Titan BRR 2013-14 PDF
Titan BRR 2013-14 PDF
Titan BRR 2013-14 PDF
Table of contents
MD’s message 03
One Company Many brands 04
One Journey, Many Routes 06
About the Report: 09
One Foundation Many Pillars 10
One Company, Many Responsibilities 12
Advocacy and Outreach 13
Economic Sustainability – Engaging Growth 14
5 Year Strategy- Imagine. 14
Key Risks 15
Growth through Governance 15
Advancing Human Rights and Ethics 16
Grievance Redressa 18
Shareholder Grievance Committee 19
Customer Satisfaction 20
Primary Customers – Franchisees 20
Customer First 21
Responsible Advertising and Consumer Education 23
Path to Employee Wellness 24
Growing with Titan: Learning and Development 25
Compensation and Benefits 26
Unity in Diversity and Inclusivity 27
Occupational Health and Safety 28
CSR Spends during 2013-14 30
Employee Volunteering: 36
Value Chain and Sustainability Practices 37
Environmental Sustainability 38
Renewable Energy 38
Water efficiency 40
GHG Emissions 40
Waste Management 41
Biodiversity 41
Beyond Business 42
MD’s message
I believe that Titan Company should evolve into a virtuous organisation that
embodies all its stakeholders (employees, customers, associates, investors, and the
community) in building a sustainable institution.
We strive to maximize the efficiency and value of each of our business segments as
we act swiftly to seize the moment and secure our future. For Titan, stakeholder
inclusivity is fundamental given that we only foray into markets which are largely
unorganized and therefore there are no level playing fields. Hence, we consider it a
part of our business responsibility to introduce ethics and fair play business.
They say that the golden rule of business is “Put yourself in your customer’s place.”
We have always believed in this ideology and we have dedicated our team to create
innovative customer centric features and offer services that strive to nurture a lifelong
relationship with every customer.
We also believe that all customers and associates would prefer to deal with or buy
from good corporate citizens. And we started that journey long ago by interacting
with the local communities wherever our operations commenced. That is how our
Meadows, Township and Karigar Park initiatives were conceived, out of the basic
tenet of social inclusivity.
This journey has resulted into the inception of the CSR committee at board level
including independent directors who are committed to such a cause. This committee
acts a guiding light in setting a strategic direction for sustainability for our company in
a holistic way including environmental initiatives.
Having brought forth some of India’s illustrious brands, Titan Company has unveiled
a whole new look and a new logo. This has been developed along with the new
name that reflects the diversified portfolio of our company.
We are truly proud of what we have achieved together and believe that we are
poised for continued long term success. With this report, we showcase our efforts
towards an all-embracing sustainable growth across different stakeholder groups.
Bhaskar Bhat
Titan Company brought about a paradigm shift in the Indian watch market in 1984,
offering quartz technology with international styling, manufactured in a
state-of-the-art factory at Hosur, Tamil Nadu. In 1995, Titan Company diversified into
jewellery under the brand Tanishq to capitalize on a fragmented market in Urban
India operating with no brands. In 2005, the company launched its second jewellery
brand, Gold Plus, to capitalize on opportunities in small towns and rural India. The
company has ventured into B2B business, i.e., Precision Engineering Division, which
makes precision parts and automation solutions. The company has also made its
foray into eyewear, launching Fastrack eyewear and sunglasses, as well as
prescription eyewear and more recently into accessories, fragrances and helmets.
Titan Company’s success lies in its strategy of integrating business excellence with
sustainable development. Titan Company believes trust to be the sacred bond on
which long-lasting relationships are built with customers, employees, shareholders,
network of business associates, and with the community in which they operate. It is
with this belief that Business Responsibility Report 2014 is dedicated to its work
towards sustainability and responsible business initiatives during the reporting period
Titan company vision is reflected in each and every brand that has stemmed out of it.
This vision is what distinguishes Titan from any other brand.
Employee appreciation
• Employees are highly valued and respected assets and there is a constant
endeavour to fulfil their needs and aspirations
Corporate Citizenship
• The Company ensures that a part of its resources are invested in the environment
and community betterment
Titan Watches was founded with the signing of a joint venture of Tata Industries
with the Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation (TIDCO) in June of 1984
The Company has entered the largely fragmented Indian jewellery market 1994
with brand “Tanishq”
Titan Company now has four divisions – Watches and Accessories, Jewellery,
Eyewear and Precision Engineering and is the country’s largest speciality retailer.
At Titan Company, the objective is to foray into unorganized product categories and
transform the category. Titan Company envisions raising the standards of the sector,
while providing a wide base of customers with unmatched value and choice. A brief
description of these iconic brands and divisions is given below.
