Site Characterization of A Tropical Soil by in Situ Tests: Breno Padovezi Rocha

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Site characterization of a tropical soil by in situ tests 

Breno Padovezi Rocha a & Heraldo Luiz Giacheti b

Department of Geotechnical Engineering, University of São Paulo, São Carlos, Brazil. [email protected]
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, São Paulo State University, Bauru, Brazil. [email protected]

Received: September 26th, 2017. Received in revised form: June 6th, 2018. Accepted: August 10th, 2018.

This paper compiles site characterization data of an unsaturated tropical soil profile in an experimental research site in Bauru, São Paulo
State, Brazil. Several in situ campaigns comprised geophysical borehole tests (cross-hole, down-hole and up-hole together with the SPT),
as well as mechanical tests (SPT, CPT and SDMT) have been performed. According to the MCT Classification System for tropical soils,
the first 13 m depth is a colluvium with lateritic soil behavior (LA’) over the residual soil with non-lateritic behavior (NA’). The ratio
between seismic (Go) and mechanical (qn, N60, ED, KD and MDMT) parameters was useful to identify the presence of microstructure and to
confirm unusual soil behavior for this tropical soil site. CPT and SDMT were efficient for detailed stratigraphic logging, however, the
estimative of geotechnical parameters cannot be solely been done base on just conventional correlations defined for sedimentary soil.

Keywords: site characterization; tropical soils; CPT; SDMT; seismic tests.

Caracterización de un suelo tropical por medio de ensayos in-situ

Este artículo presenta la caracterización geotécnica de un perfil de suelo tropical no saturado de un campo experimental localizado en la
ciudad de Bauru, São Paulo, Brasil. Fueron ejecutadas varias campañas in-situ, que incluyen ensayos geofísicos (cross-hole, down-hole y
up-hole con ensayos SPT) y ensayos mecánicos (SPT, CPT e SDMT). Según el sistema de clasificación MCT, los primeros 13 m del sitio
de estudio corresponden a un colúvio de matriz arenosa con comportamiento laterítico (LA'), seguido por un suelo residual de
comportamiento no laterítico (NA'). La relación obtenida entre los parámetros sísmicos (Go) y mecánicos (qn, N60, ED, KD e MDMT) permitió
identificar la presencia de microestructuras y confirmar el comportamiento específico de este material. Los ensayos de CPT y SDMT
fueron eficientes para definir detalladamente el perfil estratigráfico; no obstante, la estimativa de los parámetros geotécnicos no puede ser
realizada basada únicamente en correlaciones convencionales definidas para suelos sedimentares.

Palabras clave: caracterización del suelo; suelos tropicales; CPT; SDMT; ensayos sísmicos.

1. Introduction It is mainly composed of two horizons. The top horizon,

which has suffered intensive pedogenetic evolution is so-
The site characterization must be performed to define called lateritic soils. This horizon overlays a deep layer of
the geotechnical profile, which includes layers residual soil with relict structures from parent rock, which
identification, thickness and type of soil, water level is called as saprolites. The lateritic soil has evolved from
position and mechanical and hydraulic parameters of each residual soils as well as colluvium soils. Tropical soils
layer. For this purpose, both in situ and laboratory tests present a bonding structure, which generates a cohesive-
can be used. However, although the laboratory tests permit frictional nature, anisotropy due to relic structure, genesis,
test conditions controlling, as well as accomplishing a destructuration under shear conditions and low influence
series of simulations, in situ tests have been increasingly of stress history [2]. Therefore, it is becoming increasingly
employed for being simple, operator-independent, rapid important to understand the soil behavior of the tropical
and covering a larger volume of soil. soils, since they cannot be properly assessed by means of
Tropical soils are mostly formed by geological and models and correlations developed by the Classical Soil
pedological processes typical of tropical wet regions [1]. Mechanics.

