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A Review of Methods Used for Seed Oil Extraction

Article  in  International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) · December 2018

DOI: 10.21275/1121804


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1 author:

A. K. Yusuf
Al-Qalam University, Katsina, Nigeria


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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2017): 7.296

A Review of Methods Used for Seed Oil Extraction

A.K. Yusuf
Department of Chemistry, Al-Qalam University, Katsina, Nigeria

Abstract: Seed oils have found application as food (edible oil), and generally as raw materials for the synthesis of biobased polyols,
polymers, resins, fuels, soaps and detergents, lubricants and other products of the chemical industry. Consequently, a lot of attention is
being paid to these biodegradable, renewable bioresources of plant origin as potential candidates for the replacement of costly and
environmentally unsafe chemical feedstock of fossil origin. Oilseeds represent a green or natural reservoir from which these resources
can be harnessed and utilized as platform chemicals at laboratory and industrial scales on a sustainable basis. In this review, old
traditional methods, well-known and widely practiced conventional methods, and new, innovative methods of seed oil extraction are
brought to focus and compared in terms of oil yield and oil recovery, as well as oil purity and quality. The merits and demerits of these
methods are highlighted. More importantly, process control measures towards raising and optimizing oil yield and improving oil quality
are discussed. Literature review and analysis has shown that oilseed pretreatment prior to oil extraction is a very important step towards
achieving good oil yield and quality. Ultimately, the selection of suitable extraction method (s) may also depend on whether small or
large scale oil extraction is intended. It is hoped that this review would be useful to stakeholders in seed oil prospecting and exploitation,
notably oilseed researchers and oilseed processors, in selecting the most suitable methods of oil extraction.

Keywords: Seed oil, extraction, methods, yield, quality

1. Introduction In terms of composition, triacylglycerols (TAGs) are the

major chemical constituents of fats and oils. Unlike animal
The vast majority of plants, especially the agricultural stock, oils that are made up of mainly saturated fatty acids (SFAs),
contain extractable oil that may be of some commercial vegetable oils (with the exception of coconut and palm
value. Since the beginning of human civilization, rural kernel oils that are predominantly made up of saturated FAs)
communities from around the globe have used various contain varying proportions of saturated and unsaturated
traditional methods to extract mainly edible oil from fatty acids (UFAs) tied in their TAG molecules. The UFAs
materials of plant origin. Many edible vegetable oils such as may be monounsaturated (MUFAs) or polyunsaturated
palm, corn, soybean, peanut, coconut etc (CODEX-STAN (PUFAs). The physico-chemical properties of TAGs are
210-1999) are used as table oils because of their high largely dependent on the nature of their constituent fatty
nutritive value. For instance, fats and oils are the most acids (FAs), and this varies from oil to oil. Simple TAGs
concentrated form of energy, providing approximately 9 kcal contain same FA in their molecules, whereas mixed TAGs
of energy per gram compared to only 4 kcal per gram for contain two or three different FAs in their molecules.
proteins and carbohydrates (Ali et al., 2005). This is in
addition to their industrial application as raw materials for
the synthesis of polyols, polymers, resins, biodiesel,
pharmaceuticals etc.

