Lived Experiences of The Senior High School Teachers

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Presented at the 12th DLSU Arts Congress

De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines
February 20, 21 and 22, 2019

Lived Experiences of the Senior High School Teachers

Anchella D. Aldevera, Lloyd B. Alenton

and Placida R. Gantuangco
Can-asujan National High School
Can-asujan, Carcar City, Cebu
[email protected]

Abstract: This study examined the teaching capabilities, teaching experiences, and
the different challenges among senior high school teachers. The research focused on
four Senior High School Teachers of Can-asujan National High Schoolfor the first
semester of the school year 2017 – 2018in relation to their teaching experiences and
the challenges faced in teaching different subjects. The school is located one
kilometer southeast away from the city proper and is one of the eight public schools
of Carcar City Division offering senior high schools specifically techno-vocational
livelihood track. The study used a phenomenological qualitative research design.
Collection of data is through a one – on – one interview which was recorded, after
which, analyzed, interpreted, and summarized. Analyses were based on clustering
the results to create themes. From the interview, the respondents revealed the
reasons behind the stress were disruptive behavior, overlapping activities, student
diversity, limited sources and support, poor student motivation and accountability
policies; the challenges encountered were lack of equipment, handling learners close
to the teacher’s age and the behavior of the learners; and the system used by the
Department of Education were all competencies should be taught despite many
activities aside from many other paper works. Thus, the researchers recommended
that the department should address the lack of equipment for the learner’s skills
enhancement; teachers should undergo trainings / seminars on how to handle Senior
High school learners. This will be presented to the Senior Program Specialists to be
aware of the results and the output which serve as the policy in hiring Senior High
School Teachers.

Key Words: Senior High School Teachers; Lived Experiences; Teacher Stress; One-
on-One Interview; Phenomenological Study.


1.1 Relevant Developments

The controversial issues on educational system brought the idea of revising the curriculum to extend a
more way of developing the teaching process. The concept of having grade11 and grade 12 was among the ideas
that came up. Having the new curriculum is a collaborative input which was reviewed and developed for further
improvement of the educational system in the country. K to 12 has targeted the roads of the learners to achieve
one’s dream in preparing ambitions in life. Opportunities may vary due to financial assistance and supports but
with the K to 12 programs, it broadens the learners’ information and experiences that one has to contain with.


Presented at the 12th DLSU Arts Congress

De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines
February 20, 21 and 22, 2019

A new level of basic education consisting of grade 11 and grade 12 known as the senior high school was
launched on June 2016 as prescribed in the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 (the Act). Education
worldwide must undergo twelve years in basic education from K to 12. Philippines adopted the new curriculum
to compete not just academic but also on skills. Studying Senior High School is the stepping stone to pursue
one’s dream in life whether the learner will go to college or work directly right after graduation. Two years’ time
is enough for the learner to think on where should he or she will be in the future.
Teaching senior high school needs specialization and mastery. Compared to other Asian countries, the
Philippines is the only country in Asia which does not adopt senior high school. That is the reason why the
Department of Education decided to implement Senior High School in the curriculum.
With this new curriculum, it leads to every school a tug- of- war situation since not all young learners
with parents or guardians are in favor with the situation. The reason is to get job in their earlier years.
Campaigning in giving importance to K to 12 program is another issue to be faced by the educational
According to M. A. Lin Goodwin, et al. (2017), teachers must have more knowledge and deeper
command on complex skills. Teachers must be specialized in a certain subject. In a technological vocational
course, he or she must undergo internships and trainings. For the Department of Education, the success of any
educational system relies on the competence of its teachers. The Civil Service Doctrine of the Constitution
thrust to enhance the quality of basic education. The department hired qualified Senior High School teachers
teaching young learners. Based on the Department Order number 49, series of 2016 - Guidelines on the Hiring
of Contractual (Full-time and Part-time) Teachers in Senior High School is of great help to some educator for
them to apply a teaching position for the Senior High curriculum. Teacher must be fully equipped for the level of
learning since these learners are different compared to the first four years of high school life.
Acosta (2016) said that the Enhanced Basic Education Program of Department of Education does not
only call for academic excellence but also on higher teacher qualification. Teacher licensure examination is
essential in the basic education reform in the Philippine Education system. Passing the Licensure Examination
for Teachers is an important requirement upon teaching inside the classroom. It is the hiring standard
recognized by the public schools as an assurance of competence and quality.
Carcar City Division followed the standard hiring requirement of the Philippine Education System.
Since senior high school curriculum is new to all public secondary schools and even to the private schools, huge
and quick admission of teachers were made by the human resource department. There were schools offered
courses in which there is no suitable teacher to teach that particular course. What the school head did was,
picking teachers from junior high school to teach.
From that view, there are still schools in which teachers handling senior high school were not
specialized in a certain teaching load. This reason comes up to the researchers to conduct the study to look on
the ways to break the gap.

