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ECE102 Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering L T P C

3 1 0 4
Version No.: 1.10
Prerequisite: None
This course will provide the students with an overview of the fundamental concepts in electrical
Expected Outcome
On the completion of this course the student will be able to:
1. Solve DC &AC Circuits
2. Understand the application of network theorems for electronic circuits.
3. Analyse the first & second order response of transient circuits.
4. Understand the basics of few electromechanical machines.
Unit I DC Circuit analysis
Terminologies, Ohms law, voltage & current division, source transformation, star-delta
conversion, superposition theorem, Thevenin’s & Norton’s theorems, Maximum power transfer
Unit II DC Transients
Circuit elements R, L, C. Response (forced & natural) of first order circuits (RL & RC).
Response of second order circuit (RLC).
Unit III AC Circuit analysis
RMS Values, average value, phasor representation of alternating quantities. Concept of j-
operator, Steady state AC circuit analysis for R, L, C, RL, RC & RLC series and parallel circuits.
Series and parallel resonance condition. AC power calculations. Introduction to three phase
systems, balanced. Star and delta connections. Measurement of three phase power.
Unit IV Magnetic circuits
Introduction to magnetic field, magnetic materials, analogy between electrical & magnetic
circuits, analysis of magnetic circuits, B-H curve, self & mutual inductance.
Unit V Electrical machines
Working principle, classification, types, construction of transformer. Ideal transformer, e.m.f
equation, voltage transformation ratio, phasor diagram, equivalent circuit of transformer.
Principle of DC machine, construction, classification, single loop generator, emf equation,
operation of DC motor, derivation of torque, speed control, speed torque characteristics. AC
machines (Qualitative Treatment)
Text Books
1. VIT Press, (Alexander and Sadiku, ‘Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, McGraw Hill, 3/e,
2008 Fitzgerald, Higginbotham, Grabel, “Basic Electrical Engineering”, McGraw Hill,

Reference Books
1. W.H.Hayt, J.E.Kemmerly & S.M.Durbin, “Engineering Circuit Analysis”, TMH, New Delhi,
2. E.Hughes, “Electrical & Electronics Fundamentals”, Pearson Education, 2007. Delhi
3. Chakrabarti “Circuit theory”, Dhanpat Rai & co., 2007.
4. Allan R. Hambley, “Electrical Engineering – Principles & applications”, Pearson Education,
4/e, 2008.

Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 309

ECE101 Electron Devices and Circuits L T P C
3 0 2 4
Version No.: 1.20
Prerequisite: PHY104
To give the students a solid background of solid state devices.
To apply that knowledge to understand and develop simple electronic circuits.
To design amplifiers under different configurations and study their parameters
To study the devices under low frequency for small signals
To simulate the above using soft tools and compare their output with hard-wired circuitry.
Expected Outcome
Demystification of Electronics.
Ability to use it as a tool to solve real life problems.
Gain full confidence to work with devices in various types of circuits.
Unit I Diodes
Semiconductor Materials and Properties, the p-n Junction, The ideal diode, Terminal
characteristics of junction diodes, Modeling diode forward characteristics, Revere breakdown
region – Zener diode, Rectifier circuits, Limiting and clamping circuits, Physical operation of
diodes, Special diodes.
Unit II The Bipolar Junction Transistor
Device structure and physical operation, current – voltage characteristics, the BJT as an amplifier
and a switch, DC Analysis of BJT Circuits, Biasing BJT Amplifier Circuits.
Unit III BJT Amplifiers
Small Signal operations and models, transconductance, input resistances, voltage gain, hybrid-p
model, T-model, Small Signal equivalent circuit, Early effect, Single stage BJT amplifiers CE, CB,
CC, Comparison.
Unit IV The MOS Field Effect Transistors
Device structure and physical operation, current – voltage characteristics, the MOSFET as an
amplifier and a switch, DC Analysis of MOSFET Circuits, Biasing MOSFET Amplifier Circuits.
Unit V MOSFET Amplifiers
Small Signal operations and models, transconductance gm, T equivalent circuit model, Body
effect, Single stage MOS amplifiers Amplifier Configuration, Common Source, Source Follower,
Common Gate Configuration,: Summary and Comparison of the three Basic Amplifier
Configurations, Summary and comparison
1. Adel S. Sedra, Kenneth C. Smith & Arun N. Chandorkar, Microelectronic Circuits,: Theory and
Applications, 5/e, OUP, Chennai, 2009
2. D. A. Neamen, ‘Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design’, 3/e, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi,
Reference Books
1. A. P. Malvino, D. J. Bates, ‘Electronic Principles’, 7/e, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2006.
2. R. L. Boylestad and L. Nashelsky ‘Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory’ 10/e, Pearson
Education, Delhi, 2008.
3. D. A. Bell, ‘Electronic Devices and Circuits’, 6/e, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2008.
4. T. F. Boghart, J. S. Beasley and G. Rico, ‘Electronic Devices and Circuits’, Pearson Education,
6/e, Delhi, 2004.
5. B G. Streetman and S. Banerjee, ‘Solid State Electronic Devices’, Pearson Education, Delhi, 2002.
Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End

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ECE101 Electron Devices and Circuits Lab


1. PN Junction diode characteristics

2. Zener diode characteristics
3. Full wave Rectifier
4. Full wave Rectifier with capacitor filter.
5. Clipper
6. Clamper
7. Transistor CB characteristics (Input and Output)
8. Transistor CE characteristics (Input and Output)
9. Transistor as an amplifier (CE)
10. Emitter Follower (CC)
11. FET characteristics
12. UJT Characteristics.

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ECE207 Analog Electronic Circuits L T P C
3 0 2 4
Version No.: 1.20
Prerequisite: ECE101 Electron Devices and Circuits.

· To build on EDC, the applications of amplifier Circuits at higher frequencies.
· To introduce the concepts of negative and positive feedback.
· To know the design of all relevant circuits.

Expected Outcome
· A clear concept of linear electronic circuits
· Comfort level in analyzing and designing different analog circuits.

Unit I BJT Internal Capacitances & High Frequency Model

Diffusion capacitance, B-E junction capacitance, C-B junction capacitance, high frequency
hybrid-p model, cutoff frequency, frequency response of a CE amplifier, the three frequency
bands, high frequency response, low frequency response, unity gain bandwidth.

Unit II MOSFET Internal Capacitances & High Frequency Model

Gate capacitive effect, junction capacitances, high frequency model, unity gain frequency,
frequency response of a CS amplifier, the three frequency bands, high frequency response, low
frequency response, CMOS digital logic inverter, Depletion type MOSFET, JFET.

Unit III Power Amplifiers

Preview, Power Amplifiers, Power Transistors, Classes of Amplifiers, Class A Power Amplifiers,
Class AB Push-Pull Complementary Output Stages.

Unit IV Differential and Multistage Amplifiers

Preview, the Differential Amplifier, Basic BJT Differential Pair, Basic FET Differential Pair,
Differential Amplifier with Active Load, BiCMOS Circuits, Gain Stage and Simple Output Stage,
Diff-Amp Frequency Response.

Unit V Feedback and Oscillators

Introduction to Feedback, Basic Feedback Concepts, Ideal Feedback Topologies, Voltage
Amplifiers, Current Amplifiers, Transconductance Amplifiers, Transresistance Amplifiers, Loop
Gain, Stability of the Feedback Circuit, Frequency Compensation, Barkhausen Criterion, Hartley,
Colpitt’s, Wien Bridge, RC Phase Shift and Crystal Oscillators.

1. Adel S. Sedra, Kenneth C. Smith & Arun N. Chandorkar , Microelectronic Circuits,: Theory and
Applications, 5/e, OUP, Chennai, 2009
2. D. A. Neamen, ‘Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design’ 3/e, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi,

Reference Books
1. P. Malvino, D. J. Bates, ‘Electronic Principles’, 7/e, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2006.
2. R. L. Boylestad and L. Nashelsky ‘Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory’ 10/e, Pearson
Education, Delhi, 2008.

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3. A. Bell, ‘Electronic Devices and Circuits’, 6/e, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2008.
4. T. F. Boghart, J. S. Beasley and G. Rico, ‘Electronic Devices and Circuits’, Pearson Education,
6/e, Delhi, 2004.

Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End

ECE207 Analog Electronic Circuits Lab

Prerequisite: ECE102 Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering /

ECE101 Electron Devices and Circuits

List of Experiments:

I. Using Multisim:
1. Introduction to software tool Multisim for circuit simulation.
2. Single stage (CE, CC) amplifiers.
3. RC coupled amplifier.
4. Darlington Emitter follower
5. Voltage series feedback amplifier (FET, BJT)
6. RC phase shift oscillator
II. Hardware testing:
7. RC coupled amplifier
8. RC phase shift Oscillator
9. Class A, Class B power Amplifier Circuits.
10. Series and Shunt feedback amplifiers
11. Class B Complementary symmetry power amplifier
12. Single tuned amplifier.

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ECE204 Analog Circuit Design L T P C
3 0 2 4
Version No.: 1.10
Prerequisite: ECE207 Analog Electronic Circuits
Describe the Characteristics, frequency response and limitations of the operational amplifiers.
Analyze and design operational amplifier circuits to perform analog computations, switching
circuits, waveform generators and active filters.
Describe the operations of the 555 timers and PLLs and their applications.
Exhibit the characteristics of DAC and ADC circuits.
Expected Outcome:
1. Apply mathematical concepts to characterize and model the circuits using IC 741.
2. Design and troubleshoot simple analog circuits using Op amp, Timer ICs and PLLs.
3. List and discuss possible reasons for deviation between predicted and measured results from
an experiment or problems.
4. Construct A/D and D/A converters and study their characteristics.
Unit I Op-Amp Characteristics
Op-Amp equivalent circuits, terminals, ideal Op-Amp, Op-Amp DC characteristics: Low-
Frequency Model of Op-Amp, Non inverting Amplifier, Inverting Amplifier, bias, offset,
thermal drift, AC characteristics: Closed-Loop Frequency Response, Slew Rate, Combination of
Linear Noise in Operational Amplifier, Common Mode Rejection.

Unit II Linear Op- Amp Circuits

DC and AC amplifiers, summing, scaling, and averaging amplifiers, Instrumentation amplifiers,
I/V, V/I converter, Integrator, Differentiator, differential amplifiers. Op-amp with negative
feedback: voltage series, voltage shunt feedback amplifiers, Signal conditioning Circuits.

Unit III Op-Amps with Diodes

Logarithmic Amplifiers, Rectifiers, Peak DetSection and Voltage Regulation, LM 117/LM317
Unit IV Comparators and Waveform Generators
Comparator – zero crossing detector, schmitt trigger, free-running, one-shot Multivibrators, sine
wave generators- Barkhausen Criterion ,phase-shift, wein-bridge oscillators, Square/Triangular,
saw-tooth wave Function Generator.

Unit V Active Filters

Filter Classifications, Frequency and Impedance Scaling Butterworth Filter Responses Low-Pass
and High Pass Designs, Band-Pass Filter, Notch filter, All-pass filter.

Unit VI PLL and Timers

Phase detector comparator, VCO, Low-pass filter, monolithic PLL, PLL applications, operating
modes 555 timer, Astable and monostable operation and applications.

Unit VII A/D and D/A Converters

Sample-and-hold circuits, DAC characteristics, D/A conversion techniques, A/D characteristics,
A/D conversion techniques-integrating, successive approximation, flash converters.

1. R. A. Gayakwad, “Op-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuit”, 4/e Pearson Education, 2003.

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 314

2. D. Roy Choudhury, “Linear integrated Circuits”, New-Age International Publishers, 2002.

Reference Books
1. Robert F. Coughlin, and Driscoll,” Operational Amplifiers and Linear Integrated Circuits”, 6/e,
Pearson Education 2001.
2. P. R. Gray and R. G. Meyer,” Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuit, John Wiley, 2003.

Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End Examination.

ECE204 Analog Circuit Design Lab

List of Experiments
1. Design of square wave generator for a specified frequency and duty cycle, using OP-Amp
IC741 and Design of triangular wave generator from square wave generator.
2. Design of a sinusoidal oscillator for specified frequency based on Wien bridge and RC phase
shift oscillators using IC-741
3. Design and testing of precision rectifier.
4. Design and testing of Active Filters LPF& HPF for specified frequency
5. Application of Timer IC 555

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ECE206 Signals and Systems L T P C
3 0 0 3
Version No.: 1.20

Prerequisite: MAT101 Multivariable Calculus and Differential Equations

§ Study of characteristics of fundamental signals like unit impulse, unit step, Ramp and
§ To study various operations on the signals.
§ Study of systems as linear, time invariant, causal and stable ones.
§ Introduction of concept of linear convolution and correlation for LTI systems.
§ Study of different forms and properties of Fourier transform.
§ Study of utility of Fourier transform for analysis of signals passed through systems.
§ Laplace Transform as a tool for analysis of continuous systems.
§ Z-transform as a tool for analysis of discrete systems.
Expected Outcome
1. Differentiate between various types of signals like unit impulse, unit step, ramp and
2. Understand the concepts of damped sinusoids and periodicity.
3. Study the concept of even and odd signals.
4. Study the concept of stability of a system.
5. Study the use of Fourier series and Fourier transform for analysis of continuous signals.
6. know about power spectral density of signals.

Unit I Continuous Time Signals

Signal classification – Dirac delta – Types of signals: unit step, ramp, sign and exponential
functions – Operations on signals – Analogy between vectors and signals –Concept of linearly
dependent and independent vectors, Cauchy Swartz’s inequality– Orthogonality – Mean square
error – Computation of moments, energy, power, periodicity, LP, L2, and L¥, Norms of signals –
Fourier series – Fourier transform and its properties – Time-Bandwidth product – Fourier
transform of periodic and power signals – power and energy spectral densities – Auto and cross
correlation of periodic and aperiodic signals.

Unit II Continuous Time Systems

Systems defined by differential equations-Classification of systems – Linearity and time
invariance – Transmission of signals through LTI systems – Convolution – Impulse response –
Frequency response – Ideal filters – Distortion less transmission – Bandwidth – Rise time –
Hilbert transform – Pre and complex envelopes – Band pass signals through band pass systems.

Unit III Discrete Time Signals and Systems

Continuous to Discrete signal conversion (sampling)-Unit impulse, step, ramp, and exponential
signals – Periodicity of signals – Operations on signals – Linear Shift Invariant (LSI) system –
Stability – Causality – Convolution and Correlation – Linear constant coefficient difference
equation – Impulse response – Discrete time Fourier transform – Properties – Transfer function
– System analysis using DTFT.

Unit IV The Z-Transform

Derivation and definition – ROC – Properties – Linearity, time shifting, change of scale, Z-
domain differentiation, differencing, accumulation, convolution in discrete time, initial and final

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value theorems – Poles and zeros in Z-plane – The inverse Z-transform – System analysis –
Transfer function - BIBO stability – System response to standard signals – Solution of difference
equations with initial conditions.

Unit V Laplace Transform

Definition – ROC – Properties – Inverse Laplace transform – the S-plane and BIBO stability –
Transfer functions – System response to standard signals – Solution of differential equations
with initial conditions.

1. Alan V. Oppenheim, Alan S. Wilsky, with S. Hamid Nawab, "Signals and Systems", Prentice-
Hall of India, 2nd Edition, 2010.
2. M.J.Roberts, "Signals and Systems", Tata McGraw-Hill, 2006.

Reference Books:
1. Simon Haykin “Signals and Systems”, John Wiley Pub. Ltd, New Delhi. 2008.
2. Simon Haykin, "Communication Systems", Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi.
3. Ashok Ambardar, "Analog and Digital Signal Processing", Thomson Learning Inc.
4. B.P.Lathi, "Signals, Systems and Communications", B.S. Publications, 2006.

Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End

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ECE201 Probability Theory and Random Processes L T P C
3 0 0 3
Version No.: 1.10
Prerequisite: ECE206 Signals and Systems
§ To discuss the concepts of discrete and continuous random variables and to calculate the
parameters such as mean and variance.
§ To apply vector space concepts in random signal processing.
§ To classify various types of probability distributions that occurs frequently in communication
and signal processing.
§ To associate the concept of strong law of large numbers and the role of Central limit
theorem in the convergence of the random variables.
§ To illustrate the concept of random process in WSS and SSS with the importance of
Ergodicity and its real time applications.
§ To estimate the power spectral density for a given random signal.

Expected Outcome:
1. Obtain probability law (distribution) for a set of output random variables.
2. Identify a specific distribution to be used for a particular random data.
3. Interpret the concept of convergences in random signals from different applications.
4. Describe the random signals in terms of its average properties such as average power in the
random signal and its spectral distribution.
5. Model and analyze the effect of noise in electronic circuits used in communication systems.

Unit I Probability & Random variables

Introduction to Probability-Joint and Conditional Probability-Independent Events-Combined
Experiments-Bernouli`s Trial-Random Variables-concepts-Distribution and Density Function-
Conditional Distribution and Density function.

Unit II Special distributions

Expectations-Moments (variance)- Uniform Distribution, Gaussian Distribution, Binomial
Distribution and Poisson distributions.

Unit III Operations on Random Variable

Operations on One Random Variable- MGF-Chernoff`s Inequality & Bounds-Multiple Random
Variables-Vector Random Variables-Joint distribution and its Properties-Joint Density and its
Properties- Central limit theorem- Operation on two random variables –expected value of a
function of random -2D Gaussian distribution.

Unit IV Random process

Random process- realizations, sample paths, discrete and continuous time processes.
Probabilistic structure of a random process; mean, autocorrelation and autocovariance functions
Stationarity- strict-sense stationary (SSS) and wide-sense stationary (WSS) processes.
Autocorrelation function of a real WSS process and its properties, cross-correlation function .
Ergodicity and its importance. Spectral representation of a real WSS process- power spectral
density, properties of power spectral density. Cross-power spectral density and properties.
autocorrelation function and power spectral density of a WSS random sequence.

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Unit V Special Random Processess
Linear time-invariant system with a WSS process as an input- stationarity of the output, auto-
correlation and power-spectral density of the output; examples with white-noise as input-
Modeling of noise sources-Resistive Noise Sources-Effective Noise Temperature-Power Gain-
Average Noise figures-Average Noise Temperatures-Model of Example System-Markov Process.

1. P.Z. Peebles, Probability, Random Variables and Random Signal Principles, 4th edition,
McGraw Hill, 2000

Reference Books:
1. Papoulis and S.U. Pillai, Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes, 4th
Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2002.
2. Sophoncles J. Orfanidis, “Optimum Signal processing”, McGraw Hill, New York 1990.
3. John G. Proakis & Dimitris G. Manolakis “Digital Signal Processing”, Pearson Education
(Indian adopted version), 1/e, 2006.
4. Seymour Lipschutz, “Theory and problems of probability”, Schaums outline series, McGraw
Hill, 1987.
5. Hwei Hsu, “Probability, Random variables, Random processes”, Schaums outline series,
McGraw Hill, 2002.
6. Monson H.Hayes, “Statistical digital signal processing and modelling”, John Wiley and sons,
7. H. Stark and J.W. Woods, Probability and Random Processes with Applications to Signal
Processing, Prentice Hall 2002.

Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End

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ECE203 Modulation Techniques L T P C
3 0 2 4
Version No.: 1.20

Prerequisite: ECE101 Electron Devices and Circuits

§ To introduce the elements of communication systems, describe the generalized block
diagram and the types of communication systems.
§ To discuss the concepts of noise, noise voltage, noise temperature, SNR of various
modulation schemes.
§ To explain the need for modulation and describe the concepts behind the CW, PM, Angle
modulation techniques.
§ To illustrate and explain various pulse modulation techniques

Expected Outcome:
1. Analyze the effects of noise in CW &angle modulation
2. Demonstrate the generation and detection of amplitude and angle modulation techniques
3. Identify and compare different pulse modulation techniques

Unit I Introduction to Communication System

Need and Importance of Communication, Elements of Communication System, Generalized
block diagram of communication system, Role of each block (information source, transmitter,
channel/communication media, receiver).Types of communication systems- Simplex and Duplex
systems, Analog and digital systems, Applications of Electronic Communications,
Electromagnetic Spectrum used in communication and various frequency bands, Concept of

Unit II Amplitude Modulation

Need for modulation – amplitude modulation – frequency spectrum – Power relation –different
types of modulators – SSB and VSB modulation and demodulation. AM transmitters – Block
diagram – functions of each block – high level transmitters- Problems.

Unit III Angle Modulation

Principle of frequency and phase – modulation – Relation between FM and PM waves –
Bandwidth of FM – Narrow band wide band FM – Generation of FM wave – Direct and
Indirect methods – FM transmitters – Block diagram – functions of each block- Problems.

Unit IV Noise, Detection and Receivers

Noise in communication and types of noise (External and Internal), Noise voltage, Signal-to-
noise ratio, Noise figure, Noise temperature.
Noise in CW modulation systems:
Receiver model, signal to noise ratio (SNR), noise figure, noise temperature, noise in DSB-SC,
SSB, AM & FM receivers, pre-emphasis and de-emphasis
Detection – Diode detectors – Synchronous detection – FM detectors – slope detectors – Phase
discriminators – Ratio detectors. Receiver – different types – super hetero dyne receivers – Block
diagram – Choice of IF and Oscillator frequencies – Tracking – alignment – AVC, AFC –
Receiver characteristics.

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Unit V Pulse Modulation Systems
Sampling theorem – Pulse amplitude modulation – Channel bandwidth for PAM – detection of
PAM signals –Pulse width modulation – generation of PWM and PPM –conversion of PWM to
PPM – detection of PWM and PPM –TDM & FDM, problems related to TDM & FDM.

1. G. Kennedy, “Electronic Communication Systems”, McGraw Hill, 2006.
2. Roddy and Coolen, “Electronic Communication”, Prentice Hall of India, 2005.

Reference Books
1. Taub and Schilling, “Principles of Communication Systems”, McGraw Hill, 2007.
2. Wayne Tomasi, “Electronic Communications Systems – Fundamentals Through
advanced”, 5th Edition, Pearson Education, 2005.
3. Wayne Tomasi, “Electronic Communications Systems – Fundamentals Through
advanced”, 4th Edition, Pearson Education, 2007.

Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End

ECE203 Modulation Techniques Lab

List of Experiments:

1. Amplitude modulation
2. Amplitude demodulation
3. Frequency modulation
4. Frequency demodulation
5. Pulse amplitude modulation
6. Pulse width modulation
7. Mixer
8. Pre-emphasis
9. De-emphasis
10. Sample and Hold Circuit.
11. Noise calculation in AM receiver using MATLAB.
12. Noise calculation in FM receiver using MATLAB.

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ECE105 Network Analysis L T P C
3 0 0 3
Version No.: 1.00
Prerequisite: ECE102 Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering
This course will provide the students with an overview of the fundamental concepts in
Electronics Engineering.

Expected Outcome:
1. Derive the empirical relationship between power, voltage and current and analyze the AC
circuits with dependent sources in steady state.
2. Understand the application of network theorems for electronic circuits.
3. Understand the Laplace Transform and its application on linear network analysis.
4. Understand the basics of two port networks and its different parameters like Z.Y, h and
ABCD. Interconnection of two port networks.
5. Understand the Fourier series, Fourier Transform and its application on linear network
6. Design the passive filters for various applications.

Unit I Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis & Network Topology

Steady State Sinusoidal Analysis Using Phasors, Nodal and Mesh analysis. Network Theorems:
Superposition and Reciprocity, Thevenin and Norton’s Theorem, Maximum Power Transfer
Theorem, Millman’s and compensation theorems. Matrices Associated with Graphs; Incidence,
Fundamental Cut-set and tie set matrix formation.

Unit II Circuit Analysis in the S-domain

Reviews of laplace transform, Notations of impedance and admittance, poles, zeros and transfer
functions, Analysis of circuits subject to periodic and non-periodic excitations using Laplace
transforms. Complex-frequency plane, circuits in the s-domain. Concept of free and forced
response of circuits.

Unit III Two-Port Networks

One port networks, two port admittance parameters, admittance parameter analysis of
terminated two ports, Two port impedance parameters, impedance and gain calculations of
terminated two ports modeled by Z- parameters, Hybrid parameters, Generalized two-port
parameters, transmission parameters, Reciprocity, parallel, Series and cascade connections of

Unit IV Fourier Method of Waveform analysis

Analysis of circuits subject to periodic and non periodic excitations using Fourier series and
Fourier transforms. Effective values and power.

Unit V Principles of Basic Passive Filtering

Filters – Concept of filtering, filter types(Low pass, High pass, Band pass & Band stop)and
characteristics, classical design of T and PI passive filters, frequency transformations.

1. Network Analysis – M.E. Van Valkenberg, Prentice-Hall of Idnia Pvt. Ltd., 3rd edition, 1998.
2. Engineering circuit analysis – By William Hayt and jack E. Kemmerly, McGraw-Hill
Companies, 6th edition.

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Reference Books
1. Charles K Alexander, Mathew N O Sadiku, “Fundamentals of Electric Circuits”, Tata
McGraw Hill, 2008.
2. A. Chakrabarti “Circuit Theory”, Dhanpat Rai & Co.
Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End

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ECE208 Engineering Electromagnetics L T P C
3 0 0 3
Version No.: 1.10
Prerequisite: -
§ Analyze the electric field intensity due to point, line, surface, volume charges
§ Define potential, gradient and solve capacitance problems
§ Relate the magnetic field intensity and current, force and torque and the Maxwell’s equations
in point form and integral form.
§ Develop the Boundary conditions between two different medium in electric and magnetic
§ Understand the uniform plane wave propagation from the time varying electric and magnetic

Expected Outcome:
1. Derive the electric flux density from the Gauss’s law and define potential and potential
2. Describe the current and current density from ohm’s law
3. Solve the capacitance problem using Poisson’s equations and Laplace’s equations and the
boundary conditions from two different media of different dielectrics.
4. Solve the different problems on forces and torques on a closed circuit.
5. Explain the time varying electric and magnetic fields and plane wave propagation

Unit I Vector Calculus

Cartesian, cylindrical, and spherical coordinate systems – Divergence, gradient, curl, and
Laplacian – Divergence and Stokes' theorems.

Unit II Electrostatics
Coulomb's Law, electric field intensity – Field due to continuous line, sheet, and volume charges
– Electric flux density – Gauss Law & it's applications – Energy expended in moving a charge in
an electric field, potential & potential gradient – Energy density in an electrostatic field
(qualitative study)

Current and Current Density – Properties & boundary conditions of metallic conductors, and
method of images – Properties & boundary conditions of semiconductors and dielectrics –
Poisson's & Laplace’s equations – Uniqueness Theorem.

Unit III Magnetostatics

Biot-Savart’s law, magnetic field intensity – Ampere’s circuital law – Magnetic flux and flux
density – Magnetic scalar and vector potentials – Force on a moving charge (Lorentz force),
force on a differential current element, and force between differential current elements (Ampere
force law) – Boundary conditions – Potential energy and forces on magnetic materials –
Inductance and mutual inductance.

Unit IV Maxwell’s Equations & Time-Varying Electromagnetic Fields

Faraday’s law – Displacement current – Maxwell’s equations in point and integral forms.
Plane waves in free space, perfect & lossy dielectrics, and good conductors – Power and
Poynting vector – Reflection of a plane wave at normal incidence (both conducting and dielectric
boundaries) – Wave polarization: linear, elliptic, and circular polarizations.

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1. Mathew O Sadiku, “Elements of Electromagnetics”, Oxford University press, 4/e, New
York, 2006.
2. William Hayt and John Buck “Engineering Electromagnetics”, 7/e, Tata McGraw Hill, New
Delhi, 2007.

Reference Books:
1. Jordan & Balmain “Electromagnetic wave Radiating Systems”, Prentice Hall of India.
2. D K Cheng, “Field and wave Electromagnetics”,2/e, Addison Wesley, 2004.
3. John D Kraus, “Electromagnetics”, McGraw Hill, New York, 2003.

Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End

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ECE103 Digital Logic Design L T P C
3 0 2 4
Version No.: 1.10
Prerequisite: ECE101 Electron Devices and Circuits
Establish a strong understanding of the principles of Digital Design.
Provide Understanding of number systems and Boolean algebra.
Represent logical functions in Canonical form and standard forms.
Develop the Knowledge of combinational and sequential circuits design.
Enable the student to design and implement their circuits
Expected Outcome:
1. An ability to understand the basic number systems used in digital design
2. An ability to understand the basic principles of Boolean algebra
3. An ability to design and analyze combinational logic and sequential logic digital circuits
4. Develop state diagrams and algorithmic state machine charts methods of minimization of
next state transition tables, and strategies for state assignment.
5. An ability to design and analyze finite state machines.
6. An ability to design and implement Combinational and Sequential circuits using PLAs.
Unit I Number systems and Boolean algebra 3 hours
Brief review of Digital systems, Binary numbers, Number base conversions, Representation of
Negative Numbers, Complements, Binary arithmetic, Binary Codes for Decimal Numbers.
Basic Definitions, Axiomatic Definition of Boolean Algebra, Basic Theorems and Properties of
Boolean Algebra, Boolean Functions, Canonical and Standard Forms, Digital Logic Gates and
timing concepts.
Unit II Gate-Level Minimization 4 hours
The Map Method - K-map 4 variable, Product of Sums Simplification, NAND and NOR
Implementation, Other Two-Level Implementations. Review of , RTL, DTL, TTL, ECL, CMOS
Unit III VerilogHDL Coding Style 8 hours
Lexical Conventions - Ports and Modules – Operators - Gate Level Modeling - System Tasks &
Compiler Directives - Test Bench - Data Flow Modeling - Behavioral level Modeling -Tasks &
Unit IV Design and Modeling of Combinational Logic Circuits using 15 hours
Analysis Procedure, Design Procedure, Binary Adder-Subtractor, Parallel Adder, Carry look
Ahead Adder, Binary Multiplier, Code Converters-Binary to Gray, Gray to Binary, BCD to
Excess-3 Code Conversion and vice versa, BCD to 7-segment code converter, Magnitude
Comparator-4 bit, Decoders, Encoders, Multiplexers, De-multiplexer, Parity generator and
Modeling of above combinational circuits using Verilog.
Unit V Sequential Logic 15 hours
Latches, Flip-Flops-SR, D, JK & T, realization of FFs, synchronous and asynchronous sequential
circuits-State table and state diagrams, State reduction, Shift Registers-SISO, SIPO, PISO,PIPO,
Design of counters-Modulo-n, Johnson, Ring, Up/Down, Design of Serial Adder, Serial
Multiplier, FSM, Mealy and Moore state machines - State minimization – Sequence detection.
Modeling of above sequential circuits using Verilog.
1. M. Morris Mano, "Digital Design", 4th Edition, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 2012.
2. Samir Palnitkar,” Verilog HDL: A Guide to Digital Design and Synthesis” Prentice Hall,
Second Edition, 2009.

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 326

Reference Books
1. Charles H. Roth, Jr., "Fundamentals of Logic Design", 6th Edition, Brooks/Cole, 2009.
2. Thomas L. Floyd & R P Jain, “Digital Fundamentals”, PHI, 10th Edition, 2009.
3. Ronald J Tocci & Neal S. Widmer, “Digital Systems, Principles and Applications”,
10th edition, Pearson education, 2009.
4. Ronald J. Tocci & Neal S. Widmer, “Digital Systems, Principles and Frank Vahid, “Digital
Design”, John Wiley and Sons, 2007.

Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End

ECE103 Digital Logic Design Lab

Prerequisite: ECE101 Electron Devices and Circuits

List of Experiments:
1. Verification of logic gates
2. Design of HA, FA, HS, FS.
3. MUX and De-MX (SOP, POS-Minimization)
4. Encoder and Decoder
5. Parity Generator and checker
6. Code Converters.
7. Verification of Flip Flops.

Software experiments ( Altera Quartus-II and Model Sim)

8. Modeling of HA, FA, HS, FS, MUX ,De-MUX, Encoder, Decoder and FF
9. Shift Registers and their types.
10. Counters and their typed.
11. Design of Sequential Circuit.
12. Sequence Detector.

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 327

ECE302 Computer Organization and Architecture L T P C
3 0 0 3
Version No.: 1.20
Prerequisite: ECE103 Digital Logic Design

• To demonstrate the application of discrete mathematics, Boolean algebra, and simple
digital design to the field of computers and computer architecture.
• To describe the functioning of the control unit and look at the different implementations
of the control unit (hardwired and microprogrammed)
• Recognize and analyze the basics of hierarchical memory and virtual memory.
• To describe I/O system and its interconnection with CPU and memory.
• To expose the learners the different architectural and organizational design issues that can
affect the performance of a computer such as Instruction Sets design, Pipelining, RISC
architecture, and Superscalar architecture.
• Recognize and illustrate parallel architectures and interconnection networks

Expected Outcome:
• The knowledge of how previous engineering science curricula have been applied in the
field of computers and computer architecture.
• The ability to perform basic computer system component designs, defines an instruction
set architecture and assembly language for the computer system, analyze the performance
of the computer and identify a range of performance enhancements.
• An ability to engage in lifelong learning of the computing system performance and
architecture evolution.
• A knowledge of contemporary issues related to the architecture, design, implementation
and use of Computers.

Unit I Computing Systems- An Introduction

Definitions - Organization and Architecture, Structure and Functional blocks, Bus
interconnection, designing for Performance, Structure of IAS computer.

Unit II Central Processing Unit

Register organization, Arithmetic and Logic Unit- numbering systems, Integer Representation,
Integer Arithmetic – Addition , 2’s Complement subtraction, Multiplication and division,
Floating point Representation and Arithmetic Instruction set, Addressing modes, Data path
implementation, Register Transfer Notation (RTN), Abstract RTN, and Concrete RTN,
Control Unit - Hardwired control unit and Micro instruction, sequencing and execution.

Unit III Memory System & I/O Organization

Semiconductor RAM memories-Internal organization of Memory Chips, SRAM, DRAM,
Read-Only memories-ROM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM, Secondary storage- magnetic disk,
optical memory.
Cache Memories-Mapping Function-Direct, Set Associative, (Replacement algorithms),
Performance consideration-Interleaving, Hit Rate and Miss Penalty.
Virtual memory - Address translation, Paging and segmentation.

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 328

Unit IV I/O Organization
Interfacing I/O Devices with CPU- Programmed I/O, Interrupt driven I/O, DMA controlled
Overview, Scheduling-FCFS, SJF, Priority, Mutual exclusion, Memory management.

Unit V Computing System Performance and Architecture Evolution

Von-Neumann vs. Harvard architectures, Instruction Cycle- Fetch, Decode, Execute Decode,
Moore’s law, RISC -Instruction execution Characteristics, use of a large register file, compiler-
based registers optimization, pipelining and Pipeline hazards, No. of Pipeline stage,
Performance consideration .Instruction level parallelism-overview, Design issues, Super Scalar
Processors, VLIW.

Unit VI Multiprocessors
Processor level parallelism-Dependency, Flynn taxonomy, Memory organization for
Multiprocessors system, Symmetric Multiprocessor, Cache Coherence and The MESI

1. Computer Organization and Architecture - William Stallings Sixth Edition, Pearson/PHI
2. Computer Systems Architecture - M.Moris Mano, IIIrd Edition, Pearson/PHI 2003.

Reference Book:
1. Computer Organization and Design-the hardware/software interface -David A. Patterson,
John L. Hennessy, Third edition, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2009.

Mode of Evaluation CAT- I & II, Quiz, Assignments, Term End Examination.

Carl Hamacher,Text
Hwang and Briggs
Harold Stone

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 329

ECE307 Information Theory and Coding L T P C
3 0 0 3
Version No.: 1.10
Prerequisite: ECE305 Digital Communication

• Describe and analyze the information source and channel capacity
• Differentiate between the uniform and non-uniform quantization
• Analyze the source coding techniques such as Shanan Fano Encoding, Huffman Coding,
Arithmetic Coding.
• Apply statistical techniques for signal detection
• Construct the various channel coding schemes such as block codes, cyclic codes and
convolutional codes.

Expected Outcome:
1. Apply mathematical models that describes the behavior of information source and channel
capacity and the performance of source coding and channel coding techniques
2. Solve mathematical problems in source coding and channel coding techniques and
implement in Matlab.

Unit I Information Theory

Introduction, Uncertainty, Information and it’s property, Entropy and its property, Joint and
Conditional Entropy, Mutual Information and its property, Information measures for
Continuous random variables.

Unit II Channel classification and Capacity

Channel capacity theorem, Continuous and Discrete Communication channels – Discrete
memory less channels - channel representations - noiseless channel, lossless channels,
Deterministic, Binary symmetric channel (BSC), Binary Erasure channel (BEC) and their

Unit III Source Coding Techniques

Coding for Discrete memory less sources: – Fixed length code words, Variable length code
words, Kraft Inequality, Prefix coding, Shannon’s first , second and third theorem, Shannon
binary Encoding, Shannon- Fano Encoding, Huffman Coding : minimum and maximum
variance method, Arithmetic Coding, Dictionary Coding- LZ , LZW Coding.

Unit IV Error Control Coding

Types of Errors, Types of Codes, Linear Block Codes: Error Detection and Error Correction
Capabilities of Linear Block codes, Binary Cyclic codes , Encoding using Shift register, Syndrome
Calculation, Error detection, and Error correction, Convolutional codes – Encoders and
Decoders for convolutional codes, LDPC Codes, Trellis Codes, Turbo Codes, Viterbi Coding.

