Columna de Destilación HIDiC
Columna de Destilación HIDiC
Columna de Destilación HIDiC
Article history: Internally heat-integrated distillation column (HIDiC) is the most radical approach of a heat pump design,
Received 4 September 2014 making efficient use of internal heat-integration: the rectifying section of a distillation column operating
Received in revised form 28 October 2014 at a higher pressure becomes the heat source, while the stripping part of the column acts as a heat sink.
Accepted 30 October 2014
Remarkably, a HIDIC can bring up to 70% energy savings compared to conventional distillation columns.
Available online 6 November 2014
This is highly appealing regarding the fact that distillation is one of the most energy intensive operations
in the chemical process industry accounting for over 40% of the energy usage. This review paper describes
the latest developments concerning this promising but difficult to implement process intensification
Heat pump
Integrated distillation
technology, covering all the major aspects related to the working principle, thermodynamic analysis,
HIDiC potential energy savings, various design configurations and construction options (ranging from inter-
VRC coupled or concentric columns, shell and tube and plate–fin heat exchanger columns to SuperHIDiC),
SRV design optimization, process control and operation issues, as well as pilot-scale and potential industrial
SuperHIDiC applications. Further advancement, i.e., development of HIDiC technology for multi-component mixture
Process intensification separations is an extremely challenging research topic, especially when HIDiC becomes associated with
other technologies such as dividing-wall column (DWC) or reactive distillation (RD).
ã 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
2. Basic concepts and working principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
3. Thermodynamic analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
4. Potential energy savings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
4.1. Partial heat integrated distillation column (p-HIDiC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
4.2. Ideal heat integrated distillation column (i-HIDiC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
5. Modeling and simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
6. Design and construction options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
6.1. Inter-coupled distillation columns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
6.2. Distillation column with partition wall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
6.3. Concentric distillation column . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
6.3.1. Concentric column with heat panels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
6.4. Shell and tube heat-exchanger column . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
6.5. Plate–fin heat-exchanger column . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
6.6. Heat transfer means . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
6.7. SuperHIDiC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
7. HIDiC as retrofit technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
8. Process dynamics, control and operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
9. Applications and configurations under consideration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
0255-2701/ ã 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
126 A.A. Kiss, Z. Olujic / Chemical Engineering and Processing 86 (2014) 125–144
Fig. 1. Vapor recompresion (VRC) system (left) and HIDiC configuration (right).
A.A. Kiss, Z. Olujic / Chemical Engineering and Processing 86 (2014) 125–144 127
Mole fraction of lighter component in vapor phase
Equilibrium curve
Operating lines
Feed Feed
Feed composition
Bottoms composition Distillate composition
Bottoms Bottoms xB z x xD
Mole fraction of lighter component in liquid phase
Fig. 2. Adiabatic (conventional) and diabatic distillation columns: schematic representation (left) and McCabe–Thiele diagram (right).
128 A.A. Kiss, Z. Olujic / Chemical Engineering and Processing 86 (2014) 125–144
distillation uses in a more efficient way the heat of condensation higher pressure) to the colder stripping section (Fig. 1, right), thus
and evaporation. Heat transfer takes place at a lower temperature leading to a gradual evaporation and condensation along the
difference that implies smaller exergy losses associated with the length of the stripping and rectifying section, respectively
heat transfer. [48,62,72]. Note that the problem of different sizes for rectifying
The effect of internal heat transfer on the distillation process and stripping sections can be relatively easy tackled by using one of
can be conveniently evaluated using the McCabe–Thiele diagram, the alternative HIDiC configurations, as illustrated in Fig. 3
as plotted in Fig. 2 right [46]. In classic distillation, the operating [48,67,72]. Thus, a short stripper can be connected only to the
lines have specific slopes – their ratio being equal to the ratio of the top or bottom part of a long rectifier, and similarly a short rectifier
molar flow rates of liquid and vapor flowing counter-currently in can be connected to the top or bottom part of a long stripper.
the rectification and stripping sections of an adiabatic column. Sometimes, it is actually beneficial to modify the general process
However, the two straight lines are replaced in a diabatic column configuration and intentionally break the symmetry between the
by a continuous operating curve that is parallel to the equilibrium rectifying and stripping sections in order to improve significantly
curve. The distance between the operating and the equilibrium the performance of process operations – but this comes at the
curve gives a measure for the irreversibility of the process. In the expense of a certain loss in energy efficiency [56,62,72].
limit case when these curves overlap, the exergy losses are zero In order to establish the required temperature driving force, the
and the distillation process is perfectly reversible. However, a finite vapor leaving the top of the stripping section is directly recom-
difference must be maintained in practice, as bringing these two pressed such that the rectifying section is operated at a higher
curves together – while reducing the exergy losses to a minimum pressure than the stripping section. While VRC requires the heat
– would result in an inoperable column. Consequently, the full pump to operate over the complete temperature difference that
theoretical potential for energy savings cannot be exploited, and a exists in the system, the main advantage of HIDiC (i.e., gain in
trade-off is required between the operating reflux and the number energy saving with respect to a VRC) is based on the fact that the
of stages – just as in adiabatic distillation. A key drawback of this compression effort in a HIDiC is limited to bridging the
concept is that it requires the use of a special heating media in the temperature difference over the height of the stripping section
reboiler, and the utilities leaving the condenser/reboiler are at such only. Moreover, the height of a HIDiC could be much lower – in the
temperatures that they can hardly be re-utilized [72]. best case just half the VRC height [72].
Heat Integrated Distillation Column (HIDiC) is an attractive
possibility for internal heat integration, because it effectively 3. Thermodynamic analysis
combines the advantages of vapor recompression and diabatic
distillation in a column. As mentioned previously, in a HIDiC, heat An extensive thermodynamic analysis to the distillation
is transferred from the hotter rectification section (operated at processes was firstly applied by Freshwater [10,11] who also
Top Top
Feed Feed
Bottom Bottom
suggested transferring heat from the rectifying to the stripping For a conventional distillation column, the minimum energy
section of a single distillation column, in order to reduce the required to completely separate an ideal binary mixture when the
temperature lift to be overcome by a heat pump. The idea was feed is saturated liquid, can be reduced to [43]:
worked out systematically by Flower and Jackson [9] who showed
the advantages of this technique by simulation studies based on Q min;conv ¼ F DHvap;B þ xF (3)
the second law of thermodynamics. The HIDiC concept was
thoroughly evaluated later under the name Secondary Reflux and where Qmin,conv (J/s or W) is the minimum energy, DHvap,B (kJ/
Vaporization (SRV) by Mah et al. [54] and Fitzmorris and Mah [8]. kmol) is the heat of vaporization of the bottom product, a () is the
Around this time and in the following years, several patents related relative volatility of the components and xF () is the molar
to the equipment were filed [20,21,27,75]. The name of HIDiC used fraction of the more volatile component in the feed.
nowadays was introduced by Nakaiwa [59] who performed The maximum thermodynamic efficiency (Emax) is defined as
simulation studies and pilot plant experiments that proved the minimum work for separation (Wmin) divided by the minimum
substantial energy savings of HIDiC as compared with its energy required for a separation process (Qmin). Therefore, in case
conventional counterpart. The possibility of operating even of conventional distillation of an ideal system, the following
without either a reboiler or a condenser, in a so-called ideal relationship holds true:
HIDiC, was later indicated by Takamatsu et al. [85], while Aso et al.