1.2 Objectives
The survey on Senior High School Teachers in Can-asujan National High School, Carcar City Division
for the first semester of the school year 2017 - 2018 with regards to their teaching capabilities. Specifically, this
study answered the following queries:
1. What were the teaching experiences of Senior High School teachers?
2. What were the challenges faced in teaching different subjects in Senior High School?
3. Based on the findings of the study, what education programs be implemented?

1.3 Respondents

The respondents of the study were the four senior high school teachers of Can-asujan National High
School, teaching Shielded Metal Arc Welding, Dressmaking, and Hairdressing subjects,and academic subjects.


Presented at the 12th DLSU Arts Congress

De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines
February 20, 21 and 22, 2019

1.4 Research Locale

This study was conducted in Can-asujan National High School, Carcar City which offered Shielded
Metal Arc Welding, Dressmaking, and Hairdressing.The school is located one kilometer southeast away from
the city proper and is one of the eight public schools of Carcar City Division offering senior high schools
specifically techno-vocational livelihood track. The next municipality of which bound north is San Fernando,
Cebu, bound south is Sibonga, Cebu, and bound southeast is Barili, Cebu.


2.1 Research Design

This study used a phenomenological qualitative research design. It described the teaching experiences of
Senior High School teachers in Can-asujan National High School, Carcar City Division, first semester of the
school year 2017 - 2018. The researchers aimed to gather in-depths understanding of the mentioned problem
and wished to describe the challenges faced by the senior high school teachers in teaching core, applied, and
specialized subjects.

2.2 Data Collection

Since this study is a one – on – one interview, interview-guide questions was fielded to the respondents. After
the potential participants had been identified, an interview will be scheduled at a time and place convenient to
the participants The researchers gave one to two hours for them to answer the interview-guide questions. Oral
process consent was solicited throughout the interview process. Process consent is an oral negotiation and
renegotiation during the interview as unexpected situations or consequences occur. It reflects sensitivity to the
dynamics of phenomenological research and to the participants’ human rights in the telling of their story.
The length of the interviews was not constrained and lasted about one hour or two. All interviews were
recorded and transcribed verbatim. Participants were assured of confidentiality with their answers.
During data analysis, the researchers employed reflective journaling to record aspects of the interview and
personal reflections. The journaling process added to the credibility and honesty of the research and delivered a
review path of ethical and methodological decision-making. The researchers clustered the results to create

2.3 Ethical Issues on Confidetiality

The researchers kept the confidentiality of the respondents of not stating their names.


Presented at the 12th DLSU Arts Congress

De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines
February 20, 21 and 22, 2019


There were different responses on the way the Senior High School teachers of Can-asujan National High
School reacted on their teaching professions.
Respondent A is a TLE graduate with TM. She is 23 years old and has two years in private and one year in
public teaching experience. In private school, she was teaching English, MAPEH, AP, FILIPINO, and TLE. In
Can-asujan National High School, she was teaching Media and Information Literacy and in her specialization
Respondent B is a TLE graduate with TM. He is 28 years old and has one year in private and one year in
public teaching experience. He was teaching TLE in private school. In Can-asujan National High School, he is
teaching in his specialization (Shielded Metal Arc Welding).
Respondent C is a TLE graduate. She is 23 years old and has a year of teaching experience in public school.
In Can-asujan National High School, she was teaching Dressmaking, Hairdressing, Personality Development
and Filipino sa Piling Larang.
Respondent D is a TLE graduate with TM. She is 25 years old with no teaching experience. She was
teaching Physical Science and Physical Education.
From the interviews being conducted, the researchers formed themes based on the investigations being
utilized using the phenomenological methodology. The three themes revealed as: a. reasons behind the stress; b.
challenges encountered; and c. using the system of Department of Education.

