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Rubric - Assessment Criteria For FIN5003 Project S1 2019 Student Name Student ID

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Rubric - Assessment Criteria for FIN5003 Project S1 2019

Student name Student ID

Required Outcome Criteria Excellent Satisfactory More effort required
Management have requested you to Presentation of AON Correct AON network AON network diagram with Incorrect AON network diagram
prepare an appropriate AON (Activity network diagram as per diagram showing correct minor errors (2 or less) in with multiple (more than 2)
on Node) network diagram for this example in readings nodes/activities and nodes/activities and/or errors in nodes/activities and/or
project. You should draw the node for / out of 6 marks precedence relationships precedence relationships precedence relationships
each activity as per the examples in your
Management would like to know from Calculations and Correctly calculate ES/EF/LS 2 or less errors in calculating More than 2 errors in calculating
your project network the critical path, the presentation of results. and LF times for all activities. ES/EF/LS and LF times for ES/EF/LS and LF times for all
length of the critical path, the earliest / out of 6 marks Correctly identify critical path. all activities. Critical path activities. Critical path incorrect.
start, earliest finish, latest start and latest still sequentially correct
finish of each activity of the project based on calculations
network. You can identify these on the
network diagram or summarise this
information in a table if you so wish

Management would like to know what Discussion and use of Correct identification of Minor errors in identification Major errors in identification of
activities to crash and at what cost to relevant supporting crashing activities and total of crashing activities and crashing activities and crashing
bring their computer to market 8 days calculations. crashing cost with appropriate crashing costs. Limited costs. Little to no justification
earlier than scheduled i.e. they wish to / out of 6 marks justification via either tables justification via either tables via either tables or diagrams
evaluate the option of crashing 8 days or diagrams. Relevant and or diagrams
from the project schedule. Provide a accurate calculations.
discussion of the information that
management requires so that they can
make an informed decision.

Finally, don’t forget that your report Length, conciseness, Word length excluding tables, Word length excluding Word length excluding tables,
should be concise and should be no more grammar, spelling and appendices, calculations not tables, appendices, appendices, calculations
than 500 words in length or alternatively overall presentation exceeding 20% in total i.e. calculations exceeding 20% exceeding 40% in total.
no more than 8-12 PowerPoint slides in / out of 2 marks 500 words +/- 10%. Concise in total but less than 40% in Discussion and analysis not
total. You can present additional professional presentation. total. Discussion reasonably concise. More than 3 errors in
tables/diagrams etc. in appendices to Good grammar and spelling (1 concise. 2-3 errors in grammar and spelling. Poor
error allowable). grammar and spelling. presentation of tables/graphs etc.
your report if need be which do not count
Reasonable presentation.
towards your word count.

Total Possible marks /20 marks = /10

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