Unit V Detection of Signals and Channels with Noise

Hypothesis testing – Baye’s criterion – Minimum error probability criterion, Neyman Pearson
criterion, Minmax criterion-Maximum Likelihood detector-Wiener filter-Continuous and
Discrete channels with noise.

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 330

1. K. Sam Shanmugam, “Digital and Analog Communication Systems”, John Wiley and Sons,
2. Simon Haykin, “Communication Systems”, John Wiley and Sons, 2009.

Reference Books:
1. Thomas M. Cover, Joy A. Thomas,” Elements of Information Theory”, John Wiley and
Sons, 2004.
2. Ranjan Bose,” Information Theory, Coding and Cryptography”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2012.

Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 331

ECE202 Transmission Lines and Fields L T P C
3 0 0 3
Version No. 1.01
Prerequisite ECE208 Engineering Electromagnetics

• Introduce various types of transmission lines and analyze the lumped circuit model of a
transmission line and their characteristics.
• Illustrate the concept of planar transmission lines.
• Define SWR, Reflection Coefficient, Return loss and impedance matching.
• Describe the various noise sources of electromagnetic signals and the ways to combat
Electromagnetic Interference.
• Analyze the propagation of electromagnetic waves in waveguides

Expected Outcome
1. Interpret the lumped circuit model of a transmission line with circuit theory and determine
characteristic impedance, propagation constant and reflection coefficient.
2. Compute the SWR, reflection coefficient parameters using smith chart and design single stub
matching and double stub matching.
3. Infer E and H field distribution in Microstrip, strip and coplanar lines.
4. Deduce the field configuration of parallel plate, rectangular and circular waveguide.

Unit I Transmission Line theory

Common types of transmission lines used in circuits, lumped circuit model for transmission line
and formal solutions. Characteristic impedance, propagation constant, attenuation and phase
constants. Open circuited and short circuited lines. Reflection of line not terminated in Z0-
Reflection coefficient- standing wave ratio- reflection factor return loss. Generator and
mismatches- distortion in transmission lines.

Unit II Planar transmission lines

Microstrip lines- Characteristic impedance-Losses in microstrip lines – Q-factor of microstrip
line. Parallel strip lines- distributed parameters- characteristic impedance- losses Coplanar strip
line- shielded strip line- tapered strip line-microstrip resonator CAT cable.

Unit III Matching and Measurement

Transmission line resonator- impedance matching-single and double stub. Narrowband and
broadband matching- quarter wave transformer. Measurement of VSWR, impedance, insertion
loss and attenuation using Smith chart.

Unit IV Introduction to EMI

Electromagnetic noise sources - Coupling of transmission lines to external EM fields – Coupling
between lines - Grounding and shielding methods.

Unit V Waveguides
General solutions for TEM, TE and TM waves- parallel plate waveguide Rectangular waveguide
-TE, TM modes, power transmission, losses in rectangular waveguide excitation of modes.
Circular waveguide- TE, TM modes, power transmission Dielectric fiber and rod waveguide-
waveguide coupling, attenuation factor and Q of waveguide Coaxial lines – TEM and higher
order modes.

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 332

1. David M. Pozar, “Microwave Engineering”, John Wiley 2003.
2. John D. Ryder, “Network lines and Fields”, PHI, 2003.

1. Samuel Y Liao, “Microwave devices and circuits”, Pearson education, 2003.
2. Robert C Newman, “Broadband Communication”, PH International, 2002.

Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 333

ECE210 Control Systems Engineering L T P C
3 0 0 3
Version No.: 1.00

Prerequisite: MAT105 Differential And Difference Equations,

ECE102 Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering
• To present a clear exposition of the classical methods of control engineering, physical system
modeling, and basic principles of frequency and time domain design techniques.
• To teach the practical control system design with realistic system specifications.
• To provide knowledge of state variable models and fundamental notions of state feedback

Expected Outcome:
1. Calculate the transfer function from the block diagram
2. Determine the stability of linear systems
3. Design PID controllers from design specifications
4. Apply frequency domain methods to determine stability
5. Formulate state-space models

Unit I Systems and their representations

Basic elements in control systems – open loop & closed loop – Transfer functions of
mechanical, electrical, thermal and analogous systems. Block diagram reduction – and signal flow
graphs. Control System Components: DC Servo motor – AC Servo Motor- Synchro – Stepper

Unit II Time Response Analysis

Time response – Time domain specifications – Types of test inputs – I and II order system
response – Steady state error, error constants, generalized error coefficient – Introduction to P,
PI, PID controllers – Stability – Concept and definition, Characteristic equation – Location of
poles – Routh Hurwitz criterion – Root locus techniques: construction.

Unit III Frequency Response Analysis and Design

Bode plots – Polar plot – Nyquist stability criterion – Correlation between frequency domain and
time domain specifications – stability analysis using frequency response methods.

Unit IV Compensator and Controller Design

Realization of basic compensators, cascade compensation in time domain and frequency domain,
feedback compensation – Design of lag, lead, lag-lead series compensator (using Bode plot) –
Design of P, PI and PID controllers in frequency domain.

Unit V State-Space Analysis

State equation – Solutions – Realization – Controllability – Observability – State space to
transfer function conversion – Pole placement.

1. Norman S. Nise, “Control System Engg”, John Wiley & Sons, 4th Edition, 2004.

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 334

Reference Books:
1. Smarajit Ghosh, “Control System (Theory and Applications)”, Pearson Education, 2005.
2. Graham C. Goodwin, Stefan F.Graebe, Mario E. Sagado, “Control System Design”, Phi,
3. M. Gopal, “Digital Control and State Variable Methods”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003.
4. Rao V Dukkipatti, “Control Systems”, Narosa Publications, 2005.
5. I.J. Nagarth and M. Gopal, “Control Systems Engineering”, New Age International, 3rd
Edition, 2004.
6. M. Gopal, “Control Systems-Principles and Design”, Tata McGraw Hill-3rd Edition. 2002.
7. K. Ogata, “Modern Control Engineering”, Pearson Edition-4th Edition, 2005.

Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 335

ECE303 Digital Signal Processing L T P C
3 0 2 4
Version No. 1.30
Prerequisite: ECE206 Signals and Systems

• To recognize linear time-invariant (LTI) discrete-time systems
• To find frequency response of LTI system, find zeros and poles in discrete-time LTI system
• To design IIR filters using impulse invariance, design FIR filters using windowing
• To apply FFT to Communication Systems
• To implement certain DSP algorithms on Digital Signal Processors
• Obtain a knowledge and ability to use the appropriate tools(Digital Signal Processors) to
build DSP systems for real time problems

Expected Outcome
1. Able to describe and interpret the basic elements of digital Signal processing.
2. Design and solve the specific analysis using Discrete Fourier transform, Z-transform on
given input signals
3. Ability to design and implement filter like operations within the real time constraints.
4. Ability to design a typical digital Signal processing for specific application in real time.
5. Ability to Contribute Signal processing tasks in interdisciplinary projects like automotive
systems, Communication , Biomedical, space, defence, Multimedia and virtual reality etc.,
6. Able to solve real time signal processing issues by identifying finite word length effect and
performance improvement by properly selecting components to full fil the required features.

Unit I Review of Discrete -Time Systems

discrete time signals and systems- Linear convolution and correlation Basic principles of z-
transform - z-transform definition – region of convergence – properties of ROC (Region Of
Convergence)and its significance in signals and system analysis. Pole- Zero map- System
realization through block-diagram representation and system inter connection. Recursive – Non-
recursive filters.

Unit II Fast Fourier Transforms

Frequency response- DTFT estimation by DFT –Inverse DTFT estimation by DFT –Frequency
domain sampling- Sampling rate conversion- Aperodic correlation estimation-Cepstrum
processing- Band limited discrete time signals- Phase and group delay- Frequency analysis of
signals using DFT-FFT Algorithm-Radix-2 FFT algorithms.

Unit III Theory and Design of Digital IIR Filter

Review of design techniques for analog low pass filter(Butterworth and Chebyshev
approximations), frequency transformation, Properties of IIR filter-Constant group delay and
zero phase filters - IIR filter design –Different methods of IIR filter Design (Bilinear and
Impulse Invariant Techniques)- Spectral transformation of Digital filters.

Unit IV Theory and Design of Digital FIR Filters

Design characteristics of FIR filters with linear- phase – Frequency response of linear phase FIR
filters – Design of FIR filters using window functions(Rectangular, Hamming, Hanning,
Blackmann, and Kaiser)- Comparison of design methods of FIR filters.

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 336

Unit V Implementation of Discrete time systems
Structure for the realization discrete time systems- Structure for FIR systems- Direct form,
Cascade, frequency sampling and Lattice structures and polyphase realization- Structure for IIR
systems- Direct, Cascade, Parallel, Lattice and Lattice ladder.

Unit VI Digital Signal Processors

General-purpose digital signal processors - Fixed point and floating point DSP- Finite word
length effect-MAC, filter operation in different DSP architecture- typical implementation of
DSP algorithms (FFT and filter implementation).

1. J. G. Proakis, D.G. Manolakis and D.Sharma, “Digital Signal Processing Principles,
Algorithms and Applications”, Pearson Education, 2006.
2. S.K.Mitra, Digital Signal Processing, 3rd edition, TMH, 2006
3. Emmanuel C.Ifeachor, “Digital Signal Processing A Practical Approach” 2nd edition, Pearson
Education, 2001.

Reference Books:
1. EMMANUEL C.Ifeachor, “Digital Signal Processing A Practical Approach” 2nd edition,
Pearson Education, 2001.
2. Oppenhiem V.A.V and Schaffer R.W, “Discrete – time Signal Processing”, 2nd edition,
Prentice Hall, 2002.
3. Lawrence R Rabiner and Bernard Gold, “Theory and Application of Digital Signal
Processing”, PHI 1992.
4. Andreas Antoniou, Digital Signal Processing, TMH, 2006.
5. Roberto Cristi, “Modern Digital Signal Processing”, Thomson Brooks, 2004.

Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End

ECE303 Digital Signal Processing Lab

List of Experiments:
I. Matlab based Exercise:
1. Waveform generator
a) Periodic signals
b) Auto correlation function and Periodicity Measurement
2. Analog to Digital Filter Design through Transformation - order window Estimation
3. Digital Filter Realization Techniques
a) Design of Low Pass /High pass filter using Matlab Programming
b) Design of Band Pass Filter using Matlab Programming
4. ECG signal analysis using FIR Filtering through SPtool
5. Speech signal analysis using IIR filtering through SPtool
SIMULINK & CCS along with TEXAS Processor in Real Time)
7. SNR measurement
a) Quantization noise verification
b) Fixed Vs Floating point studies

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 337

II. DSP Processor Based Experiments

Processor Details- Architecture Information

1. Processor Basic functions

· ALU, MAC, shifter (ASM)
· Bit reversal ( 8 bit and 16 bit)
2. a) Linear and circular convolution -Using C coding
b) Correlation studies (Auto and Cross correlation) - Using C coding
3. FFT Implementation using DIT (using C Coding)
4. Design of FIR filter to smoothen the sharp transition of ECG signal
5. Design of IIR filter for processing speech signals
6. Real time signal acquisition using DSK6713 through function generator
7. Real time Music signal Analysis using IIR filter

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 338

ECE304 Microcontroller and Applications L T P C
3 0 2 4
Version No.: 1.10

Prerequisite: ECE103 Digital Logic Design

ECE302 Computer Organization and Architecture

Describe the architecture of 8051 microcontroller and ARM processor
Develop assembly program for 8051 and ARM processor
Apply the instruction set of 8051 and ARM microcontroller to get effective programs
Design system in block level using microcontroller, memory devices, buses and other peripheral
Solve real life problem using microcontroller based systems

Expected Outcome:
1. Describe the architectures of processors
2. Develop Assembly program applying Digital logic and mathematics using 8051 and ARM
instruction set
3. Develop ALP with minimum instructions and memory.
4. Analyze and evaluate the given program in terms of code size and computational time
5. Design microcontroller based system within realistic constraint like user specification,
availability of components etc
6. Solve real life problem and construct a complete system as a solution
7. To integrate and build a working model using the laboratory components and IDE tools.

Unit I Introduction 5 hours

Introduction to Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, Architectures [8085,8086] Intel MCS-51
family features – 8051 -organization and architecture.

Unit II Programming with 8051 10 hours

8051 instruction set, addressing modes, conditional instructions, I/O Programming,
Arithmetic logic instructions, single bit instructions, interrupt handling, programming counters,
timers and Stack.

Unit III MCS51 and external Interfaces 8 hours

User interface – keyboard , LCD, LED, Real world interface - ADC, DAC, SENSORS
Communication interface.

Unit IV C programming with 8051 8 hours

I/O Programming, Timers/counters, Serial Communication, Interrupt, User Interfaces- LCD,
Keypad, LED and communication interfaces [RS232].

Unit V ARM processor core based microcontrollers 14 hours

Need for RISC Processor-ARM processor fundamentals, ARM core based controller
[LPC214X], IO ports, ADC/DAC, Timers.

Mohammad Ali Mazidi, Janice Gillispie Mazidi “The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded
Systems (Using assembly and C)” Pearson education/ Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 2007.

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 339

Reference Books
1. Tabak Daniel, Hintz Kenneth J., “Microcontrollers: Architecture implementation and
Programming”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2007.
2. Andrew N. Sloss, Dominic Symes, Chris Wright, ARM Developer’s Guide.
3. User mannual of ARM Controllers LPC214X.
4. Douglas V. Hall, Microprocessors and interfacing: programming and hardware, Tata
McGraw Hill, 2nd edition, 2007.

Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End

Microcontroller and Applications Lab

List of Experiments

Programming 8051 Micro controller using ASM and C, and implementation in flash 8051
1. Programming with Arithmetic logic instructions [Assembly]
2. Program using constructs(Sorting an array) [Assembly]
3. Programming using Ports [Assembly and C]
4. Delay generation using Timer[Assembly and C]
5. Programming Interrupts [Assembly and C]
6. Implementation of standard UART communication.(using hyper terminal) [Assembly and C]
7. Interfacing LCD Display. [Assembly and C]
8. Interfacing with Keypad[Assembly and C]
9. Programming ADC/DAC [Assembly and C]
10. Interfacing with stepper motor. [Assembly and C]
11. Pulse Width Modulation. [Assembly and C] PROTEUS Simulation

Programming ARM Micro controller using ASM and C using simulator.

11.Programming with Arithmetic logic instructions[Assembly]

12.GPIO programming in ARM microcontroller. [ C Programming]
13.Timers prograaming in ARM Microcontroller. [C Programming] PROTEUS Simulation

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 340

ECE306 Antennas and Wave Propagation L T P C
3 0 0 3
Version No.: 2.00

Prerequisite: ECE202 Transmission Lines and Fields

Introduce the mechanism and models for radio-wave propagation.
Discuss the fundamental antenna parameters and numerical methods to analyze and differentiate
the antennas.
Design antennas and study the radiation mechanism of various antennas and antenna arrays.
Provide the principles of selection of Antennas for Modern Wireless Application.

Expected Outcome:
1. Explain The Wave Propagation Mechanisms.
2. To Interpret The Basic Antenna Parameters And Radiation Pattern.
3. Design And Characterize The Various Wire And Aperture Antennas, Antenna Arrays And
Broad Band Antennas.

Unit I Wave Propagation

Propagation Mechanism- Reflection, refraction and Transmission, Scattering and diffraction.
Propagation Model- Path Loss, Free space loss, Plane earth Loss, Link budget, Noise Modeling.
Modes of propagation- Ground wave Propagation, Space wave propagation- Tropospheric-
Tropospheric effects, Sky wave Propagation- Ionospheric Effects.

Unit II Antenna Fundamentals

Radiation mechanism-single wire, two wire, dipole and current distribution on thin wire.
Radiated field components -Hertizan dipole, half wave dipole, monopole antenna.
Antenna Parameters- radiation pattern, beam width, field region, radiation power density,
directivity and gain, bandwidth, polarization, co polarization and cross polarization level, input
impedance, efficiency, antenna effective length and area, antenna temperature. Friss
Transmission formula, Radar range equation. FCC Antenna standards A and B.
Measurements - radiation pattern- gain- directivity and impedance measurements.

Unit III Design of Arrays

Linear Array - Two element array, N-element linear array- broadside array, End fire array-
Directivity, radiation pattern. pattern multiplication. Non-uniform excitation- Binomial,
Chebyshev distribution
Planar array – Array factor, Circular array - array factor, Directivity (Qualitative study)

Unit IV Design of Antennas

Wire Antennas- long wire, V-Antenna, Rhombic antenna, Helical antenna, Yagi-Uda antenna.
Frequency independent antenna - spiral and log periodic antenna. Aperture antennas - Horn
antenna, Parabolic reflector antenna, Microstrip antenna. MEMS antenna.

Unit V Antennas for Modern Wireless Communications (Qualitative study)

Antennas for Terrestrial mobile communication - mobile handsets and base stations. Antennas
for Satellite Communication- MSAT briefcase terminal and vehicle mounted antennas, VSAT
and DBS TV antennas. Antenna for Radar systems. Adaptive antenna, RFID antenna, Ultra
wideband antenna, Terahertz antenna.

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 341

1. Balanis, “Antenna Theory - Analysis and Design”, 3/e, John Wiley & Sons, 2005.
2. J.D.Krauss, “Antenna for all Applications”, TMH, 4/e, 2010.

Reference Books
1. S.R.Saunders, “Antennas and Propagation for Wireless Communication”, 2/e, John Wiley, 2007.
2. Yi Huang and Kevin Boyle, “Antenna From Theory to Practice”, 1/e, John Wiley, 2008
3. R.S.Elliot, “Antenna Theory and Design”, IEEE Press, John Wiley, 2005.
4. H. Jasik , “Antenna Engineering Handbook” , Editor, McGraw-Hill, 1961.
5. R.L.Freeman, “Reference Manual for Telecommunication engineering”, Vol. I, John Wiley, 2002.
6. Yi Huang and Kevin Boyle, “Antenna from Theory to Practice”, 1/e, John Wiley, 2008.

Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 342

ECE305 Digital Communication L T P C
3 0 2 4
Version No.: 1.30

Prerequisite: ECE203 Modulation Techniques

• Describe the basic concept of Digital Communication using Functional Block Diagram
• Analyze the performance of different types of encoding schemes such as Temporal
Waveform Coding and power spectral density of different signaling schemes.
• Analyze the performance of digital modulation and demodulation techniques and identify
suitable modulation and demodulation technique for different applications based on
bandwidth, data-rate and bit error rate.
• Illustrate the role of ISI in base band reception techniques and show the working of
Correlation Receiver and Matched Filter.
• Illustrate Spread Spectrum Techniques and Multiple Access Techniques.