Plain and studded Watches and accessories Stores with frames and Precision Engineering
gold jewellery like bags, sunglasses et contact lenses Component and
Brands: Tanishq, Brands: Titan, Sonata, Brands: Eye+ Sub-assemblies (PECSA)
Gold Plus, Zoya, Mia Fastrack and sub brands and Machine Building and
like Raga, Xylys, etc Automation (MBA)
B2B Clients: Hamilton
Sundstrand, Pratt &
Whitney Canada
Thus differentiating between Titan, the company and Titan, the watch brand - to
reflect the lifestyle segment that the company operates in, Titan Industries Ltd. has
changed its name to the Titan Company Ltd. The change in the name also followed
with a rebranding exercise for Titan Company. A new logo was unveiled along with
the new name that reflects the lifestyle product portfolio of the company.
This new logo portrays the Titan vision- ‘One Company, Many Brands’
That tiny twinkle is the inspiration for the logo, the Titan Star. While crafting the Titan
Star, a multi-faceted form was created to reflect the multiple brands that come under
the umbrella company- Titan Company Ltd. They counter-form in the centre which
creates a ‘T’ and is representative of the common, value-driven culture. The facets
are geometrical and precise to communicate the commitment to the highest global
standards in everything Titan does.
The following table outlines the recent and noteworthy awards and recognitions
received by the company and various divisions during the reporting year 2013-14.
Category Details
The Scope of the report covers locations and products mentioned below.
All the product lines and divisions including Watches and Accessories,
Jewellery, Eyewear, Precision Components and Automation Solutions;
Titan Time Products Ltd. Goa, a subsidiary, operates independently under a separate
Board and hence not covered as part of this report.
Data published in this report covers offices and manufacturing units directly within
the Company's control that accounts for more than 90% of the operations for which
the environmental data can be tracked.
The principal Business Responsibility topics covered in this report are structured as
shown in the diagram below. The NVG principle against each topic is mentioned for
a better clarity of understanding.
These seven pillars or stakeholders come together under the Titan roof to raise the
quality of business and take it to a whole new level.
Titan Company exemplifies all that they do for the community, including Engaging
with the stakeholders. The following table provides details on ‘Who are the
stakeholders’ and “How we engage with them”.
Franchisee Satisfaction Surveys Preference for Franchisees who share the Tata
Primary Customers –
Customer Feedback and grievance Customer First: Empowering the Frontline retail
End Consumers
Timely statutory reporting and returns filed Participation in CSR and Sustainability initiatives
Regulatory Bodies
Government and
Grievance redressal through an email id Grievance redressal also through a concept of Unit
Open House Personnel Officer and Business HR
Capacity building programs for local vendors Self sustained livelihood program through
Regular engagement through Annual vendor MEADOWS
Supply Chain
Participation is programs like Innovation through Karigar Park and karigar centres
Bazaar Long term relationship with key vendors
Strategic partnerships with key vendors and
engagement through annual vendor meets
Periodic meetings with partners MEADOWs initiative that empowers women from
Community and
Environment Management System Two of the largest divisions have a long term
Long term strategies for Climate control strategy on climate control initiatives
3. Affirmative Action (AA): Titan Company has adopted the Affirmative Action
policy in line with Tata Group’s AA policy and have committed to exercise positive
discrimination in employing personnel from historically disadvantaged
communities Titan Company engages them as business partners, without
sacrificing merit or quality. Titan has been participating in external assessments
within the Tata Group on its Affirmative Action program and also periodically
declares reports on Affirmative action in forums such as CII
4. Climate Change: The Company has adopted the Climate Change policy of the
Tata group. It has declared policies on Environment Management Systems that
lead to setting Goals and objectives
Various certifications have been obtained across the company including ISO
14001:2004, ISO 9001 - Quality Management, ISO 14000. The specific certifications
are as mentioned below.
OHSAS 18001
Watches ISO 9001, ISO 14001
Jewellery QMS - ISO 9001; EMS - ISO 14001; OHSAS - OHSAS 18001:2007; FSSAI
The Company’s senior executives participate in the development of public policy that
addresses issues affecting business, products, customers and overall industry
through collaborative interactions. The Senior Management Team is encouraged to
participate in various public forums and committees to contribute the overall industry
The Titan Company CEO – Watches and Accessories, is part of the Horological
Federation of India. The Company makes representations to the government of
excise duties, support raids that expose fake and smuggled watch dealers, and send
a communication across this fraternity to minimize such approaches.
Titan Company works closely with the Gems and Jewellery Skills Development
Corporation and the National Skills Development Corporation to develop
professionally skilled artisans. The CEO of Jewellery division is also on the board
Gem and Jewellery sector skill council. Titan diligently follows compliance for the
Know Your Customer (KYC) and compulsory PAN card requirement for jewellery
above Rs. 5 Lakh.