With regard to industrial application, focus ought to be more

on non-edible oils like castor and jatropha oils, while
preserving the edible ones for human consumption. Current Figure 1: Structure of a typical plant oil TAG
global vegetable oil consumption (2016/2017) stands at
around 182 million metric tons (Statista, 2018). The rising 2. Oilseed Pretreatment
demand for vegetable oils both for human consumption and
industrial application has prompted and encouraged the Irrespective of the extraction method to be used, oilseed
evolution and optimization of procedures leading to efficient pretreatment is necessary. Basic steps in this process are
production of oil of high quality and purity (Kyari, 2008; dehulling, pod or seed coat removal, winnowing, sorting,
Patel et al., 2016). Key issues arising from the exploitation cleaning, grinding or milling and preheating (Ogunniyi,
of oleaginous materials of plant origin are: how much oil do 2006; Yusuf et al., 2015). Grinding or crushing of oilseeds
they contain; how much of this oil can be extracted or prior to extraction is to ensure that oil-bearing minute cells
recovered (% oil yield or % oil recovery), and what is the embedded in fibrous structures are broken or ruptured to
purity and quality of the extracted oil? With the exception of release the oil (Akpan et al., 2006; Tayde et al., 2011). Heat
palm and olive oils which are extracted from their fruits (Ali treatment further facilitates the oil release process by
et al., 2005), most vegetable oils are extracted from oilseeds. reducing moisture content and hardening the interior of the
Consequently, seed oils have continued to attract enormous oilseed (Patel et al., 2016). In recent times, preheating of
attention as potential source of platform chemicals at both oilseed done conventionally by hot air oven, is being
laboratory and industrial scale (Sharmin et al., 2012). replaced by microwave-assisted heat treatment, the latter
Nonetheless, seed oil yield will depend among others on oil offering some advantages (Mgudu et al., 2012).
seed variety, soil and environmental conditions around the Additionally, grinding or size reduction prior to solvent
resource oil-bearing plant, as well as on pretreatment extraction increases the surface area for solvent penetration
procedure, and the particular extraction method (s) used. to bring out the oil by leaching.
Volume 7 Issue 12, December 2018
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: 1121804 10.21275/1121804 233
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2017): 7.296
Oil yield from an oleaginous seed material is generally extracted by either of the two methods, or a combination of
dependent on the quality of oilseeds. However, there are the two. This classification may also include rendering (Ali
certain factors like moisture content of material, particle size et al., 2005), though perhaps not as widely used. Regardless
and temperature that can be manipulated during pretreatment of extraction method, extracted and refined oil must be
in order to maximize oil yield. According to Olaniyan evaluated for its physico-chemical properties to determine
(2010), oilseed pretreatment prior to oil extraction normally its application or usage.
affects oil yield and quality. Similarly, Faugno et al. (2016)
who carried out the analysis of main extraction parameters 3.2.1 Solvent extraction
on yield of mechanically pressed tobacco (Nicotiana The solvent extraction method is a conventional extraction
tabacum L) seed oil found that the combination of seed method commonly applied to oilseeds with low oil content
preheating and high extraction temperature, among others, (< 20%), like soybean. This method is considered as one of
had a significant effect on oil yield. Thus oilseed processing the most efficient methods in vegetable oil extraction, with
or pretreatment provides an avenue for manipulating key less residual oil left in the cake or meal (Buenrostro and
parameters and conditions for enhanced oil yield and Lopez-Munguia, 1986; Tayde et al., 2011). The choice of
quality. solvent is based mainly on the maximum leaching
characteristics of the desired solute substrate (Dutta et al.,
3. Review of Oil Extraction Methods 2015). Solvents commonly used are hexane, diethyl ether,
petroleum ether and ethanol. Other considerations are high