Expected Outcome:
1. Explain the basics of Digital Communication systems.
2. Classify the different type of encoding schemes and derive the power spectral density of
different signaling schemes.
3. Justify the role of Digital Modulation and Demodulation techniques in different application.

Unit I Communication System

Communication Systems - Digital Communication Systems – Functionality of Blocks, Medium
classification, Performance Measure; Geometric representation of Signals, Bandwidth,
Mathematical Models of Communication Channel.

Unit II Baseband Formatting Techniques

Overview of Sampling, Quantization – Uniform and Non-uniform (A-law & μ-law), Encoding
Techniques for Analog Sources - Temporal waveform encoding, Spectral waveform encoding,
Model-based/ Parametric encoding, Comparison of speech encoding techniques. Classification
of line codes, characteristics and power spectra of line codes.

Unit III Baseband Reception Techniques

Noise in Communication Systems; Receiving Filter – Correlation type, Matched Filter type;
Equalizing Filter - Signal and system design for ISI elimination, Eye Pattern analysis.

Unit IV Bandpass Signal Transmission And Reception

Memory less modulation methods – BASK, BFSK, BPSK, DPSK and QPSK; Representation
and Spectral Characteristics; Error performance – Coherent and Non-coherent detection
systems; Non Linear Modulation Methods with memory – CPFSK, MSK and GMSK.

Unit V Spread Spectrum Techniques

Introduction – Generation of PN Sequences – Properties of PN Sequences – Direct Sequence
Spread Spectrum – Frequency Hopped Spectrum.

Unit VI Multiple Access Techniques


Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 343

Simon Haykin, “Digital Communication”, John Wiley, 2009.

Reference Books
1. John.G. Proakis, “Fundamentals of Communication Systems”, Pearson Education, 2006.
2. Amitabha Bhattacharya, “Digital Communications”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2006.
3. Herbert Taub & Donald L Schilling – Principles of Communication Systems (3rd Edition) –
Tata McGraw Hill, 2008.
4. Digital Communications by John Proakis, Masoud Salehi , 5th edition McGraw-Hill; - 2007.

Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End

ECE305 Digital Communication Lab

List of Experiments:
1. Comparative Study of Pulse Code Modulation and Differential Pulse Code Modulation.
2. Comparative study of Delta Modulation and Adaptive Delta modulation.
3. Simulation of Band Pass Signal Transmission and Reception
• Amplitude Shift Keying
• Frequency Shift Keying
• Phase Shift Keying.
4. Performance Analysis of Band Pass Signal Transmission and Reception
• Amplitude Shift Keying
• Frequency Shift Keying
• Phase Shift Keying.
5. Implementation of Amplitude Shift Keying
6. Implementation of Frequency Shift Keying
7. Implementation of Phase Shift Keying.
8. Time Division Multiplexing: PLL (CD 4046) based synch, clock and data extraction
9. Generation of PN Sequences
10. Simulation of Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum
11. Simulation of Frequency Hopped Spread Spectrum
12. Study of TDMA, FDMA and CDMA
13. Study of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 344

ECE308 Computer Communication L T P C
3 0 2 4
Version No.: 1.10
Prerequisite: ECE305 Digital Communication
· To make the students to understand the different layers of ISO Network
· To understand the concept of Networking.
· To get to know the connectivity’s and how to interface with network.
Unit I Data Communication
Evolution of data Networks – Switching Techniques – Network Topologies – Categories of
Networks – ISO/OSI Reference Model – TCP/IP Model – Inter Networking Devices –
Repeaters – Hubs – Switches – Bridges: Transparent and Source Routing Bridges – Routers.
Unit II Data Link Layer
Logical Link Control – Error Detection Techniques – ARQ protocols – Framing – HDLC –
Point to Point protocol.
Medium Access Control – Random access Protocols – Scheduling approaches to MAC.
Unit III Local Area Networks
Ethernet – Token Bus – Token Ring – FDDI – Virtual LAN – Wireless LAN.
Unit IV Network Layer
Internetworking – IP Addressing – Subnetting – Ipv4 and IPv6 – Routing – Distance Vector
and Link State Routing – Routing Protocols.
Unit V Transport Layer and Application Layer
Connection oriented and Connectionless Service – User Datagram Protocol – Transmission
Control Protocol – Congestion Control – Application Layer Protocols: DNS, SMTP, FTP,
HTTP and World Wide Web.
1. Alberto Leon-Garcia, “Communication Networks” Tata McGraw-Hill 2005.
Reference Books:
1. Robert Gallager, “Data Networks”, Prentice Hall, 2004.
2. W. Stallings, Data and Computer Communications, Prentice Hall, 2004.
3. Fred Halsall, Data communications, “Computer Networks and Open systems”, Addison
Wesley 2000.
Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End

ECE308 Computer Communication Lab

List of Experiments:

1. Demonstrate the implementation of Token Ring Network and Examine

2. The performance under different Scenarios using OPNET
3. Demonstrate the implementation of Ethernet Network and Examine
4. The performance under different Scenarios using OPNET
5. Simulation of TCP Protocol using NS-2
6. Designing a simulation model using NS-2 to analyze various aspects of the Internet
a. Protocol.
7. Simulation of ATM network using NS-2

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 345

ECE401 Optical Communication and Networks L T P C
3 0 2 4
Version No.: 4.00
Prerequisite: ECE305 Digital Communication

To provide an in depth knowledge on various types of fibers, their transmission characteristics,
geometrical, optical, mechanical characteristics, techniques to compensate transmission
impairments, power launching and coupling schemes.
To describe the construction, working principle and characteristics of LEDs, LASERs, photo
detectors and external modulators to suit the low loss wavelength optical communication system
establishment and also to analyze noise performance at the receiver section.
To introduce the concepts of optical network architecture, routing algorithms and intelligent
optical networks.

Expected Outcome:
1. Demonstrate the transmission, geometrical and optical and mechanical characteristics of
2. Choose fiber, optoelectronic components to design, analyze and evaluate various optical
communication systems
3. Establish optical communication systems and integrate it as part of the telecommunication
system to speed up the transmissions.

Unit I Fibre Optic Systems

Analog and Digital fiber optic systems and associated Sources/Transmitters Optical Modulators-
Receiver -p–i–n Receivers - APD Receivers. Fibers- Non dispersion-Shifted Fiber - Dispersion-
Shifted Fiber- Nonzero Dispersion-Shifted Fiber- Link impairment considerations and system
design. Regenerators –Optical amplifiers- Optical Amplifiers - Stimulated Emission -
Spontaneous Emission - Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers - Raman Amplifiers -Semiconductor
Optical Amplifiers -Crosstalk in SOAs.

Fiber networks evolution as SONET/SDH Multiplexing - SONET/SDH Layers -SONET
Frame Structure -SONET/SDH Physical Layer- Elements of a SONET/SDH Infrastructure -
Network Survivability - Basic Concepts - Protection in SONET/SDH - Point-to-Point - Self-
Healing Rings -Unidirectional Path-Switched Rings - Bidirectional Line-Switched Rings.

Unit III WDM Light Wave System

WDM -WDM Components -Tunable Optical Filters-Multiplexers and Demultiplexers - Add–
Drop Multiplexers - Star Couplers- Wavelength Routers- Optical Cross-Connects - Wavelength
Converters- - WDM Transmitters and receivers - Nonlinear Raman Crosstalk - Stimulated
Brillouin Scattering - Cross-Phase Modulation - Four-Wave Mixing – Dispersion -Management-
Precompensation Schemes- Post compensation Techniques -Fiber Bragg Gratings- Optical
Phase Conjugation- PMD Compensation.

Unit IV Single Wave Length Systems

Optical Time-Division Multiplexing –Bit interleaving-Packet Interleaving- Subcarrier
Multiplexing -Analog SCM Systems- Digital SCM Systems - Code-Division Multiplexing -
Direct-Sequence Encoding - Spectral Encoding.

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 346

Unit V All Optical Transport and Access Networks:
The Optical Transport Network - Introduction - OTN Network Layers - FEC in OTN - OTN
Frame Structure - OPU-k - ODU-k - OTU-k-The Optical Channel - Optical Channel Carrier
and Optical Channel Group –Non associated Overhead – Mapping GFP -frames in OPU-k-
OTN and DWDM Access WDM Systems – The General PON – CWDM PON- TDM PON-

1. Rajiv Ramaswami, Kumar N.Sivarajan, Galen H. Sasaki “Optical networks” -3rd edition
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers 2010.
2. Ghatak K. Thyagarajan, “Introduction to Fiber Optics”, Second Edition, Cambridge
University Press, 2002.

Reference Books
1. John M. Senior,” Optical fiber communication principles and practice”, 3rd edition, PHI,
2. Govind P.Agrawal, “Fiber optic communication system”, 3rd edition John Wiley and Sons,
3. Gerd Keiser, “Optical Fiber Communications” McGraw-Hill, 4th Edition, 2008.
4. Djafar k.mynbaev and Lowell.l.scheiner, “Fiber optic communication Technology”, Pearson
education, 2006.

Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End Examination

ECE401 Optical Communication and Networks Lab

List of Experiments:

1. Design, simulation and analysis of CWDM and DWDM systems.

2. Dispersion Management-Pre, Post, Pre-Post DCF, Bragg’s Grating
3. Analysis of SPM in single wavelength system
4. Analysis of CPM in Multi- wavelength system
5. Analysis of FWM in WDM system
6. Comparison of NRZ, RZ, CRZ and CSRZ modulations.
7. PMD compensation in optical systems.
8. Gain Equalization in EDFA for WDM system.
9. DPSK modulation and Demodulation in optical systems.
10. Sub carrier Multiplexing and demultiplexing
11. FTTH system with GEPON access architecture.

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 347

ECE402 Microwave Engineering L T P C
3 0 2 4
Version No.: 1.10
Prerequisite: ECE306 Antennas and Wave Propagation

· Analyze the passive circuits using Scattering parameters.
· Understand the various types of microwave semiconductor devices
· Design the microwave filters and implement in micro strip form
· Use smith chart to design amplifier using matching network
Expected Outcome
1. Distinguish microwave IEEE frequency bands based on their application(A)
2. Analyze various microwave networks to study its characteristics (A,C,E)
3. Perform design and simulation of microwave circuits(A,C,E,H)
4. Infer and evaluate the performance of designed microwave networks (A,C,E)
5. Distinguish the requirement of microwave source for various applications
6. Determine stability condition and design microwave amplifier.

Unit I Microwave measurement and application

Microwave frequencies (IEEE Standards), Microwave measurements- Guide wavelength VSWR-
Frequency, Impedance. Applications of Microwaves: Microwave Oven, Radar, Wireless

Unit II Microwave Network Analysis

Impedance and admittance matrix- Reciprocal Networks and Lossless networks, Scattering
matrix- The transmission matrix, Signal Flow graph – Decomposition of Signal Flow graphs.

Unit III Microwave Sources and Semiconductor Devices

Microwave Tubes: Travelling Wave Tube (TWT), Klystron oscillator, Reflex Klystron, Magnetron.
Semiconductor Devices: Tunnel diode, Gunn diode, IMPATT-TRAPATT-BARITT diodes,
microwave transistors.

Unit IV Microwave Passive Components(Wave Guide)

Power dividers: E-Plane Tee, H-Plane Tee, Magic Tee, Directional Coupler.
Ferrite Devices: Phase Shifter, Isolator, Circulator, Microwave Resonators.
Wave guide cavities: Rectangular Cavity, Circular Cavity.

Unit V Design of Microwave Passive and active Circuits :

Microstrip lines : Basics of Microstrip lines.
Power Dividers: T junction, resistive power divider, Wilkinson Power Divider, Branch Line
Coupler, Rat race ring (180o hybrid coupler).
Microwave Filters: Low Pass Filter design (Butterworth and Chebyshev) - Insertion loss method:
Richard’s Transformation, Kuroda’s identities, Stepped impedance low pass filter.
Microwave Active circuits
Microwave amplifiers, Stability, Single stage transistor amplifier, Maximum gain method.

1. D. M. Pozar, “Microwave Engineering”, John Wiley, 3/e, 2005.
2. Samuel Y. Liao, “Microwave Devices and Circuits”,3/e, PHI, New Delhi, 2002.

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 348

Reference Books
1. Robert E. Coughlin, “Foundations of Microwave Engineering”, John Wiley, 3/e, 2001.
2. Annapurna Dasand S, K. Das, “Microwave Engineering”, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi,
3. O.P. Gandhi, “Microwave Engineering”, Pergamon Press, NY, 2003.
4. M.L. Sisodia, “Microwave active devices- Vaccum and Solid States” New Age International,
5. M.L. Sisodia, “Microwave circuit and Passive devices” New Age International, 2004.

Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End

ECE402 Microwave Engineering Lab

List of Experiments:

Design & Simulation using Software

1. Branch Line Coupler
2. Power Divider
3. Filter
4. Amplifier
5. Oscillator
6. Circuit Mixer
7. Low Noise Amplifier

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 349

ECE301 VLSI System Design L T P C
3 0 2 4
Version No.: 3.00
Course ECE103 Digital Logic Design /
Prerequisites : ECE101 Electron Devices and Circuits
Objectives :
• To illustrate the basic concepts of modern VLSI circuit design.
• Describe the fundamental principles underlying digital design using CMOS logic and analyze
the performance characteristics of these digital circuits.
• Discuss the basic concepts of Verilog HDL and use it to describe combinational and
sequential circuits HDL at different abstraction levels.
• Design the synthesizable digital sub-system components using Verilog HDL.
• Verify that a design meets its functionality, timing constraints, both manually and through
the use of computer-aided design tools.
• Develop problem-solving skills in order to be able to successfully approach a digital design
project of medium to high complexity in the final semester.

Expected Outcome :
1. apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering in the design, and analysis and
modeling of digital integrated circuits.
2. design and analyze the performance (Speed, Power) of CMOS digital integrated circuits for
different design specifications.
3. identify and interpret the design towards realizing digital IC design.
4. describe digital design using a hardware description language.
5. design and conduct experiments in digital design using Verilog HDL and able to illustrate the
outcome of the design.
6. use modern EDA tools to simulate and synthesize the digital designs.

Unit 1 CMOS Logic Design

Introduction to VLSI Design. Review of MOS Transistor Theory: nMOS, pMOS Enhancement
Transistor, ideal I-V characteristics, C-V characteristics, Non-ideal I-V effects. CMOS logic:
Basic gates, Complex Gates, Multiplexer and Flip-flop.

Unit 2 Circuit characterization and performance estimation

DC transfer Characteristics of CMOS inverter, Circuit characterization and performance
estimation: Delay estimation, Logical effort and Transistor Sizing. Power Dissipation: Static &
Dynamic Power Dissipation.

Unit 3 Stick Diagram and Layout Techniques

CMOS nwell, pwell process, stick diagram for Boolean functions using euler theorem. Layout
basics and techniques for Inverter, NAND and NOR gate.

Unit 4 Introduction to Timing Analysis

Introduction to Static timing analysis. Setup Time, Hold Time. Calculation of critical path, slack,
setup and hold time violations.

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 350

Unit 5 Sub-System Design
Arithmetic Circuits in CMOS VLSI. Design of Adders (RCA, CSA, CLA), Multipliers (both
signed and Unsigned Booth, Baugh wooley), Barrel shifter.

1. Neil H Weste, Harris, A Banerjee, CMOS VLSI Design, 3/e, Pearson Education, Singapore,
2. John P. Uyemura, “CMOS Logic Circuit Design” , Springer International Edition.2005.

Reference Books
1. Jan M. Rabaey, Anantha Chandrakasan, Borivoje Nikolic, Digital Integrated Circuits: A Design
Perspective, Prentice Hall India, 2nd Ed, 2002.
2. S. Ramachandran, Digital VLSI Systems Design, Springer, 2007.

Mode of Evaluation : CAT- I & II, Quiz, Lab based Assignments/Mini-project, Term End

ECE301 VLSI System Design Lab

List of Experiments

· Study of VLSI CAD Tools (Working environment, Introduction to Linux and vi editor,
Cadence Virtuoso ADE with Spectre simuulator/Mentor graphics Design Architect with
Eldo simulator)
· Applying MOS I-V equations and small-signal models to MOS circuits
· Analyzing switching characteristics and power consumption of the inverter
· Analyzing and designing complex CMOS gates for speed
· Designing an inverter chain to drive off-chip loads
· Physical Design of Analog and Digital cells (layout, DRC,LVS, RCX, Post-layout
· D FF setup and hold timing analysis

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 351

ECE403 Wireless and Mobile Communication L T P C
3 0 0 3
Version No.: 2.00
Prerequisite: ECE308 Computer Communication
• Interpret the various spectrum allocation standards and assigned Bandwidth allocation for
various wireless and cellular standards.
• Apply the constraints such as fixed bandwidth channel spacing and signal to noise ratio in
the cellular systems
• Specify the need of OFDM techniques for wireless communication.
• Illustrate the features of 1G, 2G and 3G and next generation standards using fundamentals
of radio telephony.
• Describe the various kinds of mitigation techniques used for multipath propagation.
Expected Outcome:
Student will be able to
• To know the cellular structure developed for wireless mobile communication.
• To understand how signal propagation is carried out in mobile environment with the help of
large scale propagation models and small scale models
• To have a complete knowledge on various standards used in Wireless Communication.
• To study about various mitigation techniques for multipath propagation.

Unit I Cellular Concept 8 hours

Cellular concept - Frequency reuse - channel assignment strategies - hand off strategies -
interference & system capacity - trunking& grade of service – Improving coverage and capacity
in cellular system.

Unit II Mobile Radio Propagation 10 hours

Free Space Propagation Model – Three Basic Propagation mechanism – Reflection, Diffraction
and Scattering – Ground Reflection (Two Ray) model - Link Budget design using Path Loss
model – Outdoor and Indoor Propagation models - Small scale multipath propagation –
Parameters of mobile multipath channels – Types of small scale fading –Fading effects due to
Multipath time delay spread and Fading effects due to Doppler spread - Rayleigh and Rician

Unit III OFDM for Wireless Communication 10 hours

Overview of Linear Modulation Techniques– GMSK – Multicarrier Modulation –OFDM
principle – Transceiver implementation, Cyclic prefix, Intercarrier interference, PAPR.

Unit IV Wireless standards 10 hours

Introduction to wireless standards – 1G-AMPS, 2G. GSM services and features, System
architecture, Radio subsystem, channel types, Frame structure for GSM, Signal Processing in
GSM - CDMA (IS-95) – Forward and Reverse CDMA Channel – GPRS – Advanced Wireless

Unit V Multipath Mitigation Techniques 7 hours

Diversity – Types of Diversity – Diversity combining techniques: Selection, Feedback, Maximal
Ratio Combining and Equal Gain Combining – Rake receiver – MIMO systems – Spatial
Multiplexing, System Model and Channel state information.

