Developing Greater Emotional Awareness

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Congratulations! You have completed the survey.

This survey assessed your emotional intelligence. There are four types of emotional
intelligence. First, there is self emotional appraisal, which is the ability to recognize

and understand one's own emotions.

You scored 6.25 on self emotion appraisal. A score of 1 is low, a score of 1-3 is
moderately low, a score of 3-4 is medium, a score of 4-6 is moderately high, and a
score of 6-7 is high. If you scored high on this type of emotional intelligence, you
probably understand your emotions very well. You are very self-reflective and
recognize your emotions before other people do. If you are low on emotional
awareness, consider using's resources for developing greater
emotional awareness.

In addition, emotional intelligence can refer to appraisal of others' emotions, which

is the ability to recognize and understand the emotions of others. You scored 6 on
appraisal of other's emotions. Again, a score of 1 is low, a score of 1-3 is moderately
low, a score of 3-4 is medium, a score of 4-6 is moderately high, and a score of 6-7 is
high. If you scored high on this type of emotional intelligence, you are probably very
empathetic. Your friends and family may even say you can "read their minds." To
learn more about recognizing emotions in others, and to practice recognizing
emotions in others, take this fun exercise on recognizing body language. You can also
test your ability to distinguish between real and fake emotions.
Another type of emotional intelligence is emotion regulation, which is the ability to
control and change emotions. You scored 6 on emotion regulation. Again, a score of
1 is low, a score of 1-3 is moderately low, a score of 3-4 is medium, a score of 4-6 is
moderately high, and a score of 6-7 is high. If you scored high on this type of
emotional intelligence, you probably deal well with stressful situations. People say
you "keep your cool." To learn more about emotion regulation, please take
our emotion regulation quiz.

Emotional intelligence also involves using emotions, which is the ability to use
emotions constructively. For example, frustration can be used to increase
performance on sports like boxing or martial arts. You scored 4.75 on using
emotions. Again, a score of 1 is low, a score of 1-3 is moderately low, a score of 3-4 is
medium, a score of 4-6 is moderately high, and a score of 6-7 is high. If you scored
high on this type of emotional intelligence, you cope with your emotions by using
them in other activities. If you would like to increase this type of intelligence,
consider taking up a hobby that involves emotional expression or learn how to play
an instrument or write poetry to express your feelings. To learn more about
increasing emotional intelligence, please visit the emotional intelligence
consortium or George Washington University's emotional intelligence website.

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