Titan Company is a part of the Optometric Association of India. In most places where
Titan plants are located, plant heads either chair or are active members in the local
industry bodies that help create strategies and make representations about the local
communities where they are present.
With a market cap of Rs.23,300 Crore as on 31st March 2014 and Rs.261/ Share,
Titan Company Limited is largely focused on the Indian market while continuing to
strengthen the International presence. The income for 2013-14 was Rs.10815.08
Crore registering a growth of 8.1 % over last year. Profit before tax grew by 1 % to
Rs. 1015.93 Crore and net profit too grew by 2.2 % over last year to Rs. 741.14
Crore. Other financials are detailed as part of the annual report published every
Titan Company has had a dream run in the last decade, having leveraged the
Emerging Market opportunity in India by entry into multiple categories using
disruptive consumer centric business models. Revenues have grown at a CAGR of
27% and the PBT at 39% over the last five years.
Keeping the opportunities & challenges in mind, Titan has been ambitious in building
the 5 year growth strategy – Imagine. Having engaged a large portion of employees,
Key Risks
Titan Company operates in a fast paced, ever changing world where managing and
mitigating risks is the key to success. The Risk Management is overseen by the
Senior Management and the Board at various levels. Statutory Compliance Tool
helps the company in efficient management of various legal compliances, thus
minimizing compliance related risks in the areas of corporate, tax, labour laws as well
as industry specific legislation and State Rules. There is also a 3-tiered approval
hierarchy for submission, escalation and approval of law specific compliance
requirements by concerned business managers. A specific division and company
level risks are discussed in detail in the annual report. Corporate risks are as follows:
All the above listed risks are being addressed as part of the company's strategy and
business plan.
Stringent accounting standards such as GAAP and Indian Accounting Standards are
followed and the financial statements are externally audited by leading audit firms. The
Audit Committee comprises of 6 members, 4 of them being Independent Directors. The
Committee oversees the Company’s financial reporting process and the disclosures of the
financial information to ensure that the financial statements are correct, sufficient and
credible. The committee also recommends on risk mitigation initiatives to the management
and other personnel. The internal audit program focuses primarily on checks and controls
on systems and processes, monitoring compliances, continuous upgrade of controls, the
business risk mitigation and reports directly to the audit committee of the board.
The Nomination Committee recommends to the Board most eligible nominations for
appointment as Independent Directors, appropriate to the company’s structure, size and
complexity and special expertise and experience of the Directors in the related domains /
The Shareholders’ Grievance Committee specifically looks into the redressal of Investors’
complaints relating to the transfer of shares, non-receipt of Annual Reports and dividends
declared by the Company, etc. The Ethics Committee reviews the compliance with TCoC
and SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations and the implementation of the Code
of Conduct of Ethics at Titan Company.
The comprehensive Tata Code of Conduct (TCoC) is applicable to all whole-time directors,
MD and the employees of Titan Company.
The Tata Code of Conduct is signed by every employee at the time of joining. TCoC
contains 25 clauses that make up a governing framework for responsible corporate
citizenship and ethical behaviour. In addition, Titan Company has also specific policies on
Whistle Blower, Prevention of Sexual Harassment, Gifting and a unique policy on
Apart from the TCoC guidelines, the Company, for all its blue collar employees also has in
place a set of Standing Orders, which detail each of the activities that need to be followed
and implemented, as part of governing day to day working.
As an organization that spans the value chain from manufacturing to retail, Titan Company
is largely dependent on a complex supply chain, and therefore recognizes the impact on
the larger ecosystem covering every supplier, vendors, business partners and contractors,
who are expected to adhere to the TCoC. A clause of TCoC is included in all the external
contracts, be it Franchisees or vendor partners.
The Board Ethics Committee oversees the Ethics Management Process which is driven by
a task force comprising of the Managing Director as the Principal Ethics Officer, headed by
a senior vice president who is the Chief Ethics Counsellor (CEC) and supported by about
40 ethics counsellors across the Company.
The team led by the CEC and HR ensures that all employees, new hires and temporary
workforce abide by the TCoC through adequate communication and awareness initiatives.
Breaches of ethical conduct in the organization are dealt with appropriately. The company
has put in place robust mechanisms to deal with breaches in ethical conduct as well as
prevention of sexual harassment. Wide varieties of proactive communication are in place.
The following table outlines the types and numbers of concerns raised by Titan Company
Ethical behaviour is tracked through internal process and its effectiveness is validated
through external surveys. Management of Business Ethics (MBE) survey is
conducted through Tata Quality Management Service (TQMS) once in 2 years.