3.1 Old Traditional Methods solvent-solute ratio, relative volatility of solvent to oil, oil
viscosity and polarity, as well as cost and market availability
In terms of oil recovery and oil yield, the old traditional or (Muzenda et al., 2012; Takadas and Doker, 2017).
informal wet extraction methods used by rural communities
around the globe is regarded as inefficient, often yielding The solvent extraction method offers a number of
below the range of plant oil content found in literature advantages. Bhuiya et al. (2015) who researched on the
(Alonge and Olaniyan, 2006; Olaniyan, 2010). optimization of oil extraction process from Australian
Native Beauty Leaf Seed (Calophyllum innophyllum)
Olaniyan (2010) has outlined three major means of reported that the solvent extraction process is a very
recovering oil from oleaginous materials of plant origin as effective method, with high yield and consistent
wet extraction (hot water or steam extraction), solvent performance, though cost of production was relatively
extraction and mechanical expression. With regard to the higher than mechanical press methods due to high cost of
wet extraction method, Oluwole et al. (2012) proffered nine solvent. According to Muzenda et al. (2012) in their work on
major operations that are involved in the extraction of castor the optimization of process parameters for castor oil
oil by the old traditional method namely, collection of seed production, they observed that oil extraction ability of
pods, shelling of the pods/winnowing, boiling the seeds to solvent during solvent extraction is enhanced with increase
reduce moisture, grinding of seeds to form paste, mixing the in extraction time; with solvent-solute ratio in favour of the
paste with water/boiling to extract oil, scooping of oil and solvent preferably by a factor of 6:1. Ikya et al. (2013)
drying the oil by heating. They evaluated the percentage studied the effects of extraction methods on the yield and
yield (19.42) and percentage oil recovery (38.84) using the quality characteristics of oils from shea nut. They compared
expressions results of physical, chemical and sensory properties of oil
𝑀𝑜𝑖𝑙 extracted by solvent extraction and old traditional extraction
% oil yield = × 100 (1)
𝑀𝑠𝑒𝑒𝑑 methods. They reported a higher oil yield of 47.5% for the
% oil recovery = × 100 (2) solvent extraction method compared to 34.1% for the old
Where Moil = mass of oil (kg) traditional method, and better keeping quality for the
Mseed= mass of oilseed (kg) solvent-extracted oil (lower moisture content and lower flash
X = oil content of oil seed and fire point values). In their work on the extraction,
characterization and modification of castor seed oil, Akpan
Olaniyan and Yusuf (2012) described the old traditional et al. (2006) employed the solvent extraction method to
method of extraction of seed oils as involving the roasting of extract castor seed oil from castor bean paste using Soxhlet
seed kernels by mortar and pestle or between two stones, extractor. They obtained 33.2% oil yield, which was within
mixing the crushed mass with water, cooking of the mixed the expected range for castor beans found in literature. They
paste in order to obtain the oil by floating and skimming, concluded that mode of extraction and seed variety are very
and then drying of the oil by further heating. They further important parameters affecting oil yield.
described this method as tedious, time consuming, energy
sapping, drudgery prone, inefficient and low in yield and Other advantages are its repeatability and reproducibility.
quality. In other words, the old traditional methods are However, this method has some industrial disadvantages
crude, largely unscientific, inefficient, and yielding poor such as long extraction times, relatively high solvent
quality extracted oil. consumption, high investment, high energy requirement,
plant security problems, emission of volatile organic
3.2 Conventional Methods compounds into the atmosphere, high operation costs, poor
product quality caused by high processing temperatures and
The conventional methods are the well-known and widely a relatively high number of processing steps (Buenrostro and
practiced methods of oil extraction namely, solvent Lopez-Munguia, 1986; Del Valle and Aguilera, 1999;
extraction and mechanical expression. Many seed oils are Dawidowicz et al., 2008; Takadas and Doker, 2017).