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 352

Unit VI Security in Wireless Networks

1. Rappaport T.S., “Wireless communications”, Pearson Education, 2010.

Reference Books
1. David Tse and Pramod Viswanath, “Fundamentals of Wireless Communication”, Cambridge
University Press, 2005.
2. Van Nee, R. and Ramji Prasad, OFDM for wireless multimedia communications, Artech
House, 2000.
3. Jochen Schiller, “Mobile Communication”, Pearson Education, 2009
4. Andreas.F. Molisch, “Wireless Communications”, John Wiley India, 2006.
5. Lee, W.C.Y., Mobile Communication Engineering, McGraw Hill, 2008.
6. Vijay. K. Garg, “Wireless Communication and Networking”, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers,
7. Kavch Pahlavan, Prashant Krishnamoorthy, Principles of Wireless Networks, PHI.

Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 353

ECE205 Electrical and Electronic Measurements L T P C
3 0 0 3
Version No.: 1.20
Prerequisite: -
To provide basic understanding of electrical and electronic measurement systems.
To give a thorough knowledge of varieties of measuring instruments, its operating principles and
Expected Outcome:
1. Measure and analyze different electrical parameters.
2. Calibration techniques in the process of measurement.
3. Handle different types of Oscilloscopes and recorders.
4. Using wave analyzers, spectrum analyzers for the measurement of frequency, phase angle
Unit I Error Analysis and Control
Static and Dynamic Characteristics of a Measurement System, Error analysis in measurement
systems – Static and dynamic error, Bias and Precision Error, Sources of Errors in Experimental
testing, Sources of Elemental Error, Error Control.
Unit II Electrical Measurements I
Current and Voltage measurement instruments - PMMC, Moving coils, moving iron,
dynamometer type, rectifier type, and thermal instruments. Hall effect Wattmeter, Thermal type
wattmeter, Compensated wattmeter, Single and three-phase power measurement. Energy
measurement and energy meters, Magnetic measurements, Maximum demand meter, P.F. meter,
High voltage measurements
Unit III Electronic Measurements I
Resistive measurement - Resistive Potentiometric measurements, Strain Gauge measurements-
Force and Torque measurement, Resistance thermometers- RTD and Thermisters. Capacitive
measurement design - capacitive Pickups, Differential capacitive pressure transducers. Inductive
measurement - Differential Transformers, LVDT, Variable reluctance pickups, RVDT.
Thermocouple, Piezoelectric Transducers- Acceleration measurements.
Unit IV Electronic Measurements II
Solid State measurement Design and Instruments- BJT, FET and MOSFET Voltmeter circuits,
Solid State Multi-meter, Digital Multi-meter. Signal Generation: Audio and Radio frequency
signal generators, AM signal generator, Function generator. Wave analyzer, Spectrum analyzer,
Frequency Measurement, Measurement of period and time, Phase angle measurement.
Text Books
Cooper W.D and Helfrick A.D, ‘Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques’, 4/e,
Pearson Education, 2004.
David A. Bell, ‘Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements’, 2/e, Prentice Hall Inc., New
Delhi, 1997.
Reference Books
1. Robert A. Witte, "Electronic Test Instruments - Analog and Digital Measurements",
Pearson Education, 2/e, 2002.
2. Ernest O Doebelin and Dhanesh N. Manik, ‘Measurement Systems Application and Design’
5/e, McGraw Hill. 2007.
3. Golding E.W and Widdis F.G., ‘Electrical Measurements and Measuring Instruments’, 5/e,
Wheeler and Co., New Delhi, 2000.

Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Assignments/ other tests, Term End Examination.

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 354

ECEXXX Communication Switching Networks L T P C
3 0 0 3
Version No.: 1.00

Prerequisite: ECE305 Digital Communication

• To learn the need of Switching
• To know the circuit switching criterion
• To get initiated to Advanced Communication Switching

Unit I Telecommunication Network

Resource sharing and need for switching; Store and forward switching; Packet switching; Circuit
switching; Traffic considerations. Erlang. Types of telephone switching systems; Two/four wire
transmission Time division multiplexing-Principles, PCM primary multiplex group; Telephone
network organization; Principles and examples of Electronic switching.

Unit II Circuit Switching Systems

Link systems: Single -stage networks, Two-stage networks, Three-stage networks, Grade of
service of Link systems, Rearrange able networks, Strict sense non-blocking networks. General
trunking diagram-concentrator, route switch, expander, multi-stage switching network.

Unit III Digital Switching Networks

Space and Time switching systems-Space switches, Time switches, Time-division switching
networks, T-S-T and S-T-S network design, Bidirectional paths, Digital cross connect unit-Grade
of service of time-division switching networks, Synchronization-Frame alignment,
Synchronization networks-Digital Switching systems-AT & T Bell No.4 ESS system.

Unit IV Control of Digital Circuit Switching Systems

Call-processing functions, Sequence of operations, Signal exchanges, State transition diagrams,
Common control, Stored program control - Processor architecture, Distributed processing,
Software, Overload control.

1. J. E. Flood, ‘Telecommunications Switching, Traffic and Networks’, Pearson Education,
2. Thiyagarajan Viswanathan.

Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Assignments / other tests, Term End Examination.

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 355

ECE XXX Analog IC Design L T P C
3 0 0 3
Version No.: 1.00
Prerequisite: ECE204 Analog Circuit Design
• To analyze using CMOS current mirror circuits and study its applications
• To design and analyze differential amplifier circuits
• To analyze and design the op-amp
• To apply frequency compensation techniques for amplifiers
• To analyze basic operation of PLL and its applications
• To analyze D/A and A/D converter

Expected Outcome:
A student who successfully fulfills the course requirements will have demonstrated:
• an ability to analyze bias circuit using CMOS current mirror.
• an ability to design feedback and differential operational amplifier.
• an ability to analyze stability of operational amplifiers
• an ability to apply frequency compensation techniques for Amplifiers
• an ability to analyze basic operation of PLL.

Unit I Current Mirrors, Active Loads & References

Introduction to Analog Design. Current Mirrors: Simple current mirror, Cascode current mirrors
Widlar current mirror, Wilson Current mirror, etc. Active loads, Voltage & current references.
Analysis of Differential Amplifier with active load, supply and temperature independent biasing
techniques, Frequency Response.

Unit II Operational Amplifier

Applications of operational Amplifier, theory and Design; Definition of Performance
Characteristics; Design of two stage MOS Operational Amplifier, two stage MOS operational
Amplifier with cascodes, MOS telescopic-cascode operational amplifiers, MOS Folded-cascode
operational amplifiers, Bipolar operational amplifiers. Frequency response & compensation.

Unit III Nonlinear Analog Circuits

Analysis of four quadrant and variable Tran conductance multiplier, Voltage controlled
oscillator, Comparators, Analog Buffers, Source Follower and Other Structures. Phase Locked
Techniques; Phase Locked Loops (PLL), closed loop analysis of PLL. Digital-to-Analog (D/A)
and Analog-to-Digital (A/D) Converters.

Unit IV OTA & Switched Capacitor Filters

OTA Amplifiers. Switched Capacitor Circuits and Switched Capacitor Filters.

• D. A. Johns and Martin, “Analog Integrated Circuit Design”, John Wiley, 2002.

Workshop Manual prepared by VIT staff.

Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Assignments/ other tests, Term End Examination

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 356

ECE 309 Biomedical Signal Processing and Analysis L T P C
3 0 0 3
Version No.: 2.00
Prerequisite: ECE205 Electrical and Electronic Measurements
Explain the human anatomy and physiology and the systems related to human body
• Describe the electrical model of different bio electrodes used to capture electrical signals and
design of amplifiers with high gain and high isolation used for bio- applications.
• Introduce new technologies in diagnostic and clinical applications.
Expected Outcome:
Student will be able to:
• Design amplifiers circuits with high gain and high isolation used for bio applications.
• Design an instrument system for electro physiological applications
• Troubleshoot the shortcomings of electro physiological instruments.
• Comprehend the operation of various bio-medical instruments
Unit I Concept of Medical Instrumentation
The origin of biopotentials, Measurement of biopotentials, Examples of biopotential electrodes
and signals, Microelectrodes, Biopotential amplifiers. Random noise, structured noise, and
physiological interference, Stationary versus nonstationary process, Noise in event related

Unit II Cardiovascular Measurement

Measurements of Blood Pressure- Diastolic & Systolic measurement by invasive and non
invasive methods - Ultra sound, Spygmomanometer Automated methods - direct methods.
Blood flow: Electro-magnetic, Ultrasound, Blood cell counters. Blood flow, Doppler flow
measurement, Cardiac output. Electrocardiography, Phonocardiography, Plethysmography,
Cardiac pacemaker & Computer applications.

Unit III Noises in ECG & Filters at Treatment

High frequency noise, motion artifact in ECG, Power-line interference in ECG, Maternal
interference in fetal ECG, Muscle – Contraction interference in VAG Signals, Time domain
filters- Synchronized averaging, Moving-average filters, Frequency domain filters – Removal of
high frequency noise: Butterworth LPF, Removal of low frequency noise: Butterworth HPF. The
P, QRS, and T waves in the ECG, Derivative-based methods for QRS detection, The Pan-
Tompkins algorithm for QRS detection.

Unit IV Adaptive Filters & Noise Canceling

Optimal filtering- The Wiener filter, the adaptive noise canceller, The least-mean squares
adaptive filter, The recursive least square adaptive filter, Selecting an Appropriate filter,
Application: Maternal – Fetal ECG. Noise Canceling Method to Enhance ECG Monitoring.
Fetal ECG Monitoring.

Unit V Measurement of Electrical activities

Electroencephalograph, Electromyography & their Interpretation, Detection of EEG rhythms,
Template matching for EEG spike and wave detection, Detection of EEG Spike and wave
complexes using Matched filter, Homomorphism filtering.
Frequency analysis of murmurs to diagnose valvular defects, The Fourier Spectrum, Estimation
of Power Spectral Density Function, Estimation of autocorrelation function, Synchronized
averaging of PCG Spectra, Moments of PSD functions, Spectral Power Ratios.

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 357

1. Rangaraj M. Rangayyan, “Biomedical Signal Analysis – A case study Approach, John Wiley & Sons,

Reference Books
1. Khandpur R.S., “Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation”, Tata McGraw Hill, 1990.
2. Harry E. Thomas, “Handbook of Automated Electronic Clinical Analysis, Reston Publishing
Company”, Virginia, 1979.
3. Richard A. Normann, “Principles of BioInstrumentation”, John Wiley, 1988.
4. Richard Aston, “Principles of Biomedical Instrumentation”, Merrill Publishing, 1991.
5. Joseph J. Carr & John M. Brown, “Introduction to Biomedical Equipment Technology”, 3/e,
Prentice Hall.
6. Leslie Cromwell, Weibell, Erich A. Pfeiffer, “Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurements”, 2/e,
Prentice Hall of India, 2002.
7. D. C. Reddy, Biomedical Signal Processing- Principles and Techniques, Tata McGraw-Hill,

Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Assignments/ other tests, Term End Examination.

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 358

ECE405 Satellite Communication L T P C
3 0 0 3
Version No.: 1.10
Prerequisite: ECE305 Digital Communication

· To get in depth knowledge of communication through satellite
· To know the intricacies involved
· To understand the design criterion
Expected Outcome:
On completion of the course the student shall be able to:
· Identify the required specifications for a complete satellite subsystem.
· Summarize the tracking and monitoring systems operated in the earth station.
· Interpret the frequency and multiple access techniques required for a typical communication.
· Understand the role of satellite communication in advance communication technologies.
· Build a satellite model with all the required parameters to operate for a specific engineering

Unit I Elements of Orbotal Mechanics

Equation, Orbital elements, orbital perturbation; Tracking and orbital determination, orbital
correction / control.

Unit II Elements of Communication Satellite Design

Space environment, Spacecraft configuration, spacecraft subsystems, payload, Reliability
considerations spacecraft integration and testing.

Unit III Multiple Access Techniques

FDM-FM-FDMA, TDMA, SSMA / CDMA, RANDOM MULTIPLE access techniques; packet
switching and packet satellite networks. Satellite on broad processing and switching.

Unit IV Satellite Link Design

Types of systems: BSS, Performance requirements and standards for Telephony, TV and data.
Performance impairments; Noise, interference, inter modulation. Design of typical satellite links.
Unit V Domestic Satellite Systems
The INSAT system, International system: INTELSAT, IMMARSAT, Satellite based personal
communication LEO, ICO, CEO Systems.
1. D. Roddy, “Satellite Communications”, Prentice Hall, 1989.
2. T. Pratt and C.W. Boastian, “Satellite Communication”, John Wiley & Sons, 1986.

Reference Books:
1. Yunus A. Cengel (2005), Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach, Tata McGraw- Hill
Publishing Company Ltd.
2. Y.V.C.Rao (2004), An Introduction to Thermodynamics, Universities Press.
3. C. P. Arora (2005) Thermodynamics, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd.
4. David R. Gaskell, (2003), Introduction to Thermodynamics of Materials, Taylor and Francis

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 359

5. M. Achuthan (2004), Engineering Thermodynamics, Prentice Hall India Limited.
6. Eastop (2004), Applied Thermodynamics for Engineering Technologies, Addison - Wesley
Logman Limited.

Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Assignments/ other tests, Term End Examination

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 360

ECE406 Embedded System Design L T P C
3 0 0 3
Version No.: 2.00
Prerequisite: ECE304 Microcontroller and Applications
• Ability to understand comprehensively the technologies and techniques underlying in
building an embedded solution to a wearable, mobile and portable system.

Expected Outcome:
At the end of the course the students will be able to:
• Define an embedded system and compare with general purpose system.
• Appreciate the methods adapted for the development of a typical embedded system.
• Get introduced to RTOS and related mechanisms.

Unit I Introduction to Embedded System 7 hours

Embedded system processor, hardware unit, soft ware embedded into a system, Example of an
embedded system, Embedded Design life cycle, Embedded System modeling [flow graphs, FSM,
Petri nets], Layers of Embedded Systems.

Unit II Processor and Memory Organization 10 hours

Bus Organization, Memory Devices and their Characteristics, Instruction Set Architecture [RISC,
CISC], Basic Embedded Processor/Microcontroller Architecture [8051, ARM, DSP, PIC],
memory system architecture [cache, virtual, MMU and address translation], DMA, Co-processors
and Hardware Accelerators, pipelining.

Unit III I/O Devices and Networks 10 hours

I/O Devices[Timers, Counters, Interrupt Controllers, DMA Controllers, A/D and D/A
Converters, Displays, Keyboards, Infrared devices], Memory Interfacing, I/O Device Interfacing
[GPIB, FIREWIRE, USB, IRDA], Networks for Embedded systems (CAN, I2C, SPI, USB,
RS485, RS 232), Wireless Applications [Bluetooth, Zigbee].

Unit IV Operating Systems 10 hours

Basic Features of an Operating System, Kernel Features [polled loop system, interrupt driven
system, multi rate system], Processes and Threads, Context Switching, Scheduling[RMA, EDF,
fault tolerant scheduling], Inter-process Communication, real Time memory management
[process stack management, dynamic allocation], I/O[synchronous and asynchronous I/O,
Interrupts Handling, Device drivers], RTOS [ VxWorks, RT-LINUX].

UNIT Embedded System Development 8 hours

Design Methodologies [UML as Design tool, UML notation, Requirement Analysis and Use case
Modeling], Design Examples [Telephone PBX, Inkjet Printer, PDA, Elevator Control System,
ATM System], Fault-tolerance Techniques, Reliability Evaluation Techniques.
Reference Books:
1. Wayne Wolf “Computers as components: Principles of Embedded Computing System
Design” The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Architecture and Design, 2008.
2. Jane W. S., Liu, “Real time systems”, Pearson Education, 2000.
3. Raj Kamal, “Embedded systems Architecture, Programming and Design”, Second Edition,
4. Steve Heath, “Embedded Systems Design”, EDN Series, 2003.
Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Assignments/ Quiz, Term End Examination.

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 361

ECEXXX Radar and Navigational Aids 3 0 0 3
Version No.: 1.00
Prerequisite: ECE306 Antennas and Wave Propagation

· To provide an introduction to students the fundamentals of Radar principles
· To enable the students acquaint with various types of Radars available and their applications
· To provide in depth knowledge to students about signal detection techniques and navigation
Expected Outcome:
Students will be able to:
· Understand the basic principles of various types of Radar transmission and reception
techniques and apply principles for various applications

Unit I Radar Equation

Radar block diagram and operation; radar frequencies; radar range equation; Prediction of range
performance; minimum detectable signal; radar cross section of targets; cross section
fluctuations; transmitter power; pulse repetition frequency and range ambiguities; system losses
and propagation effects.

Unit II CW and FMCW Radar

Doppler Effect CW radar basic principles and operation of FMCW radar. MTI and Pulse
Doppler Radar; MTI block diagram and description; delay line cancellers; range gated Doppler
filters; Non coherent MTI; Pulse Doppler radar. Tracking radars – sequential lobing; conical scan
and simultaneous lobing monopulse.

Unit III Synthetic Aperture And Air Surveillance Radar

Synthetic aperture radar – resolution; radar equation; SAR signal processing; Inverse SAR. Air
surveillance radar – user’s requirements; characteristics and frequency considerations. ECCM and
Bistatic Radar: Electronic counter – counter measures; Bistatic radar – description bistatic radar
equation comparison of monostatic and bistatic radars.

Unit IV Radar Signal Detection and Propagation of Waves

Detection Criteria; Automatic detection; constant false alarm rate receiver. Information available
from a radar; ambiguity diagram; pulse compression. Propagation over plane earth; refraction;
anomalous propagation and diffraction. Introduction to clutter; surface clutter radar equation.

Unit V Electronic Navigation

Adcock directional finder Automatic Directional finder VHF Omni–directional range
Hyperbolic systems of navigation – Loran and Decca Navigation system – Tactical air navigation
(TACAN) ILS and GCA as aids to approach and landing.

1. M.I.skolnik “Introduction to Radar Systems”, McGraw Hill II Edition, 2004.
Reference Books:
1. N.S Naga Raja “Elements of Electronic Navigation”, Tata McGraw Hill 2003.
2. Nadav Levanon “Radar Principles” John Wiley and Sons 2003.

Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Assignments/ other tests, Term End Examination.