Additionally, “Tell Me” survey conducted by the Managing Director himself captures
the responses from employees on awareness and communication of ethical
Globalization has significantly changed the world. One of the most urgent dilemmas
for responsible business is how to respect and support human rights in complex
social, political and economic contexts – particularly where these human rights are
being violated.
Being a part of the Tata Group, respect for human rights is integral to Titan
Company’s value system, and this is ingrained in Titan’s culture, policies and
practices. There are mechanisms to ensure that the elements of human rights are
instilled in employees through formal communication mechanisms and through the
TCoC, to which each employee is expected to adhere.
There is no separate formal Human Rights policy. The Company has a formal policy
against employing Child, Forced, and Compulsory Labour and ensures that all
employees, including Contract and Franchisees’ employees are above the age of 18
Grievance Redressal
Employees are provided with the opportunity not only to voice their opinions, but also
to have the appropriate channels to raise concerns and grievances.
Titan Company follows both formal and informal mechanisms for grievance redressal.
Grievances broadly fall into two categories: Issues related to ethics, harassment and
other workplace related issues
The Chief Ethics Counsellor reviews issues on a case to case basis during ethics
counsellors’ meets.
The highest standard of professionalism, honesty, integrity and ethical behaviour has
been adopted to conduct the affairs of the constituents in a fair and transparent
manner. There is a provision under the TCoC requiring employees to report
violations, which states: “Every employee of a Tata Company shall promptly report to
the management any actual or possible violation of the Code or an event he
becomes aware of that could affect the business or reputation of his or any other
Tata Company.”
In order to address workplace related issues, the Senior Management Team has
periodic interactions, including open houses with employees at all locations. The MD
regularly receives feedback from employees across the country through specially
instituted mechanisms that include weekly 'Open hours' on Saturdays when he is
available for any employee to meet or call him, as well as through the annual 'Tell Me'
survey and feedback sent in response to his Quarterly Communication address.
HR team members at each location, including factories are specifically tasked with
the responsibility of ensuring that all grievances of employees are addressed within a
specific time period, failing which there is an escalation matrix to ensure the
grievance is addressed appropriately.
The Regional structures at Titan Company with a Regional Business Head, has
strengthened local connect with employees. As the company grew in size, it was
imperative that the employee and Franchisee connect is not lost in the hierarchy of
the organization right through corporate. A new initiative in one of the regions (E-
Samadhaan) has further strengthened the grievance redressal mechanism.
Customer Satisfaction
Under the Titan Company, all the brands operate with a single point agenda of
complete customer satisfaction.
As a lifestyle company with many brands to satisfy and cater to different categories
of customers, customer relationship is paramount to the success of the Titan
Company. To provide continued patronage to customers with products and services
that excel in every area, including quality, price and service trustworthy business
partners are very essential.
Rewards and Recognition program ‘Impressions’, for frontline retail staff at regional
and national levels has seen huge success. It is open to technicians, department
store staff, and receptionists across the network of Franchisees’. The program
touched approximately 10,000 frontline staff and seen that their sense of belongings
to Titan Company ecosystem. This has helped to intensify the connection with them.
Apart from regular store visits by the sales, regional managers and business heads,
there are open sessions for discussions on RoI, Break-even point, IRR and they are
engaged for a year to year basis, exemplifying the Titan Company’s commitment.
Business Associate Meet (BAM) is held biennially where a various engagement
activities such as one-on-one business planning sessions for each store, Franchisee
workshops, recognition programs etc. are conducted. A testament of partner
commitment is that many of the franchisees have stood through thick and thin and
many of those who started as watch franchisees are now dealing with the Company
across jewellery, accessory and eyewear.
In a bid to take the Titan vision of sustainable development forward, each and every
brand under the Titan company umbrella is involved in variant reformatory schemes
and programs for the betterment of the country and its people.
Titan Company makes significant efforts to reduce the carbon emissions per square
foot of the stores and ensure safety considerations by getting involved in designing of
the stores. All the company owned stores and most of the Franchisee stores have
switched to LED lighting.
Customer First
Titan Company aims at creating value that exceeds customer expectations com-
bined with unsurpassed style that results in a range of products in different that
surprise and delight valued customers.
Precision Meeting exacting quality and delivery standards of domestic and global customers
Engineering Continuous Customer Relationship Management
Customer Complaints
As a product and also service-oriented, responsible company, there is an obligation
to respond to customers' needs and expectations. Titan Company is driven by the
thought ‘Customer delight drives our action’. In this vein, sustainable products are
developed with a high degree of reliability and easy-to-use, intuitive controls.
Customers can register their complaints and concerns through respective customer
access points of each division.
Retail stores and The staff of our Toll free helpline Feedback surveys
watch care centres boutiques Store staff One-on-one meetings
Helpline and with our business
Helpdesk apart from head
our retail stores and
watch care centres.
