Effect of Corporate Governance Mechanism On The Quality Financial Reporting

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Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 73

5th Annual International Conference on Accounting Research (AICAR 2018)

Effect of Corporate Governance Mechanism on the

Quality Financial Reporting
(Evidence in Indonesia and Singapore)

Lies Zulfiati, Angga Pratama Putra

Department of Accounting
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia Jakarta
Jakarta, Indonesia

Abstract—This electronic document is a “live” template and The existence of an independent board of commissioners is
already define This study aimed to analyze the influence of expected to minimize the practice of earnings management
corporate governance mechanisms (by proxy of the board of because the board of independent commissioner serves as a
directors and independent board, audit committee, the quality of separator of interests between shareholders and management.
KAP big 4, specialization auditors, and corporate governance The government through Bapepam-LK issued a new
country level) on the quality of financial reporting to the control regulation, namely the Decision of the Chairman of Bapepam-
variable leverage, size, and GDP companies the sub-sectors LK. Kep-643 / BL / 2012. The rules indicate the need for a
energy, raw materials, industrial, consumer discretionary,
more competent audit committee and the role of the audit
information and technology, essential goods, health,
committee in ensuring the quality of the company's financial
telecommunications services listed on the Indonesia Stock
Exchange and the Singapore Stock Exchange 2010-2013. The
statements becomes increasingly needed.
method of analysis in this research is descriptive method with The audit quality of public accountants can be seen from
multiple linear regression approach and hypothesis test to test the size of the audit firm's KAP. KAP large (Big 4 accounting
coefficient of determination, and partial regression coefficient. firms) are believed to audit more qualified than the small KAP
Selection of the sample through purposive sampling method. (Non-Big 4 accounting firms) [5]. Owned geographical
There are 31 companies in Indonesia and 41 companies in coverage is also broader than the small KAP (not affiliated
Singapore companies that have met the criteria in the sample
with KAP Big 4) so that it can produce better audit quality [6].
research. The data used is secondary data. The results of this
Specialization auditors also provide higher quality audit of the
study prove that the board of directors and independent board,
KAP Big 4 audit quality and corporate governance country level auditor without specialization in a particular industry [7]. The
a significant effect on the quality of financial reports while the specialist auditor describes the auditor's expertise and audit
audit committee and the audit specialization did not significantly experience in a particular industry field.
affect the quality of the financial statements. Agency theory stating their employment relationship
between the parties authorizing (the principal) is investor and a
Keywords—corporate governance country level; quality of
party receiving authority (agency) is the manager [8].
financial statements; specialization auditor; the audit committe
Corporate governance arises because there is a separation
between the ownership control of the company, or often known
I. INTRODUCTION as agency problems. Corporate governance is needed to reduce
The financial statements are a financial description of a the agency problem between owners and managers [9].
company, therefore, in the process of making the financial Corporate governance mechanism in this study are independent
statements presented indicate the correct and honest board, board of directors, audit committee, audit quality Big 4
information is the definition of the quality of financial accounting firm, auditor specialization, corporate governance
statements [1], Enron case of large companies in the United country level.
States describes the phenomenon of profit manipulation In measure the effective independent board is in the range
scandal involving internal company [2]. Developing countries of more than five and less than 14 people [10]. The board of
like Indonesia are also not spared from cases of financial report directors in a company will determine the policies to be taken
manipulation such as PT Kimia Farma Tbk. and PT Lippo Tbk. or short-term corporate strategy and long-term [11]. The audit
[3]. The costs incurred as a result of corporate governance is committee in charge of reviewing the accounting policies
poor largely borne by minority shareholders, one way to adopted by the company, assessing internal controls, reviewing
increase the confidence of investors is to have governance external reporting systems and regulatory compliance, is
practices of good corporate governance that can cause report expected to improve the quality of its financial statements.
better finance and more transparent business disclosure and
reporting [4].

Copyright © 2019, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/). 129
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 73