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 362

ECEXXX Statistical Signal Processing L T P C
3 0 0 3
Version No.: 1.00
Prerequisite: ECE201 Probability Theory and Random Process
• Explain the spectrum estimation for the random signals
• To design the Weiner filter using the Weiner Hopf equation
• To implement multirate signal processing in different applications

Expected Outcome:
Student will be able to:
• Use the power spectrum estimation technique to estimate the power in the real time
• Design the filter for the random signals
• Define and implement the applications of the multirate signal processing

Unit I Spectrum Estimation

Periodogram estimator, Barlett spectrum estimation, Welch estimation, Model based
approach, AR, MA, ARMA Signal modeling – Parameter estimation using Yule-Walker

Unit II Linear Estimation and Prediction

Maximum likelihood criterion, Efficiency of estimator, Least mean squared error criterion –
Wiener filter – Discrete Wiener Hopf equations, Recursive estimators, Kalman filter, Linear
prediction, Prediction error, Whitening filter with AWGN noise, Inverse filter – Levinson
recursion, Lattice realization, Levinson recursion algorithm for solving Toeplitz system of

Unit III Multirate System Fundamentals

Basic multirate operation – up-sampling and down sampling: Time domain and frequency
domain analysis: Direct digital domain approach – Decimation in integer factor single and
multistage realization Identities for multirate operations: Interpolator and decimator design:
Rate conversion: Polyphase representation.

Unit IV Multirate Filter banks

Maximally decimated filter banks: Quadrature mirror filter (QMF) banks – Polyphase
representation: Errors in the QMF bank – Aliasing and Imaging: Method of canceling aliasing
error: Amplitude and phase distortion: Prefect reconstruction (PR) QMF bank – PR condition:
Design of an alias free QMF bank: Power symmetry in QMF bank.

Unit V Applications of multi-rate signal processing

Applications of multi-rate signal processing in communication-Non-linear filtering: polynomial
filters, rank filters, homomorphic filtering and deconvolution, non-matched filters. Signal
processing by neural networks. Time-frequency analysis, wavelet transform and its
applications. Concept of multidimensional signal and spectrum, 2D and 3D Fourier transform
discrete unitary multidimensional transforms.

1. Monson H. Hayes, “Statistical Digital Signal Processing and Modeling”, John Wiley & Sons, Inc,
New York, 2002.

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 363

2. S. J. Orfanidis, Optimum Signal Processing, 2nd ediion., 2007 republication of the 1988
McGraw-Hill edition.
3. S.M. Kay, "Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing:Estimation Theory", Prentice Hall, 1996.

Reference Books:
1. J.G.Proakis, D.G.Manolakis and D.Sharma, “Digital Signal Processing Principles,
Algorithms and Applications”, Pearson Education, 2006.
2. Robert Gallager, course materials for 6.450 Principles of Digital Communications I, Fall
2006. MIT OpenCourseWare.
3. P.P. Vaidyanathan. “Multirate systems and filter banks.” Prentice Hall. PTR, 1993.
4. Fred Harris, Multirate Signal Processing For Communication Systems, Prentice Hall, 2007.
5. N.J. Fliege. “Multirate digital signal processing.” John Wiley 1994.

Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Assignments/ other tests, Term End Examination.

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 364

EEE204 Nanotechnology Fundamentals and Applications L T P C
3 0 0 3

Version No.: 1.10

Prerequisite: PHY101 Modern Physics

• To understand the basic concepts involved in Nano science and to gain knowledge about
various methods of synthesis, characterization and applications in Nanotechnology.

Expected Outcome:
On completion of the course the student shall
• Have a clear understanding the fundamental concepts for Nano science
• Be aware of the synthesis methods for various important Nano materials
• Have knowledge of the Nano scale Characterization techniques
• Get an appreciation of applications of Nanotechnology in various fields of Science and

Unit I Basic Concepts

Basic properties of Conductors, Insulators, and Semiconductors, Band diagrams concept of
typical semiconductors, Basic Chemistry Concepts- Physical aspects, Bonding, Basics in
Quantum Mechanics- Wave-particle duality, Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, Schrödinger wave
equation and its Applications, Quantum confinement in 0-D, 1-D and 2-D; Effects of the
nanometer length scale- Change in properties.

Unit II Fabrication methods

Top-down processes- Micro machining, ball milling, Optical lithography, E Beam lithography.
Bottom-up processes- Physical Vapour deposition, chemical vapour deposition, self assembly,
Molecular beam epitaxy, sol-gel.

Unit III Important Nanomaterials

Basic Types of Nanostructures- Carbon Nano tubes, Nano wires, Quantum Dots, Nano clusters;
Carbon Nanotubes- Synthesis, Electronic properties, Mechanical properties; Nano particles-
Colloidal nano particle crystals, Functionalized nano particles.

Unit IV Characterization techniques

Classification of characterization methods, Different Microscopy techniques-Light Microscopy,
Principle & Resolution, Electron Microscopy- Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Principle
& Resolution, Scanning Probe Microscopy- Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) & Atomic
Force Microscopy (AFM), Principle & Resolution.

Unit V Applications
Nanoelectronics- Present and its challenges, Si Technology and its limitations, Nanoscale
Devices, CNT based devices, Graphene based devices, Single Electron Devices, Organic
Fieldeffect transistors Spintronics; Nanophotonics- Photonic Crystals and their applications,
Near field optics, Bio-nanotechnology- DNA as a nanotechnology building block,
Pharmaceutics- Targeted Drug Delivery, NEMS- Molecular switches.

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 365

1. “Nanoscale Science and Technology”, Edited by R.W. Kelsall, I.W. Hamley and M.
Geoghegan, John Wiley and Sons, 2005.
2. “Introduction to Nanotechnology”, Charles P. Poole and Frank J. Owens, John Wiley and
Sons, New Delhi, 2003.

Reference Books:
1. “Nanotechnology”, Timp Gregory, Springer, New York, 2005.
2. “Handbook of Nanostructured materials and Nanotechnology: Synthesis and Processing”,
Hari Singh Nalwa, Academic Press, 2002.
3. “From instrumentation to nanotechnology”, Julian W. Gardner and Harry Hingle, Kluwer
Academic Publishers, 1992.
4. “Handbook of nanophase and nanostructured materials: characterization”, Wang Zhong
Lin, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.
5. “Nano- and Micro-Electromechanical Systems: Fundamentals of Nano and Micro
engineering”, Sergey Edward Lyshevski, CRC Press, Florida, 2005.
6. “Nanotechnology- Science, Innovation and Opportunity”, Lynn E. Foster, Pearson
Education, New Delhi, 2007.
7. “Nanotechnology for Microelectronics and optoelectronics”, J.M. Martinez, R.J. Martin-
Palma and F. Agnllo Ruedo, Elsevier, 2006.
8. “Nanostructures and nanomaterials: synthesis, properties and applications”, Cao Guozhong,
Imperial college press, 2007.

Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Assignments/ other tests, Term End Examination.

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 366

ECE407 Neural Networks and Fuzzy Control L T P C
3 0 0 3
Version No.: 1.30
Prerequisites: MAT101 Multivariable Calculus and Differential Equations /
MAT201 Complex Variables and Partial Differential Equations,
ECE303 Digital Signal Processing

• To provide in depth knowledge on the latest subject and their applications in different fields.
• To introduce the various learning rules of Neural Networks both supervised and
• To explain the working of error back propagation training algorithm and its use as a
mathematical tool for solving problems.
• To provide knowledge on associative memories and their applications.
• To introduce the subject on Fuzzy Logic.
• To introduce the Fuzzy relations and Fuzzy mathematics.
• To explain the solutions of a problem by Fuzzy Logic method based on linguistic inputs.
• To explain the concept of Fuzzy control and also help to design FLC.
• To explain few applications of both Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic in different fields

Unit I Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks:

Artificial neural networks and their biological motivation – Terminology – Models of neuron –
Topology – characteristics of artificial neural networks – types of activation functions.

Unit II Learning Laws

Learning methods – error correction learning – Hebbian learning – Perceptron – XOR Problem
– Perceptron learning rule convergence theorem – Adaline.

Unit III Feed Forward Networks

Multilayer Perceptron – Back Propagation learning algorithm – Universal function
approximation – Associative memory: auto association, hetero associatio, recall and cross talk.

Unit IV Recurrent neural networks

Linear auto associator – Bi-directional associative memory – Hopfield neural network –
Travelling Salesman Problem.

Unit V Unsupervised Learning

Competitive learning neural networks – Max net – Mexican Hat – Hamming net.

Unit VI Self Organizing networks

Kohonen Self organizing Feature Map – Counter propagation – Learning Vector Quantization
Adaptive Resonance Theory
Applications of neural networks in image processing, signal processing, modeling and control.

Unit VII Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Relations

Introduction –classical sets and fuzzy sets –classical relations and fuzzy relations –membership
functions –fuzzy to crisp conversion ,fuzzy arithmetic, numbers, vectors, and extension principle

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 367

Unit VIII Fuzzy Decision Making
Classical logic and fuzzy logic –fuzzy rule based systems –fuzzy nonlinear simulation –fuzzy
decision making –fuzzy control systems –fuzzy optimization –one-dimensional optimization.

Reference Books:
1. Laurene Fausett, Fundamentals of Neural Networks-Architectures, algorithms and
applications, Pearson Education Inc., 2004.
2. Timothy J. Ross, Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications, John Wiley and sons, 2004.
3. S. Haykin, “Neural Networks, A Comprehensive Foundation”, Pearson Education Inc.,
4. Jacek. M. Zurada, “Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems”, Jaico Publishing House, 2001.
5. J.S.R. Jang, C.T. Sun, E. Mizutani, “Neuro Fuzzy and Soft Computing - A computational
Approach to Learning and Machine Intelligence”, Pearson Education Inc., 2002. Pub, New
Delhi, 1996.
6. Simon Haykin, “Neural Networks”, Mac Millen College Pub co., New York, 1994.

Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Assignments/ other tests, Term End Examination.

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 368

ECE310 Digital System Design L T P C
3 0 0 3
Version No.: 1.10
Prerequisite: ECE103 Digital Logic Design

• To provide a general understanding and designing of digital logic systems for advanced
sequential circuit designs.
• To familiarize students with the various techniques to realize the complete digital circuits.
• To understand the basic programming in VHDL/Verilog.
Expected Outcome:
Student will be able to:
• Realization of single and multiple function Sequential circuits using the VHDL/Verilog.
• Develop state diagrams and algorithmic state machine charts methods of minimization of
next state transition tables, and strategies for state assignment.
• Analyze and realize synchronous and asynchronous finite state machines.

Unit I Sequential Circuit Design

Analysis of Clocked Synchronous Sequential Networks (CSSN) Modeling of CSSN – State Stable
Assignment and Reduction – Design of CSSN – Design of Iterative Circuits - Design of code
converters, Comparators, using ROMs and PLAs, parallel multiplier and binary Divider.

Unit II Asynchronous Sequential Circuit Design

Analysis of Asynchronous Sequential Circuit (ASC), Fundamental mode and pulse mode ASC,
Analysis and design of ASC, Hazards in Sequential circuits and essential hazards, Data
Synchronizers, Designing Vending Machine Controller, Mixed Operating Mode Asynchronous

Unit III RTL Synthesis

Coding guideline for synthesis. Logic Inference: Order dependence. Optimization and mapping
constraints (clock, delay, area, design). An overview of the synthesis based ASIC design flow.
Synthesis Environment, technology library: technology libraries, logic library basics, delay

Unit IV FPGA and its Architecture

Types of Programmable Logic Devices- PLA & PAL- FPGA Generic Architecture.
Interconnect structures - Logic blocks, routing architecture. Design flow -Technology Mapping for FPGAs -
Case studies. Xilinx XC 4000 & ALTERA Cyclone II Architecture FPGAs. ACTEL - ACT-1, 2, 3 and
their speed performance.

Unit V Verification and Testing of Digital circuits

Design verification techniques based on simulation, analytical and formal approaches. Functional
verification: Timing verification. Formal verification. Physical Verification and Analysis. Basics
of equivalence checking and model checking. Hardware emulation.
ATPG for Combinational Circuits: D-Algorithm, Sequential Circuit Test Generations: ATPG for
single-clock synchronous circuits.

1. M. Bushnell and V. D. Agarwal, "Essentials of Electronic Testing for Digital, Memory and
Mixed-Signal VLSI Circuits", Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000.

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 369

2. Donald G. Givone “Digital principles and Design” Tata McGraw Hill 2002.

Reference Books
1. John M Yarbrough “Digital Logic applications and Design” Thomson Learning, 2001.
2. Nripendra N Biswas “Logic Design Theory” Prentice Hall of India, 2001.
3. Charles H. Roth Jr. “Digital System Design using VHDL” Thomson Learning, 2nd
Edition 2008.
4. Charles H. Roth Jr. “Fundamentals of Logic design” Thomson Learning, 2005.

Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Assignments/ Quiz, Term End Examination.

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 370

ECE409 Micro and Smart Systems Technology
3 0 0 3
Version No. 1.01
Prerequisite: PHY102 Material Science/104 Semiconductor Device Physics,
ECE205 Electrical and Electronic Measurements

• To teach different methods of micro machining and how these methods can be used to
produce a variety of MEMS, including microstructures, micro sensors, and micro actuators
• Expose the students to design, simulation and analysis software.
• In addition to this the course covers the various applications of MEMS in different field.
• Design of MEMS based systems.

Expected Outcome:
Student will be able to
• Design and analyze MEMS devices using simulation software.
• Design MEMS based systems

Unit I Introduction to smart materials and their applications

Examples aeronautics (control surfaces) aerospace, automobiles engineering9tire pressure
sensor), structural health monitoring, biomedical engineering and consumer products (smart
shoes, purses, etc).

Unit II Smart Materials

Introduction and basic properties of piezo electric, magnetic, polymers shape memory alloys,
ferroelectric and rheological materials.

Unit III Introduction to Sensors, Actuators and mathematical models

Various domains and classification of transducers: electrostatic, piezoelectric, thermal. Sensing
principles: electrostatic, resistive, chemical etc. SAW devices.

Unit IV Evolution of Microsystems

Benefits of micro systems, concept of micro machines/ micro systems. Scaling laws, nano

Unit V Surface Bulk micro machining

Overview of silicon processes techniques, micro machining techniques and special processes for
MEMS, polymer MEMS. Recent advances in MEMS fabrication.

Unit VI Case Studies

Pressure, strain, acceleration and vibration sensors, and micro fluidics: chemical and bio medical

Unit VII Electronics for Microsystems

Control in smart systems, signal conditioning in sensors, integration and packaging to
Microsystems, System level simulations.

Unit VIII Computer methods in MEMS and micro systems design

MEMS CAD software, coupled models, dynamics.

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 371

Unit IX MEMS and micro systems applications
Details of application in actual systems, introduction to RF- MEMS, MOMS, MOEMS, future of
smart structures and MEMS leading to NEMS.

Reference Books:
1. Banks H.T. Smith R.C. and Wang Y. Smart, ‘Material Structures – Modeling, Estimation and
Control’, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1996.
2. Massood Tabib – Arar, ‘Microactuators – Electrical, Magnetic Thermal, Optical, Mechanical,
Chemical and Smart structures’, Klumer Academic Publishers, New York 1997.
3. M. Eluenspoek, R.Wiegerink, “Mechanical Microsensors”, Springer, 2001.

Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Assignments/ other tests, Term End Examination.

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 372

ECE311 Robotics and Automation L T P C
3 0 0 3
Version No.: 1.10
Prerequisite: ECE210 Control Systems Engineering
This course presents an overview of robotics in practice and research with topics including
vision, motion planning, mobile mechanisms, kinematics, inverse kinematics, and sensors.
Expected Outcome:
1. Student can learn control problems in robots like trajectory control, Actuator etc.,
2. Able to design a robot and it will work in any environment like undersea, space and earth
3. Able to present a model in robot competitions and can also able to present a paper in IEEE
4. Ability to apply the ideas for mechatronics & automobile systems
5. Ability to contribute their ideas to Industry & Research

Unit I Drives and Control 10 hours

Robots –Basic-components classification performance characteristics - Drives and control
system - electric hydraulic and pneumatic actuators - control loops using current amplifier and
voltage amplifiers. .
Unit II Sensors and Vision Systems 8 hours
Transducers and sensors – Tactile sensors - Proximity and range sensors - Acoustic sensors -
vision systems - image processing and analysis - image data reduction – segmentation - feature
extraction - object recognition.
Unit III Robot arm Kinematics and Dynamics 10 hours
Kinematics of manipulators, rotational, translation and transformation, Homogeneous
transformations Denavat – Hartenberg Representation, Inverse Kinematics. Linearization of
Robot Dynamics – State variable continuous and discrete models.
Unit IV Motion Planning and Programming 10 hours
Robotic Motion: Different types of trajectories and introduction to their generation. Position
Control: Independent joint control. Trajectory planning and avoidance of obstacles Robot
programming, languages and software packages.
Unit V Robot Applications 7 hours
Industrial robots for welding, painting and assembly - remote Controlled robots - Robots for
nuclear thermal and chemical plants - Industrial automation - Typical example of automated
1. Mikell P. Groover, “Industrial Robotics”, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishers.
2. John J. Craig, “Introduction to Robotics, Mechanics and Control”, Addison Wesley
Publishing Company.
Reference Books
1. M.W. Spong and M. Vidyasagar, “Robot Dynamics and Control,” John Wiley & Sons, New
2. A.J. Koivo, “Fundamentals for Control of Robotic Manipulators”, John Wiley & Sons, New
3. Yoren Koren, “Robotics for Engineers”, McGraw Hill Book Co.

Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End
Examination. Recommended for PBL.

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 373

ECE410 L T P C
Wireless Sensor Networks
3 0 0 3
Version No.: 1.10
Prerequisite: ECE308 Computer Communication

• To teach the basic and advanced concepts in sensor networking architectures and protocols.
• To expose the students to the recent advances in various wireless networks.
Expected Outcome:
Student will be able to:
The students will be able to understand the fundamentals and basic features of wireless sensor
Unit I Introduction
Advantages of Sensor Networks, Habitat Monitoring, Tracking Chemical Plumes, Smart
transportation, Collaborative Processing.

Unit II Localization and Tracking

Collaborative Localization, Bayesian state estimation, State space decomposition, data
association, Sensor models.

Unit III Networking Sensors

Medium access control – the S-MAC protocol, IEEE 802.15.4 Standard and ZigBee, Energy
aware routing – Unicast geographic routing, routing on a curve, energy minimizing broadcast,
energy aware routing to a region, Attribute based routing – directed diffusion, rumor routing,
geographic hash tables.

Unit IV Sensor Tasking and Control

Task driven sensing, roles of sensor nodes and utilities, information based sensor tasking –
IDSQ, cluster leader based protocol, sensor tasking in tracking relations, joint routing and
information aggregation – multi step information directed routing, sensor group management.

Unit V Sensor Network Databases

Query interfaces, High level database organization, In-Network aggregation, data-centric storage,
data indices and range queries, distributes hierarchical aggregation, temporal data.

Unit VI Wireless Sensor Networking

Introduction, characteristics, applications, technical challenges and design directions.