The Customer Care Cell serves as a single point of contact for the customers and
handles issues such as customer grievances, price and store enquiries, gift card
queries and so on.
There is also a toll-free helpline number to which the customers can call and an email
id to which they can write a complaint. Every query is acknowledged within 12 hours
and is resolved as per the turnaround time based on the type of request. Customer
satisfaction is tracked as soon as a product is purchased through email and SMS.
Titan Company takes pride of work in after sales service. The table above outlines
the number of service related queries that have occurred in the warranty period.
Another example would when a brand under the Titan family, Tanishq in its bid to
help Indian Government in its efforts to curtail its current account deficit has
voluntarily stopped the sales of gold coins and gold bars.
the appropriate time from the comfort of their home/office. All the claims on product
performance are tested extensively and are backed by product warranties relevant
for each category.
Promoting Originals
The business model of Helios enables bringing genuine and original watch brands
under one roof keeping consumer requirements in mind to get an original watch
product has gone a long way in creating a successful product and retail brand in this
country. Customers are actively encouraged to use only original spares in order to
ensure quality and satisfaction.
Employees are key assets and key differentiators. The company’s growth and
success are attributable to them. As a practice, employees are actively engaged with
on all issues pertaining to their well being. There is a commitment to provide
employees with positive and healthy work environment. The strength of a permanent
workforce during the reporting period is 7323 out of which 26.3% are women.
Employees are recognized and rewarded for going an extra mile through, “Moment
of Fame”, a well drawn recognition programme.
Senior Management 52 6 58
The rights of the employees are recognized through Freedom of Association and
Trade Unions. At the Manufacturing Locations, the workers are represented through
trade unions. The company engages with these Unions to arrive at Long Term
Settlements and productivity improvement measures. Titan Company's relationship
with the employees through the employee union is the cornerstone of engagement
and relationship with the employees.
Recognizing the rapid pace of technological change and employees’ aspirations for
their own career growth, there is a robust training, development and capability
building program for all categories of its employees. The training requirements of the
employees are accessed based on their role, domain skills needed and individual
needs. Annual training calendar of events is developed in line with the above and are
tracked throughout the year.
The Education Policy enables employee growth by supporting them to pursue higher
education. The company reimburses the cost of education expenses up to Rs.1
Lakh per person. Employees with 2 to 5 years of service with Titan can avail this
benefit. Employees are also nominated for external training programs and various
E-learning modules have also been made available to all employees.
Titan Township: The need felt for creating a good township for its employees and
for the community near its largest manufacturing operations in Hosur is based on the
TATA philosophy that "Responsibility towards employees extends beyond the
workplace". The TITAN school, a one of its kind institution, following the CBSE
syllabus, has become one of the finest institutions in the region at Hosur, and has
won many accolades.
Crèche: All the manufacturing units have a Crèche facility for employees’ children.
This has enabled Titan Company to retain a large number of female employees, even
at the manufacturing locations.
Flexi Time: The Company has Flexible Work Hours at Corporate and Regional offices
Maternity Leave: The maternity leave policy of the company provides flexibility for the
women employee to avail maternity leave for up to 90 days, excluding the Weekly
Holidays and Intervening National & Festival Holidays. There are several women
employees who are given maternity leave beyond the statutory requirements. As a result
of the benevolent Maternity Leave and flexible working hours for young mothers, the
success rate of women joining back Titan Company after their maternity leave is above
The retirement age for employees below the senior management level in the Company is
58 yrs and for Senior Management Team members is 60 yrs. There are mechanisms to
ensure the transfer of the tacit knowledge of retiring employees. The Gratuity benefit for
retiring employees is much above the rate specified under the Gratuity Act as a mark of
gratitude and a firm notion that even former employees should lead a respectable lifestyle
post-retirement. Medical Insurance for retirees and their spouses is extended up to 80
years of age.
At the core of the company philosophy is the principle of respect for the individual. This
spans across all the brands that come under the Titan umbrella. Titan Company
embraces diversity across all levels of business, from associates to suppliers to dealers.
Titan Company has been a pioneer in ensuring an inclusive and diverse workforce across
its operations. An equal opportunity employer, Titan Company believes in diversity and an
inclusive approach in all its areas of operations. Diversity is manifested in 5 ways –
Gender, Physical Ability, Local Hiring, Affirmative Action, Lateral/ Fresh hires. No recorded
instances of discrimination were noted during the reporting period. Gender diversity ratio
of the company is at 74 men to 26 women.