W min RT ½xlnx þ ð1 xÞlnð1 xÞ
[2] proposed and patented a new type known as shell and tube Emax;conv ¼ ¼ (4)
Q min;conv DHvap;B ½1=ða 1Þ þ xF
HIDiC. Nakaiwa et al. [62] provide more details in a review of their
work in the area of HIDiC technology. Accordingly, the maximum thermodynamic efficiency for conven-
In a regular distillation column, heat is supplied in the reboiler tional distillation is very low – less than 10% [43,65] – and tends to
and removed in the condenser. Due to the temperature difference decrease with decreasing relative volatility. The relative volatility
between the heating/cooling media used in the reboiler/condenser is in fact the most important parameter, as a value of a close to
respectively, the separation of components is always accompanied unity leads to a very high reflux rate and consequently to high
by a degradation of energy, even when heat losses are neglected. In energy requirements in a conventional distillation column.
order to realize a closer approach to a reversible distillation Therefore, the systems with low relative volatility are the best
column, one could use inter-coolers and inter-heaters, instead of a candidates for energy savings in distillation. As a rule, these close
separate reboiler and condenser. The basic idea here is to distribute boiling systems are mainly binary or nearly binary mixtures [72].
the addition and removal of heat from the distillation process more In case of a binary mixture separated in an ideal HIDiC –
uniformly along the length of the column. The thermodynamic operating without reboiler and condenser and with the feed as
advantages of a more equal partition of energy introduction and saturated liquid – the separation can be completely driven by the
removal from a distillation column were reported by several shaft work of a compressor. The compressor duty (expressed in J/s
authors [9,26,49,50,74,72]. Actually, the equipartition of entropy or W) is equal to the energy required by the HIDiC:
production was introduced as a general concept by Tondeur and " K1 #
Kvaalen [86] who suggested that the optimal design (in view of the K Pout K
Q HIDiC ¼ W comp ¼ VRT in 1 (5)
second law) is the one where the entropy production is uniformly K1 Pin
distributed among the process variables. The equipartition of
where V (kmol/s) is the molar vapor flowrate leaving the top of the
entropy production was also proposed as a new design principle
column, K = CP/CV () is the ratio of the specific heat at constant
that is applied in a quasi-reversible or diabatic distillation column,
pressure (CP) to the specific heat at constant volume (CV), Pin (kPa)
as well as a HIDiC. In a HIDiC setup, this design principle is
is the absolute inlet pressure (i.e., top pressure of the stripping
combined with a heat pump operating over a temperature range
section) and Pout (kPa) is the absolute outlet pressure (i.e., bottom
that is narrower than that of a conventional heat pump system.
pressure of the rectifying section). Consequently, the thermody-
This combination of benefits leads to a very powerful, possibly
namic efficiency of the HIDiC (EHIDiC) for the separation of an ideal
ultimate design of a distillation column with respect to energy
system may be expressed as follows [72]:
savings [72]. Note that the thermodynamic efficiency of an ideally
heat integrated distillation column was discussed at a greater FRT½xlnx þ ð1 xÞlnð1 xÞ
EHIDiC ¼ h i (6)
length by Liu et al. [53] and Nakaiwa et al. [62]. VRT in K=ðK 1Þ ðPout =Pin ÞK=K1 1
For a separation process the minimum amount of work required
to make a complete separation is given by the following equation: The compressor duty – determining the energy efficiency of HIDiC
– depends on two key variables: the pressure ratio (Pout/Pin) and
W min ¼ FðDH T DHÞ (1) the vapor flow rate entering the compressor (V) – this vapor flow
where Wmin (J/s or W) is the minimum work, F (kmol/s) is the feed rate being also influenced by the partial vaporization of the high
flowrate, DH (kJ/mol) is the change in enthalpy, T (K) is the pressure liquid that is fed back from the rectifying section. This is
temperature and DS (kJ/mol K) is the change in entropy. For an the reason why, for the same task, a HIDiC would operate with an
ideal mixture of n components the minimum work for separation appreciably higher vapor load than a VRC. If we consider a PP-
can be expressed as follows [72]: splitter case [66] the ratio of compressor loads of HIDiC and VRC is
around 1.3, but this increase is largely compensated by a stronger
W min ¼ FRT xi lnxi (2) effect of a reduced compression ratio (1.3 vs 1.7 in this case),
i¼1 resulting – for the same heat capacity ratio (K 1.1) – in
where R (kJ/mol K) is the universal gas constant, T (K) is the approximately 35% lower compressor duty of a HIDiC.
mixture temperature and xi () is the mole fraction of component i Consequently, in order to maximize the thermodynamic
in the feed. Note that Wmin is the thermodynamic minimum, efficiency of HIDiC, the compression ratio should be minimized
independent of any particular process. Actual processes operate [72]. Unfortunately, minimizing the compression ratio implies
with finite driving forces that are irreversible and consequently use minimization of the temperature difference (i.e., the heat transfer
more energy than the thermodynamic minimum. driving force) which can only be compensated by a corresponding
increase in the heat transfer area. However, this depends on the
chosen design, and it may appear more or less impractical.
130 A.A. Kiss, Z. Olujic / Chemical Engineering and Processing 86 (2014) 125–144
4. Potential energy savings approximately 3, then the real savings in energy in this case
would be about 70%. Potential misunderstandings in this respect
In order to approach the potential energy savings of a HIDiC, one would be avoided if exergy (i.e., consumption of utilities) is used as
must consider both concepts – that of the partial and an ideal heat basis for energy efficiency comparisons of VRC or HIDiC with
integrated distillation column, respectively. conventional distillation columns.
In spite of the conclusion of Mah et al. [54] that SRV was not
4.1. Partial heat integrated distillation column (p-HIDiC) favorable for the separation of propylene–propane, it is worth
noting that the compression ratio was lower (1.4) in the study of
In contrast to an ideal HIDiC – which, upon start-up, is able to Jansens et al. [39] and higher (2.2) in the work of Mah et al. [54].
operate driven by the shaft work of a compressor only [85] – in a From these studies, it can be concluded that a HIDiC operating at
partial HIDiC only a part of the required heat is transferred lowest feasible compression ratio is a suitable candidate for
internally from the rectifying to stripping section, so both an separations with low relative volatility and tight product
external reboiler and condenser are still required [54,75,76]. Mah specifications. In the case of a sub ambient condenser temperature,
et al. [54] suggested a Secondary Reflux and Vaporization (SRV) a heat pump can also eliminate the use of refrigerants [72].