3.1 Reasons Behind the Stress

From Meriam Webster, stress defined as “a state of rational pressure and worry caused by problems in
life, work, that causes resilient feelings of uneasiness or anxiety”. According to Skaalvik (2016), it is referred to
as disagreeable sensation experienced causing from aspects of the work as a teacher. Some studies recognized
probable stressors such as including student misbehavior or discipline problems, time pressure and workload,
poor student motivation, multiplicity of students, misunderstanding with associates and coworkers, lack of
administrative support, and value conflicts. Several of these stressors were also found in semi-structured
interview studies by Shernoff, Mehta, Atkins et al. (2011) and Skaalvik&Skaalvik (2015). They found out that
the main sources of stress were disturbing student attitude, too much workload, student multiplicity,
incomplete resources and support, school-level incompetence, accountability policies, working to adapt teaching
to students’ needs, lack of self-rule, lack of shared goals and values, problems and conflicts related to
coordination, and lack of prestige. The studies also reported that teachers at different ages experienced very
similar stressors at school, but the senior teachers desired increasingly more time to get better from stress
(Skaalvik, 2016).

The following were the answers of the respondents with regards to their teaching experiences:

Respondent A
“My first two years as a teacher, kay akong nafeel kay excitement,
kay first time man ko mo teach, but in thesecond year na pod sa period,
kay mura ko ug gikapoy…gikapoy due to…gikapoy ra ko… wala ko kabalo
sa rason adtung panahuna. Gikapoy..or giboringan ko atung panahona,
that’s why I decided to go to public teaching, and then, pagsugod sad nako
sa public excited sad ko, pag-kahibaw ko nga ang Senior High or K-12
akong sudlan is dili ready, pero positive ko ug thinking na kaya rani, ok


Presented at the 12th DLSU Arts Congress

De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines
February 20, 21 and 22, 2019

ra guro ni, pero pagsud ko sa public, ingon ani diay ang scenario, kuwang
kayog mga gamit and so on,kuan ra siya, exciting na challenging noon…
hangtod karon, challenging gihapon”.

(My first two years as a teacher, I felt excited. But in the second year, I felt tired. I did not know why,
maybe it was boring. That’s why I decided to go to public teaching. I felt excited in handling Senior
High School though the department is not ready. In my mind, I was positively thinking that I could
manage. When I was there, the scenario was, lack of equipment and others. From being excited it was
turned into challenging until now).

Respondent B
“A little bit challenging because I encounter lots of problems,
especially in equipmentand my specialization, so, kinahanglanjodko
mangita ug way nga unsay dapat buhatonnga ma catch-up jod ang

(A little bit challenging because I encounter lot of problems, especially in equipment and my
specialization, so, I need to find ways on what to do to catch-up the competency).

Respondent C
“As a teacher stressed, stressed samga buhatonsa like forms, making lesson plans”.

(As a teacher, stressed in making lesson plans and other forms).

Respondent D
“My teaching experience was fine and good in my 2 months of
teaching in Senior High School, handling Physical Science in Grade
12 and Physical Education in Grade 11. My happy moments in
teaching are most likely the relationship between me and my students.
There is synchronization and participation of the students during
my class and the good relationship of all my colleague makes me happy.”

In Can-asujan National High School, the main sources of stress were the disruptive student behavior,
overlapping activities, student diversity, limited resources and support, poor student motivation and
accountability policies.
Disruptive student behavior in the sense that there was a diversity on the students. The classroom
setting was heterogeneous. As stated by Rose & Gallup (2005) cited in Oliver, et al (2011), that disruptive
behavior in school has been alarming for many years, and the school demanded for support from teachers
related to behavior and classroom management. These students have low academic performance.
Overlapping activities were having two or more activities in a month. But, according to Floro& Miles
(2001), it is an important feature of time use that has previously accredited little attention in cost-effective
study. Past studies have looked only at main activities, pay no attention to the circumstance that individuals
often perform two or more activities simultaneously. The exploration of that activities is valuing the time use,
that is now acknowledging attention in economic, social and policy analyses.