How to cite: Rocha, B.P. and Giacheti, H.L., Site characterization of a tropical soil by in situ tests. DYNA, 85(206), pp. 211-219, September, 2018.
© The author; licensee Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
Revista DYNA, 85(206), pp. 211-219, September, 2018, ISSN 0012-7353
Rocha & Giacheti / Revista DYNA, 85(206), pp. 211-219, September, 2018.

soil sample while the penetration resistance (N-value) is

measured. Geotechnical design parameters can be estimated
from the N-value; however, it has been found to be very
dependent on the test equipment and procedure [5-7].
Furthermore, N-values are usually recorded every 1.0 to 1.5
m and that is relatively discontinuous when compared to
other tests, such as CPT and DMT.
[8] suggested supplementing the conventional SPT with
measurement of the torque required to turn the split spoon
after driving. This is called the standard penetration test with
torque measurement (SPT-T). According to [8], the torque
(T) provides a ‘static’ component for a ‘dynamic’ test.
Figure 1. Location of the Unesp research site. Three SPT tests were carried out in the site. Fig. 2a shows a
Source: The authors. soil profile consisting of a red, clayey fine sand. Average N-
values increase almost linearly with depth, up to 13 m depth
(Fig. 2b). One SPT test complemented by torque measurement
This paper aims to present and discuss extensive site was carried out at the site and Fig. 2c shows the T/N ratio profile.
characterization campaigns carried out by in situ tests performed at There are two different trends for the T/N ratio with average
one relatively well-studied unsaturated tropical soil profile at values of 1.3 for the top 12.5 m depth and 2.0 bellow this depth
Unesp research site, in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. CPT, SDMT (Fig. 2c). The interpretation of MCT classification test data
and seismic test data were interpreted and compared to available separated lateritic (LA’) from non-lateritic (NA’) soil behavior
reference soil parameters determined based on laboratory and almost at the same depth (13 m).
others in situ tests. In addition, Go/qc, Go/N60, Go/ED and Go/MDMT Grain size distribution for the soil samples retrieved every
were discussed to identify microstructure in the studied site profile. meter from one of the SPT tests were determined using
dispersant (Fig. 2d) and with no dispersant (Fig. 2e). Oxides
2. Geology and site conditions and hydroxides of iron and aluminium, which are typical on
tropical soil profiles, naturally aggregate clay and silt
Geotechnical site characterization campaigns were particles and explains the observed differences.
carried out at the Unesp research site – Bauru Campus, in
northwest of São Paulo state, Brazil (Fig. 1). This site has 3.2. CPTu
been extensively studied via laboratory and in situ tests.
Sandstone rocks from Bauru Group (Upper Cretaceous), CPTu is another in test for geotechnical site characterization
which recovers the volcanic rocks from Serra Geral Formation, where cone resistance (qc), sleeve friction (fs) and pore pressure
geologically characterize the soil profile. These rocks emerge in (u) are measured during the probe penetration at a constant rate
the direction of the Tiete River. Sedimentary rocks from Marilia of 20 mm per second. The piezocone probe has a 60-degree
Formation are predominant at this region, which are experiencing apex angle and a diameter of 35.7 mm (10 cm² cross-sectional
weathering processes over tropical conditions. According to [3], area). The partially saturated nature of tropical soils does not
these soils exhibit characteristics from the parent rocks such as allow pore pressure measurements, so it cannot be used to help
sequence of layering and modifications on these geological the identification of the drainage conditions during cone
materials by pedogenetic and morphogenetic processes penetration. [9] suggested a framework for interpretation of
(softening caused by water migration by the fracture zones and
recovering by colluvial soils in several phases). These profiles are N60 T/N
Grain size
distribution (%)
Grain size
distribution (%)
Soil Profile
generally unsaturated porous sandy soils with a high-saturated (SPT) 0
(Blows/30 cm)
10 20 30 40 0
1 2 3 4
(with dispersant)
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
(without dispersant)

permeability and low degrees of saturation (below 30%). An 0

important geotechnical problem in this area is the soil


2 Red Clayey
fine sand
collapsibility caused by wetting. 4
The study site is characterized by an upper lateritic soil SM - SC
Medium Sand
Medium Sand
Fine Sand

layer (colluvium) about 13.0 m thick followed by a saprolitic 6


Fine Sand

soil (residual soil) which reach depths up to 30 m. The 8

Depth (m)

groundwater is not found up to 30 m depth. The MCT


Classification System (Mini, Compacted, Tropical) proposed

by [4] for tropical soils was used to define and classify the 12

soils with regards to their lateritic behavior. 14


3. In situ tests

3.1. SPT and SPT-T 20

a) b) c) d) e)

Figure 2. SPT, SPT-T results and grain size distribution.