column that uses vapor recompression between the top vapor and
the bottom reboiler to enhance the thermal economy of the partial 5. Modeling and simulation
HIDiC. A primary reflux is obtained in the conventional way by
feeding part of the condensed top product back in the column, The first model for HIDiC was described in the paper of Mah
while the secondary reflux is achieved by internal condensation in et al. [54], and summarized by Nakaiwa [59] with examples of
the rectifying section due to the heat transfer between the binary separation problems. As the model is actually based on the
rectifying and stripping sections. As a consequence, the concept of tri-diagonal matrix method proposed by Wang and Henke [89], the
Mah et al. [54] requires two compressors. The first one is the SRV difference between the original one and the model for the HIDiC
compressor that compresses the vapor leaving the stripping are briefly explained hereafter. In order to represent the amount of
section into the bottom of the rectifying section, and the second the heat exchanged between the rectifying and the stripping
one is the VRC compressor that compresses the vapor leaving the sections, the overall heat transfer coefficient and area must be
top of the column into the bottom reboiler. The binary mixtures introduced. Assuming a tray column for the HIDiC setup, the
investigated by Mah et al. [54] were ethylene–ethane, propylene– amount of the heat exchanged between the coupled stages (Qex) is
propane, and trans-2-butene and cis-2-butene – with the first one expressed as follows:
emerging as the most promising application, as listed in Table 1
Q ex;j ¼ U j AJ ðT j þ Nhex Þ (7)
[72]. Furthermore, Seader [75] also reported large energy savings
of 56% for the system ethylene–ethane in a partial HIDiC operated where Nhex () is the number of the heat exchange stages, U (W/
without an extra VR compressor. m2K) is the overall heat transfer coefficient, A (m2) is the heat
transfer area, and the subscript j denotes the jth stage in the
4.2. Ideal heat integrated distillation column (i-HIDiC) rectifying section. Treating Qex,j (W) as heat duty for a side cooler or
reboiler, the tri-diagonal matrix for the mass and the energy
As mentioned earlier, an ideal HIDiC can operate without a balances is solved. If one takes A = 0 then Qex,j becomes also zero
reboiler and a condenser. The separation of benzene–toluene in an and the terms for the heat exchange in the tri-diagonal matrix
ideal HIDiC was reported in several simulation studies [53,60–62] disappear. Thus, the Nakaiwa’s model for the HIDiC can also handle
and experimental validation was carried out in a pilot plant [58]. conventional columns without any corrections [37]. It is worth
Energy savings of up to 60% were reported for this model system – mentioning that various kinds of process models with different
as shown in Table 1 [72] – though the number of stages was complexities have been developed so far for the HIDiC config-
increased by a factor 2–3 as compared to a conventional column. urations. Although they are used for different purposes, they can
According to Jansens et al. [39] and Oluji c et al. [65], HIDiC is reflect the general behavior of HIDiC. A very simple model is given
indeed able to operate at a compression ratio lower than that of a here, where the principle of internal heat integration can be well
heat pump and HIDiC is also especially attractive for close boiling illustrated [62].
mixtures. Benzene–toluene was taken again as reference system,
V jþ1 þ yjþ1 V j yj þ Lj1 xj1 Lj xj þ dði ¼ f ÞF xF
but in this case with the same number of stages as the conventional
¼ 0; forj¼ 1 . . . n (8)
column. From that simulation study it was concluded that a HIDiC
PP-splitter can save up to 90% energy. However, one should note
that this very high percentage value in saving is based on the direct
yi ¼ yi ðPj T j xj Þ; forj ¼ 1 . . . n (9)
comparison of reboiler duty (MWs of heat) of conventional column
and compressor duty (MWs of power) of the HIDiC compressor. If
one takes into account inefficiencies in power generation, by
considering that the ratio of heat to electrical MWs is
Table 1
Reported energy savings of a partial or ideal HIDiC for various binary systems.
Model system a12 Pressure ratio (Pout/Pin) Energy req. HIDiC vs conventional Reference
Ethylene/ethane 1.80 3.0 –54% (p-HIDiC) [54]
Ethylene/ethane 1.80 3.0 –56% (p-HIDiC) [75]
Trans/cis 2-butene 1.08 2.4 –15% (p-HIDiC) [54]
Benzene/toluene 2.40 2.0 –60% (i-HIDiC) [60,61]
Benzene/toluene 2.40 2.1 –60% (i-HIDiC) [39]
Benzene/toluene 2.40 3.0 –52% (i-HIDiC) [53]
Ethyl-benzene/styrene 1.40 2.3 –80% (i-HIDiC) [39]
Propylene/propane 1.15 1.4 –90% (i-HIDiC) [39]
A.A. Kiss, Z. Olujic / Chemical Engineering and Processing 86 (2014) 125–144 131
combinations of heat integration increases and the optimal design product purity. In high pressure applications, the column diameter
problem usually becomes a complex mixed integer nonlinear is relatively small due to the increased density of the vapor. The
programming (MINLP) problem. In the new method, the first combination of a large reflux ratio and a small column diameter
modification of the diagram is the introduction of the reversible leads to a large specific liquid load. As a result, sieve or valve trays
distillation curve, which shows the enthalpy profile at reversible are applied where structured packing cannot handle properly such
condition. By using this curve, the target enthalpy profile in the large liquid loads. Until several years ago, it was considered that a
column can be determined and the plausible stages for heat HIDiC design should allow mainly trays as distillation internals
exchange can be determined by taking the predetermined [72], but Bruinsma et al. [4] showed also the possibility of
theoretical stages into account. The second modification is the efficiently using structured packing as heat and mass transfer
integration of the T-xy diagram with H-xy diagram. By doing so, the contactor, this however in conjunction with a different (compact
temperature difference of side exchangers can easily be identified, plate fin heat exchanger configuration) approach to equipment
and it becomes possible to determine the pairing of heat design. This opens the way to novel applications, such as reactive
integration stages between the rectifying section and the stripping HIDiC – with a study on r-HIDiC already reported for the hydrolysis
section in consideration of the heat transfer area of side of methyl acetate [51] and the synthesis of tert-amyl methyl ether
exchangers. The conditions obtained by the diagram methodology [71]. The most important constructive solutions proposed so far for
can be directly used in rigorous process simulation. Case studies HIDiC are described hereafter.
demonstrated that the results obtained using the new methodol-
ogy, are in agreement with the conditions obtained through 6.1. Inter-coupled distillation columns
numerical optimization. As the designer can modify the design
condition interactively by checking the obtained diagram, the new In early designs, two column shells were connected via heat
methodology is especially beneficial at the preliminary design exchangers, as shown in Fig. 4 [27]. This design accounts for the
stage of HIDiC [88]. different heat requirement in each stage, but it also implies
Most recently, stochastic methodology was applied for optimi- significant heat loses and additional equipment costs. The
zation of internal and external HIDiCs using genetic algorithms performance of this design is heavily linked to the heat transfer
(GA) to find the optimal HIDiC configuration by minimizing the means used. The basic configuration consists of two separate
total annual cost [80]. Introducing a novel integer variable (the parallel columns interconnected on every distillation tray by
layout number) can generate systematically more energy efficient piping. The tubular heat transfer bodies are submerged in the
candidates for both internal and external HIDiCs. For the benzene– liquid/vapor mixture on the trays. This concept is applicable for
toluene separation, up to 6.6% and 9.75% TAC reduction have been tray columns and allows flexible, but relative small heat exchange
accomplished in external and internal HIDiCs optimization using area per stage. A key drawback of this design is the large amount of
the proposed method compared to the earlier reported solutions piping between the adjacent columns, which increases construc-
[80]. tional complexity and investment costs and may lead to extra heat
In a similar optimization study, Gutierrez-Guerra et al. [24] losses to the environment [72]. Beggs [3] introduced a separate
implemented a novel stochastic optimization algorithm stripping and rectifying section that is not connected at every tray
(Boltzmann univariate marginal distribution algorithm: BUMDA) but uses a single heat transfer loop – meaning much less tubing
with constraints handling for the optimization of HIDiC sequen- than in the concept of Haselden [27]. An external pump is required
ces. Three binary mixtures were examined: butanol/isobutanol, for transport of the heat transfer fluid that is heated along the
cyclohexane/n-heptane, and benzene/toluene. Results showed the length of the rectifying section and subsequently cooled along the
great robustness presented by the BUMDA algorithm for solving length of the stripping section. Special heat transfer trays with
successfully this kind of complex optimization problem. The HIDiC serpentine ducts inside the tray are used, which implies that the
design to separate the alcohol mixture showed energy savings of total heat transfer area is restricted to the tray surface. Based on
84% and annual cost that was 2% lower than that of a conventional experimental measurements, overall heat transfer coefficients in
column. In addition, the hydrocarbon mixtures reached the range of 2200–4000 W/m2K were reported for the system
energy savings of 62.5% (cyclohexane/n-heptane) and 52.5% water–methanol [40].