Presented at the 12th DLSU Arts Congress

De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines
February 20, 21 and 22, 2019

Limited resources and support means lack of equipment and books like learner’s manual. The learners
cannot finish the required competency on time due to lack of equipment. They have to wait for their classmates
who did the task first.
Accountability means teachers were accountable of not having lesson plans and of not accomplishing
some forms. Since teachers are required to comply lesson plans and to submit other school forms.

3.2 Challenges Encountered

The following were the respondents revelation on the challenges encountered:

Respondent A
“Equipment, then pag handle sa bata, nga kanang mature,
mature ug edad pero ang uban dili mature ug paghunahuna, kay
na learn kog teach sa mga bata nga grade 6, mga elementary, karun
kay lahi napud, akong approach anin gmga edara, mao sad na usa sa
akong mga challenges, duol raba mi ug gap, mura ra koug ate
nila, parehas ra mi ug nawong, bata pa”.

(Equipment and handling the learners. Some were matured enough and other are not. I learned to
teach elementary students and now is different. My approach with these ages is different since we are
too close. I am like their elder sister).

Respondent B
“Yes, specifically kana atung equipment sir, ahmmm para ma
acquire ang skill sa bata sa atong SMAW kay without kanang mga
equipment lisod kay pagkuha sa ilang competency which is ang skill
jud nga mu hands on dapat ang bata, specially mu-take na sila ug NC II,
without kanang mga pipes, equipment, especially kanang transformer,
which is ang area is low voltage then mao gyo dakong naproblemahan
karon kay unsaon pagpangitag paagi, nga ang bata is maka hands on
individually, kay usa ra ka welding then dili nato ma assure nga ang
skills, kinahanglag range nga dakudako, nindot unta nga angbata one
is to one welding machine, so, mao gyod na, akong gipangita ug paagi.
Sa lain pud nga na encounter, pipe wala taypipe, sa atong welding machine
so akong gibuhat is plate lang all position ang akong gipabuhatsa
ilaha, ing ana akong paagi so mao na akong na encounter”.

(Yes, especially with our equipment. If there is no equipment, how could the learner acquire the
national certificate? Our area has low voltage and it needs transformer. It is very nice if the ratio is 1:1
on student welding machine. We have no pipe. What I did with them was, using the plate then have
weld all position).

Respondent C
“Yes, behavior sa mga students”.


Presented at the 12th DLSU Arts Congress

De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines
February 20, 21 and 22, 2019

(Yes, the behavior of the students).

Respondent D
“Yes, the challenge I have encountered in my current teaching is that
I’m handling the subjects which are not my field. Yet teaching while learning
is very much better.”

The challenges they encountered were the lack of equipment, handling the learners with too close with
respect to the age gap, and the behavior of the learners. Equipment is really needed for the Senior High School
Students especially on Techno-Vocational Track. These learners are more on hands-on or application. Handling
students with close to the age of the teacher is really hard especially the teacher is newly hired. The behavior of
the learners specifically the 21st century learners are not easy to handle. It needs more patience and
Can-asujan National High School encountered lack of equipment especially on their specialized subjects. To
cope up with all the competencies on the specialized subjects, the SMAW teacher-respondent looked ways like
presenting the plates with all kinds of position.

3.3. Using the System of Department of Education

The following were the answers of the respondents in using the system of Department of Education.

Respondent A
“Nagtoo ko na sa system sa Senior High is very different from the
system in Junior High, kay actually dapat jod siya ilain ug approach, kay
pang college ma ni sila nga level nya, semester sad bah,lain kay ba, kay ang
approach sa Junior parehas ra, maglisod man ta aninilag papugos himog
project, papugos ug unsa dapatang ilang approach or system sa Senior
High kay lahi, pareha pag college, nga ang teacher maoy dili mag sige
Ug sunod, sila maoy mag sigeg pangita ug paagi kay karun ang teacher
kay,pagbuhat namo, ana,ana.ana.dapat approach sa college nga system
sir, dili parehas sa Junior nga approach….though ang mga bata kay,
you can’t please everyone, nay ganahan nimu, nay dili ganahan, pero in
the end, ang biggest accomplishment sa teacher or achievement kay
kuan ang bata mausab…huhuhu…”