SPT is still the most current in test for geotechnical site Source: The authors.
characterization. The test is simple and provides a disturbed

Rocha & Giacheti / Revista DYNA, 85(206), pp. 211-219, September, 2018.

qt (MPa) fs (kPa) RF (%) IC Interpreted

Profile (CPTu)
0 5 10 15 0 100 200 300 400 0 2 4 6 8 10 1 2 3 4
Sand to silty sand

Silt mixtures
6 Sand

Sand to silty sand

Depth (m)

Sand mixtures



Silt Mixtures
a) b) c) d) Mixtures e)
Figure 3. CPT data and interpretation for the studied site.
Source: The authors. 0 to 1m
1.0 to 16.5 m a)
cone penetration tests in tropical soils, which depends largely
on semi-empirical approaches using other in situ or
laboratory test results.
CPTu does not provide soil samples. For this reason, soil
type is identified by using classification charts (SBT charts)
that relate corrected cone resistance (qt) and friction ratio (Rf)
as discussed by [10]. Four CPTu were carried out in the site
in March, 2016. Fig. 3 shows the CPTu data and their
interpretation. Water table was not found up to 20 m depth.
Due to the unsaturated condition of the studied site, pore
pressure was note measured and cone resistance (qc) was
assumed to be equal to corrected cone resistance (qt).
The corrected cone resistance (qt) and the sleeve friction
(fs) increase almost linearly with depth up to 13 m leading to
a friction ratio (Rf) between 0.5 and 1.0 % (Fig. 3). The Ic
index profile, calculated as defined by the Unified Approach
[11], is also shown in Fig. 3 and it was used to interpret the
soil profile. The CPTu interpreted profile indicated that a
sand to silty sand occurs from 0 to1.0 m depth, sand mixtures
from 1.0 to 16.5 m depth, silt mixtures from 16.5 to 17.8 m 16.5 to 17.8 m
17.8 to 19.6 m
depth and sand mixtures from 17.8 to 19.6 m depth.
Robertson [12] updated the CPT-based SBT
classification chart [11] based on the work of Idriss and
Figure 4. CPT data from the studied site in the normalized CPT soil behavior
Boulanger [13]. This modified classification system is based
on the soil behavior characteristics, which consider either Source: modified from [13].
dilative or contractive behavior at large strains and soils that
are predominately more sand-like (susceptible to cyclic
liquefaction) or more clay-like (not susceptible to cyclic Besides stratigraphic logging, the CPTu data are used to
liquefaction). Moreover, this classification system captures estimate geotechnical parameters based on classical
soils in transition from more sand-like to more clay-like. empirical correlations [14,15]. Empirical correlations to
Fig. 4 shows that the use of Robertson’s chart [12] in the estimate soil unit weight (γ), friction angle (ϕ’), constrained
interpretation of the CPTus identified sand-like soils up to 16.5 modulus (M) and maximum shear modulus (Go) were used to
m depth (Fig. 4a). The soil was classified as transitional between compare calculated and measured parameters. The reference
16.5 to 17.8 m depth, and as a sand-like soil below 17.8 m depth Go was determined in situ via one cross-hole [16], one
(Fig. 4b). It is also interesting to note that at 13 m depth, where seismic cone [3] and one downhole test [17]. Moreover, the
there is a boundary between lateritic (LA’) and non-lateritic reference of soil unit weight (γ) and friction angle (ϕ’) was
(NA’) soil behavior, the CPT response was also different: up to determined based on direct shear tests carried out on
13 m depth the soil contracts at large strains and below 13 m undisturbed samples [18].
depth the soil dilates at large strains. It was also observed that Fig. 5 shows the comparison between measured and
soil from the top layer (up to 1.0 m depth) is classified as sand- estimated parameters in terms of average values for all CPTs.
like soil with dilative behavior at large strains. Fig. 5a shows that estimative of soil unit weight (γ) using the

Rocha & Giacheti / Revista DYNA, 85(206), pp. 211-219, September, 2018.

