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555 Timer Ic: Project Report

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555 Timer IC

The 555 timer IC is a simple, cheap integrated circuit (chip)

used for accurate time pulses in a variety of timer, pulse
generation, oscillator applications and as a flip-flop element.
Depending on the manufacturer, the standard 555 package
includes 25 transistors, 2 diodes and 15 resistors on a silicon chip installed in an 8-pin dual
in-line package.

Pin Pin name Pin direction Pin purpose

1 GND Power Ground supply: connected to ground
2 TRIG Input Trigger: It is an active low trigger. The timer starts
when voltage on it drops below 1/3Vcc. When the timer
is triggered via pin 2, the output on pin 3 goes high.
3 OUT Output Output: Connected to load, gives digital output.
4 RESET Input Reset: It is used to restart the timer’s timing operation. It
is connected to Vcc continuous operation of timer.
5 CONT Input Control (or Control Voltage): this pin provides access to
the internal voltage divider (2⁄3 VCC by default).
6 THRES Input Threshold: Its purpose is to monitor the voltage across
the capacitor that’s discharged by pin 7. When this
voltage reaches 2/3Vcc the timing cycle ends, and the
output on pin 3 goes low.
7 DISCH Output Discharge: this is an open-collector output which can be
used to discharge a capacitor between intervals, in phase
with output.
8 Vcc Power Positive supply voltage, which is usually between 3 and
15 V depending on the variation.
Figure 1: 555 Timer Block Diagram

The 555 Timers name comes from the fact that there are three 5kΩ resistors connected
together internally producing a voltage divider network between the supply voltage at pin 8
and ground at pin 1. The voltage across this series resistive network holds the negative
inverting input of comparator 2 at 2/3Vcc and the positive non-inverting input to comparator
1 at 1/3Vcc.

The two comparators produce an output voltage dependent upon the voltage difference at
their inputs which is determined by the charging and discharging action of the externally
connected RC network. The outputs from both comparators are connected to the two inputs
of the flip-flop which in turn produces either a “HIGH” or “LOW” level output at Q based on
the states of its inputs. The output from the flip-flop is used to control a high current output
switching stage to drive the connected load producing either a “HIGH” or “LOW” voltage
level at the output pin.
Experiment 1 8th February 2019


To make a pulse generator using 555 Timer IC.


Sr. No. Name Quantity

1 Resistance R1 = 100Ω 1

2 Resistance R2 = 1000Ω 1

3 Resistance R3 = 100kΩ 1

4 Capacitance C1 = 1μF 1

5 Capacitance C2 = 0.1μF 1

6 555 Timer IC 1

7 DSO 1

8 Power Supply (0-30V) 1

Connecting wires, breadboard and multimeter

Circuit Diagram:

Ground Vcc(+9V)

R2 =
1 8 1kohm

Output Pulse
as observed 2 555 7
R3 =
by DSO Timer 100kohm
3 6
R1 = 100ohm
C1 =
4 5 1microF
C2 = 0.1microF

Figure 2: Pulse Generator using 555 Timer IC

1) Connect circuit as per the circuit diagram.
2) Give 9V-15V input supply to the timer through Vcc pin and ground pin.
3) Observe the output on the DSO.

Circuit Working:
The 555 timer can be set to work at the desired frequency using right combinations of the
resistances and capacitance.

Frequency = Hz

Duty cycle =

Capacitor C1 begins charging toward Vcc through resistors R2 and R3. Because of this, the
charging time constant is (R2+R3)*C1. However C1 discharges only through resistor R3 with
discharging time constant R3*C1, which means C1 is charging more slowly than it’s
discharging. Eventually the threshold voltage exceeds +2/3V cc and the timer output is low.
When capacitor is discharging the trigger voltage falls below 1/3V cc and the timer output is
high. This cycle of charging and discharging continues giving high and low output. Changing
the value of R2 and R3 will affect the length of ON cycle whereas changing only R3 will
affect the OFF cycle.

Circuit as made in lab

Calculation and Observation:

Pulse generated on DSO

Theoretically, frequency = Hz

= Hz = 7.16 Hz

Duty cycle =

= = 0.502

Practically, frequency = 7.042 Hz

Duty cycle = 𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑟1+𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑟2 [cursor position in ms, only magnitude taken]

= 72+70 = 0.507

The square pulse generator was made using a 555 timer IC for fixed value of frequency and
duty cycle.
Experiment 2 14th February 2019


To vary the duty cycle keeping frequency constant using 555 Timer IC as a pulse generator.


Sr. No. Name Quantity

1 Resistance R1 = 10kΩ 1

2 Resistance R2 = 10kΩ 1

3 Potentiometer 85kΩ (approximately) 1

4 Capacitance C1 = 1μF 1

5 Capacitance C2 = 0.1μF 1

6 555 Timer IC 1

7 DSO 1

8 Power Supply (0-30V) 1

Connecting wires, breadboard, diodes and multimeter

Circuit Diagram:

Vcc (9 to 15V) Potentiometer

Ground Rx Ry

1 8 Diode1
R1 = Diode2
2 555 7
R2 = 10kohm
Output pulse 3 IC 6
as observed
by DSO C1 = 1microF
4 5
C2 = 0.1microF

Figure 3: Pulse Generator using 555 Timer IC for varying duty cycle and fixed frequency
1) Connect circuit as per the circuit diagram.
2) Give 9V-15V input supply to the timer through Vcc pin and ground pin.
3) Observe the output on the DSO for different duty ratio by changing the knob of

Circuit Working:
The circuit is designed such that the frequency is always constant but the duty cycle varies.
This is done using potentiometer. The total resistance for time t1 thus becomes potentiometer
resistance Rx plus R1 in series. The diodes maintain the current direction. Now since Rx can
be changed from 0 to maximum potentiometer resistance, the duty cycle changes. The
capacitor C1 begins charging toward Vcc through resistors R1 and Rx. Because of this, the
charging time constant is (R1+Rx )*C1. However C1 discharges through resistor R2 and Ry
with discharging time constant (R2+Ry)*C1. So overall the time constant remains fixed since
R1, R2 and Rx + Ry are fixed. Thus frequency remains same.

Circuit as made in lab

Calculation and Observation:

Waveform 1 with duty cycle 0.135

Waveform 2 with duty cycle 0.486


 Frequency, f =

 t1= 0.693× 10−3 × (10 + 𝑅𝑥 )

 t2= 0.693× 10−3 × (10 + 𝑅𝑦 )

 Time period, T= t1+ t2 = 0.693× 10−3 × (20 + 𝑅𝑥 + 𝑅𝑦 )

 Duty cycle, d=

Waveform 1 Waveform 2
Rx 6.4kΩ 42.9kΩ
Ry 76.4kΩ 43.7kΩ
t1 11.36ms 36.66ms
t2 59.88ms 37.21ms
T 71.24ms 73.87ms
f 14.03Hz 13.54Hz
d 0.166 0.496

Waveform 1 Waveform 2
t1 10ms 36ms
t2 64ms 38ms
T 74ms 74ms
f 13.51Hz 13.51Hz
d 0.135 0.486

The duty cycle of the square pulse generator was changed using a 555 timer IC for fixed
value of frequency.

Further Scope:
1) The 555 timer has three modes out of which operation under monostable mode has
been seen in the experiment. Thus it can be made to operate in astable and bistable
modes also such that the circuit works as oscillator or flip-flop respectively.
2) The circuit can be used as pulse generator for other circuits whenever required. It can
also be used as pulse width modulator and missing pulse detector by making specific

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