(I thought the system of Senior High School is different in Junior High School. Actually, it should be,
because it is like College. We can’t force them to make projects. The learners should do their part, not
the teacher making any move to let them do. But, we can’t please anyone, some like you and some
won’t. But in the end, the biggest accomplishment or achievement of a teacher is when the child


Presented at the 12th DLSU Arts Congress

De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines
February 20, 21 and 22, 2019

Respondent B
“Medyo daghan sa atong kuan man is, daghag activities, so lisod
pag cope up sa skills sa mga bata, ma cut cut nila ang oras so, I’m still
adjusting the time or sa system sa atoang kuan. Based on my experience
so, during sa atong time or time sa bata karon, kinahanglan gyod ma-
specialized jod tarong ang skills, mohands on silang tanan, so that inig abot
sa field dili sila ma ignorante about sa ilang skills. But onsaon man nila pag
one–on-one hands–on if limited ra ato ang mga gamit? Di mi kapalit sa
ubang mga materials kay di kaya sa among MOOE. Ubang schools abunda kay
dako ilang Fund. Ang amoa kay gamay ra tungod kay ni base ang DepEd sa
Number of Enrollees dili sa course or track”.

(The system has many activities. It is not easy to cope up the skills of the learners. But I am still
adjusting on the system. Based on my experienced and during our time or even this time, learners
should know the skills and all should do the hands-on to enhance the skills. How could they perform
one-on-one if the materials are just limited? We cannot buy some materials needed because our MOOE
fund is small. Some schools have higher MOOE funding compared to ours because the funding is based
on the number of enrollees and not on the course or track).

Respondent C
“Usara sir, para ang system and services para ang mga students kay
maka learn para sa ilahang future”.

(Only one sir, for the system and services for the students to learn for their future).

Respondent D
“I addressed those challenges to the higher authority. But in the sense
that teachers are flexible, whatever it is, one must find ways in delivering the
lesson the best to let the students understand the most. Being a teacher, I should
have to use those challenges as my inspiration which may help me molded in
my field of teaching. But if I cannot handle anymore, why not approach my superior
or the higher authority, right? I believe that thing will be done in a good and
nice way of approaching. I have nothing to recommend to the higher authority when
I know that I can still handle those challenges. I just do my teaching profession the
best that I can without hesitation nor complaining.”

Time is one of life’s most valued possessions, as it is something you can never get back. One of the most
essential life skills to master is time management. Mastering time management is more than just increase
productivity. It can also produce significant health benefits. If manage wisely, it lessens the stress and improves
the quality of your life completely.
Today we have Junior High School and Senior High School. The approach on the Junior High School is
the same as the approach on the Senior High School. One of the respondents said that the two must be different,
the Senior High School must be in modular approach.
The Department of Education also has many activities, some were overlapping. One of the respondents
said that it really hard to cope up all the competencies because of the overlapping activities.


Presented at the 12th DLSU Arts Congress

De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines
February 20, 21 and 22, 2019


The study investigated the lived experiences of Senior High School Teachers of Can-asujan National High
School with regards to stress, challenges encountered, and using the system of Department of Education.
The reasons of stress felt by the teachers were disruptive student behavior, overlapping activities, student
diversity, limited resources and support, and accountability policies.
The teachers encountered challenges in the application on the skills on their specialized subjects due to lack
of equipment, tools, and learning materials.
Modular approach was the ideal way of teaching as revealed by the respondents. They believed that in
teaching Senior High School, skills development and behavioral development are very important.
The result revealed that Senior High School Teachers experience stress and challenges with their new
teaching responsibility. Their challenges included the lack of equipment for the skill enhancement and the
behavioral maturity of the Senior High learners.
Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, the researchers recommend that the department should
address the lack of equipment for the TVL track for the learner’s skills enhancement. It also recommends that
they should undergo trainings / seminars on how to handle Senior High school learners and teaching
The development plan drafted in this study be implemented to promote higher learning skills of students in
Senior High Schools and served as the policy in hiring Senior High School Teachers.