(benzene/toluene). Nevertheless, the total annual cost (TAC) of
the HIDiC was larger than the TAC of the conventional column (by
32% and 35%, respectively).
Typically, in case of internal heat integration, the vapor flow
increases along the stripping section due to progressive evapora-
tion of the descending liquid, while in the corresponding
integrated part of rectifying section, the vapor flow decreases
due to progressive condensation of the ascending vapor. In the
non-integrated part on both sides of the columns, the vapor and
liquid flow rates are almost unchanged. For energy savings reason,
a low temperature difference between the rectifying and the
stripping section is preferred for HIDiC but this leads to a rather Stripping column
large heat transfer area requirements per stage [65]. Accordingly, reflux
the HIDiC design should allow for large heat transfer area inside rectifier
the column. Because of the changing vapor flows in the column a
very important prerequisite for a heat-integrated column design is
that it allows changing area for vapor flow. This could be done by
changing the diameter of the stripping section and rectifying
section stepwise along the height of the column and/or by a
variation of the tray layout [72,13].
Note that close boiling separations require large reflux ratios in
order to generate enough liquid–vapor contact for the required Fig. 4. Two column HIDiC design [27].
A.A. Kiss, Z. Olujic / Chemical Engineering and Processing 86 (2014) 125–144 133
Several researchers proposed also the use side heat exchangers 6.3. Concentric distillation column
connecting two separate columns [62]. These systems imply a
trade-off between efficiency and complexity, as the heat transfer A concentric HIDiC, in which the annular stripping section is
between stages is reduced according to specific requirements. This configured around the rectifying section, was proposed by
solution can be implemented with standard distillation hardware Glenchur and Govind [18,20]. Basically, the use of concentric
in a revamping operation. However, a detailed techno-economic columns avoids the heat loses and thus enhances the heat transfer
analysis is actually needed to account for the additional equipment performance, as illustrated in Fig. 6 [20]. In principle, this
costs and heat loses. concentric configuration has ideal properties with respect to the
heat transfer because the heat in the rectifying section cannot leak
6.2. Distillation column with partition wall to the environment – in other words, the heat has no other way to
go but to the stripping section. This concept was proposed for tray
A patent was filed by Seader [75] on a column with two columns, with the heat transfer area restricted to the area of the
semi-cylindrical sections, where the heat transfer is realized by column wall. Consequently, the heat transfer area is relatively
the heat-pipes mounted through the wall, connecting small – insufficient in most cases – and the design does not allow
corresponding trays of the rectification and stripping sections any flexibility for changing the heat transfer area per stage [72].
(see Fig. 5, left). This design allows heat transfer through the wall Notably, this solution incorporates the downcomer scheme with
by the liquid on both sides of the downcomers, and it reduces the two-pass trays in the inner column and single pass in the outer tower.
heat loses and the requirement for heat transfer means. Effective Moreover, it accounts for the differences in size between the
heat transfer over small temperature differences is possible due rectifying and stripping sections and it can even be used in multi-
to the high internal heat transfer coefficients and negligible stage distillation, as shown in Fig. 6 [20]. The overall heat transfer
pressure drop along the heat-pipes [3]. A special heat-pipe fluid is coefficient for the concentric tubes varies with the vapor load, in the
needed, which means the introduction of extra components in range of 600–800 W/m2K, and the height equivalent to a theoretical
the process. The concept is applicable for tray columns and allows plate (HETP) is excessively large when using packing [63].
flexible heat transfer area per stage. Seader and Baer [76] carried Nonetheless, the concentric tubes design still lacks the required
out heat transfer measurements at bench-scale in a column flexibility for efficient heat transfer performance. Therefore, the use
equipped with heat-pipes – using finned copper tubes with water of modular heat transfer means is recommended to increase the heat
as working fluid. Pure water was distilled in both the low and high transfer area, and also variable tube diameter can be used to
pressure distillation columns. Heat transfer coefficients of accommodate better the changing vapor loads [72].
4700 W/m2K were reported, based on the bare tube area at Interestingly, the internal geometry of a concentric bench-scale
temperature driving forces of 12.4–22.7 K. On a practical side, column (height 1 m, outer diameter 0.15 m) utilized in a HIDiC
note that heat transfer coefficients for hydrocarbon mixtures are research project at Tianjin University [90] has been arranged to
considerably lower than the values reported for pure water. accommodate properly continuously changing vapor flow from
Moreover, an interesting aspect of intra-column heat transfer is bottom to the top of the column (increasing on stripping and
the effect of heat transfer on the mass transfer efficiency of decreasing on rectification column side). Because 5 mm Dixon
the distillation tray, which was not taken into account in their rings have been used as packing for both sides, strong wall effects
study [76]. have influenced the performance of inner and outer columns, both
Honeywell proposed a similar column without heat transfer including inclined walls. Pronounced efficiency deteriorating
means, as shown in Fig. 5, right [79]. This design accounts for the effects have been experienced on stripping side, with an inclined
different vapor loads in each stage by an off-center wall. Moreover, inner wall with evaporating film and vertical outer wall with
heat is transferred between opposite stages in side-heat exchang- condensing liquid. It appeared that the measured HETP (ethanol/
ers. This solution lowers the pressure step required, but it adds water system, on stripping side at atmospheric and on rectification
additional equipment costs. The heat transfer devices may increase side on near atmospheric pressures) tended to increase pro-
the pressure drop, and liquid by-passing can be an issue for the heat nouncedly with increasing pressure ratio, while the efficiency on
transfer across the wall. Note that the use of packing is discouraged rectification side exhibited an opposite, efficiency improving trend.
in these proposed designs [79]. With both columns run at atmospheric pressure, the HETP values
Fig. 5. Left: single shell HIDiC (left) – detail of opposite downcomers design [75], Right: Honeywell single shell design with heat transfer between opposite stages [79].
134 A.A. Kiss, Z. Olujic / Chemical Engineering and Processing 86 (2014) 125–144
Fig. 6. Concentric HIDiC design (left) and multi-stage distillation arrangement (right) in concentric columns [20].
measured on stripping side have been on average factor two larger 6.3.1. Concentric column with heat panels
than those measured on rectification side, and on the largest A concentric column equipped with heat transfer means
pressure ratio utilized in this study (1.6) the difference in suitable for installation in rectification and stripping sections was
efficiencies was nearly factor 5. Larger differences have been patented by de Graauw et al. [22]. In this case, the preferred
observed at larger F-factors. As expected, the overall heat transfer distillation internals are trays, but could also be random or
coefficient decreased with the increase in pressure ratio, i.e., structured packing. Heat transfer bodies can be placed in either
corresponding increase in temperature difference between of the the stripping or rectifying section. In the bottom and upper part of
inner column and the outer column, but it was little affected by the the HIDiC, heat transfer bodies are preferentially placed in the
F-factor. The results obtained reflect the nature of heat and mass rectifying and stripping section, respectively [72]. In contrast to
transfer behavior imposed by bench-scale HIDiC geometry in the heat-pipes in the design of Seader [75], the panels in this
conjunction with chosen packing type and size, which however are concept are in open connection with the other section of the
of no industrial relevance. distillation column. Hence panels placed in the stripping section
Fig. 7. Proposed configurations for a HIDiC (left). Placement of the heat transfer panels in the rectifying or stripping section for a concentric column (right).