(kN/m³) '(º) M (MPa) Go (MPa) Robertson [11] suggested the following simplified
12 14 16 18 20 22 25 30 35 40 45 0 50 100 150 200 0 100 200 300 400
0 correlation:
when Ic > 2.2 use

4 𝛼 𝑄 when 𝑄 14 (4)
𝛼 14 when 𝑄 14

and, when Ic > 2.2 use
Depth (m)

. .
10 𝛼 0.03 10 (5)

Unfortunately, there are no oedometer test data for this
14 site to be used as reference values.
Maximum shear modulus (Go) is a fundamental
parameter for predicting the dynamic response of soil and can
be determined from elastic theory for equation 6:
a) b) c) d)
Rob. & Cabal (2010) Rob. & Camp. (1983) CPT CPT
𝐺 𝜌𝑉 (6)
LAB LAB - Direct shear Cross-hole
Down-hole where ρ is mass density of the soil (kg/m³) and Vs is shear
Figure 5. Measured and estimated parameters from average CPT data.
Source: The authors.
wave velocity (m/s).
Fig. 5d presents the Go profile obtained from cross-hole,
seismic cone and downhole test and the estimated profile
Equation 1, presented by [19], is lower than then those from average CPTu data Go was estimated from equation 7
determined by undisturbed soil samples up to 13 m depth developments for uncemented Holocene to Pleistocene age
and they are in a reasonable agreement bellow this depth. soils [11]:
. .
𝛾 ⁄𝛾 0.27 log 𝑅 0.36 log 𝑞 ⁄𝑝 1.236 (1) 𝐺 0.0188 10 𝑞 𝜎 (7)

Fig. 5b presents the comparison between predicted Go measured values are much higher than estimated one
friction angle by Robertson and Campanella [14]’s equation for this site. It can be associated to the weakly cemented
(equation 2) and reference (laboratory data) values. structure of these soils (microstructure), which increases the
low strain shear modulus while the penetration of the cone
1 𝑞 breaks down all cementation [12, 20, 21, 22].
𝑡𝑎𝑛 ϕ 𝑙𝑜𝑔 0.29 (2) The observed differences between estimated and measured
2.68 𝜎′
parameters in tropical soils can be attributed the unusual behavior
The reference friction angles were determined by (e.g. a cohesive-frictional nature, anisotropy due to relic structure,
direct shear tests under consolidated drained condition destructuration under shear conditions and low influence of stress
(CD) on undisturbed soil samples at its natural water history). As a result, although CPTu is an excellent tool for soil
content. The estimated CPTu friction angle values are in profiling, it cannot serve as an exclusive site investigation tool for
good agreement with those obtained from shear tests. In tropical soils, since genetic characteristics affect soil behavior
this case, average estimated ϕ’ angle was equal to 32.5º and soil sampling and extra tests are required.
and the average measured ϕ’ angle of about 33º.
However, the estimated ϕ’ values are much higher than 3.3. DMT and SDMT
the reference ones for the 1 m topsoil. This difference is
caused by the influence of soil suction, which provides The DMT was developed by [23] and consists of a blade of
mainly an increase on the intercept of cohesion. The 14 mm thick, 95 mm wide and 220 mm length. The SDMT
estimated ϕ’ values incorporate the component of incorporates the traditional "mechanical" Flat Dilatometer with a
cohesion as a friction angle, since it assumes the soil seismic module placed above the DMT blade. The SDMT
behave like sands. module is a probe outfitted with two receivers, spaced 0.5 m, for
The constrained modulus (M) is a key engineering measuring the shear wave velocity (Vs), which allows obtaining
parameter in evaluating the settlements behavior of the maximum shear modulus (Go) based on Elastic theory [24].
foundations. Constrained modulus can be obtained by One flat dilatometer (DMT) and three seismic dilatometer
oedometer test in laboratory and in situ tests. Fig. 5c shows (SDMT) tests were carried out in the site in Abril, 2016. Fig. 6
the M-values against depth obtained from equation 3 shows the DMT and the SDMT data for the studied site. [23]
presented below. proposed a series of correlations based on Italian soils for
estimating soil parameters (i.e., unit weight - , at-rest earth
𝑀 𝛼 𝑞 𝜎 (3) pressure - Ko, overconsolidation ratio - OCR, friction angle - ϕ,
undrained shear strength - cu and constrained modulus - M).