Titan Company also ensures adequate and fair representation of differently-abled in the
recruitment process. It is ensured that every HR policy is applicable equally to all without
any discrimination. The Company engages physically challenged employees wherever
possible on merit. Titan Company has 128 differently-abled employees, whose salaries &
other benefits are on par with other employees. The Company has tie-ups with NGO's
such as V-Shesh and Enable India to give employment opportunities for differently-abled
people in roles such as retail sales officer, cashier, MIS officer, brand executives, etc.
Appropriate physical support such as providing ramps for movement, handrails etc. are
provided wherever possible. Titan Company has received several recognitions, including
the Best Employer of Differently-abled people by the President of India.
Titan Company supports the Affirmative Action and has put in policy and initiatives in this
direction, including positive discrimination in recruitment. Apart from hiring local talent in all
the places where Titan Company is present, a balance between fresh and lateral recruit-
ment is also ensured. Close to a third of the workforce is through campus recruitment /
fresher in the field.
At the various locations at which Titan Company has its establishments, Factories or
Stores, relationship with the local community is leveraged to gainfully employ youth. The
skills are built through intensive training to make them capable of delivering high quality
products and services. The Company ensures that other than in critical specialized skills,
people from the local community are given the opportunity for employment.
Occupational Health & Safety and ergonomics have been designed from inception,
following best practices of collaborators and technical partners to minimize occupational
risks inherent in the business. Monitoring mechanisms such as Safety Committee, Safety
Officers, employee forums at Plants, EMS & OHS core teams and PAPO have been
Proactive adherence to hazard identification and risk analysis (HIRA), designing of suitable
systems for risk elimination and control by the use of physical engineering controls and
safeguards encourage reporting of unsafe conditions, unsafe acts and near misses
through safety alert card system, safety inspections to identify and control workplace
hazards helped the system in addressing accident prevention. Emergency preparedness
and response procedures are established and rehearsals are carried out through drills to
ensure quick recovery.
Titan Company has a robust OHS policy and is also registered under OHSAS 18001:2007
Certification. The scope of the OHSAS implementation and certification covers the entire
organization, including all manufacturing units and regional locations, the Company owned
stores and CFA's apart from the corporate office at Bangalore.
Category Percentage
Ergonomics has been identified as one of the major occupational health concerns; a risk
assessment is conducted for any manufacturing site. To prevent adverse impacts from
day to day activities, Illumination levels, noise levels and ambient air quality & Work zone
monitoring are monitored at all the workplaces.
During the year, the company hired the services of expert, to carry out the Ergonomics
Training for the Titan Executives and Ergonomics assessment at Manufacturing plants,
corporate office and some retail stores at Bangalore and Mumbai. Corrective and
Preventive action will be drawn to address the issues.
This committee has developed a strategic direction for Corporate Social Responsibility.
Titan Company has now drafted out a CSR Policy that envisages empowering the most
exploited, neglected and weaker sections of the society through systematic interventions
in Education, Health and Employability Skill Building through reliable and capable
The CSR Policy is being crafted on the basis of the discussions and meetings of the
CSR team with the Senior Management team, CSR Board sub-committee, various
NGOs, Tata Trusts, Tata Institute for Social Sciences, the senior Management of Titan,
inputs from Education status reports, NSDC and MDP. This policy would be guidance in
taking the CSR strategy forward in the coming years across the states of Tamil Nadu,
Uttarakhand and Karnataka.
During the Financial Year 2013-14, about Rs. 4 Crores has been spent on the CSR
activities in the areas of Education, Health & Disability and Employability & Skill Building
Programs. The impact of these programs is monitored on a case-to-case basis as they
seek to maximize social return. There is also an emphasis on Employee Volunteering.
The Details of these programs are elaborated below.
Titan Company’s vision is to create a sustainable business attitude throughout all its
illustrious brands. In an attempt to make this possible the company has come up with
various schemes and programs across the board.
The Titan Company identifies a huge opportunity to improve the quality of living of the
people through business. Since the manufacturing units are located in backward
districts like Krishnagiri and Pantnagar, many of the community initiatives focus on
providing education and health services in these areas. Some of the successful and
ongoing CSR programmes include the following:
I. Titan Kanya
A girl is the knot that ties the family, nay the nation together. With this belief Titan
Company has launched the Titan Kanya Programme in 2013. Emerging as a flagship
Pan-India CSR initiative, involving the Company, employees and their Business
Associates, Titan Company seeks to empower 12000 girl children through
education. Working with two NGOs of all India reach and repute – the K C Mahindra
Education Trust (Nanhi Kali program) and IIMPACT, the programme, has to date
about 8300 girl children who are being provided with a window of opportunity. This
includes almost all the tribal girl children numbering around 3600 in the
predominantly dominant tribal blocks of Thally and Kelamangam in Krishnagiri District
of TN.
During the reporting period, the scholarship amounting to 30.77 Lakh was availed by
243 students, out of which 136 are girls and 29% are from AA communities. Recently
the scheme has also been extended to the State of Uttarakhand.
