Asphalt RRL
Asphalt RRL
Asphalt RRL
h i g h l i g h t s
The fatigue cracking performance of polymer modified asphalt mixture containing RAP material was evaluated.
The repeated loading semi-circular test was utilized.
The mixture fatigue cracking performance was analyzed by energy consumption approach.
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This study investigated the effect of reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) on the rheological properties of a
Received 26 February 2018 polymer modified binder and the fatigue cracking performance of polymer modified asphalt mixture.
Received in revised form 28 April 2019 Performance grading, master stiffness curve and black space analysis were conducted on the asphalt bin-
Accepted 5 May 2019
ders at different laboratory ageing conditions. The repeated loading semi-circular (R-SCB) test was con-
Available online 9 May 2019
ducted on the mixtures. Test results of the asphalt binder showed that the addition of RAP increased the
stiffness and the Glove-Rowe (G-R) Parameter value of asphalt binder. Higher RAP binder could be sus-
ceptible to non-load-associated cracking after long-term ageing or in a cold climate as binders with more
Asphalt mixture
Reclaimed asphalt pavement
than 30% RAP after the PAV 40 h ageing condition had a G-R value greater than 180 kPa. The fatigue dam-
Fatigue cracking performance age in R-SCB test were analyzed by energy consumption approach and can be divided into three stages
SCB test including the steady and cumulative damage stage and jump damage. The cumulative energy increased
linearly with the loading cycles and the cumulative energy evolution meets Linear Miner’s Law in R-SCB
test, then the average consumption per cycle (ECPCAVE) was selected as the index to evaluate the fatigue
cracking performance of asphalt mixtures. It is found that higher ECPCAVE, faster cumulative rate of fati-
gue damage causing a lower fatigue life and poor fatigue cracking performance of asphalt mixtures. The
addition of RAP contributed to the increase of ECPCAVE and the cumulative rate of fatigue damage. The
higher RAP contents, the faster the cumulative rate of fatigue damage was, which caused smaller fatigue
life. This paper suggests that ECPCAVE is a useful indicator to evaluate the fatigue cracking performance of
asphalt mixture with and without RAP.
Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0950-0618/Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
380 Z. Zhou et al. / Construction and Building Materials 216 (2019) 379–389
researches regarding the fatigue cracking resistance of high RAP 50%). A rejuvenator was used to soften and partially recovered
surface course mixtures with modified binder. the aged binder when introducing more than 30% RAP. The virgin
There are many studies focusing on the fatigue cracking perfor- aggregate used throughout this study was basalt stone from a con-
mance of RAP mixtures and binders. Huang et al. evaluated the struction agency in Jiangsu Province of China. RAP was collected
fatigue performance of HMA mixtures containing RAP by conduct- from the top layer of the Huning Highway in Jiangsu Province. A
ing semi-circular bending (SCB) fatigue tests and beam fatigue SBS modified binder meeting the superpave PG 70-22 was selected
tests. Results indicated that the addition of RAP increases the fati- because it is commonly required by Chinese transportation agen-
gue resistance of the mixtures [12]. Shu et al. performed strain con- cies for use in surface courses. Assessment of the effects of RAP
trolled beam fatigue tests and used the ratio of dissipated energy on fatigue cracking performance was made at both binder and mix-
change (RDEC) to determine failure to evaluate the fatigue charac- ture levels.