Rocha & Giacheti / Revista DYNA, 85(206), pp. 211-219, September, 2018.

po , p1 (kPa) ID KD ED (MPa) Vs (m/s)

0 1250 2500 0.1 1 10 0 5 10 15 20 0 15 30 45 60 0 200 400 600

4 DMT1

Depth (m)



16 SDMT3

18 po p1

Figure 6. DMT and SDMT data for the studied site.
Source: The authors.

Figure 7. DMT and SDMT data for the studied site in the chart for estimating
The material index ID= (p1 – p0)/(p0 – u0) was calculated soil type and unit weight.
Source: modified from [25].
from DMT and SDMT data to identify soil type. The
pressures p0 and p1 are recorded when the center of the
membrane is displaced 0.05 mm and 1.1 mm respectively, (kN/m³) ED and Epmt (MPa) Ko MDMT (MPa)  (°)
and uo is the hydrostatic pore pressure. 0
12 14 16 18 20 22 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 20 40 60 80 25 30 35 40 45

The material index ID (Fig. 6b) indicates that a sand silty

occurs in the studied site. This classification can also be 2

observed in the Marchetti and Crapps [25] chart, which can 4

be used for estimating soil type as well as unit weight (Fig.
7). However, the real texture of this soil is a clayey fine sand, 6

as can be seen in the Fig. 2a (SPT samples). [26] affirms that 8

material index (ID) should not be used to classify the soil as

Depth (m)

it is done by grain size analysis, but as an index which reflects
mechanical behavior (a kind of "rigidity index"). For 12

example, if a clay for some reasons behaves "more rigidly" 14

than most clays, such clay will be probably interpreted by ID
as silt. 16

Interpretation of soil properties and parameters obtained 18

from the average DMT and SDMT data are presented in the a) b) c) d) e)
Fig. 8. Unit weight estimated based on the ID vs ED chart [25] 20
DMT DMT DMT (Marchetti 1980) DMT DMT

is in good agreement with those obtained from undisturbed LAB Epmt DMT (Baldi et al, 1986)
LAB - Direc shear

samples (Fig. 8a). Figure 8. Measured and estimated parameters from average DMT and
SDMT data.
The dilatometer modulus (ED) is obtained from p0 and p1
Source: The authors.
with the Elastic Theory. Fig. 8b shows the ED profile, which
demonstrates the linear increase with depth. These data were
compared with Epmt determined from Menard Pressuremeter. 𝐾 0.376 0.095𝐾 0.0017 𝑞 ⁄𝜎 (8)
Epmt and ED (DMT and SDMT) are very close in agreement
up to about 11 m depth. Epmt was one third lower than ED Fig. 8c presents Ko values estimated based on SDMT and
after that depth. This behavior can be explained by soil DMT data using [23] and [30] correlations, as well as Ko
disturbance, as discussed by [27]. According to [28], interpreted based on PMT data. Ko from PMT is equal to 3.5 at
dilatometer modulus represents a measure of the elastic- 0.5 m depth and 1.3 at 1.5 m depth. It assumes a constant value
plastic response of sands, since it is defined through the slope almost equal to 0.8 up to about 8 m depth and 0.5 below this
of the DMT expansion curve. depth. The Ko values estimated from [30] correlation is equal to
The DMT data can also be used to estimate the coefficient 2.2 at 0.5 m depth, 0.5 between 1 and 12 m depth and 0.6 below
of at-rest earth pressure (Ko). The original correlation 12 m depth. Ko values predicted by [23] is 3.0 at 0.5 m depth,
suggested by [23] was elaborated for clayey soils. [29] 0.5 between 1 and 13 m depth and 0.7 below 13 m. DMT Ko
suggested a Ko chart for sands. This chart estimates Ko for a values calculated using [30] and [23] correlations better
given value of corrected cone resistance (qt) and KD. [30] matches with PMT Ko values between 8 to 15 m depth.
updated it converting into the following equation for sandy Predicting settlements of foundations is the main DMT

Rocha & Giacheti / Revista DYNA, 85(206), pp. 211-219, September, 2018.