Reference Books:
1. Wireless Sensor Networks, Feng Zhao, Leonidas. J.Guibas, Morgan Kaufamann Publishers
2. Introduction to wireless and mobile systems, Dharma Prakash Agarwal, Quing- AnZeng,
Vikas Publishing House.
3. Handbook of Sensor Networks: Algorithms and Architectures, Ivan Stojmenovi & Cacute,
October 2005.
4. William Stallings, “Wireless Communications and Networks”, Prentice Hall, 2000.

Mode of Evaluation: Written examination, Seminar, Assignments.

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 374

ECE408 L T P C
Advanced Microcontrollers
3 0 0 3
Version No.: 1.10
Prerequisite: ECE304 Microcontroller and Applications
• Understand advanced architectures.
• Develop Programs both in C and assembly for advanced architectures
• Understand the advanced features like memory management unit, exception handling.
• Build real time DSP system using ARM/DSP processors
Expected Outcome:
After completion of the course student will be able to
• Develop efficient C codes and assembly codes for ARM architecture
• Differentiate Floating point and fixed point DSP processors
• Explain the usage memory management unit for virtual memory concept
• Solve real life problem using ARM and DSP processors.
Unit I Embedded electronic systems and microcontrollers
Introduction to Embedded System, and microcontrollers, Anatomy of a typical small
microcontroller, Memory, Software, Where does the MSP430 fit.
Unit II Texas MSP430
Architecture of the MSP430, Memory, Addressing modes, Constant generator and emulated
instructions, Instruction set, Reflections on the CPU instruction set, Reset, Clock system,
Exceptions: Interrupts and resets.
Unit III Development environment
The C programming language, Assembly language, Access to microcontroller for programming
and debugging.
Unit IV A simple tour of the MSP430
First program on a conventional desktop computer, Light LEDs in C, Light LEDs in assembly
language, Read input from a switch, Automatic control: flashing light by software delay,
Automatic control: Use of subroutines, Automatic control: Flashing light by polling Timer A,
Header files and issues that have been brushed under the carpet.
Unit V Functions, interrupts and low-power modes
Functions and subroutines, Storage for local variables, Passing parameters to a subroutine and
returning a result, Mixing C and assembly language, Interrupts, Interrupt service routines, Issues
associated with interrupts, Low-power modes of operation.
Unit VI Mixed Signal Peripherals
Digital input/output, LCD Displays, Watchdog timers, timers, ADC, DAC, SPI, I2C, UART,
Low power embedded system design using MSP430 processors.
Reference Books:
1. Steve Furber, “ARM System-on-Chip Architecture”, 2nd Edition, Addison Wesley, 2000.
2. David Seal, “ARM Architecture Reference Manual”, 2nd Edition, Addison Wesley, 2007.
3. Alex Van Someran and Carol Attack, “The ARM RISC Chip: A Programmer’s Guide”, Addison
Wesley, 1993.
4. Trevor Martin, The insider’s guide to Philips ARM1-based
5. Sen.M.Kuo, Woon-Seng Gan, Digital signal processors architectures, Implementation and
Applications Pearson education.
6. C.P. Ravi Kumar, MSP430, Micro controller in Embedded system Projects, TI.
7. John Davies, Newness, MSP430 Microcontroller Basics.
8. Chris Nagy, Embedded system design using the TI MSP430 series, Elsevier Publications.

Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Assignments/ other tests, Term End Examination.

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 375

EEE202 Opto Electronics
3 0 0 3
Version No.: 1.10
Prerequisite: ECE101 Electron Devices and Circuits

• To describe the wave nature of light and optical processes in semiconductors.
• To introduce different structures and explain the construction and working of light emitting
diodes and analyze the performance.
• To provide a deep insight on the emission processes, construction and working of various
types of semiconductor lasers.
• To introduce different types of photo detectors, explain the constructions, working
principles and analyze their noise performances
• To make them understand the use of optoelectronic components and fibers to construct an
optical communication system and analyze the coupling techniques, losses to improve long
haul transmissions.

Expected Outcome:
Student will be able to:
• explain the wave nature of light and optical emissions in semiconductors
• design circuits using optoelectronic components for various applications and analyze their
• Identify the way to improve the use of optoelectronic components and their longevity.
• To understand the use of components in telecommunication systems.

Unit I Introduction
Wave nature of light: Total internal reflection, refraction, principle of superposition,
Interference, diffraction, Review of semiconductor fundamentals: elemental and compound
semiconductors, band structure, direct and indirect band gap.

Unit II Optical Processes in Semiconductors

Recombination processes: Radiative, Non-radiative, Band-to-band recombination, Auger
recombination. Absorption in semiconductors, Franz-Keldysh and Stark effects, Kramers-
Kronig relations, radiation in semiconductors.

Unit III Light Emitting Diodes

Principle of action, LED materials, power and efficiency calculation, LED driver circuits,
spectral response, frequency response and modulation bandwidth. LED structures:
Homostructure, Heterostructure, surface emitting and edge emitting LEDs.

Unit IV Semiconductor LASERs

Basic Principle, concept of spontaneous and stimulated emission, population inversion, optical
feedback, threshold conditions. Einstein relation, Heterojunction Lasers, Distributed Feedback

Unit V Photodetectors
PN, P-i-N, Avalanche and Heterojunction photodiodes, phototransistors. Avalanche
multiplication process in APDs, quantum efficiency, responsivity, noise and gain calculation of

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 376

1. J. Wilson and JFB Hawkes, Optoelectronics – an Introduction, PHI, 2001.
2. Pallab Bhattacharya, Semiconductor Optoelectronic Devices, PHI, 2004.

Reference Books:
1. John M Senior, Optical Fiber Communication – principle and practices, PHI, 2005.
2. Djafar K Manbaev, Fiber-Optic Communication Technology, Pearson Education, 2001.

Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Assignments/ other tests, Term End Examination.

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 377

Operating System
3 0 0 3
Version No. 1.00
Prerequisite: ECE302 Computer Organisation and Architecture
To have a thorough knowledge of process management, storage management, concepts of I/O
Systems, file systems, Distributed system and protection.
Expected Outcome:
Student will be able to:
At the end of the course the students will be able to have a thorough knowledge of processes,
scheduling concepts, memory management, I/O and file systems in an operating system.
Unit I Introduction 9 hours
Overview of operating System, Operating system structures – Operating System components
and services-System calls-system programs-Virtual machines. Process Management-Process
concept, Process scheduling, Operations on Processes-Cooperating processes, -Inter process
communication, CPU Scheduling- Basic concepts - Scheduling criteria - Scheduling algorithms.
Unit II Process Synchronization 8 hours
Process Synchronization-The Critical-Section Problem – Synchronization Hardware –
Semaphores – Classic Synchronization problems–Monitors. Deadlocks – System model –
Characterization – Methods of Handling Deadlocks – Deadlock Prevention – Avoidance and
Detection – Recovery from deadlock.
Unit III Storage Management 8 hours
Storage Management - Memory management – Logical and Physical address space-Swapping-
Contiguous allocation-Paging- Segmentation - Demand paging - Page replacement algorithms,
Allocation of frames, Thrashing.
Unit IV File System and Disk Management 8 hours
File System Interface-File Concepts-Access Methods-Directory Structure – File System
Mounting – File Sharing File-system Implementation-Directory Implementation Allocation
Methods- Free space management. Mass storage structure – Disk structure – Disk Scheduling.
Protection – Goals of protection, domain of protection, Access matrix, Implementation of
access matrix.
UNIT V Security And Protection 6 hours
Overview of system security; policy/mechanism separation; security methods and devices;
protection, access, and authentication; models of protection; memory protection; encryption;
recovery management.
UNIT VI Distributed Systems 6 hours
Distributed System structures – background, Topology, Robustness, Design issues. Distributed
File systems – Background, Naming and Transparency, Remote file access.

Reference Books:
1. Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin and Greg Gagne, “Operating System Concepts”,
Eighth Edition, John Wiley & Sons (ASIA) Pvt. Ltd, 2009.
2. Harvey M. Deitel, “Operating Systems”, Second Edition, Pearson Education Pvt. Ltd, 2006.
3. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, “Modern Operating Systems”, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd,
4. William Stallings, “Operating System”, Prentice Hall of India, 5th Edition, 2006.
5. Harvey M. Deitel, “Operating Systems”, Second Edition, Pearson Education Pvt. Ltd, 2002.

Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Assignments/ Quiz, Term End Examination.

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 378

ECEXXX Cryptography and Network Security L T P C
3 0 0 3
Version No.: 1.00
Prerequisite: ECE308 Computer Communication

This course will help to know about the techniques for security of networks. They will know
about data encryption and decryption.
Expected Outcome:
Will train the students on how to secure the networks.

Unit I Introduction
Attacks – Services – Mechanisms – Classical Encryption Techniques.

Unit II Symmetric Encryption Techniques

Block Cipher – Data Encryption Standard – Advanced Encryption Standard – Triple DES –

Unit III Public Key Encryption

Number Theory Concepts – RSA – Elliptic Curve cryptography.

Unit IV Message Authentication

Authentication Functions and Hash Functions – Hash and MAC algorithms – Digest Functions
– Digital Signatures – Authentication Protocols.

Unit V Network Security

IP Security overview, architecture, authentication header, security payload and key management
–Web Security: secure socket layer, transport layer security, secure electronic transaction.

Text Books
1. William Stallings, Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Standards, Prentice
Hall India, 5th Edition, 2006.

Reference Books
1. Charlie Kaufman, Radia Perlman and Mike Speciner, Network Security: Private
Communication in a public world, Prentice Hall India, 2nd Edition, 2002.
2. Man Young Rhee, “Internet Security”, John Wiley & Sons, 2003.
3. Pfleeger & Pfleeger, “Security in Computing”, Pearson Education, 3rd Edition, 2003.

Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 379

ECEXXX Adhoc Wireless Networks L T P C
3 0 0 3
Version No.: 1.00
Prerequisite: ECE308 Computer Communication
To provide a strong foundation in fundamentals of Wireless Communication Technology and
its design issues related to routing protocols.
Expected Outcome:
Students will be able
• To understand the issues of MAC layer and routing protocols
• To study about the different types of adhoc routing protocols
• To learn about the QoS aware adhoc routing protocols
• To study about power and energy management in adhoc networks
• To study about the architecture and protocols of wireless sensor networks

Unit I Introduction
Fundamentals of wireless communication technology, the electro magnetic spectrum radio
propagation, characteristics of wireless channels, modulation techniques, multiple access
techniques, wireless LANs, PANs, WANs, and MANs, Wireless Internet.

Unit II Introduction to ad hoc/sensor networks

Key definitions of ad hoc/ sensor networks, unique constraints and challenges, advantages of ad-
hoc/sensor network, driving applications, issues in ad hoc wireless networks, issues in design of
sensor network, sensor network architecture, data dissemination and gathering.

Unit III MAC Protocols

Issues in designing MAC protocols for sensor networks, design goals, classification of MAC
protocols, location discovery, quality, other issues.

Unit IV Routing Protocols

Routing Protocols: Issues in designing a routing protocol, classification of routing protocols,
table-driven, on-demand, hybrid, flooding, hierarchical, and power aware routing protocols.

Unit V Quality of service and Energy Management

Issues and Challenges in providing Quality of service, classifications, MAC, network layer
solutions, Quality of service frameworks, need for energy management, classification, battery,
transmission power, and system power management schemes.

Reference Books
1. C. Siva Ram Murthy, and B. S. Manoj, "Ad hoc Wireless networks ", Pearson Education -2011.
2. Feng Zhao and Leonides Guibas, "Wireless sensor networks: An information processing approach” -
Morgan Kaufmann Publication 2011.
3. Jochen Schiller, "Mobile Communications ". Pearson Education, 2nd Edition, 2012.
4. Zheng Jun (Ed.) , Jamalipour Abbas (Ed.), "Wireless sensor networks: A networking perspective”
John Wiley and Sons Inc Publication 2009.

Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 380

ECEXXX Spread Spectrum Communication L T P C
3 0 0 3
Version No.: 1.00
Prerequisite: ECE305 Digital Communication
To provide a strong foundation in fundamentals of spread spectrum communication and
practical applications related to wireless environment.

Expected Outcome:
• To know the basics of Spread spectrum communication
• To understand the concept of Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum System.
• To understand the concept of Frequency Hopped Spread Spectrum System
• To know the various synchronization techniques used in spread spectrum
• To have the knowledge about the practical applications of spread spectrum

Unit I Introduction
Origins of SS communications – Advantages of Spectrum spreading – Types of techniques used
for spread spectrum – Processing gain and other fundamental parameters – Jamming methods –
Linear Feedback shift register sequence generation – M-sequence and their statistical properties.
Introduction to Non-linear sequences – Gold codes; Kasami sequences & chaotic sequences.

Unit II Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum System

Coherent direct sequence systems – Model of a DS/BPSK system, Chernoff bound –
Performance of encoded DS/BPSK – Constant power and pulse jammer. Coded DS/BPSK
Performance for known and unknown channel states.

Unit III Frequency Hopping SS System

Non-coherent FH system model – Uncoded FH/BFSK performance under constant power
broadband jammer – Partial band noise jammer – Multitone jammer. Coded FH/BFSK
performance for partial and multitone jammer. Performance of FH/MDPSK in the presence of
partial band multitone jamming.

Unit IV Synchronization of SS Receivers

Acquisition and tracking in DS SS receivers & FH SS receivers – Sequential estimation –
Matched filter techniques of acquisition and tracking – Delay locked loop – Tau-Dither loop.

Unit V Applications
Space systems – Satellite communication. Anti jam military communication – Low probability of
intercept communication – Mobile communications.

Reference Books
1. R.C. Dixon, “Spread spectrum systems”, John Wiley, 1984.
2. M.K. Simon, J.K.Omura, R.A. Schiltz and B.K.Levitt, “Spread spectrum communication”,
Vol-I, II & IV, Computer Science Press, USA, 1985.
3. G.R.Coopeand, CD.Mc.Gillem, “Modern communications and spread spectrum”, McGraw
Hill, 1986.

Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 381

ECEXXX Telecom Technologies L T P C
3 0 0 3
Version No.: 1.00
Prerequisite: ECE308 Computer Communication

The world is moving towards achieving ever larger data-rates and providing seamless broadband
wireless access. Most of the third and fourth generation mobile technologies are built upon GSM
architecture and ensure a backward compatibility with it. UMTS on the other hand uses the
spread spectrum principles that are available in CDMA technology. It is therefore necessary and
helpful to understand the working aspects of these technologies to be able to appreciate the
changes that were implemented in the subsequent technologies such as WiMAX and LTE.

Expected Outcome:
• Understand the SS7 signalling system.
• Understand the authentication, power control implemented in GSM.
• Understand the usage of short and long PN sequences in CDMA systems.
• Implement in MATLAB such programs related to PN sequence generation, orthogonal
modulation, link budget analysis etc.
• Able to understand the IP protocol and packet formats. Understand the importance of ping,
tracert, ICMP messages and packet capture tools such as Ethereal and Wireshark.
• Understand the advances implemented in 3G systems such as heterogeneous networks,
mutual authentication, transmit diversity, OVSF etc.
• Get ready for the telecom industry and embrace new techniques such as LTE and WiMAX.

Unit I Review of Communication Basics 5 hours

Analogue /Digital Signals, Radio Spectrum, modulation-AM/FM/PM, Digital Modulation-
PAM, PWM, PPM, Pulse Code Modulation-PCM, Multiplexing –TDM / TDMA / FDM /
FDMA / CDMA / OFDM , Shift Keying - FSK, BPSK, QPSK, 8PSK, QAM, GMSK, Digital
Hierarchy-T1/E1, Switching Systems, cellular fundamentals.

Unit II SS7 Signaling and Architecture 6 hours

Telecommunication Systems, Signaling and Switching Technologies, SS7 Architecture, ISDN -
Integrated Services Digital Network, ISDN BRI and PRI, Q.921 Signaling, Q.931 Standard, SS7-
Messages, ISUP Signaling, SS7 Call Flows, ISUP Supplementary Messages, SS7 – Protocols.

Unit III Global System For Mobile Communications – GSM 11 hours

GSM Architecture, Time Division Multiple Access -TDMA, IS-136 TDMA Technology, IS-136
Radio Technologies, GSM Security, GSM Channels and Hand Offs, GSM Channel Coding and
Vocoders, Radio Channel Operation, Abis and A Interface Design, BCCH System Information
Types and Decoding, Frequency Scanning, Protocol Architecture, GSM Signalling and Call
Processing, short message service (SMS).
Evolution of Wireless Data, The GSM Phase II Overlay Network, GPRS Network Architecture,
GPRS Radio technologies, Cells & Routing Areas, Packet Data Protocol Context, GPRS
Terminals Mobile Station Classes, Mobility Management, GPRS Data Transfer, GPRS Signalling
Procedures, GPRS Protocols, EDGE Network Architecture, EDGE Coding Schemes, Link
Adaptation, Incremental Redundancy.

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 382

Unit IV Spread Spectrum & CDMA 9 hours
Principles of Spread Spectrum, Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum, Frequency Hopping Spread
Spectrum, Time Hopping Spread Spectrum, Hybrid Spread Spectrum
Code Division Multiple Access – CDMA
Introduction to CDMA Technology, CDMA Network Architecture, CDMA Flavours, cdmaOne
Technology, IS 95A Standard, IS 95B Standard, Orthogonal Modulation, CDMA Channels,
CDMA Encryption and CAVE Algorithms, Spatial Diversity and receiver combining techniques
- RAKE Receiver, Call Processing, CDMA Protocols.

Unit V TCP/IP Protocols 6 hours

OSI and TCP/IP Protocol layering, Class-ful Internet Address, Layer 2 Protocols - ARP &
RARP, Internet Protocol (IP), User Data Gram Protocol -UDP, Transmission Control Protocol
-TCP, Internet Control Message Protocol - ICMP, overview of routing Protocols - OSPF, RIP,
BGP, Mobile IP.

Unit V Universal Mobile Telecommunications Services (UMTS) 8 hours

3G Systems, UMTS architecture, UTRAN Interfaces, UMTS Radio Access and WCDMA
Spreading, UMTS softer handoffs, power control, transmit diversity, Link Budget and QoS, Call
Processing and Media Formats, UMTS Security and VHE.

1. Principles and applications of GSM, Vijay Kumar Garg, Joseph E. Wilkes, Prentice Hall
PTR, 1999 - Technology & Engineering series.
2. Essentials of UMTS, Christopher Cox, Cambridge University wireless communication series,
2010 – south asian reprint.
3. TCP/IP protocol suite, Fourozan, 3/e, Tata McGraw Hill, 2005.