teristics of RAP mixtures. The authors found the addition of RAP
resulted in higher PV values, which corresponds to lower fatigue
life. Then the addition of RAP reduces the fatigue life of the mix- 3. Materials and experimental plan
tures [13]. Mogawer et al. evaluated the cracking resistance char-
acteristics of plant produced hot-mix asphalt containing up to 3.1. Materials
40% RAP. The recovered binders were also evaluated. His
researches showed that both the recovered binder and mixture 3.1.1. RAP characterization
stiffness increased with increasing RAP content and that if using RAP binder was extracted and recovered from the RAP mixes in
softer binder as the virgin binder, the overall stiffness would accordance with AASHTO T 164 and ASTM D 5404, respectively. A
decrease. Cracking resistance was measured using the Overlay Tes- rejuvenator was then added to the RAP binder to restore physical
ter (OT) device at 15 °C and the results showed decreasing cracking and chemical properties of the binder. The rejuvenator is a mix
resistance (lower number of cycles to failure) with increasing RAP of chemicals and consists of modified polyamines. The rejuvenator
contents [14]. McDaniel et al. performed push-pull fatigue test to dosage was determined according to the research by Arámbula-
study the effect of RAP contents and virgin binders on the fatigue
life of the mixes and he found that the increasing RAP contents
increased the fatigue life of the mixtures [15]. Li and Gibson
employed the simplified viscoelastic continuum damage (S-
VECD) to evaluate RAP fatigue performance. Results showed that
increasing RAP percentage reduced the fatigue performance of
the mixtures [16].
In summary, the conclusions regarding the effect of RAP on the
fatigue cracking performance of asphalt mixtures are conflict with
each other. In particular, there are few studies focusing on the fati-
gue cracking performance of polymer modified asphalt mixture
containing RAP materials. As the polymer modified asphalt mix-
tures are usually used in surface course in China, it is necessary
to study the effect of RAP on the fatigue performance of surface
course mixtures.
Table 1
Superpave Test Results for blended binder for different rejuvenator dosages.
Table 3
Characteristics of Laboratory-Designed Mixtures.
Note: 1. V70-0, V70-15, V70-30, V70-40, and V70-50 indicate Virgin PG 70–22 SBS modified binder with different percentages of RAP materials.
2. AC = asphalt content, including virgin binder, aged binder from RAP (100% blending between virgin and recycled binder was assumed) and rejuvenator.
3. VMA = Voids in aggregate, VMA (%).
4. VFA = Voids filled w/asphalt, VFA (%).
5. DB ratio = Dust-binder ratio.
Mercado, Edith, et al. [17] and this method is based on the perfor-
mance grading test according to AASHTO T 315. The dosage was
cal specifications for construction of highway asphalt pavements
selected as 2%, 4% and 6% by the weight of the RAP binder.
(JTG F40-2004) [18], was produced in the laboratory and served
The results of blended binder performance for different rejuve-
as the control mixture. Then the mixtures incorporating various
nator dosages are shown in Table 1.
percentages of RAP materials were produced. The control mixture
From Table 1, it can be seen that a dosage rate of 4% of the reju-
design was modified to include various contents of RAP material.
venator by the weight of the RAP binder could be used to restore
Virgin aggregate was adjusted as needed to maintain the gradation
the continuous grade of the RAP binder from 84.1 to 15.1 to
of all RAP mixtures as close as possible to the control mixture. The
73.0–22.6. Then the dosage rate of 4% of the rejuvenator was used
rejuvenator with 4% of the weight of aged binder was added in
for mixture performance evaluation as the target performance
mixtures which contain more than 30% RAP contents to evaluate
grade of virgin binder is 70–22.
the effect of rejuvenator on the fatigue cracking resistance of
RAP materials were divided into three parts by the aggregate
asphalt mixtures containing RAP. To produce the consistent virgin
sizes: 0–4.75 mm, 4.75–9.5 mm and 9.5–16 mm. Fig. 1 shows the
aggregate gradation for all RAP mix designs, the virgin basalt
recovered aggregate gradation after extraction of the divided three
aggregates were divided into sieve sizes, which were then recom-
parts RAP materials. Table 2 shows the asphalt content and PG true
bined to produce the desired aggregate gradation. Determination
grade for RAP materials of each part.
of asphalt content for the control and all RAP mixtures was based
on results in 4% air voids at N design ¼ 75 using Superpave Gyratory
3.1.2. Mix design Compactor (SGC). More details of the design of high percentage
A dense-graded surface course mixture with nominal maximum of RAP mixtures can be found in the research by Yu et al. [8]. Table 3
aggregate size (NMAS) of 13.2 mm, designed based on the techni- summarizes the mix design results for all mixtures.