A.A. Kiss, Z. Olujic / Chemical Engineering and Processing 86 (2014) 125–144 135
are in open connection with the rectifying section such that The stripping section was operated at atmospheric pressure and
vapor from the rectifying section can enter the panels, condense the inner, rectification section at a number of above atmospheric
inside and liquid can flow back to the rectifying section. On the pressures, to simulate operation under different pressure ratios.
outer surface of the panels present in the stripping section, Inserted photographs in Fig. 8 show the heat panel and an open
simultaneous evaporation of liquid takes place. Obviously, this segment with a half of a sieve tray installed. With this
implies that the panels should be well wetted. When the heat configuration it was possible to simulate experimentally operation
transfer bodies are positioned in the rectifying section, the liquid of a constant diameter section of a tray HIDiC. However, to ensure
from the stripping section enters the heat transfer element via the that heat panels of all five trays in stripping section receive enough
open connection, then it evaporates partially inside and the vapor vapor ascending through the trays in the (much smaller)
flows back to the stripping section. On the outer surface vapor rectification section the heat transfer area of heat panels was
present in the rectifying section will condense simultaneously. reduced significantly, to less than half of that used in previous
Note that the heat transfer panels installed above the active experiments. From total reflux distillation experiments carried out
(bubbling) area of the trays in stripping section should be wetted with this unit, separation performance was as expected, but the
by froth and entrainment from a tray [72]. In this concept, heat overall heat transfer efficiency was well below that expected based
transfer internals can also be placed in the downcomer. A strong on previous tests. The wrongdoer in this case appeared to be an
advantage of this concept is that it allows the designer to exclude ineffective use of installed heat transfer area at lower trays in
certain trays with low or negative temperature driving forces, from stripping section. Namely, in such a case, the vapor load increases
the heat transfer process – in other words, no heat panels are gradually from bottom tray to the top one, which means that the
installed on these trays. intensity of interaction of two phases, which is responsible for the
The proposed HIDiC configurations are illustrated schematically effectiveness of active wetting of the surface of heat transfer panels
in Fig. 7 (left), while Fig. 7 (right) also shows the placement of the heat installed above bubbling area of the annular trays in stripping
transfer panels in the rectifying or stripping section for a concentric section, changes accordingly. Indeed, as observed during dedicated
column [46,72]. Experiments carried out with a dense package of experiments, at lower vapor loads the surface wetting was
heat panels placed above bubbling area of an annular sieve tray in incomplete (large fraction of dry surface, above froth height) as
stripping section have shown that this ensures a smooth hydraulic perceived visually during operation. To compensate for this, the
operation and can even enhance efficiency at the cost of slightly heat transfer area should be increased and distributed accordingly,
increased pressure drop [72,73]. This was encouraging, but these largest at the bottom and lowest at the top of the section tray.
experiments were performed under ideal conditions, with one test However, the space for installing heat transfer area is limited,
tray only, and heat panels fed from an external source of hot vapor. To because the cross sectional area of a tray is dictated by tray
simulate properly operation of a concentric HIDiC the same hydrodynamics considerations, with the height of a constant
equipment has been redesigned and the height of the column diameter section depending on the feasible turndown of the
enlarged to accommodate 5 fully thermally integrated rectification chosen tray type. A possibility to practically solve the problem is to
and stripping section trays. consider installing shorter constant tray diameter sections, which
Fig. 8 shows the flowsheet of the extended TU Delft pilot plant, however, in case of high stage requirement (typical close boiling
with inner rectification (ID of 0.3 m) and outer stripping column separations) may appear too demanding on mechanical design and
(ID of 0.8 m) operated as two independent units in parallel [69]. construction side.
Fig. 8. Flowsheet of the TU Delft concentric tray HIDiC, including photographs of a heat transfer panel and a half-open segment of a stripping section sieve tray [69].
136 A.A. Kiss, Z. Olujic / Chemical Engineering and Processing 86 (2014) 125–144
Fig. 9. Top view of internal layout and a photo made during the installation of the shell of a HIDiC containing 7 unit size packed columns in parallel. As illustrated on right hand
side, each column contains 3 sections with different diameters (in mm) and the concentric columns are equipped with structured packing cut to fit tightly into given space
6.4. Shell and tube heat-exchanger column technology development and implementation effort completed
recently in Japan.
The problem of limited heat transfer area – as encountered in Fig. 9 shows the internals configuration, i.e., a top view of a cross
the concentric tray column design – can be conveniently solved by section and a photograph taken during the installation of a semi-
adopting the concept of multiple, unit size concentric columns in a industrial column (shell diameter = 1.4 m, total column height =
shell, as proposed by Aso et al. [2] – see Fig. 9 for details [46]. This 22.8 m) with a feed flow rate of 1.9 t/h, which was installed in a
configuration, which resembles that of common shell and tube petrochemicals manufacturing plant in parallel to a conventional
heat exchangers, with seven concentric columns placed within a unit for separation of a pentanes rich multi-component mixture
shell, was chosen for the demonstration phase of a three stages into specified fractions [56]. Attached drawings and an inserted
Fig. 10. Plate–fin HIDiC and variations in the fin length and spacing [35]. Fin design with similar packing shape [83].
A.A. Kiss, Z. Olujic / Chemical Engineering and Processing 86 (2014) 125–144 137
photograph indicate that each concentric column was equipped application, making it comparatively expensive. Note that in this
with structured packing and consisted of three sections with design the heat transfer area is large and flexible. By changing the
different inner and outer diameters, to accommodate properly the channel and fin dimension, heat transfer area can be changed along
changing vapor and liquid loads along the column. Note that the the length of the column. Difficulties arise in the (re-) distribution
outer wall of each inner column was equipped with a spiral of liquid and vapor over the set of parallel columns.
providing longer residence time and more frequent refreshing of A model was developed [87] to predict the heat transfer rates and
the descending liquid film, both effects enhancing heat and mass influence of internal heat transfer on the separation efficiency of a
transfer significantly. This effort described elsewhere [28,56] has plate–fin device, and the model is in agreement with the
proven that a HIDiC can save more than 50% energy compared to experimental data. Aitken [1] filed a patent on a plate-heat exchanger
conventional column. The problem is that the chosen unit size, for combined heat and mass transfer in which the space between the
packed-columns in parallel concept implies linear scale up and vertical plates is equipped with corrugated sheets similar to that of a
consequently a linear increase of related capital costs. This structured packing. An alternative idea that deviates more from
however is against the nature of distillation, which is a typical current plate fin heat exchanger designs, is to use non-parallel plates
representative of the economy of scale technology (the larger the with a constant fin spacing [35]. Recently, this concept was evaluated
cheaper). For instance, using the same concept, a 20 t/h column experimentally on bench scale, using a common test system at
HIDiC would require placing 70 concentric packed columns in atmospheric conditions, aiming at proving the principle only, which
parallel in one or more shells, introducing additional construction however could be widely applicable. Within this experimental effort
and operation related complexities. arranged by ECN (Energy Centre of the Netherlands) and carried out
in cooperation with the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft),
6.5. Plate–fin heat-exchanger column interesting and encouraging results were obtained indicating that
use of corrugated sheet structured packing sheets instead of fins
The construction of a HIDiC utilizing internal configuration of a could significantly enhance both heat and mass transfer as compared
plate–fin heat exchanger was suggested by Tung et al. [87], while to plate–fin configuration [4].
