02 WMDS-DG Essay
02 WMDS-DG Essay
02 WMDS-DG Essay
by Mohamed ElBaradei
June 2003 5
4. We must develop a comprehensive
regime to ensure that WMD and their
components will not fall into the hands of
terrorists. This demands an effective global NUCLEAR ARMS CONTROL
approach to the physical protection of nuclear
arties to the global Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
and other radioactive material and associated (NPT) – a cornerstone of the efforts to prevent the
facilities, better controls for chemical and spread of nuclear weapons and advance
biological agents, and an effective approach to disarmament — met at the United Nations in Geneva in April
export controls worldwide. and May 2003 to continue laying the groundwork for the
5. We must address decisively chronic Treaty’s next Review Conference in 2005. Another
disputes that create the greatest incentives for preparatory meeting is planned for 2004.
acquiring WMD. It is instructive that the majority
of suspected efforts to acquire WMD are to be The NPT entrusts the IAEA with specific roles as the
found in the Middle East, a hotbed of instability for international safeguards inspectorate and as a multilateral
over half a century. In any future Middle East channel for transferring peaceful applications of nuclear
settlement, it is essential that regional security technology. In an IAEA statement to the latest NPT
arrangements — including the establishment of a Preparatory Committee session, Mr. Piet de Klerk, Director
of the Office of External Relations and Policy Coordination,
region free from WMD — be pursued as part and
cited “critical challenges” facing the multilateral regime.
parcel of such a settlement. The same should apply
They include the effort to verify Iraq’s nuclear capabilities;
in any future settlement of such disputes, including
the Democratic People Republic of Korea’s (DPRK’s)
the one on the Korean Peninsula.
defiance of its NPT safeguards obligations; failure of some
6. Finally, we must work collectively to
countries to conclude and bring into force NPT safeguards
address global sources of insecurity and agreements and slow progress on the conclusion and entry
instability, including the widening divide into force of additional protocols that grant the IAEA greater
between rich and poor, in which two-fifths of inspection rights; and stagnation on moving towards nuclear
the world’s population lives on less than two disarmament and towards universality. “For the nuclear
dollars per day; the chronic lack in many parts of arms control regime to maintain its integrity, progress must
the world of good governance and respect for occur on all these fronts,” the statement said.
human rights, with despots taking refuge under
the cloak of “sovereignty”; and the increasingly Iraq: Regarding nuclear inspections in post-war Iraq, the
perceived schisms between cultures and statement noted that the IAEA mandate in Iraq remains valid
civilizations. Effective alleviation of these causes and has not changed, and that the IAEA is the sole body
of insecurity will require adequate financial with legal authority to verify Iraq’s nuclear disarmament.
assistance by the developed countries — The Agency continues to stand ready to resume its Security
assistance that now shockingly stands at only Council and NPT-mandated verification activities in Iraq, as
0.23% of the combined gross national income of well as other projects, when circumstances permit.
those countries. Effective remedy will also
DPRK: Regarding the DPRK, the statement noted that,
require the dynamic involvement of international
among other developments, IAEA safeguards inspectors
institutions, governments and civil society to
are no longer in the country, and that the IAEA Board has
encourage interaction among cultures and people;
reported the DPRK’s continuing non-compliance with its
to disseminate practices of good governance and safeguards agreement to the UN Security Council and
to monitor respect for human rights. General Assembly.
This is a tall order. But if our aim is to spare
the next generation the scourge of a new century For more information, including the full text of the IAEA
of war in which humanity could self-destruct, we statement, visit the IAEA web pages reporting on
have no other alternative. developments related to the NPT, Iraq, and the DPRK at
Mohamed ElBaradei is Director General of the
International Atomic Energy Agency. The essay
expresses his personal views.