work as a reversible Full
adder. [34]

Figure 25: Block diagram of PTR Gate Figure 28: BSCL Gate
26) NCG[Nines compliment gate]:
The key feature of this NCG is when control signal E is IV. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE SCOPE
equal to zero, four bit binary number is directly passed to The reversible circuits form the basic building block of
the output Q, R, S and T .When E is equal to one then, Q, quantum computers. This paper presents the primitive
R, S and T is equal to nines compliment of the number reversible gates which are gathered from literature and this
A,B, C and D. Therefore depending on control signal E, paper helps researches/designers in designing higher
either passnine’s compliment outputs will be available on complex computing circuits using reversible gates. The
output Q, R, S and T. paper can further be extended towards the digital design
development using reversible logic circuits which are
helpful in quantum computing, low power CMOS,
nanotechnology, cryptography, optical computing, DNA
computing, digital signal processing (DSP), quantum dot
cellular automata, communication, computer graphics.
We would like to express our sincere thanks to the
anonymous reviewers for their critical suggestions which
helped in improving the manuscript and also we express
Figure 26: NCG [Nines compliment gate]:
our gratitude to our respective faculty and our parents for
27) SBV Gate: supporting this work.
SBV gate is a 5 x 5 reversible gate. The fig 27 shows the REFERENCES
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