Previous research revealed that audit quality measured by CFO i, t, CFO i, t, and CFO i, t + 1= Cash flow from operation
KAP size has no effect significant to the integrity of financial calculated from differences in net profit before outside post
statements [12]. But inversely is getting bigger the higher the regular and total accruals.
KAP the quality of the resulting financial statements [13]. This
matter because the big KAP has an incentive to avoid the Whereas the independent variables in this study are:
things that can damaging his reputation. Specialist auditors  Board of Directors / Board of Commissioners,
have better knowledge and understanding of the client's independent non-executive, Board composition> = 50%
business characteristics than non-specialist auditors. Specialist score = 1, composition of the board of the non-
auditors are also more likely to detect errors and irregularities independent non-executive <50% score = 0
that occur in financial statements, so as to assist companies in
providing better earnings information and quality of financial  Audit Committee, if company has audit committee
statements. score = 1, If does not have audit committee score = 0
Another previous research revealed which declared state-  KAP Big 4 auditor quality, if a company is audited by
level corporate governance has a positive correlation to the KAP Big 4 choir = 1, if audited by the accounting firm
performance of the company [14]. This is also depending on other than the BIG 4, Score = 0
the legal context in which countries whose laws are commonly
 Auditor specialization, if the firm control of ≥ 10%
targeted Protection against misuse of management and state market share = 1, if KAP not mastered ≥ 10% market
civil law target protection against counterfeit Shareholder share = 0
misuse. Based on the description above, the fifth hypothesis to
be tested in this study are:  Corporate governance country level, watch CG
percentage per year
H1: The board of directors and independent board take
effect to quality of financial statements. Besides, variable control in this study are:
H2: Committee of the audit affect the quality of financial  Leverage is the total debt divided by total assets.
 Size (Size of the company), calculated by the logarithm
H3: Audit quality affects the quality of financial reporting. of total assets.
H4: Auditor specialization of different audit affect the  Gross Domestic Product (GDP), taken from the World
quality of financial reporting. Bank websites.
H5: Corporate governance level country affect the quality
of financial reporting. B. Classic Assumption Test Result
Firstly, based on Table I, the test results indicate normality
II. METHOD Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z value of 0.948 is greater than 0.05
(0.948> 0.05) and Asymp Sig value 0.330 (> 0.05) were
A. Research Design significantly greater than 0.05 (0.330> 0, 05) so that it can be
The population used in this study are all companies’ sub- concluded the data in the researcher's residual distributed
sectors energy, raw materials, industrial, consumer normally.
discretionary, information and technology, essential goods,
health and telecommunications services listed in the Indonesia TABLE I. NORMALITY TEST RESULT
Stock Exchange (BEI) and the Singapore Exchange (SGX)
One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
years 2010 to 2013. The sample used in this study using
Unstandardized Residual
purposive sampling technique, there are 31 Indonesian
N 288
companies and 41 companies of Singapore who meet the Mean 0E-7
criteria sampling. Normal
Parametersa,b Std. Deviation ,96266459
Ideally financial statements should reflect an accurate Absolute ,056
Most Extreme
picture of the company's financial condition and performance. Differences
Positive ,056
The information should be useful for assessing the past and the Negative -,033
future [15]. Based on Equation. 1, the quality of financial Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z ,948
reporting in this study was measured using the proxy of Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) ,330
financial statements from other studies [16].
WCA i, t = β 0 + β 1 CFO i, t-1 + β 2 CFO i, t + β 3 CFO i, t + Secondly, based on Table II, the result calculation of the
1 + ε i, t (1) VIF (Variance Inflation Factor) also shows the overall value of
the variable board of directors and board of commissioners
WCA i, = accrual working capital calculated from changes in (BOD_BOC), the audit committee (KOM_AUD), quality KAP
current assets are reduced changes in current liabilities Big 4 (KAP _BIG4), Specialization Auditor (SPES_AUD),
Corporate Governance Country Level (CG_COUNTRY) on
the quality of financial statements (FRQ) with a control
variable leverage (LEV), Size, and gross domestic product