application. Constrained modulus (M) is derived from the Vs (m/s) Go (MPa) Go/qt Go/N60

original correlation proposed by [23]. Fig. 8d shows the 0

0 200 400 600 0 200 400 600 0 40 80 120 160 0 10 20 30 40 50

constrained modulus obtained via SDMT and DMT data. The CH

MDMT increases almost linearly with depth. The average MDMT is 2 DH2

equal to 10 MPa up 7 m depth, 23.5 MPa between 7 to 14 m depth SCPT

and 41 MPa below 14 m depth. Unfortunately, there are no 4

oedometer tests in this site to be used as reference values. 6

The strength parameters are amongst the most important
information in geotechnical design. Fig. 8e presents friction 8
angle estimated thorough Equation 9 suggested by [31] and the

Depth (m)
values determined in laboratory by direct shear tests (CD type). 10

' 28 14.6 log 𝐾 2.1log 𝐾 (9)
The average estimated ϕ’ angle was equivalent to the
average measured ϕ’ one of about 33º. For the 1 m topsoil, 16

the estimated ϕ’ angle based on DMT test data was little

higher than determined by the direct shear tests. [32]
monitored the water content and estimated the soil suction 20
a) b) c) d)

indirectly by the retention curve with depth and observed Figure 9. Seismic tests data and interpretation for the studied site.
significant changing on both along the year up to about 4 m Source: The authors.
depth. This unsaturated soil has a cohesive-friction behavior
and the estimative of the shear strength based on DMT data
represents it just in terms of the friction angle. It could justify These data indicate that Go/qt and Go/N60 ratios are higher
the higher DMT ϕ’ angle for the top 1 m depth. in the lateritic soil layer and tend to decrease as residual soil
is less developed as presented by [38-40].
3.4. Seismic tests Tropical soils are typically unsaturated, so the pore
pressure (u) are inconsistent and cannot be used as an extra
Shear wave velocity (Vs) is an important mechanical information for soil classification. The ratio between
parameter for geotechnical projects. Most seismic tests maximum shear modulus (Go) and cone resistance (qt) is
induce low shear strains and Vs can be used to compute initial characteristic for clays and sands, as well as for a wide range
shear modulus at very small strains, corresponding to a of well-behaved soils [10]. [41,42,12] suggest the seismic
nondestructive testing (γs < 10−6 %). The small-strain shear cone (SCPT) as a useful tool to assess unusual geomaterials
modulus or the maximum shear modulus (Go) is mainly a such as unsaturated soils, tailings, coarse-grained cemented
stiffness parameter to predict the response of machine aged materials. The ratio between the elastic stiffness (Go)
foundations, dynamic response of soil, earthquake and and ultimate strength (qt) can be expected to increase with
shallow and deep foundation design [33,34]. cementation and age, since these factors have higher
One cross-hole [16], two down-holes [17], one seismic influence Go than on qt [42].
cone [3] and one seismic SPT [35] tests previously carried [12], based on [43], proposed a chart and boundaries to
out in the site were reinterpreted. The seismic SPT consists evaluate the possible effects of microstructure (e.g.
in the up-hole seismic technique carried out together with cementation, bonding and ageing) for a given profile. The
SPT [33,35]. The shear wave velocity (Vs) and maximum author proposed the use of a modified normalized small strain
shear modulus (Go) profiles, when the latter was calculated rigidity index (K*G), the small strain rigidity index (IG) and
from total mass density determined using undisturbed soil normalized cone resistance with a variable stress exponent
samples collected in a sample pit excavated in the site, are (Qtn). The IG is defined as:
illustrated in Fig. 9. The differences observed in both Vs and
Go profiles can be associated to different degree of 𝐺 𝐺
weathering [36] as well as soil anisotropy [37]. [38]
𝐼 (10)
𝑞 𝑞 𝜎
discussed variability for this site based on several CPT data
and conclude that it could be affected by soil suction in the Qtn is defined as:
upper part of the soil profile.
Fig. 9c and Fig. 9d present Go/qt and Go/N60 ratios from 𝑞 𝜎 𝑝
average values of Go, qt and N60. Fig. 9c shows that the 𝑄 (11)
average Go/qt ratio tends to decrease with depth, with an 𝑝 𝜎
average value equal to 111 between 1 and 4 m depth, 75
between 4 to 7 m depth, 41 between 7 to 14 m depth and 27 where pa is the atmospheric pressure, σ’v is the vertical
below 14 m depth. This behavior can also be observed in Fig. effective stress, σv is the vertical stress and n is a stress
9d, when the average Go/N60 ratio was equal to 40 between 1 exponent that varies with soil behavior type index (IC), and n
and 7 m depth, 21 between 7 to 16 m depth and 12 below 16 is calculated by:
m depth.