Titan Company has set up a sanitary napkin manufacturing unit in women’s prison
engaging around 30 women. The initiative helps enable productive engagement of
women in prison cells and also help them earn marketable skills and earn their living
after release. This project contributes towards promoting the health of adolescent girls
and ensures the reproductive health of women in general by providing low cost
hygienic napkins/pads to the Government schools and hospitals/PHC.
Titan Company started intervention in this area way back in 1996 through MEAD-
OWs and then Karigar Park. The new interventions being planned are:
I. Unnati:
Unnati, an NGO helps youngsters below the poverty line through a free vocational
training programme that ensure 100% placement. A 70 day programme designed
for unemployed youth (18 yrs & above) with vocational skills and life-skills and
ensures employment with reputed organizations. Currently, the training is offered in
the areas of retail sales, field sales, guest care (hotels), guest care (offices), Watch
Service. During the reporting year, 70 youngsters availed the training out of which
40% belonging to the SC / ST community.
Employee Volunteering:
7330 hours of employee volunteering recorded during the reporting year. CSR
initiatives are communicated to the employees through a dedicated CSR email id.
Brief write up on CSR initiatives are also periodically featured in the in-house
magazine ‘Titan Newsbox”. The employees are also engaged in continuously in CSR
volunteering through programs such as Joy of giving week, Tata Engage, Power of
49, TCCI-Bangalore chapter etc.
Lakh. Out of which, Rs. 60 Lakh was sent to the Tata Relief Committee, a nodal agency
carrying out the relief and rehab work on behalf of the Tata Group Companies and 15
Lakh was contributed towards the CM’s Relief Fund. In addition to the above, the
Dehradun facility contributed food packets, disposable masks, gum boots, bleaching etc.
amounting to Rs. 6 Lakhs.
Each vendor is viewed as a partner in the process of business growth. Titan Company
believes in investing time and effort in building mutually beneficial relationships. The
business responsibility extends to the supply chain partners – the people where the
products are sourced from as well as the people to whom key processes are
outsourced. Vendors are a part of the Titan family and their relationship with the
Company is a reflection of the same. Vendor engagement not only helps in developing
their capacity, it also enables their growth along with the Company’s growth.
Each division of the company brings in its wake its own complex supply chain. In the
Jewellery division, the plain gold and part of studded jewellery making is largely
outsourced and the vendor base varies from large diamond providers to Karigars.
Eyewear division sources frames from China and Europe. Precision Engineering Division
outsources all chemical work to partners.
The standards applied to all vendors stays largely uniform, even though Titan Company
deals with complex supply chain and different types of vendors. Suppliers are guided in
process and system improvement and enhanced technical know-how.
To support sustainable sourcing, there is a tie up with vendors to leverage their skills for
specialized operations. These captive vendors are provided resource support such as
machinery selection, training of personnel, and technical assistance during operations as
well as quality enhancing activities. This in turn gives Titan flexibility in ramping up
production as they function as an extended arm of manufacturing.
All purchase agreements have a reference to the Tata Code of Conduct and the clauses
in it apply to all the vendors.
Local Sourcing
Titan Company’s key intent is helping local suppliers scale up and improve their
operations and in turn build stronger and longer-term tie with them. In the jewellery
businesses, there is a preference towards potential local vendors in packaging space,
who mainly employ women (mostly from rural areas), thus improving their livelihood.
Training them on quality, safety and environmental aspects like energy conservation,
usage of plastic materials and handling hazardous products etc.
Providing the necessary support on implementing safety, reducing rejections
Titan Company motivates them to get certified to the ISO standards – ISO 9001 and
ISO 14001, to improve their processes
Mr. Perfect initiative focuses on improving their quality and delivery, including following
all safety & statutory requirements
Engagement with Vendors: Regular Vendor Satisfaction Surveys and Vendor Meets
are conducted with the aim of improving their business as well as gauging their
feedback. Vendors are also involved in new product development whenever
Environmental Sustainability
Titan Company values the need for business transformation towards sustainable growth and
uses strategic approach to minimize the impact of adopting efficient processes, encouraging
ideas to create sustainable products and certifications.
There is a robust environment policy applicable to all the divisions and for two of the divisions;
this policy extends beyond the factory to its suppliers and contractors too. Furthermore, while
all of the divisions have strategies to address global environmental issues, two of the divisions
have a long-term strategy on climate control initiatives that are in line with the TATA Group
Climate Change Control Policy. These divisions identify and access the environmental risk
across at a granular level. The Environmental Management Systems at factory level helps
mitigate and prevent environmental risks across the company. The lens manufacturing facility
is currently in the early stages of implementing ISO14001. There are no significant negative
environmental consequences of any of the Company’s business operations. No monetary or
non-monetary sanctions were imposed for non-compliance with environmental laws and
regulations on Titan Company during the reporting period 2013-14.