382 Z. Zhou et al. / Construction and Building Materials 216 (2019) 379–389
Table 4
Performance Grading Results for tested binders.
Tested Binder High Temp. °C Inter. Temp. °C Low Temp. °C Continuous Grade, °C PG Grade
Origin RTFOT PAV(20 h)
S/MPa m-slope
V70-0 74.1 73.9 24.7 25.6 26.0 73.9–25.6 70–22
V70-15 75.5 75.2 25.8 24.3 25.2 75.2–24.3 70–22
V70-30 75.0 74.0 24.7 24.1 25.2 74.0–24.1 70–22
V70-40 75.4 75.0 24.0 23.9 25.0 75.0–23.9 70–22
V70-50 74.1 74.5 24.8 23.9 25.3 74.5–23.9 70–22
Fig. 6. ECPC evolution in R-SCB test for V70-30 mixture: (a) 15 °C: (b) 25 °C.
[19]. Two test temperatures—15 °C and 25 °C were selected in this supports is 120 mm. The failure standard for R-SCB test is the bro-
study to correspond to the intermediate temperature range at ken of the specimen. More details of R-SCB test can be found else-
which most of the traffic load is applied. The load and deformation where [20–22].
were continuously recorded in R-SCB test. Fig. 3 presents the R-SCB The R-SCB test was conducted using a UTM-25 system. For R-
test configuration in this study. The distance between two bottom SCB test, at least three replicates of each mixture were evaluated.
384 Z. Zhou et al. / Construction and Building Materials 216 (2019) 379–389
C 1 ðT T d Þ
log aðT Þ ¼ ð2Þ
C 2 þ ðT T dÞ
Table 6
Results of the R-SCB test.
Temp (°C) Mixture Stress ratio Nf Mean Nf COV (%) ECPCAVE(J) Mean ECPCAVE(J) COV (%)
15 V70-0 0.15 313900 412,800 26.5 0.0129 0.0138 5.3
568,450 0.0138
375,500 0.0146
393,350 0.0140
0.20 329,874 271,920 21.4 0.0199 0.0211 6.3
303,742 0.0223
256,462 0.0200
197,602 0.0222
0.25 166,885 140,010 16.2 0.0344 0.0337 2.8
146,416 0.0332
134,005 0.0326
112,734 0.0346
V70-15 0.15 447,982 359,480 20.8 0.0184 0.0179 5.4
380,566 0.0180
339,692 0.0165
269,637 0.0187
0.20 223,145 172,480 24.8 0.0329 0.0316 7.4
184,553 0.0317
161,155 0.0283
121,053 0.0335
0.25 112,182 124,250 6.5 0.0390 0.0368 10.9
127,492 0.0370
128,123 0.0311
129,203 0.0401
V70-30 0.15 184,492 240,570 15.6 0.0229 0.0230 6.4
255,635 0.0244
258,565 0.0210
263,587 0.0237
0.20 120,975 96,700 16.8 0.0429 0.0431 8.8
90,179 0.0467
88,910 0.0379
86,736 0.0449
0.25 39,522 47,700 22.8 0.0575 0.0528 6.7
37,504 0.0527
59,643 0.0489
54,131 0.0522
V70-40 0.15 187,064 234,090 26.4 0.0250 0.0259 5.9
176,867 0.0242
302,487 0.0270
270,045 0.0274
0.20 71,465 75,610 7.2 0.0455 0.0480 8.9
70,567 0.0433
81,633 0.0511
78,775 0.0521
0.25 36,120 42,570 19.9 0.0555 0.0533 4.3
34,722 0.0545
51,943 0.0528
47,495 0.0503
V70-50 0.15 184,233 206,920 14.4 0.0309 0.0291 6.2
179,317 0.0301
239,886 0.0287
224,244 0.0268
0.20 69,331 61,510 16.7 0.0547 0.0506 8.2
71,026 0.0528
50,145 0.0497
55,538 0.0452
0.25 30,313 25,320 25.9 0.0664 0.0625 6.4
31,395 0.0647
18,065 0.0616
21,507 0.0573
25 V70-0 0.15 292,513 271,510 18.9 0.00799 0.00756 4.4
291,634 0.00721
306,660 0.00764
195,233 0.00743