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 73

(GDP) below 10 (≤ 10). Thus, it can be concluded that the Based on the result of t test from Table. V, the decision can
model does not experience interference multicollinearity. be made as follows:
 The board of directors and independent board of
TABLE II. RESULT MULTICOLLINEARITY TEST commissioners (BOD_BOC) has a significant value of
Model Collinearity Statistics 0.013 less than the 0.05 significance (0.013 <0.05). It
Tolerance VIF can be concluded that the variables of the independent
(Constant) board of commissioners partially affect the quality of
BOD_BOC ,649 1,541 financial statements (FRQ). Thus, the H1 of the "board
KOM_AUD ,988 1,012 of directors and independent board of commissioners
KAP_BIG4 ,635 1,574 affects the quality of financial reports" received.
1 SPES_AUD ,791 1,265
CG_COUNTRY ,292 3,419  Audit committee variable (KOM_AUD) has a
LEV ,843 1,187 significant value of 0.781 greater than the significance
SIZE ,314 3,190
GDP ,684 1,462
of 0.05 (0.781 <0.05). It can be concluded that the audit
committee variables partially affect the quality of
financial statements (FRQ). Thus, H2 on "audit
Thirdly, based on the Table III, the results obtained from committee to influence the quality of financial
the autocorrelation test using the Durbin-Watson test (DW test) statements “rejected.
show that the DW value is 1.901. The value of 4 is less the
upper limit (4 - dU) of 2,145 and the value 4 is reduced by the  Variable KAP Big 4 audit quality (KAP_ BIG4) have
lower limit (4 - dL) by 2,242. While the value of 4 minus DW significant value of 0.022 is less than 0.05 (0.022
(4 - DW) is 2.099. From the foundation of a predetermined <0.05). It can be concluded that the variable Quality
decision, if 1,901 > 1.855 then no there is positive Audit KAP Big 4 partially affect the quality of financial
autocorrelation and also if 2.099> 1.855 then there is no statements (FRQ). Thus, H3 of the "Big 4 accounting
negative autocorrelation. Based on these results, then it can be firm audit quality affects the quality of financial reports
concluded on the regression analysis no there “received.
autocorrelation.  Auditor specialization variable (SPES_AUD) has a
significant value of 0.488 greater than the significance
TABLE III. RESULT AUTOCORRELATION TEST of 0.05 (0.488 <0.05). It can be concluded that the
auditor specialization variables partially affect the
Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of the Durbin- quality of financial statements (FRQ). Thus, H4 of
Square Estimate Watson
"auditor specialization affects the quality of financial
statements" rejected.
1 ,646a ,398 ,378 ,43322 1,901
 Variable Corporate governance country level
(CG_COUNTRY) have significant value of 0.000 is
III. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION less than 0.05 (0.000 <0.05). It can be concluded that
the variables of corporate governance country level
The correlation coefficient indicates the number 0,646 partially affect the quality of financial statements
means that corporate governance has amounted to 64.6% in (FRQ). Thus, H5 about "corporate governance country
relation to the of the board of directors and the board of level" affect the quality of financial reports "received.
directors, audit committee, the quality of the Big 4 accounting
firm auditor specialization, corporate governance country level,
leverage, Size, and GDP. Based on the Table IV, the adjusted TABLE V. RESULT PARTIAL TEST (T TEST)
value of R² (coefficient of determination) shows the number Model Unstandardized Standardized t Sig.
0.378. This means the board of directors and the board of Coefficients Coefficients
directors, audit committee, the quality of the big four B Std. Error Beta
accounting firm, auditor specialization, corporate governance (Constant) -1,790 ,424 -4,220 ,000
country level, leverage, Size, and GDP is able to explain the BOD_BOC ,304 ,121 ,156 2,500 ,013
KOM_AUD ,086 ,309 ,014 ,278 ,781
quality of financial reporting at 3.78%, while the remaining KAP_BIG4 ,150 ,065 ,145 2,309 ,022
96.22% can be explained variable others. This result is caused SPES_AUD -,059 ,085 -,039 -,695 ,488
by other variables that are more powerful in influencing the CG_COUN
1,964 ,317 ,575 6,197 ,000
quality of financial statements. In addition, such results are TRY
possible due to the use of less valid measurement methods. LEV ,048 ,108 ,024 ,446 ,656
SIZE ,090 ,010 ,769 8,586 ,000
GDP ,666 ,288 ,140 2,310 ,022
Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of the 
Square Estimate 
1 ,646a ,398 ,378 ,43322

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 73

IV. CONCLUSION factors that affect the quality of financial reporting is the board
In the Conclusion, the first hypothesis states that the board of directors and independent board of commissioners, KAP Big
of directors and independent board of commissioners affect the 4 audit quality and corporate governance country level.
quality of financial statements in companies at manufacturing Therefore, companies should retain the board of directors and
companies listed on the Stock Exchange 2010-2013. After independent board of commissioners This is because the
calculation using SPSS 22 obtained partial significant value of function of the board of directors are fully responsible for the
0.013 is smaller than the significance of 0.05 (0.013 <0.05). management of companies in which each of the directors can
The results of this study are consistent with previous research take the right decisions and carry out tasks according to the
that states the board of directors and independent board of division of tasks and authority, while the commissioners
commissioners have a significant effect on the integrity of the showed oversight conducted capable influence the behavior of
financial statements [17]. managers in an effort to improve the performance of
companies that can produce good quality financial reports. In
The second hypothesis states that the audit committee does addition, the company if audited by Big 4 accounting firm, then
not affect the quality of financial statements in the company at the quality of financial statements will be better and also have
manufacturing companies listed on the Stock Exchange 2010- more incentive to avoid things that can damage its reputation
2013. After calculation using SPSS 22 obtained significant compared with that is not a Big 4 accounting firm. Corporate
value 0.781 partial larger than the significance of 0.05 (0.781 governance country level is one of the keys to the success of
<0.05). The results of this study are consistent with previous the company to grow and benefit in the long run, while
research, which show the result that the existence of the audit winning global business competition.
committee body is less effective because the number of audit
committees within the company has not been able to maximize This study give implication for users of financial statements
its function in accounting practice [18]. The existence of the should in taking investment decisions not only focused on
agency is allegedly only doing a review of financial and financial information. Investors can look at aspects other
accounting information to be issued by the company, but not information such as the application of the mechanism of
directly involved in the settlement of financial problems faced corporate governance within the company as one of the
by the company. considerations of investment decisions. This is because the role
of the company's corporate governance mechanism will
The third hypothesis states that KAP Big 4 audit quality provide short-term benefits and long-term and can increase the
affects the quality of the financial statements in the company value for shareholders and stakeholders. Improving the quality
on the companies listed on the Stock Exchange 2010-2013. of financial statements also means minimizing profit
After calculation using SPSS 22 obtained partial significant management practices undertaken by the company. Thus, the
value of 0.022 is smaller than the significance of 0.05 (0.022 financial statements generated by the company really provide
<0.05). Then the quality of financial statements will be higher benefits for users of these financial statements.
and also have more incentive to avoid things that can damage
its reputation compared with that is not a Big 4 accounting
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