Renewable Energy
The benefit of renewable energy was foreseen at an early stage. 52.46% of the overall
electricity consumption are powered by wind energy. The capacity of wind turbines that
have been installed generates energy of 85 Lakh units per year out of which effectively utilize
only 55 Lakh units (and the rest is put in banking) due to severe power cuts enforcement in
Tamil Nadu (which are as high as 60%). Titan Company is proud that, it has the potential to
generate an even larger percentage of its overall energy consumption from Wind.
It has also completed the installation of 25 kw solar systems at one of the Large Format
Store in Lucknow and another 10kw solar plant in the regional office - North. These two
systems would reduce the power consumption to an extent of 45000 units per annum. The
installation of a rooftop solar power plant of 250 kw at the manufacturing plant has been
finalized. This plant will generate around 3lakh units / year.
Kg 350 180 NA NA NA
Carbons (Freon gas)
Water Efficiency
This has been achieved through various initiatives, including 100% recycling of trade
effluent, using a Reverse Osmosis plant for the fresh water and effluents, a
mechanical evaporation system, and reusing treated water in processes. The plants
do not discharge water out of the premises and all treated water is used for
gardening, Air – conditioning, etc. In the Precision Engineering division, a Reverse
Osmosis (RO) water system has been set up from a process pump to ground pump.
The Company has also commissioned a Thermal Energy storage system and an
Industrial dishwasher to reduce fuel consumption & fresh water consumption.
Eyewear 0.058 NA NA
GHG Emissions
The main sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at Titan Company are from
electricity consumption for manufacturing, employee commute and air travel. Concerns
towards the use of renewable energy and other energy reduction mechanisms have
enabled them to minimize the emission of greenhouse gases at the production units.
Retail stores also have various initiatives to reduce Green House Gas emissions,
including LED lighting, and purchase of star-rated laptops and air conditioners.
Waste Management
Titan Company has adopted focused strategy towards waste management through
waste minimisation and conservation of resources. This continued effort to eliminate,
recycle and reuse waste, has resulted in less waste being disposed. While used brass is
sent to the supplier for recycling, Gold is recycled at the Jewellery plant and silver is
recovered from old batteries. 99% of brass and 87% of water effluents are recycled.
The wood packaging is reused and there is an attempt to recycle most of the input
materials. Gold which is one of the key raw materials is 100% recycled and old jewellery
obtained through exchange schemes is recycled. The waste is segregated at the
source and disposed safely.
In a small but impactful manner, Titan Company has come up with a scientific disposal
facility for used watch batteries where the batteries collected at service centres and
stores are disposed safely. Metallic, non-metallic components and hazardous chemicals
will be segregated and neutralized properly for safe disposal. Titan Company also
educates customers about the harmful effects of non-scientific way of battery disposal.
The bio-waste from the canteens and factories is run through a vermi-compost setup
which yields manure and any surplus manure is sold to local farmers at subsidized
Waste generation is contained within the limits prescribed by the CPCB and applicable
SPCBs across all their divisions.
None of the divisions have reported any instances of negative impact on biodiversity
(letting out of plating chemicals, broken prescription glasses, improper use of cyanide
and other chemicals) and have proactively taken steps to minimize such impact.
From a product perspective, Titan Company does not produce jewellery made from
coral. The Company has eliminated the use of cadmium from the soldering process and
completely banned the usage of hazardous chemicals such as mercury & cyanide. In
the boutiques, the Company does not use plastic bags choosing to use jute and
cardboard bags instead. At the Titan jewellery factory, they have implemented
Oxo-biodegradable bags which are more environments friendlier than the regular plastic
bags. As part of World Environment Day, the employees planted close to 15000
saplings in the vicinity of the factories and offices during 2013-14 which is a part of the
Environmental protection initiative.
Beyond Business
Titan Company in its core remains a brand that has its core idea embedded in
innovation in every aspect of business. This philosophy runs through every brand under
the Titan umbrella.
From its future-focussed strategy to its design innovations, its creative marketing
approach to the strong supply chain, Titan Company, has relied on its ability to connect
with customers and deliver what the customer needs. This has not only given the
company an edge over its competitors, it has also helped Titan Company become the
fifth largest watch manufacturing company in the world. This 2nd Business
Responsibility report is presented with a hope to become a firm of the future having
undergone significant transformation such that corporate social responsibility no longer
becomes managed as a separate deliverable, but is part of the experience of being an
employee in an organization that lives its values.
Contact Details
Website: www.titan.co.in
An Titan Company Report