0.20 145,140 132,200 24.3 0.0138 0.0132 3.6
144,447 0.0127
84,526 0.0133
154,687 0.0130
0.25 56,186 69,450 26.2 0.0175 0.0163 5.7
90,589 0.0153
78,541 0.0165
52,484 0.0159
V70-15 0.15 223,546 252,320 15.2 0.00756 0.00824 6.5
283,260 0.00882
Table 6 (continued)
Temp (°C) Mixture Stress ratio Nf Mean Nf COV (%) ECPCAVE(J) Mean ECPCAVE(J) COV (%)
287,467 0.00812
215,006 0.00846
0.20 115,973 100,500 10.4 0.0137 0.0144 3.8
93,566 0.0150
97,252 0.0143
95,208 0.0146
0.25 52,538 55,090 14.4 0.0168 0.0176 3.6
66,741 0.0183
52,145 0.0174
48,936 0.0179
V70-30 0.15 153,594 222,320 23.6 0.00804 0.00952 12.3
266,077 0.0108
209,270 0.00925
260,341 0.0100
0.20 74,285 71,770 15.7 0.0137 0.0161 12.0
55,210 0.0182
79,711 0.0157
77,876 0.0169
0.25 29,007 47,250 26.5 0.0186 0.0196 4.0
56,116 0.0202
49,204 0.0203
54,673 0.0194
V70-40 0.15 123,582 192,040 23.8 0.0113 0.0110 4.2
217,170 0.0106
216,050 0.0114
211,358 0.0106
0.20 54,250 67,380 13.6 0.0184 0.0166 14.5
74,390 0.0143
72,854 0.0190
68,027 0.0147
0.25 26,654 38,090 21.3 0.0234 0.0215 11.8
38,053 0.0191
44,491 0.0240
43,162 0.0195
V70-50 0.15 187,463 159,190 22.3 0.0121 0.0122 4.0
191,706 0.0128
122,619 0.0117
134,972 0.0122
0.20 74,708 62,720 24.0 0.0197 0.0198 3.4
76,508 0.0207
47,213 0.0191
52,451 0.0198
0.25 19,063 23,850 25.2 0.0242 0.0245 6.1
18,345 0.0265
30,042 0.0228
27,950 0.0245
4.2.1. Energy consumption evolution in R-SCB test of all tested samples are listed in Table 6. As presented in Table 6,
The authors found that in R-SCB test, the load-displacement the coefficient of the variance (COV) values for ECPCAVE in the R-
curve in one cycle can form a loop as shown in Fig. 5. With the SCB test were relatively low, proving that the energy consumption
increasing loading cycles, the energy will accumulate until the
specimen is broken. The loop area is defined as the energy con-
sumption per cycle. The authors calculated the energy consump-
tion per cycle values of the tested mixtures and Fig. 6 shows the
typical energy consumption per cycle evolution trends of asphalt
mixture in R-SCB test. It can be found that the fatigue damage evo-
lution of mixture in R-SCB test consists of three stages as shown in
Fig. 7: the unsteady stage of short duration cause of UTM setup, the
steady and cumulative damage stage, and jump damage. In the
steady and cumulative damage stage, the energy consumption
per cycle kept stable and this stage is the primary fatigue damage
stage. In the last stage, which is defined as jump damage, the
energy consumption per cycle increases dramatically and the spec-
imen is broken quickly. This stage is also of short duration. Based
on the energy consumption per cycle evolution presented in
Fig. 6, the fatigue life Nf in R-SCB test is defined as the terminal
point loading cycle of the steady and cumulative damage stage,
which is not the loading cycle when the specimen is failure.