the first patent on a plate–fin HIDiC was filled in 2003 [35]. In a One should note that a compact heat exchanger configuration
plate–fin device (see Fig. 10), alternate and adjacent vertical was considered and chosen in Japan for development of a HIDiC
channels serve as strippers and rectifiers. Stripping and rectifying suitable for application in cryogenic air distillation. This R&D effort
sections can be housed in alternating fins, but liquid and vapor has been also brought to demonstration stage and in 2008 a pilot-
needs to be redistributed at the edges. Nevertheless, alternating scale unit has been taken in operation at an industrial site [56].
plates can be used instead of fins to solve this problem. The Expected energy savings were around 40%, but so far there was no
variation in hydraulic loads can be accounted with non-parallel information released to public, regarding this topic or any other
plates, or variable fin lengths and spacing – as shown in Fig. 10 aspect of operational functionality of air-distilling HIDiC released
[46]. The former one has less flexibility towards flooding criteria, to public.
but it is more robust than the latter one [35]. Moreover, the plate
fin design might incorporate the mass transfer means. Fig. 10 6.6. Heat transfer means
shows fin material shaped similarly to regular packing [1,83]. Also,
regular fins might have a rough surface to enhance mass transfer, The simplest heat transfer means only connect physically the
so every plate fin design can be adapted specifically for each column sections. Thus, sealed metal tubes with fins can be used –
Fig. 11. Top line (left-to-right): dividing wall design with internal heat transfer means [75]; early combined heat and mass transfer tray [52]; tray design with heat transfer
pipes [82]. Bottom line (left-to-right): various heat panels arrangement inside a HIDiC [22,23].
138 A.A. Kiss, Z. Olujic / Chemical Engineering and Processing 86 (2014) 125–144
as illustrated in Fig. 11 [75] – hence this system might be arranged increased, but lower pressure drop is also preferred for economic
for minimal pressure drop. The means were initially proposed for reasons. Fig. 12 shows several types of arrangement for these
two-column designs, but they are used also for concentric panels inside the integrated columns [22,23]. The location of the
configurations. These designs feature the lowest heat transfer panels follows the requirements for hydraulic and heat transfer
performance, but they are simpler and less expensive than other area, and the installation of panels is avoided in stages with zero or
alternatives. Moreover, a fluid media can be used to enhance the negative temperature differences. Moreover, the number of panels
heat transfer efficiency – usually the same distilled substances are can be increased in stages with higher driving force. A single panel
driven through the column for heat transfer purposes. There are can transfer up to 1000 W/m2K [23], and tailor-made designs can
proposals for a closed heat transfer cycle in HIDiC [27], but this can be done combining the required amount of panels. However, the
only increase the complexity and investment costs. The heat and final panel design should be carefully considered – although a low
mass transfer means might be also integrated in a single device to performance panel might be less expensive, the HIDiC requires a
ensure the enhancement of heat exchange without significant high number of panels hence greatly affecting the column
effects on the mass transfer performance. However, there is still a construction and operation.
lack of studies for these structures, with notable exceptions [4].
Fig. 11 illustrates the proposal of a combined heat and mass 6.7. SuperHIDiC
transfer tray [52] that features horizontal pipes with fins,
resembling a sieve tray – this design including a small column The only HIDiC design that has reached commercialization
jacket as well. Fig. 11 (top) also shows other proposal that has tubes stage to date is basically a two-pressure single shell column
on top of a typical sieve tray [82], the tray being designed to introduced recently by a Japanese engineering contractor, de-
immerse the heat transfer pipes in liquid. Overall heat transfer scribed in detail in a most recent patent application (US 2012/
coefficients in the range of 2200–4400 W/m2K have been reported 0125761). According to CHEMENTATOR [7], Toyo Engineering
for these tray-shaped systems. Note that the trials were conducted Corporation ( was successful in overcoming
for methanol/water separation, instead of hydrocarbon separa- potential difficulties, and managed to develop in collaboration
tions as in earlier reports. with the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and
A number of more complex structures were proposed in order Technology ( – main driver behind all similar
to enhance the heat transfer inside a HIDiC – these designs being projects in Japan – a practical and scalable heat-integrated
mostly intended for heat transfer. Fig. 11 (bottom) presents the distillation column configuration named SuperHIDiC, shown
column design configurations for these heat transfer means, while schematically in Fig. 13 [7]. As basis, they adopted well proven
Fig. 12 compiles a variety of the heat transfer panels [22,23,46]. two pressure air-distilling column concept, arranging however the
Most designs have a minimized footprint in the flow direction to heat exchange in the middle of each section, with a thermo-siphon
reduce the pressure drop, and feature extended bodies on the other system employed to recycle liquid. Compressed stripping section
section of the column – since enlarged bodies ensure reasonable overheads vapor is delivered to the condenser/reboiler in the
heat transfer performance. The heat transfer area might be bottom part of stripping section and condensate is delivered to the
Fig. 13. SuperHIDiC configuration developed by Toyo Engineering Corp. in collaboration with the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (Tokyo, JP).
bottom of high pressure rectification section where it flashes system, i.e., related temperature profiles, may allow reaching
generating required boil-up. One should note that high pressure significant levels of energy saving at affordable capital costs. Toyo
liquid is not delivered to the top of the stripping section, but to the Engineering Corp. plans to use the novel SuperHIDiC technology in
top tray of a fraction of the rectification section placed above the petroleum refining, as well as petrochemicals and fine-chemicals
feed in the low pressure stripping section. Such a configuration, production plants.
with a fraction of rectification section placed in a low pressure
stripping section shell, was considered and evaluated by simu- 7. HIDiC as retrofit technology
lations in a TU Delft study on potential HIDiC configurations for a
propene–propylene splitter [67]. The main disadvantage, impeding industrial application of
Certainly, this two-pressure, adiabatically operated column HIDiC in general, is related to the fact that it appears that the layout
including an external condenser and reboiler to provide necessary and constructional complexity make it amenable for new designs
initial reflux and boil-up during start-up as well as a supplement only. Realizing this, Harms and Oluji c [25] have explored the
during operation, may be considered as a fully developed practical potential for implementation of a HIDiC as a retrofit, capacity
version of a partial HIDiC, which depending on the nature of the increasing option, taking a heat pump assisted PP-splitter column
+ F
s R
Fig. 14. Flowsheets of compared capacity increase options for retrofit of a VRC PP-splitter.