Volume 7 Issue 12, December 2018

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: 1121804 10.21275/1121804 234
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2017): 7.296
Additionally, the process makes use of organic solvents oils are safer than hot-pressed seed oils as adverse effects
whose removal brings additional cost and labour (Gibbins et caused by high temperatures are avoided in the former.
al., 2012). Some of the likely adverse effects are decreased oxidative
stability, degradation of valuable oil components and
Soxhlet based solvent extraction process is the primary reduced oil keeping quality. In cold-pressed oils, the purity
means of extracting vegetable oil from oleaginous materials. and natural properties of seed oils are preserved (Azadmard-
The Soxhlet process is widely used in laboratory scale oil Damirchi et al., 2011; Bhatol, 2013). This includes the
extraction (Abdelaziz et al., 2014), but large scale operation retention of valuable nutraceuticals like phytosterols and
of this process would require a commercial solvent extractor tocopherols in the extracted oil (Kittiphoom et al., 2015).
(Ogunniyi, 2006). The major advantage of the Soxhlet Because of these attractive qualities, there is growing global
process is solvent recycling (over and over) during demand for cold-pressed oil. In contrast, hot-press methods
extraction. However, disadvantages of the Soxhlet method give higher oil yield due largely to decreased seed oil
include high solvent requirement, time and energy viscosity at high temperatures. This enhances oil flow during
consumption (Takadas and Doker, 2017), as well as sample extraction. Thus high temperature increases the efficiency of
being diluted in large volumes of solvent (Rassem et al., the extraction process and yields of up to 80% of available
2016). oil in seed are possible (Patel et al., 2016), but they may also
engender oil degradation, with attendant deterioration of oil
3.2.2 Mechanical expression quality.
Mechanical expression involves the application of pressure
(using hydraulic or screw presses) to force oil out of an oil- 4. Innovative Techniques
bearing material (Arisanu, 2013). By this method, oil yield is
enhanced by increased mechanical pressure on the oil- Conventional methods for oil extraction are time and solvent
bearing material. In a study of the yield characteristics of consuming, in addition to being thermally unsafe. These
ground soybean sample at various operating pressures, shortcomings can be overcome by the use of alternative
pressing durations and product bulk temperatures, Mwithiga innovative methods such as microwave-assisted extraction
and Moriasi (2007) found that oil yields increased linearly (MAE), ultrasonic-assisted extraction (UAE), supercritical
with compression pressure (40-80 kgf/m2 ), duration of fluid extraction (SFE), soxtec extraction etc. (Bampouli et
pressing (6-12 mins) and increase in the bulk temperature of al., 2014).
preheated oilseeds, reaching a peak yield at about 750C.
4.1 Microwave-assisted extraction (MAE)
With regard to oil yield, screw presses have an advantage
over hydraulic presses for churning out slightly higher MAE is one of the innovative techniques for isolating
yields, in addition to their continuous mode of operation vegetable oils from oilseeds. It is also used in the extraction
(Arisanu, 2013). Mechanical presses (manual or powered) of essential oils (Ramanadhan, 2005; Rassem et al., 2016).
meant for small (laboratory) scale oil extraction are simple, The method is simple, but superior to many other thermal
safer and containing fewer steps compared to solvent methods used for the purpose of extracting high quality
extraction of vegetable oils (Oyinlola et al., 2004). However, vegetable oils. Pretreatment of oilseed is done in the
in developing countries even simpler devices are in use to microwave oven, which uses radio waves to convey energy
achieve similar results (Mwithiga and Moriasi, 2007). On and convert it to heat at a frequency range of about 300 MHz
the industrial scale, industrial machines or expellers are used to 300GHz (Singh and Heldman, 2001). The use of
for the purpose of extracting vegetable oils mechanically. microwave radiation in oilseeds results in the rupture of cell
membranes, making it possible to obtain higher extraction
Mechanical press methods are often used to extract yield and an increase in mass transfer coefficients
vegetable oil from oilseeds having oil content higher than (Azadmard-Damirchi et al., 2011).
20% (Sinha et al., 2015). Generally, these methods have the
advantage of low operation cost, and of producing high MAE has been applied with increasing success in oil
quality light coloured oil with low concentration of free fatty extraction. Moreno et al. (2003) used microwave
acids (FFAs) (Carr, 1976; Kirk-othmer, 1979). However, it pretreatment to oil extraction from avocado, and found that
has a relatively low yield compared to solvent extraction and extract efficiency was 97% Soxhlet-hexane extraction
is therefore comparatively inefficient, often with a large coupled with microwave pretreatment when compared with
portion of oil left in the cake or meal after extraction only the neat Soxhlet-hexane extraction (54%). In terms of
(Buenrostro and Lopez-Munguia, 1986; Anderson, 1996). In quality of microwave extracted oil, Veldsink et al. (1999)
addition, it is time consuming and labour intensive (Bhuiya reported that oil extracted from microwave treated rapeseed
et al., 2015). In castor oil extraction for instance, mechanical showed a markedly improved oxidative stability, most likely
pressing removes only about 45% of the oil, with remaining due to increase in phenolic antioxidants. Similarly,
oil in meal extractable by solvent extraction method Balasubramanian et al. (2010) found that microwave
(Ogunniyi, 2006). pretreated oil had a higher composition of unsaturated and
essential fatty acids (FAs), thus a better oil quality. They
There are two types of mechanical press methods namely, also reported better extraction rates, high oil yields and good
cold-press and hot-press methods. Cold-press or oil quality for the microwave extraction process. Indeed, this
scarification method is carried out at low temperature (below technique has been used for the extraction of oil from a wide
500C) and pressure, whereas the hot-press method is carried variety of oilseeds including soybean, castor, peanut, canola,
out at elevated temperature and pressure. Cold-pressed seed

Volume 7 Issue 12, December 2018

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: 1121804 10.21275/1121804 235
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2017): 7.296
olive, sunflower, hazelnuts, rapeseed etc. (Mgudu et al., UAE has the potential to be used in oil extraction processes
2012). to improve efficiency and reduce the process time, which
may have a significant impact on edible oil industry.
Kittiphoom et al. (2015) investigated the effect of
microwave radiation (2450 MHz), at different treatment The good performance of these innovative techniques has in
times of 0-150 seconds, on mango seed as substrate recent years encouraged researchers to explore the prospects
pretreatment prior to oil extraction by the Soxhlet method. of combining some of them, with the aim of synergizing oil
They noted the major advantage of this method over extraction. Chemat et al. (2003) tried a combined ultrasound
conventional methods as reduced extraction time and and microwave pretreatment method for the extraction of
reduced energy consumption costs. Mgudu et al. (2012) essential oil from caraway seeds. They found that significant
who carried out microwave pretreatment of castor beans improvement in extraction was obtained using simultaneous
prior to solvent extraction obtained relatively high oil ultrasound and microwave pretreatment. Advantages of the
recoveries of up to 44.34% yield at 280W microwave UAE method include:
irradiation, for 120 seconds. Advantages of this method  Reduction in extraction time (Stanisavljevic et al., 2007)
include (Ramanadhan, 2005; Azadmard-Damirchi et al.,  Lower energy consumption and being ecofriendly (Tian et
2011): al., 2013; Hashemi et al., 2015)
 Improving oil extraction yield and quality  Increased extraction yield and higher processing
 Direct extraction capability throughout (Takadas and Doker, 2017).
 Lower energy consumption
 Faster processing time 4.3 Others
 Reduced solvent consumption
Other innovative techniques for the extraction of oilseeds (as
The technique also allows for better retention and well as essential oils) include supercritical fluid extraction
availability of desirable nutraceuticals such as phytosterols (SFE) (Zhi-ling et al., 2011), microwave-assisted
and tocopherols, canolol and phenolic compounds in the hydrodistillation (MAHD) (Lucchesi et al., 2004; Ferhat et
extracted oil. It therefore represents a new step forward for al., 2006), pressurized liquid extraction (Danlami et al.,
the production of nutritional vegetable oils with improved 2014), soxtec (Bampouli et al., 2014) and a host of others.
shelf life because of high antioxidant content. These methods, together with MAE and UAE, have been
successfully used to effectively reduce the major
One disadvantage of MAE is that it may not always be shortcomings of the conventional methods of oil extraction.
suitable for plants, since high microwave energy disrupts
plant structure (Uquiche et al., 2008). Moreover, MAE 5. Conclusion
would degrade the polyunsaturated FAs (PUFAs) in
vegetable oil, resulting in unrepresentative FA profile. One This work has reviewed well-known and widely practiced
problem associated with applied high temperatures during methods of seed oil extraction namely, old traditional
oil extraction is that they may engender degradation methods, conventional methods (solvent extraction and
reactions that can impair oil quality. This is more so where mechanical expression), as well as new innovative methods
oil extraction time is long. However, despite claims that aimed at raising and optimizing oil yield and improving oil
short exposure time to microwaves as compared to oven quality. The old traditional methods were largely crude and
heating preserves most thermolabile compounds from inefficient. Major shortcomings associated with the
degradation reactions (Amarni and Kadi, 2009), to-date conventional methods are extraction time lag, solvent
there have not been comprehensive evaluations on the safety consumption and adverse thermal effects at high
levels of microwave irradiations, especially as they relate to temperatures. However, new innovative techniques such as
edible oils meant for human consumption. microwave-assisted extraction (MAE), ultrasonic-assisted
extraction (UAE), supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) etc
4.2 Ultrasonic-assisted extraction (UAE) have been developed, and are being used to effectively
reduce these shortcomings.
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Paper ID: 1121804 10.21275/1121804 236
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
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Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: 1121804 10.21275/1121804 237
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2017): 7.296
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Volume 7 Issue 12, December 2018

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Paper ID: 1121804
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