The mean fatigue life (Mean Nf) and average energy consump-
tion per cycle (Mean ECPCAVE) values in the steady stage results Fig. 8. Relationship between Nf and ECPCAVE.
Z. Zhou et al. / Construction and Building Materials 216 (2019) 379–389 387
per cycle in the steady stage kept stable. It is also found that there Nf and ECPCAVE can be expressed in Eq. (2). The higher the ECPCAVE,
is a good linear relationship between the logarithm of Nf and the lower the fatigue life Nf is.
ECPCAVE, as shown in Fig. 8. The relationship of the logarithm of
LOG10 ðNf Þ ¼ k ECPC AVE þ b ð2Þ
388 Z. Zhou et al. / Construction and Building Materials 216 (2019) 379–389
Fig. 10. Effects of RAP contents on the ECPCAVE: (a) 15 °C: (b) 25 °C.
Fig. 11. Asphalt binder rheological property results vs Asphalt Mixture ECPCAVE in
R-SCB test: (a) master curve crossover frequency, (b) Log (G-R).
where, k, b—derived parameters from the test results.
with the cumulative energy increasing rate, it can be used to pre-
dict the mixture fatigue cracking performance. The higher ECPCAVE,
4.2.2. Understand ECPCAVE—Cumulative energy evolution in R-SCB test the higher cumulative increasing rate and faster cumulative rate of
The cumulative energy is the sum of the energy consumption fatigue damage would result in a lower fatigue life and poor fatigue
per cycle. As shown in Fig. 9, the relationship of cumulative energy cracking performance of mixture.
with loading cycles is examined. It is indicated that the cumulative
energy increases linearly with the loading cycles and this trend 4.2.3. The effects of RAP on the fatigue cracking performance
changes and cumulative energy increases faster only when the Fig. 10 shows the effects of RAP contents on the ECPCAVE results.
specimen is close to broken. Then it can be assumed that the cumu- As Fig. 8 demonstrates, the ECPCAVE values increase with the RAP
lative energy evolution meets Linear Cumulative Damage (Miner’s contents. The ECPCAVE represents the cumulative rate of fatigue
Law) in R-SCB test [30,31]. According to linear Miner’s law, mixture damage. So, the addition of RAP increases the ECPCAVE, which also
cracks when cumulated damage exceeds unity. In R-SCB test, the means increasing cumulative rate of fatigue damage. The higher
damage accumulated linearly until the specimen is encountering RAP contents, the faster the cumulative rate of fatigue damage is,
failure. Fig. 10 also presents the fitting results of cumulative energy which results in smaller fatigue life. Incorporating RAP decreases
(CE) versus loading cycle (N). The coefficient of determination R2 the fatigue cracking performance of the mixture. The ECPCAVE
values are all greater than 0.98. It is also found that the slope of index is a useful indicator to evaluate the fatigue cracking perfor-
the fitting curve is similar to ECPCAVE. Through ECPCAVE, it is conve- mance of asphalt mixture with and without RAP.
nient to get the slope of the fitting curve of cumulative energy ver-
sus loading cycle. 4.3. Relationships between binder and R-SCB test results
The slope of the cumulative energy vs. loading cycle curve rep-
resents the increasing rate of cumulative energy and it implies the The relationships between the asphalt binder and mixture
cumulative rate of mixture fatigue damage. Higher cumulative intermediate fatigue cracking measured in this study were evalu-
energy increasing rate and lower cumulative energy mean faster ated. The proposed ECPCAVE index was compared with the results
cumulative rate of mixture fatigue damage and the fatigue life of from asphalt binder rheological test (crossover frequency xc and
mixture is relatively low. Since the ECPCAVE is positively correlated G-R parameter). The performance comparisons were made using
Z. Zhou et al. / Construction and Building Materials 216 (2019) 379–389 389
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