Reference Books
1. 2G mobile networks: GSM and HSCSD – Nishit Narang, Sumit Kasera, McGraw Hill
Professional: Networking Series, 2007.
2. Wireless network evolution 2G to 3G, Vijay K.Garg, Pearson education, 2002.
3. IS-95 CDMA and cdma2000, Vijay K. Garg, Pearson education, 2002.
4. The GSM network, GPRS evolution: one step towards UMTS, 2/e, Joachim Tisal, Wiley,

Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 383

ECEXXX OFDM for Wireless Communication L T P C
3 0 0 3
Version No.: 1.00
Prerequisite: ECE305 Digital Communication
To provide a strong foundation in fundamentals of multicarrier transmission based wireless
systems and its practical applications.
Expected Outcome:
Students will be able :
• To know the basics of multicarrier modulation techniques
• To study about the various channel coding and modulation techniques used for OFDM
• To study about the various channel estimation techniques employed in OFDM
• To understand the concept of OFDMA and difference between OFDM and OFDMA
• To have the knowledge about the practical applications of OFDM and OFDMA
Unit I OFDM Basics
Introduction to Wireless OFDM – OFDM principles, system model – Generation of sub
carrier using IFFT, Guard time and cyclic extension, windowing, choice of OFDM
parameters, OFDM signal processing.
Unit II Coding and Modulation
Introduction – Forward error correcting coding – Interleaving – Quadrature Amplitude
modulation – Coded modulation – Synchronization – sensitivity to phase noise and
frequency offset and timing errors – Synchronization using cyclic extension and special training
Unit III Channel Estimation for OFDM system
Coherent and Differential Detection – Coherent detection – one and two dimensional channel
estimators, special training symbols, Decision directed channel estimation – Differential
detection – Differential detection in the time and frequency domain – Differential
amplitude and phase shift keying.
Unit IV Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access
Frequency hopping in OFDMA, Difference between OFDMA and MC-CDMA. OFDMA
system description – channel coding, modulation, Time and Frequency synchronization,
Initial modulation timing and frequency offset synchronization accuracy, power control,
Random frequency hopping operation – Dynamic channel allocation (simple and fast) – capacity
Unit V Application of OFDMA
Digital Audio Broadcasting – Front end Impairments in the OFDM modem – system
simulation tools – Analysis and simulation of the main front end effects – Terrestrial
digital video broadcasting – Magic wand (Wireless ATM project). IEEE 802.11, Hyper LAN/
2 and MMAC, Wireless LAN standards – OFDM parameters, channelization, OFDM
signal processing, Training, Difference between IEEE 802.11,Hyper LAN/ 2 and MMAC.
1. Richard Van Nee and Ranjee Prasad, “OFDM for Wireless Multimedia
Communication”, Artech House, 2000.

Reference Books:
1. Mare Engels, “Wireless OFDM systems”, Klumer Academic publishers, 2002.
2. Prasad. R, “Universal Wireless Personnel Communications”, Artech House, 1998.

Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 384

ECEXXX Advanced Wireless Mobile Communications L T P C
3 0 0 3
Version No. 1.00
Prerequisite: ECE308 Computer Communication
To provide a strong foundation in fundamentals and advanced things of wireless
communication systems for broadband applications.
Expected Outcome:
Students will be able:
• To know the basics of CDMA and OFDM.
• To study about the various channel modeling techniques.
• To study about the fundamentals of MIMO techniques.
• To have the knowledge about the practical applications of OFDM and CDMA

Unit I Wireless Communications and Diversity

Fast Fading Wireless Channel Modeling, Rayleigh/ Rician Fading Channels, BER Performance
in Fading Channels, Diversity modeling for Wireless Communications, BER Performance
Improvement with diversity, Types of Diversity – Frequency, Time, Space.
Unit II Broadband Wireless Channel Modeling
WSSUS Channel Modeling, RMS Delay Spread, Doppler Fading, Jakes Model, Autocorrelation,
Jakes Spectrum, Impact of Doppler Fading.
Unit III Cellular Communications
Introduction to Cellular Communications, Frequency reuse, Multiple Access Technologies,
Cellular Processes Ǧ Call Setup, Handover etc, Teletraffic Theory.
Introduction to CDMA, Walsh codes, Variable tree OVSF, PN Sequences, Multipath diversity,
RAKE Receiver, CDMA Receiver Synchronization.
Introduction to OFDM, Multicarrier Modulation and Cyclic Prefix, Channel model and SNR
performance, OFDM Issues – PAPR, Frequency and Timing Offset Issues.
Introduction to MIMO, MIMO Channel Capacity, SVD and Eigen modes of the MIMO
Channel, MIMO Spatial Multiplexing – BLAST, MIMO Diversity – Alamouti, OSTBC,
Unit VII 2G,3G and 4G Wireless Standards
1. Fundamentals of Wireless Communications – David Tse and Pramod Viswanath, Publisher Ǧ
Cambridge University Press, 2005.
2. Wireless Communications: Andrea Goldsmith, Cambridge University Press, 2005.
3. Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice –Theodore Rappaport Ǧ Prentice Hall,
4. MIMO Wireless Communications – Ezio Biglieri – Cambridge University Press, 2007.
Reference Books:
1. Mare Engels, “Wireless OFDM systems”, Klumer Academic publishers, 2002.
2. Prasad. R, “Universal Wireless Personnel Communications”, Artech House, 1998.

Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 385

ECEXXX Advanced Digital Signal Processing L T P C
3 0 0 3
Version No.: 1.00
Prerequisite: ECE303 Digital Signal Processing

1. To develop an understanding of the practical utility of digital signal processing techniques
and algorithms
2. To develop the analysis capacity required for various realization issues related to DSP systems
3. To enrich the distinction between the transform techniques and their implementation strategy
4. To bridge the gap between project need and theoretical DSP analysis

Expected Outcome:
After successful completion of the course the student will be able to
1. deliver the practical flavor of DSP algorithms
2. appreciate the computational issues in DSP system implementations
3. design filters based on the stringent requirements
4. solve digital signal related problems in a complete prospective
Unit I Digital filters
Introduction, FIR filter design, window design, Kaiser window, formulating optimization
problem, Optimal low pair Eigen filter, spectral factorization, Non-linear phase FIR filter design,
IIR filter design-working principle, bilinear transformation, Butterworth filters, Elliptical filters.
Unit II Spectral Factorization
Phase function, Unwrapping, group delay, Phase delay.
Complex Cepstrum, Minimum and Maximum phase filters – An intriguing relation, subtleties in
computation, subtleties about phase response, A Cepstral inversion Algorithm, A Spectral
factorization Algorithm, computational issues.
Unit III Discrete Transforms
DCT, Haar transform, Wavelet, fast algorithms for DCT using FFT, fast algorithms for Haar
transform and Wavelet transform. Energy compaction properties
Unit IV Digital Filter Structures
All pass filters, Realizations on the multiplier extraction method, lattice structures, All pass
decomposition theorem, Tunable IIR Digital filters, Realization of an All-pole IIR transfer
function, FIR cascaded lattice structures-Realization of arbitrary FIR transfer function.
Unit V Musical Sound Processing
Sing echo filter, Multiple echo filter, Reverberation, flanging, chorus generator. Digital Music
synthesis, over sampling A/D and D/A converters.
• Digital Signal Processing – Sanjit.K. Mitra, 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill India, 2006.
• Multirate Systems and Filter Banks – P.P. Vaidyanathan, Pearson India 1993.

Reference Books:
1. Discrete-Time Signal Processing- Alan V. Oppenheim, Ronald W. Schafer, John R. Buck,
Prentice Hall, 1999.
2. Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms and Applications-John G. Proakis, Dimitris
Manolakis:, 4th ed, Pearson, 2006.

Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Assignments/ Quiz, Term End Examination.

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 386

Detection and Estimation Theory
3 0 0 3
Version No. 1.00
Prerequisite: ECE201 Probability Theory and Random Processes

1. To develop capacities to understand the fundamentals of receiver design
2. To nurture the advanced signal processing and related analysis skills
3. To develop skills to design independently algorithms based on the fundamental estimation
4. To develop skills to quantize performance measure of an existing receiver structure

Expected Outcome:
Up on the successful completion of the course the students will be able to
1. Appreciate any high level research paper in the advanced signal processing area
2. Solve higher dimensional mathematical problems based on probability and linear algebra
combined with optimization.
3. Develop independent analysis while solving a research problem
4. Develop new algorithms based on the proposed constraints in the signal transmission,
channel and receiver architecture
Unit I Review of Probability and linear algebra
Concept of random variables, random process. PDF, CDF. Moments, characteristic functions,
Gaussian random variable,-scalar and vector cases.poisson, Rayleigh, rician distributions.
Concept of independent random variables.
Matrices, vectors, eigen values, eigen vectors, derivatives, gradients and optimization.

Unit II
Introduction, Various applications of detection-Radar, medical data analysis. A simple decision
problem, A two dimensional problem, simple binary hypothesis tests- Bayes criteria, decision
regions, likelihood ratio, Risk curves, False alaram, Neyman-pearson criterion, performance.
Probability of miss, detection, minimax criterion.

Unit III
Receiver operating characteristic-Gaussian, Poisson cases. M-ary Hypothesis, Bayes criterion,
decision spaces, Maximum a posteriori probability, Receiver structures-correlator receiver,
matched filter. Probability of error evaluation for PSK, FSK Composite Hypotheisis testing.

Unit IV
Estimation theory-parameter estimation, Bayes estimation, typical cost functions-mean, median,
max of a posteriori probability. Properties for invariance of various estimates, nonrandom
parameter estimation, Measure of quality of estimator-bias, variance. Multiple parameter
estimation, measures of error, bounds on estimation errors non random, random parameters,
fisher information matrix.

Linear models, Best linear unbiased estimators-scalar, vector cases, Linear Bayes estimator,
LMMSE-geometrical interpretations, ML estimator-properties, transformed parameters,
extension to vector case. Minimum variance unbiased estimator, CRLB-scalar, vector, Gaussian

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 387

1. H. L. Van Trees, “Detection, Estimation, and Modulation Theory: part-I,” John Wiley &
Sons, 1968.
2. Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing, Volume 1: Estimation Theory, by Steven M.
Kay, Prentice Hall, 1993.

Reference Books:
1. Signal processing: discrete spectral analysis, detection, and estimation Mischa Schwartz,
Leonard Shaw McGraw-Hill, 1975.
2. Detection and estimation theory and its applications Thomas A. Schonhoff, Arthur Anthony
Giordano Prentice Hall, 2006.
3. Digital communication 3rd edition John R. Barry, Edward A. Lee, David G. Messerschmitt
Springer, 2004.

Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Assignments/ Quiz, Term End Examination.

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 388

ECE XXX Network Socket Programming Using C L T P C
3 0 2 4
Version No.: 1.00
Prerequisite: CSE101 Computer Programming and Problem Solving
ECE308 Computer Communication
1. Provide an introduction to writing programs using the socket interface to TCP and UDP.
2. Provide a strong foundation in sending and receiving data between processes.
Expected Outcomes:
On the completion of this course the student will be able to:
1. Program Sockets for TCP/IP Protocol stack
2. Create Multi-threaded servers
3. Program for Inter process communication

Unit I Introduction to Sockets

Socket Address Structures, Byte ordering and Byte Manipulation functions, inet_aton, inet_addr,
inet_ntoa, inet_pton, inet_ntop, readn, writen and readline functions, Name and Address
conversion functions.

Unit II TCP and UDP Socket Programming

Brief overview of TCP/IP protocol stack, TCP and UDP Socket functions, TCP client-server
examples, UDP client-server examples, I/O multiplexing with select () and poll ()

Unit III Advanced Socket Programming

Unix Process creation, usage & Control, Process Relationships, Threads creation, usage &
Signals: The UNIX Kernel Support for Signals, Signal Mask, sigaction, The SIGCHLD Signal
and the waitpid Function, The sigsetjmp and siglongjmp Functions, Kill, Alarm, Interval Timers.
Advanced I/O functions, Daemon Processes and the inetd Superserver, Non-blocking I/O,
Broadcasting & multicasting, Raw sockets, Data link Access.

Unit IV Inter Process Communication

Introduction to IPC, Pipes, FIFOs, Introduction to three types of IPC-message queues,
semaphores and shared memory, Mutexes and condition variables, Remote Procedure calls.

1. W. Richard Stevens, Unix Network Programming, Vol-I Networking API’s: Sockets and
XTI, Prentice- Hall of India, 3rd Edition.
2. W. Richard Stevens., Unix Network Programming: Vol-II Inter Process Communications,
Prentice-Hall of India, 2nd Edition.
3. W. Richard Stevens, Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment, Addison-Wesley.

Reference Books
1. Stephen A. Rago, Unix System V Network Programming, Addition Wesley.
2. Comer, Internetworking with TCP/IP Volume III, 2nd Ed.
3. Bill Riekan & Lyle Weiman, Adventures in UNIX Network Applications Programming.
4. Beginning Linux Programming, Third Edition by Neil Matthew and Richard Stones.

Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 389

Network Socket Programming Using C Lab

List of Laboratory Programs

1. Write a program for a concurrent and iterative Echo server using connection oriented
and connectionless socket system calls

2. a. Write a program for TCP concurrent server to convert a text into upper case using
system call select () function
b. Write a program for TCP concurrent server to echo using poll () function

3. Write a program to multiplex TCP and UDP requests using poll () for converting an
upper case text to lower case

4. Write a program for a concurrent multithreaded file transfer server. Use separate threads
to handle multiple clients concurrently

5. Write a simple program to understand the basics of signal handling

6. Write a program for packet capture and filtering using raw sockets

7. Write a program to implement IPC – Pipes and FIFO

8. Write a program to implement IPC – Message Queues

9. Write a program to create an integer variable using IPC – Shared Memory and increment
the variable simultaneously by two processes. Use Semaphores to avoid Race conditions

10. Write a program to perform mathematical operations for a pair of integer values by
Remote Procedure Calls

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 390

Embedded C and LINUX
3 0 0 3
Version No. 1.00
Prerequisite: -
To develop awareness of the Embedded C and Linux and the range of applications to which
they are suited.
Expected Outcome:
Ability to write simple device drivers for embedding intelligence in Embedded systems.

Unit I Embedded Systems 7 hours

Introduction to Embedded System, Processors, programming language, operating systems,
embedded Software.

Unit II Introducing the 8051 microcontroller family 7 hours

The external interface of the Standard 8051-Reset requirements- Clock frequency and
performance-Memory issues- I/O pins-Timers-Interrupts-Serial interface-Power consumption.

Unit III Programming Embedded Systems in C 7 hours

Hello, embedded world-Reading switches-Adding Structure to the code –object oriented
programming with C-Meeting real time constraints-using the serial interface.

Unit IV Embedded Operating System 8 hours

Basics of simple Embedded OS-Introducing sEOS-multi state system and function sequences,
Case studies.

UNIT V Basics of Linux 8 hours

Command prompt –Navigating file system –finding files – working with folders – reading files
text editing in Linux – Compression and archiving tools.

UNIT VI Linux Programming Concepts 8 hours

Shell programming - File Management – I/O Handling – File Locking – Process Management –
Memory Management – Message Queues – Shared Memory – Semaphores.

Reference Books:
1. Michael J. Pont, “Embedded C” Pearson Education India, 2007.
2. Neil Mathew, Richard stones, “Beginning Linux Programming” 3rd Edition, Wrox – Wiley
3. Eric Foster Johnson, John C. Welch, Micah Anderson, “Beginning shell scripting”, Wrox –
Wiley Publishing.
4. "Linux & Unix Shell Programming" by David Tansley.

Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Assignments/ Quiz, Term End Examination

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 391

ECEXXX Mathematical Methods for Communication and L T P C
Signal Processing 3 1 0 4
Version No.: 1.00
Prerequisite: -
1. To make comfortable with high dimensional mathematical analysis in research papers and
advanced signal processing and communication books
2. To develop capacity to understand compact representations and intuitive analysis of lengthy
derivations involving matrices
3. To appreciate the beauty of linear algebra mixed with probability making a simple solution to
complex problems
4. To get geometrical picture of various analysis tools

Expected Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course the students will be:
1. Able to develop various compact representations for already existing complex problems
2. Able to develop closed form solutions to various optimization problems in signal, image and
video processing combined with communication issues.
3. Able to quantify performance measures like probability of error, SNR, SINR in advanced
communication scenarios.
4. Able to write a research problem based on their own analysis and notation.

Unit I
Linear equations and matrix representations, Determinants. Completing the Square- The scalar
case, the matrix case.

Vector spaces- Basis and dimension, Norms and inner-products, The Cauchy-Schwarz inequality,
The Holder and Murkowski inequalities. Direction of vectors, weighted inner products,
Expectation as an inner product, Hilbert and Banach spaces, orthogonal subspaces, null space,
column space, row space. Projection matrices.

Unit II
Some Important Matrix Factorizations- The LU factorization, The Cholesky factorization,
unitary matrices and the QR factorization
Eigen values and Eigenvector- Eigen values and linear systems, The Jordan form, Geometry
of quadratic forms and the minimax principle, Extremal quadratic forms subject to linear
constraints. Karhunen-Love low-rank approximations.

Unit III
The Singular Value Decomposition- Pseudo inverses and the SVD, Numerically sensitive
problems, Rank-reducing approximations, Total least-squares problems.
Some Special Matrices and Their Applications –Toeplitz matrix inverses, circulant matrices.
Kronecker Products - Some applications of Kronecker products.

Unit IV
Derivatives and gradients
Derivatives of vectors and scalars, products of matrices, powers of a matrix, Modifications for
derivatives of complex vectors and matrices.
Theory of Constrained optimization- Basic definitions, Generalization of chain rule to
composite functions, Definitions of constrained optimization, Equality constraints: Legrange

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 392

Unit V
Probability and random processes-Random vectors, transformations, joint moments, joint
characteristic function, correlation, covariance matrices- properties. Vector Gaussian, Q-
function, Circular complex Gaussian, various transformations Gaussian random vectors,
Rayleigh, Rician, Nagakami distributions, propobability of error upper bounds for M-ary
modulations. Entropy and capacity in the MIMO context with Gaussian noise.

1. Mathematical methods and algorithms for signal processing, Todd K. Moon and Wynn
Stirling, New York, Prentice Hall, 2000.
2. Digital Communications- 5th edition, John G. Proakis, Masoud Salehi, McGraw Hill, 2008.

Reference Books:
1. Introduction to Linear Algebra-4th edition, Gilbert Strang, Wellesley-Cambridge Press, 2009.
2. Space time block coding for wireless communications, E. Larsson, P. Stoica, Cambridge
University Press, 2003.
3. Multirate Systems and Filter Banks, P. P. Vaidyanadhan, Pearson Education India, 1993.
4. Statistical and adaptive signal processing: Spectral Estimation, Signal Modeling, Adaptive
Filtering and Array Processing, Artech House, 2005.

Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End

Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26.4.2013] 393

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