Athlete Training Standards from USA Wrestling’s National Coaches Education Program
Age 5-8 Age 9-12 Age 13-17 Age 18-22 Age 22+
At this age, it is essential that your child learns Ensure goal setting Trust your coaches, Your athlete should be
basic Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS). skills are introduced enjoy the sport and self-reliant and
support your athlete independent
Early success is not a good indicator of future Promote confidence
success in wrestling. Provide a fun and positive and self-discipline Athletes will typically Excellent attention
environment so your child can enjoy wrestling well specialize in one sport control and positive
into the next age groups. Emphasize rest and self-talk
recovery periods after Athletes learn to take
It’s ok to ask your child about practice and events training & competition criticism as feedback Mastery of technique
but respect their privacy if they choose not to talk and they understand with advanced
about them. Focus on positives, not negatives. Multi-sport approach winning and losing concepts
Children don’t fully understand competition, they Athletes should be Healthy diets with well Elite national &
just want to make their parents happy. Mistakes at eating and hydrated structured gradual international
this age are ok and they will learn from them. daily w/ balanced diets weight descent plans competitions
For Coaches For Coaches For Coaches For Coaches For Coaches
2-3 practices/wk of 4-6 practices/wk of 5-10 practices/wk of 10-15 practices/wk of 1.5-2.5 hour practices
45-60 minutes 60-90 minutes 90-120 minutes with rest varying intensity + key recovery plans
between sessions
Tumbling and FUN Routine and repetitions Periodization planning Sport science
Focus on routines, core
should be utilized year- specialists essential
strength and flexibility
Free Play > Technique Group and Individual round
Test and track all training
Recommend 10-25 matches/year Recommend 20-40 matches/year Recommend 30-60 matches/year program results
10 Factors for Athlete Development: Physical literacy, Specialization, Age, Trainability, Intellectual/Emotional/Moral
Development, Excellence Takes Time, Periodization, Competition, System Alignment, Continuous Improvement