140 A.A. Kiss, Z. Olujic / Chemical Engineering and Processing 86 (2014) 125–144
(VRC) as the base case. Authors have compared retrofit option with maintained as open-loop stable as possible – otherwise great
a new VRC designed to achieve the same capacity increase by efforts must be spent on process control of the resultant non-
placing new unit in parallel to existing VRC. In the retrofit case, minimum phase system. But even so, process performances can
shown in Fig. 14 (right side), the original column shell and degrade considerably [62]. For the HIDiC, several authors already
compressor are reused as new design (in combination with the demonstrated by numerical evaluations and mathematical proof
heat integrated part), and a new compressor added to handle the that the process is still open-loop stable despite the introduction of
increased vapor throughput [25]. In the new concentric HIDiC all internal heat integration between the rectifying and stripping
stripping section trays are heat integrated with the same number sections [56,57]. However, further adding the heat integration
of trays from the upper part of the rectification section, which in between the overhead product and the feed flows will turn the
this given case contains three times more stages than the stripping HIDiC into an open-loop integrated process that is no longer open-
section. The existing shell that accommodates about two times loop stable [62]. This can certainly cause extra difficulties in the
more stages than required in the normally operating part of process design and operation, while leading inevitably to
rectification column of a HIDiC PP-splitter [66], could be cut into deterioration of the control system performances. A judgment
two halves, i.e., transformed into two columns placed above each must be made in the process development on whether to achieve
other and rearranged to operate as two columns in parallel. This the economics of internal heat integration at the expense of control
means that a horizontal partition of the shell is required, which system performances or vice versa.
actually could be arranged in a rather simple way, because the Due to the structure with no-reboiler and no-condenser, it is
lower and upper column should operate at the same pressure. This actually impossible to start up a HIDiC by itself. For this reason, the
enables doubling the cross sectional area available for vapor flow operation must be carried out by means of an external trim-
with respect to the original case. condenser and an external trim-reboiler. However, these should be
The feasibility study indicated that in the case of PP-splitter a accounted for and integrated into normal operation, where
70% capacity increase would be possible accompanied at lowest appropriate.
compression ratio by energy savings up to 25%. However, this A very important step towards a smooth process startup is to
option is not feasible because accommodation of the necessary avoid the inverse heat transfer from the stripping section to the
heat transfer area requires more space than available. In a feasible rectifying section – otherwise there is a risk of operation problems,
design with a higher compression ratio, the potential energy saving in addition to the extra consumption of valuable energy [62].
gain is halved. Nevertheless, regarding the scale of application, the Moreover, due to the high degree of integration, it is necessary to
estimated capacity increase and energy saving percentages synthesize special control systems for HIDiC. In the equation
translate into impressive financial gains – and this could hopefully (W = QS QR), the left side is the energy of the compressor that is
help to increase the chances for HIDiC to be considered by chemical closely related to the pressure difference between the rectifying
process industries as a prospective debottlenecking and energy- and stripping sections (PR PS), while the right side is the
saving technology. However, the know-how required to designing, imbalance of heat loads between the rectifying and the stripping
building, and installing an industrially viable tray HIDiC is still sections. The thermal condition of the feed (q) is the dominating
missing, and related uncertainties and associated risks are such variable to change this heat imbalance. This means that the
that in the given case practitioners would have no other practical pressure difference (PR PS) and the feed thermal condition (q) can
choice than to install another VRC in parallel to the existing one. be used as manipulated variables for the process operation. A
schematic diagram for a control configuration of a HIDiC is shown
8. Process dynamics, control and operation in Fig. 15, left [46,62]. Both the overhead and bottom products can
be maintained accurately at their desired steady-state values, using
One concern for applications of internal heat integration is the this control structure. Moreover, the feasibility of this control
complicated process dynamics that may be introduced. When structure and other alternatives was confirmed by extensive
applying internal heat integration to chemical processes, it is simulation studies [31–33,62,56].
better not to vary the original process dynamics drastically. In In a study focusing on dynamics and control of HIDiC,
particular, it is important that the resultant process should be Fukushima et al. [12] showed that although HIDiC has a more
Fig. 15. Working control strategy for HIDiC (left). Schematics of internally heat-integrated batch distillation column (right).
A.A. Kiss, Z. Olujic / Chemical Engineering and Processing 86 (2014) 125–144 141
complex structure and slower dynamics than a conventional literature [48]. Remarkable, energy savings of up to 70% were
column, the control performance of HIDiC is comparable to that of possible for various binary systems such as: propane–propylene,
a conventional column as long as a suitable control system is methanol–water or cyclohexane–(n) heptane.
designed. The distillate flow rate (D) is superior to the reflux flow An important subject of the HIDiC project carried out in Japan is
rate (L) as a manipulated variable, because the dynamics of HIDiC the cryogenic air separation in a HIDiC equipped with a plate–fin
becomes considerably faster by using D rather than L. To achieve type contractor, with a low HETP (0.2–0.4 m) that is almost
high energy efficiency and controllability at the same time, it was equivalent to that of regular packing. The experimental validation
recommended to adopt the structure in which the feed is confirmed that the cryogenic air separation process can be
preheated by the distillate vapor product, while using only a operated at lower pressure than conventional, hence a reduction
condenser and no reboiler at all. The control performance of HIDiC of the compressor duty is expected [56,62].
becomes better as the heat transfer area decreases, and it becomes Another HIDiC project was conducted in Europe, at Delft
marginally better as the pressure difference between the stripping University of Technology and ECN (NL) in collaboration with other
section and the rectifying section decreases [12]. industrial partners (e.g., AkzoNobel, DSM, Shell, Sulzer Chemtech).
The predictions of the dynamic models developed by Process An experimental setup was used for testing the hydraulics and
Systems Enterprise [70] are in excellent agreement with the other characteristics of the HIDiC. They showed that significant
published measurements of Naito et al. [58] who reported a energy savings of up to 70% can be achieved in a PP-splitter, and a
detailed experimental study of bench-scale HIDiC operation. More conceptual design procedure of the HIDiC utilizing the pinch
remarkable, this match of results was achieved using purely analysis was proposed [17]. Moreover, the reduction of CO2
predictive models without any parameter fitting. The start-up emission by using a HIDiC with no reboiler was estimated to be 83%
dynamic simulation quantified the pressure and heat exchange as compared to a conventional distillation, and 36% as compared to
during the transition from cold and empty to full operation–this a heat pump [15]. Recently, Bruinsma et al. [4] provided the
verified that the equipment could be started up as planned. Further experimental evidence needed to properly asses the techno-
runs could then be performed to minimize the start-up time to full economic feasibility of HIDiC using structured internals to enhance
production. It was also observed that the reboiler and condenser both the heat and mass transfer. The plate-packing configuration
duties are substantially less than for the conventional column, using structured packing exhibited a superior performance in
while the additional compression energy requirement is relatively comparison with a HIDIC based on the plate–fin heat exchanger.
small [70]. The mass and heat transfer efficiency increase pronouncedly with
increasing throughput, but at the penalty of a higher pressure drop
9. Applications and configurations under consideration per stage. Simulation of an industrial scale plate-packing unit
revealed that an even better performance can be obtained by
Despite the obvious potential, the very promising concept of increasing the volumetric thermal load via further optimization of
HIDiC has not yet developed into full industrial-scale applications. internals [4]. These results pave the way to novel applications of
The experimental evaluations reported so far indicate that a HIDiC (e.g., reactive distillation systems) and an easier industrial
properly designed HIDiC system can save up to 60% of the energy acceptance of this technology [51,71].
required for separation and in addition, the condenser duty and its Most recently, Kataoka et al. [42] built a bench scale concentric
size can be also reduced by up to 60% [62]. As already described, the HIDiC to improve the yield of bioethanol, which is an energy
most suitable applications are the ones in which the difference in intensive and fouling prone distillation process. In this double-tube
boiling of the two components to be separated is lower than 25 C. HIDiC, the stripping section is placed in the inner tube (ID 150 mm,
Nonetheless, HIDiC was proposed also for the separation of binary length 6.8 m) and the rectifying section in the outer annular space
mixture with larger differences in the boiling points. Table 2 (outer column ID 250 mm, length 5.2 m). A dry vacuum pump
provides a list of more recent case studies (pilot plant and placed between the sections makes the boiling temperature in the
simulation studies) of HIDiC technology reported in the open stripping section lower than that in the rectifying section, and the
Table 2
Reported case studies (pilot plant and industrial implementations) of HIDiC technology.
fermented mash (5%wt ethanol) is concentrated to over 90%wt beneficial and below that the employment of bottom reboiler
ethanol near the azeotropic point at a low reflux ratio of 0.378. would be more cost effective.
