Mercantile Law Case: Business Law (University of Dhaka)
Mercantile Law Case: Business Law (University of Dhaka)
Mercantile Law Case: Business Law (University of Dhaka)
A Report
and Ultimate Judgement
Course Name: Legal Environment of Business (F-205)
Team Optimus
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A Report
Prepared for:
Prepared by:
Team Optimus
Section: B
Batch: 23rd
Department of Finance
Faculty of Business Studies
University of Dhaka
July 7, 2018
Group Profile
A Cohesive Effort of
Letter of Transmittal
July 7, 2018
Dear Madam,
Here is the in depth qualitative analysis of the ‘A Short Case Study on a Minor’ that you
assigned on us. We analyzed some law related books and websites and prepared this
hypothetical case. This report basically represented our learning outcomes of this course. We
tried to correlate the case study with our classroomlearning.
Thank you for giving this kind of interesting assignment.
Shaikh Saifullah Khalid
On behalf of Team Optimus
Section: B
Batch: 23rd
Roll: 23-160
Department of Finance
University of Dhaka
Table of Contents
ExecutiveSummary ..................................................................................................................................... i
Chapter1:Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 2
Background ofthe Report ...................................................................................................................... 2
Objectives oftheReport .......................................................................................................................... 2
Methodology............................................................................................................................................ 2
Scope oftheReport ................................................................................................................................. 2
Limitations oftheReport ......................................................................................................................... 3
Chapter 2:CaseOverview .......................................................................................................................... 3
Chapter 3: Relevant Factsand Logics ..................................................................................................... 3
Chapter 4: Reference ofRelevantLaws ................................................................................................... 4
Chapter5:Conclusion ................................................................................................................................. 4
Bibliography ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Executive Summary
Law refers to the rules and principles imposed by authority or self imposed to regulate and
control people’s behaviors to ensure peaceful living and social security. However, in this report,
we represented a case study of a minor. We can classify our report into these sections.
Case overview: Here, we showed the detailed case study and the characters.
Relevant facts and logics: Here all relevant issues under the purview of laws are given below.
Moreover, we showed the relevant logics related to the case.
Reference of relevant laws: All related laws and sections of laws are given below in this
Bibliography: Here, we attached our references such as supplementary law books or websites
from which we took our data.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Mercantile law is the branch of law which comprises laws concerning trade, industry and
commerce. However, in case of any transactions, the age of the relevant parties plays an
important role. Because, an agreement done by a minor is absolutely void. In this report, we
showed a case of a minor and analyzed the laws related to the case.
The source of our information was the book named- “Mercantile Law’ written by M C Kucchal &
Vivek Kucchal. And various information was collection from various sources from the internet.
The analyzing and sorting process of the collected data was done in some phases. The phases
are given below:
At first, we took a plan how and where to usedata
Then, the important and relevant data were separated andresearched
Then, the data were used appropriately where touse
Through these the report wasprepared
Chapter 2: CaseOverview
Mr. Shabbir is a student of Dhaka Golden College He is 17 years old. However, his parents live
outside from Dhaka. His parents sent enough money to him. Shabbir was spending that money
very freely and sometimes he spent unnecessarily. However, a tailor, Mr Rakib, heard about
Shabbir that he was spending money unnecessarily. Mr. Rakib sent his agent Mr. Muntasir to
sell some exclusive shirts to Shabbir. Shabbir bought some shirts from that agent. He had run
up a bill of BDT 25,000. But, Shabbir could not pay the bill. However, important point is Shabbir
was already adequately supplied with clothing by his parents. The plaintiff, the tailor sues for the
price and defendant pleads infancy.
The term 'necessaries' is not confined to merely such things as are required for a bare
subsistence. It also includes those things without which the individual cannot reasonably exist,
and which are useful and suitable, and necessary for his/her support, use, and comfort. The
articles furnished must be actually necessary to the particular case, for use and substantial
good, not mere ornament orpleasure.
Fact 3: Is the test solely the nature of goods sold or must the minor's actual present needs in
respect to such goods also be considered?
An infant, like a lunatic is incapable of making a contract of purchase in the strict sense of the
words; but if a man satisfies the needs of the infant or lunatic by supplying to him necessaries
the law will imply an obligation to repay him for the services to rendered and will enforce that
obligation against the estate of the minor or lunatic.
If an action is brought by one who claims to enforce against an infant such an obligation it is
obvious, the plaintiff, in order to prove this case, must show that first, the goods were suitable
to the condition in life of the infant and secondly, they were suitable to his actual requirements
at the time or that- at that time the infant had not at the time an adequate supply from other
sources. But in this case, the defendant, minor, was adequately supplied with clothing by his
father. And there is no proper evidence that the goods were actually necessary for the infant at
the time ofdelivery.
Chapter 5: Conclusion
According to Section 3 of the Majority Act, 1875, a person, domiciled in Bangladesh, who is
under 18 years of age is a minor. The court of Law used to decide the age of majority by the law
of domicile and not by the law of the place where the contract is entered into. However, in this
report, we tried to represent all the necessary laws and relevant factors.
David Kelly, R. H. (2005). Business Law. London: Cavendish Publishing.
M C Kucchal, V. K. (1978). Mercantile Law. Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd.