Brain Sync - Release Guilt - Instructions PDF
Brain Sync - Release Guilt - Instructions PDF
Brain Sync - Release Guilt - Instructions PDF
You no longer need to be burdened by regret, fear or responsibility. These feelings only sabotage your
happiness, and your ability to make positive choices in your life. Most guilt is unhealthy; it gets in the way
of trusting your instincts, and it stops you from being true to yourself and others.
Subliminal messages are woven with theta waves to induce states of deep relaxation; here your subconscious
mind is most receptive to change. Theta has been identified as the ideal state for learning, and unlearning.
As you listen daily, fears and worries will fade and you’ll discover the liberating joy of release that comes
from living truly guilt free. The messages will be received by your subconscious where they will support
you in experiencing more joy, happiness and personal fulfillment in your life.
Track 1 can be used anytime and anyplace; while working, relaxing, exercising, reading or even sleeping.
The subconscious mind has the capacity to absorb subliminal messages without special attention from
the conscious mind.
Track 2 is designed to be used with stereo headphones to maximize the benefits of the brain wave
frequencies. When listening with headphones, find a time and place where you are not likely to be
disturbed. Position yourself comfortably with your spine straight and breathe deeply. This posture allows
your natural channels of energy to open and flow freely. Using headphones while consciously relaxing
enhances your receptivity to the brain wave frequencies and subliminal suggestions.
Subliminal Messages
I am innocent My actions are in harmony with higher purpose
I make good decisions I release the past and I embrace the present
I trust myself I forgive myself
I am doing what I need to do I forgive everyone
I am good enough I approve of myself
I accept life I know my boundaries
I surrender to appreciation I respect the boundaries of others
I believe in myself I trust my inner wisdom to know the truth
I accept circumstances as they are I use my power wisely
I love myself I am safe and secure
I am free I am willing to change