When the stripping section pressure operates at 225 mm Hg, while The principle of HIDiC can also be applied quite analogously to
the rectifying section pressure is held at 1 atm, no live steam is batch distillation columns, where internal heat integration
required as heat duty for the stripping section. This means that no between the rectifying section and reboiler can be devised – as
external heat duty is required for the distillation column, except for shown by the schematics in Fig. 15, right [46,62]. It was also shown
the energy to run the dry vacuum pump (measured as EVP = 0.516 that the energy efficiency could be improved sharply as compared
kW = 1.86 MJ/h). Moreover, the rate of live steam (0.12 MPa) with its conventional counterparts.
required for preheating the feed was 3.58 kg/h, corresponding to Separation of binary pressure-sensitive azeotropic mixtures
a heat duty of 7.37 MJ/h. Even if the pre-heater heat duty and the through pressure-swing distillation (PSD) processes can be
power requirement of the vacuum pump are considered (9.23 MJ/h facilitated as well with internal heat integration. A PSD process
for a production of 3.22 L/h ethanol), the HIDiC system achieves the is one of the simplest and yet most economical techniques for
specific energy use of 2.87 MJ/L ethanol (savings of 60% compared separating binary azeotropes, provided that the azeotropic
to ordinary distillation). composition is sensitive enough to changes in the operating
It is worth mentioning here that the strong fouling nature of pressure. A PSD process consists of two columns, one operated at a
bioethanol concentration process has dictated equipment and relatively low pressure and temperature and the other at a high
operating conditions choices, which makes this concentric HIDiC a pressure and temperature. By this pressure elevation, the
unique design. Since the evaporation occurs in the stripping constraint imposed by the azeotropic point can be avoided and
section, this section is placed in the inner column (opposite to a pure components can be produced from the high-pressure (HP)
typical concentric HIDiC) which is operated under vacuum in order and low-pressure (LP) distillation columns, respectively. The
to minimize inevitable fouling that affects heat transfer adversely existence of HP and LP distillation columns also provides chances
(under clean wall conditions the back-calculated average value of for considering internal heat integration within PSD processes. In
the overall heat transfer coefficient was on low side, i.e., such a heat integrated system, the rectifying section of the HP
approximately 320 W/m2K). In addition, in order to avoid reboiler distillation column provides heat to the stripping section of the LP
fouling, provisions have been made to use live steam instead of a distillation column – and an application of HIDiC to the water–
reboiler. However, as mentioned previously, it appeared that under acetonitrile (ACN) system was already reported [61,62]. However,
certain conditions no live vapor (i.e., external heat supply) is note that the benefit of internal heat integration is closely related
required to run this HIDiC. The stripping section is equipped with to the mixture to be processed. Therefore, as internal heat
“lift trays”. A lift tray is basically an augmented dual flow (no integration is generally more effective for close-boiling mixture
downcomers) tray with a moving perforated plate that similar to separations, it is expected that internal heat integration within PSD
valves is lifted by ascending vapor. This provides certain flexibility processes will be applied most appropriately to such azeotropic
with respect to the vapor load – i.e., a rather large operating range, mixture separations [62].
which is beneficial in case of a HIDiC – because of gradually The internal heat integration principle can also be applied to
increasing vapor throughput along the stripping section. Further- different distillation columns that may have no connections at all
more, arranged as a cartridge, these trays can easily be removed [62]. Provided that it is indeed feasible to consider internal heat
from the cylindrical inner column for periodic cleaning and integration between the two different distillation columns
maintenance. The heat transfer area on evaporation side is the concerned, this can generally lead to more benefits in either
inner wall area of the stripping column. It can be adjusted energy utilization or capital investment than that based on
accordingly during design, by choosing appropriate tray spacing, condenser–reboiler-type heat integration configurations. Upon
taking care that the tray hydraulics is not violated. The rectification examination of a distillation train system one can find many
section is placed in the outer annular space, and being fed with opportunities to consider this type of internal heat integration that
clean liquid it is equipped with structured packings, which as is expected to hold higher potential for applications than the
observed, operated smoothly over the whole range of gradually original HIDiC.
changing vapor and liquid loads. Although the operation of this Compared to other complex separation systems, HIDiC tech-
bench-scale unit has proven that the chosen configuration and nology has the key advantage of larger energy savings (up to 70%)
operating conditions allow significant energy saving and related although the main problem remains the use of a compressor that
benefits that would increase sustainability of bioethanol distilla- adds significantly to the total equipment cost. Therefore, the main
tion, the prospects for its industrial scale implementation are challenge of HIDiC technology is to reduce further the investment
rather low. Namely, it is not suitable for direct scale-up as it implies costs and thus payback times. Possible future applications of HIDiC
a linear scale-up by placing in parallel more basic units, similar to include separation of wide boiling mixtures, as well as integration
shell and tube heat-exchanger column case described in an earlier with other technologies (e.g., dividing-wall column, reactive
section. distillation, or cyclic distillation).
Kiran and Jana [45] proposed recently a novel combination of
HIDiC and VRC with an intermediate reboiler. The process 10. Conclusions
configuration couples thermally the tray liquid of a low pressure
(LP) stripper with the overhead vapor leaving the high-pressure Heat integrated distillation column (HIDiC) claims among the
(HP) rectifier in an intermediate reboiler, such that the highest energy savings in distillation. However, just as is the case
compressor work gets reduced compared to the HIDiC–VRC with most heat pump assisted distillation processes, the capital
scheme. The newly proposed configuration was investigated for a investment costs are much higher as compared with conventional
hydrocarbon system having components with widely different distillation – mainly due to the use of a compressor and a more
boiling points, such that the use of externally supplied steam complex configuration required for the enhanced heat transfer. In
driven trim-reboiler secures better energy savings and lower contrast to other heat pump assisted distillation columns, the
costs as compared to HIDiC–VRC and HIDiC configurations. It was HIDiC process involves internal heat integration between the
also concluded that there must be an optimal temperature whole or parts of rectifying and the stripping sections at a
difference between the sink and source for any particular relatively lower compression ratio and thus it has higher potential
mixture, above which the use of trim-reboiler is economically for energy savings. Both thermodynamics and bench-scale
A.A. Kiss, Z. Olujic / Chemical Engineering and Processing 86 (2014) 125–144 143
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