Rocha & Giacheti / Revista DYNA, 85(206), pp. 211-219, September, 2018.

𝜎′ 1000

𝑛 0.381 𝐼 0.05 0.15 (12) Go/ED = 7,0 ID-1,1

𝑝 Residual Soil
100 (Cemeted Structures)

The K*G is defined as:

G o/ED

𝐾∗ 𝐺 ⁄𝑞 𝑄 . (13)

1 Sedimentary Soils
[12] also demonstrated that soils with K*G < 330 are likely (Uncemented materials)
young and uncemented and where main models and SDMT - Lateritic soils
SDMT - Saprolitic soils a)
empirical correlations for CPT can be applied. Moreover, 0.1
soils with K*G higher than 330 tend to have significant 0.1
Material Index, ID

microstructure, where main models and empirical 50

correlations for CPT can be less reliable and local adjust may SDMT - Lateritic soils
SDMT - Saprolitic soils
be needed.
Fig. 10 presents IG vs Qtn chart and the data for the studied 10

site. It indicates that the bonded structure of tropical sandy 5

soils always produced K*G values higher than 330. Moreover,
it is also interesting to note in this Fig. that the lateritic soils Residual Soil
have a higher Go/qn ratio than the saprolitic ones. Therefore, 1
(Cemented Structures)
the models and empirical correlations for CPT data should be 0.5

carefully used and local adjusts are necessary. Sedimentary Soil

Go/MDMT = 6.5 KD-0.691 (Uncemented materials) b)
[44] also proposed interpretation charts for detecting the
presence of cemented structures on soils based on DMT and 1 10 100

SDMT data. The author carried out DMT and seismic tests in Lateral stress index, KD
a calibration experiment inside an artificially cemented block Figure 11. (a) Go/ED vs ID and (b) Go/MDMT vs KD charts.
samples prepared in a large chamber (CemSoil box). Fig. 11a Source: modified from [44].
and Fig. 11b show the Go/ED vs ID and Go/MDMT vs KD chart,
respectively, and the three lines and one equation define the
limits for the DMT sedimentary international database and soils. The differences on Go/ED and Go/MDMT for
upper bounds for cemented soil (CemSoil data). lateritic and saprolitic soils are also observed, similarly
SDMT data plotted in Go/ED vs ID and Go/MDMT vs KD to what was as shown by [18,39] on Go/qc ratio from
charts are above the line which separates the DMT SCPT and by [40] and the based on based on Go/N60
sedimentary international database and in the range proposed
for residual soils. It indicates that the bonded structure of the
ratio from S-SPT. These ratios can be used to assess
studied tropical sandy soil produces Go/ED and Go/MDMT that unusual soil behavior and they also indicated that the
are systematically higher than those observed in sedimentary lateritic soils have higher ratios than the saprolitic ones.

4. Conclusions
Lateritic soils
Saprolitic soils This paper aims to present and discuss site investigation
campaigns carried out via SPT, CPT, SDMT and seismic
tests at a tropical soil profile. The main conclusions are:
 The soil profile was classified as red clayey fine sand by
SPT samples. Both Ic index and ID parameter were not
appropriate to identify soil texture since mixtures of sand
and clay were identified as silty sand to sandy silt. The
soil description in terms of grain size distribution should
be confirmed with soil samples for tropical soil.
 The estimated total unit weight based on CPT and
SDMT worked well for the study site. The estimated
CPT and DMT friction angle also worked well for the
soil below 1 m. The unsaturated condition, as well as the
cohesive-friction behavior could justify higher CPT and
DMT ϕ’ angle for the top 1 m depth.
 Go was estimated for the study site assuming that the soil
is uncemented quartz sand using current correlations.
This approach underestimated Go especially up to 13 m
depth in the soil with lateritic behavior (LA’). It can be
Figure 10. Qtn vs IG chart to identify soils with microstructure. associated to the weakly cemented structure of these
Source: modified from [12].

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