4.1 Proposed Development Plan

Looking forward for the learners’ improvement is what the goal of being educators as catalysts of
change. As teachers, we should be directed for the betterment of the learners. There are many things being
imparted to them. It is in the foundation of their skills that may discover, develop, and enhance by the teachers.
Now, we are in the world of rapid change. Teachers should not be left behind especially in educating the
millennial, for they easily adopt the rapid change in the world.
We noticed from most develop countries, placed more emphasis on the important of the educational system in
leading technological innovation that result in productivity. Advancement in technology is dependent on having
well trained students and on how well a particular teacher trains its students. In order to have well trained
students that can think and invent new things, there has to be good policies in each school that creates
a good conducive environment for learning, like having equipment and materials for the students to use during

This plan is being implemented and is purposely designed with the findings of the study as the basis in catering
all schools of concern. The rationale behind this study is premised on lack of equipment, and managing the time
and the stress.
The findings of this study will bring to the general awareness of the factors that affect students’ skills on
handling the tools and equipment. Other schools that cater Senior High School and even Junior High School are
also beneficiaries of this study that will help them to design strategies to increase on how to mold students to be


Presented at the 12th DLSU Arts Congress

De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines
February 20, 21 and 22, 2019

Scheme of Implementation
The plan includes the specific objective, strategies, persons involved, time frame, and the expected outcome that
address to specific area of concern. The teachers could use this plan as the basis for the development of the

Proposed Development Plan

Areas of Objectives Strategies Persons Time Frame Expected Outcome

Concerns Involved
Educational Teachers’ Encourage to continue Teachers, 3 – 6 years Master teachers
Attainment professional post graduate studies school head
Teaching Have sufficient Requires to attend Teachers, 1 week for Understanding and
Experience techniques in trainings/ school head every flexible teachers
understanding workshop and training/
learners seminars workshop
Relevant Have knowledge Requires to attend Teachers, 1 week for More
training/ with their training/seminar school head every knowledgeable on
seminars specialization related to their field training/ Specialized field
Teaching Upgrade on 21st Require to attend Teachers, 1 week for Equipped with
Strategies century teaching training/seminar school head every latest teaching
strategies training/ strategies
Teaching To attain Exemption of Senior Teachers, School Days Students are
Competenci completely the High School from School Head, completely
es required other school activities Students, competent
competencies DepEd person-
Hands-on Learners must Must have equipment Teacher, School days Students globally
skills quick on the to practice/use or students, school competent
application of apply head,
their Stakeholder,
specialization DepEd person-


The researchers wish to express their profound gratitude to the following persons who have extended their
unselfish support in the realization of the study.
BERF, Region VII, for giving the financial support to make this a reality.
Dr. Gregorio Cyrus R. Elejorde, the Superintendent of Carcar City Division, for his encouragement to
finish the research.


Presented at the 12th DLSU Arts Congress

De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines
February 20, 21 and 22, 2019

Dr. Archie M. Torcende, the Senior Education Program Specialist – Planning and Research, for his
intellectual guidance and thorough review of the manuscript.
The respondents of the study, in giving their unselfish time in answering the interview.


Acosta, A. S. et al (2016). Does Teacher Licensure Matter? Basic Education Reform in the Philippine Education
System, doi:

Floro, M. S, & Miles, M (20011). Time Use and Overlapping Activities Evidence from Australia. The Social
Policy Research Centre University, New South Wales, Sydney. SPRC.

Goodwin, A. L. et al (2017). The Stanford Center For Opportunity Policy Education (SCOPE). Empowered
Educators In Singapore. How High-Performing Systems Shape Teaching Quality. Singapore; Jossey-

Oliver, R. M. et al (2011). Teacher Classroom Management Practices: Effects on Disruptive or Aggressive

Student Behavior. SREE Conference Abstract Template, p.2.

Skaalvik, E. M. et al (2016). Teacher Stress and Teacher Self-Efficacy as Predictors of Engagement, Emotional
Exhaustion, and Motivation to Leave the Teaching Profession. Norwegian University of Science and
Technology, Trondheim, Norway. Scientific Research Publishing Inc.

Whittle, R. J. et al (2015). Perfect" Senior (VCE) Secondary Physical Education Teacher: Student Perceptions of
Teacher-Related Factors That Influence Academic Performance. Australian Journal of Teacher
Education, 40,8

Time Management Is Really Life Management.

Modular Design.


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